Astro and the Buried Boner: Part 5

Story by dan1966 on SoFurry

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part 5 of buried boner

_ Astro boy and the buried boner _

( c ) Astro boy 2003 Sony Pictures

( c ) Atlas boy from Astro boy 1980 by Tezuka Productions

( c ) Anubis character from Anubis and the Buried Bone by Harmarist

( boy/boy, boy/African golden wolf, gay sex, rape, bestiality, action)

By Dan 1966

All rights of the original artists respected. For non-profit fandom enjoyment only. No monetary gains desired or expected.

Part 5


Day 5

The temple of Anubis

Astro dipped the brush into the canoptic jar filled with aloe, which after 4000 years was still surprisingly fluid and wonderful smelling, and slowly brushed Anubis's back while softly petting it along the length. From his hand, Astro was both trying to use sensors and shoot small currents of electricity to see what he could learn. At the same time, Atlas was going between reading the Hieroglyphs and turning back to look with curiousness over Anubis...

The Egyptian Golden Wolf stretched himself and smiled pleasingly at Astro... "You are very accomplished...and so soothing." Anubis said as he gave Astro an adoring look and a quick kiss. He then turned to Atlas..."So? What is this country of yours like, this.....Jah Pan?"

Atlas rubbed his hair trying to think..."Well?....a description might cause you some confusion great Anubis. I can say that it has many mountains and few places where people can actually live and where they live? Every space is put to use. We actually build dwellings going upwards so many families can live where space is small in villages and cities."

Anubis lay on his stomach..."Fascinating!" He said excited. "And your language is tantalizing." Anubis rested his head on the end of the bed he lay on...."Say something?" he asked Atlas, then looked at Astro..."Say something sweet about him in your language?"

Atlas rubbed his hair. He wasn't good at being poetic, certainly not about Astro in the presence of others...

"Well?.....ah hem.....I love thee with every delightful quiver in my body. Every day I long to hold and give you my sweetest affections. Once I was wild and full of anger yet you were patient and tamed me. Now my only desire is to fill you with my love and spoil you with all my affection."

Astro teared up as Anubis looked between them and gleefully clapped his hands together...."Such a sweet language! I feel so ticklish just listening to it!"

Astro took hold of a hand..."Pop your nails out and I will tailor them."

Anubis popped out his nails and sat Indian style facing Astro as Atlas took a seat himself..."lord Anubis? Where do you come from? Originally? Before Egypt?"

"From the belly of my Mother...Isis." Anubis said. "That is my first memory. I knew that I was very different from my parents, perhaps why the people of Egypt depict me as being part human. Having a wolf cub born of a.....well...quite something you may consider...troubling."

Atlas nodded. "And when were you born?"

"At the start of father's reign over Egypt." Anubis replied. "Before I was born and before my father and mother reigned over all Egyptians; the country was in chaos and barbarism. War among the people was constant. Children were thrown into fires, hung on pikes of wood or sacrificed to wicked idols. The Nile was wild, its' flood constant and destructive, famine was rampant. My parents saw the suffering of the people and brought order to the nile, ended the wars of chaos and drove the murdering idols from the sands and the villages."

"My Father showed the people how to cultivate the land and use the great Nile to their benefit. He established laws. Administered justice upon criminals. Taught the people to observe Ra and my parents were loved because they truly cared for the people of Egypt."

Astro was slowly filing Anubis's nails and collecting the shavings in his left hand where they were being examined and processed through the hidden sensors in Astro's palm...

"What of the story of Set?" Astro asked.

Anubis growled. "My Uncle the filthy coward? Two things about all Egyptians? We hate liars and we detest cowards because of filthy Set that miserable Jackal."

"But aren't you a Jackal lord Anubis?" Atlas asked.

Anubis gave him a deep and angry look back...."If you ever dare to call me a Jackal again? I will kill you and that is a promise. I am a wolf....not a miserable, filthy, wretched pile of camel dung coward and thief. If there's any animal I so love to hunt, torture and kill? It's a Jackal....they are scum."

"So one day....Set plotted with the Queen of Ethiopia and 27 nobles to kill my father and put himself on the throne. He had a coffer (Koe-Far or coffin) built which was glorious to behold and he had a banquette for my Parents and said "Whoever can fit into this coffer...him shall I give it unto." It was made only for my father. And when my Father lied down in it? Set shut tight and he and the conspirators poured molten lead into it."

"Then....Set seperated my father's body and threw it into the Nile and dared to lie to my Mother that my father had died in an accident upon the great river. My mother's grief was inconsolable, Without my father's body...his Kah (The Kah was considered in Egyptian mythos as equal to a soul) would have no rest and would wail in suffering for all eternity."

"I was very young...still in swaddling....but not to young to understand that when your Mother is grieving and you Uncle is sitting on the thrown with a look of deceit and murder in his face...the only action is vengeance in the cause of justice. So I and my brother Horus slew the conspirators, killed the King and Queen of Ethiopia and led the people in vengeance against Set. Along the way, I guarded my dear mother as she searched the Nile for our father and she found him and restored him and he rules the West...the land of our ancestors. And so it was that my brother Horus became the ruler of Egypt, the counsel to all the Pharaohs and the protector against Set's attempts to return to the thrown which he never does stop that treacherous scum. Set is left to Horus...I get envious because my brother has these nasty sweet talons compared to my nails."

Astro asked. "But in Egypt are you not known as the guardian of the dead and the embalmer?"

"True." Anubis replied. "But I also guard the lands for demons, like that putrid snake slug Sepkush who seeks to turn the souls of departed Egypt into his own warriors. Sometimes he plots with my Uncle, sometimes he doesn't...though the last time I fought with him I felt sure he was dead."

Atlas sat back for a moment and brought up the time on his eye lenses..."Wow. Midnight. Hey Tet-Wan?" Shouldn't we sleep?"

Astro thought....."Ummmm......yeah.....yeah we should." He said rubbing his head. "Umm?....Anubis? May we sleep? It's a little late."

Anubis rubbed his cheek..."Will you sleep here?" He asked Astro softly. "Please? After a long time...I miss the close comforts of another warm body."

Atlas called Astro over the radio. "Hell no! Tell him we'll be back! No!"

ro replied by radio: Atlas? We can't just expose him to the surface just yet?

"I don't care!" Atlas yelped over the radio. "He is not getting you as a plushy toy....fuck......that!"

Astro sighed and looked at Atlas then at Anubis. "Tat-Wan? Can I be alone with great Anubis for a moment?"

Atlas walked out of the room as Astro gently stroked Anubis's hand..."um... Anubis? You are indeed kind to me and you are very nice...which being so powerful you need not be too me but....I know you.....I know you've taken a liking to me and...I am flattered very much by this? But...but you see I have been Tat-Wan's slave for a long time and he's never mistreated me so...losing me is a bit hard for him to take..."

"I see...." Anubis replied. "Of course I understand...if you wish to sleep with him, I am not upset."

Astro threw himself into Anubis's arms and snuggled his furry chest... " are so soft and warm?" he said softly...

"Ewwww...." Anubis huffed back. "I forgot I sprayed my urine on you... ooosh! .....that offends my nose even when my own fur stinks!"

Astro skittered to the floor..."I AM SORRY MASTER!"

Anubis pulled Astro off the floor..."Please! Don't do that!" The Desert Golden Wolf said as he held Astro by his arms and slowly brought his snoot close to the boy bot's face..."A delicate flower such as you should be treated gently..."Anubis opened his maw and slowly stuck his long dog tongue into Astro's mouth to feast and feel over every part of the boy bot's silky wet surface and tongue....

Anubis pulled back panting...."You really excite my appetites." He said smiling. "But? I do understand you were close to Tat-Wan what you wish."

"Thank you Master." Astro replied with giddish happiness. "You're so wonderful!" He turned and ran out to see Atlas.


Day 6

station office of the Washington Post

Istanbul, Turkey

John "Hap" Arnold was the night shift editor for the Turkey office of the Washington Post and had just returned to his desk when his smart phone chimed...

"Hello...John Arnold, Washington Post Turkey office..."

A woman at the other end of the phone was incoherent, screaming and sobbing so hard that John pulled the phone from his ear...

"What the hell? Who is this?!" John asked.

"THEY KILLED HIM!" The woman screamed.

John suddenly recognized who the woman was. It was Tamari Shamrah, Jamal's fiance..."Tamari? Tamari what are you talking about? Who's been killed? Is it Jamal? Where are you?"

"Yes! It's Tamari and yes they murdered him! They killed Jamal! Oh god help me!" Tamari screamed.

"Fuck!" John snapped as he stood up and banged a stapler against his desk. "Hassan?! Hassan?!" John called to Hassan Imadi his secretary. "Hassan? Please tell me you have your pistol handy?"

"I do Saddiq (sah-deek = boss) why?" Hassan asked as John pulled a draw open and pulled a Glock with its holster out...

"Tamari's on the phone. Someone just killed Jamal." John replied as he pulled the pistol out of the holster and slapped a magazine into it. "You and I have to go get her and bring her here. John then grabbed his phone and called another man... "Wadarh?"

Wadarh Hasjani (Wa-dar-Haz-Johny) came to the desk....

"Wadar? Give me your smart phone number?" John said, then he turned to his phone. "Tamari? Tamari? Stop crying.....stop crying....we're coming to get you alright? Whatever you have....anything....send it to my phone and this number I'm giving you alright?"

"I am scared John....they murdered him!" Tamari cried.

"We're coming right now Tamari!" John yelped as he fixed his holster to his hip. "Cavalry is coming girl, keep the faith alright?" John snapped his fingers to Wadarh..."Wadarh? Get your AK-47 out of your car and be up here when we get back. In the meantime, call the American office in D.C., tell them a preliminary header and tell them to be ready..."Jamal Khashoggi, murdered, story to follow."

John stopped at the door. "And Wadar? Anyone not of our staff who just charges through this door without knocking? Blow their asses away, no questions." John slammed the door shut and followed Hassan Imadi to his car. "So much for a quiet assignment." John snorted.

"I was falling asleep to much any way Saddiq. Or would you prefer Kee-Moe-Sah-bay?" Hassan said.

"You make an ugly Tonto, Hassan." John replied as he started his car and peeled out onto the street.


Day 6

stro slipped under the comforter with Atlas in one of the rooms near Anubis's sleep chamber and connected to his lover with a USB cable to share information between themselves...

"Good." Atlas said smiling. "You don't smell like dog piss anymore. Did you? Did you happen to get a sample?"

"I got humiliated and you wonder if I got a sample?" Astro huffed. "Yeah, I got a full mouth sample ok? And it was real piss."

Atlas put up his hands. "I was just curious. So you did get readings?"

"It was real salty urine ok?" Astro replied. "Just that nothing is making any sense here at all. I got nothing back on his nail iron....nothing. What did you get from scans?"

Atlas sighed..."Flat fucken nothing. I mean...what the hell do we tell Doctor Awash? How do you start explaining this to Doctor O'Shay?"

Astro was surprised. " didn't insult Doctor O'Shay, I'm touched."

"Sometimes I don't feel like being a little bastard to old blimp nose ok?" Atlas replied. "So do we tell Doctor Awash yet?"

"Nope." Astro replied. "Sooner or later, Anubis is going to want to see the surface and know what Egypt is like now. I get the feeling he's not Omni-present. He's certainly not Omniscient."

Atlas scratched his head. "This is just too crazy to understand. Yet we know he's powerful; to what level we don't know but he is powerful."

Atlas looked at Astro for a moment..."Do you? Do you like him?"

"Huh?" Astro replied. "Well......well he has moments. If he is the real Anubis? He's certainly not "adult" if you think that. He's sort of a young teenager. You can't avoid that voice....seductively crazy its' so...."

Atlas sighed...."Yeah....can you tell I'm hot with jealousy? Oh gawd....he's a... he's a canid!"

"The proper term is..."Anthropomorphic lupine"." Astro said with a raised finger.

"No...the proper term is sneaky, bushy tailed little prick trying to get in my boyfriend's ass." Atlas snapped.

Astro gave his boyfriend a light push..."Oh come on! You like him...I think. We should go ahead and get some sleep."

Atlas quickly pulled away the USB cable and pointed as he closed his chest door..."Guess who's coming?"

Anubis showed up at the doorway to the room dressed in a traditional Egyptian waist wrap and leaned against the side of the entry...

"May I join you?" He asked.

"Sure." Atlas replied. "Welcome great Anubis."

"You can dispense with the honorifics Tat-Wan." The wolf replied as he walked in. To Atlas's surprise, Anubis chose to lay down outside to Atlas's right and not between him or Astro or to Astro's side...

"Wouldn't you like to cuddle with your slave?" Atlas asked.

"Even I have respect. I know how important Tet-Wan must be to you." Anubis replied as he laid on his side and slowly extended a hand to touch Atlas. "I'm very curious. You feel so....different....I must admit I can't help but be infatuated by your skin."

Atlas reached out to pet Anubis's head..."I'm just surprised you let anyone touch being such a powerful deity and all."

Anubis smiled..."Normally...I would only show my affections to the people, though the temple priests were always a stubborn bunch of power hungry fools. I was never to make myself....too cozy....which is why I did most of my walks around Egypt at night when the silly fools were sleeping."

"Figures." Atlas said as he poked Anubis's chest. "This near jet black fur of yours was a big benefit huh?"

"That?....and the fact that I could change at will from this form to that of a wolf in four legs. Such a care free thing to act like a village dog and get free food and play without the responsibilities of court. I'd drive my mother crazy taking off my swaddling and going for long runs alone in the desert." Anubis said as he played with Atlas's hair...

"I love your hair." Anubis said softly..."And I love the color of your skin..." The Golden Wolf slowly moved his face closer to Atlas's..."And your eyes are tantalizing to me..."

Atlas called to Astro over the radio..."Oh gawd....he's hitting on me..."

"Now I'm fucken Jealous!" Astro replied playfully.

"I.....I.....Astro? He's gonna kiss me." Atlas said over the radio as he seemed to be trying to back away...

"Let him." Astro replied by radio as he watched Anubis's maw slightly part and his long tongue slip into Atlas's mouth. Soon the excited red boy bot and the Wolf were exchanging lips and tongues in a sensual love dance...

"Get a saliva sample!" Astro said to Atlas by radio...

"Huh?" Atlas replied. "Ummmmm...he's......sweeeeeet......"

Anubis pulled back with a trail of spittle hanging between him and the dazed boy bot...."Your just...." Anubis shook his head...."I must have more..."

Another exchange and Atlas allowed himself to be flattened onto the floor and be "mouth raped" by Anubis's tongue...

"Holy shit!" Astro yelped by radio. "What's it like?"

"Mmmmmmm..." Atlas replied. "Fucken weird but fricken awesome..."

Atlas moved his hands up and held Anubis's cheeks as they fell deeply into each other's soft ministry of their mouths..."I'm sorry..." Atlas said to Astro by radio...

"It's ok..." Astro replied by radio as he watched. "It's good observation and research."

"Hmph.....fucken liar." Atlas replied by radio as he felt Anubis's hand rub his scrotum sack...

Anubis pulled back again and smiled as he felt Atlas's erect cock..."You are certainly gifted..." The Golden Wolf said with a sigh as he slowly moved his fingers over Atlas's shaft...

"I think he's trying to be a little balanced so you don't get upset at him hitting on me." Astro said to Atlas by radio.

"Right now?" Atlas replied by radio. "I don't fucken care what he's trying to do because...he's doing something and he's fucken good!"

Anubis moved over Atlas's lap and rubbed his cheeks..."Allow me to be your pillow?" The wolf asked.

Atlas sat up and allow Anubis to get behind him and pull him into his lap where the Wolf rested himself against the wall behind him playing with Atlas's hair and slowly moving his hands over the red boy bots' smooth skin...

"Can I say that I love you both?" Anubis said as he reached out and took Astro's hand. "I couldn't have been awaken by such gorgeous boys."

"Thanks for the compliment." Atlas replied.

Astro just softly smiled as Anubis leaned over to him and softly kissed him, doe'ing his eyes at him..."Am I a beast?"

"No..." Astro replied softly. "You're wonderful."

Anubis smiled and rubbed Astro's head..."Then sleep wonderfully my friends."

All three bedded down embracing each other as the candles around them danced down dimly to extinguishment.

1am Cairo Time

7pm Washington DC

Office of the Washington Post

Night Shift Editor, Kevin Storch

Day 6

Kevin Storch was at his desk eating a SUBWAY sandwich when his phone rang..."Night shift Editor, Washington Post, Kevin Storch."

"Kevin? It's John Arnold from the Istanbul bureau. I'm barracded right now in our offices. Something seriously fucked up just happened over here so you better be ready to print an opener." John Arnold said with a sound of excitement and worry in his tone. Storch was well aware that since Erdawan became the Turkish President; the country was in a precarious state. There had been an attempted coup de etat not that long ago...

"What you got John?" Kevin asked. "And what does "barraced" mean?"

"It means were armed to the teeth in here." John replied. "Kevin? Jamal is dead."

"Khashoggi Jamal?" Kevin asked.

"Yes." John replied. "His fiance is here with us now. We don't know who to trust. She said he was terrified as hell about something but he wouldn't tell her, he just up and went to the Saudi embassy and told her to have her phone out and watch for messages and she got an audio file of the fuckers putting bullets into Jamal. They fucken killed him!"

"God.....damn....." Kevin said as he waved to a staffer outside his office. "Kelly? Get in here right now!" He then turned to his phone. "John? Let me inform the U.S. State Department and see what they can do? See if we can get her some diplomatic protection from the Saudis and the Turks...Damn this could blow up big time into something nasty. Are you guys armed?"

"Armed up to the fucken teeth in here. Damn good that will do if the Turks want to put skin in all this mess...fuck! They just shot him down right inside the damn compound blaitant as all fuck. Tamari's a mess...why the hell would they kill Jamal like this?"

Kevin turned to his computer. "Send me what you got so we can put together a story and get it out as a prelim alert article. I'll call the State Department right now." Kevin paused for a moment. "John? Please be careful and for gods' sake please don't shoot a Turkish cop or a soldier? The last thing we need is to start a fricken war."

"We'll be careful." John replied as he clicked off his phone.

1am Cairo Time

2am Istambul Time

Istambul International Airport

Saudi Diplomatic Currier Jet

Day 6

Hafez Iban Rhali (Ha-fez Ee-ban Rah-lee) spoke into his cell phone as the small Lear jet began to roll out to the runway...

"Done as you order my lord. You should have seen the face of the fat bastard minister when I shot Khashoggi in his office. The stupid pig filled his underwear."

Rhali smirked as he swirled his drink..."I'm very sure Khashoggi was probably taping everything and by now his fiance is running to the Washington Post. It's all filling in nicely."

Rhali felt the small jet rise off the runway..."I spoke to Aysa Maldi an hour ago. He'll make sure some of the team are killed within a day of their return to Rhiad and that it will be no doubt that the Royal Security Executive did the killing. Absolutely a nice little mess to keep prying eyes off our operations; by the time anyone realizes it? Our people will once again command Egypt and you can take your rightful place in Cairo. Yes my lord....Rhali out."

The man turned off the phone and motioned to the steward. "Smash it to pieces and make sure its' dropped out of the evacuation tube....slowly?"

"Of course Sir." The Steward replied.

1:30 am Cairo Time

7:30 pm Washington DC

State Department of the United States of America

Recording of call from Night editor, Washington Post.

Day 6

Operator: U.S. Department of State how may I direct your call please?

Kevin Storch: This is Mister Kevin Storch of the Washington Post D.C. bureau? I need to speek to someone in Embassy Department regarding expediant assylum? It's very serious, some of my people right now are in danger in Turkey.

Operator: Wait please Sir.

E.P.O. (Embassy Policy Office) : This is Miss Emmy Carlson, duty EPO contact Sir. I'm told you have an expediant matter in Turkey?

Kevin Storch: Yes of our journalists assigned to Middle East coverage was just murdered in the Saudi embassy in Istambul, we have evidence and a wittness who is being protected by my staff there and they don't know who to trust. We need to get her to an embassy for protection as soon as possible.

E.P.O. (Embassy Policy Office) : Sir? What is the name of the deceased? Are you certain he was murdered in Saudi Embassy?

Kevin Storch:His name was Jamal Khashoggi and there is no doubt he was murdered there, we have evidence. My people are under threat as I speak for god's sake tell me what I need to do?!

E.P.O. (Embassy Policy Office) : You need to call the American embassy in Istambul and advise them of the situation but until the State Department contacts the White House and gets approval for our involement; they will just have to stay where they are and do their best not to incite any incidents.

Kevin Storch: As if what just happened didn't excite anything?

E.P.O. (Embassy Policy Office) : That's official policy Sir. At least have your people in Istambul call the embassy to let them know the situation.


Day 6

Anubis's temple

Astro sat next to the Jeep in his shorts and moon boots sending more photos and files to Doctor Awash in Cairo, yet....what would he and Atlas do if the Doctor decided to come out to the site with a team?

"At least for now, we can't allow humans to the site. The air in the temple is very dangerous given it's been sealed for 4000 years. We are sweeping the temple for dangerous mold build-up and bio-hazards."

Astro thought that would buy them some time. He then went through the packs in the back of the jeep and found what he thought would be un-offensive and plain cookies. If treats could work on dogs, and indeed Anubis was a Canid, then a few yummy gifts would perhaps make him more talkative?

Astro giggled at the idea of being a slave boy though Anubis was being way to kind of a master, which Astro's "naughty kink" was chomping at him to tempt trouble with the powerful.....what do you exactly call him?

Astro dropped back down the hole to the glass tunnel and flew into the Temple where he set his moon boots down at the opening in the mortar and walked to the room where they were sleeping with Anubis. He paused at the doorway to look and smile at how Atlas and Anubis were together. Atlas was cuddled against Anubis with the most content look on his face and Anubis had shorn off his waist wrap, allowing himself to hang out and his "hanging out" caused Astro to blush. After all he was a "gay bottom" and dicks tuned him on...even a hard canine cock rising from....whatever Anubis was.

Astro played his fingers over his lips..."Do I even dare it?" He thought to himself as he quietly walked up and lowered himself before Anubis's nice wolf cock...

It was almost six inches but very thick around with a round knot at the base of it and it tapered to a bulbous point instead of a classical male cock with a cap head. Atlas wouldn't mind if Astro wanted to suck it, only if Anubis decided to plow the shit out of Astro's ass hole then who knows what Atlas would do because that would be cheating to the max. The last time Atlas thought Astro was cheating on him, things ended in a hell of a mess.

Astro carefully reached out with his hand and slowly felt the stiff prick from the tip to the knot..."Mmmm...fucken nice." he said to himself as he explored and watched how Anubis reacted. He softly tickled the sleeping Wolf's nutsack then moved his fingers down to explore over Anubis's tight anus at the base of the tail.

"Whine...." Anubis reacted to the playing by softly licking Atlas on his face and snuggling him while opening his legs so Astro could have all the room he wanted. Astro thought for a moment...he was going to suck an animal's prick...or at least Anubis "looked" the part. It was....well....socially gross from the human thinking. Slowly....Astro stuck out his tongue and ran the moist mouth muscle over Anubis's cock from the knot to the very tip where Astro spent time slowly massaging the opening of the urethra.

It tasted like an ordinary penis at least? There was urine and body salt all over it and the texture was smooth...cept the sensors were coming up blank with "No results" flashing over Astro's eye lenses to every question he posed. He kept at it with his tongue over the tip until Anubis released the first trickles of pre-cum which Astro lapped up and tested with his mouth sensors....

"No results" came flashing back at him and Astro snorted...."What the fuck?" As he sat up frowning. "No salts? No body fluid in the pre-cum? What the fuck? This is really screwy." Astro snorted softly. "Hmph....but who cares? It's a fucken dick."

Astro positioned himself over the hard shaft, took hold of it with a hand and slowly slipped his mouth over it, plunging slowly downwards until his mouth was full of the hot muscle and his lips kissed the knot at the end. He stayed there for a moment before pulling up and off and slowly licking his lips...

"Not bad." Astro thought. "Taste like any dick to me." He kissed the tip and again took the wolf cock deep into his wet mouth.

"Mmmmm.....woof....yip....." Anubis made soft noises as Astro ministered to his cock but the aroused wolf soon stirred from his deep sleep and looked down the front of his body to see Astro slowly sucking on his prick....

"Hmph...." Anubis thought. "Don't want to wake Tat-Wan to this..." Anubis looked at Astro and gave him a little wave as he watched the boy bot suck away on his penis, "Good...a slave who knows what his master that...Anubis spoke softly and seductively..."You like my endowments do you not?"

Astro pulled up and let some drool roll down his chin..."Yes master."

"I didn't tell you stop?" Anubis said as he pointed..."And get my knot in your mouth too? Do a good job and I'll reward you?"

Astro returned to his ministry of Anubis's prick, this time sucking half of the knot in his mouth before he gagged from the prick sticking down his throat. He pulled back up and started to "fuck suck" his mouth with fast up and down pumpings of Anubis's dick....

"Gnah!.....yes.....yes please me slave." Anubis sighed...."Mmmm you are pure joy to me....I want to released myself into your sweet mouth!"

Anubis motioned his hips, bringing his waist and rump into a nice up and down rhythm to match Astro's sucking head bobs. "Mmmm...oh yes.....oh yes.... Tet Wan you know how to please me..." The wolf sighed softly as he rubbed his hands over the sucking boy bot's head...

One good thrust and Anubis held Astro's head fast as his prick pulsated and spewed cum into Astro's mouth!

Astro thought as his mouth filled up..."It's cum all right...has the taste of it..." A funny way to do science as Astro pulled off and drooled thick sperm soup all over his chin and down his neck and chest.

"At lease swallow some of it?" Anubis snorted softly expecting to see Astro's neck move. When he watched the boy bot make a few swallows, Anubis sat back well satisfied.

Astro looked for something to clean himself with and Anubis threw him his waist wrap..."'s not like it's had the joy a hundred times and more before you." Anubis motioned with a finger..."Come here now?"

Astro cleaned himself off and moved to lay next to Anubis so the wolf was between both boy bots....

A sharp nail came under Astro's throat from Anubis's paw..."Next time? You make sure I am awake and not pleasantly sleeping? You do this again and I'm afraid I would have to abuse you." Anubis kissed Astro on his lips. "I don't want to abuse you.....understand Tet-Wan?"

Astro sighed back..."Yes Master."

"Good...."kiss".....Now sleep."

Astro laid down and spooned against Anubis, his own penis getting hard as he snuggled his body close....

"Yipe!" Anubis suddenly but quietly yelped and he reached to backhand Astro in the face! "I have a tail you know! Watch out!"

"I'm sorry...." Astro replied as he pulled away a little. "I was a little careless."

" less careless or else." Anubis snorted then his face softened and he looked worried..."I'm sorry I slapped you."

"It's nothing Master." Astro replied.

"You're're not upset if I pay your former master some attention are you?" Anubis asked as he slowly rubbed his hands over Atlas's body. Astro saw that Atlas toon had taken everything off and was sporting his nice seven inch hard on. Obviously he was happy.

"Oh no Master." Astro replied to Anubis. "Do as you desire."

Anubis pet Astro lovingly on his head and turned to pay his attention to Atlas as Astro fell asleep.

5:30 am Cairo Time

11:30 pm Washington DC

The White House

Current U.S. President, William Michael Borden

Day 6

White House Chief of Staff Mary Toten walked through the doors of the East Wing and ascended the stairs leading up to the first family residence where she passed the duel Secret Service detail on the top landing and came face to face with the President's ten year old Son, Tadd, who was walking around with his smart phone whipping his thumbs over the glass face...

"You're still up?" She asked the boy.

" school tomorrow." Tadd replied.

"Is the President still awake?" Mary asked.

"When does he ever sleep?" Tadd replied. "He's still up or I wouldn't get the usual...."Get to sleep you" chime warnings."

Mary smirked. "Well he's right. You're supposed to go with him in the morning to the children's hospital."

Tadd snorted. "When did I get elected?"

"When your father got the job, you became part of the package deal so get to bed?" Many warned as she walked away and towards the Presidential bedroom. When she got to the Secret Service Agent blocking the door, she flashed her badge. "Is the President awake? Please tell him the Chief of Staff needs to see him briefly with an urgent matter."

The agent knocked on the door, entered the room and after a minute he came back out with the President behind him...

"Great timing Mary." President Borden said as he stretched. "Hope this isn't of those "hurry up the world's near Ah-Mah-ged-en" moments?"

(Author's note: I come from Mah-Sah-Chew-Sits so I tah slah-tah the Bah-stan Kennedy accent)

Mary Borden showed the President the piece of paper she had in her hands. He took a moment to read it, then looked surprised at her....

"Ah we sure about this? No doubt in any evidence at all?" Borden asked.

"The evidence so far seems to be strong Mister President." Mary Borden replied. "The only thing we may need from you now is authorization for State to act to have the man's fiance held at the US embassy in Istanbul. Right now she's at the Washington Post Bureau there."

Borden handed Mary back the paper. "Authorized. Call the Secretary of State, get it rolling, We will ah....discuss all this in tha morning."

"Oh? And Mary?" Borden asked.

"Yes Sir?" Mary replied.

"Tell the Secret Service to ah manhandle my boy and strap him into his bed? If I go tomorrow, I don't want him ah....crashing into the floor. And please take away that damned cell phone?" Bordon asked.

"Sir?" Mary replied. "That's not my job."

Borden smiled at her. "I didn't bring a former Brigadeer tank commander on as my chief of staff for nothing. Had your ah...Great Grandfather been here? He would have booted my boy out a window by now."

Mary snickered. "Sir? General Patton absolutely hated Bostonians."

10:30 am Cairo Time

Day 6

Anubis's Temple

Anubis awoke to find Atlas had already been up and gone from the chamber but Astro sat patiently waiting as the Golden Wolf sat up, stretched and scratched himself like a dog...his left foot working away against his left ear then the right side of the snoot. He gave Astro a pleased look and a smile...

"Good morning Tet-Wan." Anubis said.

"Good morning master." Astro said as he bowed himself low. He came back up to be sensually kissed...

"Kiss"....."My sleep was so full of joy last night...thank you." Anubis said as he slowly rubbed the front of the g-string adornment Astro was wearing..."How nice of you to remember to wear it?"

Astro replied..."I love it Master." He batted his eyes and acted coyish. And once again...."No Results" came back from the testing Astro ran on Anubis's cum sample. Nothing. He was an enigma and it was driving Astro and Atlas crazy.

"So where's Tat-Wan?" Anubis asked.

"Oh...he's always very curious. Probably reading the walls and beside himself with the construction of the temple."

Anubus sat and began to dress himself. "Be honest with me?" He asked. "Do you know how much time has passed? I'm not sure at all since I first went to sleep."

Astro scratched his head..."Great one? Are you sure you wish to know? I mean.. it might be a little upsetting."

"Do I look as if I could be suddenly shocked?" Anubis asked.

"Well?" Astro replied as he sat down on the floor. "How did you mark time? When you were walking Egypt and the whole country was alive? And trust me, Egypt is still alive? Just....not exactly as you might remember it."

Astro radio'd Atlas. "Atlas? Anubis is asking the big "time" question, where are you?"

"I'm coming." Atlas replied.

Anubis thought..."We measured by sun and moon, by the journey of Osirus across the sky by day and by his journey through the underworld by night. One whole cycle meant a full journey of Osirus through both worlds.

Astro thought..."In my country we do it almost the same but we split the night in half so one cycle, or day, is half a night, all of the daylight and half the night. To us this is one full day cycle. Understand?"

Anubis nodded and wagged his tail. "A little different yet very interesting." Anubis said as he looked and waved at Atlas when he came into the room. "Please? How long has it been for me? In your time?"

Astro looked at Atlas then at Anubis. " our country? We take 365 days and call them years to make accounting the passage of time and seasons simple. We have four seasons in a year...Half a winter, Spring, Summer, Fall then half a winter. Ummmm....." Astro hesitated for a moment..." You have been asleep for.... 1,460,000 days or....4000 years."

Anubis chewed his maw and rubbed his arm in thought...."That....sounds a little long?"

Atlas replied. "A better, more comparable way of understanding it is that would be 4000 cubits of Egyptian measurement."

Anubis nodded..."I guess so." He said as he got up and paced about. "I can't think the world remained the same for that length of time. Am I right?"

Astro nodded...."You are right. We're just afraid to let you know how much its' changed." Astro turned to Atlas...."Talk about a serious Inuyasha moment?"

"Compared to Anubis? Inuyasha's a wimpy fag." Atlas snorted.

Astro thought it a good time to drop the sand bomb on Anubis. "Anubis? What about the front of the temple? Why is it blocked with mortar? Why is the whole village buried in sand?"

"Oh....that?" Anubis replied. "Because I did it before I went to bed. To keep Sepkush from finding it that rotten demon snake. It was the point in time where Egypt could stand by herself without the need for us so we went into....into reserves so to say? My parents stay in the East and my brother Horus and I remained here....though I don't know where Horus is because he's always been a traveler. Have wings and you have good advantages. I wouldn't be surprised if he knows the last 4000 years more than I do right now."

Anubis played with his lips for a moment then turned to Altas..."Would it be possible? To just see the surface of Egypt? Just how far down from it is my temple?"

"Well...." Atlas replied. "The roof is about 50 cubits from the top of the sand and we are right now about 400 cubits under."

Anubis sighed..."I really over did the burial."

" did it right." Astro replied. "You stayed hidden for 4000 years and given what the world is like today? Finding you was still a hard thing to try and do."

Anubis took Atlas's hand. "May I see the surface?"

"That's all you want to see?" Atlas asked.

"That's probably all I'll see right now...unless you have fast camels that can cover great distances? Fact is? I am not at my best right now and won't be back to my good self for some time....if I decide to stay awake." Anubis said.

Astro smiled as he wrapped an arm around Anubis's shoulders. "Great Anubis? You might want to take that time to get used to how things are. And have some very fast camels."

Atlas snicked."That's the fucken truth."

Atlas and Astro took Anubis to the opening they had made in the mortar'd up entry to his temple and were surprised to see he could levitate off the floor so they allowed him to go up first so he wouldn't see them behind him using their rocket legs to ascend. When they got up to the surface, they found Anubis sitting like a dog in the sand with his tail slowly wagging and slapping side to side...

"Where's the Nile?" Anubis asked.

"Well...." Astro pointed out. "Over the past 4000 years the Nile has moved as it flooded, rose, dropped....also an Egyptian leader made something called the Aswan dam to control the floods so the Nile hasn't been close to the site of your temple for some time."

"Man controled the Nile?" Anubis snorted.

"Man learned to do a lot of things." Atlas snorted. "Most of them stupid."

Anubis sniffed the air..."Ugh....what is this rancid stench in the air?"

"That's one of man's stupid things." Atlas snorted.

"It's called...pollution...Anubis." Astro said. "It comes from many things."

"We're trying to make it easier to explain everything to you so you don't let shocked." Atlas said as he pointed to the Jeep and took Anubis to it by hand. "See this is a self-propelled chariot called a Jeep? We don't use horses to get around any more."

"I never used horses." Anubis replied. "Well....I rode them often but I use sprites which I can fashion to help me..."

Anubis put a hand up and tried to fashion a blue tinted cloud looking sprite but it was small, made a duck quack and died..."ugh....I'm not strong enough yet!"

Astro placed his hands on Anubis's shoulders and pointed. "Atlas is going to start the Jeep so don't panic when it makes a noise."

"I'm not a coward!" Anubis snorted. Then the Jeep turned over and he skittered behind Astro with a yelp! "Is it dangerous?"

Astro took Anubis to the passenger side of the Jeep and helped him inside. "Now hold still so I can buckle you up?" Astro said as he strapped Anubis in and watched as Atlas took him for a spin around the desert. After a few minutes, Anubis jumped out like a child at Christmas!

"Amazing! Definitely better than a chariot! And the world has a lot of these?" Anubis asked with giddy curiosity as he walked and felt around the jeep.

"Too many." Atlas snorted. "Sometimes I think man is too dangerous to have complete control over things."

Anubis pointed at Atlas's chest..."You and I agree a lot. I've grown to like you in our short time together Tat-Wan. I knew Egyptian nobles who were less smart compared to you."

Atlas turned and smirked at Astro...."Don't get a swelled brain?" Astro snorted.

Anubis turned back towards the hole leading to his Temple. "Sooner or later, I will have to dig out my temple...if not the whole city."

Atlas waved his hands and shook his head. "I very much for now advise against doing that, lord Anubis. Men are not going to respect your temple nor you worth a piece of gold."

Anubis held up a finger and snickered. "Let them try it? I may not be up to my good old full self yet? But I can still put out a powerful punch."

Astro begged..."We'd much hope you won't tempt trouble?"

"I'm in no rush to get it out yet." Anubis said. "But I do desire to see and swim in the Nile again if it will not trouble you?"

Astro and Atlas looked at each other..."Oh trouble at all." Atlas said with a hand wave. We'd be happy to go."

End of Part 5

Astro and the Buried Boner part 6

Astro boy and the buried boner ( c ) Astro boy 2003 Sony Pictures ( c ) Atlas boy from Astro boy 1980 by Tezuka Productions ( c ) Anubis character from Anubis and the Buried Bone by Harmarist ( boy/boy, boy/African golden wolf, gay sex, rape,...

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Astro and the Buried Boner: Part 4: An Astro Boy fiction.

_ **Astro boy and the buried boner** _ **( c ) Astro boy 2003 Sony Pictures** **( c ) Atlas boy from Astro boy 1980 by Tezuka Productions** **( c ) Anubis character from Anubis and the Buried Bone by Harmarist** **( boy/boy, boy/African golden...

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Star Trek /Astro Boy: Paw Print

** STAR TREK** Explorer Pilot Episode " **Paw Print"** Star Trek © Gene Rodenberry Astro Boy, Kimba © Osamu Tezuka All Rights Respected **Act I.** **Opening in black** **Font in white fades in/fades out:** In Memory of Daniel Neil Elsberry...

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