Can I use the phone? - Cleaned-Up Version

Story by TomTheFox on SoFurry

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Tom was a pretty avarage fox for his age, he was about 5' 8" with emerald green eyes and glistening orangey-brown fur. He had dark blonde head fur that went well with the rest of his body. He was walking home after school, it was PE last lesson and he couldn't be bothered to get changed, he just wanted to go home, have some "personal time" and play video games.


His ears twitched as they just about picked up the sound from 600 meters away. He turned round and found Sam sprinting towards him. He watched as her huge tits jiggled as she ran. 'Must atleast be a D' he thought to himself as she neared. The blonde-haired fox had slightly orangier fur than Tom, always silky smooth and neatly kept.

'Hey' he said as the smaller female fox caught up to him

'Hey Tom' she smiled, 'Can I come back to yours to use the phone? I missed my bus and need to phone my parents'

Tom blushed through his fur. 'Sure' he agreed.

Sam took his hand in hers and thanked him, winking. This made Tom slightly aroused, but he had to avert his thoughts, because he was wearing PE shorts, and would die from embarrassment if his arousal started to show.

When the pair got back to Toms house, he immediately showed Sam to his room and went to get the phone. 'Won't be a minute!' he called to her.

'Take as much time as you need, your the one doing the favor. How will I ever repay you?' she asked rhetorically.

'I can think of a way' Tom thought as the tent started to form again, this time he didn't really try to hide it.

When Tom got back to his room his jaw dropped. Sam was bending over his desk, giving him a view up her skirt. She wasn't wearing any panties and gave Tom another seductive wink.

'Why don't you come over here big boy and show me what you're made of?' she said in a sexy voice.

'I could smell your arousal erlier, we're both foxes you know, you can't hide the scent. I can smell it again now, come over here baby' As she finished speaking, she stood up and walked over to Tom. She locked his lips with hers, muzzles toghether and fondled his sheathed cock through his PE shorts.

'What a big cock' she said as she broke the kiss, going to her knees to give more attention to the slowly hardening member.

'Lets just get these out of the way' she teased as she slowly slid Tom's PE shorts to the floor. His cock was now fully erect and unsheathed, it bobbed out of the elastic waistband of his shorts, all 7 inches of the Vulpines proudest parts.

Sam gave Tom's cock a teasing lick on the end, tasting his pre. She kept teasing him until he took control and slowly slid her muzzle down his cock and back up again, it didn't take long for her to start her own rhythm, going deeper each time and massaging his furry balls as she eagerly took his foxhood into her maw.

They were both murring toghether, Tom had never experienced satisfaction like this before, he enjoyed having his cock in Sam's warm, wet maw. Her tongue dancing around the head of his cock, and licking into his slit.

'Is my baby read for the full deal yet?' she said, standing up and showing her now wet pussy.

'How can I resist?!' Tom winked back.

'Take me then foxy, if you're up to the challenge that is?'

Tom immediately bent Sam over his desk again and teased her pussy lips with his cock head. Sliding the glistening head around Sam's sensitive pussy lips. His knot was starting to form after all of his special treatment.

Then he pushed himself into Sam's tight virgin pussy as a moan escaped both their lips. He started to thrust his hard fox cock in and out of his mate's pussy, going deeper each time.

4 inches, 5 inches, 6, 7.

'Yeah! Fuck me hard baby' Sam screamed at the top of her lungs.

Tom picked up the pace of his fucking, slamming his knot against her pussy hole with each thrust.

'Yeah, tie me with you, make me your bitch'

Tom started to slam as hard as his could now, his knot stretching Sam's tight hole wider with each thrust.

Both were now moaning at the top of their lungs so loud, that they shouldn't be surprised if the neighbours heard.

'I'm going to cum!' Sam screamed just as Tom's knot popped into her.

'Me too' Tom grunted as he shot his hot load of Fox seed into Sam's insides. Her pussy pulsed around Tom's cock as her orgasm came on, wave after wave of fox cum streaming into her furry pussy.

After a while they both calmed down, and Tom's knot had shrank down enough for him to pull it out of his mate.

'That was amazing baby, you were so tight'

'I can't believe I took all 7 inches AND your knot into me on my first time' Sam replied.

'Now, about that phone...' Tom started

'Oh, silly me, I forgot I had my phone in my bag all the time, thanks for looking after me stud' Sam said, looking innocent. 'Maybe I'll miss the bus next week too if you're lucky' she winked.

And with that, she left Tom in his room, his cock slowly softening after it's amazing ordeal. Then he noticed the panties on the floor in his room

He shouted down the stairs to Sam just as she was about to leave.

'Oh, I'll have to pick them up tomorow babe' she said as she left the house, phone in hand.