Itreyu\'s Offtime

Story by Roke Tanuki on SoFurry

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It was an early morning in April when Itreyu spotted them. Small silver dots contrasted against an otherwise peaceful ocean. Both his hands were resting on his rifle, though it'd still had on it the burlap muzzle-guard and shoulder strap as when he'd taken up his watch-post the night before. He was complacent with his posting, if a bit bored. The rhythmic caw of the seagulls had lulled him to the point of not hearing, or not caring, that his replacement had arrived.

" 'Trey?" Spoke a voice that bore far too much eagerness for this time in the morning. "You awake?" It spoke again. "No, are you?" Snapped back the young dragon, kicking the off-pedal of the turret and letting it quietly hum down, nestling in its cradle as he stepped off. The dragon spoke in a formally sarcastic tone while peering upward at that nonexistent point far ahead in the distance when speaking to a high ranking commander. "For the greater defense of the earth, my king, your throne." He ended his sentence with a bow, smirking up at the young soldier before him. "Hey, what we do is important." retorted the soldier as he clutched his finely polished rifle, shifting the strap across his shoulder a bit as he'd begun to feel sore. "Oh, yes it is, god forbid a seagull should shit on a Wart-hog, it'd open the entire planet to invasion....again."

Itreyu decided he'd given the soldier enough chit-chat as he exchanged his binoculars and sniper rifle. Walking off with his arms alternating twelve, three and nine o'clock positions, getting the night's boredom out. As he reached the door he gave one more look to the horizon; The silvery dots had become a chain of supply ships. Food, Toiletries, Food, Luxuries.....P.O.W. was the last ships markings. A small, slash like smile creased Itreyu's face. "Well....looks like I won't be going to bed after my shower..."

The elevator slid down with periodic grinding as the patched lengths of cable were unwound. The whole facility was a cluster-fuck waiting to happen from a bygone era. Old brick and masonry that'd been patched over by more modern plates of armor that may do just as much to pull the building down from weight as deflect enemy fire. Really that wasn't expected though. On the whole it was all a fairly unimportant target where the covenant was concerned. The armor plates there just from regulations. Itreyu cranked the stop lever as he approached the barracks floor.

Long ago, before the war started and certainly further back before Itreyu was born. This place had been called San Quinten. Playing host to many of yester-centuries big name criminals. Planetary wars tend to change many things quickly though, and just no sooner had the island had been the target of a powerful, de-populating blast from a passing Covenant ship, It had been reworked to serve as the main supply base for the southwestern North American continent.

Fortunately, by the time the garrison had been created, the Covenant had already shifted their attentions elsewhere and could care less for a supply base sitting that far removed from the action. The base had remained more or less unharmed and un-harassed except for the occasional Disenfranchised Jackal taking pot-shots from the bay.

Itreyu made his way from elevator, through the corridors to the mess hall, down the stair cases and eventually found himself in the lockers. With haste and a grin that drew from cheek to cheek he began to disrobe. Hoisting the uncomfortable network of UNSC armors, padding and regulation uniform off. leaving a disorganized pile next to his nude form. A sliding step took Itreyu to the wall mirror, indulging in a bit of vanity and narcissism as he looked himself over. "How else could three years salary last forever?" He said as he flexed. If not for the fact that he'd only been a dragon for the past three years.

Until around two years ago he'd looked as human as the rest of the population. But fifty grand and the latest technology had brought the dragon out in him. His skin became thicker and sported a scale-like texture colored in a shadowed blue tone (except for the chest, which remained lighter with a faded apricot tone.). His fingers had become bony yet muscular with intricately crafted claws. The most drastic changes were the face and tail though. the former had been entirely replaced by a blunted dragon maw, though still much longer than any human's facial structure, it remained noticeably shorter than the narrow snouted dragons of legend.

While his maw only took a week or two before he wasn't spilling a bit of food or drink here and there, the tail itself was an entirely new feature. One that took him at least a month of training before his dexterity and control of it were enough to keep it from whipping around from the occasional idle signal from his brain. Though he had the option of a trail of Spikes running along his head and back, he'd chosen instead to keep the basic structure of his human body. "You can't have everything, I guess." He spoke with a gaze as he ran his tail along his smooth, carved back. Though it might've seemed quite self absorbed of him to admire himself in the mirror, in truth it was no different than one admiring a purchased work of art or vehicle. This dragonic body was meant to be enjoyed, after-all.

Giving the mirror a little farewell smirk he headed into the showers and cranked one on full, rolling his fingers and thrashing his tail as the hot water splashed and rushed down his form, drizzling off the shaggy mane of human hair he'd left on his head, curving around and now and then a drop or two hitting his cloaca. It was a full body alteration after-all, even his genitalia had been reworked to be much more akin to the dragons of myth. His fingers stopped as a swelling began inside. "Oh....someone wants to play." Spoke Itreyu as he cupped his fingers at his slit. feeling his length grow into his grip, eyeing his sharp tipped dragon hood and giving it a quiet squeeze. All his prodding and self admiration had left Itreyu with little attention for his surroundings. It wasn't until he turned to let the water hit directly on his back and tail that he noticed another had entered the shower.

TOCs (Total Organic Converts) were always hard to place for the UNSC, the wide variation in body-shape, size and altered/extra-anatomical features meant that it was best to group them in places that weren't likely to see combat. Fortunately for Itreyu this meant that in addition to himself, he'd had two others whom didn't look at all human. Elly Pettigran, a former Artillery officer turned supply sergeant, had always featured herself a Panda. Creo Reed on the other hand had aspirations of being both a commander and a white-tail buck. While his progress toward the former was slow at best, he'd made enough progress on the latter that the only stock parts of his body left were his feet. Not that he'd change that. UNSC regulations specifically say all soldiers must be able to fit a standard uniform, including shoes.

While Itreyu had always entertained thoughts of courting Elly for a bit of anatomical exploration, he certainly wasn't above knowing what a cervid felt like. Itreyu continued to wash himself though, waiting for just the right moment to approach Creo, waiting and watching as the buck tilted his head back, his soft white and tan face turning slightly darker shades as he leaned up towards the water, occasionally opening his mouth and gargling a bit, his puffed onion of a tail now a damp spade covering that cute little pink tail hole of his. "C'mon....go for the lather...yes!" Itreyu whispered to himself, letting his quiet suggestions get muffled by the hiss of two running showers. Itreyu slowly stepped from his showers as he saw his opening. Quickly the new age reptillian began to move across the showers. Stepping quietly as the buck's eyes were closed, trying not to get soap in them. He waited until Creo's hands were above him and working along those sixteen point antlers, then, GRAB!

Creo gave out a suitable gasp and jerked just a bit. It was a surprise, but he'd also figured who did it. "Hey, let go 'trey!" He said, trying to take a step forward but finding himself restrained by a pair of narrow, yet strong arms. " won't be saying that in a little while." Was all the dragon said as his left hand drifted down, pressing hard enough to wring out the thick fluff on Creo's stomach. using his claws to tickle those nerves and make his abs clench. "t-trey..." Creo said, he really wasn't comfortable, but his voice, and body said otherwise. Itreyu didn't give the buck anymore time to resist, slipping four slick fingers and a thumb along the male cervid's half exposed pink.

"Oh Creo...I always knew you wanted this." Spoke Itreyu in a sensual, yet joking tone. pumping his fingers along the buck as he pressed himself flush with his back and slowly moving his long prehensile tongue through his partner's thick neck fur. Creo couldn't object. He hadn't had much private time recently and as the saying goes: any port in a storm. Itreyu's needs rushed back to him now as he stared down, seeing his own pink length almost entirely hidden between them both. He leaned forward to peer over Creo's shoulder. watching his soaped fingers slowly moving along Creo, watching as small driplets of grey appeared and quickly left with the soap and water. For a brief moment Itreyu considered plunging in. Sliding deep into the buck's tail-hole and leaving a good half a cup of seed deep inside. But he held back, pumping quicker on Creo while avoiding his own desires for pleasure.. "My apologies....but I've got another partner I plan to meet after this....wouldn't want to show up with nothing to give." Itreyu sped up now, holding the buck, watching as he braced himself on the wall, feeling a smug satisfaction as a ribbon of buckshot hit Creo's neck and chest, a little even landing on Itreyu's nose (which was quickly lapped up before it could be rinsed away.)

As Itreyu stepped back he smiled at his exhausted partner. "You owe me one, Bucko." Was all Itreyu said as he wandered from the shower, still sporting a rather proud erection as he moved to the locker rooms. "Don't worry" he said, laying a hand along his Draco-shaft, gently caressing it with his fore and index finger, his pinky and ring fingers gently easing lower to prod along where his testes were hidden. "I've got someone much more exotic planned for you."

Taking only a few minutes to get dressed and wander from the showers, his scaled body held little water on it and dried quickly from his movement. The boon of a hairless form "Now then....lets just see what kind of seductive Sangheli prisoners we have today." His lightly muscled legs belied his excitement as he gave a small hop when entering the elevator and began to idly hum whatever song had been on the radio that morning.

The elevator stopped with the same grind as before. Sliding open to reveal the prisoner row. Ahead of Itreyu ran a corridor of cells, each lit with the ambient glow of bars and fencing that, in addition to keeping the captured covenant docile, played well on his off-azure scales, giving them a more violet shade. The on-watch saw him and knew where he was after. She'd looked up only briefly before going back to her clipboard. "Hey....So I hear.." Itreyu said, smiling at her as if flirting. " Elite..second hall on the left." Itreyu thanked her with a pat upon the shoulder as he took a long stride past. Now he showed the same energy as this morning's relief.

Giving warm waves and hellos to the recent influx of alien inmates. A shrill little grin crossing his snout when one would lash out and shock himself on the bars. Taking a left down the old concrete hallway he stepped into the big cages. A quick survey and he caught sight of the one he'd been so anxious to meet.

The sentiment wasn't shared however, not that it would be, but the Elite seemed rather uninterested as it sat in the cool shadows of it's cell. holding one of its knees to its dark scaled chest while the other stretched out. Giving a beautiful side view of its tall, toned form and prehensile neck. "Hey there Mr Sangheli! How are the accomidations. Anything I can getcha!?" Itreyu smiled with his eyes wide. Hoping to get a rise out of the alien figure before him.

The elite looked at simply flared its mandible a bit, growling in a mix of throaty noises and clicks. Had Itreyu spoken any of their language, he might've translated it as "fuck off", as it stands though the growls did no more than let Itreyu know he'd be able to get under the prisoner's skin. Now Itreyu had always seen himself as a master of interspecies communication and bonding. Bringing his hands up to his snout he pressed his palms to his cheek, his index and ring fingers curled in, his fore and pinky fingers directed ahead as if to mimic the Sangheli's facial features "rawwwwwwwwwr" Said Itreyu, trying to mimic the growl as best he could before breaking down into an amused laugh.

What happened next surprised Itreyu, the Elite's hand came up with the back facing Itreyu, all but his second finger curled. The Elite obvious knew a little about humans. Itreyu met this with his ever-present grin. "Oooo, Mr Sangheli is educated! I guess you know what this is then?" The young officer said as he pulled a large bore magnetic rifle from the wall. thumbing a dart-like object into the chamber. Indeed the Elite did know what it was. And sprang to his feet. showing the entirety of his body as he crouched, his physique displayed quite prominently as he readied himself to dodge. "Oh...your gonna dodge aren't ya?"

Itreyu said as he fired from the hip, the dart sparking on the wall behind where the Elite's left leg had been a split second earlier. Its pride and defiance had grown slightly, its posture showed this well as it began to stand and give another grunt, a taunt as he wriggled his fanged facial appendages. "Yeah, yeah....but hey, you know what Edison said right?" Itreyu took a few steps forward, thumbing a new dart before stomped hard on a blue panel. The entire cell flared up brilliantly in bolts of electrified submission as the Elite stood erect. The shock arching his back and making him a perfect target. "If it dodges too much, run a few hundred thousand volts up its ass." The dart was fired and struck true in the Elite's elongated neck. As the shock subsided, the creature could only glare up at him. vision blurring as its eyes dilated, "Oh wait...Edison didn't say that...I did" Remarked the dragon as he grabbed a nearby push cart. "Oh well.....still a good quote."

Yes, Itreyu did get a few strange looks as he wandered through the halls toward the Interrogation room. From the fact that he was pushing in-front of him a passed out elite on a cargo trolley, and the visible bludge in his camo pants as he did so. But Itreyu didn't pay much mind to this, he rounded the corner and pushed past a couple pilots, making his way down the ramp and past the large swing doors marked "Shower." Like the rest of the facility various rooms had either been hastily brought up to minimal standards or re-tooled for another purpose entirely. In this case the showers for the Maximum security wing had been converted into an impromptu interrogation room. The ceiling was adorned with chains that sported latched ends, various tables which had been especially crafted to fit various covenant

Now, Itreyu certainly had no problem where confidence was concerned, not to mention his TOC body did have a number of practical, muscular advantages over an average human body. That being said however, even he wasn't keen on having that Elite unrestrained when it awoke. Hastily snapping a pair of ceiling chains to the elite via the cuffs on the end, He hoisted the Elite up so that its body sat more or less even with his own. The legs themselves were treated to a brace bar that cuffed rather snug to either of the large Sangheli warrior's ankles.

When all was said and done the large muscular figure was held facing the wall. His legs chained a few feet behind, putting him in the perfect involuntarily submissive position. As a final touch Itreyu put a crescent brace along that beautiful elongated neck, strapped at both ends, ensuring the wide range of motions wouldn't garner the young dragon a sudden painful bite.

Nothing could wipe that grin from Itreyu's maw now, not when he saw the way the fluorescent light played on that nude cobalt form. The way the shadows made those long warrior's legs glisten with every bit of clustered, sinewy muscle. They were digitigrade, a long narrow stretch of muscle and bone that ran up for a distance before jutting forward, supported by massive, well grown calf muscles. Still further up, past his knees were those thighs that could exert enough force to easily hoist a Wart-hog or Banshee. By now the Elite had begun to stir. Rather perfect timing as his groggy struggles caused the slope of his neck to clench and jerk. Itreyu was always a sucker for a good set of back muscles, He could feel his unattended urges bent against the inside of his shorts as he watched those huge veins that ran along from its lower back, up across it's shoulder-blades and into its neck.

His hands moved forward as he gave into his desires. "Your mine now." Was whispered with a subtle carnal intonation, his slender blue resting in the deep ridges of it's side.

The Elite had begun to recover though its movements were awkward to say the least. its entire neck forced to move as one as it took in it's surroundings., swinging itself and Itreyu slightly to either side. The soreness in it's wrists told it well that it had been chained up. Though he couldn't see his captor, he had quite a good idea of whom it was. ".....You think looking different means we'll spare your life?" Spoken indignant by the Elite, the words carried little weight with Itreyu, whom had busied himself with the large figure's back. "No, but I figured that being a dragon would make things easier , and having a long tongue does make things tastier." The Sangheli's back arched as Itreyu let his tongue slide from his maw, strong and prehensile, it dragged and pushed against those dark blue scales. It was a strange texture to be honest. It felt almost rubbery, chewy, though Itreyu didn't want to cause pain to his prospective lover, there was temptation to venture a small bite to it's lower back.

Elites, from what little is known about them. Are not bred to understand concepts such as foreplay. As you can imagine there was more than a bit of confusion when the feeling of the upper and lower jaws of a dragonish human sunk in very lightly. The chained creature let out a growl and thrashed intensely now. Chains can only hold a creature in place, not immobilize them completely. Knocked back and landing on his tail Itreyu grunted and sat one more. "I got too careless with you, didn't I?"

"Most creatures would go for the throat of another when trying to eat a meal." the Elite did his best to see behind him, only catching the very edge of the blue dragon from the corner of its eye.. Had Itreyu bothered to look up he might've noticed just how enraged and terrifying the Elite's glare was. However it was the soft cobalt of his hind-side and that well sculpted rump that kept Itreyu's attention. "So tell me something, Do you elites fuck like humans? I don't think I've ever seen a female of your species."

Once more the only reaction Itreyu received was a stiff growl and glare. It was kind of a turn on for him, to know his lover, his unwilling lover, would be more than comfortable ripping the spine out of Itreyu's fifty thousand dollar body given the slightest chance. It was a turn on, and made his objective all the more desirable. Crawling forward now Itreyu took hold of the Elite's rump, squeezing rather hard. "Keep in mind. Your the one chained up, Rubber-maid." Itreyu said as he drifted his scaled maw foreward. lapping at his lips with his long, slender tongue as he spread the Elite's rump-cheeks, peering at his sphincter. "Well it looks like we aren't as different as we thought."

"Even a human knows the basics of living organism, waste has to be disposed of somewhere, and you'll find nothing in there save for my own excrement." The elite, for his knowledge and training, again showed that he was still rather clueless on the sexual practices of creatures whom more openly accept hedonism into their lives. So then it came as both a physical and cultural shock when a long, slick prehensile tongue was dragged along the cleft of his rear. Pushing under his tail and putting pressure upon the clenched ring of muscles that guarded his rectum.

"What are you doing?!" Said the muscled Elite, shifting and jerking as he felt a warm tongue working along a part of his body that, to his knowledge, was entirely for utility purposes and until now served no other purpose. Yet there was something about this strange act. A rumbling in his body and a clenching in his thighs. He'd continued to thrash and try to push the human away. Jerking his midsection while his arms and legs remained chained. It was different this time though. He hadn't been putting his all into each thrash. Rather it was almost as if he was 'pulling his punches' so to speak.

"Playing with my captive, of course. You elites, your probably angry just because the sex is bad." Itreyu said between licks and slurps. occasionally bringing his tongue into his maw to give a peck of a kiss as he cleaned the Elite's hindquarters with his tongue. By this time Itreyu had become rock hard. His dragonic length full extended and the tip curved as it pushed hard against the front of his boxers and camo pants. Leaning in, Itreyu shivered as his snout tip met with that clenched ring, letting those stiff, solid rump cheeks rub against either of his cheeks.

"Time for me to get ready." Whispered the young dragon to his Sangheli captive. Scooting back a bit and undoing his belt, In less than a moment, Itreyu was nude from the waist down and grasping himself in his clawed fingers.

Even as a young man he'd loved to just watch his partner for a bit. Stare at them and stroke himself idly as he ran over what he would do to them minutes later. It was like that now as he watched the Sangheli warrior's body. Seeing the many subtle movements made on such a muscled, chained form. It was arousing to say the least, and the taste the young dragon had gotten made him salivate for more. "So do you want to be first? Or would you like me to take you first?" Spoke Itreyu as he moved to a sit. Slowly approaching the Elite whom would peer over one shoulder, then jerk to peer over the other. Being directly behind meant that only fleeting glimpses of his captor could be gotten. Quick glimpses of the light blue erection with the conical tip that sat in the hands of the dragon behind him.

"Tell you what, I'll get off first, then you can finish in me, how does that sound?" Of course it was a moot point asking the Sangheli how he felt. At least to the Sangheli. "I'll kill you the moment I'm free, so enjoy your sick games." Was the response given by the Elite as he felt the dragon getting closer, until there was less than six inches between them. Itreyu's tip prodding delicately to the cheeks of those cobalt ass-cheeks. "You know I never noticed before, but we're similar shades of blue. I bet I could be an Elite, just need to learn to snarl and roar a bit louder."

Itreyu made idle chatter as he slowly spread the elite, sliding himself a bit deeper until that previously licked pucker was pushed flush with the dragon's erection. Before the Elite could respond, a powerful thrust finally allowed entry for Itreyu's stiff dragon cock. Plunging its way into the slick, warm, moist depths of a Sangheli anus. A thundering roar of pain and angry ran through the halls and well out into the corridors as Itreyu's back arched. Taking the Elite with both arms wrapped around his mid section.

"I-" The Elite began, grunting heavily as he felt himself forcefully penetrated in a way that in his culture had been a known, if particularly brutal, torture technique. "I'll never tell you anything human, your torture will simply tire you out." Itreyu began to thrust steadily. He'd be saving himself since the Elite arrived. He'd been holding himself back and avoiding self pleasure and the quick but un-fulfilling orgasms of others, truly, it was worth it.

The pleasure made his tongue roll wildly as he felt the equally strong inner muscles of the elite clench, trying in vain to force him out as he continued to pleasure himself in his cobalt lover's body. His right claw dragged up and down, the dragon's sense of touch taking in every powerful curve and jut of muscle along the Elite's body. His left claw however did not simply sit idle. Reaching downward and exploring hastily. He soon found what he had been seeking. His fingers pushed against a narrow slit, delving in and drawing another loud roar from the bound elite as his own genitalia was finally found.

"Get your fingers out of there!" came from his mandible guarded, wide maw as his neck and body thrashed. Causing Itreyu to simply hold tighter, to thrust harder into the undefended rear of his captive. Their scaled bodies had begun to warm up against each-other. smooth manicured scales against rubbery scales. Muscles and limbs and thighs brushing together as Itreyu leaned up and put his weight upon the Elite now. Causing its arms to strain and hold them both up using the chains they had been bound in. Itreyu could feel his captive's unwilling pleasure of having someone's fingers inside their cloaca. Even though the arms were stretched and forced to support Itreyu's weight, still the Elite could not deny the sensations of pleasure.

"Ohhhhh, someone's finally enjoying himself!" Itreyu said through panted, heaved breaths. Feeling his body shudder and shake as he continued with his lover. He had no desire to truly stretch the Sangheli this first time out. There would be other times. Feeling the Sangheli's member slip from its hiding place and become exposed, he gripped hard to the exotic alien length. "We aren't so different, see?" Said the dragon as he began to pump in time with his thrusts. Feeling a warm drizzle of what was no doubt pre run down his fingers and the underside of his wrist. Chains rattled loudly as Itreyu began his final few thrusts. The kind where one's thighs and arms become rigid and the entire focus of one's energy is to ensure powerful movements of the hips. With his own somewhat more high pitched, smaller roar he felt himself climax. His testes pulling up and his body working in concert as ribbons of dragon seed filled the Elite's rectum. His slowed movement on his Cobalt lover's penis brought the Sangheli back to his senses for a moment.

Jerking suddenly and heavily, he made all attempts he could to bite or claw or otherwise wound the dragon human that had just raped him. To fight as Itreyu was stumbled back and his slowly softening length deflating. Itreyu could only grin as in all of it, the Elite has forced some of the deposited semen to drizzle out. cream and grey contrasting to the dark blue and purple scales that covered those powerful thighs.

"You know what? I think your just angry because you've never taken someone else.Lets fix that." Spoke Itreyu as he stood and slowly walked his way over. Feeling rather smug as he finally brought himself in-front of the Elite and looked at him face to face. Seeing that fierce maw and those small, flexing mouth mandibles. With a quiet smile the dragon pulled over a small, rolling tool chest. one about waist height. Turning around and accenting his words with a small grin, Itreyu bent so that his chest was pushed flush with the cart, His tail raised high. "Its right here for ya."

Sangheli are, if nothing else, quite potent sexually. Still hard from the previous attentions. He could do little to hide his erect member. It certainly was exotic in its design. Covered in well placed ridges, rings, small tubes along the underside and a pre that had an almost pinkish color to it. It was an erection any lover would kill for. To bad it was attached to a creature that wanted to kill Itreyu.

The dragon however was undaunted as he began to back up. The chains and position of the tall, powerful Sangheli meant that, provided Itreyu did not lean up too far. He could easily mount himself upon the Elite and "forcefully" take him. Backing further up and keeping his tail to the side, Itreyu paid no mind to the Elite's disgusted grumbles. Truly it was a cultural shock to have another male so interested in doing this to him. Even at the pleasure of being touched minutes before. He still had no desire to have this happen. "I'm going to kill you." He said once more with a fierce growl.

"No, your going to fuck me." Itreyu said as he finally backed up far enough to push the Elite back. With a sudden movement his legs bent. His body lurched back, and with a roar eight inches of Powerful, solid Sangheli cock were now buried deep within Itreyu's own rectum. "oh god, yessss." Spoke Itreyu as he leaned down on the toolbox for support. Gripping its drawer handles as he tried to push deeper. Feeling his rump cheeks against the waist and thighs of his Elite partner as he began to slide.

As most could probably tell you. Even an unwilling creature can be stimulated sexually. Sangheli culture may be far and wide different of human culture. But similarities in biology meant that the large, captive creature whose shaft Itreyu had been grinding upon had begun to instinctively thrust. Each powerful, quick movement caused the chains to rattle and echo down the halls with the grunts, pants and moans of two lovers in the heat of passion. Each shove split Itreyu wide as he took a cock rather larger than what he was accustomed. Yet this only enhanced the pleasure as he curled his tail tightly along those muscled thighs.

There was no stopping it now. The Elite's entire body clenched and jerked, every muscle in its chained body working towards a single goal.. The thrusts now hard enough to actually lift the young dragon into the air. A powerful fire-hose of pink semen began to flood into the tender, smaller rectum. Quickly filling it and forcing its way deeper into his intestine. the thrust was enough to knock the tool chest over and, given nothing to brace against. Cause Itreyu to side forward and off of his lover. Moments later a second jet of seed erupted from the Elite. having nothing to catch it. The pinkish stickiness landed upon Itreyu's back in sporadic ribbons of messy love.

The rest drizzled down, forming a puddle beneath the Elite as he peered at the stained dragon before him, whom showed a perverted joy in scooping some from his blue scaled shoulders and licking his fingers clean. "Your quite the shooter...I'll have to remember that for next time." Itreyu stood with a grin, letting his tongue slurp up that which had landed on or near his maw. "good enough that I need a shower. I'll send someone to pick you up later, lover." The Sangheli gave no response, breathing heavily from his orgasm and peering at his captor. "I'" He said in an exhausted heave. Too tired to remain aloft now.

"We'll see." Spoke Itreyu once more as he began to walk towards the exit. "So long lover" he said once more and gave the Elite a wink. Rather satisfied with himself as he left the room. "Yes...its going to be an interesting winter this year.....very interesting." The walk back to the showers was amusing in itself. Very few had ever seen a nude dragon, much less one smattered with pink goo. For Itreyu though, it was a mark of pride, a joy to let everyone know that, inside and out, he was covered in the aftermath of Sangheli love.

The showers were slightly more populated than before. Though this really didn't matter to Itreyu as he stood beneath one of the hot water jets, a bit sad to finally have his scales clean, but then, just because the milk is gone, doesn't mean the cow is as well. With a slow grin he moved to the restrooms, positioning himself above the toilet, Though he had intended simply to empty himself of the thick seed that he'd been holding inside his rectum He'd been taking in the scent since he left the room, even now his desires had grown again, without even thinking his shaft had once more grown stiff as he sat. Only a moment's consideration was given before Itreyu exited the stall and looked around. "Yeah..." Thought Itreyu as he spied a wash basin, walking over to it and pulling the small lever to close the stopper.

One might've thought he intended to do something much more foul as he turned around and hopped up onto the basin, pushing his rump down against it. Though as he clenched all that came from him was four cups worth of thick, pink spooge. Shimmering in the soft fluorescent light of the restrooms. Would someone walk in? Eventually, but he honestly didn't care. Hell it would make it even more erotic to have someone watch.

Hopping off for now and turning around, Itreyu dipped his maw down, closing his eyes as he lowered his snout beneath the surface of the collected seed. Stirring and pushing it around as it coated his scales. Opening his maw to fill his mouth with gulps. Then as he rose up. taking runny handfuls of Sangheli semen and rubbing them along his nude form. Letting the blue of his scales make the pink that much more vibrant.

Once more he sat atop the basin. Reaching down between his legs and scooping up a handful of what was left. using it as lubricant as he began to masturbate with the slickness of the Sangheli's orgasm. His body had kept it quite warm, and it felt wonderful drizzling down his chest, his cheeks, between his thighs. To shower in such private liquids felt wonderful, and in truth lead him to an orgasm much sooner than he'd like.

Itreyu's thighs clenched now, everything clenched as the last of what seed was left in him squirted out. His own shaft spraying upwards, causing his chest to now be covered in a mixture of male reproductive fluids. With un-mistaken joy Itreyu arched his back, a long "Mmmmmm" escaping his maw as he let the afterglow wash across him. Yet he could not stay here forever. He was tired, truly. He would need to rest, and sleeping in a bathroom covered in semen, while tempting, wasn't what his body desired. "Ok, win" he said as he slid from the wash basin, moving into the showers and rinsing himself before lazily wandering to his room.

"Life is good" He thought to himself as he flopped onto his bed. Long breaths and happy grins of the day's activities drifting in his mind. " good." he said once more as he slowly drifted off.