"Who's The New Kid?" [Part 1]

Note: This is being written on my iPod Touch. Please excuse any spelling or grammar errors. Part 2: [http://www.sofurry.com/page/232786/user](http://www.sofurry.com/page/232786/user) * * * The sound of african drums reached my ears to stir me...

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"Who's The New Kid?" [Part 2]

Thanks for all the feedback, ratings and watches from Part 1 guys! If you haven't read Part 1, go back and read it first or you'll be hopelessly lost in this part. Enjoy! Part 1:...

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Can I use the phone? - Cleaned-Up Version

Tom was a pretty avarage fox for his age, he was about 5' 8" with emerald green eyes and glistening orangey-brown fur. He had dark blonde head fur that went well with the rest of his body. He was walking home after school, it was PE last lesson and he...

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