Astro boy and the buried boner part 2

Story by dan1966 on SoFurry

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Second part to Astro boy and the buried boner

Astro boy and the buried boner

( c ) Astro boy 2003 Sony Pictures ( c ) Atlas boy from Astro boy 1980 by Tezuka Productions ( c ) Anubis character from Anubis and the Buried Bone by Harmarist

( boy/boy, boy/African golden wolf, gay sex, rape, bestiality, action)

By Dan 1966

All rights of the original artists respected. For non-profit fandom enjoyment only. No monetary gains desired or expected.

Part 2

10am Day 2

"The first time I had sex with Atlas, I was so charged up because I had been waiting to try it out since my body mod. I was so amp'd up by the desire and need to get my homosexual cherry busted that I dared to get involved with this guy at the ministry which almost became a disaster; which is how I ended up "doing it" with a bot who I didn't all....till I found out he could actually be a good lover. It was a little obvious that Atlas had some homosexual experiences though he never tells me."

"One of my kinks is to be abused, have a little roughness in our playing around but Atlas won't get too crazy and I won't push him. It comes from my design, not like I can really be hurt by anyone or anything less than an anti-tank missile. If I get tied or chained up by some jerk, I'll hesitate breaking free and play terrified because I get a surge (Ok...I get my jollies) out of feeling vulnerable."

"Every part of my body mod is designed to enhance the pleasure I feel and get out of having sex but I've learned enough about humans to understand that sex is not the "all end" to a loving relationship. Please don't even try to ask me why I ended up gay or why I ended up with such a boy bot like Atlas? Honestly? I don't fucken know....I just know....I love it when he fucks my brains out."

"Gasp!" A hard thrust caused Astro to grip the sleeping mat and moan as he lay on his back like "a bitch" taking his lover's seven inch red cock deep inside his anal trench. The hard vice like grip Astro exerted on Atlas's prick made the red boy bot shudder and coo with a loving grimace on his face...

"Obviously?" Astro said as he caressed his lover's soft cheeks..."Obviously you're not in the mood to cum quick huh?"

Atlas sighed back..."If you want the truth? I'm not comfortable having a little "sexy sabbatical" when we could be doing work."

Astro giggled...."Oh're actually worried about "time spending" when it comes to humans? I think you're sick......hah!.....huh.....mmmm....but I love you taking your time with me?" Astro said softly as Atlas slowly pistoned inside him. "Besides? We'll get more done in the cool of the night any way."

Atlas rolled Astro around until he was atop the red boy bot's hips slowly working himself up and down his lover's red rage'r..."Your poem was very sweet Altas...I loved it. That's your honest feelings?"

Atlas sighed. "I'm happy every time I look at you. And to think I thought of turning you into a soup can once....I was so pissed off and stupid."

Astro leaned forwards and gently kissed Atlas's lips..."Then why the hell won't you tell me everything about you? Don't you trust me?"

Atlas softly replied..."I trust you'd get absolutely pissed, which is why it's better you just lay off asking me. It's done....ok? I don't want to talk about it."

Astro rubbed his cheek over a palm as he felt the loving invader bump his pleasure diaphragm at the end of his boy trench..."I only ask because I care about you. I cared about you from the first day we met."

"Please don't start crying?" Atlas snorted. " get all "femmy" and "bitch" on me like this and it turns me off."

Astro giggled..."Grumpy Smurf." He then sighed deeply as he felt Atlas cum inside him and sat back to enjoy the warm wetness coating him...

"So? Do you like my glass idea?" Astro asked concerning the plan to dig down to the temple.

Atlas lay rubbing Astro's legs..."So? We use our arm cannons to crystallize the sand then cut a cylinder path. Make the walls about a foot thick for stability and it should all work out."

Astro nodded. "Sorry I brought up work during pleasure."

Atlas sat himself up and wrapped his arms around his lover's waist..."My mind was sort of blank any way....Say? After we get done with this business...why don't we go to Thailand? Find some way out of the back alley village, get a grass hut and "go Mowgli" together for a month?"

Astro smiled back..."Tempting? But a stretch. Might cook up suspicions at home unless we could devise an excuse."

Atlas thought..."Don't tell me you don't have friends over there? Where don't you have friends?"

"I'm not going to risk bringing the crown prince of Thailand in to cover up our "bumping ug's" on a pack elephant in the jungle." Astro snorted.

"Interesting?" Atlas snickered. "Might be worth a little risk?"

Astro snatched a pit helmet and pushed it on Atlas's head..."Too much sun dufus. The answer is no?" Astro said as he stood up. "I'm gonna clean myself up? Knowing you when I come back you'll be drilling pookie the stuffed bear a hole in his stuffed butt."

"Very funny Astro." Altas huffed as Astro walked out of the tent.

8pm Day 2

The boys stood calibrating their arm cannons and testing shots against the sand at their feet. Atlas would pick up the glass clumps and crush them between his hands, testing the pressure resistance readings coming off his palms and into his processors...

"I think they're set." Atlas said as he pointed his arm down at the sand. "So I'll blast and you cut once it turns solid."

Astro nodded in reply as Atlas let loose a hot blast from his cannon and worked the sand to a smoking boil..."I think we're going to get about two feet of thickness from these shots."

"Take as long as we need." Astro replied. "You can slam my butt between shots."

Atlas shook his head. "I can't multi-task work and sex for shit. So did you call home?"

"Yeah." Astro replied. "When you were sleeping. Everyone is fine. Reno wanted me to remind you that you have a service check up with him when we get back and you're not to throw him excuses."

Atlas moaped..."He hates me."

"No he does not." Astro replied. "You just like being difficult."

"He's disgusted with me being your boyfriend." Atlas said frowning. "I saw him looking at us that one morning you invited me to sleep over in his apartment slash lab and he looked fucken pissed that we were cuddling each other."

Astro smiled..."That was two years ago? He's not like that at all Atlas. It's just your insecurity with humans talking."

Astro cut into the stabilized glass with his finger laser, cut two hand holds out and pulled the solid plug out, throwing it over and behind him ten yards to a hard sand throwing thump...

"You didn't know he shocked me....did you?" Atlas snorted.

"Shocked you?" Astro replied.

"Yeah." Atlas yelped. "We were alone when he sent you to the store and he shocked me. Threatened to rip my insides out if I did anything to upset you. Why do you think I get all nervous when I show up and he's around?"

Astro sighed..."'re talking about when we first started to date and of course Reno acted like that because you gave him cause to be worried. I'm not defending that he used a shocker, I'm just trying to explain to you that time's moved on. Reno's much different but you need to confront your fear and talk to him instead of being a cold shoulder every time you come over."

Atlas snorted. "You like to defend the humans so much."

"Tell me that I'm lying then?" Astro replied. "Let's get back to work before this dissolves into a pissing fight?"

"I'm not trying to start a fight." Atlas replied. "I'm trying to make you less naive so you don't get hurt. You tend to think every human is somehow a rose you can root up and transplant in a rainbow garden. Your "My litte pony" mentality has gotten you into some serious shit before with humans and by now I thought you'd be a little less....I dunno....accommodating?"

Astro sighed..."Are we going to have a debate or are you going to light the sand up?"

Atlas cut loose another sand fusing volley and Astro pulled out another solid plug to sling. "That's more productive! Less bitching and more pitching!"

9:16pm Day 2

With the last plug pulled from the first vertical shaft in the sand, Astro and Atlas stood atop the roof of what they believed was a temple in the as yet unidentified city they hoped would be the old city of Pi-Hahiroth (Pie-ha-hear-oth) written in the accounts of Exodus.

Astro wiped his hands on the smoothed stone surface..."It''s still white and smooth? After 4000 years this shouldn't be like this?"

Atlas sat taping a finger on the surface then suckled it in his mouth..."This is crazy...the paint coating thickness is still uniform too. No....variations in depth severe enough to show pronounced weathering."

Astro smiled..."Amazing! You're not a complete brutish dufus after all."

"Oh shut your dick hole?" Atlas snorted back. "This doesn't make sense to me too? It's as if the whole place was suddenly plowed over with sand, no sand storm could it this fast?"

Astro scratched his head..."Act of god."

"And don't start that debate again." Atlas warned. "There must be a logical explanation like Flash seismic shift or Geo-thermal rotation or Crustal displacement imbalance...."

"Someone didn't pay the rent." Astro joked.

"Would you mind contributing to the hypothesis here?" Atlas asked.

"Well whatever it was?" Astro said as he sat down on the roof. "Gave us a great opportunity. You realize that not since King Tut's tomb there hasn't been a discovery of an intact Egyptian vessel of knowledge? This whole temple could have been so swiftly covered up that everything inside is perfectly preserved right down to the wall paintings."

Atlas replied. "Perhaps more a good reason to leave it alone. I mean we get into this thing bringing all the air of the modern world, which I remind you is filthy as all hell after 4000 years of progress, and everything in this time capsule will go poof! My advice Astro is to fill in this hole, tell Awash we made a mistake and go home."

Astro stood up with his arms crossed. "We have a goal and I intend to finish it. When we find proof of which city this is? Then we leave and not before. And by the way? We're robots not stinky, smelly, oily, moisture soaked humans. Our impact compared to a co2 and bacteria emitting human is rather low so we won't be as threatening to what's inside this temple. Sheesh....and you even dare to say I'm the human's "leash bitch"? Are you going to let the humans scare you out of something that's going to make you the envy of our kind?"

Astro pointed to the West facade of the temple..."You can keep digging now?"

Atlas pointed his arm cannon and snorted. "You really know how to play me."

Astro replied with a kiss..."You play me all the time so why complain?"

2 hours later Day 2

Atlas sat back against the glass wall of the tunnel as the boys began to go vertically down the front facade of the temple between the column-sades that jutted outwards on each side...

"Wheww!" Atlas said as he rubbed his right arm. "I gotta break for a while. I'm starting to lose my heat sink ability."

"Pretty good progress huh?" Astro said as he tapped at the glass wall. "We don't have to push it ok?"

"Don't have too?" Atlas replied. "I dunno bout you but I'm excited! I want too see what's inside, seriously!"

Astro waved a hand..."Patience reaps rewards. I don't want you to exhaust yourself."

Atlas smiled softly..."Never once in our whole time together have I ever known you to care about yourself. Remember that one time we got into that flight where I thought turbo-charging my leg rockets would give me an advantage?"

"We ended up crashing into each other at like 200 knots. What a mess that was." Astro replied.

"No...." Atlas said. "What a dumb ass I was. And I got the worst of it. When Reno told me the full story? I really did think of you as a stupid dumb ass. "Take these parts from me, don't let him die." I idiot! Saving your bitter rival who hates you? What a dumb ass?"

Astro chuckled and looked down at his feet. "I'm a soupy weak and pathetic example of a robot huh?"

"Yeah." Atlas replied. "Some parts of you are...." The red boy bot crawled up and kissed Astro on the lips..."And some parts I'm just happy are in their right places."

Astro touched Atlas on the nose..."it's one o'clock now. Let's call it a night huh? Wanna play some soccer before bed?"

"Had to ask?" Atlas replied.

3am Day 3

Astro flopped into the sand on his face as Atlas cut him short and kicked his feet out from under him! "Gotta do better than that!" The red boy bot yelped as he kicked the ball into a repeat thumping head jump!

Astro ran at him, faked out a sweeping kick jump and used a leg rocket to pop over Atlas's head and swept the ball while pushing Atlas over onto his hands and knees..."Like that?" Astro snorted as he bounced the ball on a knee...

Atlas jumped up, caught Astro by the boot, flipped him over and drove his head and shoulders into the sand! "No! Like that!.....dick face!" The red boy bot snickered as he spun the ball on his finger.

Astro sat up spitting sand from his mouth..."Prick!"

"I am so get used to it." Atlas snorted. Astro jumped up to charge him and the red boy bot caught him, spun him through the air and slammed him hard on his back! "Bottoms should quit while they can and stay....on the bottom."

They could be a little rough with each long as they were out in the middle of no where and nothing "living" would get hurt. Astro leaped to his feet and threw up his fists. "I ask for rough sex and what do I get? A pussy ass like you." He snorted.

"I've kept it a secret but you really don't satisfy me at all." Atlas said as he turned his head and closed his eyes. He acted too late as Astro flew the short distance with his leg rockets and crashed into Atlas's stomach sending the red boy bot tumbling over the sand and into his stomach!

"You should keep your eyes on the people you insult....douche bag." Astro snickered. He walked up to Atlas and knelt down as the red boy bot started to slowly get up and took a face full of sand in the eyes!

"Shit!" Astro stumbled backwards only to feel Atlas scoop him up, launch them off the sand and throw him back to the sand with a dust spraying impact!

"Oldest trick in the book and you fell for it!" Atlas gloated as he landed.

"I'm done." Astro replied. "Seriously...I'm done."

Atlas sat down..."So much for a quiet and civil period of soccer huh?"

Astro punched Atlas in his arm..."These little bouts are helpful. We shouldn't get soft because we're in love with each other."

A beeping noise disturbed the conversation as Astro had to answer his internal radio. "Hi Sis!" Astro said excitedly to his little sister Zoran.

"Hey big brother!" Zoran replied. "You find anything to bring home to me yet?"

"You realize that's a stretch Zoran? I can't take anything that's not from a gift shop. I hope you understand that?" Astro said.

"You're just such a goodie two shoes." Zoran snorted. "I'm sure the whole country of Egypt isn't going to suddenly die because one thing went to a sweet and innocent girl like your little sister?"

Atlas huffed..."Oh my gawd she is such a bull shit artist."

Astro snorted at his boyfriend. "Quiet!" He then turned back to Zoran. "Tell you what? If I find a small trinket of Alabaster? I'll ask Doctor Awash's permission for you alright?"

Zoran then asked..."Is Atlas with you?"

Astro have Atlas a kissy look..."Your dreamy hunk of a hot robot? Oh yeah he is.."

Atlas snorted back..."No! No! Stop! Oh....fuck you, you little shit!"

Astro snickered. "You know she loves your hawt body..."kiss, kiss...." Talk to your adoring Otaku-chibi-chan oh Atlas-yama-gataki-sensei?"

Atlas snorted. "You fucken suck." He then sighed deeply..."Hi....Zoran."

"Hey Atlas!" Zoran replied with a giddish and buoyant voice. "Is my stupid brother pulling his weight?"

"Zoran!" Astro huffed.

"Just stating fact." Zoran replied. "Your room is still a disaster. Any way....How are things going Atlas?"

"Just fine Zoran." Atlas said as he look at Astro like he'd kill him. "How about home? Did you hear about what I did to Tokugawa this time?"

"Who hasn't!" Zoran replied. "He capitulated to the demands of the union. They got what they were asking for."

Atlas snorted at Astro..."See? Results. Pays to be a bastard and not a take it all little bitch bot after all."

"But you're still in trouble." Zoran said sounding upset. "Now you're an environmental terrorist."

Atlas gasped. "Do what?"

"Yup." Zoran replied. "Fifty three environmental groups including PETA, the Sierra Club, the Green Socialist cooperative and the Bernie Sanders Memorial Friends of the Earth are suing the World Court to have your butt locked up."

"WHAT?!" Atlas screamed. "What the hell for?! I wrapped every single tire, I heated and vacuum sealed every one against water intrusion, marked where they were in Tokyo bay..."

Astro was on his back laughing his butt off....

"STOP LAUGHING YOU DING BAT!" Atlas snapped. "I did everything to protect the environment! Why the hell do they want to lock me up?!"

"Where do I begin?" Zoran replied. "You used plastic, dumped rubber tires, illegal dumping, dumping into the ocean, dumping trash without I have to list all their complaints?"

Atlas stood up and kicked at the sand. "Stupid fucken humans! Gawd! You can never make them happy! I put out less carbon than they do when they fart...."

Astro sighed..."Thanks Zoran. Now I have to listen to him scream the rest of the time we're here."

"Well he shouldn't panic big brother. Senator Tako Doi in Tokyo says she'll back Atlas up a hundred percent and she said the environmentalists can take their law suits and show em up their butts. I doubt anything will come from it. But its' funny to see Atlas being carried around as a paper machete puppet. They don't even get his hair right!"

"Oh great!" Atlas snapped. "So now I'm a fucken Macy's parade float joke? Fuck humans!"

"Sis?" Astro asked. "Call us back when Atlas tires himself out from cussing at the world will you?"

Atlas flopped onto the sand. "There is no pleasing any of those rotten fat bag humans. Environmental terrorist.....hmph.......ass holes."

Astro wrapped his arm around his angry boyfriend. "Come on....remember when I took that Orca from Puget Sound in Washington and dropped it into Sea World when it was sick because all the humans did was hold meetings, did silly stupid street plays in Seattle and claimed they were going to do something? Boy they didn't like me on bit did they?....."

"How dare you take OUR WHALE!"

"How dare you give OUR WHALE to Sea World!"

"How dare you take OUR WHALE from her family!"

"Evil...wicked....animal hating....robot bastard! You had no right to take OUR SICK WHALE!"

"What was that Orca? Their pet?" Astro snorted. "At least she DIDN'T DIE!"

Atlas smiled a little..."Oh my gawd...your pissed off face on television was priceless! And shocking the President of Green Peace like Spock?..."Excuse me? I'm talking! you're screaming! now shut up!" Vulcan neck pinch....CRASH!"

"As President of the United States of America...I find Tetsuwan Atom's behavior at the press conference to be absolutely unacceptable and threatening to global peace and understanding between humans and robots." Astro said with a serious face. "Hmph....and me getting a blow job in the oval office is by far the example of a great world leader."

Atlas fell over laughing...

"I said I like humans Atlas? I didn't say they were exactly bright." Astro said with a smirk. "They'll always bitch about something so don't let them get your goat and bite your ass?"

"I thought you disapproved of my action?" Atlas asked.

"I felt it was extreme. I didn't say I completely disapproved of you doing it." Astro replied. "But this is why I keep imploring that you and I work together where we agree so you don't end up a stupid looking prop from some group of human cry babies. Sheesh....hate to think of how they made you look, you have worse yellow hair than Trump."

Atlas smiled softly and gave Astro a tender kiss. "Wanna go to bed?"

"Not till after a game of checkers." Astro replied.

"Fuck.....checkers." Atlas snorted back.

8pm Day 3

With one last slow and careful cut of his laser finger....Astro removed the last of the glass tunnel facing the front wall of the temple and stood with a large paint brush wiping over the 8 foot section of visible facade. He stood back with a curious look on his face as Atlas came up next to him after removing chunks of glass to the surface of the desert...

"What?" Atlas asked.

"Ummmm.....there should be a door or something like an portal or entry way right here." Astro said as he rubbed his hand over the surface. "I don't even detect a seam."

Atlas started to rub his hands over the wall as well...."Maybe we're in the wrong place?"

"All Egyptian temples were built along the same lines though." Astro replied. "There should be an entry way here."

Atlas adjusted his eyes for a more detailed examination. "I'm not detecting any stones. Even if the face of this wall was polished smooth by the sand and time, I should still detect stone blocks."

Atlas even crawled along the base of the temple..."Nothing. This wall's pure mortar."

"Can't be." Astro snorted. "There's no aggregate? You can't make a wall of pure mortar without supporting aggregates."

"Well? Seems like they did." Atlas replied. "Unless someone just went "Alakazam" and "poof" there it is."

Astro adjusted his eyes and scanned the material over...."Would you like to say that word again? Look at how this mortar flowed."

Atlas adjusted his eyes and scanned the material...."Oh kay....fricken weird, a uniform wave-like flow that....oh bull shit...."

"Yeah.....flows from the outside to the center. This was a wider opening to the inner temple but it got filled in...all at once from the outside to the center." Astro said. He then made a face and waved his hands...."Wooooo....the curse of King Tut, Revenge of the Mummy, They're coming to get you Atlas!"

"Cut that out?" Atlas snorted. "I don't believe in superstitious junk. There is an obvious answer to this. The Egyptians simply poured mortar into a form and inserted a solid plug."

Astro snickered. "Now you're inventing things Einstein" He then gestured to the surface of the wall. "be my guest?"

"Your guest for what?" Atlas asked.

"Cut out a hole so we can see inside." Astro said smiling.

"You do it." Atlas gestured.

"I thought you said you didn't believe in superstitions?" Astro replied.

"You're more careful than me though?" Atlas snorted. "Just cut the hole will you?"

Astro chuckled. "Atlas the fearless robot afraid of ghosts?"

Atlas got into Astro's face. "Cut the stupid hole before I fricken pound you?"

"Sheesh...get all domestic violence on me why don't you?" Astro snorted.

Atlas grabbed Astro by his shoulders and pushed him to the wall..."Cut the hole already!"

"You really need to control that yellow tail down your butt Atlas." Astro snickered as he rubbed a hand over the wall then carefully sliced a circle into it with his finger laser. "It's a foot and a half thick." He said as he finished the cut then carefully sculpted a pair of hand holes to remove the 20 inch round plug...

Putting it down next to him....Astro started to wiggle his body and shake his arms! "Oh no! What a world! I'm melting! The curse of Egypt! Ahhhhh!"

"Slap!" "Cut the shit!" Atlas snapped!

"Can't you have a little fun with this?" Astro yelped back. "Well?"

"Well what?" Atlas replied.

"There's your hole?" Astro said with a gesture. "Take a look?"

Atlas pursed his lips and had a questioning look on his face...

"Atlas?" Astro beckoned.

"Don't rush me damn it!" Atlas replied. Moving to the hole, Atlas lit off the LED lights around the perimeter of his eyes and put his face into the hole...

"Well?" Astro asked as he leaned against the wall. "What do you see?"

"Rick and Morty got here already, dumb ass." Atlas snickered.

"Seriously Atlas?" Astro asked. "What do you see?"

Atlas pulled his face from the hole and smiled..."How about "Awesome" as the word?"

Astro put his face into the hole and lit off his eye lights...."" He said astonished. "Wow...."

"Fricken neat isn't it?" Atlas asked. "Did you see all the hieroglyphs?"

Astro stuck his face back into the hole..."They still look like fresh paint!" Astro pulled back, grabbed the plug and slipped it back into place, pausing to pat it with his hands..."It''s just crazy."

"I know!" Atlas said with a little dance. "It's like fricken Christmas! I mean did you see all the stuff in there!"

Astro stood back playing with his lips..."I don't even know if we should go further....I know?"

Atlas twisted his face...."Oh come on...You know you want to go in there? I want to go in there? I mean look at it! This is the biggest discovery in history! It's begging us to go inside! And how else are we going to know for sure about this city if we don't?"

Astro sat down..."We can use our eyes and scan the hieroglyphs from the hole."

Atlas snorted back. "I'm about to cum in my fricken shorts here? No way I'm going to stand at that hole like some silly old slide projector and read wall paintings all day! I say we go in there and get the proof we need then seal the thing up again. Damn it! I am fricken dying of excitement!"

Astro sighed..."I dunno...."

"Oh my gawd...." Atlas said exasperated. "Now you're the one getting all pussy foot? Use those nuts Astro! Oh I're the "bottom bitch" in our relationship so I gotta make the choice."

"All right!" Astro replied. "Alright...we'll go inside. But first, I have to tell Doctor Awash and see if he approves."

10:34pm Day 3

Astro and Atlas sat in the sand next to the entry hole of the tunnel system as Astro called Doctor Awash in Cairo...

"Sorry if I woke you up Doctor." Astro said. " our first look inside the temple. We came up to the front wall and to say what we found sounds strange is a little under-whelming maybe?"

"Explain please." Doctor Awash replied.

"Well...." Astro said as he scratched his head. "The front entry way is covered in mortar?...Pure mortar with not aggregation supporting it? No brick, no blocks, no timbers...and I don't think there anything "Egyptian" in that kind of building style per say?"

Doctor Awash was silent for a moment. "Not even in Hellenistic period times or the later reign period of the Ptolemaic dynasty. Most peculiar."

Astro laid on his back. "Atlas and I want to go inside and at least look at the hieroglyphs but...and this is from a logical view robot wise? I have know...goose bumps disease. I don 't really want to go inside out of worry but part of me is chewing up my butt do you feel?"

"My word is to go and do to the extent you wish to document, being absolutely careful to not disturb anything." Awash replied. "Get film and photo evidence."

Atlas sat hugging himself with near glee...."I'm so excited right now I could piss myself silly....well.....I can't piss but the feeling is there."

Astro nodded. "Ok then....we'll go ahead and breach the wall. I'll cut a sample for Doctor Awash to analyze back in Cairo." Astro then turned back to the Doctor. "Doctor? If we can? Should we remove some small items and bring them back with us?"

Awash replied...."Yes, yes by all means do so."

Astro clicked his radio off and lay kicking his feet...."UGH!....I am so fricken jumpy right now! I mean I wanna do it and I don't wanna fucken do it!"

Atlas patted him on the stomach...."I'll cut the access out ok? Come on, this is awesome! Us making history? Who would have thought "we'd" do anything like this together?! People back home are going to lose their minds! Talk about huge "PR" points for robots huh?"

Atlas stood up with Astro and smiled softly. "Besides...I'd rather do this with you and no one else." He gave Astro a gentle kiss. "Come on?...let's open this bitch up?"

End of part 2

Astro boy and the buried Boner part 1

Astro boy and the buried boner ( c ) Astro boy 2003 Sony Pictures ( c ) Atlas boy from Astro boy 1980 by Tezuka Productions ( c ) Anubis character from Anubis and the Buried Bone by Harmarist (shota/fur boy/boy, boy/African golden wolf,...

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Brought into the Light: part 11: Sheath and Knife fiction

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Brought into the Light: part 10: Sheath and Knife fan fiction

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