Waking Up

Story by Taras on SoFurry

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Um again, it's adult in nature, please don't read if under 18 'kay? Thanks.

Aiden and Rennec

The bed sagged and creaked as Aiden rolled over, groggy, but slowly waking up. He turn again, and let out a sharp gasp as one of the springs tore through the mattress and jabbed him painfully in the side. Sleepiness replaced by pain, the horse sat bolt up, gingerly rubbing his stinging flank.

"Damn," he snorted softly, "I think we're going to have to get a new one, this is the fifth spring that has poked me in the side. We just bought this too." He was answered by the soft growl of his mate on the left. "Oh, well thanks for your input," he groaned sarcastically. "Must be real nice having such a think hide, but, then again, even you have your soft spots." Reaching down Aiden ran his finger down his lover's back and under the tail right at the base, wiggling his finger slightly. This elicited a pleasurable growl and the hulking mass pressed against him. Smiling Aiden gave the rump a soft squeeze chuckling. "Well, I gotta go. If I don't Tempest will have my tail." Leaning down, Aiden nuzzled the still sleeping mass, whispered the words "I love you", and climbed out of bed.

He placed one hoof on the stone floor and was relieved to find it still warm. Last night's antics had heated the entire room, and since everything was stone, it retained the heat far into the morning. Sighing, and wishing not for the first time he could stay in bed, Aiden hauled himself up and stretched. He yawned sleepily and trotted into the bathroom, careful to muffle the sound of his hooves on the stone floor. He turned on the shower, a large basin cut from living rock with a very tall ceiling, and let the water heat up. He relieved himself of what little he was wearing and leaned against the wall as the room started to steam up.

After a minute or two he plunged into the rushing waters. The warm water was soothing and Aiden felt his body begin to relax and the waters pounded against him. Letting out and audible sigh, the horse quickly began to shampoo his fur, washing away any grim he might have accrued. If anything, Aiden loved the feeling of being clean after a nice hot shower.

He was finished in about 15 minutes. Turning the water off, Aiden shook his entire body before getting out, then toweled off. He stood beneath the dryer and blew the rest of his fur dry, taking a brush and brushing down his fur, mane and tail. Satisfied, he swished his tail playfully, then headed back into the bedroom.

While digging through his dresser drawers he was pleasantly surprised when a pair of large, thickly muscled, red-scaled arms wrapped around his chest, holding him tight. The overwhelming heat rolling off of his mates body, as well as the fiery breath across the nape of his neck was heavenly. It felt hundred times better than any shower. "Morning Rennec." He nuzzled back against the dragon's chest, sighing happily.

"Morning Aiden." The dragon growled softly, Aiden catching the soft hint of lust in the dragon's voice. The horse turned in his loves arm's, chest to chest, wrapping his arm around Rennec's neck.

"So soon? I finally thought I might have worn you out last night." Aiden dragged a finger across Rennec's chest suggestively, staring into the dragon's green eyes. The soft growl emerged from the dragon's chest and Rennec wrapped his tail around Aiden, then wrapped his wings around the two of them. The stallion was pressed close against the dragon, the heat comparable to an oven.

"You did wear me out last night my sexy stud. But today's a new day!" Rennec's voice was deep and growly, sounding kind of like an engine. "And I really could use some relief." As if to demonstrate the reptile pressed his groin against the horse's, his balls slightly bigger than Aiden's, his shaft just poking out of the skin flap. Rennec slowly eased the tip of his tail up Aiden's butt, gently touching his tailhole. The horse shivered greatly, letting out a gasp. He desperately wanted to appease his mate, but he knew he couldn't.

"I'm sorry. I can't Rennec..."

"Why not?" Rennec's warm breath washed over Aiden face and chest like a tidal wave. The horse trembled, feeling his own shaft starting to emerge and harden. He bit his lip slightly and could smell Rennec's arousal, the heat mixing in. The dragon pressed him closer, his the tip of his tail just pressing into Aiden's entrance. The horse gasped and pushed back, breaking Rennec's grip.

"R-rennec. I-I can't. I have to, to go to work! I...I have to-" He took a step back as the dragon took a step closer, lust burning in his eyes. Aiden's tail twitched, his nostrils flared, his eyes darted from the dragon to the bed. He took another step back but it was too late. Rennec rushed him, tackling him onto the bed. Grabbing his hands the dragon pinned the struggling stallion to the bed, laying a good portion of his weight on top.

"Aww, what's the matter? Can't move?" He grinned and nudged Aiden's head up with his own, dragging his tongue slowly across Aiden's unguarded neck. The horse's struggles became weaker, a soft red blush spreading over his face. Rennec continued to toy with Aiden's neck, his tongue tracing the veins and muscles. Aiden openly moaned now, his struggles nearly ceasing. He even craned his neck letting the dragon assault it unhindered. Seeing the opening Rennec bit down, hard enough to leave a mark, but without breaking the skin. Aiden yelled loudly, soon dissolving into moans of pleasure. His horsehood had slid out of its sheath and was rapidly hardening, the sensitive organ pressing against the warm smooth scales.


"Yes?" The words were little more than a hiss in Aiden's ear. The horse was panting now, his body trembling. He stared up at Rennec with lust, his penis throbbing in the heat. The dragon's own shaft had appeared and rubbed pleasurably against its counterpart. "What is it Aiden?" Rennec's breath washed over Aiden, flames licked at the sides of his mouth. He pressed against Aiden, grinding against his sensitive organ, the horse underneath cried in pleasure, pre seeping readily from his tip. Rennec stifled the cries by kissing Aiden passionately, slipping his tongue deep into the horse's maw. Aiden's eyes widened and he accepted the kiss and tongue with a groan.

Rennec's long reptilian tongue moved slowly across the horse's. They entwined and separated, as if in their own sort of dance. Rennec pressed deeper, forcing Aiden to take more of the tongue, the horse's moans getting quieter as more tongue slipped in. In response Aiden simply started sucking on the slick organ. It was peppery and hot, attributing to the dragon's love of spicy food.

Breaking the kiss, Rennec broke away from Aiden, then quickly flipped him onto his chest. Gripping his waist, he hoisted Aiden up onto his knees, the horse's chest laying flat on the bed. Aiden gripped the sheets and lifted his tail, wanted to take his mate as far as he could. He looked back with wanting, swishing his tail eagerly.

"Ha! Well, well, Mr. 'I have to go to work'". Rennec smiled and gave the horse's bare ass a hard smack. Aiden cried out in painful pleasure, his face turning dark red. He gripped the bed sheets harder, burying his head into them to stifle the moan.

"R-Rennec, s-stop teasing me!"

"Why? You didn't seem to object last night, and I know how you love to be spanked." He spanked Aiden harder, the prone equine crying out into the bed sheets. "Sides' you have such a nice ass..." He gave Aiden a few more smacks, alternating between the horse's fleshly buttocks, the final blow directly between the two. Aiden cried out in pleasure, pre was freely dripping onto the bed sheets, his head flaring and his balls heavy.

Grinning Rennec finally mounted his horse. He leaned over the prone form, wrapping one arm around the horse's chest. Beneath him, Aiden was panting hard, his body heaving with the effort. Taking his other hand the dragon interlaced it within the equines bluish mane. Aiden immediately tried to press back, desperately wanting to be taken, to feel his mate within him. Rennec growled and held him in place. "Ah, ah, ah. None of that now. You said you didn't have the time to pleasure me, so we're going to take this nice and slow." Aiden trembled beneath him.

Slowly, Rennec pressed the tip of his engorged against Aiden opening. The horse trembled heavily and tried to push back again but this time the dragon pulled on his mane to stop. Aiden did as told and waited, angry and teased but desperate. "Just relax hun..." Holding him tight Rennec pressed his penis into Aiden tailhole. The horse cried out into the bed sheets, immediately trying to refute the intruder. Rennec simply pressed on, agonizingly slow.

Aiden it seemed was much tighter than usual, so the going was slow, but that just made it all the better. The pressure on his cock was amazing and Rennec couldn't help but let loud roars of pleasure. Aiden meanwhile was crying out, burying his snout into the bed sheets, gripping them hard. Semen was dripping freely from the horse, unable to hold it back from the combined heat and force of the dragon. Grinning Rennec gripped the horse's cock and started stroking it, the scaled claws quickly becoming coating in horse seed. He himself was leaking pre openly into Aiden's tight ass, the salty substance acting as a lube. He began to slide in easier, and quickly started a pace, his cock sliding in and out of the horse.

Beneath the two, the bed sheets had become soaked in semen, pre, and sweat. Aiden started to struggle against the dragon, almost spent and the heat overwhelming him. "Rennec...I.." The dragon growled and started to pump harder, ending the horse's sentence with cries of pleasure. He was moving hard and fast, moving his entire length in and out of the horse. He felt his body start to tense, his balls drew up to his scaled body. Letting out a piercing roar, Rennec's let loose, filling Aiden with his seed. Aiden nearly screamed as the lava hot semen filled his ass. He was panting hard and could hardly hold himself up any more., his legs trembling he finally collapsed. Rennec fell with him, still lodged deep within the stallion, resting on top of the horse's back.

The two stayed like that, each panting and heaving, sweat and musk mixing in the air. Aiden had completely given up, laying completely still beneath the large dragon. Rennec had gently started to nip at the horse's neck, the sharp teeth gently pressing the skin. Aiden moaned softly in pleasure, his breathing starting to return to normal.

"Rennec, that was...wonderful." Aiden whispered softly into the sheets. Rennec let out a low growl in return, his tongue snaking over the back of Aiden's neck. "Of course, this means I'll be late. Again. Tempest is going to kill me..."

"I'd like to see him try." Rennec nuzzled into against the horse's neck, wrapping his arms around him. "It's not like he needs you this early anyway." He felt Aiden shift underneath him, trying to turn onto his back. Taking the hint, Rennec lifted himself up, sliding out of Aiden's tailhole with a slick pop. The horse let out a loud gasp, his tail twitching spasmodically, before turning onto his back, looking up at his lover. Rennec lowered himself again, pressing his smooth, muscular body back against his mate. "Besides, the mornings are you and me time!"

"I know hon. And I love each and every minute." They kissed, slowly at first, then with a little more ferocity. Rennec slipped his tongue into Aiden's mouth, who accepted it gratefully, sucking on the slick member, groaning softly. They wrapped their arms around one another in loving embrace, their tongue entwining at the same time. Soft moans escaped both of them as their hands explored each other's soft, tired bodies.

It was with great regret, and slow tender motion that Aiden broke the kiss. He looked at Rennec apologetically and licked him. "I have to go my love. As much as I don't want to, we both know it's true."

"I know. Can you blame me for keeping you all to myself?" He grinned and tussled Aiden's mane. The equine laughed and shook his head.

"No, no I don't. If I had the choice you know I'd stay." He wiggled under the weight of the dragon, "Now get off you big lug! I gotta go take another shower now, no thanks to someone." He smiled broadly, pressing his velvety nose against Rennec's.

"You started it." Rennec rolled to the side, and clamored off Aiden, standing on the side of the bed. With great effort the stallion sat up, and was about to slide off the bed when he let out a sudden yell. Rennec startled, his voice full of concern, "You okay?!"

"Eh...yeah." Aiden rubbed butt slowly, wincing slightly.

"I didn't..hurt you did?" Rennec looked dubiously at Aiden. "I wasn't sure if I was going to hard."

"No, no. It wasn't you Rennec." Gripping the edge of the bed Aiden hoisted himself onto his hooves, leaning on Rennec. He point to the mattress. "It's this damn bed! Every time I move I get a spring in my ass! The thing's falling apart!"

"Really? But we just got this a week or two ago, and I don't feel anything." He wrapped one wing around Aiden, "you sure I just didn't fuck you too hard?"

"Yes I'm sure you didn't fuck me too hard! You don't feel it cause you have scales of steel." He ran a hand over Rennec chest, the scales smooth as latex but hard as steel. "Lucky Bastard..."

"Huh. Erm...well I guess we just have to buy a new one. Of course, you could just sleep on me..." He grinned and drew Aiden up against his chest, the horse resting against it.

"Well, you are comfortable. But I think having a horse lay on top of you every night would eventually get uncomfortable."

"Hmm. You might be right. Well if that's the case, I'll go and find a new bed today. One without springs."

"Thank you. Now, lemme go. I need a shower and to get dressed. I think I'm manning the bar tonight so I'll need something a little more...rave-esc I think. It's Tuesday right?" Rennec counted off the days in his head and nodded. "Yup. Tonight's rave night. Flashy lights, good music, and tight sexy clothing. Is there anything else you could need?" Rennec opened his mouth to say something but Aiden laid a hand on it, "Oh be quiet you. Now would you pick something out for me?" Again Rennec nodded, releasing Aiden from his grip and turning to clean up. "I'll be just a moment then, love ya."

Aiden once again returned to the bathroom, the shower roaring to life. Rennec meanwhile stripped the bed clean, thought about replacing the sheets, then thought better of it. If he was getting a new bed today, there was no reason to remake this one right? Making sure the sheets were tucked away to be cleaned, Rennec turned his attention to picking out Aiden's outfit.