Healing Love - Chapter 9

Story by Mirron Tenshi on SoFurry

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#9 of Healing Love

Healing Love

Chapter 9: Nippon Continues

By: Mirron Tenshi

Healing Love

Chapter 9: Japan

By: Mirron Tenshi

It would seem that our lion could really use a vacation; what with his ex going insane and all. He hasn't had a real restful break for a long time. And what better place to go on vacation than meeting your mate's family in Eastern Asia? However stressed Allen might be about anything, as long as he has Max, everything feels right to him.


". . . . . . Allen . . . . Allen . . . Wake up, sweetie."

"Mmmm . . ." My heavy eyes blinked awake. Max is nudging me in order to wake me up, I suppose.

"We're almost there, babe." I guess I must've slept through most of the flight - Max is just so warm and comfortable.

I looked out the window and saw the ocean, and in the way, way far off distance, I can make out land with a blurred appearance of buildings.

Max paid for a couple of movies while I slept, for us to watch. We sat there and held hands as we watched an action movie together. After 4 more hours, our pilot announced that we were making our descent into Tokyo Airport. My heart pounded as I stared out the window and gazed over Japan. I have no idea whether to feel excited or nervous as heck to meet Max's parents now.

"Just so you know, my family has lived in Kyoto for almost 8 years, so try to have your Japanese handbook handy if they start to go off in Nihongo."

"What Japanese handbook?" He then got up and dug into the overhead compartment. He came back down shortly with what looks like a paw-made booklet, with a picture of the country of Japan with the Japanese flag next to it.

"This one!" He said, "Made it two nights ago."

"Hmm . . . Come to think of it, Max, don't you speak Japanese, too?"

He nodded as he gave me the booklet, "Yup! I always keep up with it so I never get rusty." Max then opened it, and pointed at the first two pages, with what looks like a chart with Japanese characters on either page, "Here's the Japanese alphabet from Hirogana," He tapped on the page with curved-looking ones, "To Katakana," Now to the chart with more linear characters, "And some words and phrases you might need." I flipped through a few of the pages.

Just then, I can feel myself being pulled back. I think it's the inertia of the plane. I think we're landing!

=="Alright folks, we have reached our destination of Tokyo, Japan Airport. We hope your flight has been enjoyable and thank you for choosing Albatross Flights."==

We waited for the crowd in front of us to go and we got our stuff from the overhead compartment. I smiled as I took his paw with mine, and nuzzled him. He chuckled and kissed my cheek before we walked out and down the exit of the plane.

We got our suitcases from the conveyer belt port. Soon after, I'm flipping through his booklet, "Hey Max, which one of these statements should I introduce myself with?" Max then put his paw on my book, and closed it.

"I wouldn't do that, actually. From the locals' perspective it's cute, but you won't be taken seriously anymore if you try one phrase when you don't know the language at all."

"Aw, but I though your parents were American?"

"They are, but they've lived here long enough." I sighed and nodded before I put the booklet away. It's kind of a bummer, but at least that's one thing less to be nervous about . . . I guess

". . . Hey, there they are! Otousan! Okaasan!" Max called out as he ran forward to an orange tiger and a beautiful white tiger. He bowed to them first, and then hugged them, which they returned. I could hear them conversing in Japanese, thought I couldn't understand a word of it. Max then couched down, and dug into his suitcase, and took out a box of candies and gave it to his parents; he said it was customary to give small gifts when visiting someone in Japan. After a while of talking, Max came over to me took me, "Come on, babe, they wanna meet you." I felt my nerves elevate as I came closer. My tiger introduced me, indicating me in Japanese. I have no idea on what to do next! He told me I shouldn't try to speak Japanese, so what now?? Max's parents chuckled warmly as they shook my paw.

"So this is Allen, huh?" The orange tiger said, "I'm Jonathan, Max's father."

"Yes, and I'm Carrol," The white tiger added, "I'm his mother."

I felt a little better as me and Max loaded our luggage into their cybernetic car. John sat into the driver's seat - which was on the rightside of the car - Carrol got into the passenger seat, with Max and I sitting in the back seat.

Tokyo is amazing! The sidewalks are very crowded with a few animals had their fur done in colorful ways. There are so many buildings, and they're so tall! I can hardly see the sky from in the car! I gazed out the window and onto the many lights of the buildings.

As we drove, me and Max's parents were exchanging questions about each other. For example, we discussed the time when Max came out of the closet and told them he was gay. John said he was perfectly fine with it after a couple of hours, but his mother was the one who kept as asking him if Max wasn't just open-minded. According to Max, it took about a month for Carrol to get over it.


Kyoto is so scenic. The environment is beautiful! There are a lot of cherry trees along the way, and there are a lot of houses that still retain the Japanese Culture!

"Did Max tell you about our place, Allen?" John asked. I took my eyes off the car window when I heard him address me.

"Hm? Huh?"

"Did Max tell you where you two will be staying?"

"At your house, right?" I said.

"Yes, but did he tell you what kind of place we run?" He continued. I turned my head to my tiger curiously.

"Max, where is he getting at?"

"Oh yeah," Max said, "Mom and Dad run a hot springs resort."

"Whoa what?? You mean like a hotel, but with public bathes or something?"

"Max, how have this not come up?" Carrol asked. Max simply shrugged.

"He didn't ask."

"Anyway," Carrol said, "We purchased an old hotel foundation long ago, and remodeled it completely."

"We even added to it so we can live AND run it." John added. "We call it, 'Kin Hasu Sentou'. Otherwise, 'Golden Lotus Hotsprings'."

Sure enough, we were pulling into what looks like an authentic Japanese building with a large, 3D sculpture of a golden lotus flower on the top with kanji symbols below it: ????

"There are eight springs total," John said as he climbed out of the car, "Four springs on each side of the building: one side for females and the other for males."

We entered in with Max's parents. The lobby had nice, large fans with lotus crests on them, bonsai trees here and there, and plenty of other furs walking around, chatting in Japanese amongst themselves.

"Mom, where'd you put the sign-up book?" Max asked as he went behind the desk.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous, sweetie," Carol said, "You are our guests, honey. Aren't you two on vacation?"

"Yeah, but we should at least sign in, since we're staying here."

"Son, we HAVE a guest room. You and Allen can sleep there."

"Oh ok." Max hugged his mom, and then took me by the paw, "C'mon, Allen. Lets me the family!" I gulped as he took me to the house part of the building where Max's family lives.

During the next hour, I was introduced to Max's grandma and grandpa, two elderly tigers with one of them with a fine long and sharp beard and whiskers, and the other with a paper-crane hair clip. I also met a few cousins, and then his aunt and uncle. They were all happy to see me, but I still feel kinda shy and withdrawn; I guess this is what it feels when you're meeting the family of your loved one for the first time.

After a delicious ramen dinner, me and Max then went into this room where he began taking off his clothes. As turned on as I am, watching him strip . . . "Um, Max, here? Now? When we barely just got here?" He looked up at me, and laughed.

"No, not that, babe! I'm getting ready for a soak, get your mind out of the gutter." I smiled as Max stripped down until he's naked. He then took a long, white cloth and started to twist it and wrap it around his waist area. I shrugged began to take off my own clothes. However, by the time I'm completely nude, I have, NO idea what to do with the cloth.

"Uh, Max? A little help, babe? You didn't write this in the booklet." He turned around and grinned at me.

"I dunno, Allen, I kinda like this better."


"Aw c'mon, other males don't bother with them."


"Oh, come oooonnnee! You're so sexy when you're buck-naked!"


"Hehehe, alright, c'mere." He took the cloth and twisted it halfway. He then put it between my legs and gently cupped my package. He wrapped the cloth around my waist once and tucked it around the cloth between my ass and then the thick strap around the left side of my waist. Max then took the long strip on my front and pulled it between my legs and coiled it around the right side of my waist. He smiled as he padded my rump. "There ya go. It's called a fundoshi."

"Hm?" I examined it. I can't help but notice that this looks like a thong. It turned my head to peer over my back. I felt my butt with both paws. I glanced at the mirror, and saw that most of my ass is exposed. "Max, are you sure this is what they wear in the bathes?"

"They do, now lets go before you give me a boner." He said as he took me from the mirror, "Oh, and uh, one more thing. Let's try not to get intimate in public. Its rude to show relationship affections in front of other animals here."

"Isn't it rude in America, too?"

"Yeah, but in Japan, people are more discrete than that." My ears drooped as he smiled and rubbed my cheek. We let go of our hands and walked in and breathed in the heavy hot steam of the bath.

It's a large spring with different depths, there are a few other guys chatting in the bath, a couple saying that it sucks that the different gender springs are separated by the building, how this place should encourage mixed bathing.

I carefully stepped into the steaming water. I hissed a little before sighing as I lowered my body into the hot water. Max soon came in with me; he didn't cuddle too close like he usually would, but I felt myself smile as I felt his submerged paw hold mine.

"Hey boys. Enjoying the water?" I looked around and saw John walk in. He was wearing nothing but a skimpy towel around his crotch and he's carrying a small tray. His body wasn't bad, but not muscular as mine or Max's. The older tiger took the towel off and slipped into the water. He then took the ceramic bottle that was on the tray and poured a thin stream of liquid into three small and flat shot cups. "Sake?"

"Sure." He gave two of the small shots to Max, and he gave one to me.

I sniffed the distinct alcohol scent and hesitated. I don't just drink anytime, and I heard that sake is strong. Well, John and Max drank it in the shots so I sipped the small morsel. My tongue went weird as the strong liquid went down my throat. I clinched my eyes and opened them wide for a second and back to normal and my head jerked a little. "Wow, strong stuff."

John chucked and refilled each shot with drops of sake, "Yeah, that's why I brought enough for six shots." We smiled and slicked the sake down. We then sat back and sighed deeply. I closed my heavy eyelids as the hot water soothed my senses, and my stomach as full from the meal. I just feel so drowsy . . .


"Mmmm . . . Hehehe . . ." Everything seems so fuzzy right now, and I feel something licking my face. I yawned as my tiger nipped and kissed my nose.

"Man, you sure do like to sleep a lot, cutie". I then noticed that we were still in the tub but everyone is gone. In fact, the only sound there is is the sound of pouring water.

"Max, what's going on?" He smiled and kissed me as he groped my pouch.

"The resort's closed for the night, everyone went home or to their rooms. Nobody's here but us." I instantly know JUST where he's going with this - especially when he got up above me and started rubbing his fabric bulge on mine. I purred as he frot his package on mine.

"Wait, shouldn't we do this somewhere else? I don't want to make a mess in the spring."

"Got that covered." He then held up two small squares with circles in them, "Dad said to keep it clean." I smiled as he tore up one square and withdrew a rubber and he slipped it on his length. He then unwrapped the other one and put it on my growing rod,

"But wait, what if we can't keep quiet?" Max then stuffed my maw with a wet rolled up cloth.

"You'd be surprised how prepared my parents are. Now, any other reasons why I shouldn't ride you like a bull?" I shook my head "Good answer."

Max tried to turn me around but I stopped him. "Oh no you don't. It's my turn, Tiger." Max chuckled as he got off and sat down before I climbed over him and snuggled. He purred as I kissed along his neck. Max tenderly rubbed his paws on me.

"Mmmm . . ." I giggled as his knuckles dug and brushed on my cheeks and ears. "Take off my cloth in that, sexy way, sweetie . . ." I gave a playful growl while I gave him a few more smooches before backing up. I took a breath, and then dunked my head below the hot surface. Max spread out his legs, and lifted his hips before put my mouth up to his intimate area. I carefully pressed my fangs onto the twisted cloth, and tugged it back, steadily off his body.

I came back up the surface, his loincloth dripping from my maw. He smirked as he took the fundoshi from my mouth, replaced it with the washcloth, and brought me close again.

My rubber-covered member rubbed the glanns on his ass before I slowly inserted the head and inched in farther, my fangs gripping down on the cloth as I pushed in farther into his tight ass while Max adjusted and relaxed his muscles to fit around my length. We both sounded muffled moans in our cloths as I slowly pulled back out and went back in.

Man, I hate condoms, they're just so fake and unnatural, and it's always been a turn off for me, but Max making it worth it.

I'm beginning to have a hard time reaching my orgasm. I feel so . . . inhibited, being at someone else's house, and then having to wear a condom, plus having to taste of a water-logged rag instead of kiss and nibble him like I usually do. He wrapped his arms around my back as I continued to thrust into, his moaning getting short but numerous as he breathed heavily through his nose. I moved his paw on his lower area and I fondled him, he groaned into the moist cloth as I pounded away at him and played with his dick. After a while, I thrust in one more time, and my dick finally pulsed. I growled sharply as my jaws clenched on the cloth, causing a lot of water to pour out as I filled up my condom.

Honestly, I can't help but feel a dissatisfied. I always love filling Max up with my seed, but a condom takes that away. And judging by my tiger's expression, I'd say he feels the same way.

I just pulled my member out and pulled my own fundoshi back up. Next I grasped his cock firmly and stroked it slowly. He purred as I quickly picked up the pace. He moaned into the cloth uncontrollably as I worked at his rod faster and faster, making the water move. Soon, he bit down hard on his cloth as he reached orgasm and filled up his rubber.

We both rested in the hot tub for only another minute before we got out to dry off. Max turned off the lamp on the room's doorway and threw away our used condoms and we snuck into our room. We unwrapped our soaked fundoshis and hung them up to dry, and crawled into the large futon and fell asleep with Max spooning me from behind.


The next day, I wanted to go sight seeing and maybe do some shopping. So Max got his parents to let him drive their car and we both drove to Tokyo. It almost an hour to find a parking spot and in less then 10 minutes, we lost track of each other.

I called him to know where was at, but neither of us know exactly where we are; we just agreed to meet up with each other at the car in 2 hours. I walking the crowded sidewalks, having Max's booklet with me and checking what symbols mean what and what the words and kanjis mean. Ugh, why the heck didn't we take Max's parents with us??

I eventually found myself when I came to a store that instantly caught my eye; it looks like a big fetish shop - the erotic neon images and chibi-like furs running around with hearts covering their No-No areas is a give-away. I looked at the name of the store and consulted the booklet. It had Katakana characters that read



Which translates to . . .

'Fe' 'Ti' 'Shu'

'E' 'Ro' 'Te' 'Ka'

I shrugged, and entered the shop.

Holy fuckballs of hot sweaty intercourse!

This place has E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G! From electronic, squirming dildos to vibrating leather straps, to flavored body oils. While I walked through the store, browsing, I noticed a couple of gay couples looking over the items and muttering in Japanese. Dang it, just looking at the merchandise is making my face hot and sheath bulging. I can't help but grin as I look over some erotic and playful costumes. Ooh, hey, they even have some glow-in-the-dark g-strings and thongs! My heart is pounding! I almost feel like a cub in Toys 'R' Us store.

I walked across a large display tube, stopped walking, walked backwards, and glued my eyes right on this product:

It looks like vivid purple briefs with a couple of techno icons on the sides of the hips, a strip that covered the abs extending to the pectorals; sorta like a wrestling suit with the leg parts cut to the joint like a speedo and the top part like a half cut tank top, all one sexy garment. The whole garment only covering up the chest, abs, crotch, hips, butt, and middle back, while leaving the arms, legs, torso sides and most of the back exposed. It was on a male silicone model and is slowly rotating in a glass cylinder.

I just have to get this! I immediately check the price below: 65321.5 Yen. I consulted the booklet and found out that that's $700.

MEEP! That's some price spandex!!! Does it do something else, or is it just a sexy piece for strutting?

I looked at it again; Oooooh I so want to have it! One for me, and one for Max. It's not that I can't afford $1400, but spending so much at one time; I mean, spending so much in one place over a luxury like this is just not smart, you know? I sighed, deciding to get just one for a Christmas present for Max. I can always order another one on the Internet. Or better yet, maybe Max will let me wear it. What can I say? He's worth it - especially if he'll strut around for me.

Just as I looked around for assistance, a cute red panda came up to me, "Irashaiasa! Kawaiineko, konichiwa! Anata wa tetsudaimasu ka?"

"Er, hang on . . ." I quickly dug for my handbook. I leaved through it for a couple of seconds, and then looked back up.

"Um . . . Gomenasai, boku wa nihongo o hanashimasen."

(Um . . . I'm sorry, I do not speak Japanese.)

"Oh, sumimasen. So, anything I can help you with?"

"Yes, I'd like to purchase this." I indicated the racy garment.

"Oh, you have marvelous taste. This is the Ero-Wear 3000; it comes with a control so that you can set the settings to your liking."

"Settings? What do you mean?"

"It is the latest product of sensual technology," Technology, huh? Now we're talking, "The spandex fabric is weaved in vibrator threads. You can even isolate levels of vibration to different areas; it is also a one size-fits-all. The Ero-Wear has just been recently put on the market at an asking price of 65321.5 yen. That is 700 American Dollars." Asking price? Then by the time I want to get my own, it might be as high as maybe $2000! I don't care though, this is for Max, so I'm buying it. Now he'll HAVE to share, though.

"Sounds awesome, I'll take it." He smiled as he told me he would go and get one. "Wait, um do you do Christmas gift wrap in this store?"

"Hai, so desu yo. Why, it is a present?"

"Yeah, to my boyfriend."

"Awww, I so disappointed! I wanted to ask you out!"

I chuckled before telling him that I'll be finishing some shopping, and he went to go have it ready for me when I'm done. I also bought a black jockstrap with glowing gold trims, a green g-string with leaf designs, a pair of black briefs with red, yellow, and orange flame designs, a bottle of Mesmerizing Body Oil, a tube of my favorite lubricant, and a rainbow speedo for the heck of it. It came to a total of 68784.71 Yen. I got a discount when I signed up for a membership with this store. "Hey, um, if it's not too much trouble, would it be possible to have the Ero-Wear shipped to my home?"

"Oh, no. No trouble at all. Omeditou, you are the first to purchase the Ero-Wear 3000. I'll pay for the shipping and handling with my compliments."

"Oh, really? Thank you very much, that is so sweet of you . . . My name's Allen by the way."

"Anytime, Allen-san. I am Shiro Yukimori. Hajimemashite!" He bowed half way and we exchanged phone numbers and email addresses after I signed a form, assuring my shipment of the garment.

"Nice to meet you, Shiro. Look me up if you're ever in America, will you?"

"Hai, look me up if you ever visit Nihon again."

"Alright, take care."

"Sayounara, kiotsukete."

What a sweet guy, I definitely have to keep in touch with him, but I'm not cheating on Max with him unless they both agree to a three way.

A few minutes of observing my surroundings told me that I am in an erotic adult part of town. Better trace my way back.

I spent the next hour taking in the sights and getting some souvenirs here and there. Now, where is-

"ALLEN! Hey Allen!"
