A turn for the better part 1

Story by Dutchy on SoFurry

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Okay, this is my first story, so please bear with me if it's not that good.

This story will be an interactive one, it's also posted on FurAffinity. The furs who've read this can comment and in that comment, they can write what they want to happen in the next part. The events and actions that are mentioned most will be used.

The dawn had broken on this Monday morning, but not like it normally would, probably because this was a special day for Will. The young German shepherd opened his eyes and came to the realization he wasn't the first one to wake up. He looked at the covers and notices a fair sized bulge. "I could expect that, you've beat me once again" he spoke to himself with a soft chuckle. It was rather tempting to give the bulge some attention, though he decided not to do it. Today was the day his life would change, a turn for the better. He knew something was going to change because it was the day he turned 18.

As Will got out of his bed and stretched. He couldn't resist giving his tight and tenting boxers a soft rub, he murred a bit as he did so. He didn't want to get too excited so he left it at just that. He walked up to his curtains and opened them, causing bright rays of sun to fill his room. His fur was a soft brown on his stomach and melted to a darker chocolate like brown on his back. The fur shone as if it had just been washed even though it wasn't. Will stretched once more and smiled as he walked into the bathroom to take care of himself, taking a nice and warm shower. He took off his underwear, murring again as the air flowed against his fairly big sheath and sac. He had always been a bit large for his age and he was proud of it. He stepped into the shower and turned on the water, but because it had been freezing all night and the pipes were a bit cold. A jet of icy water hit his chest and caused him to shiver, though, not that much more of a shiver as he didn't really mind the cold. He preferred warm water though. Waiting for the water to get warmer, he stood aside of the jet of water and felt it now and then to feel if it had gotten any warmer yet. Eventually, the water had reached a comfortable warmth. Will stepped into the jet and washed himself. He used a special conditioner each time he'd take a shower, which caused his fur to shine the way it did. After about 10 minutes of enjoying the warm water, he got out of the shower and dried his fur. He walked back into his room and felt the warmth from the sun on his fur, he then decided to quickly get dressed.

As he opened his closet, he saw his favourite clothes and took them out. He put on a pair of boxers and pulled on his pants. His pants were a tad tight and a bit worn as well, with the stylish tears in them around the knees and whatnot. He then put on a black t-shirt with a paw with rainbow colours on it. He knew of himself he was bi-curious and was happy with it. Though, it seemed as if he sometimes leaned a bit more towards males. And today was one of those days. "I wonder if he's going to be here for me too" he asked himself as he thought about Eduard, his best friend and in secret, his crush for the last few years as well. Oh how he had fantasised about that big, strong and muscled dragon with his shiny red scales. The thing he liked most about Ed was how tall he was. He himself was a bit under 5'10'' tall. And Eduard, who was just 3 months older, was about 6'4'' in height.

Will went downstairs to meet up with his parents and his big brother, who just 'happened' to be in town that day. He gave them all a tight hug as they congratulated him and smiled as he saw that his friend Eduard was here as well. Will shyly looked at Ed and sat down next to me, looking into his eyes for a split second. "Yo Dawg, I heard you turned 18 today...so I thought I'd pay you a visit" Ed said with a bit of humour tucked away in his deep voice. Dawg had been a nickname Ed had given to Will quite some time ago. And unbeknownst to Will, Eduard has had a crush on him for some time as well. Ed happened to be bisexual as well, Ed had always felt that way. And even though they've been best friends for nearly all of their lives, they didn't know it from each other. But that was about to change.

After greeting everyone in the room and having a bit of a conversation, Ed asked Will if they could go outside as he had something "awesome" he found in the woods a couple of blocks away. Will decided that, since there wouldn't be any other visitors visiting him for the next few hours, it'd be okay to go out for a bit. It only took him a minute to get his coat from his bedroom and head for the door. Eduard didn't even have time to wonder about where Will was going until Will stood in front of him with his coat on. They both walked to the front door. As Ed opened the door, Will noticed that Ed had a small backpack on his back. Even though Will always was curious about pretty much everything, he decided not to ask about it.

While walking towards the woods, Will's tail was wagging constantly out of excitement and curiosity. "So, what're we going to do in the woods, Ed?" he asked, a bit curious as Ed had been rather quiet for the last couple of minutes. Eduard didn't seem to hear Will as he didn't answer. "Ed, ED!!" Will said as he grew impatient. "Wha...ohh...you were talking to me? What did you say? I didn't quite hear you." Ed asked as he snapped out of his trance-like state. "What are we going to do? I asked you the same thing just now." Will replied, a bit irritated as felt a bit ignored. "Ohh...uhmm...it's something cool I found while on a walk a few days ago. I thought you would like to see it, but...I'm not going to tell you what it is. You'll see what it is." After that, it went silent until they reached the woods. The noise of cars was replaced by that of an occasional woodpecker here, and some rustling leaves there. After walking for about a mile straight into the woods, Eduard suddenly stopped.

Before the two, there was a huge tree, at least three times as big around as the other ones, and it seemed to be twice as high as well. "So, that's it, a big tree in the middle of the woods?" Will asked, clearly not impressed by it. "Well, it looks like just a tree, but: take a look at this." Ed said and reached up to the first big branch and pulled on some sort of rope, and suddenly, a rope ladder fell out of the tree. "Come on, it's awesome up there, I'll give a shout when I'm at the top, so you can climb up" Ed said and started climbing the ladder. After about 20 or so seconds, Ed shouted that Will could climb up, so Will did. And while Will was climbing up, he started asking himself how Ed came across this if it was hidden this good, but he decided not to think about it. When Will was at the top, he saw what Ed was talking about. He saw a huge tree house made out of rather big wooden planks. The planks were secured to each other and to the tree with big and surprisingly shiny nails, something that suggested that the tree house was still fairly new. Inside, Will saw a couch and some other pieces of furniture, even some sort of fridge. Sure, it wasn't a real fridge, as there wasn't any power up there. Will looked a bit closer, and he thought that it'd make a nice place to stay if he'd want to get away from the world for a bit. It looked as if one could survive there for at least a few weeks. Will slowly and carefully walked towards Ed, who was looking out of one of the windows. The thing about the windows was that they weren't just holes in the walls, but actual windows that could open and close. Will stood next to Ed and looked as well. What he saw was magnificent, he had a view of all of the woods. He could even see a part of the city as well. "You were right Ed, this is awesome" Will said and slightly leaned against Eduard, and that slight bit of leaning was the start of everything.