Two Lovers, One Future

Story by DerekTheDragon on SoFurry

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"No matter where you are in life, there is always someone in need.

The problem is that people are afraid to show it.

They can deny it, wanting to seem strong or confident in their abilities,

but eventually, everyone needs a shoulder to lean on.

The question is, will you be the one to reach out?

Either to ask for comfort or to comfort another?

It's in our selflessness and humility that we can truly be made whole.

If everyone acted like this, the world would be such a happy and bright place, and so now, ask yourself this one question: Will you be the man who's afraid to express emotions to others, or will you be put your worries aside, and help those in need?

Be the friend you always wish you had, for that's the art of true love."

  • Derek 10/19/2018

This is a love story between me and my mate, Scafen~ The first part of the story is all about love and emotions, but if you're looking for the good ol' smutty bits, then feel free to skip forward to my helpful "Rut of Smut" line below~ Also, I have a drawing made for this story here:

I wrote this for you, Scafen. I love you with all my heart, and I'm so happy to celebrate our one month anniversary with you. I wish I could be there, but until that day, let my words be the compass that guides you to my ever loving heart.

I love you babe, and I hope you enjoy~

The black dragon let out a huff, watching the entrance of the cave anxiously, waiting for his love to return home. The fire swaying softly beside him filled him with warmth and love, turning his thoughts only to his lover and how much he longed to be by his side again. Excitement surged through his veins as he thought about the meaning of this special day.

It was their one month anniversary of being together as mates, and he wanted to make this night the most memorable one yet. He shifted his paws uncomfortably beneath him, feeling the urge to wrap them around his lover's neck. To bring his lips softly against his as they fell slowly onto their backs, wrapped in each other's wings beneath the sky... Feeling slightly aroused, he shook his head and focused on the fire and cave around him.

Derek had moved into this cave very recently, after going through some recent trauma with leaving his family. They had thrown him out because of his interest in another male dragon, and because of that, he had to find his own way since then. He was so scared, but a friend had taken him in, letting him stay in his cave as long as he helped with hunting and such. He really did owe him everything, but even when everything seemed to be lost, one thing stayed the same.

Derek's love for Scafen slowly grew from more than a friendship to a pair of dragons falling in love together. They had met one day at a festival, and ever since that night, they knew they were meant to be. They would constantly try to calm their emotions, knowing they should wait, but after about a month, they couldn't wait any longer. Derek had come out and asked Scafen to be his boyfriend, and he happily said yes.

Ever since that day, although Derek had lost his family, he still found hope. Scafen stayed with him through it all, encouraging him, listening, and just loving him as a mate should, and he owed him the world for that... He just wished he could express that to him, and so tonight he promised he would. He had so much he wanted to say, so much he wanted to show Scafen, and so he waited for his love, blushing slightly in anticipation, watching as the forest outside the cave slowly swayed in the cold midnight breeze, as if trying to calm Derek and let him know that everything was going to turn out perfect.

It didn't take long for the sound of wingbeats to echo near the cave, and Derek shot up, widening his eyes, a burst of hope and warmth surging through him. As the noise slowly died away, he charged towards the entrance of the cave, laughing in excitement at reuniting with his love again. His heart flew with him, and as he skidded to a stop outside the cave, he looked around, scanning the clearing and landing his eyes on his prize.

There he was. Scafen stood there, smiling back at him, pulling his wings back onto his sides, blushing profusely himself as Derek was, just swaying his tail calmly, letting out a soft purr at him. He then opened his mouth, giggling for a moment, his voice filling Derek's body with peace and longing "Hey there, dork~"

"Scafen!" He shouted, grinning widely as he shot forward, closing the distance between the two of them, and using his front paws to launch himself at his love. He noticed Scafen's eyes widen as if he was going to push him over onto his back. But last minute, as Derek landed in front of him, he stopped, booping his nose against Scafens, before pulling him close, chest to chest, wrapping his wings around him lovingly, covering Scafen in his velvet blanket. They both closed their eyes, just embracing each other as they hugged deeply "I missed you so much Scafen... I'm so glad you're here... With me, right now..."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Derek opened his eyes to Scafens, watching the immense array of emotions swirl inside them, finding the love he felt for him burn brighter than a fire. He could feel Scafen's lips brush against his own, and he blushed a bit, before slowly tilting his maw, using a paw to slowly rub his lover's neck as Derek brought his lips to his.

It was like electricity. Whenever the two of them touched, it felt like they could fight off the world together. He felt so strong with Scafen, so right... It just felt so right to have him as his mate, truer than any other relationship he'd ever had in his whole life, and nothing would take his happiness away from him. He then felt Scafen reach a paw up to grip his horn lightly as they kissed, both of their tails swaying behind them in the intimate exchange. Blue scales against black mending together, becoming a swirling ocean in the midnight sky.

Their tails then slowly curled around one another, and though Scafen began to widen his maw, parting it for more, Derek pulled back, giggling in excitement while feeling his cheek turn red. "Calm down, Scafen. We'll have some fun later. I have something I want to show you..." Then, Derek backed up, turning his body to fall in place beside Scafens, both of them wrapping their tails together as Derek guided them to a special place. A place he had prepared for his true love, always dreaming of the day he could show it off for them, and finally, today was the day~

The forest softly rustled their branches, sounds of distant crickets and hoots of an owl filling their ears. Derek purred softly beside him, their scales brushing lightly as they walked, tails holding tight onto the other for support, speaking so many words with only their bodies. Scafen pushed his muzzle up to Derek's neck, rubbing it there lightly as they walked, kissing it, making his faded blush begin to appear again.

Soon enough, they broke through the tree line, and onto the edge of a cliff, overlooking the ocean far beyond. As they stopped to watch the ocean, Derek whispered, pressing his ear to Scafens with a smile, "Follow me, love." Then, without another word, he spread his wings, taking a slight sprint before launching himself off the edge, catching the breath of the wind, riding it's currents, looking back over his wing at Scafen as he followed him.

The two of them gracefully soared lower towards the ocean, watching as the powerful waves crashed against the side of the cliff and the small pieces of land jutting out from the water. As they flew lower and lower, Derek spotted a small rock outcropping that would do, filled with lush grass and flowers growing on top of the rock and between the cracks, acting as a small place to rest beside the waves of the ocean echoing not far below.

Finally, with a quick beat of his wings to slow his fall, he dropped onto the grassy outcropping among the sea, watching as Scafen landed beside him softly, ruffling his wings before pulling both of theirs onto their side to make space on the small platform. Derek smiled and opened his mouth to tell him how much he loved him. But it was then that Scafen opened up his own mouth instead.

"Derek... Oh my god, look at the sky!" He smiled widely, and as Derek looked up as well, expecting to just be met with a normal night sky, he instead found a painting of swirling vibrant greens and blues dancing in the northern sky above. Derek's maw gaped in amazement and thanked the gods for the amazing sight.

Then, not wanting to waste any more time, he used his tail to wrap back around his mates, curling every so softly around Scafens as he pulled him at his side, purring against him as they watched the northern lights, reflecting against the water stretching past the horizon. Derek wanted to open his mouth to say something, but honestly, he couldn't... He didn't even want to. He had his love beside him, and all he wanted to do was enjoy this moment with his mate for as long as possible.

He could feel their bodies, warm and rubbing against one another in serenity, just knowing that this feeling was more real than anything he'd ever felt before. He then blushed, slowly uncurling the tip of his tail with Scafen's, curling it into half a heart. Then, Scafen did the same for the other half, completing it. He purred, and moved his head up under the black dragon's chin, purring in content as they stood there above the waves. Derek blushed back, planted a kiss on Scafens cheek, and then wrapped a wing over his cold body, holding him near for warmth and love, like a promise to always protect him no matter what.

Derek wrapped his head over Scafens, and hugged him close, just closing his eyes as he felt tears begin to well up in them, realizing he wasn't alone anymore. That he never had to worry about heartbreak, or never finding love. That he already had found it, and with the most perfect dragon he could ever ask for at that... "I'm... I'm so lucky." He murmured, letting a tear of joy stream down his cheek, listening as Scafen cried as well, pushing roughly against Derek's neck for support.

"Derek... You don't have to say anything, but know that I will never leave you." Derek looked back into Scafen's gaze, watching those two shimmering stars of light delve into his cosmic purple eyes. "I love you with all my heart, but even if we didn't work out, I want you to know I'll always be there for you, and right now, you're all I want Derek." Scafen then tilted Derek's muzzle down towards his, holding it in a paw, and then slowly pulled him down to meet his lips.

Before they kissed, Derek put a paw over Scafens own on his maw, and told him, whispering with tears of joy in his eyes, and a flutter of wings in his heart. "Scafen... I just want you to know that you. Are. Perfect to me. I want you forever, as my loving mate, and I will never leave your side till the day I die. You are everything to me, and I want to show you that."

"Then show me, my angel~" Scafen finished, putting a paw on Derek's maw to stop him, both of them blushing deeply, knowing that they were meant for each other. Then, he slowly pulled his paw back, pushing his maw against his, and whispered, "Kiss me."

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With no other reason to hold back, Derek pushed his maw up to Scafens, purring deeply in his throat as their soft lips touched, smooching beneath the northern lights. He then pulled Scafen up against his chest, turning both of them towards each other, and cupped his paw under Scafen's chin, tilting both their muzzles to better express their love more intimately. Derek purred into the kiss as he felt Scafen reach a paw slowly up his neck and back around his head to grip his horn, pulling him further into the kiss.

Slowly, Derek parted his lips, opening his maw wider as it fit perfectly around his lovers, letting his tongue push past Scafen's lips to slowly trace along his inner maw. He felt him moan softly around his muzzle, slipping his own tongue into Derek's muzzle, twinning both their tails together as they french kissed. He could feel Scafen's own tail slowly curling around his, rubbing up and down its length soothingly, and in response, Derek moaned, using his paws to push his chest over, letting Scafen fall onto his back as they kissed, not cutting contact for a second as their lips and tongues continued to passionately make-out.

Derek then leaned down, placing a paw on Scafen's chest again, holding him beneath him as he smiled, blushing as he felt the tip of his cock poke out of his slit. He then kissed Scafen harder, feeling a burst of love and excitement pulse through him, rubbing the back of Scafen's neck as they kissed, his body collapsing onto each other, letting their bellies touch. Derek could feel Scafen's bit of chub against his own belly, and he snickered, pulling back from the kiss for a moment, letting out a playful growl. "You got a bit of a chub there boy... Might need to burn off some calories..."

Scafen then narrowed his eyes, pushing his nose against Derek's, turning his gaze more playful than before. "Oh, don't worry. I can think of a few ways to heat things up." Derek then gasped into the kiss as Scafen wrapped both arms around his neck, pulling the lover's lips deeply together again to kiss. After a moment, Derek then relaxed, wiggling his hips against Scafens teasingly, feeling Scafens own cock poke from its slit. He began to moan softly into their maws, running their tongues over their gums, teeth, and under each other's tongues, curling around both of them for a moment in sexual union.

Derek then felt Scafen pull back from the kiss to moan a bit, both of them a bit short of breath. It was acutely aware to both of them at this point how excited they were, and in response, they both looked down between their chests at their already fully extended cock rubbing against one another. Hard and dribbling drops of pre onto Scafen's stomach. Derek then looked back into Scafen's eyes and thought they blushed intensely, they both wanted it.

"Derek, I couldn't be more happy to share this with someone my first time. Please, don't make me wait any longer. Let all your worries go and love me with all your natural instincts~" Scafen then kissed him again, holding onto one of his horns while the other rubbed at his sensitive underbelly. Derek moaned in response, huffing into Scafen's face as he felt his arousal growing, letting his body take over his senses, showing his lover all the love his body had to offer.

His tongue curled and swapped saliva with Scafen, and he felt his own body begin to frot against his mate, feeling his thick and slightly larger rod rub up against his girthy meat. Every frot sent pleasure and need through his body, and because of this, he began to growl into the kiss, letting his claws slowly trace along Scafen's underbelly as their cocks rubbed each and every way against one another. Their own tails began slapping the ground, still twined together, and it wasn't long till he began to feel his feral desire to breed fill his veins, and though he wanted to hold back and stay in this warm embrace for longer, his cock thought otherwise.

He pulled back from the kiss and began to feel himself relax, watching over his shoulder as his tail uncurled from Scafens, slowly swaying against the ground lustfully. Derek then leaned back down, and licked at his lover's chin, before slowly nibbling along his sensitive neck, rubbing his body needily against Scafens, showing him his need. Derek then began to slowly knead his paws into Scafen's chubby belly, loving it, and slowly pulled his cock off Scafens.

He felt Scafen whimper for a moment, obviously wanting more attention. Derek chuckled, feeling his voice grow a bit raspy as he leaned down to whisper in his ear, his hot breath wafting against it, "Oh, calm down boy... You'll get what you deserve soon enough."

Then, Derek slowly crept down Scafen's body, letting a single claw drag down his chest threateningly and teasingly, planting kisses on his chest and belly as he went, making sure to tease him as much as possible. The whole time, he kept his eyes locked on Scafens, glaring lustfully, letting him know who was in charge. Scafen began moaning out lightly, throwing his head back into the grass as Derek tortured him, until he gasped loudly, feeling the black dragon's paws reach his hind legs.

Derek growled, letting his paws part them easily, sensing how eager the blue dragon was, "Looks like someone's excited... You naughty little dragon..." Without any more warning, he traced his paws down to his tail, and pushed his maw up to Scafen's tail base, grazing his teeth along it, nibbling and sucking at the sensitive region, swaying his tail behind him. After a moment though, Derek moved upwards again, peering down at Scafen's dripping cock, so needy and helpless to his teasing. But first, he had something else he needed to lube up.

He stuck out his long tongue, letting his ass raise into the air as Derek leaned down, and began lapping at Scafen's ass hole, feeling its tight constraints try and push him out. His slimy tongue was stronger though and slipped right into the tight pucker, feeling it pulse around his tongue as he delved it deep inside him, rubbing it every direction until he located Scafen's prostate, like a real button. At this point, Derek's maw was pressed right up to his tail base, his mouth sucking and filling his ass with Derek's saliva as lube.

Then, he began flickering his tongue against his prostate, watching as the blue dragons cock jumped with every touch, pre dripping down the side as it leaned to the right, in that cute way only Scafen's did. His moans became even louder, and he curled his tail around Derek's neck, urging him forward. After a moment though, he pulled his long tongue out from Scafen's now slick and tight breeding hole, and moved his maw back up to his balls, giving them a hungry look. He then rested his muzzle on his tail base and pushed his maw roughly up to the ball sack, pent up with dragon cream.

As he did this, Scafen let out a loud pleasure moan, shivering from Derek's touch, thwacking his wings against the ground once in excitement. Derek added, letting his nostrils drink in his natural musky scent, showing Scafen's feral instincts the breed, "I'm glad you're enjoying this babe, but I think your balls are gonna need some attention~" Then, as he sniffed at Scafen's crotch, Derek slowly slithered his tongue out, letting the tip slowly swirl around his two hanging orbs, curling around them at the base, and then slowly, slowly, pulling his warm tongue over them both, letting the blue dragons sack drip in his saliva as Derek licked his lips, tasting that musky scent.

He could see Scafen withering in pleasure, "Oh Derek... Oh god... Please, ju-AHHHH!~" Scafen moaned loudly, breathing rapidly as he felt Derek's maw wrap itself around his left ball, tugging softly at the sack as his tongue curled and wrapped around it in slow motions, growling for vibration and glaring back into his eyes above. He even nibbled a bit on its base, reminding Scafen again that he was his.

Not finished yet with those pent up balls of his, he grabbed the other one, and slowly pushed that one into his maw as well, filling it completely with Scafen's delicate eggs. They were so warm and musky, and Derek could almost feel the seed sloshing within them, wanting so badly to get out. With his maw sucking on his sack, his nose pressed against the base of Scafen's shaft, feeling pre drip down onto his muzzle. As Derek suckled, he then let his tongue slither from his maw, curling it around the blue rod, rubbing along the sensitive underside expertly, gripping it and coating Scafens length in Derek's saliva as those orbs pulsed, wanting to orgasm. But he wouldn't let him... Not yet.

He then pulled his maw off Scafen's balls, feeling cool air rush into Derek's maw again and hit his balls, leaving strands of saliva dripping from the blue dragons now shiny balls to Derek's maw, wide open in lust, knowing he had them inside his maw.

That was only the beginning though. Slowly, he began kneading his paws along Scafen's thighs, making sure they didn't touch his cock or balls at all. Only wanting to make him squirm more, which he did. Scafen leaned back, moaning loudly at Derek's teasing. "Ahh!~ Derek, please... Don't stop..." Derek growled loudly in response, letting his chin rest on Scafen's balls as his tongue then slowly ran up the underside of his sensitive length, all the way to the tip, where he licked up the dripping pre, swirling it around his mouth before swallowing the sweet nectar.

"Wow, Scafen. I thought we said not to keep secrets from each other. Cause this is the most delicious thing I've ever tasted, and you never told me about it?" He growled playfully back up at Scafen, letting his paws slowly begin kneading at his balls, cupping them. "Such a naughty girl... I'm going to have to suck that sweet sugar out of it then I guess~" Then, he slowly wrapped his tongue around Scafen's tip, and placed his maw over it, sucking lightly while growling and purring again, letting his paws tug his sack down to tease that sperm inside those eggs of his.

His tongue then began to take control, and he watched as Scafen yelled out in pleasure, feeling Derek's tongue push its way deep into his piss slit, tasting the fleshy walls within, sucking his cock's tip deeply and cleaning out the inside, the pre-cum and bits of urine left inside it slowly soaking up on Derek's tongue~ Slowly, he moved more of his maw over Scafen's penis, pulling his tongue out and curling around the outside, coaxing some hot seed to show it's creamy sperm to daddy.

The whole time, he felt Scafen squirming and moaning, watching as his tongue lolled out in pleasure from the intense teasing. Derek then pushed his cock all the way down to the knot, and he couldn't help but choke for a moment, before pulling it out of his throat, knowing that taking the whole length may be too big of a task for his small maw. Instead, he sucked on what he could, pushing it a little farther back sometimes to choke on it and bring Scafen pleasure, before kneading a bit harder on his balls, wanting to taste the warm sperm on his hungry tongue.

He felt Scafen moaning loudly, and realized he began tensing up, and though Derek had planned to taste his seed in his mouth before, he changed his mind. He pulled his lips off Scafen, watching as Scafen threw him a glare and a growl, not wanting him to stop. Lines of saliva and pre-cum stuck his cock and maw together for a moment, just watching the connection of fluids, before breaking it and slowly moving back up Scafen's body, licking up his chest and neck until his cock was hanging over Scafen's maw, hard yet still needing some attention. "Lube your master up! His cock needs some good sucking~"

Then, Derek shivers as he feels Scafen use his paw to grab his cock at the base, using his other paw to play with his balls. The black dragon couldn't help but moan as the paw began rubbing his underside, feeling Scafen place his maw right over his cock's tip, swirling his tongue around the shaft, spreading his balls and growling at the same time below him. Derek had to hold on with all his might to keep himself from face fucking the little blue derg, and instead grabbed both of Scafen's horns, using them to slowly guide his maw up and down, realizing that at this point he just wanted to spurt his load inside something, or else something would click inside him, and he'd just fuck the hell of whatever was around his cock or nearby.

Scafen then began deep-throating his purple cock, and Derek arched his back, wrapping his tail around the blue dragon's neck threateningly, growling a bit, "That's it... Suck me off... I want you to taste my warm semen on your tongue~" He then began to fuck his face a bit faster, feeling the semen in his balls slosh around in there, noticing his own cock begin to drip pre freely onto Scafen's awaiting tongue, slurping up the cream with pleasure. After a moment though, Derek felt myself rising, and he couldn't take it any longer.

He pulled his cock out of the dragon's maw, watching as it dripped pre on Scafen's face, and then slowly lowered himself again to where Derek's face was right over Scafens. He then roughly pushed his snout against Scafen's and growled into it, "I don't think I can hold back much longer..."

Derek then pressed his cock to Scafen's lubed up ass, just wanting to rut him hard, seeing him so needy, like a dragoness in heat. But, he leaned down first, and asked Scafen, making sure to sound more romantic than sexual for the moment, "Scafen... Are you sure you're ready for this? I don't want to hurt you either."

"Derek, I want this... Please, breed me and make love to your mate~" He moaned, looking up at Derek, and planting a final kiss on his lips, before laying his head back, ready to be bred.

Not waiting for any other response, Derek growled, lowering his maw down to Scafen's ear, growling softly as he pushed his lubed cock slowly into the blue dragons tight and slick entrance. Both of them let out a moan, looking between them as Derek's cock slowly entered inside, spreading that dragon's ass wide with his wide girth. Finally, he huffed, feeling his needy cock pulse and hilt inside his lover's body, knowing he'd always dreamt of this moment. Then, looking at his lover, he lowered his head, and kissed Scafen, tilting their maws instantly, wrapping their forepaws around each other as Derek began to slowly hump, pulling his length out to the tip, before slowly entering again, making love to his mate beneath the stars.

They swapped saliva and pre, tasting bits of each other's pre in their respective maws, moaning in pleasure and need. They curled their tails lightly, their bodies together as one as they mated, filling the air with the sounds of feral humping, moaning, and growling. With every fuck, they felt their balls slap against one another, letting them both know how deep Derek was breeding him. Letting Scafen know that his black dragon wasn't going to let him go without impregnating that tight pucker of his.

His rutting back to quicken, and he pulled away from the kiss, moving his maw to Scafen's neck, biting down with pleasure, digging his teeth in a bit as he felt his breeding tool pulse faster, the cum inside him preparing to fertilize a needy female. His tail squeezed Scafens every time their crotches rammed into each other, and Derek growled in pleasure, his growls muffled by the neck between his mouth, marking his mate as his own.

He felt Scafen yell in pain as Derek bit into him, but it wasn't long after that he began to moan again, wrapping his blue hind legs around his, pounding in need back at Derek's pent-up cock, filling his insides completely with every pound, hitting and rubbing against Scafen's huge prostate with every shove. He wrapped his black wings around his love, feeling himself rise close to orgasm. "Fuck! I'm so close..." He began fucking him hard, moving Scafen's body with every violent shove, one after another.

"Cum then! Breed me hard, and fuck me like the slut I am!" Scafen moaned, twerking back on Derek's cock, his ass hungrily clenching and sucking on his meat, sensing he was about to cum.

Finally, he couldn't hold back, and with a roar, and another deep bite into his neck, Derek rammed his knot into Scafen's tight ass with a pop, sealing his knot and cock inside him as he roared in ecstasy, feeling his cock spurt stream after stream of hot fertile semen into his tight tail hole, filling him up, the knot keeping every single drop in there as Derek twerked involuntarily against him, milking himself of his seed. He then watched and felt Scafen's own cock twitch beneath his groin, spurting his warm cum onto both their bellies, watching as some of it landed on his blue chin. He kept riding him out until finally, he felt his last intense wave of pleasure pass, collapsing straight onto his belly, covering himself in Scafen's cum.

Their breath both came out in ragged gasps, and as Derek let go of his neck, he instantly kissed Scafen, moaning lightly in their afterglow, rubbing the back of his lovers bitten neck, soothing him and thanking him. Scafen smiled back, trying to calm his breathing as they kissed, closing their eyes as exhaustion began to overwhelm the both of them.

After a few minutes of this, Derek pulled back, and tried to pull out of his love, but then widened his eyes as he realized he was stuck. His knot had grown too big for him to remove it now so only time would let it shrink again. They both blushed, realizing this, and fell back down again, Derek still on top of Scafen. "Hehe... guess we're 'stuck' together huh?" He chuckled, kissing Scafen one last time beneath the moon before he pulled back and his lover responded.

"Yeah... I'm stuck with you till the end of time." Scafen then lifted a paw and rubbed

Derek's cheek softly, nuzzling his neck once again, "Thank you for that, Derek. I love you, so so much..."

"I know... I love you too, Scafen." Derek then held Scafen in his arms, and as the moon rose higher in the sky, the two of them fell deeper into a peaceful slumber, embracing one another in the most intimate way possible.