Brought into the Light: part 10: Sheath and Knife fan fiction

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#12 of Sheath fictions

part 10 of Brought into the Light

Brought into the light An Alex and Will Fan fiction

by Dan 1966.

Will and Alex's little adventure comes to an end.

Part 10

Note on a character use: Samaliel, the arctic fox and FBI agent, is the character owned by the Canadian artist Pentrep from and is used with his permission under agreement. No attempt will be made to use this character for monetary purposes and will be used respectful of Pentrep's wishes.

Monday morning June 21, 2018 2am Ocean Pass

Special Cases Holding Facility a.k.a. "A Pound"

alex: : ) hi

Peter: : ) hey

alex: U sure this is safe?

peter: Yeah...I got the phones under me and bro's name

alex: Cool how u slip it in

peter: They don't chk cubs

alex: I'm lonely

peter: So BS what they do to you.

alex: It's for evry 1s good

peter: I don't wanna trigger you. Serious though...I can wait till 18...

alex: Wish it didn't be that way : (

peter: XXXX hugs....lick kiss

alex: sigh : ) xxxxx hugs

peter: Do they search your room?

alex: No but better be safe

peter: : ( If anything happened to you? I would die.

alex: I'll be fine. I luv family. I miss Will.

peter: lick kiss....snugs

alex: tone down the stuff ok?

peter: This sucks!

alex: Think my bro will marry your sis?

peter: hmph....think your bro will screw my sis?

alex: call that a conclusion

peter: LMFFAO!!!

alex: Gonna go to sleep now....dream bout you.

peter: Same here

alex: Lick kiss......lov you.

peter: Lick kiss....lov you. Sleep ok? alex: mmmm...I will.

Monday morning June 21, 2018 2am Ocean Pass

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

Will fell out of his bed gasping heavily, his attempts at breathing cut short by the horror that jolted him from his dead sleep. He'd stopped breathing! He crawled over the floor struggling for air, his face screwed, his eyes hurting....finally he passed out and moments later thankfully...breath returned to him as he lay on his back...

Now at the kitchen table...Will sat drinking a bottle of water as his mother pressed a soaking cold dish cloth to his head..."Are you feeling better?" She asked as she kissed him...

"Yes..." Will replied as he snuggled Grace...

"What caused it?" Gordon asked as he sat across from his son.

Will hesitated at first....then sighed...." first time with Alex Binx?...wasn't consensual..." He said.

Gordon looked at Grace...."I don't think we need to...."

"I'm not a pussy ass Dad." Will replied. "It was the first time Alex invited me over to his house. I wasn't planning to do anything....honest. Up to that point I wasn't comfortable going farther than......." Will looked at his parents. "Than oral sex."

"We drank beers in his living room...that's when I realized he....roofee'd the cup...I tried to leave but he pushed me back into the house and started to beat the shit out of me. He stripped me naked....threw me on the couch and raped me....a couple times? I was dark when I got up. He told me he took fucken pictures and that if I opened my fucken mouth? He'd send em all over the place. That I had better come back when he wanted me.....(sobbing)

Will buried his face into his arms..."The worse fucken thing about I told Alex I enjoyed it! And I was fucking him up the ass!"

Will threw the water bottle across the room......"FUCK!"....(crying)......FUCK!"

The teen wolf slipped off his chair and fell against a wall...."Oh my gawd.....oh my gawd.....(crying)...."

Grace dropped and hugged her son tight..."Will....? We're here for you. We're here for you no matter you understand?"

"I don't fucken deserve you Mom!" Will yelped as he pushed Grace back. "I'm fucken scum! I raped my little brother! I'm fucken scum!"

Gordon snatched Will up and pushed him into the his son a slap in the face as Grace paniced....

"Gordon! Gordon....don't hurt him....." Grace yelped as she held her husband's arm.

"Grace?" Gordon replied with a loving touch as he slowly pushed her back. He then looked at Will sternly....

"I don't EVER want to hear those miserable words from your mouth ever again.... William." Gordon said with a pointing finger.

Will sobbed...."Dad? I was weak...I let him.....I let him....."

"And we hurt with you son." Gordon replied. "Your mother and I hurt every damn minute with you. We ache for you. We cry for the both of you and of you. That? Is something that miserable mutt never had a day in his damned life."

Will looked away in shame but his father turned his face back...."Look at me when I talk to son. You are "my" son. You're not Alex Binx's little fucken are MY son and My sons are not weak and they are not scum."

Gordon pulled Will into a tight hug. "I'll be damned to hell if I let some slime bag, messed up mutt take my cubs from me without a fight. You couldn't fight then? We I'm fighting for you don't you quit on your old man yet Will...we'll get through this shit together no matter what happens....we will get through this shit....together."

Will wiped his face...."I'm tired.....I'm so tired....." He said.

Gordon scooped up his son and carried him to his parents room. "Then you need a good nights sleep don't you?"

Will looked at his father..."You're kidding?"

"What?" Gordon replied. "You don't like good memories?"

"But Dad? This is.....well....I'm 19? Sleeping with my parents?" Will huffed as Gordon put him on the bed.

"It's that or We put you in the pound with your brother and I don't know who'd I feel worse for." Gordon snickered as he got in the large bed on his side and Grace slipped in on the other....

"This is so weird." Will said as his parents snuggled him.

"Shut up and go to sleep William before we spank you?" Grace snorted.

"You better not." Will snickered. "I might enjoy it."

"You always were the sick little monkey of this family." Gordon huffed as he hugged his son.

"You wanna get your ass beat again? Old man?" Will snorted as he felt his mother kiss his cheek. "Mom? Don't give me a hicky ok? Ugh....This feels Oedipus Rex as hell..."

Gordon snorted. "Do you want to wear pampers and suckle a pacifier? I can arrange that? Now shut your maw and sleep!"

Monday morning June 21, 2018 10am Municipal Court of Ocean County Ocean Pass

Chancy snickered sideways at Gordon..."A little "Oedipus Rex" with Will, don't you think?"

"You find better ways to help my son?" Gordon snorted back. "It helped him a lot. This morning he was happy and all wagging tail. Gotta do something to keep that boy on an even keel."

Gordon, Chancy and Fritz Katz sat in the conference room outside the judge's chamber as Judge Mufasa reviewed Fritz's prepared brief on the evidence needing Mufasa's warrant authorization. Chancy wondered where Alex's attorney was...

"Why isn't Denise Brisbey here?" Chancy asked.

"It's her moving day." Gordon replied. "She called me this morning. She lives on that big human run farm over in Anvilla and every year she has to move the whole house out of the field before the first harvest of summer corn and lettuce. Good thing the farmer is so nice to help her relocate the house."

"Well?....why doesn't she get a normal place like every other fur?" Chancy asked.

"You try living on her state paycheck?" Gordon said huffing. "Besides for a mouse to be on such a farm? That's a rare benefit. Usually? Farmers don't like mice. They like us even less."

Just then...Mufasa came out of his chambers and walked up to the conference table... "Gentlemen....good morning."

The group bid Mufasa greeting as he sat down. "I have read the prepared brief by the counsel concerning this matter. So this evidence has two defined goals in mind. The first being a modification or revocation of the courts requirements place upon defendants William and Alexander Gray and the second to release this evidence under judicial warrant to Fur-deral investigators in the belief that there are wider crimes involved which affected these defendants. From the evidence provided also by Mister Gray regarding his son's behaviors over the period since their sentences were handed down. There certainly seems enough weight of cause to approve this request. Though I have not been given sufficient time since last night to see everything you have?"

Fritz raised a hand. "Your honor...we believe that time is essential in this matter. We investigated 37 cases of sex offenders all tied to the same location or locations as ascribed in my brief and all 37 suffered similar reported afflictions which ended in suicide or death. The youngest, Alexander, was put into protective custody in a pound and the oldest, William, is suffering traumatic episodes. Both of these defendants would be key wittnesses in a future case and we believe that finding the perpetrators is vital to the boys future. The court always seeks to see the convicted return to society not allow them to languish without hope to possibly cause more damage and harm."

Mufasa nodded. "Well said Counsel. This evidence I should be assured is properly secured?"

Fred McGruff replied. "It is your honor. At State Police Headquarters in the archives vault."

"Very well..." Mufasa replied. "You will affix the judication serial number to each item of evidence and therefore present it to Fur-deral agents as soon as possible."

Monday morning June 21, 2018 10am Ocean Pass

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

"Gnah! FUCK!" Will yelped as he brought his hand from the engine compartment of the Chevy Nova he was working on and waved it wildly...."Damn frozen shitty ass...."

He turned to see Cathy looking back at him with a neck brace around her neck..."Hey stranger?"

Will dropped his wrench and hugged the tigress tight...."Sigh.....I have missed you."

"Wow...." Cathy replied. "I haven't been gone a year?"

Will snuggled her warmly..."You feel like the best pillow in the world right now."

"Mmmffff...." Cathy replied smirking...."You sound great! I think you sound better than you have in a while....sort of more perky."

Will smiled back. "I slept with my parents."

Cathy's face drooped....."Oh.....kay......? Weird.....really creepy....."

"No!" Will said smiling. "No....oh my weren't thinking? Well....I sort of let it out like that but...but I mean it really helped me last night...seriously! I finally got everything out and I mean everything....and I feel fricken awesome!"

Will looked around and snatched up a washer from the floor...."Look...Cathy? I know this is a piss poor substitute ok? A stupid zinc washer......but......"

Will got on a knee...."Cathy Quinn? Will you marry me?"

Cathy screwed her face...."You're kidding?"

"Your looking at the wolf who walked through dirty water carrying you on his back and trashed his school clothes because he was fucken crazy for I look like I'm kidding?" Will asked.

"Will?" Cathy pondered. "This is kinda sudden and maybe we should wait a little bit....."

Will gave Cathy a deep kiss and a snoot lick..."Shut up and marry me you silly cat?"

Cathy sighed...."That's stupid cat to you...flea bag dish licking mutt. Ugh..... Ok.....yes! Fortune favors the insane I guess?"

Will almost tried to lift Cathy off the floor but backed off...."Almost forgot....neck brace....bad fat ass."

Cathy gave him a big kiss...."Oh shut up?" She said as they traded tongues. "Shut your silly K-9 mouth."

"That's lupine." Will snorted back.

"Oh whatever?" Cathy replied.

Will then thought...."Wow.....I have to tell Alex. Wonder what he'll think?"

"He'll think he won." Cathy snorted. "He'll play it up, demand he get paid, act like a know it all...."

Will sighed...."He might feel a little differently. All the bad stuff aside he's still thinking that things will go back to what they were...that we were super close and inseparable. He'd have to deal with the rest of his school time by himself for the most part."

Cathy replied. "You won't help him any if all you see is him waddling behind you in training pants looking to be picked up. He's gotta learn eventually to be on his own without you. Get this mess all cleaned up and things will sort out."

"Should still go see him though." Will said. "Let me finish this car ok?"

Cathy leaned over with Will as he struggled with the engine..."Will? You realize you'll probably still have crazy mood swings right?"

Will snickered back. "Then we'll fit like a glove. As if you don't?" Will kissed Cathy gently and snuggled on her...."How can I be moody married to a tiger?"

"You'll find a way genius." Cathy snorted back.

Monday morning June 21, 2018 10am Ocean Pass

Special Cases Holding Facility a.k.a. "A Pound"

Marian was dressed in a one piece athletic suit as she bounded on the track behind the much faster Alex......

"Alexander! Slow down!" She yelped as the young wolf seemed un-lacking in any energy as he pushed himself and jumped a pair of obstacles, bounced off a climbing wall then slid to a stop where he sat shaking his head, panting and scratching himself....

"Ugh! Stupid fleas!" Alex yelped. "I need another treatment!" He said snorting as he stood up scratching and shaking...."Lucky you Marian? You have silky smooth fox fur, mines all rough and if I don't shampoo it good? I end up all stringy and gamy feeling... grrrrrr....."

"Did Mister Huckleberry visit today?" She asked.

"He was here at 8am." Alex replied. "I told him what my Dad and Uncle are doing? He says it could help a lot. He also says I could go back to school but he told me to think otherwise...says it would cause trouble and my life could be threatened."

"How do you feel? Today? Now?" Marian asked as Alex adjusted the Robin Hood cap on his head....

"Fine actually...." Alex said as he sat on the ground. "Running myself nuts tires me out and I don't think about all the bad stuff. I asked the staff if I could have a skateboard and they said they'll consider it. I think if I'm busy and don't moap around a lot? I'll actually do better."

Marian nodded. "Do you? Do you want to keep doing that "regression" play?"

"Nah....I think the pacifier and my plushie are enough. I'm scared of having another shock episode. My mother sat with me overnight when I tried it again but nothing happened....cept she took a picture of me....sure she'll have that ready for an opportune time to exploit me."

Marian wondered...."Alex? It is quite possible that if you try your regression therapy again? Some clearer memories might come out."

"Yeah....and something stinky might come out too." Alex huffed. "I don't want to do it anymore, I's embarrassing no matter how much it helps me, I mean it's like sicko weird and stuff..." Then Alex giggled..." is comfortable sleep wear too... "giggles".....oh my gawd this is silly!"

Marian thought...."What if you do it again.....with me present? Would that help?"

"No...." Alex snickered. "That would be disturbing....but......but I might do it again for a pizza tonight. Bribery.....hint.....hint?"

"Expecting I would approve?" Marian snickered.

"Embarrassment costs toots." Alex replied smirking.

Monday morning June 21, 2018 11:18am

Regional Office of the FBI The Fur-deral Investigation Bureau

Samaliel opened the double doors and led the small group back into the analysis wing where he took from them the sealed boxes of evidence with the judge's warrant taped to the covers....

"I should say "we" are still in the process of reviewing all the evidence from the first pile from yesterday." Samaliel said as he put the boxes onto a table and walked to his work desk. "However? We did get back the preliminary back ground check on the snake and boy Chancy requested? No problems found."

Chancy scratched his head. "No one thinks that their arrangement is well....a little questionable?"

Samaliel replied. "There's nothing wrong with an animal and a human "budding up" for a mutual and beneficial relationship? Ask dogs? They've been cozy with humans for thousands of years...sometimes I wonder why but....our laws don't specify that a snake with "obvious" or so "you" think...."tendencies" can't be with a human boy. And please don't say..."Well he can hypnotize can't he?" because as long as there's no wrap sheet? There's no crime. So scratch them off a list."

Samaliel then grabbed another couple of stapled papers. "However? This one business card yielded a hit...There's a rat at Canopy Lake doing "Hokus Pokus" tricks with a snake? Turns out this "Mephisto" shouldn't be working there. His real name is "Jenner Nimh" arrested by Cooper County authorities fifteen years ago for voyeurism and possession of cub pornography. He's not to have any employment connected with cubs and....if he's been there for a while and you think your main target is there? Chances are he might know something and be willing to work a deal. I'll call the clerical office and have them draft an evidence stack for the authorities to snag him up."

Gordon quickly pulled out his wallet and handed Samaliel a card. "Send it to Sheriff Bloatsome. That's his jurisdiction."

"Will do." Samaliel replied.

"How long will it take?" Chancy asked.

"About four hours so you might want to give the Sheriff a "curt call" Samaliel said as he pointed to the card. "I should have more for you all in another day."

Samaliel gestured to Gordon..."If you all can leave me alone with Mister Gray for a moment?"

Samaliel led Gordon to the far side of the lab and gave him a chair. "I believe you know why I need to see you alone Gordon."

Gordon nodded...."I know..." He sank his snoot into his clasped hands...

"The database is pretty extensive and the furs who run it are pretty efficient. Which is why it didn't take long to make some hits with the photos you provided..."

Gordon started to sob....

"Gordon? You're not going to get to see them because they're protected evidence. So far there's around 35 or 40 pictures which are being inspected and picked apart by agents trained in identifying features, background, furniture, styles....when they finish, they'll generate an evidence report. We already know a snake is involved....the class and type we're not sure yet."

Gordon sat up and breathed deeply....."Ugh.....this......this feels like......"

Samaliel rubbed Gordon on the head...."I have a little brother. I can only imagine what you have to go through every day. But give us time....we'll sort all this out then get the bastards who did this to your family. Just please? Keep your head. Something you wolves have a hard time doing when you get angry."

Samaliel gave Gordon a card. "You get any new information? No matter how slight or trivial you think it is? You call me. You get upset? Call me. You feel you're going to run off and shoot someone? Call me. You kids need a father...not a corpse and not a guy in pin stripes on a chain gang....get my drift?"

Gordon nodded and extended a hand. "Thanks Samaliel."

"Call me Sam." Samaliel replied. "Only people I like call me Sam."

Monday morning June 21, 2018 11:38am Ocean Pass

Special Cases Holding Facility a.k.a. "A Pound"

Alex sat on his bed with his Toothless stuffy in his arms as Will and Cathy sat before him holding hands....

"Alex?" Will said as he scratched his head. "We have something to say to you...from the two of us and we hope you understand that.....well.....when we get all this mess behind us, I know that you want everything to be like before. I know that.....well.....that you love me very much....not sexually ok? Not taking about sex....not that ok? Love as in.....two brothers ok? Older and younger....I love you with all my heart as your older brother and I know you love me very much ok?"

Alex sat innocently...."Mmmm!....I do love you Will. I hate this place, I hate what was done to us and.....and I really love you Big Brother! A lot!" he declared strongly.

Will pursed his lips...."Ok? Good start...we....we both love each other so...I hope you'll understand that the time will come when you and I are not so close. And.... you need to be grown up and look to yourself when that time comes because Alex Gray should not have to nip on his big brother's tail...."

Will leaned forwards...."Alex? Cathy and I.....are getting married."

Alex looked frozen....

"Alex?" Will said...."Didn't you hear me? We're getting married."

Alex suddenly threw his Toothless doll off the bed...."What?!" The young wolf screeched. "You can't!" Alex snapped. "You promised me you'd stay with me through all this shit Will! You promised!"

Will gasped..."Alex?"

"Bull shit!" Alex yelped as he jumped off the bed. "You're running away with her and leaving me in here to fucken rot!"

"Alex! That's bull shit and you know it!" Will yelped. Just because I want better for my life doesn't mean I'm going to abandon you!

"Then tell her that!" Alex yelled. "Tell her it's off until I'm older! I need you big brother and you pull this selfish bull shit on me?!"

"Alex?! That's enough! You're being selfish!" Will yelled as he tried to grab Alex's arm.

"Screw you Will!" Alex yelped as he stomped towards the door. "Screw you! I don't want to see you again! Get out of here! Get out and live with her! You suck Will!"

Alex stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind him, leaving Will standing in shock.....

Till the young wolf came back in with a grin on his face...."You are so easy to screw with."

"Oh you little shit" Will yelled as he snatched the Toothless doll and chased Alex around the room. "Get back here you little shit head! Get back here! I'll show you a screwing!"

Alex got behind Cathy...."He hasn't changed Cathy? Told you my little test was right, he wants to screw me again."

Cathy turned and snarled. "Now that is a poor joke Alex."

"Well...kill me for making the announcement a little interesting." Alex said shrugging.

Will ruffed up his little brother's head tuft...."Little shit head. So are you happy for me?"

"No? I'm sad...I mean her? You could have done better Will." Alex snickered.

"You're only able to say that Alex because with this neck brace I can't kill you." Cathy snorted.

"But seriously? Yeah I'm happy. I can finally move out of that closet I call a room." Alex yelped. "That's how it works right? Little brother takes bigger brother's room? Little Brother takes most of big Brother's stuff? Little brother has a bigger place to masturbate to big brother's porn collection. I get to be like "best man" right? "Usher" or even the "bar keeper"? Wonder how we're gonna do the stag party without violating probation?"

Will snorted. "Keep you locked up in the back yard?"

Alex hugged Will tightly...."But really? You won't stay with her the whole time right? I mean there's gonna be time for us and mom and Dad right?"

"Of course." Will replied. "I'd never leave you guys completely....never. You just have to get used to knowing I won't be around the house constantly as you finish school. You...can go back to school right?"

Alex shook his head...."I've been told not too. To do school work at home from now on because I might be "disruptive." Sheesh....even the other fags at school will probably think I'm "disruptive".

Will looked at Cathy when Alex flashed the "fag" comment as if he was one of them. Yet Will chose not to make a deal of it at the moment. Alex would probably really chew his head off...

"We're happy you're taking this so well Alex." Will said. "I was worried you'd be very upset with me."

"Sheesh!....I always thought you'd marry her. I was never too confident you'd end up a flaming homo. You just don't really have it in you big brother." Alex said. "But? There is something I do need from you're not getting away without a price."

Will turned to Cathy..."This is between me and him so I think you need to got out for a moment Cath."

"That's alright." Cathy replied. "I'll go get us some soda."

As Cathy walked out, Alex took Will's hand..."Will? Do you trust me?"

"Well? It depends." Will replied.

"Very funny." Alex frowned.

"I wasn't being funny." Will replied. "What are you thinking?"

Alex swung wills arm..."I need a favor because it's important. I've been doing some things that brought out some memories and.....well.....I need you to sleep with me."

Will pulled his hand back. "The fuck?"

"No wait Will! Hear me out ok?" Alex begged. "Don't freak out...sigh....listen?"

"I mean...." Will said....."That's like buku taboo? Probation violation?"

Alex replied. "I have an ok from Mister Huckleberry and Marian Hood will be here watching that nothing "Bizaro" happens.....ok? Will? This is important...please?"

Will sighed deeply...."Oh...kay....if it will help you then I'll do it."

Alex smiled...."One detail you need to know bro." Alex said a little embarrassed. "I'm gonna be wearing pampers and you.....sort of have to cuddle me like you did when we were little cubs."

Will yelped. "Now that's just freeking queer."

"Gee? You think I enjoy it?!" Alex yelped back. "'s pretty comfortable sleep wear, I don't like making a fool and freak show of myself Will but damn it? If it will get this shit out of my head then I'll try it! Help me!"

Will could see Alex was dead serious and sighed...."Ok....I'm willing to do it, if only for your sake kid."

Alex gave Will a snuggle hug..."I am so glad you snagged Cathy." Alex said. "She's wonderful. The best thing for you."

"If she can put up with our crazy ideas?" Will gasped. "I'll be lucky to reach 30 years old....ugh....I'm getting fucken hives from this!"

"You're gonna be fine." Alex replied.

Will held Alex's hands tight...."Alex? I need to....I need to be honest with you about something I lied about..."

Alex cocked his head to the side...."That Alex Binx raped you?"

Will shook...."You? knew?"

Alex drooped his ears..."Binx was never one to keep his mouth shut when he was fucken slamming my hole. I knew you'd never submit to anal sex easilly or willingly. If you didn't allow me to top you and you were pretty clear about no one topping you? Then I knew he had to rape you." Alex downcasted his face..."My crime is that I never told you how I felt...."

Will held his arms out and pulled Alex into a mutual sob-fest..."No matter what Alex?" Will resolved. "Nothing is going to make me think worse nor make me ever hate you. I love you little brother."

"And I love you." Alex replied snuggling Will's chest.

Monday afternoon June 21, 2018 12:46 pm

Gordon and group driving towards Mechanicsville

"That's right Sheriff, you should see an evidence warrant package coming in from the FBI any time now." Gordon said into his phone as they drove. "The name he's going under is "Mafisto" but his real name is Jenner Nimh and he's a rat....rat as in race not as in dirt bag."

"Well rat is a good description?" Chancy snorted.

Gordon smirked. "His place of business is also his residence so I guess you'll tak him at the park?"

Sheriff Bloatsome replied. "I'll need the standard extra help as with the last guy."

"We have the numbers." Gordon said as he watched Chancy flash his 45 under his jacket. "Chance? We would like the guy in one piece not "Meeces to pieces?"

"So what's an arm or a leg?" Chancy replied. Just as an afterthought....Fred presented another gun over the front seat..."You might find a low velocity 22 varmint gun a better balance to a rodent. At least if you hit a won't turn him all into mush from the shock wave of the round."

Chancy took the weapon. "How big do rats get?"

"Average of three feet." Gordon replied.

Chancy pocketed the pistol and gave Gordon a worried look. "Why did Agent Samaliel pull you aside?"

"I don't want to talk about what we talked about so please drop it ok?" Gordon replied roughly. "I'm sorry Chance....It's too disturbing."

Monday afternoon June 21, 2018 1:19pm Ocean Pass

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

Will walked into the living room with Cathy in hand and found Grace folding clothes and placing them on the coffee table....

"Hey mom?" Will asked. "Do you got a minute to sit down? I should be sitting down."

Grace looked up for a moment and then sat on the couch....

"Umm....." Will thought for the right words...."This is gonna sound a little crazy but? Me and Cathy have decided to......get married."

Grace's maw dropped open and he head cocked to the side...."You're sure about this?"

Cathy replied. "With him, I'm not sure about anything any more. He brought this up in an instant, I'm kinda stupidly in love with him, we're both fools...."

Grace jumped up and hugged them both...."Oh my gawd you know I love fools, I live with a pack of three remember?!" Grace stood clapping her hands together...."I think you should keep an open mind to the date and please....please don't elope? Remember Will's wearing that stupid bracelet....oh.....I mean are you both ready for this?"

Will and Cathy looked at each other...."Nah......nah.....jumping off a cliff isn't exactly smart but we're both stupid and in love so we....kinda think we can wing this thing...."

Grace slapped them both on their arms..."Come on you two? You have to convince your fathers? Not that Gordon's a hard ass or Cathy's father's a grumpy tiger but you both have to show them your serious?"

Cathy snickered..."Why don't you give me some of that "Wolf's Rein" Officer Hopps gave him and see if I can "roffee" my daddy? I'm sure after he wrecks my mother that he'll be more pliable in my paws?"

Will snorted. "I'll just beat dad's pussy ass into the back yard again. Relax Mom...we actually talked about this whole thing and we want it...I've been wanting it ever since Cathy looked cute in pampers...""

Cathy pushed Will...."Sick ass. Where is Gordon anyway?" She asked Grace.

"Heading up to Mechanicsville to see the Sheriff." Grace replied. "And Will? Angie called and said she wants to see you on Wednesday because she's concerned about this little thing Alex is planning?"

Will rubbed his head...."Yeah.....I know....I talked to him about it Mom and if he feels he has to do it then I'll go along....begrudgingly so because I'm breaking out in Hives over it and I'm dealing with flashbacks. But if Alex says it has to be tried, I'm not going to say no."

Grace took Will's hand. "Promise me that if things get crazy, you'll get out of there. Promise me William?"

"I'll shed hair and screech like a bald cat." Will promised.

"That will be an interesting visual." Cathy snickered.

Monday afternoon June 21, 2018 12:46 pm

Mechanicsville Five miles West of Canopy Lake Amusement Park

Sheriff Bloatsome handed Deputy Ralph a 22 caliber pistol. "So we have myself, Ralph, Chancy and Fred armed. Gordon goes ahead of us first. You walk around, tell us where we need to set up and after we're in place; myself and Fred will take Nimh from the front. We confront him while his performance is breaking up so the bystanders clear from behind us. I don't expect this guy to pull a weapon on us but if he bolts into his home then we're going to have a little difficulty. Obviously none of us are going to fit into a rat house. Gordon? You have to tell us if its' raised off the ground, he might have a way to slip out under the ground floor."

Gordon nodded. "Should we worry about accomplices?"

Bloatsome shook his head. "No one will be stupid enough to stick their necks out for this guy but we should cuff him, stuff him and haul behinds out of the park quick since we're dealing with a possible high value witness. Just keep your heads on a swivel incase Nimh decides to bolt."

20 Minutes later.... Canopy Lake Amusement Park

Gordon walked through the gate entrance into the Vaudeville section of the park and adjusted the earphones attached to his smart phone. It didn't take him long to find the stage and booth where "Mafisto" was set up to do his performances and as expected there was his snake partner aside him dressed in a red cape and red colored decorative hat that looked as if it came out of a Shakespearean Venician inspired stage play. Nimh himself was a big rat, tall at almost 4 inches, dressed like wise in medieval clothing with a broad black and red cape...

"Got the target in site." Gordon said into his microphone. "His partner is working too. There's no side allies between the performance stages that I can see but the whole front's are movie set facades."

Sheriff Bloatsome replied. "We're on the move now." As Gordon passed Mafisto's stage and kept walking till he spied a spot to get behind the Vaudeville facade. He quickly pulled Fred's state police badge as a worker caught him bounding the fence....

"Police business....back off." Gordon snorted at the Badger dressed in a clown suit.

"Oh you look so adorable." Gordon joked.

"Go fuck yourself pig." The badger replied in true snarly pissed off badger form.

"You guys need to learn how to laugh." Gordon snickered as he walked off.

"You wolves need to learn how to fuck off." The Badger replied.

Gordon's ear phones cracked...."We're inside the Vaudeville now." Sheriff Bloatsome said. "Send Chancy up to the fortune teller booth. There's away to get back here right there. Just watch out for the angry Badger in a clown suit."

"What's new with angry Badgers except clown suits?" Bloatsome replied.

Out among the park visitors, Bloatsome guided Ralph along...."You take a spot farther out here in the center just in case Nimh bolts your direction." He then called Gordon again..."We're just about ready to jump off here."

"Ok...Chancy just hopped the gate back here." Gordon replied as he stood to the side of what he believed was Nimh's house.

"Wow...." Chancy snickered as he jacked the slide on his pistol. "Small much? So much for kick and enter huh?"

Gordon pointed. "Jacked up too so he could slip out." He whispered.

Gordon's earphones cracked again. "About five more minutes I think. You two ready back there?"

"Yes we are." Gordon replied.

Monday afternoon June 21, 2018 1:16 pm

Mechanicsville Canopy Lake Amusement Park the Vaudeville section

"Mephistos'" (Jenner Nimh) performance had finished and the crowd was just starting to walk away as Sheriff Bloatsome and Fred McGruff began walking towards the stage...

"Jenner Nimh!" Bloatsome shouted. "You stay right where you stand. We need to talk to you." The big pig commanded. The crowd seemed to get the right message, they started to walk faster or just haul butt past Bloatsome as he slapped his hand to his holster. "Don't you move now?" He ordered.

Jenner wasn't the compliant type. He whipped a ball from his cape pocket and threw it to the stage causing a huge burst of black smoke!

Bloatsome and Fred drew their pistols and charged the stage as furs around them took on full flight to get out of the way! "Son of a bitch! Do you have to be difficult about this?!" Bloatsome snapped as he bounded the stage and poked the head of Jenner's partner, a desert tan Boa Constrictor, who was dressed in med-evil fair....

(The snake is the one from Disney's Robin Hood)

"Move a coil and you'll be a boot." Bloatsome snapped at the snake.

"What do you take me for governor? A blithering idiot? I'm not in cahoots with him if he's done any skull-duggery I assure you."

Fred ran past Bloatsome screaming...."The son of a bitch is flying back there!"

Chancy got in front of Gordon with his pistol stretched out..."Gordy? Please back the fuck up?"

"I didn't see the guy come out, did you?" Gordon asked as Chancy slipped to a prone position and swept the bottom of the small house...."Nope....he's gotta...."

Just then, the back of the house seemed to explode! Pieces of wood and debris flew around the two wolves as the world went a chocking gray and white....

"Cough! FUCK!" Chancy snapped. "Mother fucker!" The wolf Marine snarled as he fought to run through the cloud and came out just in time to see a cape whip around a far corner ahead...."OH NOT YOU DON'T COCK SUCKER!" Chancy snapped as he broke into a run! "Gordy! Tell everybody to sweep East! East!"

The explosion already had Ralph in a run. He jumped over the turn-styles at the Vaudeville gate and pushed furs as he ran..."Parking lot's seventy yards! I'm running there now to cut this little shit head off! You should see me running, it's fucken hilarious!"

Bloatsome and Fred ran through the gate near the fortune teller booth and went South to East to cover that portion of the employee housing area..."Did you lose him?" He screamed into his microphone to Gordon.

"We don't think so." Gordon replied. "I'm right behind Chancy, we're sweeping the mobile homes in the center going towards the parking lot."

Chancy snorted at Gordon. "Gordy? I would seriously appreciate it if you'd back off because you don't have a gun and this guy has explosives and I don't want Grace's sobbing ass on me because you got killed."

"Did anyone tell you that you fucken talk too much?" Gordon said as he followed Chancy close.

Chancy whipped his pistol around and drew down on a little bear cub on a tricycle. "Fuck....I hate this close quarter shit." He said as he gently picked the little female up and took her to her mother...."Can you kindly go in and lay down on the floor and...stay put?" Chancy asked. "Thank you." The wolf said with a smile before he turned with a growl and re-pointed his weapon..."This is not a good place for a wolf who has bouts of PTSD." Chancy snickered.

"Gordy? Please ask someone if this ass hole made it to the parking lot please?" Chancy asked as he went prone again to sweep under the mobile homes.

"No." Gordon replied. "He's here somewhere."

"BANG! BANG!" Two sharp pistol cracks broke the air...."Fuck!" Gordon snapped. "Was that him?!" He asked into his microphone.

"Tried to scale the fence!" Ralph's voice replied. "Shit heads coming your way. I didn't hit him."

Chancy ran and pressed himself against a mobile home...."NIMH! STOP THIS STUPID SHIT AND JUST GIVE UP! WE JUST WANT SOME INFORMATION!" He yelled as he walked forwards sweeping his pistol right and left..."YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY NIMH! DON'T PLAY GAMES WITH THIS SHIT! YOU WILL GET SHOT!"

A flash of someone running and a ball came flying through the air forcing Chancy to jump back and tackle Gordon as the trick ball exploded in red dust over their heads!

"Cough.....cough.....Oh mother fucker!.....gasp!.....gasp!....." Chancy and Gordon were on their knees coughing and crying...."Fucken cyan pepper!" Chancy snapped as he got to his feet and staggered forwards...."VERY FUNNY YOU LITTLE SHIT!" The angry wolf yelled out. "I AM SO GOING TO BEAT YOUR ASS NOW!"

A hiss and something jumped onto's teeth gripping his snoot and a pair of clawed hands ripped into his scalp! Chancy pulled the enraged rat off his chest and punched him hard in the stomach before slamming him against the side of a mobile home. "Gnah! You fuck!" The wounded wolf snarled as he pointed his pistol and almost shot Jenner in the face! "Damn!" Chancy staggard backwards as Jenner Nimh ran around a corner and suddenly let out a horrific screech!

End of part 10

Brought into the Light: part 11: Sheath and Knife fiction

Brought into the light An Alex and Will Fan fiction by Dan 1966. Will and Alex's little adventure comes to an end. Part 11 Monday afternoon June 21, 2018 1:34 pm Mechanicsville Canopy Lake Amusement Park the Vaudeville section ...

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Brought into the Light: Part 9: Sheath and knife fan fiction.

Brought into the light An Alex and Will Fan fiction by Dan 1966. Will and Alex's little adventure comes to an end. Part 9 Note on a character use: Samaliel, the arctic fox and FBI agent, is the character owned by the Canadian artist...

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Brought into the Light: Part 8: Sheath and Knife fan fiction

Brought into the light An Alex and Will Fan fiction by Dan 1966. Will and Alex's little adventure comes to an end. Part 8 Saturday Afternoon June 19, 2018 3:15pm Ocean Pass Fred McGruff's house Gordon arrived...

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