Kinktober 2018, Day 26 - Love and Lace

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#26 of Kinktober 2018

For their anniversary, Nalani surprises Pyros with some sexy new underwear to make an already romantic night even more special.

This story was written for Pyros Byrnur as Day #26 of Kinktober 2018. Today's kink was "Lingerie" and the story contains M/F sex between consenting adults.

Love and Lace

"Holy fuck..."

Pyros growled as he stepped into the living room, still in the midst of pulling off his suit jacket, and froze in his tracks. His eyes widened, and with immediate effect he felt his currently flaccid cock give a substantial twitch as it was roused forth from the slit in his scales where it remained dormant until called upon to perform. The reason for his exclamation was obvious to behold of course, and was currently sitting in an armchair with one leg slung over one cushioned arm, and a hand between her legs. The dragon's mate sat back in that chair with her eyes closed and her head resting back against the soft fabric of the seat itself, and though her ear twitched in acknowledgement of her lover's stunned, excited growl she made no more overt effort to show that she had paid any heed to Pyros' arrival. Her hand continued to slowly, gently work its way back and forth beneath the fabric of a pair of gorgeous black lace panties, masturbating herself just firmly enough to ensure that her breathing was quickened, her chest heaving visibly up and down while her breasts were cupped and rendered even more gorgeously perky and prominent than normal by an equally luxurious looking lace bra.

Stumbling rather more rapidly into the room, Pyros cast aside his jacket and began to unbutton his shirt. He pulled his belt loose and tossed it onto the couch, and before long he found himself falling to his knees in front of his masturbating partner. He watched her carefully, delighting in her masturbatory bliss and yet huffing, groaning softly as she continued to sit there with her eyes closed and her masturbatory motions continuing entirely irrespective of his presence. Through the lace of her panties he could see where her fingers were exploring, he was able to watch as they traced down over the mountain lion's clit and between the folds of her pussy, curling round ever so slightly to just tease their way into the very opening of her passageway itself. He pulled off his shirt. He unbuttoned and unzipped his trousers, but just before he could pull himself upright again so that he could shuck his lower garments off his legs entirely rather than merely bunching them up around his knees, the woman he loved finally opened her eyes and regarded him.


Her eyes burned with desire and teasing intensity, and she cocked her head playfully towards the obviously needy, desperate dragon kneeling before her. Pyros' face flushed beneath his already rich red scales, and he almost choked in his urgency to tell Nalani what he had planned to say to her the very moment he saw her upon arriving home.

"Happy anniversary, my love."

The cougar shamelessly tweaked her clit as he addressed her, and growled in delight as her toes curled and flexed. Her whip of a tail twitched and thumped against the rear of the chair behind her, and she extended the leg which until now had been hooked over one arm of the chair to caress one of Pyros' scaled cheek with her foot.

"Do you have a gift for me?"

She teased, giggling as his eyes widened and darted back over to his jacket where he'd let it fall to the living room floor some distance away. The cougar shook her head in mock judgement, and tutted in as flamboyant and exaggerated a manner as it was possible to tut.

"No gift ready, no anniversary greeting on the tip of your tongue, and home late to boot. You're lucky I was still here, Pyros. You're lucky I didn't slip off to a club to find someone who I know would take care of me on a day like today, or... maybe just call up one of my friends to come visit me here."

The dragon knew better than to take the bait, so he said nothing. His cock betrayed him though, throbbing visibly where it was still bound in the boxer-briefs clinging to his hips, visible beneath the unbuttoned, open front of his smart black work trousers. He shuddered as he saw Nalani glance down at it, and smirk that damnable smirk of hers. She knew. She knew that if Pyros had arrived home to find her being fucked by one of her litany of lovers, he wouldn't have done a thing about it. He would have just stood there in the hallway, probably not even making his presence known, and watched as Nalani celebrated their anniversary without him. Watched, and touched himself in uncontrollable excitement, just as Nalani was doing to herself even now.

"But... you are here."

In an act of supreme kindness, Nalani offered the man she loved that bare wisp of a compliment. Her eyes sparkled, and she had to actually fight not to giggle as their eyes met, and for just a moment the masks of the roles they loved to play within their love life slipped to reveal the two eager, adoring partners beneath. Pyros growled. She purred back, and pulled her hand out of her underwear only to extend it out between the two of them, offering it to the dragon and moaning in delight as he sniffed it, nuzzled gently against it, and then promptly began to lick and slurp at each of her fingers individually to taste and delight in the mild but unmistakable flavour of her own arousal.

"And since you're here, and since it is our anniversary... I suppose the right thing to do would be to let you have your way with me. Just the two of us, right here, right now."

The dragon groaned loudly in excitement and approval at that suggestion, but he didn't lunge forward, he didn't make any move to act quite yet even as Nalani pulled her hand back from where his lips were now wrapped tightly around the two digits with which she had been most prominently masturbating. Grinning, Nalani shuffled on the chair and allowed her buttocks in their new lace underwear to slide forward to the very edge of the seat. She spread her legs wider than they had been before, practically hooking a knee over each of the chair arms, and moved a hand to scoop her long red hair and drape it over one shoulder as her head leaned back comfortably against the rear of the chair. She licked her lips, and giggled once again as her lover instinctively echoed that same motion. Ever so slightly she lifted her hips off the surface of the chair, and rocked her crotch towards her mate's face with a single, simple request.

"Eat me, Pyros..."

His eyes bulged, and without any hesitation he lunged forward, fingers grasping at the edge of Nalani's brand new lace panties to tease the crotch aside and grant himself unfettered access. No sooner had he begun to do so though, the cougar growled and snarled a chiding, frustrated cry to her mate.

"Hey! Stop that!"

He froze, trembling, panting, tongue already lolling out in anticipation but not daring to move another inch. He cowered as his lover scowled at him, reaching down and pulling his fingers away from where they were just beginning to tug on her panties.

"This lingerie is brand new. Do you have any idea how expensive real lace is, Pyros? And you were just gonna tug on it and stretch it all out of shape?"

The male bowed his head in shame and sorrow, but his eyes widened once again, and his cheeks flushed as after ensuring that her underwear was correctly positioned once again the mountain lion tapped against her pubic mound encouragingly, almost impatiently with the tips of her three middle digits.

"Well. Come on then."

He growled in confusion as she urged him to eat her out, but saw her eyes narrow as he began to raise his hands towards her hips as though preparing to ease her gently out of her panties in a more methodical and respectful manner towards the craftsmanship of the underwear itself.

"C'mon, Pyros. Hurry. Eat me, or I'll make a call and have a line of guys here who'll gladly take turns showing you how its done."

The dragon stared at his lover in confusion, but in his desperation not to have her do as she was suggesting to him, he obeyed without any further delay. He pressed his muzzle forward directly against her still lace locked, panty-clad crotch, and as his tongue slipped out and pressed against the black lace material in an attempt to strike at the swollen clit he knew was hidden away below it, his cheeks burned hotter still as he heard his mate growl in pleasure and approval.

"Mmmnhh... there we go. Was that so hard? When will you learn, Pyros. If you do as I say and don't bother your handsome little head about actually thinking about it first, everything would be so much easier."

Reaching out with one hand, the mountain lion grabbed at one of the large, scaled segments of the dragon's golden crest which topped his head. She tugged on it gently, pulling his head down and pressing his muzzle tighter to her crotch in the process, and Nalani growled in delight as the dragon grunted into her crotch and began to lick and nuzzle more vigorously. To eat her out as though the underwear wasn't there, but at the same time fighting to overcome and account for the fact that it was. His lips and tongue applied pressure through the fabric, the indirect stimulation allowing Pyros' tongue to be more firm and forceful than might otherwise have been the case, and thanks to the permeable nature of the lace not only could Pyros feel his mate's pussy getting rapidly dampened by the saliva dribbling onto her from his tongue, but he was soon able to taste her arousal leaking back through the material to assure him that his efforts were paying off.

"Yes. Yes... just like that. Oh, t-that's it..."

Nalani began to purr, then to gasp, and soon to whisper in hoarse, throaty moans as her body betrayed just how worked up her masturbation prior to Pyros' arrival home had gotten her. Her mate's efforts with his tongue against the front of her panties was having a powerful effect in carrying her to climax that was for sure, but even Pyros wasn't so arrogant as to take credit for his tongue alone eliciting such a vocal response after just a couple of minutes. Nevertheless the dragon fully capitalised upon the situation, and he pursed his lips in an attempt to use his whole muzzle rather than just his tongue to stimulate the mountain lion. He closed his eyes and thought back to occasions in the past when he had reached down the front of whatever clothing Nalani was wearing and rubbed her crotch through it. His muzzle wasn't quite the dextrous tool that his fingers could be, but as he began to intersperse more firm, forceful applications of pressure with his lips and the front of his snout in general alongside the more teasing flicks and caresses of his tongue against the lace fabric of those panties, Nalani's mewling whimpers of pleasure turned into deeper, more guttural growls and grunts. Her hand on his head gripped harder, and yet before long he felt her grasp loosening as her whole body seemed to tremble and lose a little of its overall composure.

"I love you."

Pyros growled without once removing his muzzle from Nalani's crotch, and in a sure sign that his partner was pretty damn close to her climax she didn't chide him for being distracted or tease him for being a sap. She whimpered, she let go of his scaled crest and used that hand to stroke one side of the dragon's face, and moaned adoringly back at him.

"O-oh, Pyros. I love you too. I... oh... ohh yes. I'm close. Please, Pyros."

She gasped. She begged. Her mate growled happily, but tempted as he was to take her plea as a desire for escalation, to pull aside or pull off her panties entirely and let loose upon her pussy without restraint, he resisted that urge. It was clear what his lover wanted, what playful fun she had planned for today involving him and her brand new, utterly gorgeous underwear, and no matter how much he might have wanted to bury his tongue deep in her pussy and taste her juices unrestrained as they spilled forth, he wanted his mate to enjoy herself her way even more. Thus he continued to nuzzle, to lick, to lavish his attention onto the fabric of Nalani's lace lingerie as intensely as he could, huffing and growling, feeling his own untouched cock straining and drooling inside his own underwear as he urged Nalani's nether regions to do the same. He ate out his lover through her panties, beyond that soft, silky lace barrier, and grunted in ever growing pride and determination as he felt the cougar begin to tremble, to quake, and soon to cry out in the obvious impending throes of ecstasy.

"Yes! Yes! I... a-aaahhh, don't stop. Just like that, j-just... there! Right there. Oh god. Oh god. Cumming! I... I'm... Pyros, yes!"

Nalani's back arched. Her eyes bulged, and she roared at the top of her lungs as with Pyros' muzzle still buried in the crotch of her brand new, saliva and now ejaculate-soaked panties, she came hard. Her juices flooded through the silky lace fabric without resistance, not spraying out over her mate's maw as they might have if she'd cum without the panties in the way but still staining his face as well as her crotch and the seat of the chair beneath her. Her whole body shook in violent spasms as even in the midst of her climax Pyros' snout and tongue still probed and stimulated her throbbing clit, and even as she began to relax, to fall back against the chair and to come down from that phenomenal high, still his tongue more tenderly lapped at her now sodden crotch as though attempting to both sooth her fading urges, and to clean up her beautiful new underwear.


The cougar growled contentedly in the wake of her peak, eyes heavy lidded as she peered down at Pyros as he continued to rest between her legs, nuzzling, gently lapping, and breathing deeply of her intoxicating scent.

"...happy anniversary, my love."

She murmured to him, giggling and blushing as he pulled his lips away from her crotch just for a moment to plant a pair of soft, adoring kisses on each of her thighs.

"N-now... why don't you go get undressed, and wait for me in the bedroom. And once my legs start working again, I'll come join you... and you can fuck me."

Pyros' eyes widened, and he immediately pulled himself bolt upright, launching away from the cougar's thighs with such haste it almost seemed as though he was going to try and take flight. He hurriedly gathered up his clothes, delicately plucking his jacket from the floor as he recalled once again the as yet un-given gift still hiding away within one of its pockets, but paused and turned back to face his lover as he approached the living room door.

She was still resting precisely where he'd left her, legs obscenely spread, black panties glistening with a sheen of wetness and the fur surrounding the fabric matted and equally sodden. Her face was a picture of peace and satisfaction, and yet within her eyes there was a lingering, smouldering hunger that had yet to be even remotely sated.

The dragon blushed, and as he looked down at those panties, at the gorgeous black lingerie covering his lover's loins and of course her perfect breasts too, he murmured curiously to the woman he loved.

"W-when... when I fuck you, you're not gonna take off the panties, are you?"

Nalani's eyes flashed with mirth and hunger, and she purred loud enough for him to hear all the way across the room. The mountain lion shook her head, grinning gleefully all the while.

"Not for a second, Pyros. These panties are going to stay right where they are all night long no matter what you do to me, and it's going to be so fucking hot."

By Jeeves

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