Holiday in Sugar Cane IV

Story by IronScales on SoFurry

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#4 of Holiday in Sugar Cane

Holiday in Sugar Cane IV



Whew this was fun, please comment and give me suggestions. I hope you enjoy and Ill have V up in a couple of days.

Kyle's phone began the arduous process of waking the two wolves out of their sound sleep at four thirty the next morning and as he did every day Kyle snatched it up, cursed its existence, and hit the snooze button.

Five minutes later the process started up again so the young red male shut it off and nearly sat up until he remembered what had happened the previous night and that Hanna was cuddled up tightly against him. Well, more around him now. Hanna was lying on her side pressed as close as possible to Kyle. Her head was resting on his broad chest, her long skinny legs were wrapped around his right leg and her fingers had found their way to rest in the fur on his stomach.

Kyle laughed to himself seeing her like this. It reminded him of the time twelve years ago in this very camper where their cousin Mark had told them the story of The Wraith In The Creek and both of them were too scared to go anywhere without the other and Hanna had clung to him just like this while she slept. For several long minutes he stared at the small frame clinging to him until he remembered that they both would soon be missed and someone would come looking for them, they had much work to do and there was no such thing as a sick day in the eyes of the clan.

He tried wiggling free to dress himself but Hanna's death grip was very impressive so he resorted to a sweeter alternative. His paw found its way up to the top of her head where he started to scratch behind her ears with mounting vigor. Her right foot started twitching and she nuzzled her head further into the male's chest while murring with delight. Finally her eyes fluttered open and she sat up blinking the still evident sleepiness from her eyes and as she turned to face Kyle who had taken the opportunity to sit up on the edge of the bed and she lit up immediately.

Hanna squealed and sprang forward tackling Kyle with a squeal of pure joy while the male (still not fully awake) took the brunt of the assault with a loud OOF and a crash as they both tumbled to the floor. Kyle laughed after recovering and stood up and started laughing even harder. Hanna had attached herself to him again around his stomach by hooking her arms and legs together behind his back and she was smiling up at him, tail swinging happily back and forth.

"And to think this cute little wolf had just recently scolded me for acting like a cub." He smiled down at her and sat her on the bed, putting his paws on her knees and kissed her on the nose. Her smile just kept growing. "What?!"

"I like you better naked." Was all she said as she reached her small paws up behind his neck and pulled him into a deep kiss. Their tongues intertwined and danced around in each other's mouths, enjoying every taste and feeling. Kyle stroked up her thighs and let one paw squeeze lightly on Hanna's firm bottom as the other traced up her spine making her shudder slightly and murr into her mate while her paws rubbed and traced the muscles under his chest fur. They were in a state of absolute bliss when suddenly they were unceremoniously shaken from their trance.


The two lovers jumped and Hanna pulled the covers up around herself while Kyle simply stood up at attention out of instinct.

"All right pups get up! You're both late and the elders will give you a good thumping if you don't get your tails in gear!" yelled a firm female voice from outside and the two heard footsteps leading away from the camper.

"Well, the Sugar Cane Nazis have finally come for us" smiled the male tossing Hanna the set of clothes that she had laid out the night before and started to get dressed himself. "We best get moving."

"Worse than Nazis; that was my mom" laughed Hanna as she pulled on her underwear.

Kyle couldn't help watching as Hanna pulled the pair of light blue panties over her frame that caressed her curves oh so nicely and outlined her sex, giving her a slight camel toe. Kyle had to shake his head to regain his focus and pull the tight black Disturbed shirt over himself and the two finished dressing, both completely unaware that the other was casting lustful glances over their new lover's delightful bodies.

After finishing they shared a briefer kiss and headed out of their camper and took off at a jog out of the clearing where they stayed and had a friendly race all the way to the common-grounds of his uncle's farm where the festival and the day's work and games are held.

They arrived a few minutes later and received their assignments for the day, but not before Harvey, the oldest living father in the clan and head elder scolded the two for their lateness. They were adults after all and Kyle was expected to lead the teen's group in today's combat training in order to remain ready for any circumstance that may arise because it was not at all uncommon for clans to go to war. So they start training young and at least twice a week; even the festival didn't excuse the clan members from they're training. (He had been exposed to what had become known as the War of Teeth at a young age because it had claimed his mother and he had become one of the most skilled killers that the clan had to offer since his first battle) Hanna had a less stressful job for the day but by no means less important to the clan; she was to "show the culture" of the clan as it was said. She was to help with the musician's tent, playing various instruments and singing folk songs for the visiting furs as well as demonstrating the importance of being well rounded to the clan. Everyone in the clan was expected to become adept at all aspects of clan life; be it fighting, music, storytelling, cooking, or caring for cubs it was all required and while the clan did have its stars at each of the aspects, everyone was expected to participate in other things as well.

After the lecture the two hugged each other and headed off to their respective jobs and set to the days tasks without hesitation.

Hanna picked her way through the crowd quickly to the large tent that sheltered the day's musicians as well as the story tellers, singers, artists, and other performers that were already in mid performance. Brian and Sara were performing a complicated and fast paced dance for a large number of spectators. Hanna giggled remembering how much Brian hated dancing and seeing this he cast her a nasty look that made her laugh out loud.

"Hanna! HANNA!"

She spun just in time to catch a violin that was thrust in her face by a small gray lapin with a massive smile on his face and a large drum around his waist.

"Hey there Steven" Hanna smiled at the small gray rabbit. "No training today?"

"Naw, that's ok though. I like music days better anyway." He held up his sticks and drum. "Oh, we were gonna start the Silver Moon song and we need a fiddle, c'mon! It's my favorite!" Still grinning he grabbed her paw and led her to the stage and they started the up-beat tune, Hanna making the violin sing like a professional and the growing crowd loving every moment as much as she was.

Kyle effortlessly brushed aside a heavy blow from a fourteen year old wolf named Leon and retaliated with a swift kick to the young teens ankle which sent him to the ground and he ducked out of the way of a roundhouse kick from an eighteen year old wolf named Kia and he caught her ankle only to throw her over his shoulder, landing heavily on her back.

"Alright cubs fall in!"

The thirty battered and bruised teens lined up almost instantly. They had all been trying to do in their teacher for the past three hours and they had all wound up on their tails and backs, not a single blow had been landed on the red wolf and he had finished off most of them in one or two attacks. Leon had done the best today, lasting a full twelve seconds in one of the one on one matches. Kyle was exceedingly proud of their vastly improving skills but there was a nasty attitude in the air that had to be dealt with. Among the chatter that ensued he heard several conversations.

"Dude I almost had him!" Whispered a large blue rabbit named Damon.

"Oh shut up Damon, you couldn't even hold your own in the ten on one." retorted Kia.

"THAT'S CAUSE IT WAS JUST KYLE!" shouted the blue lapin.

"Yeah I can't wait till the next war so I can draw my first blood!" another said anxiously.

Kyle had heard enough. "QUIET!" he barked so loud that it made some birds overhead take flight and there was instant silence in the ranks. "War is inevitable and telling you that I hope you won't have to experience it would be a waste. Our clan was designed for war thousands of years ago by our ancestors and the clans of their enemies still live and grow every day."

"So why don't we take the fight to them?" a young tiger named Lee asked.

"They are too many to take them all." said Kyle simply. "One thing our ancestors did very well was tick off the most powerful clans they could to test their fighting prowess. Unfortunately clans also have a very long memory and while we seek peace with many of them most want nothing to do with peace."

"So the great Kyle, who fought like a feral in the War of Teeth, and cut down more warriors than our elders doesn't like war?" sneered Kia. (She had also been in the War of Teeth but unlike Kyle she was a medic, not a combatant.)

Kyle did his best to hide the snarl building up but failed and sixty ears were immediately plastered to the heads of their owners as his paws curled into fists and his white teeth started to show. "I fight when I must and kill when necessary. Sixty minute break and make sure your tails are back here on time." With that Kyle turned on his heels and left the terrified students visibly shaken.

Kyle drove his hardened fist into an old oak tree in the clearing about half a mile from the training grounds. A fourteen year old raccoon, an old Doberman, a black wolf his own age, the faces that belonged seventy three lives. Every one vividly displayed, burned into his mind. Some he only saw only briefly during the War of Teeth. Many, he saw the very life leave their eyes. Lives that he took with his claws, his teeth, his spear. Every memory played again and again, he relived the death and blood. The oak now wore the marks of relentless clawing and strikes.

"You fought in the war honorably Kyle. I know all too well what you're seeing and feeling."

Kyle didn't turn around. "How did you find me?"

"You're my son, and I remember coming here as a cub when I was troubled. Weird how you found the same clearing, aye?"

Kyle turned to his father and smiled through his tears up at the larger wolf as he continued to stride toward his son. His dad stood at a daunting six foot eight and was the definition of masculinity. Broad shoulders and muscles stacked on muscles underneath the red colored pelt that he had passed to his son. He had a black vine like birthmark that started in the center of his forehead and ran down his strong back to the tip of his tail and a wicked looking scar on the left side of his face and neck that he had received during the War of Teeth. He had taught Kyle everything he had learned and had saved his tail more times than Kyle could count; Kyle was the son of the greatest warrior the clan had ever known.

Kyle's father reached him and placed his heavy paws on his shoulders and flashed a smile that could have melted stone. Despite everything he was always friendly and loving around his family and Kyle was suddenly picked up and crushed in his father's massive arms.

"By the ancestors you get bigger everyday!" laughed his father and Kyle felt his back and ribs pop repeatedly.

"Can't breathe can't breathe....."

As soon as he had been picked up his father dropped him still laughing.

"Ugh, now I know how Hanna feels."

"Oh do you think you could go a round with your old man?"

"What?" asked Kyle dryly. He had sparred with his father before on numerous occasions but whenever he asked if Kyle wanted to it meant he had an ulterior motive. If it involved training (which it almost always did) there was no choice involved. "What's the catch?"

"It's quite simple" he said still smiling. "The elders want to see you fight at your best."

Kyle knew where this was going and was actually getting annoyed with it. His father wanted nothing more than for his son to move up in the ranks of the clan to take his place after he was gone and while Kyle did desire to eventually lead the clan's army during times of war, he had no intention of doing so anytime soon. He wanted Hanna right now. One step at a time he thought to himself. He checked his phone, still twenty minutes till the break was over. Nows as good a time as any I suppose.

"That's fine dad but we need to take care of something first."

"Oh? And what might that be?"

"We need to find Hanna first. Follow me." And the two took off at breakneck speed toward the common grounds and hopefully an ally.