Astro and the Buried Boner part 6

Story by dan1966 on SoFurry

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#4 of dan's other fictions

Astro boy and the buried boner ( c ) Astro boy 2003 Sony Pictures ( c ) Atlas boy from Astro boy 1980 by Tezuka Productions ( c ) Anubis character from Anubis and the Buried Bone by Harmarist

( boy/boy, boy/African golden wolf, gay sex, rape, bestiality, action)

By Dan 1966

All rights of the original artists respected. For non-profit fandom enjoyment only. No monetary gains desired or expected.

Part 6

12pm Cairo Time Day 6

The River Nile

Astro was by himself taking a little quiet time to review all the information he had gathered thus far on the Temple and Anubis when the sounds of yips and barks filled his ears and he sat up to see Atlas waving a stick over a very jumpy and excited Anubis who had morphed himself into a four legged wolf...

"You want it boy? Huh? Want the stick?" Atlas teased before he chucked the stick away and Anubis chased after it!

"Huh?!" Astro jumped up and ran up to Atlas...."What....are you doing?!"

"Playing?" Atlas replied.

"That's embarrassing! You know he hates being looked upon as a dog!" Astro worried as he watched Anubis snatch the stick in his maw and swim back towards the boy bots.

"He doesn't seem all that worked up does he?" Atlas asked.

"It's still not right to treat him like a dog!" Astro yelped as he took the stick from Anubis and lowered himself..."I'm so sorry mighty Anubis."

"Huh?" The Golden Wolf replied as he morphed back to two legs..."What's with you? I was just playing."

Astro gestured...."It's just that?.....well.....Tat-wan wasn't thinking...see....this game you're playing what men do with their dogs."

Anubis smirked. "Allow me to enlighten you slave? But I was chasing the walking sticks and ceremonial wands of young Kings before you were born. Oh sure....everyone played with their dogs in the Nile but no dog ever played with the Pharaohs of Egypt...let alone advised them on important matters as the preservation of the body for the well being of the Ka or the devising of war strategy. This game? Yeah....sort of "low brow" but not dis-tasteful that I couldn't enjoy myself in it. After all...being a god of Egypt is hard work trust me."

Anubis walked to a towel and sat down..."It makes me happy that no matter how things might have changed in Egypt, the mighty Nile is still the ever present constant."

Astro and Atlas sat next to Anubis with Astro offering him a cookie. "Chew...chew.....mmmmm....this is nice." Anubis said. "I miss traditional food. Wonder if that radically changed in 4000 years?"

Atlas snickered at Astro...."I don't know if he'd like a "Micky D's"

Astro replied. "We should introduce him to sushi."

Astro patted Anubis on his shoulder. "Did you know all the Pharaohs?"

"Well...." Anubis replied. "Not every one of them I'm sure but a good amount." He smiled warmly..."I knew a few of them...."intimately".....I might say?"

Atlas said..."Did you happen to know King Tutankhamen?...."Intimately"?" The red boy bot slightly swayed his upper body..."I've seen what he looked like? He sure was cute."

Anubis looked back seriously...."No. I did not know that. But I knew him....if your talking about Tutankhamen the son of Pharaoh Akenaten and Queen Nefertiti. The young prince became Pharaoh after his father threw all of Egypt into chaos. He certainly wasn't interested in me or in men, he loved his wife...I know that. I think he and her spent more time trying to make babies than being heads of state but he became a good King with great promise. Just wasn't given time."

Atlas radio'd Astro..."They kept having miscarriages because they were an incest couple."

"Yeah....that was common in the royal line." Astro replied by radio. "Tut was by evidence pretty poor physically himself."

Anubis laid back on his towel...."The one thing I remember about those two was that they wrote poems back and forth constantly to each other. Want to hear one? Akensenpaten would ask my opinion about them all the time."

"Please?" Astro replied.

"Yes. Please tell us one?" Atlas asked.

Anubis cleared his throat....

(Note: Actual poem from Akensenpaten which has survived to today)

My wonderful well spring of joy. Glorious husband in who's hands I feel as safe and sure in my way as a tall date tree midst the great winds of sand.

My love to thee is like the acorn which I have planted with flowers in a manor of sweet smelling herbs.

And in the Acre is a pool. That in the cool of the North Wind it is a lovely place where I walk there.

Your hand upon mind. My body satisfied. My heart glad that our going together is as intoxicating as to hear thy voice.

And my life depends upon hearing thee. Whenever I see thee. It is better to me than food and drink.

Astro nodded. "very sweet sounding. She must have had a gift for words?"

"She impressed many with her writing skills than in other things. Sadly it didn't help her after the Pharaoh died." Anubis said sadly.

Atlas placed a hand on Anubis's shoulder. "Tough memories?"

"No....good one's actually. Tutankhamen didn't have a good life, most of it he had to keep himself hidden from the people because of a bad foot and weak constitution. I just remember him as a young man driven to put Egypt back into order after his father's craziness. No lack of courage I can tell you."

Astro asked..."We've heard so many things about Tutankhamen but how he died has been a mystery. How did he die?"

Anubis thought...."In combat in Goshen against the Hittites. They tried to take advantage of the disorder to attack Upper Egypt. My brother Horus was in that fight, what a mad house. The Pharaoh was told not to go but he went with his war chariot because he could stand and he rode it very well. Unfortunately, His chariot got locked up with a Hittite chariot and he was thrown off and fatally injured. He could have been carried away but he got to his feet, ordered in the reserves and stood fast on a throwing spear till he bled to death. He saved all of Egypt."

Atlas scratched his head..."Why don't we have any record of that? Why is it that everywhere they try to find records of King Tutankhamen, they all seem to be erased or drawn over?"

Anubis moaned...."The temple priests....those crooked idiots. Worried about Tutankhamen bringing about the return of his father's chaos reign...absolutely no evidence to that at all. Worse thing is? My brother and I couldn't challenge them because "Maut" absolutely came first before anyone. The restoration of Maut to Egypt was the primary focus and if the temple priest said their way was the best? They were the priest so......there it was."

Astro leaned into Anubis's shoulder. "And what was your know? Intimate relationship?"

Anubis smiled and closed his eyes in thought...."Prince Khafrah (Kah-Frah) the son of Pharaoh Kufu. He was tantalizingly seductive. And you might think my kisses could drive you crazy?"

Atlas shuddered and radio'd Astro..."I keep forgetting I'm kissing a dog."

"Laughter....wolf Atlas?.....Wolf?" Astro replied by radio laughing.

" It's still a long and slimy canine tongue ok?" Atlas snorted back by radio. "But he can sure work that mouth snake well."

Anubis played with his hands..."We used to give each other a lot of "attention" as in Him giving me more than I'd give him. That got quashed by his mother by the time he was nearing adulthood. (14 years in ancient Egypt save the royal court where adulthood wasn't recognized) What a scandal if you're caught with Anubis in some....strange position."

Atlas snickered to Astro by radio. "Cow boy cock rider."

"Doggy style in the throne room." Astro giggled back by radio.

Atlas lay on his side and played with the sand..."The royal court must have been exciting for you?"

"Hmph..." Anubis snorted. "Far from it. It's so boring being a pampered interest royal people cater every whim to...look at me? I've never lost any of my whelp fat! That's why they painted me on walls looking massively huge against depictions of Egyptian subjects. People saw the real me sometimes and chuckled at me in private because of my dumpy flanks and porky belly."

Astro leaned over and softly kissed Anubis's snoot. "I don't think you have a porky belly or dumpy flanks?"

Anubis cupped Astro's chin in a hand and gave him a simple lick kiss with doe'd eyes..."I think you're just perfect." He said softly.

Atlas stood up. "We should be getting back. Tet-Wan and I would like to see more of your Temple and hear more stories."

"Mmm!" Anubis replied. "Alright."

12:15 pm Cairo Time 7:15am Washington DC

The White House Current U.S. President, William Michael Borden Situation Meeting regarding the death of Jamal Khashoggi

Day 6

Principles Present: Meeting recorded on White House recording system.

The President

The Secretary of State: Paul Page

National Security Adviser: Avril Simpson

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs: General James Matoon Scott

The President: Secretary of State: National Security Advisor: Chairman Joint Chiefs:

The President: Good morning Gentlemen.

All others: Good Morning Mister President.

The President: The concern for this meeting of course is in regards to the apparent murder of a Washington Post Middle East Journalist in the Saudi Embassy some hours ago. I was advised last night by the Chief of Staff of the preliminary basics. Mister Secretary of State will you bring us up to speed here?

Secretary of State: As of an hour ago (pause) We've learned that Mister Jamal Khashoggi had told his fiance that he was going to the Saudi Embassy in Istanbul to obtain a visa for her so they could get married but also he needed to conduct some business with the ambassador.

The President: This is the woman now in our embassy there?

Secretary of State: Yes Sir. She was told by Jamal that he would be sending her live feed audio right to her e-mail account and her phone because he wanted to keep a record of the conversation with the ambassador. He also expressed some concern about the Saudi secret police since he'd been writing some columns critical of the crown prince in Saudi Arabia. There is video evidence of Mister Khashoggi entering the complex and the Ambassadorial residence/ administration building which is being shown by the Turkish media. It's estimated that about nine minutes after he entered the building....he was killed on the second floor. His Fiance heard the audio come through her phone while she was seeing an acquaintance about three blocks from the Saudi embassy. Khashoggi let out a short scream then there were three or four pops and then the sound of something heavy striking furniture. After that? She ran to the Washington Post office across Istanbul.

The President: I can imagine by now that the press is running with the story?

Secretary of State: CNN, ABC, NBC,'s an Orgas-ma-lympics. The Turks are boasting they can prove the Saudis were carrying out a pre-plan'd hit. They intend to release all they have within the next 24 hours.

The President: Avirl? What do we know about this man Khashoggi.

National Security Advisor: We are in the process of researching his complete biographical background Mister President. What we know so far is that he has been very critical of the crown prince in Saudi Arabia concerning the pace of social reform though nothing in his columns suggests he was a large threat that the Saud family needed to be worried over. We should have something completed for you within the next day.

The President: Very well...I want no mistakes for the sake of expediancy.

Secretary of State: Mister President?

The President: Mister Page?

Secretary of State: If this was some kind of a plot by the Saudi government, it would have to be the most stupid act by a bunch of dumb ass Key Stone Cops. Given the current Middle East situation? Why in the hell would the Saudis want to do something so stupid as to kill a man in a diplomatic building which had to be obviously under surveillance in a country led by a pro-Iranian fuck-tard like Erderwan?

The President: Paul...calm down.

Secretary of State: The media's already running off to the races Mister President and that has all the anti-Saudi people in the Congress and Senate running to kiss the lips of Rachael Maddow, Alex Jones, Don Lemon and the rest of crazy fruit loops who have been praying for something this ridiculous to say we should stop playing ring around the rosie and drop JDAM's on Rhiad for 9/11 and you Sir are going to be in the center of the bullseye.

Chairman Joint Chiefs: Mister President?

The President: General Scott?

Chairman Joint Chiefs: Mister President, I could not agree more with the Secretary of State. Certainly the Saud family would not be so reckless as to kill this man in such a way as this. We are facing very dangerous and tenuous situations all over the Middle East, especially with the Iranians pushing for Hegemony over the Persian Gulf. If we act rashly with a precipitous rush to judgment before obtaining all the evidence for evaluation? We could inadvertently touch a match to a powder keg.

National Security Adviser: I agree with the Chairman Mister President. The pressure on yourself both from here at home and from the media around the world would be to swiftly and immediately blame the Saudi royal family. The situation requires delicate handling and a tough refusal to go with the rip tide which would lead the region towards a catastrophe.

The President: Then the most prudent course open to us at this point is to present that exact unified front. Avril? You and the Director of Central Intelligence will work to get me a complete background on Khashoggi. I want to know everything down to how many times he used the toilet. I also want the Turks watched, make sure this isn't some back door back scratch to help Erdawan's buddies in Teheran.

National Security Adviser: Yes Mister President.

The President: Paul? I want you to go to Rhiad, pay a visit to the Crown Prince. Put the short screws to him and warn him that if he's involved in this in any way? Best come clean and damn quick or if he's not involved? Throw up a few sacrificial lambs and state the truth. Sort of back door him with the idea that his younger nephew Prince Jopar (Joe-par) could suddenly get some beneficial street cred with the President.

Secretary of State: Yes Mister President.

The President: General Scott? Why don't you have that long overdue talk with General Ibin Saud Sulmani? Invite him to the United States for a joint meeting of the Saudi / American Joint Chiefs? Sort of drop the current unhappiness in his lap with a warning that we could always reconsider American /Saudi military relations?

Chairman Joint Chiefs: Very well Mister President.

The President: In the meantime gentlemen? I'm going to call the Saudi ambassador here in Washington to state our opinions on this matter and have him over for a little coffee social. See if we can't tighten the thumb screws from multiple places and bring a better outcome to this nastiness.

2 pm Cairo Time Day 6

Anubis's tomb

Astro dressed in his black shorts and his moon boots before going back into the temple for more exploring, leaving Atlas with Anubis up on the main floor where they talked among the artifacts and Astro thought Atlas might want a little alone time to pick at Anubis's brain....among anything else.

Walking on the lowest level...Astro came into a room adorned with hieroglyphs and a single Egyptian style bed. Right off the bat just by the first glimpses of the wall paintings...Astro knew where he was....

The room where Anubis had sex with his prostitutes. At least here the artists had no problems doing real proportion drawings. Pictures of boys in various stages of copulation with the Wolf deity and aside and below the graphic porn, descriptions of Anubis's many sexual dalliances...probably favorite boys of his.

One drawing was nicely done. The Golden Wolf looking dominant and mean, his one paw cranking back a boy's head while giving him the business with his thick canine cock "doggie style". His other hand obviously playing with his tail hole as he pounded the boy with a sweet snickering face. Astro read the hieroglyphs...

"My sweet Ankah...who pleased me as completely and as satisfyingly as the Nile on a hot day."

"He was very nice." Came Anubis's voice from behind. Astro turned to see the Golden Wolf at the top of the small stairs leaning against the side of the door way.

"Oh? I...thought you were with Tat-Wan?" Astro said as he watched Anubis walk into the room...

"Just wanted to see where you were at." Anubis replied. "Like my private room?" Anubis asked as he stood next to Astro. "This is where I brought all the prostitutes the Priest would offer to me. Some were willing but others? They needed a little "friendly" persuasion. I liked the fighters, the ones' who resisted or tried too? They excited me the most."

Astro slowly walked around with Anubis close to him..."So how would they dress a prostitute? What did you like them to wear?"

"Oh....they'd come down in a waist wrap or in a binding that folded around their delectable parts...I like your outfit." Anubis said as he pointed to Astro's shorts.

"Thanks." Astro replied as he looked through some of the things Anubis had... "Did you? Did you use any.....any oils or liquids to make it easier on your prostitutes?"

"Mostly? I just drooled on myself. I really didn't care how "they" felt...after all they were just prostitutes to serve me, why should I care how they felt or thought?"

Anubis slowly moved his snoot close to Astro's head and licked his ear lobe. "You certainly seem interested in all this?"

Astro reached out to pick something up, not paying attention to Anubis's behavior as he picked up what was obviously a dildo....with a knot on it...

"This is....this is kinda big. Did you?" Astro asked as he pointed to the wolf cock dildo.

"Well yeah..." Anubis replied. "Sometimes they needed a little you know? If they were virgins who were...a bit tough?"

Anubis started to paw over Astro's shoulders, his lips and tongue caressing the boy bots neck and doing soft pecks over it..."So? Is my room interesting to you?"

"It's certainly.....amazing artwork." Astro replied as he felt Anubis's hands copping feels on his behind. He noted the slowly building labor of breathing the Golden Wolf was doing...

"Ummmm?....Can I finish looking around?" Astro asked softly as Anubis ran a hand over the boy bot's front and felt the bulge under his shorts....

"You'll have more than ample time..." Anubis said as he turned Astro's head and slowly slipped his tongue into Astro's mouth...."Trust me....mmmmm...plenty of time...."

Astro felt himself pushed against a wall as Anubis's tongue danced around his and the Golden Wolf pawed at his behind, kneading his soft lobes and pulling them apart to fell along the boy bot's ass crack...

Astro felt the hands slipping under his shorts and starting to work them down from his waist and he gave Anubis a slight push back...."Hey? Can we talk a little? I think there's something you need to understand..."

Anubis continued to paw over Astro's body...."What's too understand? You're a slave and I'm your Master and....well....there it is...."

Astro jerked away from Anubis and pulled his shorts up...."Now hold on Anubis? "Gasp" Just give me a second to talk ok?"

"There is no "talking" Anubis huffed. You don't talk, you take when I tell you and you take when I want to take you. If you want to make it a little rough? That's your choice."

Anubis suddenly whipped his hand about and Astro got pressed into a wall face first! "Gnah!" Astro couldn't move! "Anubis! You can't do this! You have to stop!"

Anubis untied his decorative G-string and allowed it to fall away as he slowly approached Astro with his thick Wolf cock extended out of his sheath..."You can't tell me what I can't do..." He said as he flicked a finger and made Astro flip around to face him! "You just shut up and be obedient."

Anubis snatched Astro by an arm and whipped him hard till he crashed into the bed! He couldn't move! His joints were locking up, none of his systems were responding to his frantic commands! The Golden Wolf was on him quickly... tearing his black trunks from his body and forcing his legs apart and around his head as Astro tried to struggle against him...

"NO!" Astro screamed and pounded on Anubis's chest as the Wolf forced himself between his legs...."STOP! STOP IT! FUCKEN STOP ANUBIS!"

Anubis slapped Astro in the face..."Silence! Disobedient slave!" He snapped. "You're mine and I will do to you what I wish? Maybe I should shove that toy into you and see how disobedient you'll be after that little bit of displeasure?"

Anubis snatched Astro's black trunks and shoved them into his mouth. " All I want to hear from you is moaning and approval!..." He snarled wickedly....

Astro felt the tip of Anubis's hard prick begin to work its way into his anus and then in one violent thrust....Anubis buried his cock, knot and all into the boy bot's pussy....

"ARGH!" The boy bot gasped and screamed as the Golden Wolf violated him hard! Thrusting deep inside him and pushing him against the bed as he resisted and screamed through his underpants shoved into his mouth!..

"ATLAS!" Astro cried out through his radio and within seconds Atlas came charging through the door to see his boyfriend being raped!

"FUCKER!" Atlas yelled out as he threw his right arm forwards and his arm cannon morphed into a firing charge..."GET OFF MY BOYFRIEND YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" Atlas screamed!

Anubis didn't break a stride in his thrusting as he put a hand forwards to freeze the rude intruder before him. Trouble is.....he froze Atlas and caused his cannon to fire! A ball of red energy flew from the mouth of Atlas's cannon, missed Anubis's head by an inch, singed his hair tuft and blew through the wall behind him....

At least it stopped him from thrusting Astro's behind. For a moment everyone was frozen. Anubis shifted his eyes back to where the energy ball hit the wall, then to the smoke coming from his head tuft, then to Atlas's still formed arm....

"YIPE!YIPE!YIPE!YIPE!YIPE!" Anubis jumped from the bed yelping in a panic and flew out of the room past the still shocked Atlas!

Astro quickly recovered himself, rolled onto his feet and started to chase after the terrified Wolf!

"Uh? I over did it?" Atlas said as he pointed to his arm.

"No shit!" Astro yelped as he ran past and through the narrow passages...." ANUBIS?! STOP! YOU NEED TO STOP AND LET US TALK TO YOU!"

Astro bounded up the stairs to the main floor of the temple and almost took something smack in the face had he not bent himself backwards and tumbled back down onto the lower floor!"


A shower of stone and dust rained down on Astro as Atlas ran up to pull him back from the stairs before another shower of heavier stones crashed down on top of them!

"You think he's a little upset?" Atlas asked.

"Understatement of the whole damn year!" Astro yelped.

"You alright?" Atlas asked worried.

"Oh sure!" Astro snorted. "I get raped in my ass every day by a horny, pissed off, under-sex'd Egyptian embalming god!" Astro yelped as he struggled to get his shorts back on as another energy surge brought more stones down on the stairway...

"FUCK! Guess he can't take no for an answer! We have to stop him before he destroys the whole temple!" Astro yelped.

"Well you're the expert in negotiation!?" Atlas snapped.

"This is no time for your stupid gay jokes Atlas!?" Astro snorted.

"Who's joking?! You really are better than me at calming down pissed off people!" Atlas said as he turned his head to avoid more flying stones..."Hurry up before he brings the whole damn complex down!"

Astro walked a little ways up the stairs and called out...."ANUBIS! STOP SHOOTING THAT STUFF! YOU'LL BRING YOUR WHOLE TEMPLE DOWN ON US!"


"We're sorry this all happened Anubis!" Astro replied. "We didn't mean you any harm!"

"You didn't mean me any harm and yet you're not anything like Egyptians nor any people I ever knew so you're filthy scum of Set. Probably servants of Sepkush come to kill me..."

Astro took a quick peek over the lip of the stairs and saw Anubis with his shield and sword and his eyes glowing deep red. "I tried to talk to you Anubis but you tried to rape me! I know you thought I was a slave but we lied to you, I lied to you but I swear I'm not your enemy!" Anubis snarled. "You say you lied to me and now you want me to believe you're my friend how two faced..."Anubis snarled. "Show yourself and I'll make your death quick or so help me you'll suffer a thousand years of torture before I decide to end your days you filthy rotten demons."

Astro slowly put a hand up and waved it..."I'm right here Anubis. Just let me walk up to you and we'll talk ok? I'll tell you everything you need to know, just.... let me speak with you?"

Anubis was crouched battle ready with his shield in front and his sword poised over his head, the blade tip pointed forwards..."You may come up slowly...if I so much as see a twitch? You will be nothing but hot ash."

Astro slowly rose up from the stairs and stood arms out and palms open as he looked at the damage over his head....

"Sigh....I'm sorry this happened Anubis." Astro said softly.

"You provoked it." Anubis snapped.

"Yeah...I provoked it by you trying to rape me....ok....yeah...let's play musical chairs huh?" Astro said. "I don't care what or who you are our time now? YOU DON'T FORCE YOUR DICK INTO SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T WANT IT!"

"SILENCE!" Anubis snapped back. "You had better get on your belly and crawl to me or so help me I will turn you into a squashed gnat I swear..."

Astro didn't move at first......then he started walking up to Anubis..."Then do it?" He challenged. " Blast me? Be a big bad Wolf and blow me away?"

Atlas snickered at Astro by radio...."That was a sorry ass pun."

"Shut up?!" Astro replied by radio. "You're not up here are you?"

"I'm watching your back." Atlas replied by radio.

"You're burning a hole in my butt......douche." Astro snickered back by radio.

Anubis warned Astro as he closed in on him..."Get on your belly and crawl! I'm warning you! I'll destroy you!"

"If I were really your enemy Anubis and knowing how powerful you are? Do you think I wouldn't have tried to kill you about now?" Astro asked.

"You're just trying to trick me!" Anubis snapped. "You better stop walking!"

Astro stopped a mere few inches...then lowered himself to the floor and slowly kissed over Anubis's feet....then he stood, slowly took hold of Anubis's sword hand and softly kissed it...

"Would your enemy be this respectful?" Astro asked. "I would have not waited to kill you if I was your real enemy Anubis. You're not that stupid are you?" Astro softly felt Anubis's shivering cheeks. "I'm so sorry we were so deceptive to you. It was wrong of us and we beg your forgiveness."

Astro slowly kissed Anubis on his snoot and pulled him into a soft hug..."Are you alright?" He asked softly. "I know that was quite a shock? You're not hurt are you?"

"What?" Anubis replied shaking his head.

"Are you alright?" Astro asked as he slowly took the sword from Anubis's hand and laid it respectfully on the floor. Then lowered himself before the shocked deity.

"I hurt you and you ask me if I am alright?" Anubis said with a shutter.

"You're our friend....honestly? Would your enemy even hesitate a single moment to try and kill you? I'm right to me what pleases you, I won't fight back."

Anubis shook his head and grimaced. "Get on your feet and stop making an insult of yourself?"

Astro stood up, took a hand and smiled warmly while wiping away a tear from Anubis's face..."I think we have some long talking to do with each other."

3:20 pm Cairo Time 4:20 pm Rhiad Time

State Security, Ministry of Vice and Virtue Rhiad, Saudi Arabia

Day 6

Hafez Iban Rhali (Ha-fez Ee-ban Rah-lee) knocked on the door to the office of the assistant operations minister of the security intelligence field operations bureau and entered when the voice inside replied to his knocks....

"Al hazour gefee kahal" (Al Hay-zore Gah Fee Kah-ha-lal) (Blessings of him upon us Brother) Hazfez said placing his left hand to his chest and bowing slightly.

"Al hazour gefee kahal" The man dressed in military uniform replied. "Well done work. I trust....the fat minister was shocked?" The military man asked.

"Shocked is a less ample word to describe it." Hafez said smirking. "I'm sure he's probably soaking himself silly now that the Prince has recalled him to Rhiad to explain how what should have been a simple and short interrogation turned into a bullet ridden corpse being sawed into pieces in his living room."

"You do have the article which Jamal had in his hands....right?" The man asked.

Hafez produced the ZIP drive and placed it on the desk as the military man pushed a packet to Hafez. "He rewards his best servants most generously."

Hafez looked into the packet and played his hand over the American bills and several gold coins. "Will I have other things to do?" He asked.

"In time." The military man replied. "As to your team however? Their usefulness I'm afraid were a one time affair. Between ourselves and the Royal family? They'll all be "retired" by the end of the day. You on the other hand are too valuable a man to be "down sized" as per the American vernacular.

A woman dressed in a head to toe Hijab walked into the office with a coffee cart in front of her as the military man threw another folder before Hafez. "This is what we have for you next. An assignment in Cairo. Oh? Please do have some of this coffee? This is my secretary Amalda (Ah-mall-dah) I swear she makes the best coffee in all Arabia and the Dates are especially delightful eating."

Hafez declined..."I am not very hungry and it is late in the day for me to have coffee. I would rather sit with you and go through the details of this new assignment..."

The military man raised and fired a dart gun with one swift upward motion, striking Hafez in the chest and immediately the man went into a violent seizure...

"You just had to be difficult didn't you?" The Man, Saiadiem Madhi, (Sai-a-deem Mah-d-he) snorted as he stood up from his desk and waved the dart gun in his hand. "Always remember Hafez? One should have a back up plan against back stabbers."

Madhi kicked the chair that the now dead Hafez occupied over and picked up the money packet while gesturing to the woman in the Hijab...and it was a woman...."Please clean this mess from my office my good dear? I must hasten to make a phone call."

5 pm Cairo Time Day 6

Anubis's tomb

Anubis flopped back against a wall in his sleeping chamber and slowly slid down to sit on the floor as Astro closed up his chest door then gave his boyfriend a little kiss on the cheek before he left. Obviously....Atlas thought it was better that Astro sit and talk with Anubis about what they had shown him of the modern world. Atlas was never cut out to be patient and he was still somewhat red hot pissed at what Anubis did...

The Golden Wolf looked almost lifeless...."I don't have any reason to even exist any more." He said sullenly as he gazed at Astro..."So? What exactly are you?" Anubis asked..."I mean? Are all men you?"

"Oh no..." Astro replied as he sat down. "Men made us to help them perform various tasks. Over time we became more and more useful and more and more able to do more and more things until we became close to being like men. Atlas and I are just the latest.....well the latest "kind"."

Anubis sighed..."I wonder if my brother is still out there? With the world you described, it might be better for me to just stay in here and go back to sleep. Egypt doesn't need me."

Astro softly petted Anubis's head. "Don't sell yourself short? You're pretty powerful? Surely you weren't put away just to rot?"

Anubis took hold of Astro's hand..."About my forcing myself upon you? Forgive me?"

"Well....?" Astro said with a slight smile. "I had to call Atlas because had he just walked in and seen you...."copulating" my butt? He would have lost his mind. I found the experience of being helpless and getting raped...a little exciting."

"So you and him are lovers?" Anubis asked.

"You never experienced that?" Astro asked. "Never did anything with two others?"

"No." Anubis replied. "Then wasn't a big part of Egyptian society. Two males can't keep an empire stocked with warriors."

"Yeah...." Astro replied. "But? Humans are finding ways around "the bush" if you get the meaning?"

"So even your names are not what they are?" Anubis asked.

"Tet and Tat are short versions of our Japanese names but Astro and Atlas are what people back in our country know us by. You never had a "nick name"? That's what you'd call "Tet" or "Tat" or "Mighty Atom" or in the case of Atlas? "Dufis"

"Fuck you...fancy Nancy." Atlas said as he walked in. "I was going to call Anubis "Mutt" but "fucker" sounds better."

Anubis looked at Atlas. "I am sorry for what I did to your lover."

"Rule number one there big dawg? Don't mess with a gay man's bottom. Don't push hole number one because of the obvious." Atlas pulled Astro by an arm. "This? Is my fuck toy."

Anubis shook his head. "If he is your lover? Then why is he so abusive?"

"We just play around Anubis." Atlas said as he pulled Astro close. "We've had a very interesting relationship? Mostly beating the snot out of each other." Atlas said as he held Astro close, gave him a kiss and petted his head. "But I would die for this soupy little feminine shit any day of the week? Because he makes me feel so wonderful."

Anubis played a finger over the floor. "What do you both think of me?"

"I think you're cute." Astro replied smiling.

"I think you need 4000 years worth of education, a good grooming and a pet bed." Atlas said smirking..."Nubie"

Anubis thought to himself and shook his head. "I don't like my name played with."

"We'll respect that." Astro said as he patted Anubis's leg. "The question now is? What do we actually do? I've got to draft another long report to Doctor Awash in Cairo."

"Cairo?" Anubis asked.

"Cairo is the capital of Egypt now." Atlas said. "It's a very big city, bigger than old Memphis in your time. I know what we could do though?" Atlas said raising a finger..."A good old game of naked football in the sand? A little "smear the queer" action?"

Anubis cocked his head and pursed his lips..."Smear the queer?"

"A game that usually starts normal but ends up in a fuck fest." Astro replied smirking.

"Only because Astro's a horny little bitch." Atlas replied snorting. "We could also display our various "talents"?

"Ring around the Sutra." Astro said giggling.

"Oh get your mind out of the gutter?" Atlas snapped back.

Anubis stood up putting his hands on his hips. "Why does something tell me things are going to get stupid?"

"Because they enjoy it?" Astro replied as he wrapped an arm around Anubis's shoulders.

End of Part 6

Astro and the Buried Boner: Part 7

Astro boy and the buried boner ( c ) Astro boy 2003 Sony Pictures ( c ) Atlas boy from Astro boy 1980 by Tezuka Productions ( c ) Anubis character from Anubis and the Buried Bone by Harmarist ( boy/boy, boy/African golden wolf, gay sex, rape,...

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Astro and the Buried Boner: Part 5

_ **Astro boy and the buried boner** _ **( c ) Astro boy 2003 Sony Pictures** **( c ) Atlas boy from Astro boy 1980 by Tezuka Productions** **( c ) Anubis character from Anubis and the Buried Bone by Harmarist** **( boy/boy, boy/African golden...

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Astro and the Buried Boner: Part 4: An Astro Boy fiction.

_ **Astro boy and the buried boner** _ **( c ) Astro boy 2003 Sony Pictures** **( c ) Atlas boy from Astro boy 1980 by Tezuka Productions** **( c ) Anubis character from Anubis and the Buried Bone by Harmarist** **( boy/boy, boy/African golden...

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