Quickie in a Cave

Story by anzals on SoFurry

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#1 of Short Stories

Just something I wrote quickly to try to get back into the swing of things. I wrote it in one sitting and only proof read it once, as it's been a while since I wrote anything and just wanted to do something a bit more positive than I normally do. You can probably tell where I started to lose interest with it, and it might not be high enough quality to post, but it's short enough not to waste too much time reading. i might try my hand at some drawings to accompany this in the future. Try to justify posting these short stories to myself.

Even so, any comments or criticism welcome.

Twenty three years it had taken Warren to finally spill his seed inside someone. Rizada shook his head in amazement, the gryphon unable to comprehend the will power it must have taken his wyvern friend to deny himself for so long. His own cock shivered at the thought of being disused for so long, it's pink head poking free from his tawny furred sheath as if to make sure he was aware of its existence, and remind him never to attempt such a feat with it.

Beating his wings to gain enough altitude to align with the wyvern's mountain side cave home, Rizada once again pictured Warren coupled with the sleek, green scaled wyverness Petra, her heat swollen vent gulping down the ridged pole and relieving it of it's heavy burden. Having never seen Warren's shaft before, Rizada wasn't sure of it's actual dimensions, but being a good friend he generously added a few extra inches to his mental image.

The cold air this high up began feeling a bit uncomfortable on his slowly growing member, his thoughts turning to taking Warren's place inside Petra and letting her warm his shaft for a few minutes. Sighing dramatically to himself, he supposed such a thing would be unlikely to happen. Wyverns seemed very territorial when it came to their mates, an attitude that would forever confuse the society of oversexed gryphons that lived across the border.

Air spilled from Rizada's wings as he landed on the rocky outcrop by the cave entrance, his golden feathers gleaming in the setting sun. Unable to suppress the grin that left his beak gaping open, he crept closer to the cave and listened intently. It was well passed the generally accepted time for tea, the two lovers should have eaten well by now and retired for a bit of the old bump and tickle. Padding quietly inside, he dared hope to hear the soft grunting moans of adults getting to know one another.

A soft squelching and rhythmic grunting. Rizada felt his stomach tense and the quickening throb of his smoothly tapered shaft rapidly engorge. Sympathetic imaginings of a tight cunt wrapped around his member worked in time to the soft huffing he could hear from further in the cave, pride swelling his chest at the thought of his friend finally experiencing the joy of sharing such an intimate moment with another. His heavy balls swung gently between his hindlegs as he made his way to watch the action, determined to cheer Warren on in spirit if nothing else.

Peering into the living area, he saw the back of Warren bucking gently into something, the brown wyvern's tail and wings blocking the big moment. Rizada gryph-grinned again, hoping Petra was the sort to appreciate the meaning of being the first to bed someone, the trust Warren had given her. He widened the stance of his hindlegs, his dick feeling like it might explode if it got any harder.

Except... Rizada's grin faded when he couldn't see a second tail swishing about the floor. He tilted his head around the corner for a better look. Warren was mounting something, but there was no sign of anyone else in the room. Rizada looked around, wondering if Petra was standing to one side, watching the male mate something else. Rugs and pillows on the floor for comfort, a couple of book cases and chests, but no wyverness.

With the stealth of his feline ancestry and his cock drooping with disappointment, he padded into the room and approached Warren, the wyvern too busy with his own activities to notice. Hunched over a small table, wedged tightly between the male's crotch and a stack of juice covered books, was a hollowed out watermelon currently squelching lewdly as it received the pent up attentions of a horny drake.

"What happened to Petra?" Rizada asked pointedly, unfazed by Warren's startled shriek. ""Yeah, yeah. You're fucking produce. We've all been there. Tell me what happened."

"Damn it, Riz!" Warren yelled, his cock bursting free and sending the melon rolling into a corner. Quickly he pulled his wings against his sides to hide the throbbing boner dripping with juice and pulp. "What the hell? You were watching me?!"

"Of course I was. I'm a gryphon. If sex is happening anywhere in the world, we must be a part of it. it's the law." Rizada made himself comfortable on some cushions and turned his gaze to Warren expectantly. "Now come on. No male seeds a melon if he has a willing mate to empty into instead."

Warren twisted in humiliation, his scaled face burning beet red and powerful tail whipping in agitation. "Don't just come in here like that, Riz. Seriously, that's not right." He shuffled around to keep his genital slit hidden, his body no larger than Rizada's, but the lengthy neck and tail allowing him to keep the gryphon in view. "It just didn't go well, that's all."

Letting out a huffed sigh, Rizada nodded slowly. "I'm sorry, Warren. Sometimes people just don't click. Did you at least have a good time?"

"It was fine, mostly." Warren crouched down and avoided eye contact, relaxing now the shock had worn off. "It was going alright. We had a drink down near the lake, caught some deer near my mountain. I thought it was going well. When we got back here, I asked her to stay the night and I wasn't...." He trailed off, the burn coming back to his face.

"Ahh. The dreaded soft schlong. Every male gets that sometimes. There's plenty of other things to do while you wait for it to kick back in." Rizada nodded sagely. "You'll learn how to handle that in time. You go ask her out again and I'll give you some tips in the mean time."

"No!" Warren answered in frustration. "No, it wasn't that. She was beautiful and wonderful, and I was more than capable of that. She just said she didn't feel anything between us."

Shifting awkwardly on his still throbbing member, Warren said, "I'll get over it. Could you just push off for a bit? After being with Petra all evening, I feel like I could drill through stone, and I really need to finish before I talk about this."

Rizada nodded thoughtfully, his eyes half closed. "Hmm. No."


"I have known you for seven years, and I've been waiting everyday to hear about you finally coating someone's insides white. It is my duty as your friend and a gryphon of honour to make sure this grotesque display of blue balling isn't permitted to continue a single day longer." Rizada stood up and puffed his chest out proudly. "It would be an honour and a privileged if you would allow me to house your draconic spire and be the first to receive your masculine essence."

Warren stared slackjawed, then burst out laughing. "There really is nothing a gryphon won't fuck, is there? I'm not into dudes, Riz."

Rizada grinned back. "Alright, I hammed it up, but I'm serious. I know wyvern society isn't as open about this stuff as my own, but you're my friend and sex is great. I want you to experience it and I'd really like to be the first to introduce you to it. I promise not to try and mount you or do anything you're uncomfortable with."

Warren rolled his eyes, his lips pulling back to expose his sharp teeth as he couldn't suppress his grin. "If I didn't have a hard on right now-"

"I'll take that as a yes! Give me five minutes to clean myself up and I'll be back." Spinning on the spot, Rizada raced off to the bathroom, the sound of running water soon following.

Warren shuffled to his feet and retrieved his watermelon, sticking it in a corner where it wouldn't get confused for the fresh ones. Not that there was much chance of that with the gaping hole in one side. He couldn't believe he was soon going to be splitting his closest friend open just as much. Twisting on his clawed wing tips he settled down on the rugs that made his bed and waited for the gryphon's return.

Soon after, the gryphon sprung back into the room, a thin coat of water leaving his feathers damp. Climbing onto the bedding next to the wyvern, he leaned over and nuzzled the drake's head, spending a few moments to simply relish his friend's company. "Before we start, anything you don't want to do?"

Looking a bit embarrassed, Warren said, "Well, I didn't think my first time would be with a male and don't really want to be mounted. I'm sorry, but I just don't feel comfortable with that."

"Hey, that's fine. Not everyone likes it. Don't worry about me, this time the focus will be all on you." Rizada grinned his beak wide and pressed his chest against Warren to let his feathers tickle down the drake's body in a big hug. Sliding down and letting his thin tongue slide down the scaled chest, he paused and added, "If it wasn't obvious, I'm down for everything."

Gripping the drake's haunches in his foreclaws, Rizada brought his beak close to the tip of the shaft poking free from the slit and let his tongue slide across the bumpy member. Long and thick, the dark red shaft was lined with prominent ridges and bumps, designed to make a female wyvern squeal with pleasure. His own anatomy and usable options weren't quite made for something of this shape, but his own shaft throbbed to full attention at the thought of trying something new.

Warren huffed softly, mesmerized by the first touch other than his own his turgid pole had ever received. Feeling the need to give as good as he got, he snaked his neck out and brought his head to the furred balls of the gryphon. Plump and solid, the balls held tightly in their sack had always been hard to miss between the gryphon's hindlegs, though this was the first time Warren viewed them as something to play with.

Wrapping his prehensile tongue around them and giving a gentle tug, he found he loved the way Rizada's legs tensed and jerked. Beneath the balls hung the gryphon's own cock, the tapered pink shaft not as thick, but longer than the wyvern's. It's skin smooth from the base to the tip, the only texture coming from some very slight barbs speckled across the engorged head. Ignoring the needy spire for the moment, he chose to continue playing with the fuzzy balls, a mammalian attribute that proved an amusing novelty for the reptile.

Licking expertly, taking care not to let his beak catch on the sensitive flesh, Rizada glowed with pride at the croons Warren made as he worked over the male's pride. His own dripping cock ached with pent up need that was going unfulfilled, but he ignored it's protests to focus on the tugging from his balls, happy Warren was willing to show an interest in another male's body, despite his staunch insistence of only liking females.

Pulling his tongue from the gryphon's swollen orbs, Warren began exploring around the tail hole further up. Worried about the hygiene, he was grateful not to taste anything unpleasant as he ran his tongue across the rim, before steeling his nerves and diving in. A hot warmth engulfed his tongue, the fleshy ring more than capable of stretching to fit after a lifetime of heavy practice. Knowing the importance of lube, he worked his tongue in deeply, searching for the spot he had heard males talk about in the past.

Rizada tilted his hips when Warren ran his tongue across the gryphon's prostate, letting his friend know he had found the right spot. The long, prehensile appendage began attacking the spot, grinding and rubbing furiously. Gurgling around the shaft in his own beak, he bucked rapidly, his turgid pole slapping wildly beneath him as it begged for a warm hole to slip inside of. The wyvern was brutal with his assault, clearly having heard rumours of the male's magic button. Pre poured more liberally from the gryphon's cock, Rizada wondering if the skilled wyvern was really a virgin or not, before he pulled his beak free and clawing his way forward.

Glancing over his shoulder, he raised his tail and demanded, "In me. Now."

Warren wasted no time, waddling forward until his chest rested on Rizada's back and began poking his cock down beneath his tail, searching for entry. Hot warmth engulfed the head and he drove forward, burying himself in two quick thrusts. For the first time, he felt muscles gripping his entire spire. A willing body, a friend who had allowed him to share one of the most intimate experiences two people were capable of. Leaning down and kissing Rizada on the head, Warren began thrusting rapidly, relishing the incredible feeling he had gone for too long without.

Rizada felt the breath get knocked out of him when Warren began thrusting, his body feeling like it was filled to capacity. The notches and ridges of the draconic shaft ground into his prostate, thick white beads of cum being forced from his own cock tip and his entire shaft pulsing in time to the thrusts inside. Trying to reach beneath himself and grip his shaft with a fore claw to give himself that much needed relief, he found he couldn't keep balance with Warren resting on his back, and was forced to simply brace his legs and take the rapid pounding the wyvern gave him.

On every withdraw, the ridges caught Rizada's ring and pulled it out lewdly, slamming it back home on the next stroke. The draconic dick slammed in as deeply as it could, grinding into his prostate and sending his hips bucking in a desperate attempt to get that final bit of stimulation he needed to finish. Unwilling to stop Warren's enjoyment just to satisfy his own urges, he focused on bucking his hips to increase Warren's stimulation, adoring the fact that he was giving his friend so much pleasure.

Feeling the tightness building inside his groin, Warren knew he was about to blow. Quickening his pace, he felt the familiar spurt of cum, the orgasmic release magnified by the feeling of someone pulsing and gripping around him. Letting out a bugling call of pleasure, he collapsed on top of Rizada, hips bucking wildly as he spent his load deep inside the gryphon, thick ropes of cream filling his friend.

Rizada twisted his head up, the sudden snoring coming from the exhausted drake pining him to the floor. He tried to reach his own straining erection, unable to touch it from his position. "Well, damn."