Finding Home

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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A commission piece

With a sudden jolt, Malena woke up on a bed of padded grass instead of the soft cushioning of her expansive mattress. She rolled, instantly starting to rub at her eyes as they opened to full, unfiltered sunshine.

"What is happening?" She murmured, voice soft and still tinged with sleep. She rose up to a seated position, finding herself dressed in her long, pink gown with full skirt rather than a sleep dress. She twisted, finding her smooth, pink satin pumps cupped around her stocking'd feet. "Why am I out here? Where is here?"

She rose up onto her feet, turning to look around. Before she could put together any of the landmarks on the distance, a sudden chime ran out through the air around her and a sudden rustling came from the thick grass to her side before a scroll came unfurling out of the foliage.

"Welcome player! You're now Contestant Number Ten! Your reward for winning this game will be your life only, but shall you lose... you won't be returning home! Before the fun begins, you'll have a single day to find a Familiar in our land and garner magical abilities. You've been awarded starting funds-" A small sack of hefty coins appeared with a clunk by the scroll. "Shall you fail to gain some powers, you'll find yourself eliminated swiftly as the games begin. Good luck, Number Ten. Your day begins now."

"W-what?" She flexed her fingers, trying to feel the familiar pull of her own magic, but she found they didn't come to her fingertips. Instead, she felt a void of her powers. "I need to find a familiar!" She started racing into the distance of the clustered trees, but she didn't even need to walk long before she noticed a shimmering sparkle of something catching the light setting a top a smooth-topped tree trunk.

"Hello?" She asked the air, moving closer to this motion until she saw a small, delicate fairy girl with wings that were a thin as tissue paper and glimmered with every beat against her back. She rose up into theair as she was addressed, giving a little spin of her short, flared dress before she centered herself in the air between Malena's eyes.

"Hello! I hear you're in need of a familiar!" The little fairy flitted to the side with her long hair of soft cotton candy pink floating behind her as Malena weighed her options. Silently, the princess was wondering if she could find another, better familiar before her time ran out: "Surely this tiny thing can't be a good choice, but I cannot risk not finding another!"

"I do... need a familiar," Malena began, choosing her words with a slow, plinking drop one at a time. She was still eyeing over the small creature with increasing uncertainty, yet the fairy just flitted over a few inches and seemingly 'jumped' with excitement. "Wonderful! Wonderful! I can help you! I'm a wonderful familiar! But you see, I cannot reveal myself until I am pledged to a player! It's one of my special, wonderful rules!"

Malena raised one of her clean, teased brows with a worried look. "Agree to a familiar without knowing what she does? What if it's nothing?"

"You have to tell me something about what you do!" Malena moved towards the cover of the trees with the fairy flitting after her, feeling the crawling itch as though someone was watching her, but a quick surveying glance around showed nothing but empty grasslands.

"Well, I supposed. You see..." The little fairy gave a spin in the air, lifting her dainty hands before they flared out, sending with it a blast of energy into the trunk of a tree, crushing a dent into the wood. "That is only a sampling of my weakest power-" She raised a very small brow, grinning cutely. "What do you think?"

Malena pursed her lips, still unsure, but determined to find a familiar well before her time ran out!

"Okay! Yes! I agree! I pledge myself as your familiar!"

"Oooh goodie! This is wonderful!" She giggled sweetly, twirling once more before she moved in closer, "You see, my true power is that of copy!"

"Copy?" Malena's brows furrowed together, unsure what the spell title referenced.

"Copy! I can observe another familiar and study them, once I see their power and experience it, I can copy them perfectly!" She clapped her hands, doing a little dance in the air. "We can combat anyone this way!"

Malena pursed her lips, nodding along with growing confidence. "But, you should know... since we'll be fighting together... the one thing that'd stop that from happening..." She gestured for the fairy to hover in front of her lips as she took one more glance around them, still feeling the gnawing sensation of someone watching. "My weakness, my curse so to speak, is I cannot move my legs- not at all- unless I'm wearing high heels. Without them, I'm paralyzed."

The fairy nodded seriously, "Very well! That shouldn't be a problem at all!" She flitted off a small distance, spinning. "Oh, and call me Wanda, oki?" She giggled and Malena let out a sigh of relief, feeling better and better about her pairing now.

What poor Malena didn't know was that the itching on her neck and the gnawing in her gut that someone was nearby wasn't misplaced. As the fairy and princess headed towards the village to await the start of the games with food and rest, another contestant slipped down from the high branches of one of the trees, grinning to herself. She took a moment, smoothing the shimmering red surface of her tight, slinky gown back over her after it rose up from her high climb. Once smoothed, the ankle-length gown of ruby red skimmed the top of the grass tickled against her shining, black shoes. Her voice came out like a purr, rumbling with the tones of a singer. "This is very, very interesting..." She murmured aloud with a small, fidgeting twist of the hat atop her head. Even the thought alone was enough to stir the package captured in the front of her gown, the thick, snack-like length of a cock captured in the clinging fabric of the gown. It twitched as she mused to herself, running her fingers over her chin wtih a clink of the bangles on her wrist.

"This I will have to use..." She started to chuckle to herself parting her ruby red lips, first very softly then with rising power and volume. "Oh yes! This.. This I will be using tomorrow when the games begin!"


Malena and Wanda spent the night resting, eating up at a small, local tavern while Malena studied the others around, wondering who was a contestant and who just lived in this strange realm. She wanted to know what was going to happen, but there was no way to. She and Wanda discussed, in hushed tones, some of their plans for how to approach battle, how Malena would distract and stall until Wanda could read their powers and Wanda would use her power blasts to ensure Malena never was tripped up, so she didn't risk losing her heels!

Malena went to bed full of food and worried anticipation for the fight she knew awaited, but she had no way of knowing what was ahead of her.


Morning came rapidly after a night of deep rest for every contestant in the world, a small blessing with what faced them all. Malena, in particular, woke at the breaking of dawn with all the energy in the world. She rose to her feet, already sliding them into her familiar, rich satin heels. Like every usual day, she dressed in her full, pink gown though she knew battle lay ahead.

"No matter the day, a princess dresses her best," Malena muttered as she smoothed the warm pink fabric down over her hips and cinched in the back bracing. She brushed through her hair, carefully gathering the wispy curls out of her face and guiding them back along the edges of her face.

"Battle awaits us, player Malena-" Wanda murmured, voice trilling like a small bell as she flitted up to her pledged player. Malena gave a stern nod, checking herself once more before she pivoted and followed the fairy girl out towards a large arena.

The arena was already packed, buzzing with excitement of townspeople, some of whom Malena might have recognized from the tavern or their motel as everyone in the region must have shown up for the day's event! They filled up the seats, already sloshing mead and bubbling juice out of heavy, wood mugs with rising anticipation. Malena surveyed the center of the arena, but it was nothing but sand and open space.

"Hmm... I wonder who my opponent will be?" Malena mused, following the fairy as they headed down under the main entrances to the waiting space for a player. It seemed familiars had some knowledge to when to arrive as the space was empty except for Malena and Wanda as they moved towards the end of their hall where a heavy set of metal doors separated her from the sandy circle she'd seen from outside.

"Familiars know, once pledged, when they must come to the battle. If a player doesn't arrive when the familiar does, the player is stripped of their powers and forcibly summoned, it never goes well-" Wanda gave a small shake of her head. "Familiar who don't show up... well, I've never seen it happen. I'm sure it'd be horrendous, the player would feel so betrayed... plus the game masters..." The small fairy shook her head with a look of distant horror.

"Have you fought before? Can you tell me anything?" Malena prodded, but Wanda shook her head. "No, I can't share a thing. The game is always changing, even the arena is new... the townspeople wanted in on more of the fights, so many were happening in sneaky places-"

With a sudden rumble, the door in front of the two froze their conversation at it began to open, creaking on its hinges. Malena straightened her back, preparing mentally for the fight ahead as the door slowly began to reveal the arena once more- and across the expanse of sand- Malena's opponent in a shimmering red gown.

"Begin!" A distant, thundering voice announced and cheers from the stands swelled with excitement. Now the ale was sure to be really flowing as the two women stalked towards each other. Malena charged into the circle of sand, finding the shifting surface sliding beneath the stems of her heels as they dug in with each step, but she'd been running in the unbalanced shoes for years and felt effortless as she worked against the shifting ground.

"Ah, yes! What a good fight this shall be!" Pauline cackled out, her voice, even in a villainous laugh, sounding warm and melodic. As she moved closer, Malena could see the thick shape of a cock captured in the clinging tight fabric of her dress. At the sight of it, the princess looked shocked, even slightly horrified, but Pauline just laughed, grabbing onto the soft girth through her skirt. "Oh, don't you just love how a cock looks captured in fabric? Pulsing? Waiting to pitch a tent in the tight fabric?" She let out a cheerful giggle before she suddenly lunged, shooting for Malena's gut.

Wanda, the flittering fairy, instantly went into action to supply Malena with power, giving her a sudden rushing warmth in her palms as Malena sent out a bolt of energy that shot Pauline backwards, knocking her hat off her head and onto the soft, sun-toasted sand below.

The stands roared with excitement and the sounds of foot shuffling and stomping swelled up with their voices.

"Oh how I'll enjoy conquering you in front of all these adoring people!" Pauline laughed again, gleefully dancing away from Malena once more, stepping lightly on the moving, sliding ground.

Malena let out a puff of air in place of a laugh, "Do you even know who you're paired against?! Fool!" She narrowed her eyes, focusing in to track Pauline's next move so she was ready with another one of Wanda's medium blasts of energy while she waited for the fairy to gather enough information.

"You're cocky, differently than me, that is-" Pauline snickered, shuffling side to side as she watched the fairy tracking her, knowing what the little pest was trying to do. She just snickered once more before she grabbed for her cock. "Wouldn't you like a taste of this, now, princess?"

Malena was caught off guard by the lewd comment and her face curled up with disgust, but Pauline was already acting before one of the princess's lips had even finished it's curl of distaste. Pauline lunged towards her, pushing her legs over and shoving her feet into the sand where her heels were tangled into the weight of the shifting grains of sand. With a small tug from Pauline on her legs, while they kicked and flailed in an attempt to escape, the red gowned woman was able to kick the dainty heels from Malena's feet, leaving her sudden paralyzed from the waist down.

Malena raised her hands, readying a blow from Wanda's energy blast, but Pauline grabbed onto a fistful of her hair instead, curling the pink locks through her fingers with a sharp tug. "Not so fast, slut. You were stupid enough to share your weakness without looking around you yesterday, and now you're mine."

Her nails scraped into the soft skin of Malena's scalp as Pauline pulled her head in close, rubbing her chin over the rough texture of the beading of her gown over the lump of her cock, steadily rising inside to tent up the fabric of the skirt. "Oh, yes... the tenting of a skirt. You'll love it to, when you have your own cock-"

Malena's hands pushed on the woman's thighs, trying to get her to release her tender hair, but Pauline's grip held firm with one hand, curled into the hairs on the back of the princess's head, while her freed hand grabbed the edge of her skirt and hauled it up, letting her cock springfree and slap into the soft, blushing flesh of the princess's cheek. Malena tried to twist her head away, but a yank on the tendrils of her soft, pink hair tugged her face back into place as Pauline shoved the flared tip of her cock to the soft, pink skin of Malena's plump lips. "Open up, little slut," she hissed, tugging Malena's head back so her gaze rolled upwards.

"Wanda!" Malena hissed, trying not to part her lips. "Help!" But the fairy flitted behind, overwhelmed by the sudden intensity of the fight. Her powers only worked in the other opponent used their skill, but Pauline was dominating Malena without magic, merely well-placed power and intel! "I can't! I can't!" She yelled shrilly.

"Open wide!" Pauline chuckled as she thrust her cock forward, pushing the smooth, dribbling head up to Malena's mouth until her lips were forced to part around the intruder. Then, her opponent didn't wait another second before she started to pound into her mouth, relishing how her struggling breath huffing out through her nose only pulled the silky skin of her inner cheeks in tighter around the thick girth.

The tip plunged in deep, pushing into the curve of the princess's throat which only held onto her tighter. Pauline practically purred as she returned both hands to the sides of the princess's head, face-fucking her wildly, like she was nothing but a alleyway whore for the taking, the using.

All around them, the cheers from the audience were rising even louder now, shocked and thrilled by what was happening in the arena. The men especially were sloshing their ale even wilder now, spilling it from the higher stands and the lowest onto the sand beneath, slowly wettening the arena and filling it with the stank of alcohol. "You're nothing but a silly whore, Malena. You told your secret, like you wanted me to know and use it. How foolish would you have to be otherwise, hmm?" Her crotch was slamming into Malena's chin, bouncing her head as she thrusted madly into the soft opening of her stretched lips.

Malena was trying as much as she could to escape, but her scalp was already aching and Pauline had her shoved into the sand with her froze legs useless beneath her. Plus, the longer she felt the slick skin of the cock pumping in and out of her lips, the more she started to adjust. Without her consciously noticing, the taste of the rich, musky sting of the cock was fading, becoming familiar and pleasant as her tongue pressed up into it to taste more of that flavor.

"Mmm... it's happening isn't it?" Pauline snickered, burying herself balls deep into Malena's face as the skin of her sac nestled against her chin, leaning onto her. "You're finding yourself liking it more and more, loving the taste? The feeling? The little tickle of skin whizzing past your lips over and over? The tightening of your throat? Even the gaggin?" Malena's eyes were streaming as her throat clenched down on the head of the thich dick once more, but Pauline just giggled, angling her fucking just enough that Malena could see, out of the corner of her eyes she sees her shoes that were forced from her feet.

They are covered half in sand, but the smooth purple satin is unmarred. They are perfect and lovely, her favorite pair. Then, before her eyes, they began to change.

While the thick, hot skin of Pauline's throbbing cock pushed into her lips and into the clenching of her choking throat, Malena's eyes were locked onto the changing of her favorite heels. At first, the changes were subtle and confusing. The bow on the toe began to grow thicker and heavier while more gems appeared on the sides, further accenting the shoe. But then, she noticed as the bottom began to expand, growing and growing into a thick, clunky platform instead of a heel at all. "Oh god!" She thought, feeling a sudden pang of pain at the destruction of her shoes, yet her mind was half pulled away as Pauline suddenly pulled the cock from her mouth.

Malena gasped, sucking in air while her lips hung open, as though she was now ready for a round two. More and more, her eyes were tracking the dripping, saliva-slickened cock that bobbed in the air in front of her.

"Put the shoes on," Pauline commanded, snickering at the sight of Malena tracking her cock, mouth hanging open like a dog wanting a sausage.

Malena, half muffled, just shook her head. "Nuh uh-"

Pauline just started to grin, wider. "Put them on and I'll let you have another taste of cock-"

This time, Malena hesitated, glancing back to the big, chunky platforms for a long moment before she gave a small, bobbing nod and twisted to slid her feet into their hold. They nestled around her, fitting perfectly before she turned back to Pauline, eyes wide and wanting.

But, before Pauline stepped closer, another pair of the same thick platforms materialized between them, right in front of Pauline's stance. "If you're just going to be on your hands and knees accepting cock, sucking, you're not going to need hands." Pauline nodded down towards the shoes, smirking with an amused glimmer while her cock jutted up into the air, pulsing and shimmering with the slick coating of saliva.

She waited a beat, patiently.

"Put them on, Malena-"

Malena shook her head, but her eyebrows were knitting together. She could tell that if she slipped her fingers into the toes of the shoes than her mouth would meet perfectly to the cock dangling, bobbing in the air above her. She swallowed, feeling her throat aching faintly from the fucking.

For a few, long seconds the sounds of the arena seemed to rise up as Malena struggled with the decision. The crowd was roaring now, though some had left out of disgust perhaps the girlfriends and siblings of the roudier ones who stayed. Now, everyone clustered around the edges of the ring, wanting to see the details of the match happening.

Malena licked at her lips, staring at a droplet of precum gathering on the tip of Pauline waiting cock. She gave a small whimper, knowing she'd never respect herself for giving in, but she moved up with a shuffle in the sand and slipped her fingers into the other shoes. They slid over the warm sole and curled in the toes. As her fingers flexed and settled into the shoe, the shoes quivered, flexing with the movements of her fingers as they morphed and bonded together.

Then, the princess raised her head, readying for her reward. It came. Pauline thrust forward, shoving the slick cock into the princess's mouth once more. This time, Malena lost herself to her growing addiction to the flavor of the musky dick, licking and lapping over the tip in anticipation of the thick, creamy explosion of cum, but that's not what came.

Instead, Pauline shoved herself deep into the princess's mouth and released, letting out a sudden bursting spray of warm, golden piss into the girl's mouth and then spilling into her throat. Malena gagged with the sudden spray, trying to pull backwards, but Pauline just grabbed her soft curls of hair and held her in place, emptying her bladder into the stretched, leaking lips of the degraded princess.

As her mouth filled and her throat constricted, warm drops leaked out of the side of her mouth, running onto the edge of her gown and staining her with the bright, musky scent of piss. Her eyes were wide, staring up with betrayal at Pauline as her throat tightened, fighting the instinct to swallow.

"You're no longer a Princess, Malena." Pauline started, giving a hard throat into her throat, forcing her to gag and gulp at the bladder of piss emptied into her maw. "You're nothing now. You're purpose is to suck cock or be used for a urinal, nothing more..." Though, Pauline's eyes caught Malena's skirt, spilling up around her waist as she bent on hands and knees in the sand to get at the girl's cock in front of her. Her panties had hooked onto the heel of her shoes in the struggle, tearing them down the line of her slit, leaving her swollen, red lower lips glimmering in the open air in front of all the townspeople and anyone else.

"Well, when you present it like that, I guess you're other end serves a purpose too..." She snickered, pulling her tip out of the girl's lips and smearing the last drops of pee onto her cheek before she circled back, raising Malena's skirt the rest of the way and exposing the entirety of her round, peachy ass.

She grabbed the crotch of the tore panties, ripping them the rest of the way and tossing the strips of fabric into the sand before she thrust her tips into the opening of her wet cunt without a hesitation. The warmth inside clenched around her, responding to the roughness while Malena coughed into the sand, trying to clear her mouth, but her tongue was already betraying her, slurping at her teeth for the flavor: just like the taste of cock, the forceful sampling had given her a sudden affinity.

Pauline didn't waste time now, teasing or playing with Malena. Instead, she used her like the sex doll she'd become, burying herself inside up to her balls. They slapped into the meat of Malena's ass, bouncing into the soft rounds before she pulled back out till her head nudged just inside. Then, she slam right back in. Every smack of her balls let out an echoing sound through the arena, the slick and wet clap of sex happening violently.

As she was fucked, Malena's body rocked forward into the sand. The small grains dug into the skin of her forearms as she tried to hold herself up and steady on the sliding, uneven ground. Pauline just held onto her hips, clutching her and slamming into the open folds of her cunt over and over and over again.

The people in the crowds started to howl, clapping and stomping with the pace of the hard thrusts into Malena's stretching cunt. Somehow, hearing this pulsating noise around her seemed to make every thrust harder, deeper. She felt the tip plunging into the deepest ends of her cunt, slamming right into her womb. Malena couldn't help but cry out with the sheer friction of it. Her walls were spasming, while her clit was a hard pill on the front of her body, swollen and stiff from this pounding.

All the while, her mouth was filled with the lingering flavor of everything Pauline had given her, cock and piss alike. The inner creases by her teeth seemed to hold little gatherings of the taste and Malena's tongue ran through her mouth, searching them out as Pauline fucked her like nothing more than a whore for hire.

Her hips pounded into the girl, shoving her down till her head kissed the sand and her cheeks were smeared with the mud of the mead-soaked dirt.

"Fuck the princess! Fuck the princess!"

"Make her gape!"

The crowd was cheering, loving how Pauline just slammed into the defamed princess before her, using her. The event ran on through the afternoon as load after load was emptied into the girl's cunt, filling her up and spraying over her ass until Pauline pulled out, cleaning her cock once more on the soft curve of an asscheek.

"Oh, and, for the fun of everyone here... Let's make today... disappear, hmm?" Pauline laughed. "I'll leave some... commands embedded, for the future, but until we meet again you won't remember a thing of this, foolish urinal. You'll just think... this is life!" She gave a little thrust into the air with one first, gathering a roar of applause as she continue her destruction of the princess's cunt, pounding it hard enough she kept sliding and smearing in the dirt, gathering the clumps of mead-drenched mud onto her heels and knees as Pauline finished with her.

Later, after she'd finished multiple times, Pauline stalked back out of the arena with a final cheer and the thrill of seeing Malena aching in the sand faded, everyone headed off leaving only Wanda fluttering over an exhausted princess.

The fairy too had a foggy mind, aching after watching her player be so stripped of dignity. It didn't help a familiar to have a player do so badly. She felt drained, weak, but Malena was even worse off.

As she raised her head, brows knitting together with confusion, she could barely form words. "What... whe-... Huh..." Her eyes roamed over her shoes, the thickness of the chunky platform and the pair seemingly molded to her hands, locked onto them. She couldn't remember this, but nothing about it seemed odd. Instead, she shuffled up onto her feet, not even bothering to adjust her skirt where it was sticking up, folding on itself to keep her ass exposed and the oozing of her stretched cunt. She didn't even notice it as she stumbled towards town, oblivious to the changing of her body. For now, the changes were subtle, but as she walked towards town, her breasts started to swell.

Her skin took on a faintly sheen as the material of it began to change, moving from flesh, skin of the human race to something more akin to latex. But the changes were slow, fading into the evening as Malena reached town and moved towards the back door of the late night tavern, finding a man there jostling from foot to foot in front of the locked door to the john.

"Oh!" She gasped, finding as she spoke her mouth popped with a sudden thickening of her lips. She didn't notice that they now didn't fit entirely together anymore, but formed a sort of permanent O. Instead, she dropped onto her hands and knees and moved towards the man, crawling through the nasty alley until her open, fat lips were hovering in front of his scuffed jeans. "You need to relieve yourself. Please, use me-"

For a moment, his eyes were wide, confused, but a man in need isn't one to turn down an offer so he shucked down his pants, holding his tip hovering in front of the girl's open mouth as the hot, frothy stream came almost instantly.

Piss hit onto Malena's teeth, splashing over her tongue and running back down her throat. This time, to ensure she didn't spill, she gulped down the spray as it came, sucking down every drop as it splashed into her mouth. Though, as this man emptied himself, the other came out of the bathroom, noticing the girl on her knees in the grime of the alley.

"Ooh! A whore!" He gave a thick chuckle, halting his half-done belt buckle and moving instead to Malena's increasingly rubbery cunt lips that stuck apart from one another with a constant, beckoning sheen. He thrust himself in, starting to relieve himself in another way as the first man finished, smearing his cock onto Malena's shiny cheek before he headed off back into the bar without a word, leaving her like she was truly a urinal with nothing more than passing attention. She didn't mind. She licked over her teeth for the last bits of his tangy piss before she shoved her ass back against the other man.

As the second man used her, thrusting himself with firm grunts into her cunt, Malena's clit started to swell. Beneath the folds of her skirt the transformation was speeding up. Her clit swelled and grew and grew until she started to swell out a full, long cock tenting into the front of her sloppy gown.

Above her, barely flying now, the fairy was changing too. By now, she couldn't even move her arms as the transformation into nothing but a sex doll took over them both, working through a shared curse from the battle. The small fairy had much less space to spread out the changes, while Malena was gaining a cock, the fairy already had almond-sized balls dangling between her legs while her body glistened with the latex glow as the last shred of true skin she had faded away. Her fingers were connected, nothing but little mits really while she just hovered magically after the girl, like a Barbie's accessory attached with invisible wire. Her wings no longer moved, just thin plastic sheets behind her doll body.

Malena's changes came slower, but as the man finished and his cum oozed into her lower lips, she had a full cock and balls in the front of her gown, which to Pauline prediction, she found delightful. Her hand, already starting to form together, rubbed and poked over the girth of her dick so it stood erect and tented as she headed into the tavern.

She entered, thrusting open the door and stumbling in, grabbing at her cock. Her lips were already stretched open, like an invitation as the man closest to her sneered, recognizing her. "Hey, want to suck me off?" He asked, gesturing towards the growing lump in the front of her pants. Malena's head just nodded as she dropped to the floor, sliding her shoe-hands across the wood as she crawled her way to him, going right beneath the grimey table as he opened his pants for her.

His cock was hot, pulsing as he shoved the slender length into her mouth and already tasted like sweat and piss from an evening drinking, but she started to suck feverishly for the flavors, cleaning him off like a cock vacuum.

Then, one by one, she'd do the rest of the bar too until every one of the loyal patrons was stumbling around with a drink and a smile, filling their bellies as they prepared to use Malena for something else.

As the night went on, she continued to change. Less and less of her was controllable. Her arms started to stick out uselessly while her legs just jutted out, cock bouncing between them, but what mattered stayed open: her lips and cunt. She could only control herself with strong, purposeful thought, otherwise she just moved where she was put.

The men from the arena must have heard whispers she ended up here, because the bar grew busier and busier as she changed fully into a living sex doll, but Malena didn't care. Her mouth was full of the intermixing flavors of musky cum and tangy piss while her belly sloshed with everything the men gave her.

The evening was a wild blend of flickering scenes.

As the small seam grew in of her latex skin, running down the center of her face and sticking through her swollen, inflated breasts, piss rained down against them, aiming right for the nipple. Two men both held their cocks in front of her, shooting for the little dot of her nipples jutting off the air-filled tits on her chest.

Instead, the piss just rained down onto the floor, forcing Malena to lap it up, raising her ass high into the air to get her mouth close enough to vacuum at the puddles of intermixing urine.

With her ass presented, someone took charge of it, thrusting himself into the tight hole of her anus while another squeezed himself into her cunt. The chorus of their grunting barely covered the faint squeaking of Malena sliding in the puddle in front of her, her latex-changed skin rubbing to the floor. Their cocks plunged into the bright pink of her insides, rubbing together through the thin inner walls of her cunt and ass. She felt stuffed, stretched to the point of breaking even as her mouth was forced onto the floor, slurping up drops of warm, cooling piss.

As the meat of her legs changed into nothing but latex and air, she was pushed back on a table with her mouth stretched open around a cock that was pounding straight into her throat while another held her legs far apart, exposing the ripe, red lips of her stretched cunt which gaped open permanently now as the changed deepened.

The men took turns, dunking their cocks into the open stretch of her mouth while their balls rubbed into her hair and settled over her eyes, but she didn't care. To her, this was a normal night, a normal slice of her life. The memory of her defeat had been wiped. The transformation felt increasingly normal. She couldn't remember being face fucked by Pauline, forced to swallow the first hot gulps of piss she'd ever tasted. To her, as far as she knew, she'd always been nothing but a whore and urinal. Above her, the fairy floated along dumbly, by now nothing but a doll. Neither of them spoke, in fact, their lips might not have even been able to move without a cock to hold onto.

Finally, as dawn approached, the bar man was sick of the messes on his floor and he took Malena back, setting her up in between the two grimey urinals in the bathroom. She sat there, legs spread stiffly, arms jutting out at her sides, and mouth hanging, frozen open in a circle as she waited to be used.

To her, it was utterly normal. Nothing was a amiss. By sunrise the next day, she was utterly transformed from a princess of grace in satin and pearls to a sex doll for cum and piss. Her inflated breasts jutted out of the shortened remains of her gown, nipples on show as they swelled up towards her chin. A little dribble of cum oozed over the curve of one tit, left over from her last visit.

She felt right at home.

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The Only Guy Good Enough For a Sister is her Brother [Non-Canon]

"Mmm...." Ravenna gave a little sigh as she started to roll over. The sun streamed through the window and beat against her closed eyes, demanding that she wake now in the light of a fresh, new day. She groaned with the movement, but slowly started to...

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