Starfox: Needin' Some Lovin' Ch 10

Story by EmperorStarscream on SoFurry

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#10 of Needin' Some Lovin'

Takes place after Starfox Command. Fox's heart has been broken by Krystal, and Katt has run out of patients for Falco. So Katt takes Fox to a club to try to get both their minds off their love troubles. Then something happens neither of them ever expected.

Needin' Some Lovin' Ch 10

"So you two are both gonna be dads?" Falco said to Fox and Slippy while they were trying to figure out how to get the cell door open. They were currently trying to break a panel off the wall next to the door to see if Slippy could hotwire the door to open. "Dang! Well, congratulations."

"Thanks, Falco," said Slippy as he and Fox worked to pry the panel off the wall.

Falco smirked. "I just hope you two are ready to start changing diapers!" he snickered.

Suddenly they heard a noise outside the cell door. The sound of weapons fire, shouting, and then bodies hitting the floor.

Then the cell door slid opened, and a female red salamander wearing some sort of victorian fancy dress and a golden crown on her head was standing outside in the corridor. In her hand was a blaster. Behind her were three imperial guards lying motionless on the floor.

"Are you the Star Fox team?" the salamander woman asked Fox, Slippy, and Falco.

"...Yes," Fox said after a moment's hesitation, confused as to who this was and what they wanted.

"Do you have the computer virus?" she then asked them. Her expression and tone of voice indicated that of desperation.

Fox, Slippy, and Falco were shocked and worried that this woman knew about the computer virus Slippy had in his pocket. Did the Empire know about their plan? Was this woman here to confiscate it?

"Who are you?" Fox demanded.

"My name is Cauda. I am the Queen of the Amphibian Empire, and I am also the spy for the alliance. I'm here to help you."

Now Fox, Slippy and Falco were really surprised. "You?" said Slippy. "You're the one sending the alliance secret information from inside the empire?"

Cauda nodded.

"But you're the Queen!" said Fox. "Why are you betraying your own people?"

Cauda grit her teeth. "My people are on a path of self destruction. The Emperor, my husband, is an insane monster who will lead the empire to its end. I'm doing this to save my world. Now do you have the virus?!"

Fox could see this lady was becoming impatient, but with how many lives were at stake, he had to be sure she wasn't lying. "How do we know we can trust you?"

"If I was your enemy, why would I be helping you escape your cell?" Cauda said plainly.

Fox realized she made a good point. If she were against them, she could just leave them in the cell. Fox still wasn't one hundred percent sure, but time was against them, and this was the only chance they had to upload the virus into the Empire's military network.

Fox looked and Slippy and nodded to him. Slippy reached into his pocket and pulled out the portable data drive, showing it to Cauda. "Its right here."

Cauda nodded. "Come quickly! We don't have much time! Your fleet has already arrived and the battle is going on as we speak."

'Oh no,' Fox thought to himself. That meant his friends were in danger, including Katt and their unborn child.

Fox, Slippy, and Falco quickly hurried out of the cell they were in, and the Queen handed them each the blasters from the guards lying on the floor. "I can lead you to the computer control room. Just follow me, and keep those blasters ready. We'll need them if we encounter more guards."

They nodded to her, and they all headed out of the prison block they were in.

Back up in space, the battle continued. The alliance fleet fought back against the onslaught from the Imperial fleet, trying to survive long enough for the Star Fox team mates down on the planet's surface could upload the virus.

The remaining members of the Star Fox team, Katt, Krystal, Lucy, Amanda, and even ROB onboard the Great Fox, continued to provide support for the outnumbered Alliance ships.

"We're taking heavy damage! We need immediate assistance!" a voice shouted over the alliance comm channel.

Katt saw the ship in peril, a Lylat cruiser, being bombarded by the combined fire of two enemy ships.

"Lets help them out, girls," Katt said. "ROB, we could use some cover!"

"Great Fox will cover you," ROB responded.

Katt, Krystal, Lucy, and Amanda fired at the first cruiser in their path while the great fox opened fire on the second cruiser. Both cruisers exploded in a matter of seconds.

"Thank you, Star Fox," the Captain of the ship they helped said over the comm channel.

Just then, another Lylat cruiser further away exploded. Katt cursed to herself. The battle wasn't going well. For every ship they saved, another one got destroyed.

"Star Fox team, we can't take much more of this," General North's worried voice shouted over the comm channel.

"Hopefully we won't have to," Katt responded. "Just give Fox and Slippy a little more time."

Suddenly, a new voice spoke on the comm channel. A rough and terrifyingly familiar voice. "Well look what we have here, boys."

"Three bogies on our tail!" Amanda shouted. "They're closing on us fast!"

They all looked, and were shocked by what they saw chasing them. Three Wolfen class fighters were right behind them.

"No!" gasped Krystal in horror.

"It's a bunch of little girls in their little space ships," said Leon in as creepy a way as he could. "Lets have some fun with them."

The three Wolfen opened fire. Katt, Krystal, Lucy, and Amanda's ships all took a few hits before they all barrel rolled and swerved to evade in different directions.

"STAR WOLF!?" Katt yelled as she evaded the enemy fire. "What are you jerks doing here!?"

"We are privateers of the Empire now!" said Wolf, his ship going into pursuit of Amanda's ship. "As long as we serve them, we get to live!"

"While you all die!" said Leon with a laugh as he shot at Katt's ship.

"Hello, Krystal," said Panther as his ship pursued Krystal's. "It would seem fate has reunited us once more. And I see you've brought some of your lovely lady friends with you as well. I hope I get to know them as well as I got to know you."

"In your dreams, Panther!" Krystal shouted as she barrel rolled and boosted to attempt to loose her pursuer.

"Indeed," Panther continued to talk to her. "I dream about you every night. About us, that is. Remember all the good times you and I had together."

"There were none!" Krystal retorted. "You disgust me!"

"That's not what you were saying all those times you were in bed with me," Panther sneered.

"SHUT UP!" Krystal screamed, trying to shut those memories out of her head.

"You're going pay for betraying us, Krystal," said Wolf, who was firing on Amanda's ship. "And this time Fox isn't here to come to your rescue."

"Who says we need to be rescued?" said Lucy as she opened fire on Wolf's ship. Wolf grunted and swerved to evade her fire, braking off his pursuit of Amanda.

"Thanks for the save, Lucy," Amanda breathed in relief.

Meanwhile, Leon was still pursuing Katt.

"Here, kitty kitty," Leon chuckled as his ship fired on Katt's ship, Katt swerving to avoid his shots.

Katt grunted as her ship was rocked by laser blast hits from Leon's ship. Her shields were going into the orange. All the while she kept her finger held down on the fire button, charging her homing laser.

"Nobody damages my ship and gets away with it!" Katt said angrily. She then pulled up on the controls and performed a somersault, allowing Leon to sail past underneath her while she circled back down and continued flying, now with him in front of her. Leon had little time to react as Katt opened fire on his ship with her fully charged homing laser blast. Leon screamed as his ship was hit. Katt continued firing and in a few seconds Leon's ship exploded.

Meanwhile, Panther continued his pursuit of Krystal, as well as his taunting.

"You know Krystal, I don't HAVE to kill you," the smooth talking feline said. "The Amphibian Empire is planning to wipe out all who oppose them, including the Lylat system. But if you come back to me, I can keep you safe. And then you and I can repopulate the Lylat system together. We'll be like a new Adam and Eve."

"I'D RATHER KISS A SHARPCLAW!" Krystal screamed. But no matter what she tried, she couldn't shake him. Her shields were getting weak, going into the red. She was beginning to loose it.

"Hold on, Krystal," said Amanda suddenly.

Amanda flew in behind Panther and opened fire on his ship.

Panther chuckled as he attempted to evade her shots. "Ah, I see your friend wants to join us, Krystal. Shall we make this a threesome?" Panther then performed a somersault and got behind Amanda, opening fire on her as well.

"I don't think so," Krystal shouted. "Amanda, just like we practiced!"

"Right!" Amanda said, understanding what Krystal had in mind.

Krystal and Amanda then both also performed somersaults. In a flash, they were both behind Panther, and opened fire on his ship. Panther's ships was rocked and quickly damaged from the combine firepower of two ships.

"Wait! Not like this..." was all Panther was able to say before his ship finally exploded!

"Thank you for the save, Amanda," Krystal said to her friend. "I thought I was done for there."

Meanwhile, Katt and Lucy were both dealing with Wolf.

Wolf, after watching both Leon and Panther get killed, now realized this fight was not going like he had planned in his head. He had thought Krystal and her friends would be helpless against him, Leon, and Panther without Fox to protect them, but apparently he had underestimated them.

Wolf saw that his shields were now almost gone, and he was now one against four. Even he knew better than to try those odds.

"This isn't over!" Wolf snarled as he used his boost to escape from the dogfight with the four women.

"Oh, yes it is!" Lucy said as she chased after the fleeing canine, firing a fully charged homing laser at the remaining Wolfen.

Wolf's ship took the hit and one of his wings was blown off. His ship spun out of control, heading right towards an Amphibian carrier. Wolf screamed as his ship crashed right into the hull of the carrier, exploding on impact.

"Well they're dead," said Amanda with a sigh of relief.

"Good riddance," said Lucy. "You okay, Krystal?"

Krystal sighed. "I'll be fine. Thanks for asking, Lucy."

Katt sighed in relief, but at the same time she felt awesome. They had just defeated Star Wolf! But it had been a heck of a fight. Their ships had really taken a beating.

"ROB, we could really use some repairs!" Katt called out.

"Location confirmed! Sending supplies!" ROB replied.

The Great Fox flew overhead and dropped four supply boxes out into space. The four girls shot at the boxes, blasting them apart and revealing gold rings inside, which they all flew through, and their shields were restored.

"Thanks ROB," Lucy said.

Back down on the planet, Fox, Slippy, Falco, and the Amphibian Queen, Cauda, hurried through the Imperial Military HQ, shooting down any opposition that was in their path.

"Its just up ahead!" said Cauda as they ran down a corridor as fast as their legs could carry them.

They rounded a corner, and could see three Imperial solders up ahead of them, standing in front of a set of closed heavy double doors. The guards spotted them approaching, but before they could raise their weapons, Fox, Slippy, and Falco pulled the triggers on their blasters and shot all three guards.

Once the three guards had hit the floor, the group ran up to the double doors. The Queen pressed her hand against a hand scanner that was next to the doors, and after a second, there was an electronic beep, and the doors slid open.

Inside was a large circular room. Many large computer screans and control panels lined the walls of the room. Several Imperial officers and scientists were standing in the room at various stations, and they all turned their heads at Fox and company at the sound of their entry.

Before they could reach for their weapons, Fox, Slippy, and Falco opened fire, shooting all the officers down. The remaining scientists in the room, two newts and a toad, all raised their hands over their heads in fear to show that they surrendered. Fox kept his blaster pointed at them and gestured for them to lie on the floor, which they complied.

"This is it!" said the Queen.

Fox nodded. "Okay, Slippy, upload the virus!"

"On it!" said Slippy, leaping over to one of the computer stations in the room.

Fox turned to Falco. "Lock the doors! We'll probably have some unwanted company soon."

Falco nodded and then closed the double doors of the room. Falco then pointed his blaster at the door and shot a single continuous laser beam at the crack between the two doors, welding them together. "That should hold them for a little while at least," he said.

Slippy inserted the data drive into a slot in the computer station and began pressing buttons. "The virus is uploading!" he said. After a few quiet seconds that felt like an eternity, Slippy spoke again. "The virus is in!"

Fox sighed in relief.

"Okay, now what?" Falco asked.

"Now we pray that we weren't too late," Fox said, hoping that Katt and the others were okay.

Back up in space, all the Imperial ships suddenly stopped firing. Not only that, but their maneuvering thrusters also went out, and so did their deflector shields.

Katt, Krystal, Amanda, and Lucy all stared at the enemy ships in confusion. Every single one of them, including the fighters, were now just drifting in space.

"What's happened?" asked Lucy.

As if to answer her question, ROB spoke up over the comm channel. "I have just received confirmation that the virus has been uploaded successfully. The enemy fleet is disabled."

At that news they all began cheering!

"YES!" Katt shouted with joy and relief. Not only did that mean that the battle was won, but it also meant that Fox was alive!

At that moment General North opened a channel to the Imperial ships. "Imperial fleet, this is General North of the Cornerian Army. Your ships have been compromised. We can destroy you at our leisure if we so choose. Surrender now, and we can discus terms."

There was silence. For several long moments they all waited for some kind of response from the Empire.

Finally after about a minute, an unknown male voice spoke.

"This is Emperor Salazar. If I cannot have the universe, no one will. Long live the Empire!" With that, the transmission ended.

They were all silent in confusion at that last transmission.

The silence was broken by ROB suddenly speaking up. "Warning! I am detecting a massive energy build up coming from within the Halo ring!"

At that moment, out in space, the Halo ring suddenly began to glow with a dim white light.

General North confirmed what they were all thinking. "Oh my gawd! They activated it!"

The glow coming from the Halo ring grew brighter and brighter with each passing second.

"By my calculations, the Halo ring will be fully charged in approximately one minute," ROB stated.

"BASTARD!" Katt cursed, realizing what had happened. The Emperor, realizing he had lost, had decided to just activate the Halo and kill everyone rather than accept defeat.

General North's voice rang out over the comm channel. "ALL SHIPS! FIRE ON THE HALO RING! DISABLE IT BEFORE IT FIRES!"

The entire fleet immediately opened fire on the Halo ring. They fired every weapon they had. Lasers, bombs, missals! Katt, Krystal, Lucy, Amanda, and the Great Fox added their firepower as well.

"Concentrate your fire on a single point," General North ordered.

The fleet complied. All shots were fired on a single point on the Halo ring. But it was no use. The blasts were having little effect on the massive super structure, only damaging the surface. Meanwhile the Halo continued to glow brighter and brighter.

"It's no use!" Krystal said. "Our weapons are having no effect. It's just too massive!"

"We have to keep trying!" Lucy said. "If we don't this entre arm of the Galaxy will be wiped out!"

Just then ROB spoke up. "Everyone, it has been an honor to serve with you all. And Lucy, I love you."

Katt, Krystal, Amanda, and Lucy were confused by what their robot friend was talking about. "ROB? What are you saying?"


Just then, in a bright flash of light from the Great Fox's thrusters, the Great Fox took off at light speed right at the Halo ring like a missal.

In a blink of an eye, the Great Fox crashed right into the rim of the ring shaped super structure, cleaving right through it, sending a line of debris coming out the other side.

There was then a series of explosions where the Great Fox had crashed, and the section of the ring cracked and fell apart into several pieces. The glow coming from the Halo dimmed, and then faded away.

"The energy levels are dropping," said a voice over the comm channel. "The robot did it!"

The whole fleet began cheering. All except Katt, Krystal, Amanda, and Lucy, who just stared at the cloud of debris floating around the gap in the Halo ring.

"ROB... Thank you," said Lucy solemnly.

Starfox: Needin' Some Lovin' Ch 11

**Needin' Some Lovin' Ch 11** After the Halo had been disabled, it had been revealed that Emperor Salazar had been onboard the Halo when it had been attacked by the Cornerian fleet, and he had been killed in the resulting explosions. That meant that...

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Starfox: Needin' Some Lovin' Ch 9

**Needin' Some Lovin' Ch 9** A few days passed since Fox proposed to Katt. They agreed they would wed after this battle and the threat of the Amphibian Empire was dealt with. Now, Fox sat in an Amphibian Imperial attack craft with his hands bound...

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Starfox: Needin' Some Lovin' Ch 8

Needin' Some Lovin' Ch 8 A lot happened the following week. Fox and Katt told everyone the news that she was pregnant. As it turns out, Amanda was pregnant too. She was overjoyed to find out Katt was also pregnant because now she didn't have to be the...

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