Healing Love - Chapter 11

Story by Mirron Tenshi on SoFurry

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#11 of Healing Love

Healing Love

Chapter 11: The Fight

By: Mirron Tenshi


Healing Love

Chapter 11: Kitsune no Yuki

By: Mirron Tenshi

It would seem that Allen is making good use of his much need vacation. He sees his grandparents for the first time in years and they seem to love Max and his family too. Everything is going well, our lion couldn't ask for a better vacation. And now he's getting ready to do Max's father a big favor, however, this favor is bigger than anyone even knows.


5 days later, me and John are setting up a room for my massage to the guest. Max and Carrol are out grocery shopping. "So John, any idea who this mystery guest is?"

"No, she was very vague, All I know is her name. Hikaru. She wouldn't give a last name. You sure you know how to do a female's body?"

"Yes, John, I know how. You don't think spa school is separated by gender, do you?"

"Well sorta. I hear some guys get a kick out of rubbing breasts." I laughed as I arranged the scented candles.

"Yeah, but there's a strict rule not to get near the TNA, unless the customer consents it via paperwork, and if you've spent a few years in the school and you're one of the senior masseuses, then you're taught on how to get into the intimate areas. After that, you'd be looked up for sensual massages," He chuckled as he set up the padding. I looked around as we finished. "Cool, everything's set. Thanks for helping me set up, John."

"Wait, one more thing, Allen. Wait here" He went out for a few seconds and came back with a formal male kimono uniform. It was pure white with extra shining rims on the edges and a golden vest that reaches down to hem, and strings around the arms, my guess was to tighten the sleeves so that they won't get in my way when massaging. I approached it, and felt the exquisite material.

"Wow, John. Is this real silk?"

"Naturally. This is the Golden Lotus uniform. I had it made from actual silk worms and the golden vest is only for promoted employees, and we only wear these on important occasions." He turned it around to show me the golden emblem of the Golden Lotus Hotspings. I gave him a brief hug and he gave me the robe. "Go put that on. I'll have Carrol do your mane when she gets back."

"Alright, thanks a lot, John."

When he left, I stripped out of my clothes, and changed into the kimono. Wow, this fits me very well - Max must've given his dad my sizes. Just as I tighten the sleeves, Carrol came in with a spray bottle, some fine combs, and what looked like an elegant hairpiece. "Oh Allen, that outfit is stunning on you."

"Thanks, Carrol. John gave it to me to wear on the massage I'm giving."

"Very nice! Now," She said as she adjusted the mirror on the table, "Just sit down here, and we'll get started." So I then knelt down and sat on my knees while she started grooming my mane. "Oh wow, Allen your mane is soft! You use Mirage Loft?"

"Yeah. I get Strawberry Breeze, and Waterfall shampoo."

"Agh, I need to get myself a gay friend. You guys always know to get the best stuff for grooming. Everytime I send John to get some more toiletries, he always stop by the Yen For Less store just to save the trip."

"Ha! Same with Max; he always gets the cheap brand. It's all the same lather and rinse stuff with him. I don't get my Loft, I might as well be wearing a Halloween wig."

"Oh my God, FINALLY, someone who gets it! I say, 'John, I can't get my velvet fur on without my Nekomata no Kaze fur-wash'. But I swear, he never. Remembers. The brand!"

"I don't even Max go shopping alone anymore. Either I go with him, or I do it myself. Anyway, if you're ever in Washington, give a call to my faghag, Ashley. She knows a lot of gay guys who can chat over the internet about this kind of stuff."

"Pfffff," She laughed, "Who or what is a faghag?"

"It's a woman who has a lot of gay friends; she hangs out with them a lot, does all kinds of stuff with them, and all that."

"Hmhmhm . . . Allen, your mane is so easy to work with." She said as she folded my mane into a wide ponytail and looping it into a ring. She then held a up a pair of golden lotus hooks, "Earrings?"

"Nooooooooo." She then put them down, and held up a beautiful golden flower brooch.


"Sure." Carrol then took the pin, and arranged it on the middle of my left side.

"Does Max still live on frozen chicken and Rice-a-Roni?"

"Not since he moved in with me. I'm keeping him well fed."

"Good. You work at a restaurant, don't you?"

"Gourmet, four stars. It's called Celino's, been working there for 6 years now."

"Are you the head chef?"

"Naw, just one of the cooks."

"Ahhh, whaat? From what Max tells me, you're an exquisite cook."

"I'm not climbing any ladders. It's just easier to stick to what I know for now. What I really wanna do is get into baking sweets and pastries."

"Then why work at an Italian restaurant? Why not get a job at a bakery?"

"In THIS economy? Besides, I got a lot of friends at Celino's."

"Ok now, hold stiiiill," Carrol then bundled the top of my mane in a small standing bun, and put an elegant piece on the back of my head and slid in a beautiful chop stick with a yello orb at the end of it.

"There we go. Max is still running some errands, but he'll be back later. Our guest should be here any minute now. I'll see later, and good luck. You look very handsome, Allen." She bowed and walked off.

"Wait, what do I- Dang it." She took off before I can say anything. This is sort of sudden. Oh well, I'll just do what comes natural. I just hope I don't smash this into a language barrier.

I looked in the mirror to look over my mane. She did an excellent job with my mane; I look like someone important, like a Japanese emperor or something.

My ear quirked as I heard someone enter the room next to the Nature Bath next to me. I huffed, and got up from the floor, and walked carefully out of the room, hoping not to trip on the kimono.

The shadow figure on the paper door had just taken her shirt off and was now sitting at the padded area, where I promptly knocked twice, and entered.

She is a pure white fox with elaborate red designs all around her body, she seemed to be at around 19-23 years old, give or take. Even to me, she's attractive; in an artist's view of course, going by her red tattoos. She is still wearing cloths wrapped around her breast and pelvic area. Old-fashioned I see; no bra or panties.

Her ears moved as I entered. "Hi, I'm Allen. I'll be your masseuse today," Just like back at the spa before I quit. No response though, she just looked at me, "Alright, so just lay on your stomach and we'll get started." She nodded laid onto the padding; wow, even her movements are graceful.

I went to a small machine with speakers and an iPod hooked onto it, and I started the track list of calm Zen music. "I'm going to need to untie your cloth for the duration."

"Hm?" Her meek voice sounded as she turned her head.

"Yeah, you need to be naked." She sighed and sat up, and then started to unwrap her undergarments. I turned my head so that I could only see her in my preferable vision, waiting until she laid back down, devoid of any clothes. I then placed a towel neatly on her bottom, just as I did with Max.

I then proceeded to take the vase of massage, and spread the oil around her back, getting an even layer of oil in her pelt. I started with her neck, slowly rubbing my thumbs on the spine and sides of her neck. She murred as I smoothed out her shoulders, repeating the exact same technique I did for so many customers in the past, as if I was still working at that spa.

I started to massaged below her shoulder blades when she spoke with my deep method. "Kimochii . . ." Oh, damn, what is she saying?! Its not any direction word I know from Max's guide. I thought to myself as I continued to rub her down. I then dragged my fingers along her spine to generate a hot-cold liquid sensation run down her back. She'd gasp a little as her treatment continued.

Pretty soon, I finished her backside, "Ok, I need you to lay on your front now." She got up, and then turned around. Being professional, I just glued my eyes to her stomach as I covered her breast and pelvis. I took my time deeply massaging her torso and before long, was done with her legs and sat up. "Ok, you're finished, you may go ahead to the bath." Her eyes opened and smoothly sat up accepting a bath towel I offered her to cover herself up.

"Max?" She asked me.

I blinked before responding, "Max? Um, no, I'm not Max, he's my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? Interesting. Do you know when he will be back?" She said in English, though with a slight accent.

"I don't. My apologies." She nodded and got up and approached the Nature Bath and then turned to me.

"Why don't you join me?" My ears moved up.


She smiled, "Join me in the bath, no one else is coming." The way her cloud-like tail moved, I just couldn't help but be allured.

"I don't know . . . Is it even allowed?" She giggled as he quirked her head.

"It's my call, isn't it?" I wouldn't want to damage this impression for John and Carrol. Honestly, I'm not too thrilled about hanging out with a naked woman; it's not like it horribly disgusts me, I am just unappealed. I better not let my comfort zone get in the way though.

"Um, ok, I'll be right back." I bowed, and turned to go to the bathroom. I carefully removed the hair ornament out of my mane, and shook my head to let it loose to how I like it. I then went into mine and Max's room to undress from the Golden Lotus kimono, and hung it neatly onto a hanger against the door. Next, I took a long cloth and wrapped it around me to form a fundoshi.

I then took a couple of towels and went to the Nature Bat, where the white and red fox was already dipping into the water and is lying back. I got in and gasped a little at the hot water. This is different from the other springs; this spring's water is biting at my fur, but smoothed it over after a few seconds. I finally got in and relaxed as I rest my arms back on the edge, the water was making my whole body tingling warmly.

The white fox picked up her head. "My name is Hikaru, what is your name?"


"Hm. So what brings you to Japan?"

"I'm here on vacation and to meet Max's family. So, how do you know Max?"

"I'm his penpal and he told me about his parent's resort. He invited me to visit this place, and I've finally been able to come over. This hot spring place is great." She speaks English well, but I can catch a few formality marks here and there.

So after a while of me and Hikaru chatting, Max passed by, and jerked back to look in. He looked irked as he saw me in the Nature Bath with this customer. "Hey, Max, where've you been?"

"Um, Allen, what the heck are you doing?"

Hikaru smiled "Relax, I invited him in. So you're Max?"

Max went from irked to curious, "Um, yeah . . . Do I know you?"

"Sort of, I'm your penpal."

"Oh, so you're yuki012?"

"Mhm. Why don't you come on in and join us?" Max nodded and went to go change.

After a while, Max wearing nothing but a fundoshi, like me. And so we chatted about various things particularly about America - as it turns out, she's one of those curious locals who hears a lot about America and asks question to deny or confirm her theories.

After a good, long soak, Hikaru started to leave, and then invited Max and I to go out for a dessert run. Hikaru took us to a district of sweet-shops. I want to try a lot of different desserts, so we'll be getting a little bit of each.

Mochi sure is weird stuff; it's a scoop of ice cream wrapped in a cold, doughy coat, and is sprinkled in some kind of floury powder. I think it would have been better if it was powdered sugar instead of flour, but oh well.

Next, we tried these round, pale balls on a stick, three on each stick, one pink, green, and white. They're dumplings, with some weird, tasty red paste in them. Max said they're called daifuku. Not bad.

Then, we went into a sort of bakery, where we got in on some melonpan - a type of crispy bun with cookie crumbs sprinkled on it. Max got an anpan, which is a sweet roll filled with sweet paste, and Hikaru went with a kind of donut called sata andagi.

We're getting a little full, so our last stop is at this fresh, organic shop. I hear fruit is a real dessert type in Japan. This one has several different kinds of fruits carved and cut into amazing little sculptures of animals, and this shop also makes these small jelly cubes of different flavors. Now THIS is food art! Me, Max, and Hikaru each got a small fruit cup, with some of those little jello cubes. I got an apple made into a rabbit, Max got an strawberry owl, and Hikaru got a kiwi fish.

"Hey, so, Hikaru," Max said, "If you're not going to stay at the Lotus, can we take you home."

"Uhhhhh . . ." She hesitated, "Thank you, but, I'm gonna have to say no."

"Huh? Why not?"

"Nothing against you, but I don't want to draw the publicity on you."


"Nothing," She put her paw on his arm, "Just be good, kay? I'll stay in touch, though~" With a smile, she hugged Max and I, before boarding onto the bullet train. And just like that, it's done. Well that's vague. Just who IS she? The Emperor of Japan's daughter?

-One Night Later-

". . . Allen! . . . Allen! Wake up!!" I grunted as I can feel Max shaking me.

"Arrrhh . . . Alright, Max . . . I'm up, I'm up!"

"Ok, good! Did you read the news?!" Before I can protest for the fact that I just woke up, he shoved the newspaper in my face. I pushed it down past my face with my paw, "Max, I lied to you when we first met, I can't read Japanese." I said, annoyed.

"Well, it says that the famous anonymous critic called Kitsune No Yuki has added another establishment to her list of visits." I yawned.

"That's very interesting . . ." I started to lay myself back down when the tiger pulled me back. I groaned as I sat back up.

"Yeah, and she's one of Japan's top critics."


"And the Golden Lotus is the establishment."

". . . Oh fuck."

"No, no, as it turns out, it got a 5 star rating." Max then read aloud the paper. My shoulders slumped as he started talking in Japanese. I tapped his shoulder.

"Max. Me no hablo Japanish."

"O-Oh, sorry!"

++"The Golden Lotus is the ideal location if you need a severe unwinding. I have been lucky to have been treated to a limited time massage that melted my body and all of any tense feeling I had in me, followed by a long and invigorating soak in an exotic naturistic bath that has simulated the very surroundings of a heavenly bath in the beauties of nature. The employment has exceeded satisfactory level, and I found the structure of the building in more than good shape. I strongly recommend renting a room in the Golden Lotus Resort if you feel the need to relax."++

I blinked as I scratched my mane. "Wow . . ." This is great news, but I'm not particularly excited.

"I know! You're the best Allen!" Max hugged me tight for a few seconds before letting me go and looking at me. "But um, there's sort of a problem."

"Uh-oh . . . What is it Max?"

"Ahem, well, since the review, a few customers called and ordered the massage. They say they'd pay extra for this 'so-called' massage. So um . . . Will you do it?"

"Mmm . . . That's it?" I asked. His eyebrows raised.

"Uh-huh . . ."

"Ok, Max, I'll do it." Max smiled and kissed me passionately. Oh, I feel so needy right now . . . Max broke the kiss just as I was about to make it longer.

"Hehehe~" He chuckled as he nuzzled me, "I already said you would. Thanks babe, this'll be fantastic for the Golden Lotus!"

"It's no problem, but you owe me, hot stuff." I then placed my paw on his crotch and groped him; Max is already semi-hard.

"You don't even have to tell me, fuzzy." He said seductively. Max then kissed my mouth passionately. I purred as I kissed back eagerly, wanting a whole lot more out of him. I then groped his ass with both paws and rubbed his cute butt. My member is already almost fully erect until I stopped touching him.

"No, Max, we can't now."

Max drooped his ears sadly. "Oh right . . . The massages, and . . . Parent's house . . . I'm sorry babe."

"No, no, it's ok, honey, we can wait till tomorrow." I kissed his cheek and he nuzzled my mane. "I love you."

"I love you too, honey." I kissed him one more time before we both got up. I put on the uniform while Max started to pack our stuff.

I spent the whole day giving seemingly endless massages, but I made sure to take my time on each and every customer that came into the room. Ugh, it has been, SO LONG since I did this many rub-downs. This is beyond even a busy day at the spa.

By day's end, my hands are feeling numb from massaging all day and I am exhausted. Unfortunately, I'm not really the type of guy to take breaks, so I've worked all day. Besides, I didn't want to keep anyone waiting more than I had to.

John took me aside and put a whole wad of Yen in my paw - me and Max are leaving for America tomorrow, but it's the thought that counts. He says it's my half of the pay from the massages. I don't really feel comfortable taking this money, but he insists, for all my trouble.

-A Couple of Hours Later-

I purred my lips mashed against the tiger's mouth. Max is rubbing his body with mine, snuggling and kissing me continuously. He growled like a feisty predator, "Gawd, I wanna do you right now~" He laid ontop of me, grinding his hips onto mine. I panted as his hard bulge pressed down on mine.

"Rawrrrr" I growled back as he started to nibble my neck. Just when he was about to slip his paw into my boxers, a few of his kid cousins were laughing and dashing down the hall, passing out room. We sighed as he slumped off of me.

"Dammit . . ." I groaned as I nuzzled him, patting his pec.

"Just 12 more hours, sweetheart." He grumbled as he pulled the blanket over his head.

Something tells me this is going to be a loooooong night . . .

-One Restless Night Later-

We woke up early this morning. Both Max and I are very groggy from trying to sleep last night; both of us are so pent up; it's been less than a week since we did that 69 in the shower.

John and Carrol drove us to the airport. Me and Max took our time saying our goodbyes before we went through security. The flight seemed way too longer as we flew over the sea.

After the long, dragging flight, we finally had gotten off to meet up with Ashley to drop us off at our house. Before she took off, we gave her our souvenirs to her.

Me and Max walked back into our house for the first time in half a week. I breathed in deeply and exhaled. It's so good to be home.

. . . *Sniff sniff* Huh? What's this scent? Musky . . . Slightly alluring. I kinda like it. Ah well.

"HOLY SHIT! You got us a pool, ALLEN?!" I snapped out of it when I spotted Max over at the back sliding door. I chuckled as I approached him and out an arm around him, "Holy shit! That is freakin' awesome, babe!" Max hugged me tight.

I sniffed again. Suddenly, my nose caught a strong whiff of something. I felt a sudden sweat spell over my fur. My heart accelerated in just a few seconds. Shivers ran up and down my spine. "I-I gotta go upstairs for a sec, babe . . ."

I rushed up the stairs and into the bedroom. I spotted a package on my bed. I took it and threw it in my closet and quickly went into the bathroom. I panted as I stood there.

What's going on? My body feels so hot. I looked down to see my crotch start to tent. Ho God, I'm getting so randy! In seconds, it's like I'm pitching the Space Needle in my pants!

My clothes feel extremely heavy. Fuck, they feel like they're suffocating me! I started stripping as fast as I can, feeling as if I'm going to sink to the ground if I'm not naked. As I stood there nude, I leaned forward and placed my paws on the counter. I breathed heavily as my penis stood rock hard between my thighs. Dammit, even my balls are feeling heavy, like they gained half a pound and is weighing down my sack! I feel like I haven't shot a load in months! I'm just so fucking HORNY! I know me and Max have been wanting to get some, but fuck, I feel like we haven't-

I gasped and jumped when Max knocked. "Hey. Allen, you ok in there?"

"I-I'm fine, babe." I'm panting for some reason. My heart is pounding harshly in my ribs, as if I'm getting ready to get laid for the first time.

"Alright, I'm goin' to the pool, sweetie, I'll see ya there?." I went to the door, and slowly peeked out.

Max is taking off his shirt, and was stretching. My knees buckled as I watched those pecs flex above his abs, my eyes going to there his paws were undoing his belt.

What the hell am I doing? Why am I just standing here? Why am I not licking every inch of his body? How come my mouth isn't buried on his lap, swallowing his cock? Why am I not pounding him against the window for the whole neighborhood to see???

I snapped out of it when I noticed Max walked out. That does it. I've waited long enough. Completely naked, I flew out the bathroom and bolted down the stairs. Max was approaching the glass door to the backyard when I leaped, pounced him to the floor.

"Ow! What the hell, Allen?!" He shouted. I ignored him and whipped out my claws to rip and tear his jeans and tighty-whities apart. The shreds of his pants tore and fell off of him, exposing his backside to me. I heard myself growl hungrily as I roughly seized both of his buttcheeks, and stuffed my face into his crack.

Max's tail jerked up as he gasped suddenly. My lips and jaws eat into his rear end, my tongue lashing at his pink cherry. I dug my muzzle in his rear, snarling as I pushed my face against his anus, roughly rimming his crevice.

As hot as it is to feast on his saucy bottom, I wanna do more than lick furiously at his pucker. Max struggled a little as I moved up, and pinned him down and pushed my throbbing meat into hot ass in one shove. As he yelped in sudden discomfort, I snarled loudly. I then opened my mouth, and bit onto the scruff of his neck. The tiger moaned and grunted as I held him up, and sank my cock into him.

Ohhhhhh, fuck, this is EXACTLY what I need! I pulled back and hilted him again. I heard him moan out as I humped into him continuously, ramming my tiger against the floor while he mewed underneath me. I growled with my mouth full of his scruff while I moved my pelvis up and down, forcibly rubbing my front on his butt. I supported myself on my paws so I was on all fours over Max before I started humping him.

I can only snarl and growl as I slap my front and balls onto his rump. Max started grunting and moaning as I fucked his hot, tight ass. Max could hardly talk, he just mewled and moaned like a butch as I growled and I started roaring as my thrusting went on. I pounded him harder each time I went back into his insides. Low-level roars began to flare from my mouth more and more as I plowed Max's hot ass.

I pulled out and flipped Max over, and slipped my cock back into his loosened ass. He moaned as I thrust into him, his fur is moist with sweat as I growled above him as I plowed him more. I went lower and laid myself on him, my body rubbing his cock as I hilted into him. He yelped as his paws slapped right onto my ass, squeezing my mounds, almost pushing me into him. I straightened up my arms and thrust into him one more time, before I unleashed a window-shaking roar again as I shot my storm of an orgasm into him, my cum suddenly spurting out of his ass, around my lodged cock. My hips bucked into him several times as my seed overflowed him and made a small puddle of my milk.

I collapsed, my body exhausted, my nuts emptied and my cock a little sore.

Just . . . What happened? This isn't like me to just . . . Attack him like this. What the heck happened? It felt so good, but it was like . . . I was someone else. I panted as I carefully pulled my soaked member out of him, and gently laid on top of him.

I then smelt that strong scent again and I growled heatedly and shuddered as that heady, manly smell drove deep into my senses. I felt Max's tongue tenderly lick my cheek. I hesitated in this sudden awkwardness, set in the aftermath of my suddenly going berserk on his ass.

"I uh . . . I don't know whether to say 'That was awesome' or 'Sorry for the brutal rape'."

He smiled and kissed me "Jeez, Allen. I didn't it'd drive you THAT crazy."

I looked at him curiously, "What do you mean?" He smiled some more and blushed.

"Before we left Japan, I bought this uh . . . POTENT cologne from a sex shop I found in Tokyo."

"Cologne? What type?" He grinned as kissed me.

"Here, let me up, and I'll show you," I got up and let him get up; I then noticed that both our stomachs are soaked, dripping even, with thick, white cum. I guess some time during the hot montage, Max climaxed before I shot my load.

Max then came back and handed me a fancy cologne bottle. I took the bottle, and held the nozzle to my nose. Just one little whiff is enough to make my breathing alternate and my sheath to inflate. The label was in Japanese, but I could guess what it was called, judging from the suggestive imagery on the bottle. "It's a new scent to simulate the heat smell of females, but this was made as a male version. But I guess I bought the Dominant formula. AND judging by your reaction, I think I put to much of it on." He added when I nuzzled his neck and nibbled him a little, soon giving him a love bite. Max giggled and stroked under my chin. "You're such a cute kitty." I purred as he took my paw, and started to lead me to the pool.

However, I pulled on him, and put my tiger onto the couch. "H-Hey! Allen, I wanna go swimming!" I can't understand what he just said. All I can think of is all of his masculine glory as I climbed onto him, and began licking and nipping around him. Protest as he tried, Max couldn't help but purr, and start to grope me in several places, each touch turning me one, and each inhale of that cologne pulling my penis out of my sheath.