One night to make me stand.

Story by Courtney on SoFurry

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NOTICE:This story is shorter than my others because I didn't have much time to write it ...Sorry. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Terrence-A tall,muscular brownish werewolf with fire creating abilites. Mealonie-School teacher,parent,and very nice slim body. _________________________________________________________________ "Now,for the final touch"Terrence said to himself as he strapped on his army boots.He was 7'8,about 300 pounds and mainly all of it was muscle.His silky smooth brown fur of his upper body was shown.He wore no shirt.Not even if it was winter...He hated shirts.His large army pants were a mix of darkgreen and black..Some call it camoflauge.His large eight pack was bared and his fire-red eyes burned glowingly.He sighed and looked to the ground,accidently bumping into a human woman."Sorry sir..I-"She was cut off..Most of the werewolves she seen were fat and ugly,but him-He was was like a bomb exploding in her mind.She was speechless.He arched a brow upon her and smiled,"No,it was my fault."He had a Scar like voice.(You know-From The Lion King..Lol)She suddenly came out of the trance and felt herself rubbing upon his well built stomach.It was like her hand had a mind of its own!He shivered slightly at this,for he gazed upon her large,full,firm,and perky breasts,then looked upon her face,holding her hands to his stomach,"The name's Terrence Kayn..And you would be?"She smiled,"Melonie Grady.."She almost fell,overwhelmed with his good looks.He caught her before she fell...They knew what this was going to lead to... Soon,Terrence and Melonie were already out of their clothes.He knew she has kids already by the stretch marks upon her little four pack stomach.He grinned as he removed his sunglasses from his head and as the sun was setting,their lips met.His tail brushed against her side and this made her shiver slightly.She felt his wolfhood start to emerge from the sheath and rub against her leg.This was new to her,for his wolfhood was way longer than the man she had her kids for.Terrences seemed to be at least 15 inches long,a little more than she'd be able to handle.Terrence's made her last boyfriend's cock seem like a worm.His cock soon got rock hard and was throbbing,teasingly between her thighs.He arched a brow upon her as he finally broke the kiss and,without warning,he shoved his full length into her!She gave a loud yell mixed with a moan of pleasure and pain.He growled lowly as he heard this and pinned back his ears,"It'll get easier.."He asured her and she nodded with a small crystal tear eamerging from her eye.He licked the tear from her cheek and smiled.He knew this hurt her by his her tiny tiny hole squeased his throbbing wolfhood.He squinted his eyes as he felt her loosen up a bit and felt her hole spread a bit from his throbbing wolfhood.He growled lowly once again as it squeased him dearly,but this gave him only more pleasure and made him feel like he was going insane.. She moved her head up and kissed his muzzled lips,wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around him.Her legs were as soft as his fur was.She did this so that it'll bring less pain o her,but still give him pleasure since her hole was so small.He broke the kiss a couple minutes later and lowers his muzzle to her breasts and nuzzled them sweetly and reasuringly.He loved his muzzle to her neck and kissed it dearly as he started to go faster and harder,ramming his manhood into her.She gave loud moans and soon,orgasmed onto his wolfhood...But this only drove him crazier and he growled more animalisticly.He was turning into a beast and becoming out of control.He stood up as he finally locked into her andsets her upon a large flat bed-like rock and pushed into her more and more.She just kept orgasming onto his wolfhood and she bled slightly.Feeling her blood upon his woflhood made him go slower,knowing he'd caused her dear pain,and he soon,came into her.He collapsed onto her and panted havily with sweat pouring form his body.Some of his seed seaped through her hole since it was also too much for her to handle..About an hour later,they were released.He kissed her lips as a thanks and whispered to her,"I needed that...You're just the one who I could take it from.."He gave her a kiss upon the neck and threw on his clothes,then started to walk on as sunrise came again.