Two Halves

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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Two Halves

by Von Krieger

James sighed and flopped down on the couch. Another boring afternoon at school and then at work. For some reason he just felt sad recently, alone, depressed, like he was just coasting through life on auto-pilot, his body in one place and his mind somewhere else. He had always been somewhat of a loner, he never really made any close friends or acquaintances, nor had he ever had much of a social life. Work and sleep. That was about it.

Things just didn't interest him, there just wasn't anything that he really seemed to connect with enough to enjoy. It was like that part of him that liked to have fun was missing. Well, not exactly missing, since it had never really been there in the first place. He'd always been like this, just throwing himself into whatever was in front of him. Doing whatever was expected of him and little more.

He flipped the TV on, browsing around through the late night shows, settling on some nature program for background noise. He didn't feel like sleeping in his bed tonight. It was too much work. He'd have to get undressed, take a shower, get himself scrubbed clean and dried off, and while he was in there he'd have to brush his teeth, and since he'd be looking in the mirror he'd probably recognize that he needed a bit of a shave. Too much work just to go to sleep. So much easier to just crash on the couch. It wasn't like it was cold or anything. No need to even take his shoes off, just sit back, relax, and sleep.

James sighed again, he wished that things weren't like this. It wasn't that he liked being a workaholic, or never really doing anything most people considered fun. He just never really had the motivation to do it. He understood it, he was definitely capable of having fun and doing things just for entertainment, but he had no drive whatsoever to actually go out and seek out social interaction and hands on entertainment.

"If only I could find the missing piece of myself." he said with a sigh, "Get the thing that's been missing from my life. Be normal for a change. Have fun, loosen up."

Meh. Like that would ever happen. It was too much effort to loosen up. He considered going to a psychologist, or a psychiatrist, whichever one you sat down and talked to. Maybe it was something correctable with medication? Nah. That would cost too much, and he would have to work up the effort to actually want to go to the appointment.

James just shook his head, "Man, I wish I knew what was wrong with me and how to fix it." he said with one last sigh, closing his eyes, pressing up against the back of the couch.

Strange things happen when you want things done badly enough. Sometimes they're really strange things. Sometimes they're so incredibly strange, that you'll never believe it if you hear it. If you asked James if he thought that his loneliness was so strong, that his mind would give him a way to get what he wanted, that something almost magical would happen, he'd have called you crazy, sighed, and gone back to work.

But something did happen. Something gooey, purple, and slimy happened. It dripped from the faucet into the sink, and oozed from the sink to the floor. An amorphous, slimy, blob of glowing purplish goo. It began to drag its mass across the floor with half solid tentacles, seeking the couch where the lonely human slept.

It wasn't a creature, not quite. It was a sort of phantom construct, all ectoplasm, summoned by the power of the mind. It had one goal and one purpose, and it involved the sleeping male on the sofa.

The goo slithered over the back of the couch, dropping onto the human, covering him from the neck down like a thick, warm, rather wet blanket. It seeped through James' clothes, the sudden wetness drawing James out of his slumber. "Nnnn?" he murmured, "S' roof leakin' again?"

He opened his mouth to scream, but found it quickly filled with a wet, gooey tentacle. He was terrified, there weren't supposed to be slime creatures around! They weren't real! His fear suddenly was replaced by a decided feeling of grossness and violation. It seemed to be fondling his manhood.

He was a little less frightened, but a little more weirded out. Maybe this was like one of those aliens people were always talking about in the tabloids? It wasn't green with big black eyes, but it sure as hell seemed interested in his genitals. James couldn't help himself, the gentle, almost tender caresses of his cock and scrotum were getting him aroused. He couldn't decide if he wanted the blob to get him off or not, but since he didn't seem to have any choice in the matter, he might as well go with it.

A moment later he was rethinking his decision. The ooze was now quite keen on poking a tendril into his other major orifice as well. James wriggled back and forth, his arms and legs pinned by the semi-transparent purple mass. He flexed his rump, trying to ward off any anal violate, that was most certainly an exit on... HEY!

The human's rear was suddenly filled with a pulsing, shifting mass of slime, it was kind of mimicking a thrusting motion. His own thrusting motion as he bucked against the goo's caressing of his cock. It kind of... well... okay, it outright did feel good. It felt like something was being pumped into him, something cool and soothing. It calmed him.

James stopped resisting, just letting the goop pleasure him, pump whatever it was into him. "Mmm... now this is kind of fun." the human thought to himself. The mass in his mouth began to make similar motions to that in his ass, pumping something down his throat as well. The same pleasant, cool feeling settling into his stomach.

He moaned around the plug of goo that filled his mouth. The slime began to stroke faster, making James buck and thrust harder, making the goo in turn do the same. The human shivered as his body was quickly driven to new heights of pleasure that he had yet to explore. It felt weird, but it also felt good. And it felt right. This felt like something that was supposed to happen, something that would fix all his problems. Somehow.

The presence of the goo in his mouth silenced his pleasured cry as he climaxed, the goo seeming to slurp up his seed with eager anticipation, returning the sensation with warm jets of something shooting into his from the two tentacles that were crammed into him.

James felt strange suddenly. There was a weird pressure inside of him, right at the base of the spine and around his lower back. The goo suddenly seemed thinner, weaker. James could move again!

He rolled off the couch and onto the floor as a half pained half pleasurable spasm shot through his body, straight down his spine, and out into his new tail. The massive, muscular appendage ripped through his jeans, extending behind him, swishing slowly from side to side.

James looked at the tapering three foot length in astonishment. He reached out and touched it, and he felt his touch on the new, soft skin of his tail. More then felt it. The merest caress sent pleasurable thrills shooting through his body. "Oooh, fuck..." he moaned.

The pressure returned, this time in his chest. But they was no sudden jolt this time, just a slow pushing-pulling presence, a soft swelling, a gentle inward nudge, a wonderful feeling that spread over his torso. Concealed by his work shirt, James couldn't see his shoulders and hips shifting, thinning out at the shoulders, filling out in the hips.

What he saw were his hand, his fingers thinning, his forearms taking on a more dainty appearance. More feminine. He gasped softly, his voice taking on a slightly higher pitch. It was all strange, but it felt good. It felt right. It turned him on.

He slipped out of his slime covered clothes, tossing them away, kicking off his shoes and socks, watching in fascination as his legs slimmed down, his skin becoming perfectly smooth, unblemished. Perfect.

James wrapped a hand around his cock, beginning to jack off furiously. He felt so horny, so good. He needed to fuck, needed to find a mate. A male. Yes, a male. Not just any male, her male. Her true love, her other half, her soul mate.

James yelped as her jaw made several horrendous popping sounds, pushing forward into a reptilian snout. She giggled at the tickling sensation of her hair pulling into her head, her ears following suit. She reached up with her other hand, stroking the ridges that began to form on her snout, the crest atop her head, the two fins running down the back of her neck.

She shivered as her skin prickled with the sensation of goosebumps. The small bumps seeming the flow together, growing, widening, darkening, turning into gorgeous blue and black scales. There was just one more thing left to go, but she wasn't going to miss it at all.

Her member began to shrink, her balls pulling into her body, her scrotum following. She was truly female now, a wet, drippy, incredible horny female.

Shir, that was her name now, James was a name for a human male, not a lizard femme, slipped two daintily clawed fingers into herself. Her tail lashed from side to side as she moaned, hips bucking gently at her self administered caresses. It felt good, oh did it ever feel good. It was like her human body had been a prison all these years, hiding her true, perfect, scaly self from the rest of the world, making her miserable in the process.

Well no more, Shir was truly herself now, she knew what she had to do. She knew what she wanted. She knew how to achieve it. First and foremost was her own pleasure. That was easy to take care of. In fact it was about to reach the threshold of climax right about...

The blue-black lizard growled, her sex tightening around her fingers, coating them with her juices, shivers of pleasure running through her body.

The lizard lay on the floor for awhile, bringing herself to climax after gentle climax, enjoying her body. Her REAL body, the one she was always meant to have. It was perfect, she was perfect. But she was lonely still.

The lizard sat up and licked her fingers clean. There was a tugging in her mind that told her where to go. It was far away, and she couldn't risk being seen. She would have to walk at night. But her reptilian eyes could see in darkness just as easy as light. Her lithe body had the endurance to see her to her goal. Her will was unshakable.

She knew where her mate was. Her soul mate. Her other half. Her missing piece. It would take awhile to arrive at her destination. But time was of no matter. She had longed for this her entire life, trapped in a silly pink skinned shell. She was free of that now, and free to seek out that part of her soul that had been split from her for so long. Her mate. Her love. Her other self. Soon she would be complete and whole. She would never have to be lonely again.

Soon... so very soon...


Scott whistled to himself happily as he turned on the shower, towel around his waist, waiting for the water to heat up. He had been feeling pretty good the last few days, he actually felt halfway human for once, rather then a zombie that stumbled around and only felt brief flashes of life with an adrenaline boost.

He slipped the towel off and stepped into the shower, never noticing the bathroom window sliding open. The human mmmed softly as he stepped beneath the warm flow of the water spray. The curtain rustled softly behind him as someone else stepped into the shower.

The human was oblivious to Shir's presence, as least until she grabbed him and shoved him up against the tiled wall of the shower, forcefully pressing her muzzle against his lips. Scott was stunned to say the least, accosted by a black-blue scaled bipedal lizard in the confines of his own shower, her softly scaled body pressed up almost needfully against his own, her tongue forcefully exploring his mouth.

It was weird, incredibly weird. But it also felt... strangely comforting, right somehow. The lizard seemed like someone he knew, or ought to know. Her soft, smooth, lithe body pressing up against him, slick from the shower, felt so good. He felt like he was just about to melt just being with her. He felt his cock stir to arousal, feeling harder then it ever had before, his body filled with a burning need for the lizard creature.

Shir didn't keep him waiting, she wanted to mate just as badly. The two let out soft gasps as he slid into her wet depths. She pulled back, panting. Their gazes met, eyes locked on one another.

"I... I've been waiting for you. For a long time." Scott said softly, it felt like the right thing to say.

"Me too." came the lizard's reply, her tongue tracing over Scott's cheek. The male wrapped his arms around Shir's body, pulling her tightly to him. The lizard placed a foot on the soap tray built into the wall, giving the two of them better positioning for their coupling.

Their lips met in a second kiss, more gentle and less forceful than the last. The two were filled with a strange affection towards one another, it was love at first sight, but it somehow went deeper than that.

Shir and Scott both tried to hold back, to keep their lovemaking slow and tender. But there was a surge of desire in both of them, a frantic need to climax that soon became too powerful to be ignored. The lizard's sex grasps her lover's cock tightly, the human male thrusting frantically, roughly.

His hands drifted down to her rump, forcing her against him, allowing Scott to thrust in as deeply as he could as he came. Shir threw back her head, a hissing growl escaping her throat as her own climax was triggered by his seed.

The two panted, still under the hot flow of the shower, both stunned by the passionate coupling that had just occurred. "Mmm... I love you, my mate." Shir purred, resting her chin on the male's shoulder.

"I love you too... OOOOOH!" Scott moaned, a cool feeling flowing over his body, emanating from his groin. He began to climax again, thick streams of cum erupting from his manhood.

Shir smiled, pulling back, allowing him to slip from her. "Relax, just let it happen." she cooed, dropping to her knees, taking the male's rod in her mouth, caressing it with her tongue, eagerly taking his seed into her maw.

Scott couldn't do anything, his body just seemed to seize up. It was all he could do to lean against the wall. He felt strange, his body filled with weird sensations of pulling and pushing, stretching and contracting. Most evident was a strange pumping feeling from his cock and balls. It felt like his ball shrank with every jet of cum that leaked out into his lover's mouth.

'The human moaned as Shir began to caress his sack, which was indeed growing lighter with each pulse of semen. His testicles shrank and retracted, pulling back into his body. The skin of his scrotum contracted, pulling back against the body, growing tight, smooth, splitting into a pair of moist, pink netherlips.

He... she... moaned softly as the lizard slid a finger into Scott's altered genitals. He/she was still cumming, Shir's tongue wrapped around the diminishing shaft, eagerly gulping down the last of Scott's male essence as his/her cock receded fully into the small button of a female clitoris.

"Oooh... ooooh! Please... more!" the new female moaned, her voice now a sexy, throaty purr. She felt her muscles and bones compressing, flowing, pulling inward in places, pushing outward in others, taking on the slinky, sensuous, serpentine shape as her mate.

Shir removed her fingers from her mate's love tunnel, replacing them with her long, soft tongue, driving it into the new female as she had driven into Shir as a male. Scott... no, Sithia, reached down, stroking her mate's brow ridges and frills with her now daintily clawed fingers.

Sithia gasped with pleasure as her tail slid slowly from just above her rump, muscle and bone rapidly forming until it was of proper length and thickness. The lizard-to-be curled it lovingly around her mate's body. She shivered, her skin breaking out into goosebumps and taking on a golden tint.

The yellow lizard opened her mouth widely, moaning, pressing against Shir's wonderful, pleasurable mouth. Sithia's hair vanished, her ears pulling inward, her entire head flowing and shifting, taking one the frills and ridges that looked so beautiful on her mate, her human face pressing forward into a sexy muzzle with a number of pops.

An ecstatic growl broke free from Sithia's throat as she climaxed for the first time as her true self. Her golden brown eyes met Shir's deep blue ones as the blue scaled femme rose to her feet.

They hugged tightly, their tails curling around one another. In that moment both felt something that they never had before. Up until that moment both felt like there had been a piece of them missing, neither being a complete, whole person. They had found one another at long last, two halves of a whole finally fitting together.

The two didn't speak, they didn't need to. Each finally knew who they truly were. The blue was Shir, the gold Sithia. Nothing more needed to be said. Sithia reached out and turned off the tap, taking her lover by the hand, leading Shir into the bedroom.

Shir took her mate by the shoulders, laying her back gently on the bed, straddling Sithia's waist. The blue femme smiled, twisting her tail around, taking the end in one hand, guiding it to the gold's sex. The delighted female nodded, wanting that sweet, scaled length inside of her more then anything else in the world.

Sithia gasped as Shir's tail entered her, inch by textured inch, spreading her wider and wider. The gold's tail curled around Shir's, slipping in between the blue's leg and tail. Shir murred softly as Sithia guided her own tail into position, returning the favor. In a few moments the two lovers had their tails buried as deep as they could in one another, their bellies pressed up against one another as their tails wriggled and writhed in the other's inner depths.

Shir leaned down, her muzzle opened and met Sithia's. The tongues of the two lizards entwined. The blue femme slipped her arms beneath Sithia as the gold's own wrapped around Shir's back. It felt so good, so right, so perfect. Each had a lifetime of pent up loneliness, desire, and need from her previous life as a human. Each felt the need to burn away the sorrows of their past, and what better fire then the flames of their love for one another?

There was a great deal that needed to be charred away, but neither of the two mates had anyplace else to go, nor anything else do to. They had so much pain that needed to be burned away, but both had the will, the desire, and above all the stamina to make sure that tails and sexes would not part until the last of the old sorrow had been burned away. They would mate until they fell asleep in one another's arms, ready and eager to begin their new lives with one another.