Rat of Glory
Nutmeg hurried through the tunnels beneath the streets of London, scampering along on all fours for the most part. He paused occasionally to stand up and test the air with his whiskers or adjust the bandolier of tools across his chest. It wasn't easy...
Sometimes, it's Worth it
"say, how about i give you a little body modification, on the house because you are such a good guy." "um wait, what?" the mammoth was already on his way behind the black curtain, not waiting for the bird to protest.
Vets in Spades
Clara snuggled back into her large, fluffy pet bed, trying to ignore the sun that was streaming in through the windows into her little corner. Her bed was very soft and more than big enough for the anthro wolf to curl up into and be comfortable. There...
Riko's Cum Addiction
Riko was an average cat of 26 years with one major exception, she was born with a rather significant penis and was equipped with a large set of balls that hid most of her vagina. Not that she let that get in the way of her frequent antics. She had...
Satisfied Customers
#121 of commissions a married couple struggling to spark up their marriage end up with a device that allows any body modification desires, and the pair end up accidentally requesting something more...extreme....
The doorbell rung, and the lion opened one eye to look at the time. He groaned. Last night had been wild, and the party hadn't stopped until well after dawn. 4PM was simply too early for a caller. He pondered ignoring the ringing, until the doorbell...
Missing Something: Chapter 3
It's been proven empirically--small talk is actually meaningless. In studies, sociology has determined that small talk between speakers of the same language is pure formality and bears no significance in terms of transmission of information. It's...
Omnivice Exhibition Part 3: Gender, Body Modifications, and Body Fusions
#3 of omnivice exhibition omnivice exhibition part 3: gender, body modifications, and body fusions by: altair-sirius ezeri warning: this story contains transformation, gender changing, body modification via transformation, body merging, cock transformation
"Beeeeeewwwww! Beeeewwwww! Bewwwwwww! Altitude! Altitude!... Altitude! Altitude!" The annunciator screamed in Troth's ear as he fought to gain control of his small spacecraft. Outside, the deafening roar of atmospheric turbulence all but drowned out...
Satisfied Desires
Dan looked out at the open countryside, the sights of wide fields and animal herds making him excited. Several months ago he'd never give a place like this a second glance. But after such a hot night of ecstasy with his wife, he couldn't imagine...
Mother of Chaos Ch. 1 The Ritual
-at the cavern lake- Sonic: hmm. i never been here before. but it's my spot now. i should bring tails here. or maybe shadow \*thinking of her in the lake nude\* =///w///= hehehe \*steps into the lake\* \*something grabbed his legs and arms\* ...
Guro Challenge #4: Piercings/Body Modification
"Dad, I really don't think you should be doin' this yourself." "Oh, pshaw, young feller, am I to trust the job to your tremblin' paws?" "They ain't tremblin'!" Cheek tucked his paws behind his back to hide his lie. "Just think this is still gonna...