My Lovely Shadow (Werehog Sonic x Shadow) Chapter 2

Story by Celizrenta_Firestarter on SoFurry

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Sonic manages to find Shadow and he rapes Shadow.

A few minutes before Sonic became a werehog, Shadow stood on his back porch, watching the moon. He had a bad feeling about the moon and Sonic. He knew that Sonic goes on his nighttime runs and tonight happened to be one of them. Suddenly, the leaves on the bushes rustled. It scared Shadow at first but then he thought it was the wind. Then, a loud, deep growl came from the bushes which sounded like a dog or some sort of canine.

Once Shadow came to, he was face to face with Sonic but he was different. "S-sonic?" Shadow asked with a very obvious hint of shakiness in his voice. Sonic looked at Shadow with a curious look as if he heard what Shadow said. Shadow tried to sit up but Sonic pushed him down with more of his weight, knocking the air out of Shadow's lungs. Sonic then sniffed Shadow's crotch curiously but was stopped by Shadow crossing his legs.

Sonic then grabbed Shadow's legs and forcefully moved them out of the way. He then grabbed Shadow and set him down on his hands and knees so that there was easy access to Shadow's plump ass. Shadow sat on his hands and knees, waiting for Sonic to do something when he felt Sonic's tongue slide into his ass. He never felt something so amazing in his life. Once Sonic felt happy with lubing up Shadow's ass, he got his throbbing cock in position.

End of part 1.