TwoKinds: Freedom Paradise Chapter 1

Story by KantaWrites on SoFurry

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How could Evals say such a thing...Going our separate ways after all we've been through...I really thought we would stick together... Michelle thought as she walked down the halls of the Legacy estate.

After hearing the canine talk about leaving the place it made her heart sink deeper than it ever could. While Evals was taken away from his tribe, Michelle grew up among slaves and into servitude. This would be the first time they would be separated from each other and it made her upset just thinking about it. Her emotions were high as it was due to the fact they had been recently freed from Eric. She was so lost in her own thoughts and not paying attention, feeling someone make contact as she rounded the corner.

"Mike oh I'm sorry. I didn't see you there." The young female half-breed known as Kathirin explained and smiled at the fox sweetly, making sure she didn't drop anything from the tray she held in her hands. It looked like she was making rounds to go see Zen and check on his leg that was burned during his encounter with someone hunting them down. "Are you feeling alright? You look a little upset."

"I'm alright, Kat. Thanks. I just wish that we didn't have to leave here soon....It just won't be the same without you and Evals. This is all I've known and I don't know how to make it with my tribe." She explained and looked at the floor then back to her, ears drooping as she spoke and expressed her feelings about the situation.

"Well why not go ask Evals if you can go with him? He's leaving tomorrow and I think you should talk with him about this. It couldn't hurt.~" The other female winked and made her way around the fox to continue heading down the hall toward Zen's room. "I'm sure he wouldn't mind having you around.~"

Michelle brightened up and made her way down the hall in the opposite direction, looking around to see if she could find the canine lurking about anywhere in the estate.

Meanwhile in a different room on the second floor..

Evals laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling like he had done for hours, trying to relax before he needed to gather things for his trip back to the canine tribe. He wondered about asking Michelle to go with him but he had also considered thinking how well she would take to being like one of them. She was different from any fox from her own tribes being born into slavery unlike him and knew life would be a bit different for even her. He sat up and sighed, resting his arms on his knees just as there was a knock on his door and ears perking a bit as if to listen for a moment.

"Ev it's me. Can I come in? I need to ask you something."

He slid off the bed and went over to the door as soon as he heard Michelle's voice, opening it and staring at the female fox who seemed a bit distraught. "I was just debating whether to come find you and talk. I guess that answers that question. Come in." Evals stepped aside to let her inside the room and shut the door, moving to sit on the bed and offered her a seat beside him. "What is it you needed to discuss?"

Michelle sat next to Evals and looked at the floor, ears flattening against her head and a small blush coming to her face. "Ev I need you to be honest with me and I don't want any dodgy answers. If I wanted to come with you to your tribe...would you let me go? Or would you just not want to be with me....?" Her heart raced a little and felt nervous, hoping his answer wouldn't be bad nor would it be to push her away more. Evals leaving her was bad enough but to be pushed away and not accepted as a close friend or more was eating away at her. "I...I just wanted to know....because I was wondering if .....Well if I could.....could possibly go with you?" The foxes fingers wrapped around each other, fidgeting around nervously even more and keeping her eye contact limited from him.

Evals just sat there listening to the female and thought about everything that was said, even his own thoughts mixing into the matter. He wondered if he should actually take Michelle with him and go back home so they could live their lives or just let her be free on her own. Standing up from the bed Evals turned to her and helped Michelle stand up, his hands gripping on her arms as he looked her in the eyes, "Michelle....I don't know what would happen if I did. You know how some are on the edge about different species couples. Hell look at all the trouble that the Grand Templar and his mistress got into for it. I mean yes it has calmed down but what if it starts again. We can't get mixed up in that.."

Her heart sank deep in her chest and tears welled up in her blue eyes as she looked up to the canine, pleading in silence as if to beg him. "Ev why are you so afraid after all the time we've spent together?! After you tried to freaking have your way with me on the Na'Rella?! I think you owe it to me after some of the hell you put me through! I don't know how to live on my own because I've always grown up a slave...." Michelle trailed off and began to cry more, tears falling down her fur and hands shaking in a bit of anger at Evals for what he said.

It was true. He had put her through so much hell when they were slaves to Eric and he didn't know how to make that up to the fox. His arms hesitated but then wrapped around her shoulders, burying his face into the top of her head and got a good smell of her hair. Evals didn't want to leave Michelle behind but it all boiled down to what kind of danger being together would get them in. He didn't want her to end up hurt and worse captured again or possibly executed. His arms moved to wrap around her waist and pulled her closer, rubbing her back to calm her down and thought how he could make everything go smoothly.

"If you did come with me....and if it didn't work out we could always try going somewhere else...? But only if it comes to that. You can come with me if that's what you really want..." Evals smiled and stroked her hair that was tied up in a pony tail, nuzzling her gently before Michelle looked up again and her eyes brightening up once more. She wrapped her arms around his neck and tail swayed back and forth in a fast motion of happiness. "I promise I won't be trouble. Kat said you're leaving tomorrow? If we're leaving tomorrow what time will we go?"

"Well we would need to get out of here before the sun comes up and try to make good daylight time. So we're going to need to get what we have left together tonight and rest up for our trip."

To be continued...

TwoKinds: His and Her Predicament Chapter 7

Clovis looked around the forest close to the cabin where they stayed, trying to find the younger brother as she buttoned up the shirt that covered her chest. She never meant for things to get this crazy between the three of them. It took a few minutes...

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TwoKinds: His and Her Predicament Chapter 6

Clovis sat up in the bedroom and tried to get herself together after Zen accused her of turning them in. It infuriated her so much that the older brother was just so set on reminding her of past mistakes. She knew she wasn't the best in her past as a...

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TwoKinds: His and Her Predicament Chapter 5

Natani woke up all frazzled and looked at the clock on the wall, reading it was six in the evening. That meant that Zen was already home from work. "Oh no...dammit..." He stood up and quietly went over to the bedroom door, looking out to see his...

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