Dark Valor

Story by Lost R on SoFurry

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Dark Valor

Due to the destructive nature of the Digimon created from the Dark Spires, Darkveemon was seen as an evil Digimon, like all the others created before him. However, due to the combination of the Veemon's DNA and the purifying power from the Digiegg of Courage, DarkVeemon wasn't evil at all, and thus Arukenimon had no use for him, and abandoned the Rookie Digimon. Now he wandered the Digital World, trying to find a way to fit in.

His travels brought him to a place called File Island; a place that he heard was where the first Digidestined entered the Digital World. He entered a temple there that contained a series of strange glyphs and symbols. The place was clearly ancient; the walls were cracked and crumbling, and different kinds of moss and plant life was beginning to claim the temple as their own. Further inside, Dark observed that many of the walls had been demolished as if something huge had run them through.

After seeing all that there was to see, Dark proceeded to exit the same way he came in. Right as he stepped out into the bright daylight, he heard a girl scream in terror. He ran outside to where the scream came from and a few yards into the forest, there was an Aquaveemon being gang raped by 3 Sukamon; a yellow Digimon shaped like a turd. Two were taking her from behind, and the third forced her to suck his cock. The sight disgusted Dark, and before he knew what he was doing, he was charging at the Sukamon like a bull, his head lowered down.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" he shouted, ramming into one of the Sukamon. The other two pulled out of her and jumped back. The Champion Digimon struck by Dark's signature Vee Headbutt flew back and bounced off a tree, knocked unconscious. The other two turned back to him and pulled out handfuls of poo from their own bodies.

"PARTY TIME, BUBBA!" one of them shouted in a Southern accent. They threw the feces at Dark, who was already weaving through the trees, dodging the flying poop. After a second and third volley, the Sukamon lost track of Dark's location.

"Hay! Where'd the little varmint go?!" the Southern-accented Sukamon asked.

"UP HERE!" Dark dropped down from the forest canopy between the two yellow turds and landed a series of punches on one followed up with a roundhouse kick to the second. Because the Sukamon's head is almost completely separate from the rest of its body, the head is kept in place with the monster's tongue. A big impact to the head will cause it to fall off, which is what happened when Dark kicked the Sukamon back. He crawled around dumbly on the ground for his head, which he finally grabbed ahold of and placed it upside down on his head.

"Umm... this doesn't look right." He muttered to himself, fumbling with the top part of his head. His voice sounded close to that of Gilbert Gottfried.

"Leave it, son!" the Southern accented Sukamon said, picking up his unconscious comrade. "We'll be back to reclaim our prize, boy!" The two hopped away to tend to their wounds. Dark relaxed and turned to Aquaveemon... or where she was, anyways.

"Where'd you go?" he asked, looking around. Behind some trees, he could hear some gagging and coughing, and he immediately knew what she was doing. He thought of what she had to endure earlier, and it brought an ill feeling to his stomach.

After a few minutes, the Aquaveemon came out from behind the tree, clutching her stomach. Aquaveemon was a rare transformation of Veemon in habitats with a larger ratio of bodies of water. For the most part, she strongly resembled the original form, with distinctive amphibious features added for their aquatic habitat. There were two green rings around each ear, and from the bridge of their snout and up their head, they bore a large fin. Their hands and feet were webbed, and their body had a subtle sea green tint to it.

"Are you alright?" Dark asked.

"I feel so sick." She groaned, falling to her knees. "That... was vile."

Dark knelt down next to her and held out a jar of honey.

"Here. This will help ease the pain." He said. Aqua looked at the thick fluid for a few seconds before taking it.

"Thank you." She said. Taking a handful of the stuff, she brought it to her mouth and ate the sweet honey. She held it in her mouth for several seconds before swallowing, sighing contently as the sweet flavor replaced the vile taste in her mouth.

"Is it as bad as they smell?" Dark asked curiously.

"Very." Aqua answered, eating some more honey. "My.... Body hurts. They weren't gentle with me down there... it burns..."

"Can you show me?" Dark asked. "Don't worry; I won't rape you or anything."

Aqua blushed heavily and slowly nodded her head. She got on her hands and knees and lifted her tail end up. Dark moved to her back and winced when he saw the damage. The flesh around her pussy and asshole was intact, but it was completely rubbed raw. Her skin was very irritable; Dark was amazed she could even sit down.

"Doesn't look very good." He said. "Hold on. Let me apply some aloe vera." He reached into the satchel he carried with him and pulled out a bottle of the green gel. Aqua looked back at him, a heavy blush on her face.

"Please be gentle." She said, bracing herself for the sting. Squirting some of the aloe vera into his hands, Dark proceeded to rub it on her sensitive and raw skin. He started with her ass and slowly made his way down to her tight pink lips. While he applied the cool gel, she shivered heavily, inadvertently leaning into his hand.

The Aquaveemon from what Dark knew isolated themselves from most of the digital world because of the same reasons Dark busted the Sukamon for. They were very attractive and mostly female, which led a lot of different Digimon, especially virus Digimon, to capture, rape, and sell them off as sex slaves. He was even surprised that Aqua didn't even try to run when he jumped in to save her. Maybe it was because he was a Veemon as well?

Aqua began to moan heavily as Dark applied the aloe to the area around her pink lips. She tried to stay still for him, but the arousal, while a bit painful and irritating, was starting to take over.

"Ok, done." Dark said, wiping his hands off. Aqua sighed with frustration. Just as she was getting into it...

"Thank you." She said, standing up. "I don't know what I would have done if you didn't show up on time."

"No problem. What are you doing all the way out here anyway?"

"I'm trying to get to Primary Village so I can get a ride back to my home." She explained. "I took this detour, though, and I ended up running from those Sukamon."

"No doubt they'll be back for revenge. How about I escort you to Primary Village? We'll be a lot safer traveling together."

"You'll do that for me?" she gave Dark a quick hug. "Thanks!"

Dark blushed heavily and looked away.

"Y-you're welcome." He replied, picking up the aloe vera and honey and putting them back in the sachel. "Lead the way then."

Aqua and Dark left the temple to the center of File Island, where Primary Village resided. Not a lot happened during the trip, which brought Aqua to start paying more attention to her escort.

"I've never seen your type before." She pointed out. "What kind of Veemon are you?" Dark closed his eyes in detest.

"I'm my own kind." He answered. "I was created by Arukenimon from the DNA of the Veemon of Courage and a Dark Spire, but I turned out to be a failure, and I was abandoned by my creator."

"Aww... that's horrible! Why don't you go to one of the Veemon cities and settle down?" she asked. "You're not evil from what I've seen."

"I wouldn't fit in, and I want to first defeat the Digimon Kaiser, Arukenimon, and their abominations created from the Dark Spires. Only then could I settle down."

"I see... well, if you ever do finish your battle, then you could come live at the Aquaveemon village. I'll put in a good word for you."

Their journey continued for the rest of the day and into the next. By the afternoon, they were only a few miles away from Primary Village.

"I want to thank you again for escorting me here." Aqua said. "I don't know what I would have done without you."

"You're welcome. It's strange though... you'd think that the Sukamon would have been back for revenge by now. Do you think they chickened out, or are they biding their time before they atta-AGH!"

Dark suddenly went flying as a foot lashed across his face, tumbling across the ground before coming to a stop. Aqua screamed and tried to run, but was immediately caught by an orange monkey with a Monzaemon doll tied to his waist.

"Where do you think you're goin', little lady?" he said with a very Elvis-like voice. "Stay here and jam with us for a while!"

"NO! LET ME GO!" she screamed, kicking Etemon in the shins. This was a futile attempt, as the Ultimate level Digimon was surprisingly strong. Dark stumbled to his feet and spun around to face the Virus Digimon.

"Let her go!" he shouted, charging at Etemon. "SHADOWVEE HEADBUTT!!!" He struck the monkey dead center in the chest with all his might, but to no effect. Etemon picked him up and kicked him like a soccer ball. Still holding the screaming Aquaveemon in his grasp, he chased after Dark and struck him again in perfect DBZ style, sending the very underpowered Rookie Digimon careening into a rock.

"NO! DarkVee!" Aqua shouted. "Let me go, you ass!"

Etemon grasped her arms and pinned her down on the ground.

"Come on, baby! Time to finish what we started!"

Aqua looked up at Etemon with a shocked expression.

"What you started?! You're!"

"Yup! We combined to become the great Etemon!" He announced. Aqua felt his cock press against her tight pussy, and she let out a loud scream, both in terror and in pain. The dick was huge; if Etemon raped her with THAT, she'd be torn in half!

"NO! PLEASE HELP ME!" she screamed, thrashing violently. The cock was spreading apart her pussy lips to painful lengths. "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

Before Etemon could impale her on his shaft, Dark charged at him again and punched him right across the face. This time, Etemon was knocked back on his ass, where he quickly recovered, back flipping and landing on his feet some 8 feet away.

"What- get back on the ground!" he shouted, pointing at the area where Dark was originally laying in a heap. Dark stood between him and Aqua, engulfed in a black aura. The V symbol on his head shone a violent red.

"Leave now or I'll remove you by force!" he shouted. His body now shone white as he began to digivolve. His body lengthened and grew; armor appeared on his body.

"DarkVeemon Digivolve to... ShadowFlamedramon!"

ShadowFlamedramon was a Flamedramon affected by the viral power of the Dark Spires. His normally blue skin was tainted a dark purple, and the flame patterns on his obsidian armor were now blue.

Etemon didn't seem shaken up by the digivolution at all.

"Digivolve or not, I'm takin' my prize!"

"The Hell you are!" Dark charged at Etemon and kicked him into the air.

"Begone! SHADOW ROCKETS!!!" He fired several bolts of black fire at the Ultimate level Digimon, which set his body ablaze and turned his body to data as he fell to the ground. Dark let out a sigh of relief and reverted back to his Rookie form. Before he even stopped reverting back, Aqua came over and hugged him tightly.

"Oh my god, thank you Dark!" She exclaimed. "I was really scared back there!"

"I couldn't just let him do that to you." He said, hugging her back.

"Thank you!" she repeated, her hand touching his crotch. "You know, I wanted a Veemon that I could marry, but so few exist at my village..."

Dark's legs clamped around her hand as it reached into his protective pouch and stroked his hot cock. Forcing him on his back, she pulled out his dick and took it into her mouth.

"Ah! Aqua...." He gasped as she sucked on his cock. "Aqua... mmnn..."

Aqua continued to suck his cock, her hands fondling his balls. His member began to erect to its full size, the tender head throbbing underneath the feel of the girl's hot tongue. After he was at full size and panting like a dog, she pulled away and slowly sat down on his lap, the shaft sliding into her cunt.

"Mmmnnn... oh, Dark!" she cried out, bouncing up and down. "You're so big!"

Dark wrapped his arms around her and thrust up into her. He didn't exactly know what was going on, but he'd be damned to end this so soon!

"Ngh! Huh! Aqua!" he moaned, feeling her velvety walls clenching him like a hot wet vice. She thrust down at an angle to get Dark's cock to hammer against her G-spot. This was further stimulated from the burst of precum from Dark's cock. He fell back as the pleasure became too much, and Aqua pressed her claws on his chest. She thrust down on him with an increased pace, so much that Dark found no point in trying to move.

"Please don't stop!" Dark cried out. "I'm gonna cum!"

"MMMMMNNN!!! So am I! AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Aqua arched her back, spraying pussy juice all over his midsection. Her tight cunt lips squeezed his cock, which caused him to go over the edge as well. His cock spurt several loads into her sensitive womb. Aqua collapsed on his side in exhaustion, panting with pleasure.

* * *

After recovering from their impromptu session, Aqua and Dark continued down the path uninhibited by fears of being jumped. In a half hour, they finally reached Primary Village.

"Well, here we are." Dark said, stopping at the entrance.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me to the AquaVeemon Village?" she asked.

"I'm sorry, but I can't until I make sure the Dark Spires are eliminated, and no more of those abominations are created."

Aqua looked a bit sad, but she seemed to know already that there was no stopping him.

"I see... well, if you ever do finish your business, why don't you come to the village? We'll all welcome you with open arms."

Dark smiled and nodded his head.

"Sure. I'll see you then." Aqua kissed him on the lips briefly before running to Primary Village.


Dark turned around and traveled back the way he came, sighing as he regretfully had to leave Aqua's company. He knew for certain now that of all the places out there, he was able to find the one place he belonged. That was his goal to shoot for now.

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