Not Personal, Just Business

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#24 of Commissions

Drake was known for his company's products, how their customers enjoy the changes their snacks and drinks bring about. It's why Smokey and Shayna decided to come tour his facility, to see if his goods might be worth keeping in stock at the Inn. Of course, the consumables were only part of the visit.

This is a commission for Draco122, something I don't usually do, Smokey and Shayna in a sex scene with a commissioner. Oddly, making it a business deal type setting made that more okay for me.

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"So that is the factory floor, where all our products are manufactured. It's a relatively small operation, but we seem to be able to keep up with demand well enough." Drake said.

The red, black, and white dragon was dressed in a smart business suit, having expected something of a more formal visit. When his guests arrived in rather comfortable, casual attire, he felt very overdressed. Neither of the other two dragons seemed to mind.

"It's an impressive operation you've got," Smokey said, walking along behind the host, arm in arm with his wife, "Hand-made small batches are usually best when it comes to chemical and mystical augmentation. Or so I'm told."

"It's true. Small batches are best. It lets you more finely control the quality of each solution. That way if one doesn't meet your specifications, it's not nearly as costly as throwing out a few hundred gallons of potion." Shayna said, content to stroll casually along the walkway with her husband.

"We found that out early on as well. We used to operate with batches ten times the size we're working with now. And like you said, smaller is better. We've recently brought four more brewing stations online so we can produce products on demand in greater quantity more easily. We just need to hire skilled potion makers." Drake said.

"Well I can certainly offer you some references. We do business with a very talented young lady by the name of Maxine. She's part of a long line of potion makers." Shayna said.

"I'd very much appreciate that, thank you," Drake said, "Now, since you've seen where we make our products, perhaps you would like to partake in a demonstration?"

The blue dragon turned to look at his ivory-hued wife, squeezing her arm just ever so softly. A little grin crept across his muzzle as he let the idea of what might come of the possibilities swirl about in his mind.

"What do you think, dear? Should we take him up on the offer?" Smokey asked.

"I think that would be rather nice. After hearing about what some of those potions do, I'm eager to sample them." Shayna said.

"Well, we can't have you sampling the 'active ingredients' directly. We package them as part of our snack food and beverage lines. The solutions are in high concentration, letting us meter them out in small dosages so that they don't affect the flavor and texture of the end products. It also limits exposure and duration. That way things don't get out of hand or last longer than desired." Drake said, turning down a different catwalk towards a door leading out of the factory's main facility.

The trio entered into a room clearly designed for taste testing, and it obviously had been made with the company's products in mind. The floor was smooth and slightly warm, no doubt from heating elements underneath. The walls were covered in an industrial paint that was easy to clean, but still possessed a lovely aesthetic. What furnishings were present appeared to be comfortably padded and covered in vinyl, meaning they could be wiped down--or even sprayed down--without any difficulty or worry of damage.

A table sat in the center of the sterile room and on it rest an assortment of the very foods and drinks Drake's company produced. They were arranged in such a way that their names and 'active ingredients' were listed. The names of the solutions or powders that went into them hinted at the probable effects that might come about from their use. The smartly dressed dragon strolled over to the table in question, waving a hand in front of the sample platter for his two guests to peruse.

"You're welcome to try whatever you might wish. Though I should let you know that it's generally advised to not combine more than two or three at once. The interactions can sometimes get a little... unpredictable." Drake said.

"That doesn't sound terribly scientific." Shayna said.

"We're in the process of investigating every possible combination and permutation so we can reliably inform our customers what they can expect should they wish to get... creative. Our research is ongoing, but the results so far have been very... illuminating." the red, black, and white fellow said, offering a quiet chuckle.

"I think I might like to see those results. We've got people brewing up all sorts of things back at the Inn. Maybe we could learn a thing or two from each other, share and compare notes," Smokey said, then grinned, "And of course, enjoy some entertainment in the process."

"I think that would be rather helpful. And stimulating," Drake said with a grin, "Now, please, don't be shy. If you need to make yourselves more comfortable, don't hesitate to on my account."

The two visiting dragons sat down at the table, looking over the array of chips, miniature cakes, single-bite cookies, crackers, and other snack foods. There were a number of drinks as well, ranging from carbonated fruit-flavored concoctions to dairy based potables. It was an impressive offering, and the two began to pick and choose a few to sample. They both couldn't help but notice the fact that many of the items had been gendered, no doubt meaning they were designed to impact one gender more than the other.

The blue dragon nibbled politely on a small, individually packaged, chocolate cake, then sipped on a small bottle of what was being marketed as a supposedly tasting like a milkshake. Both were quite good, but it did puzzle Smokey as he eyed the glyph, a circle with an arrow pointing in a half right angle to the upper right, the traditional symbol meaning 'male'. After he finished the cake and the bottle, he peered more closely at it, reading the label, but finding no answer to the question swelling in his head.

"Drake," the blue fellow asked, "I'm curious. You've got specific designations for certain products. Some say they're for men, some for women. Now, I understand that it's not meant to be exclusive, just that it's supposed to work more on those specific sexes. But I don't see anything about what happens if say a women eats or drinks something geared for men, or vice versa."

"Not much tends to happen," Drake said, "Though we do have a small line specifically for those who want to experience what the other side gets to enjoy. I'm correct to assume you both won't need to make use of those?"

"Nope!" Shayna said between bites of her own confectionary selection, "We're both fully equipped to enjoy both sides. About how long will it take before we feel any changes?"

"It should be rather quick. We formulated everything to delay just long enough that you can take your time and really enjoy your purchase before you... well... really enjoy your purchase." Drake answered with a grin.

Just as Smokey was about to ask another question, he paused, then leaned back in his chair. He took a soft breath and rest his paws on his stomach. It filled his lap comfortably, forcing his red vest open. He hadn't been able to button it closed in years, not that he really ever did. Alex's constant company had made it impossible, and he was quite happy to let it stay that way. He ran his clawed fingers over the great swell housing his everlasting passenger, feeling movement under his scales. The drox hiding inside him was stirring, perhaps because of whatever effect his father's snacks had begun to impose.

"Ooo, easy in there honey. Daddy's not exactly in a position to 'take care of business'." Smokey said, then took another breath to try and steady his nerves.

Alex certainly knew where to push and tickle in there to get Smokey up on edge rather quickly. It was one of the reasons he was so fond of carrying him. Drake's gaze fell on the blue fellow's stomach, fascinated by it. He moved around the table and took a seat next to Smokey, timidly extending a paw towards the swell, pausing as he looked up as if asking the gravid dragon's permission. The azure fellow just chuckled, reached out, took Drake's paw, then dragged it to his great belly. Immediately, the crimson fellow let his eyes drop back down to the gently churning dome, running his palm over the swell slowly, feeling a tingle race up his spine as he did so.

"It's rather interesting, you being male and pregnant." Drake said.

"Mostly male, but close enough. I take it you've got a bit of a thing for a boy with a belly?" Smokey asked with a grin.

"You could say that. I hope I'm not making you uncomfortable." the red dragon said.

"Not at all. I like the attention. Inside or out. Both at once is quite lovely too. You might want to see if you can put together a snack that lets people try it out, even if it's not real." the blue fellow said.

"We've been developing something along those lines," Drake said, "If you don't mind my asking, how long have you been pregnant?"

"Smokey here's an addict. He's got nearly as many years carrying as years not," Shayna said, "But as far as this one goes, it's been what... ten, twelve years?"

"Thirteen," Smokey said, "He's been in there for a bit more than half his life. It's a good thing his growth was stunted as a child. Any bigger and I might have a hard time getting around. With Alex as big as he is right now, it's just right."

"Just right?" Drake asked.

"He means Alex is big enough that he gets to be fat and happy, but not so big that he can't get around without waddling as slow as a turtle." Shayna said with a giggle.

"Hey, don't make fun of the turtles. Some of them are pretty quick. I just don't want to have to try and force my way through a doorframe like some of the people in The Roost." Smokey said.

"That sounds like a place I might like to visit someday!" Drake said with a laugh.

"You're welcome to come see what we get up to in our own unique ways." the blue dragon replied, smiling back at the kind businessman hosting his and his wife's visit.

"Maybe you could tell me more about how you and Alex came to be stuck together like this when I visit." Drake said.

"It's an interesting story, that's for sure." Shayna said.

Smokey grimaced and spread his legs a bit, shifting in his seat as he felt himself become uncomfortable. He knew it was coming, so he didn't have reason to be confused, just a little surprised when it started. He let his paws move further down his belly so he could unfasten his shorts. As soon as he did, he sighed and slouched a bit in his seat, finding relief. Drake took note and pulled his paw away from the gravid tummy he had been so eager to caress.

"Feeling it starting to kick in?" the red fellow asked.

"Yeah, feeling a bit of pressure downstairs. How powerful an effect are we talking?" Smokey asked.

"You'll probably want to remove your pants completely. A cake and a bottle of vanilla milkshake means you're probably going to grow quite a bit." Drake said.

"Ooo, this I wanna see! C'mon, honey! Lose the pants!" Shayna said gleefully, reaching over to help tug on her husband's shorts.

The blue fellow, accosted by his wife's eagerness to see him naked from the waist down, had no choice but to comply. He stood himself up and let his khaki trousers, only reaching just above the knee, fall to the ground. He sighed in relief once again and cupped his paws against the lower curve of his tummy. It had grown, no doubt because Alex was undergoing a similar change. Of course, the relief had not come from his changed waistline, but what was below. The blue dragon's now exposed groin was showing considerable signs of growth. What had been somewhat modest was now rather impressive. A pair of grapefruit-sized orbs hung between his thighs, and steadily swelled. His length had seen gains as well, now drooping down halfway to his knees, and it hadn't even firmed up yet.

Shayna grinned as she saw this, reaching forward to stroke over her husband's expanded 'assets', groping gently as his scrotum continued to bulge. It wasn't at all long before he was too large for her to cup even a single orb in both her paws, leaving her to wonder why they hadn't arranged for him to remain larger than what was considered 'average' for his height. It had been a point of several conversations between them. She enjoyed him in a modified state, but she didn't press the issue too hard when he wished to return to what he called a 'more manageable' size.

The angelic dragoness had not even noticed her own changes as they began to come about. Her robes were beginning to fit more tightly. Her cleavage was pushing its way up and out of her attire. A swell similar to what had forced Smokey's shorts off was making itself known in her lap. What was usually a somewhat thin, graceful build was slowly filling out, gaining curve and a soft, plush, yielding feel. As soon as she noticed she was changing, Shayna began removing her outer-most layer, and when that proved to be insufficient, she began casting off all but her underwear.

There the lady stood, both males watching as she began to fill out beyond her bra's ability to contain her. Her panties--specially designed to contain her above average generosity--were straining as well. She shivered and hissed quietly as she began trying to tug the lacy garment down. It fell to her ankles just after her own expansive sac and shaft spilled out into the open air. She was still larger than her husband, though he was catching up rapidly. She was however burdened with something he wasn't forced to deal with. Her breasts simply continued to grow, forcing her bra to pop open and let the two great swells rest against her arms once she crossed them underneath.

"Ooo... wow, that was... fast." Shayna said, her voice betraying the tingle running through her.

"And you're still growing," Smokey said, "In a little bit, you'll be just as big as your sister."

"Her sister is that big?" Drake asked in surprise.

"Ivory is a very... gifted woman. Of course, he only means proportionally. She's much taller, which means her chest is much, much larger." Shayna explained.

"I think I should like to meet her!" Drake said with a laugh.

"She doesn't usually like strangers too much, but once she warms up to you, she's quite lovely," Smokey said, "It took years for her to finally be okay with me being with Shayna. She's... a little territorial."

"Territorial? Over her sister?" Drake asked.

"Yes, Ivory likes to think she has the first, highest claim over me. She jokes saying she 'rents me out' to Smokey." Shayna said, still fighting back moans as she continued to expand.

Her chest had finally reached a point where she couldn't hold it up with her paws or her arms, the bottom of each great mound reaching her navel. They pushed out so far from her that she couldn't reach her arms all the way around them. Smokey reached out and gave his wife's bust a soft caress and a squeeze, finding the flesh quite pliant. There came a powerful shudder and a soft moan from the lady, a little, euphoric smile spreading across her lips as she pushed forward into the blue fellow's paw.

"I'd say you're just as sensitive as Ivory now. I'll bet you could hit orgasm just by massaging these." Smokey said.

"Mmm, well keep going and we'll find out." Shayna replied.

"If you both are feeling any discomfort, say... a need to... blow off some steam, please let me know. I'd like to help however I can." Drake said, grinning at the pair.

There was a not-so-subtle meaning to his words, suggesting that he was eager to offer them whatever 'relief' they might need. He had stolen a glance beneath them both. They each had finally stopped growing by the point where it appeared as though their lengths each had reached down past their knees. And that was if their scrotums would allow them to dangle straight down. Of course, with a pair of watermelon-sized orbs each, there was no way they could be sure what size they were without actually measuring. Shayna's had already begun swelling and stiffening from Smokey's attention to her breast. Smokey was feeling his own arousal beginning to take shape. Alex was clearly having a rather lovely influence on him.

"You were hoping you could get us in bed, weren't you?" Smokey asked.

"The thought had crossed my mind, though if you'd really prefer a bed, I can arrange for one to be made available." Drake answered.

"If you don't mind being down on all fours on the hard floor, I wouldn't mind getting to it right here, right now." Shayna breathed out in a moan.

That made Drake blush and fidget a little. He chuckled and began slipping out of his own clothing. He had not bothered to sample any of his own products. He had intended to let his two guests partake, and then enjoy them as they enjoyed their changes. He had been trying to cut down as it was. He'd put on a little weight in the last few months. His mostly slim, slightly chubby build couldn't compare to the rubenesque shape the lady had gained, or the 'motherly' form her husband had been fortunate enough to enjoy permanently. But he was sure he would gain a swell that rivaled it before this was over.

Without waiting for either of the two married dragons to specify how they wanted him, the now completely nude Drake tucked his head under Shayna's bust and began lapping tenderly at the quickly hardening spire that had grown so very much in the last few minutes. She hummed delightedly and worked one of her arms down under her giant breasts to stroke along the back of the crimson fellow's head, encouraging him onward. He did as he was guided, slowly feeding that impressive, thick, lightly-drooling member past his lips.

As Drake tended to the angelic dragoness, Smokey slipped around behind him, resting his own engorged shaft atop his back. It left a clear streak along the red, black, and white fellow's hide, and it made him shiver. The idea that he was going to be pinned between the two dragons he had been allowing himself such impure thoughts about was making him tremble with anticipation. Smokey huffed and leaned forward towards his wife, reaching out to try and embrace her. They leaned in and kissed, not letting themselves get too carried away just yet. The act squeezed Shayna's bosom, making her moan happily once again. She was starting to see why Ivory preferred such ridiculous proportions.

"If this is how business deals are done, we should reach out to potential clients and partners more often." Smokey said, his own voice carrying the same pleasured instability as his lover's.

"It all depends on the person running the company. I'd say Drake here's a fine first outing for my poor, shy hubby." Shayna said.

"I'm not that shy," Smokey replied, then took a breath as he rolled his hips forward against the red fellow, "You've seen me with Sirius and Brian. And Degyn. Ivory I'm still a little timid around, but that's because she could break me in half if she wanted to."

Drake was pushed forward by that sudden rocking into his rump. The sizable shaft of the blue was still resting against his spine, but the motion did force him to quite quickly engulf the angelic lady's member, right down to the hilt. He gagged softly as his throat was stretched, occupied, and not permitted to relax. After the initial shock wore off, he settled into the moment and began working his jaws and tongue. There was so much flesh to sample and suckle on. And he had only so much room to pull back so that he could work on her. Thankfully, Shayna was some help in that regard. She pulled her hips back, drawing at least half of herself from Drake's gullet, only to press it back in with a steady but slow force.

"Mmm, I could too if I really wanted to," Shayna said with a dreamy little sigh, "But that's a bit messy, and you're more fun when you're in one piece."

She enjoyed teasing her husband from time to time, and Smokey knew it. He pressed against her each time she thrust forward against the red fellow beneath the both of them. As Shayna humped slowly into his muzzle, her azure companion ground against him from behind, slowly finding himself more than a little frustrated. He wasn't getting the same sort of stimulation as his wife, and he wanted to fix that. The blue dragon pulled back and reached down below his heavy, gently squirming stomach. He wrapped his fingers around his throbbing mast and began trying to aim properly, finding Drake's tail without too much trouble. There was more to grasp, making the task less easy than he remembered, but the sensations made it worthwhile.

The rather abrupt contact against his rump made the red dragon jerk softly in shock. He had assumed that was what was coming, but not being able to see behind him--especially given he couldn't turn his head--left him wondering when and how hard he would be 'approached'. The blue fellow was kind in his methodology. He worked to line the two of them up, seeking the crevice between Drake's cheeks and using the base of his tail as a guide. The rounded end of the innkeeper's spire spread his host's comfortable mounds of muscle and fat, pressing against the entry he had sought.

There was a ring of muscle blocking Smokey from sliding in. A gentle pressure brought a hum from the red fellow. It would have been a proper moan had his mouth not been occupied. The firm opening slowly began to soften, especially under the delicate ministrations behind him. When Drake had relaxed enough, he shivered powerfully as the second monstrous rod was slipped into him. He felt it rub this way and that as it sank in, the blue dragon attached to it swaying his hips from side to side. In but only precious few moments, Smokey had managed to reach far enough into the red fellow that a sizable, visible bulge stretched his stomach.

One of Drake's paws moved to that distention, feeling over it slowly and deliberately. There was no real definition, just a smooth, oblong lump in his abdomen. And it reached almost up to his chest. That alone would have been enough. But there also came the weight of the blue dragon's heavy, pregnant stomach pushing down on his lower back. It had been there earlier, but it had been propped up by Smokey's length, prevented from actually resting on top of him properly.

The married couple were now well lodged inside their host, bookending him and keeping him right where he was. The term 'spit roast' flashed through Drake's mind, though there wasn't much room for thought at the moment. Both of his guests began to rock in time with one another. When Shayna retreated, so did Smokey. If Smokey took the initiative, then Shayna followed his lead. When they pushed back towards one another, they both gasped, purred, moaned, or made some other noise that Drake wasn't quite paying attention to. He could only focus on the great member filling his throat, and the other one plugging his colon.

They were well synchronized, moving easily with a rhythm they had no doubt learned after years of union. Clearly, they made a fine team. And they relished practicing together. Sticky, salty moisture, clear and copious, dribbled from both shafts. The two dragons sealing the third between them pumped and twisted. The blue dragon's stomach slid forward along Drake's spine, forcing his wife's enormously engorged bust up and apart. Each time brought a delighted coo from Shayna. She even went so far as to push her arms together to try and squeeze those mountainous mounds into some manner of confinement. Smokey had been right. She could just focus on them and she might easily bring herself to climax. But Drake was doing a fine job helping her out.

The blue fellow, meanwhile, was gripping the red fellow's rump, digging his fingers into the shapely bottom pressed so firmly against his crotch. There was a soft, yielding quality about Drake's cheeks, making the innkeeper want to squeeze and knead them. It reminded him of Shayna when she allowed herself to be put in such a position. It also felt similar to Ivory, though both ladies were somewhat more thickly padded than this fellow. And with the transformation the angel dragon had gone through, she was no doubt enjoying a wider, softer base than before. The thought made Smokey arch his back, imagining what it might be like, to be permitted to spread such a shapely rear just as he was doing to Drake.

As for the business dragon himself, he was made to rock back and forth, swaying forward, then backward, repeating the cycle again and again. He struggled initially to find his place, but when he found it, he threw himself into the role, clenching, squeezing, licking, and nibbling on whatever he had in his grasp. The natural lubricant from both spires made the going easier as it progressed, but it wasn't enough to prevent the friction building under his tail. The drool that coated Shayna's member helped keep her from any unpleasant chafing. Smokey would need to finish a little more quickly to avoid that, both for himself and for Drake. Fortunately, neither seemed to be near it yet.

The rocking and humping and thrusting carried on. Three voices, though one was greatly muffled, rose to fill the room as they all approached the end. Drake moved the paw from his stomach to his own aching, twitching shaft. He stroked briskly, not terribly concerned about his climax as he was ensuring his guests hit theirs. And when they did, they reached their peaks at almost the same time. Smokey was first, parting his jaws in a loud groan, almost a roar. He slammed his hips forward, planting himself fully into the red dragon's rectum. A great flood of seed flowed forth, gush after powerful gush. It filled the red dragon's bowels quickly and easily, forcing his stomach to stretch.

Shayna was very shortly behind her husband. She threw her head back and loosed a very avian-like screech as her member pulsed with the same hearty unloading. Drake sealed his lips around her length, burrowing his nose against her crotch as best he could as his stomach was suddenly home to a small lake of dragon seed. It sloshed and gurgled as it expanded, swelling his abdomen further. Burst after burst poured in from both ends, giving the red, black, and white dragon's belly reason to creak and groan. It sagged down under him, reaching the floor as his own length finally gave up its own addition. A thick, sticky, white stain was painted across the underside of his gut, running down along the curve, leaving a long streak up his front.

The angelic lady panted for breath as she settled. Her hips came to a stop and she stood there, keeping Drake's muzzle wrapped around her length. A few idle spurts added to the bubbling cauldron of cum his middle had become. In his overwhelmed state, the red fellow reached forward, wrapping his arms around the lady's still monstrously engorged scrotum. His chin rest on top of it as he snuggled into it as if it were a cozy pillow. The warm swells were indeed quite lovely, and the act made the angelic woman giggle through her efforts to catch her breath.

"My goodness! I'd say he's got promise!" Shayna said with a laugh.

"He... managed to... take it all. And I... don't think... he's leaking it... anywhere." Smokey managed to get out through his pants for breath.

"Mmm, I'd say he's definitely someone we want to do business with. And we ought to look at stocking his goodies at the Inn. Properly labeled and available where people come looking for naughty things, of course." the snowy-white dragoness said.

"Of course, of course," Smokey agreed, "But... what now?"

"I don't know about you, honey, but I'm still famished. Why don't you enjoy our new friend some more while I get something more to eat?" Shayna suggested.

Smokey nodded and began rocking his hips again, slowly, not wanting to get too rough. He had allowed himself a more vigorous experience than he had intended, and it had been quite lovely; but now, slow and steady was the way to go. Drake was all too happy to let him have his way. Shayna reached down and gently pried her new friend's arms from around her sac, then began to slowly withdraw from his throat. For a moment, the red dragon--now more white than red or black thanks to his engorged tummy--seemed hesitant to let her withdraw. He relented after a moment, then took a deep breath once he was able to do so properly.

Then, a great, wet belch escaped him. Flecks of white flew from his lips. He moaned and groped at his vast stomach, rocking back and forth slowly as the blue fellow behind him kept him bent over.

"I'm glad you both have enjoyed our products so far," Drake said tiredly, "If you need something more substantial to eat, I can call someone to bring you a proper meal."

"Oh that won't be necessary," Shayna said as she dropped down onto her knees, then lifted Drake's chin to rest in her cleavage, "I've got what I want right here. I trust you're familiar with some of the unique qualities of our little resort?"

It took the bloated business dragon a moment to process what she had said, but when he made the connection, he grinned, though still looking rather spent. He nodded his head, nuzzling into the lady's bust for a brief moment. He wasn't going to miss an opportunity to enjoy those enormous mountains of warm, soft comfort.

"I am. We've got our own methods here as well. Enjoy your meal." Drake said.

"I intend to." Shayna replied.

She leaned down, offering the exhausted fellow a kiss on the top of his head, then opened her mouth wide. His head passed her jaws without any difficulty. She lashed his cheeks affectionately in an effort to offer him appreciation while also tasting him. And he tasted quite wonderful. A hum of satisfaction surrounded him as she closed her lips around his neck. Drake simply let his eyes drift shut and fell limp in the grasp of both white and blue dragons. He couldn't imagine their business meeting going any better.

The first swallow pulled his head into the lady's throat, and his chest into her maw. She wasn't wasting much time at all, wanting to satisfy her hunger quickly. Her tongue slipped about across that smooth hide, drawing away flavors more complex than she had expected. It made her wonder just what other sorts of things his company produced. It wasn't outlandish to find products designed specifically to make one taste better. Had Drake been making use of something like that?

Smokey was in something of a daze, not entirely aware of what his wife was doing until she was in the middle of doing it. He looked down to see his beloved's jaws wrapped around the chest of the very dragon he was rocking forward into. He let out a chuckle as he carried on with his steady cadence. The tight grip of the now-mostly-white dragon's environs was something he was determined to savor, even if he was going to have to give it up soon. His length pulsed, adding a few 'small' blasts of his own creamy ooze to the sea swirling about in Drake's gurgling stomach.

Shayna reached forward to run her paws over that great, gravid bulge. It gave easily, like a water balloon. That meant she would have something of an easier time with it than if it had been firm. She would still have to stretch her jaws to a remarkable extent to fit him in. The next gulp saw her begin to do just that. Progress was slowed as soon as she reached that burbling orb. She kneaded her jaws, almost looking like she was chewing, but it was instead an effort to slowly inchworm her way up over that enormous belly. Little by little, she squeezed him in. Smokey's constant thrusts helped, like a battering ram; stuffing the red dragon down his wife's throat.

Her figure had stretched to accommodate Drake's entry, though it was difficult to see, given her grand breasts. Her stomach surged outward as the business dragon slipped in bit by bit. The dark, slick, undulating pouch he was being pushed into was just as able to expand as he had been, and then some. The lady's voice was constant, as was the pounding of her heart. She was moaning happily around him as she felt him fill her belly. She was in a mild state of euphoria, and she wasn't even done yet.

The blue fellow huffed and growled as he picked up his pace, adding more force behind his needy thrusts. He'd already hit his peak once, and yet the intense need for release was still mighty. His sac had not shrunk at all, and neither had Shayna's. He wasn't sure how long he would stay this way, but he was certainly hopeful it would linger for a good while. He was so focused on the hope of remaining large long enough to get back to see Degyn, Sirius, and Brian, wanting to give his boys a good filling just like Drake, that he had almost missed feeling Shayna's nose bump against his own quite rotund middle.

She was slipping down the red fellow's spine, headed down the lower curve of his gut. She slurped greedily, swallowing in short waves. Her tongue licked up the sticky mess he had made on himself, cleaning Drake, offering a fresh canvas on which he could paint. His still rigid spire was engulfed and lapped away at, but only for a brief while. As soon as Shayna reached Drake's shapely bottom, she wrapped her arms around her husband's waist. Her nose reached Smokey's groin and she held there, swallowing slowly, steadily, and hungrily. Gradually, Drake's legs were drawn in, forcing him to be pulled off the blue dragon's member. With a soft, wet pop, the generous invader escaped his grasp. Well more than half of him was now trapped in the angelic woman's gullet. She didn't retreat. Instead, she remained there, ready for whatever her lover might provide her with.

A great roar filled the room as Smokey came once more. Another flood burst forth from his raging, thrashing length. Only instead of being contained in Drake, it was pouring directly down Shayna's throat. She accepted it all happily, letting the force of it all--like a fire hose it was--push her meal deeper into her belly. Drake's calves passed her lips, then his paws. And then, her lips were completely sealed around the arm-thick shaft of her husband. Her stomach bloated out under her, squirming, twitching, and churning about as it gurgled and groaned. She had gotten a fine filling indeed.

When finally the blue fellow's orgasm ended, he huffed and his legs buckled, landing him heavily in a chair that was thankfully right behind him. Shayna pulled herself from his length, licked her lips, and moved to settle on the ground next to him. None of the chairs provided would work for her, not when she was so very full. A belch, similar to Drake's earlier, came from the bloated lady. Then she sighed and leaned her head over to press a cheek against her beloved's own squirming gut.

"Mmm, thanks for the drink to wash him down." Shayna said.

"Anytime dear," Smokey replied, his eyes closed as he fought against fatigue, "So... I'd say that cements our business relationship with Drake."

"Yeah it does. Once he's back out on his paws, we can hammer out the details. But for now, I just wanna sit here and enjoy being stuffed." Shayna said, running her paws over her chest and stomach.

Everything was so tender, so very sensitive. She wanted to see if she could make herself make a mess just as Smokey had suggested might be possible. And Smokey was eager to help, reaching down to fondle one of his wife's titanic mounds. There was going to be discussion about whether or not to stay so big, the both of them. Though likely it wouldn't be permanent. Such things tended to be far too distracting to keep. But they could hold onto them for a while. It was only polite, given Drake's generosity. And he had been terribly generous.

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