Brought into the Light: Part 6: Sheath and Knife fiction

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#8 of Sheath fictions

The sixth part of Brought into the Light.

Brought into the light An Alex and Will Fan fiction

by Dan 1966.

Will and Alex's little adventure comes to an end.

Part 6

Friday evening June 18, 2018 6:45pm

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

Alex held the controller out to the side then moved it around in front of him as if all these wild contorted ways of swinging it about his body somehow made the game he and Peter and Cabe were playing together any more responsive to his rapid finger flicking....

"Gnah! This level is hard!" Alex yelped. "Cabe! Left, Left, Left!"

"I am going left!" Cabe Quin snapped. "Stop pushing me into the wall dude!"

"That's me fart knocker!" Peter snapped at his brother. "You're running on the wall right now!"

Grace called out from the living room. "Boys! Pizza's here!"

"Sweet!" Cabe snapped as he dropped his controller!

"Shit! Cabe! Ugh!" Peter yelped as both he and Alex's characters suddenly died. "The pizza could have waited you ding bat!" Peter yelled.

"Yeah! We were almost there you jerk." Alex yelped as he followed Peter into the living room.

"Oh come on?" Cabe snorted. "It's not like we don't have the whole night."

Snatching up slices and crazy bead, the three cubs plopped down on the floor to eat...

"So? How's your Uncle?" Peter asked Alex.

"He got out of the hospital." Alex replied. "He's with my Dad, they went some place that has to do with this idea that I was molested know....The sign on the a sex two should not be here?"

Cabe snorted back. "Shut up? We're staying."

"Like I said....feel froggy puppy?" Peter snickered as he popped out his claws. "We're not scared by Wolf zombies with wood."

"Not like Alex is cute to start with." Cabe snorted.

"Oh fuck you sand digger." Alex snapped back. "Hmph.....can't use a toilet like normal people."

Peter snapped. "Sometimes you dump in your back yard so there mutt."

Alex giggled...."No hard on so good."

"Pfffft!..." Cabe blew soda from his nose. "Cough! Thanks a lot dingus! Ouch!"

Alex got up and went to his parents room where his mother was folding clothes....

"Mom?" Alex said. "They shouldn't be here, you know that?"

Grace looked at her worried son. "Alex? Are you planning to do anything stupid?"

"Well....duh? I don't want to get butt raped in prison?" Alex replied.

Grace asked...."Are you feeling weird or having any desires right now?"

"No...." Alex replied. "Those two? Are you serious?"

"Then I don't have to worry about it, do I?" She asked.

"Guess not. Just don't want you to get in trouble....that's all." Alex said as he shifted his foot around...

"Good." Grace replied. "Go play?"

Friday evening June 18, 2018 7:20pm

Fred, Gordon and Chancy at the County Municipal Jail

"Alex? This is Gordon. I can give you 200,000 dollars from my own bank account. Getting transportation accoding to what you want? You know that's going to take time, I'm not blowing sunshine out my ass."

Alex Binx replied..."Let the cops know I have a water cooler in here with 5 gallons and some stuff in a fridge so I can hold out a good time. This little bitch though? She's really getting good enough to drool on Gordon so you better press those cops. Still want to see your cute little cub in panties though? I bet thousands of perverts across the web are cumming gobs on their screens. You Alex was quite the big dick sucker."

Gordon turned to Fred..."Still can't get him to say anything about his father."

"Try needling him? But don't go too far that he gets super pissed off." Fred replied, then he turned to Chancy. "What about your friend?"

"If the cops give him a clear road? Another half hour to get here and about 30 minutes to prep and execute. Rich was our best tunnel diver in Afghanistan who specialized in close order combat and disarming combatants. He's good at Ta-keen, it's a fast Indian grappler art.

Gordon took a deep breath and spoke into the reciever..."Alex? What about your father? When did he start letting strange furs fuck the shit out of you? Puppy stage? Training pants? You must have had a hole the size of a fucken train tunnel by seven huh?"

"None of your business Gordon." Alex snapped back. "You just better work on that transportation or me and miss bunny here are going to fucken party with her taking all the fucken."

"Oh come on Alex?" Gordon replied. "You're going to tell me that you enjoyed such a loving relationship with your father as to be his personal pass around pin cushion while he pocketed all the cash?" Gordon said smirking. "As a whore? You were a fucken disaster weren't you?"

Alex Binx slammed the reciever against the wall...."I told you to drop it about my fucken father Gordon! Fuck that ugly cocksucker! Fuck him!"

"I touched a nerve huh?" Gordon said...."Or maybe touched your sore raped behind."

Gordon heard nothing coming through the reciever.....

"Alex? Alex? Alex you better talk to me! Talk to me Alex?! Why the hell do you protect a fucken ass hole who abused you all your life? Why Alex?!"


The sound of a gun shot made everyone freeze....

"Alex!....." Gordon begged. "Alex? Alex talk to me? Talk to me Alex... please let me know you're ok and that officer Hopps is alright....damn it Alex.....speak to me young man...."

Alex Binx replied. "It's ok.....I got pissed and shot the wall."

Gordon sighed...."You must really hate your Father. Then again? You still keep in touch with him so I wonder....."

Alex snapped. "Look're really pushing your luck with me. I have nothing to you understand? Nothing....but Miss little bitch here has everything to lose so....if I were you? I'd stop talking about my father.....mother fucker."


Captain Brickton came up to Gordon's side...."We have a professional negotiator but it seems you're doing a good job by his estimation."

Gordon replied. "I'm retired Navy, I dealt with ass holes, it was a special classification code."

Friday evening June 18, 2018 7 pm Ocean Pass

73 Russell Street Apartment 210

Will and Cathy lay together in a sleeping bag on the couch watching a movie...

"So in you odd therapy planning? Does this count like second base or half way to third?" Will asked as He lay on his back with Cathy on top.

"You're flaccid so it's not even past first yet." She snickered. "You're more interested in the movie than me so I don't know how to exactly interpret the results."

Will looked at the tigress and cupped her breats in his hands..."Does this sort of help with the fact gathering?" He giggled and snuggled his snoot between the soft jugs.

"Giggles"...."One point in the positive direction." Cathy said as she rested her chin on Will's chest...

"Rondell's out for the night you know?" She said as she rubbed a finger over Will's lips.

"You do realize that you're alone with a vicious sex predator right?" Will snickered.

"I'm willing to take my chances." Cathy replied as she wiggled her whiskers at Will. She then felt something between her legs...."Seems something else is willing?"

Will sighed then blew a breath...."Let's.....just be slow with this whole thing?" He said softly. "No reason to run into a fire now is there?"

"No." Cathy replied. "Unless the fireman needs to throw some liquid to quench the heat real fast?"

" have a point?" Will said as he buried his face in Cathy's breasts...

Friday evening June 18, 2018 7:20pm

Fred, Gordon and Chancy at the County Municipal Jail

An old 1972 Nissan Skyline came down the street escorted by a police cruiser and stopped just as Chancy ran up to meet it...

"Hey Rich!" Chancy said as he shook Rich's hand. "Good to see you bro. You made good time getting here."

"Get my box out of the trunk will you Chance?" Rich asked as Gordon and Fred came walking up...

"Fred McGruff. State Police." Fred introduced himself.

"Gordon Gray. Chancy's Brother in Law." Gordon introduced himself.

"So we have one armed dog with a hostage?" Rich asked as he follow everyone to the command truck. "What's this guy packing again?"

"Classic hammer S&M 357 Magnum." Chancy replied.

"Perfect." Rich replied as he started taking items from Chancy out of his combat box. Two of them being a pair of titanium hand gauntlets Rich slipped over his hands. "Better have some officers ready to blow the door and charge in because once I lock this guy up we'll have a short window. And I'd like my ass to stay in one piece?"

Rich stopped to look at the building schematics and plan out a route to take to where Binx was holding Hopps. "We think he has only one gun right?" He asked Chancy.

"He might still have his shank." Chancy replied. "And of course we don't know where exactly he his in the room. We have to believe he stays by the phone?"

Rich scratched his head..."If we could "fix" his attention on something else, distract him so he really drops his guard we could have an extra second to buy. We don't have much except the phone."

Gordon pursed his lips...."I have a crazy idea? Don't know how the rest of you or anyone else might think of it. I have to call someone to get the parts together which would take around a half hour. In the mean time I could try to buy more time, get him talking some more, try to snuggle him up against his father..."

Captain Brickton needed no prodding. "Do it." He said growling. The others around Gordon were equally committed as the wolf pulled out his smart phone...

"Hello? Is this Marian?" Gordon asked. "Marian? I don't know if you're watching television right now but I need a serious favor from you and I need in like oh....Twenty minutes."

Friday evening June 18, 2018 7:30pm

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

"NO!" Grace snapped into her phone..."NO! Gordon Gray you are not going to put our son in contact with that.....that......that animal! NO!"

Alex and the Quinn boys heard Mrs. Gray screaming in the kitchen and ran to see why she was so angry...

"I don't give a damn Gordon! You are not exposing our child again to that vicious bastard!" Grace snarled.

"Damn it Grace, the phone company is fixing the line so all Alex has to say is a few words to start this thing off, we have to distract Binx for a few seconds or that police officer is going to die! He murdered her fiance right in front of her for God's sake girl....please?" Gordon pleaded.

Grace looked at Alex and closed her eyes..."You better be right Gordon. You better not expose our son to more than I can bear for so help me...."

"Grace? I wouldn't do this if I thought there was better odds for that poor cop." Gordon said as he went between talking to his wife and looking to see if Marian had shown up yet. "Will you let Alex do it?"

Grace passed the phone to Alex..."Yeah Dad?"

"Hey Son." Gordon replied. "I need you to say a few words to Alex Blix, just a few. Tell your mother to turn on the television and you'll know why I'm asking. It's important Alex, a woman's life depends on it you understand? Time for Alex Gray to be a big hero."

That got the wolf cub's chest to buff out. "Got it Dad! Count on me!"

Friday evening June 18, 2018 7:32pm

Fred, Gordon and Chancy at the County Municipal Jail

Gordon turned to Captain Brickton..."Once Marian gets here? How long will it take your A/V guy to make something up?"

"About ten minutes." Brickton replied.

Gordon turned to Rich. "So you'll signal when you go.....if this works?"

Rich replied...."As a famous man once said..."Never knew a bumble snow monster yet who didn't turn down a pork dinner for deer meat." Only in this case it's "Never knew a pervert yet who didn't turn down rabbit pussy to jack off to cub porn."

Gordon cocked his head...."That didn't sound right?"

"So what?" Rich replied. "A pervert is a pervert, our advantage? His fuck up....just don't screw up the recording session?"

Chancy put out a fist to bump off Rich....."Tube slider Two Six ARROOO!"

"Beer and pussy on the return.....Arrooo!" Rich replied and then he ran off towards the jail.

Friday evening June 18, 2018 7:32pm

73 Russell Street Apartment 210

Rondell shook Will and Cathy awake and dropped robes on them as he turned to turn on the television. "Hey Will? I think you'll be interested in this."

Will sat up and shook his head as FNN came on...

"Re-capping for those of you who are just joining us here, we are continuing our live broadcast at the Country Municipal Jail of this ongoing situation which began when a notorious sex predator awaiting sentencing killed one police officer and took another hostage. The prisoner, Alexander Binx, killed officer Nicholas Wilde and took officer Judie Hopps hostage and has been held up in a storage room at the jail for several hours...."

Will bit his lip...."Damn...." and grabbed for his cell phone...

"Dad? It's Will? Did you hear about Binx?" Will asked his father.

"Yes...In fact son? I'm up close and personal. I'm at the jail now." Gordon replied.

"What the hell for?" Will asked.

"Trying to keep him from suicide by cop." Gordon replied. "He's got information we need son."

Will walked around rubbing his head. "He killed a cop Dad...they're going to turn him into bloody mulch."

"Not if we pull this off." Gordon replied. "Don't worry...I'm no where near Binx. You just go back to whatever you were doing and relax."

Will clicked off his phone and sat biting a finger...

"Hey? You alright?" Rondell asked.

Will looked back..."I am....just....when you've.....when you've been with someone you "thought" you knew and they turned out to be not what you thought? You go through some crazy feelings..."

Cathy sat tapping her fingers..."You still have some....feelings....for the guy?"

Will pursed his lips and threw a hand around...."I dunno what to call em? Eh?...fifty fifty milk? Half kinda gay and half kinda "ugh....what the fuck was I thinking?" Will looked at the two tigers and frowned..."I know.....sick."

Cathy smiled..." need to get it out so get it out. Talk about it? Like that trips out Rondell anyway?"

Will looked at Rondell...."Huh? Don't tell me?"

The male tiger nodded..."Yup. Pink and rainbow as all get out." He said.

Cathy snickered. "Now you know why I hated him...That and he is a stuck up bitch. And he is a bitch....after all he's a bottom as if you can imagine any male tiger bottoming for anyone?"

"I'm sort of a dominant bottom." Rondell snorted. "No tiger is a prancy bitch bottom."

Will sighed..."Well....I don't want to be gay...I don't think I'm least if I'm bi-sexual, that might work out...but...I'd rather have Cathy than....and don't be offended Rondy but...."

"None taken." Rondell replied.

Friday evening June 18, 2018 7:40pm

Fred, Gordon and Chancy at the County Municipal Jail

Gordon looked over at the jail Audio Visual (AV) Technicians as they took Marian's MP3 recordings and started putting them through a laptop and mixing unit...

"You're going to make this convincing right?" Gordon asked the obvious head of the department...

"My friend? Don't you fear a thing. Yours truly does the selection. Kowalski here? He does the cut n paste. Rico does the fine tuning and Private?......well....he's private, we just keep around because four looks so damn cool." Skipper said with an air of confidence. "Don't you worry...when we play our masterpiece? Mister Pervy in there is gonna die in his own sick saliva."

"Sample!" Rico yelped as he hit a button.

"Mmmmmmm....fuck me....fuck me.....fuck me....fuck me......" Alex's voice played over and over.

Gordon slapped the recording unit off....."That? my fucking son?" He snarled at Rico.

"Wow." Rico replied. "He sounds like a nice kid."

Gordon groaned and sat back in his own chair. "Ugh....I can't belive I'm gonna do this."

"If we don't do it? Binx is as good as dead." Chancy said. "Which reminds me? Time to give him another call?"

Gordon picked up his phone and called Binx..."Alex? It's Gordon. How you holding up? How's officer Hopps?"

"She's asleep." Alex replied. "About my old man Gordon? There's a piece of information I'm happy to sell....for a price. I'm not going to give away my chips for free."

Gordon replied. "Alex? He's still free and he left you to rot in hell, what kind of justice is that? If you don't get out of this mess you're in and you let that ass hole walk all rich and happy? You're soul will suffer worse torment in hell than you can imagine. Rat that mother fucker out?"

"Like I said Gordon? I don't give away free chips. But what about Alex? How's he doing? Does he talk about me? About all the times he enjoyed sucking my dick and taking my sweet knot in his little tail hole? Bet he loves big dicks now huh? I made him a sweet little homosexual...he might even desire you Gordon, ever thought about that?"

Gordon snarled and gritted his teeth but he knew he couldn't lose his head...

"I'm going to make a counter offer to you Alex as much as I hate you...I'll let you talk to my Alex...I'll let you two talk to each other? If you release Officer Hopps unharmed when you're done. Course I'd have to do some serious legal ninjutsu to set it up but Alex as sick as it fucken is to me still talks fondly of you. At least he has a father who loves him no matter what happens or what ever he wants to do with his life..."

"Fuck you Gordon." Binx snapped back. "You don't have the fucken balls. But if you did arrange it? Yeah.....yeah I'll let the cunt go...after I'm on my way out of the country I will."


Gordon turned to Brickton. "Let's wait 2o minutes."

Chancy grabbed a radio head set and clicked his hand switch..."How you doing bro?" He asked Rich as he was making his way through the air vent system....

"Not bad...." Rich replied. "I should be in place in another ten minutes."

Chancy looked over at Skipper who flashed back a wiggling penguin flipper. "We're on track to complete soon my friend."

Rico hit the recorder again....

"Fuck my ass! Fuck my ass! Fuck my ass!" Alex's voice repeated.

Gordon slapped the recording device again...."DO YOU FRICKEN MIND?!" He snarled..."One more time? And I'll have penguin confetti all over the place."

Rico snorted..." critic. Someone needs an Ambian."

Skipper replied smiling. "Who's got the bottle?"

Friday evening June 18, 2018 7:45pm

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

As Alex held the cell phone eagerly waiting for it to ring. Grace was standing nearby with a most displeased look on her face....

"Oh your father...." Grace snorted. "You are not to say anything to sick to that....that bastard. Do you understand?" Grace warned with a finger at Alex.

"Mom...relax...I won't be on that long." Alex replied.

"No sick talk, no pornographic talk. I hear so much as anything sick and I'm cutting off the phone. Ugh.....your father sometimes, I swear!" Grace yelped.

"Mom? A police officer's life is in danger?" Alex said wiggling the cell phone in his hands. "I think I'm old enough to watch what I say?"

"You were old enough to know that doing sick things with someone older than you was flat wrong?" Grace huffed back. She then slackened. "Alexander...."

Alex gave his poor mother a hug...."Relax mom....I'm not doing a Playboy interview."

"Tell em you're not cheep." Peter Quinn said smirking.

"Dude! Go back in my room and play video games?!" Alex snapped. "Damn! Make my Mom more upset why don't you?"

"Just saying."Quinn snickered. "You're not cheep."

"PETER QUINN! GET IN MY SON'S ROOM.....NOW!" Grace screamed. She then turned to Alex and huffed...."Are you cheep?"

"Mom?!" Alex snapped back. "Sheesh...I'm trying to survive therapy?"

Friday evening June 18, 2018 8 pm

Fred, Gordon and Chancy at the County Municipal Jail

Skipper waved a flipper at Gordon..."All right? We are ready and waiting to go on your command Sir!"

Gordon looked over at Chancy who click his head mic...."Rich? You there?"

"Over the top." Rich replied softly..."Chance? I'd say the target is 40 feet from the doorway and about a foot off to the right. I can see officer Hopps...she's to his left. He has a sheet over her but she looks unharmed so far. I'm set and ready."

Chancy signaled back to Gordon who picked up his cell phone and dialed home...

Friday evening June 18, 2018 8:03pm

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

"Alex? Are you ready son?" Gordon asked Alex who sat at the kitchen table with his worried mother....

"Yeah Dad." Alex replied. "Mom's a wreck though? I think she's a little pissed off."

"If this gets sickening? I'll be more than pissed off." Grace snarled back.

Peter Quinn came into the kitchen and handed Alex a pillow...."For your butt dude. Don't know who's gonna pound it though."

"Peter Quinn?" Grace snarled. "If you don't get back in Alex's room right now? You're going to be the one with a pounded behind."

"She's good at it too." Alex snickered.

"Just concentrate on your part Alexander Gray!" Grace snapped.

Friday evening June 18, 2018 8:05 pm

Fred, Gordon and Chancy at the County Municipal Jail

Gordon took a deep breath and help the phone to his face..."Alex? You there?"

"Hello Gordon." Alex replied.

"You sound a little calm Alex." Gordon said. "You all right?"

"I was just thinking about what you've been saying about my old man." Alex said as he sat twirling the 357 Magnum in his hand. "And you're right, I mean why should that prick have a life right?"

Gordon replied. "Precisely." He then threw a signal to Skipper. "And I want this to end in the best way possible. As diffcult as this is for me? I care a lot of Officer Hopps, Alex, and I want you to take good care of her and keep your word that you will let her go unharmed. So I arranged someone to talk to you..."

Gordon clicked a button on his cell phone....

"Hello?" Alex's youthful and soft voice came through the phone. "snuggles? Is that you?"

"Hey little wolf..." Alex Binx replied. "How are you?"

"I miss you so much." Alex replied coyishly. "No one understands how I loved you at were sooooooo goooooood to meeee...."

Friday evening June 18, 2018 8:07pm

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

"Click" The phone disconnected and Alex handed it to his mother. "My part's over." He then quickly ran to the television and turned on FNN...

"Hope he doesn't have a television where he is though?" Grace said as she walked up behind Alex and rubbed his head. "Oh I feel so sick about this but I'm glad you stopped."

Friday evening June 18, 2018 8:07 pm

Fred, Gordon and Chancy at the County Municipal Jail

"I miss you too little wolf." Alex Binx said as he slipped his left hand down into his pants..."I miss your tight little tail hole..."

Alex's voice, thrown together from sessions with his therapist, was coming through without a feeling the connection had been severed...

"Yeah......" Alex's voice replied. "I so missed that K-9 cock ripping up my little wolf bitch ass. I wanna ride that fucken shaft into oblivion..."

Alex Binx panted...his tongue lolled out of his maw as he undid his pants and allowed his erect cock to pop up..."Keep talking you sweet little pup." The dog said with a whine....."You were the best little fuck butt I ever had Alex...."

Above Binx in the vent shaft. Rich had cut the vent screen like butter with his gauntlet claws and slowly set the piece aside as his eyes focused on their target...

"You sick mother fucker." Rich snarled as his teeth gritted and he locked his jaws to keep his maw from chattering..."Keep him occupied Chancy...I'm almost ready..." Rich said into his head mic....

Alex was stroking himself now...the Magnum laying clenched in his right hand as he stroked his dog prick with his left....

"Mmmmm....I wanna feel you fuck the shit out of my tail hole again Alex...." Alex Gray's voice coo'd and chirped...."You wanna fuck my mouth full of hot cum don't you?"

Alex Binx's body twisted and contorted as he neared climax..."Oh gawd....Oh I fucken miss you so much little wolf....."

Friday evening June 18, 2018 8:10 pm

Fred, Gordon and Chancy at the County Municipal Jail

Rich's vision suddenly went from clear color to crimson red. He had attained full focus of mind and body, his whole frame was in a powerful coiled up state, the claws on the gauntlets out and ready for the strike...

And in a blur.....the little Marine exploded through the hole in the air vent hole, covered the air space between him and his target, wrapped his body around Alex Binx's right wrist and his teeth sank deep into the carpel nerves of the right wrist cutting off the sensations of feeling in the hand!

"GNAH! FUCK!" Alex Binx screamed as he tried to bring the gun hand into play towards Judy's head but when he tried to bring home the revolver hammer....

"Slink!" The gun jammed. Rich had thrown one of his titanium gauntlets into the space and blocked the gun's hammer from striking the chambered round!


The door to the store room was blown off its' hinges and an Australian Kangaroo officer covered the 40 foot space in one powerful jump! His hind feet connecting with Binx's chest, the Kangeroo catapulted the dog away to a near bone busting crash against the back wall of the storage room while a Cheetah officer came in behind him, scooped up Judy Hopps and bounded out of the room to safety as German Shepherds in SWAT gear and with M-16 Rifles poured in around him....

Friday evening June 18, 2018 8:12 pm

Fred, Gordon and Chancy at the County Municipal Jail

"Team leader reporting....suspect secured, officer Hopps secured. Officer Hopps is all right." A voice cracked over the speakers.

Chancy clicked his mic..."Rich? You ok bro?"

"Yeah...." Rich replied. " one sick mother fucker man." Rich said as he slowly walked through the jail while pulling off his gear. "Dude? I really respect Gordon man, I could not even think of trying that trick with this scum bag."

Chancy looked over to see his brother in law sobbing on a table with Captain Brickton rubbing his back..."Gordon's hard core....for a swabbie."

"I'm up for Denny's after this work out man." Rich said as he came through the entrance of the jail. "How bout it?"

"Good idea." Chancy replied as Brickton walked up.

"Thanks for your help Mister Weaver." Brickton said with a hand shake. "So who's the one that went in? Would like to have his name for our records."

"That's Sargent Richard "Ricky" "Ticki" "Tavi. Best tunnel rat my unit had. Hunting and disarming snipers was his specialty in Afghanistan." Chancy said as Ricky came walking up and bounded up the wolf's body to sit on his shoulder...

"That wasn't pleasant to watch bro." Ricky snorted. "That sick bastard was jackin it! guys even let him cum before you kicked the shit out of thoughtful of you?"

Gordon came walking up and fist tapped Ricky in the head. "They're right about you Mongooses. Let me see your teeth?"

Ricky opened his maw and showed the long nasty set of four K-9 daggers at the front of his mouth. " sink these babies into the carpel nerves and you can't pull a trigger. Too bad the dirt bag didn't get a pistol, hammer weapons are so easy to disarm."

Gordon pointed over to the ambulance where they were loading Judy Hopps. "They just told her about her fiance. That poor girl...we should all go see her when they allow it."

Fredd McGruff came walking up to the group after getting another coffee. "They're going to give us time to interview Blinks tomorrow afternoon about his father. You all realize there won't be a trial for murder? That dog is as good as on the damn grill and cooked."

Ricky snorted. "Dudes? Are we going to go to Denny's now or do I have to piss on someone to get some attention?" Friday evening June 18, 2018 8:38pm

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

Alex sat with his mom and the Quinn boys sat on the floor as they all watched the news from the County Jail....

"That's right Tony." A giraffe said as he stood in front of the jail. "The assault took place a few minutes ago. Police told me that a distraction tactic was used to pre-occupy Binx then the police stormed the room and rescued officer Judy Hopps who is now being taken to Fairfax Medical Hospital a few blocks from here. Authorities say she's alright though she suffered some serious injuries from being beaten. The officer who was killed at the outset of this was indeed her fiance, Nicholas Wilde had been with the force for five years, he left behind only Officer Hopps and you can imagine what that poor girl is feeling at this moment....

Grace wrapped an arm around her son and snuggled him..."I am so proud of you."

Alex smirked back. "Mom? I was talking to a sicko. Really?"

Peter Quinn huffed...."You should have just said...."Guess what ass hole?"

Alex replied..."Does anyone ever think that he was once a cub too? That at some place along the way? He got shit done to him too only he never got the help he needed?"

Everyone stared at Alex. "Wow....revelation strikes. And no....I'm not having "Stockholm syndrome" or any other crazy thoughts ok? Just putting it out there for mental consumption."

Grace prodded her son. "And this? Is where you go to bed young man." She said. She then pointed to the Quin boys..."Oh two will sleep out here."

"Why Mrs. G?" Peter asked.

"For your own good." Grace replied. "Alex has to sleep behind a baby gate and thumb tacks on the floor because of his sleep walking."

Alex played around. "I might awaken like the wolf zombie I am and come out and suck your blood or eat your brains or have sick sex with you......oooooo......"


"Ouch! Mom?!" Alex yelped as his mother grabbed and pulled his bushy tail.

"Bed you smart ass. And don't forget to use your pacifier." Grace said with a finger wave.

Peter Quinn snickered. "You should put him in training pants with cartoon characters too so he'll look cute."

"Oh fuck you Pete!" Alex snapped back.

Friday evening June 18, 2018 9:15 pm

Fred, Gordon, Chancy and Ricky at the Grendelton Denny's

"So....Binx molested your cub?" Ricky asked Gordon as he feasted on a grand slam but with wild Cobra meat instead of ham.

"Both of my cubs." Gordon replied. "William got involved with him first and then introduced Alex. Long story."

"I'm just surprised you can be so calm about the whole thing." Ricky said as he sipped his coffee. "Dude? If anyone hurt my daughter? They'd be dead. I would sink my K-9's into their neck and rip the fucken jug out....over.....done...."

Gordon tapped the table..."Let me tell you's not easy being calm over all this shit. At one point my wife had to talk me out of venting my oldest one's head with our pistol, I was so pissed off. Then I looked at Will's eyes and thought of him in diapers and I couldn't bring myself to do it."

Chancy shook his head...."And you wonder why I don't have cubs? I have a girlfriend but not the war chest to brood a litter. I keep saying "Someday baby when we're ready. I'll pop the question, we'll get married and we'll build a whelping box but in the back of my head I look at the world and say..."I'm not siring pups into this fucked up shit. I actually knew a guy, a bear, Ricky you know that one? Hardey?"

"Fuck." Ricky snorted. "Oh yeah....having a squad barby and here he comes with his cub dressed in girl's trainers right? I say...."Aww...what an adorable girl." And what does Hardey say? "Well....not yet, she's in transition.....everyone's like... "What....the......fuck?" Cub's not even two fucken years old and the guy says "he's" in gender transition....I mean what the fuck is it man? The water? The food? The fricken television? Have furs lost their damned brains?"

Fred sighed...."The world is changing. We have new generations coming up and frankly we've reached Bizaro land. Why do you think so many cops are wondering about "maintaining law and order" at what point do we allow so much supposed "acceptable normal" fester until we have no law but anarchy?"

Gordon sipped his coffee..."All I have in my mind right now is to help my boys so they don't re-offend or worse. No matter what? A parent must always protect their children and try to keep them on an even keel in life. If my Alex were to say ten years from now bring a boyfriend to the house? All I could do was try to make sure he knew what he was facing for the choices he made. But to be honest I don't think I'll have to really worry about Alex.....less than William."

Friday evening June 18, 2018 9:30pm

73 Russell Street Apartment 210

Will pulled away on the bed and sat with his hands over his penis...."No!"

Cathy sat smiling softly..."Will? Just a little bit?"

"No Cathy!" Will yelped. "I don't want a blow job ok? You'll trigger me up. And anyway?....letting you suck me just isn't right, how could you Dad even think of allowing all this?"

"Because my Dad doesn't run my life and because he understands how I feel about you...and I worry about you and I want to help you get over all the shit that's happened to you...."

Will replied. "But you sucking a dick to me is disrespecting you."

"But a guy sucking your dick was perfectly fine?" Cathy said smirking.

"That's different than a girl tiger whom I have deep feelings for." Will said with a shudder. "I won't have you going down on my prick like a two bit slut?"

"And if I did?" Cathy asked. "Who will you see? Me or Alex Binx?"

"Gnah...." Will sounded...."I'll see you ok? I'll feel your mouth and see your sweet face and I'll feel fucken awful about it! Even if all the shit that's happened to me....didn't happen? I still wouldn't let you suck my dick."

Cathy smiled as she came up and kissed Will's face...."Calm down there boy scout. I won't rape you tonight."

Friday evening June 18, 2018 10pm

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

"Pssst!......" Peter Quinn called to Alex as he lay in his bed, Mrs. Quinn had already gone into her room and was probably watching television till bedtime. The tiger cub had swept a path through the field of tacks in front of the bell festooned baby gate and stood making noises...

"Psst....Alex?" Peter called again.

"Mmmm....what? Peter? Will you go back to bed?" Alex snorted.

"Dude? We want to sleep with you." Peter said.

"No. Can't you take a hint dude?" Alex yelped. He then gave Peter a snort. "Man? Are you gay?"

"No dick face." Peter snapped back. "But me and Cabe think its' all bull shit that we come over for a sleep over and we can't sleep together...I mean like I said, like you're gonna harm a pair of tigers?"

"That's not the issue dude?" Alex yelped. "This is to protect everyone in the house ok? When I like "black out" I don't know what I'm doing ok? I could rip out your throat or's for your protection."

"Whatever dude." Peter snorted. "Do you trust us as friends or what?"

Alex down-casted his ears...."You know I do."

"Then there's no argument." Peter yelped. "We're coming in because we care about you make sure you don't hurt yourself."

Alex threw up his hands. "Then you guys get in trouble, don't drag me into it!"

Friday evening June 18, 2018 10 pm

Fred, Gordon, Chancy and Ricky at the Grendelton Denny's

Fred, Chancy and Gordon said goodbye to Ricky before getting in their car for the trip back to Ocean Pass...

"Whatever you get from Blinx, Gordon?" Fred said. "We'll go see my FBI contact after that and show him what we have. See if he'll help us out."

"Maybe I should go talk to the bastard?" Chancy snorted. "Trust me...I sure won't be fricken nice."

"That's why you won't talk to him." Gordon replied. "I've already talked to Brickton about it....Binx is mine."

Fred looked through the folder for a moment and pulled out a pair of sheets. "This leave Canopy Lake and whatever attachment it has to the case. I say you go see Binx? Me and Chancy will go to Canopy Lake."

"Sounds like we have a plan." Gordon replied.

Friday evening June 18, 2018 10:30pm

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

Peter Quinn and Alex sat together on Alex's bed with head lamps on their foreheads, both switched to red lights so as not to disturb Cabe as the young yellow tiger cub lay sleeping on a sleeping bag on the floor...

Alex giggled...."Mffffff....He's wearing....Teen Titan roos?"

"Don't dis my bro?" Peter said with a light slap. "So really?" Peter asked as he looked at the open doorway to the bedroom for a moment...."What was it like? You know? Sex?"

Alex pursed his lips back. "First? wasn't "sex" and second? I'm not going into details or does "sicko" not strike a match?"

Peter looked at his brother and smirked. "We've played around....a little. I mean not super serious but...we've played."

"If you want my advice Peter?" Alex said waving a hand..."I'd stop. Twins or no twins? Doing things with your bro? It's not going to end up good...or does my current problem not give a clue?"

Peter snickered back...."I'm willing to wait a few years? Kinda get the drift?"

Alex twisted his face...."Seriously?" When Peter smiled back, Alex huffed. "Pretty bold and stupid Pete. You wanna get me tossed in prison?!"

"I said I was willing to wait dude." Peter replied. "Look....who knows how the next few years will play? You might be a girl banging college stud in ten years and if that happens? loss. I won't be disappointed. But if you get solid in your ways? No loss there too huh?"

Alex cringed. "Pete? You better stay on your sleeping bag tonight? In fact? You better stay in it and don't sleep to heavy. Do you realize how damn dangerous you've made things for me now?"

Alex switched off his light and laid down with his back turned to Peter. "Dude? Go to sleep?" Alex huffed.

Friday evening June 18, 2018 11 pm

73 Russell Street Apartment 210

Cathy grimaced and coo'd as she felt two fingers work slowly over her clitoris and Will's warm breath washed over the back of the Tigress's neck along with a moist wet tongue that moved up from her neck, over and up an ear and ended with a pair of lips suckling an ear tip....

"Now...." Will said softly...."Me masturbating you pussy? I could see that happening quite clearly."

"Sigh....." Cathy gasped...."Mmmmm.....fuck....." She turned her head so she and Will could swap spit and lips between each other...."You got a nice hard on going?"

Will replied...."I got a nice tongue too."

Will slipped from behind Cathy and made her lay flat on the bed, pausing to have her spread her legs wide apart and for a moment slowly move her fingers over her own moist pussy....

"What should I do Cath?" Will asked as he sat on his knees on the bed before her. "Kinda give me an idea or two?"

Cathy took a deep breathed and growled lightly...."Why don't you eat me out?"

Will smiled back. "Make it sound a little more wanting girl?"

Cathy pulled her vaginal lips open wide..."I want to feel that awesome wolf tongue deep inside me...." The tigress said with a wanting desire on her face. Her tongue gently licking over her teeth..."Your play William?"

Will got on his stomach and gently began to touch the tip of his tongue to Cathy's clitorus, his slick muscle working over and around her hard button caused her to gasp and shudder as she arched and played with her nipples....

" know what you're doing....yeah...." Cathy moaned as she moved herself over Will's hungry tongue.

The Wolf raised his head up and panted softly...."You're still a virgin?" He asked as he lowered himself again and slipped his tongue deep into Cathy's cunt.

"Mmmmm yeah...." Cathy replied as she closed her muscles around the slick invader of her feline womb...."Mmmmm!....huh.....oh your awesome Will...." She cried softly as she spasmed to an orgasm and held Will's head in place...his lips moving over her velvet folds as she soaked him with vaginal juices...

"'re a wild little kitty?" Will said as he backed up, wiped his lips, licked his maw and returned to feasting on the crying tigress....

"I love how you feel inside me Will....." Cathy gushed as she spread her legs wide apart to give Will all the access to her he desired..."I know it wouldn't work?....but I'd rather have you than another cat..." Cathy said as she wrapped her hands in the sheets and gasped hard as Will speared deep into her love tunnel..."Gasping"...."You wanna take me Will?" Cathy asked. "You wanna take this little cat bitch for a ride?"

Will emerged with his tongue drooling heavily from its' tunnel traveling. He licked his lips clean of her spew and lay on top of her panting...."Not yet....I'm in no rush to pick the pedals of a wonderful tiger flower." He said as he softly kissed and suckled a nipple.

Cathy panted as well. She took Will's cheeks and pulled on them playfully..."William Gray you silly fucken boy scout."

"Better a boy scout than a dirty perv." Will replied. "Mmmm....I'm fucken hard for you so I guess therapy is progressing nicely huh?"

Friday evening June 18, 2018 11:45pm

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

Gordon came through the front door and did'nt care for much else except his bed, he was so tired. For a moment he thought of checking in on Alex but with the baby gate up and the tacks spread in the hall way...he wasn't worrying though he was hoping nothing would happen...

He came into the bedroom to find Grace out like a light. He took a moment to give her an affectionate kiss and a loving snuggle before taking his clothes off and slipping into the bed on his side. For sure tomorrow was going to be a taxing day.


Cabe felt the snuggle and lick of his brother on his neck and he wrapped his arms around him tightly. Playing around or not, the two tiger cubs had always been close. Cabe reciprocated to his brother's affection with a kiss on his snoot then a love pet of his soft hair tuft...

Then came another sound....a low growl in the dark....a growl like a dog's growl.....

"Mmmfff?...." Cabe said as he slowly awake from his groggy feeling and felt around for the head lamp..."Mmmm...fuck...uh.....Alex?" The tiger cub said as he felt the head lamp, clicked it on and swing it towards Alex's bed....

The face that met him was snarling angry with saliva dripping teeth and a ferocious look of kill.

"Oh fuck!" Cabe snapped as he kicked his brother awake. "Fuck! Bro? Bro?" Cabe snapped as he pulled Peter awake by his arm...

"What?!" Peter snapped as he shook his head. Alex had gone four legged and feral. He had a maddened look on his face and he jumped from the bed and landed in a stalking position as if coiled for a strike...his K-9 claws were all extended...

Peter got in front of his brother and whipped out his tiger claws, giving Alex a hiss in reply...."Cabe? Stay behind me? And don't scream or he'll fricken pounce us."

"What the fuck bro?!" Cabe yelped.

"It's not him dude...remember? He has these black outs in his slowly? Back up?" Peter said as he pushed his brother towards the baby gate and held his hands out to Alex....

"Alex? It's me dude? It's Peter....I don't want to hurt you man, don't do this? Come on Alex....snap out of this man?" Peter begged.

Alex snarled and barked as he walked around in a low crouch, his teeth bare, his eyes sinister, his rear end hunched low...he was going to strike for sure....

The sound of heavy foot falls outside the bedroom were a relief and Gordon had to stop short to get on his hands and knees to frantically brush aside the tacks on the floor....!

"Peter Quinn what the fuck are you doing here?!" Gordon snapped as he inched forwards.

"It's all my fault Mister G!" Peter replied. "I snuck in and brought my brother! We were tired of Alex being shut up! Um.....bad idea I guess?!"

"What's happening?!" Gordon screamed out. Just then he heard what sounded like a dog attacking something and then a loud painful sound of a dog in retreat after getting itself hurt....

"Alex has gone feral!" Peter yelped. "I'm sorry Mister G! I just swiped him and he's backed off....but he's not coming out of whatever he is!"

Gordon quickly covered the last few feet and stood at the baby gate shocked at Alex's appearance. The young wolf was indeed looking feral and crazy! His hair was all bristled and he'd gotten Peter good on the shoulder but Peter had swiped him good on the snoot...

The smell of cat piss told the obvious level of fear. Gordon reached over the gate for Cabe Quinn...."Cabe? Come to me slowly?" Gordon begged. Cabe jumped just as Alex leaped at him and got side tackled by Peter who was now wrapped up in a bitter scratch and bite fight as Gordon bounded the gate!"

There was nothing Gordon could do as his son locked his jaws on Peter Quinn's neck than to punch him hard in the chin, knocking the wolf cub out and separating him from his prey...

"Gasp" "Peter? Son you look at me...." Gordon begged. "Look at me Peter...."

End of part 6

Brought into the Light: part 7: Sheath and Knife fan fiction

Brought into the light An Alex and Will Fan fiction by Dan 1966. Will and Alex's little adventure comes to an end. Part 7 Saturday Morning June 19, 2018 4am Ocean Pass St. Mary's Emergency Hospital Quinn found Gordon sitting...

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Scratch: An Astro Boy beastiality fiction

Scratch An Astro/Atlas boy shota Dan1966 and Atom Yaoi (boy on boy, boy/dog mating)? It had been a week since the rescue of Astro from the clutches of the KEHL (Keep Earth Human League) leaders and he decided to finally go see where Atlas had...

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Brought into the Light; part 5: Sheath and Knife Fiction.

Brought into the light An Alex and Will Fan fiction by Dan 1966. Will and Alex's little adventure comes to an end. Part 5 Friday morning June 18, 2018 2:00 am 87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family Alex...

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