Birth(Chapter 12)

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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ALright guys, hate to say it, but I'm taking a break from Highschool Days 2. I'm finding it harder and harder to write this series, mainly because I have nothing TO write that could follow what little storyline I have. I didn't think this one out very well lol. Along with that, I'm getting a new PC soon, so instead of the off chance of me not finishing a story and having to rewrite it, I'm just going to wait until I get my new PC before I write again, so I might be absent for a while. Anyways, heres my new chapter


I woke up with a  groan and tried to sit up but couldn't. "Zakai?" I groaned out. When he didn't answer I said louder, "Zakai!"

The door opened and Raymond walked in, dropping down next to the bed. "What's the matter Leo?"

"Where's Zakai?" I groaned, putting paws on my stomach. It was three days before I was supposed to give birth to my baby. It was supposed to happen three days ago, but they had ran out of anything that could put me out and not harm the baby, and three days was the soonest shipment.

"He's at a drill meet, remember?" Raymond said, stroking down my fur. He had joined ROTC again now that we were juniors, and he was the NCO of the drill team now.

"My stomach hurts," I groaned quietly, trying to sit up again.

"Bad?" Raymond said. He was concerned now.

"Very bad!" I groaned.

"Gideon!" Raymond yelled, "Come here!" Raymond walked to the door and I heard him talking to Gideon, "Get Leo to the car, and take him to the hospital, I'll take the other car and tell his mom and dad and then I'm going to get Zakai."

"Alright," Gideon said, walking into the room and picking me up, "it's going to be alright Leo," he said quietly, "don't worry."

I smiled at Gideon and said, "Your Zakai's dad, how could I not be safe with you?"

Gideon nodded his head. "Samantha!" he yelled as he was walking downstairs, "You're in charge! Watch Katie like your life depends on it! Scratch that, your life does depend on it. George! Make sure Josh actually eats tonight."

"Yes sir!" George said, grinning at his father. With that extra year he had grown a lot more annoying. The thought made me giggle before it was cut off by a groan caused by a new set of pains.

Gideon carried me out to the car and set me down carefully in the back. Raymond was already speeding off down the street, and Gideon climbed into the driver's seat and started the car, driving towards the hospital. It was a short trip, but it felt like hours with the sharp pain in my stomach.

Gideon rushed me in and argued with a nurse for a few moments before he finally managed to convince her that I need to get into a room and see the doctor as soon as possible. Gideon put me down in a hospital bed before leaning against the wall, dry-washing his paws anxiously. 

I groaned as the doctor came in and he looked me over and said, "Odds are, we've waited too long."

"Probably," Gideon said, running a paw over his eyes.

"We still don't have anything that can put him out safely," the doctor said, "which means we would have to numb him down as best as we can and then strap him down so he doesn't thrash..." the doctor trailed off.

Gideon looked at me and I groaned and said, "I don't care, I just want this over with, and my baby safe."

He nodded and said, "We have to get him to an operating room first, and I can gather a few nurses on the way."

I was moved quickly, the doctor and Gideon trying their best not to shake me too much. When the bed stopped I opened my eyes I saw that we were in an operating room and there were nurses surrounding me, one of them rubbing something on my stomach which made it numb.

Gideon gripped my paw as a few more nurses strapped my arms, legs, and chest down. "Don't worry Leo," Gideon whispered, "your dad will be here in a minute."

Sure enough, there was a knock and Gideon stood up, opened the door, and walked out as my father walked in. He knelt next to me and gripped my paw, "Don't worry sweetheart," he said, running a paw through the fur on my head. 

"I'm not," I said, smiling at my dad.

I saw my mom standing against the wall hesitantly, staring anywhere but at me, and when her eyes did touch me, she looked away quickly. "Hey mom," I said, my voice weak as my stomach grew more numb.

"Hi," she said.

"You two can talk after this is done," my dad said, wiping some sweat off my forehead.

I nodded my head and rested it on the pillow. I was hoping Zakai would should up before it started, but the doctor said, "It's time," and I grimaced.

My dad squeezed my paw reassuringly as I closed my eyes so I didn't have to see what the doctor was about to do. I felt a soft sensation that slowly got painful and I grimaced and squeezed my dad's paw tighter.

I felt someone gripping my other paw and opened one eye long enough to see that it was my mother. I smiled before closing my eye again and groaning as the pain in my stomach turned white hot and I bit my lip. "Don't worry about screaming," my dad said quietly, "your mom did too, and her body was made for this sort of thing."

I giggled, but it turned into a scream halfway through. I gripped my parent's paws as tightly as I could and was rewarded by a grunt from both of them. After a few minutes, what felt like forever, the pain stopped, and was replaced by a weirder sensation that I couldn't describe. Scratch that, I could describe it, I didn't WANT to describe it.

I didn't know how long it lasted, but at least it wasn't painful. When it finally did end, I heard loud crying and I opened my eyes and tried to sit up but was held down by the straps and the doctor said, "Hold on Leo, I have to sew you back up."

I groaned and said, "Hurry up."

He nodded and I closed my eyes again and he I felt a tugging sensation as he pulled a needle through my skin, pulling the gash closed. It took a while but when it was over, I had no desire to sit up. The straps were pulled back, and by the time they were fully off, I was asleep.


When I woke up, the room I was in was full, and my baby was being passed around, carefully of course. "Let me see my baby," I said, sitting up and holding out my arms.

Gideon smiled and put my baby in my arms and said, "Angelina Renee Restin, just like you and Zakai wanted."

I smiled as I cradled Angel in my arms, "She's so pretty," I said, rubbing a paw over her head, very softly. She yawned silently and I smiled wider. "Aww, she's so cute." I said.

I smiled around at the crowd and when the door opened I looked towards it. "Alright clear out!" Zakai said, "I wanna see my baby."

The crowd shifted so Zakai could get through and a few, or a lot, of people left. He plopped down next to me and looked down at Angel and smiled, "Girl or a boy?"

"Girl," I said, smiling.

"Hi Angel," he said happily, picking her up out of my arms, rubbing his nose through the fur on her belly. She rested her tiny paws on Zakai's muzzle as her eyes closed and Zakai's smile had never been wider.

"Alright," the nurse said, "this baby needs to take a nap."

I smiled and took Angel from Zakai and said, "Night night Angel."

The nurse smiled and took Angel and placed her gently in her crib, covering her up as she did so. The nurse said, "If she wakes up, call me in here, and I'll have a bottle with me so you can feed her."

"Thank you," I said.

She nodded, "I'll be back later if you don't call."

I nodded as she left and I looked at Zakai and said, "Can you go get my mom from the waiting room? I want to talk to her."

He squeezed my paw and said, "I'll be right back."

He left and I settled back on the bed and waited. When he came back, he brought my mom and my dad. I smiled at my dad as he sat down on the other side of me as Zakai. I curled up and leaned into Zakai, "Hi mom," I said, "hi dad."

My mom pulled a chair up and sat next to me and she looked at her lap and then at me and she said, "Leo, I'm... I'm sorry sweetheart. I overreacted." 

I smiled and I reached out and took her paw, squeezing it and saying, "You know mom, you don't have to sound anxious that I won't forgive you. I forgave you before you even planned on saying sorry."

She smiled and she leaned over my father to hug me and said, "Thank you Leo."

I hugged her back and said, "Thank you mom."

"Now!" my dad said, "Now that that's cleared up, where are you two going to be staying? Our house or Zakai's?"

"Zakai's," I said, "it may be crowded, but it's big, and the ideal place to raise children."

"Yeah," Zakai said, "in a few months its going to have three babies at once. The ideal place. No one is going to get any sleep."

I giggled and buried my head into Zakai's chest, "You don't get any sleep anyways," I said, "I make sure of that."

"Mom in the room," my mom said, but she was smiling, if a little awkwardly.

Sim sneaked into the room and I smiled and said, "I guess now would be a good time for Sim to tell you he's been dating Alex for a few months now."

Sim froze and glared at me, but my mom turned and raised an eyebrow, "Oh really?"

"You would've kicked me out if I told you, mom," he said.

She nodded her head, "True, true. I guess I should have known, you never really got lucky with the girls."

Sim blushed and then grinned and said, "Well, the nurse sent me to tell you guys that Leo needs sleep, and that you guys have to clear out."

"You can tell her," Zakai said, "that I'll leave, when Leo does."

"I will," he said as he forced my mom and dad out of the room, to their protests. "Sleep good Leo."

"I will," I said, smiling as I curled up and put my head on Zakai's chest. I rubbed his chest lightly and said, "Hey Zakai, you know I love you, right?"

He looked down at me and smiled as he rubbed my arm, "Of course, you wouldn't have had my baby if you didn't."

I sighed and nodded my head, before closing my eyes and pushing myself closer to his body. "Night Leo," he whispered.

"Good night Zakai," I said, yawning before falling asleep, the exhaustion from the day catching up on me.


Another chapter rushed >.< I hate rushing, but I couldn't figure out how to make this particular chapter not rushed. I mean, I don't know what it feels like to have someones hand inside my stomach so... yeah lol. Anyways, look for my next story, it may be another series, or it may be a standalone, I'm not completely sure