Lion and the Lab: Part 2

Story by Seracen on SoFurry

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#4 of Lion and the Lab

This is part of a serialised story that I began almost a year ago for a friend! She decided that it was time to post it. As a serialised story, there's lots of small chapters, only around a thousand words or so. I'll release them periodically, so enjoy! This is a story written specifically to explore all of Kanya's kinks and fetishes, so there'll be a lot packed in through the chapters, and perhaps some more extreme kinks later on. So, if you like one part, you might not like the others.

The poor lioness has been pushed into the processing room of Watcher Labs! There's a lovely rubber that they use to disinfect and de-clothe all of the subjects but it'll also have some naughtier purposes later on...

Kanya is only on SoFurry and can be found here. Her posting of the first part can be found here! Give her some attention :)

This story wasn't available early but others are on my Patreon!

Go there to see stories earlier as well as some other perks!

Kanya had hoped to get in, have a look, and get out before anyone even knew that she was there. It hadn't worked out that way. A dragon had run out of nowhere and grabbed her by the neck! No matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't break free. Panic began to swell inside the lioness; she'd heard stories of people disappearing in the Labs, although she'd never believed it. Who would?

She was dragged towards the building, unable to stop it at all. The dragon was way too strong. "I'm sorry!" she whimpered and said anything she could think of, promising never to come back if they'd just let her leave.

The dragon snarled at her to stop the thrashing, and she did so, her ears flattening with fear. "We're just going to see someone in charge, and then you can leave!" the dragon shouted at her.

That made Kanya calm down a bit. I can leave after that? she thought to herself, and her heart calmed a little. So, she wasn't going to be kidnapped. She still whimpered and squirmed against the tight hold on the scruff of her neck. It was uncomfortable to say the least. They approached a small door off to one side of the main doors, Kanya looking apprehensively at the door. Who were they going to meet? Was anything going to happen to her? Arrested, maybe? Sent to prison?

The dragon shoved her through the door, the lioness gasping as the strong pressure on her neck was released. Before she could react, it was slammed shut behind her and Kanya could hear the lock beep. She was momentarily confused. Wasn't the dragon coming with her? Hesitantly, she pushed at the opening with her palms, but it didn't so much as budge. There was no sound from beyond, even when Kanya said, "Hello?"

She turned, looking down the hall. It was a small, very narrow corridor. The roof was only a little above the lioness's head and the walls pressed in close on both sides. She gulped, feeling a little claustrophobic. There was only one way to go though: forwards. Kanya moved forwards timidly. The dragon obviously hadn't been truthful; he wasn't taking her to see anyone right now.

The corridor she was in made several sharp right angles until she was completely and utterly confused as to where she was in the building. She could have been deep inside the Labs or right next to the loading bay again. There were no doors or branches coming off from the hallway, which Kanya found a bit strange. Where is it taking me?

Eventually, the hallway simply...ended. The walls simply curved into a minuscule circle, just large enough for the lioness to stand in. It was like a tiny room, only big enough for one person. Thoroughly confused now, Kanya pressed her hands against the far side of the circle. Was there a hidden door or something, a way to get out?

A hiss of compressed air filled the room, the sound loud in the confined space. Kanya jumped and whirled, in time to see a carved sheet of glass or plastic curving across the way she had come. "No!" she cried out, and tried to slip past it, back into the relative safety of the corridor, but the glass was too fast. She got an arm through before snatching it back, fearing that it would be cut off or crushed. The glass slid into place, locking the lioness into the tiny space. It wasn't even wide enough to spread her arms to their full length.

She cried out, her heart hammering away now. The claustrophobia was making her begin to panic. What if she was left here? She put her palms on opposite walls and pushed, trying to find something that would open or give, but nothing did. There was another hissing sound and Kanya looked down quickly. "What now?!" she shouted, speaking to anyone that could hear her.

Three small holes had opened in the middle of the floor, right in the middle of the little cylinder that the lioness was currently trapped in. From out of them came a thick, black liquid, rising up and pooling on the floor. Kanya wrinkled her nose at a strong scent that emanated from the stuff, standing as far back as she could so as not to put her feet in it. it some kind of rubber or something? The lioness thought she recognised the smell but had no idea what she was meant to do.

The puddle on the floor slowly grew and the lioness pressed herself harder against the wall, standing on her toes to stay out of the black spreading along the floor but it wasn't something that she could do forever. She pushed hard against the unyielding surface but eventually the black stuff touched one of the claws on her feet. She made a scared, surprised sound as it acted differently than normal liquid. It clung to the claw and then began to move, as though pulling itself, spreading over her foot. "What? No!" she said, and bent quickly to try and scrap it off.

That was the wrong move to make. She became unbalanced, falling forwards and having to put out a foot to steady herself, right in the middle of the puddle. The black latex covered her foot instantly and then began to run up her leg. "No!" Kanya tried to prise the stuff of her fur with her fingers, digging her claws beneath the surface but it was no use. Instead, it began to cover her hand as well.

"Ah!" she said, standing up tall again, watching in terrified amazement as the blackness climbed up her legs and hand. It seemed to dissolve her clothes but left her fur and skin untouched, making it truly skintight. Kanya could only watch in shock as it crawled higher, the puddle leaving the floor as it gathered on her.

It dissolved her pants and underwear in moments, but the bit on her hand had changed. It pulled her fingers in together, forcing them into a fist that was then sealed tightly. Now it was up to her navel, and dissolving her shirt, Kanya forced to watch, unable to do anything to stop the inexorable spread. From the waist down, it looked like she was made of shiny black latex, the thin material not hiding anything. She blushed when she saw it had formed over her sex as well, maybe even recreating it a little. Her folds were entirely visible, although as black as the rest of her lower body.

The latex moved more quickly now and the floor was clean. It reached her other arm and covered it too, her other hand quickly becoming useless. It was nothing more than a small ball now, even her claws locked away. That didn't stop her from rubbing them along her chest, trying to stop the spread but only making soft squeaking noises as the latex rubbed against itself. Everything from the neck down was covered, but it still hadn't stopped moving.

There was a slight tickling sensation as it ran over her jaw, Kanya desperately tilting her head back to try and keep it away from her mouth and nose. It's going to suffocate me! she though in a panic, trying to stop the latex as it crawled higher over her body. Her mouth was clamped tightly shut but the latex didn't care. It simply grew over her lips, keeping her muzzle tightly shut and forcing the lioness to gasp through her nose. For a moment, she feared that that would be covered as well, but breath after breath filled her lungs as she waited, even as it crept higher towards her eyes.

She shut her eyes, a quiet, muffled whimper escaping her as she lost her sight, rubbing her mittened hands uselessly against her face. The squeaks dulled a moment later as her ears were covered, not even a strand of fur left outside the latex. Blind and mewling quietly, she rubbed futilely at the stuff covering her, desperate to remove it.

A rumbling broke the silence and the lioness gave a frightened squeak, stumbling forwards. She stretched out her bound hands to catch herself on the wall, but the wall wasn't there anymore and she fell to her knees instead, arms breaking her fall somewhat and the latex padding her. The wall is gone! I must be out of that horrible tiny room!

"Well, well," a voice said, slightly distorted by the latex covering her ears. She let out another mewl of fear, jerking blindly away. "Another intruder..."

Lion and the Lab: Part 3

Hearing another person made the lioness's heart jump in relief and fear. She turned her covered face towards where she thought she had heard the voice come from and crawled forwards on her hands and knees, mewing through her closed jaws. Her nosed...

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Lion and the Lab: Part 1

The dragon waited at the loading bay for this section of the Labs, ticking off each shipment as it arrived. It was a pretty boring job, but there were benefits on occasion. He had the prestige of working at the Labs and the pay was good, not to mention...

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Punishment in the Square

"That's it," Raven purred, her tail curving up and around. The dragoness next to her whined, a heavy collar around her neck, as the tailtip penetrated her pussy. "Ooh, you're already wet." She walked forwards, tugging her tail free. Her slave, named...

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