Lion and the Lab: Part 1

Story by Seracen on SoFurry

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#1 of Lion and the Lab

This is the beginning of a serialised story that I began almost a year ago for a friend! She decided that it was time to post it, so here's the first part. As a serialised story, there's lots of small chapters, only around a thousand words or so. I'll release them periodically, so enjoy! Unfortunately, due to content, I can't post them on Patreon. Speaking of, this is a story written specifically to explore all of Kanya's kinks and fetishes, so there'll be a lot packed in through the chapters, and perhaps some more extreme kinks later on. So, if you like one part, you might not like the others.

This first part is a nice introduction! Kanya, a lioness, is sneaking around Watcher Labs, hoping to get a look. But she doesn't know that trespassing on the property makes one property! She's caught and a whole life of degradation, bondage, and pervertedness awaits... Not much in this part but just you wait.

Kanya is only on SoFurry and can be found here. Her posting of the story can be found here! Give her some attention :)

This story wasn't available early but others are on my Patreon!

Go there to see stories earlier as well as some other perks!

The dragon waited at the loading bay for this section of the Labs, ticking off each shipment as it arrived. It was a pretty boring job, but there were benefits on occasion. He had the prestige of working at the Labs and the pay was good, not to mention a bonus every time he caught someone on the property.

He grinned as he looked out over the wide, grassy area beyond the loading bay. Kids, the homeless, competitors, they all thought the loading bay the least guarded part of the Labs and came up to either try to get in or to have a look. Either way, once they were on the property, they were property: property of Watcher Labs.

Another truck pulled up and then another three after that; the dragon was busy for most of the afternoon with those. When the last of the cargo had been taken inside for storage, he sat back on his chair, yawning and looking at the clock on the wall. His shift was almost over, but he couldn't clock out until his replacement arrived. With any luck, he'd get a little overtime at the very least.

He had yawned again when he spied movement in the grass. There were slow, rolling depressions, giving someone the opportunity to sneak fairly close. The fading light of the afternoon had illuminated something moving out there. The dragon smiled; something good was here to end the day. The bay was mostly unlighted and he was sitting in deep shadow. Whoever was out there wouldn't be able to see him. Keeping perfectly still, he watched as the shape continued to move closer in the grass. Some kind of feline, he noted.

He knew the distance between here and the property line very well, as well as how fast he could run. If he moved now, the feline -- a lioness, he decided -- might be able to make it out before he caught her. But, soon she would be close, too close to escape once he acted. So, he stayed still, watching. She must have been in the 'curious kids' category; probably just wanted a closer look at the big, imposing buildings. He smiled softly; that would cost her, and would net him a good, fat pay-cheque.

The lioness slowly came closer, obviously trying to hide in the semi long grass. It was cut less often for this purpose, although it didn't conceal her as well as she thought it did. She stopped on the edge of where the lawn was neatly cut and it was then that the dragon acted. He leapt up from his seat, sprinting for the intruding cat. The intruder's eyes widened at the sudden movement, realising that she'd been seen. She scrambled backwards, rising to her feet and turning to run, but it was far too late.

The dragon was almost disappointed. One cat, a spry cheetah, had made it all the way back to the fence by the time he'd caught her. This one had barely taken ten steps when his hand closed around the back of her neck, stopping her desperate run immediately. She made a small "hurk!" sound as he grabbed her, the dragon lifting her off her feet easily. She was young, the dragon saw, though not a child; definitely late teens, and was most certainly a lioness. He hoped that those were in short supply; that would give an even bigger bonus.

"You are trespassing," he growled, trying to keep the glee out of his voice, "on Watcher Labs property." He turned, dragging her with him and began to walk back towards the buildings.

"I'm sorry!" the lioness whimpered, stumbling. "Please, just let me go! I'll leave, I swear!" She began to struggle against his grip and the dragon tightened it with a grunt.

"Stop that!" he snapped, thinking up a lie to tell. "We're...we're just going to go to someone in charge, and then you can leave!"

That quieted her down a little, although she was still whimpering a little and squirming. The dragon knew that she would run the first chance she got so he held on tightly to her neck as they stepped onto a path that led into Watcher Labs. He swiped a card at the door at the end of it, grinning now as he pushed the lioness inside and then slammed it behind her, the lock beeping as the door sealed itself.

The dragon was already thinking of what he'd spend his bonus on.

Lion and the Lab: Part 2

Kanya had hoped to get in, have a look, and get out before anyone even knew that she was there. It hadn't worked out that way. A dragon had run out of nowhere and grabbed her by the neck! No matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't break free. Panic...

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Punishment in the Square

"That's it," Raven purred, her tail curving up and around. The dragoness next to her whined, a heavy collar around her neck, as the tailtip penetrated her pussy. "Ooh, you're already wet." She walked forwards, tugging her tail free. Her slave, named...

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How to Charm Your Snek

Ikani slithered across the ground, the naga's top half protected from the cool wind by a latex jacket. The rubbery material was _just_ okay to wear out in public, and the style matched her scales so well that she just had to wear it, never mind that...

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