The Band (Part 1)

Story by Segra on SoFurry

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Hey guys this is my very first yiff/softcore story i have ever made so please be nice. i will be making a fallowup with yiff. so be nice please =) thank you


There was a dragon named Slighter who lived in a small village. He was different from the rest of the kids in his neighborhood, first off, because he loved metal, yes, the music. He was also in a band called "In the Flames of Trivium". They cover bads such as In flames and Trivium (obviously) but he also had some other idols that made him want to be the best lead guitarest ever where Alexi Laiho, Mitchal Padge, Jimi Hindrix, the whole band of Metallica, and Iron Maiden, not to mention As i Lay Dying.

He loved Bullet For my Valentine. he knew all of their songs lyrics fornt to back. "When I see your face my HEARTS BURST IN TO FIRE!!!!! HEARTS BURST IN TO FIRE!!!! YOUR NOT ALONE...." Slighter loved to sing out loud when no one was home but he had nothing else to do except sing, because the rest of the band was about to arrive. First to arrive was Wes, the cool slim vixen who played rythem guitar for the band. "Hey Wes whats going on?" Slighter said as Wes entered the living room. "Not much, I layed down some new tracks I think your going to like them... Alot." "Sweet, but show them when the whole band gets here" Slighter said motioning Wes to a chair in the side of the room. Three minutes later, Shyrik, the bassist, arrived. She was a dragon as well, and Slighter thaught she was the most beautiful dragoness in the world. She had a red body with a green stomach, and a pretty nice set of D breasts. Slighter liked her when they even first mad the band, a year a go. "Hey Shyrik, sit right here Wes laid down some new tracks on his laptop he will play them when Drake gets here." "Oh Jesus we are still waiting for that no good drummer of ours" she said with a smile. Yes Drake was our drummer, and would always arive late. So they grabbed a seat waiting for Drake, while Slighter got some beers out of the fridge. "Here" he said, "We are going to be here a while." Yes he was right 25 minutes later, Drake arived. "Im sorry im late, I uh... uh... I was driving you see, and my car, it fliped into the ditch, and my seat belt and i was stuck under the huge rock!" "Yea its always somthing, isnt it Drake?" Said Shyrik. "Yes it is! Thanks for understanding" Drake replied with a smile.

So they all went upstairs to the record room, where Wes showed off some of his new stuff. Riff after riff, Slighters mouth got wider and wider. After a good three minutes, Slighter finally replied with "Uh... Wow... Wow... Ok... Thats different. Where did you learn to play like that Wes? I mean Jesus a week went by and you have already changed your style? Im impressed!" "Well you know i went out and baught some of the old old trivium stuff and this is what I came up with, yeah its pretty sweet i thaught" Wes said. "Hell ya, lets lay down some stuff over it" said Drake. "Did you all forget, remember we had that cover song to finesh by In Flames... You know... Dead End..." Shyrik said. "Oh yeah!" They all replied "Here let me pull it up and see what we got.

After about three minutes of listening they have part of the vocals layed down. More like a bit. More like a couple lines. Only Shyrik's part at the start. Slighter listened to it again:

Save all your prayers,

I think we're lost today,

There's no morning after,

No one's around to blame

Yes that was it. None the less, she did have one of the most beutiful voices he had ever heard. "It sounds like we have all of rythem, bass, drumms and lead. Now all i need to do is lay down the rest of the vocals and we are done!" Slighter said as he walked into the record booth. "Ok Slighter we are recording." Shyrik said. Slighter screamed his way through the rest of the song, and they ended up with a master peice.

It was now about 7:30, and the band wanted to take a break listening to some of the old Trivium albums that Wes baught. Shyrik sat on one end of the couch, and Slight layed down on the rest of the couch placing his head in her lap looking up at her smiling.

They listened to the whole first album, and Shyrik looked down to find that Slighter was fast asleep. 'Awe dont you look cute asleep like that' Shyrik thaught as she woke him. "Hey, wake up." Slighter sat up, "huh? oh yea i must have dozed off h..." he was sudenly stopped by Shyrik when she pressed her lips agenst his making a long intamate kiss. There tounges wraped around each other saliva driping down each others mouth. Into his mouth out of his mouth into her mouth. It was a free for all, and Slighter, without thinking raised his hand and squezed the lump in his hand. he moved his other hand down to find her panties and rubbed until his hand was wet from the warm juices of her pussy. after a five minute kiss, there was a long pause where Slighter thaught 'i wasnt chewing gum before this... SWEET' Shyrik looked at him and smiled.


end of part 1. part 2 will have yiff hard core stuff in it rate and comment but... be nice its my firest story!