The Sitter Service, or dirty dogs doing what dirty dogs do

Story by Scalawag on SoFurry

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okay... I tried to do this nice the first time, but the crappy upload form killed my happy, so now you had all better just sit down and listen! : p I know most of you are probably looking to get straight to some action, and I promise there is some serious action in store, but first I have to cover the basics. I'll try to keep it simple:

1) I didn't include a description of the main character because she's the narrator and I just find it awkward for characters to describe themselves in most circumstances, so you should know she is a sixteen-year-old collie named Jessica. Her counterpart, Jake, is a fourteen-year-old dog, presumably another collie, described as "brown" in color, but due to minimal descriptions you can more or less picture the characters as any breed of dog you like.

2) Because of the age of the characters some readers may find the material questionable. This is a story of "young love" and I urge anyone who is uncomfortable with such scenarios to read no further.

3) This is only the first part of an incomplete story, and the ending is a little abrupt. It is simply as much as I have finished at this point. Also, the story hasn't really been titled, so I'm just calling it "The Sitter Service" for now.

4) One last note, due to difficulties with formatting the story does not appear in its original context, i.e. the impression of a shift in time that would be apparent from the end of a page is not present, certain implications of tone achieved by formatting and layout may not be present, etc., so please take this into consideration if some lines don't seem to read correctly.

without any more blabbermouth here's the story:

I started my "sitter" service when I was only thirteen; I first babysat the year before for my neighbors' twins, two eight-year-old girls. I was given such a standing ovation that pretty soon everyone in the neighborhood recognized me as very mature and smart for my age. It just came naturally for me to watch out for other kids, and before I knew it families from all over my street were asking if I could come over while mom and dad got away for a couple of hours. My parents were very supportive of the idea, saying it would teach me good values like being responsible, and they couldn't argue with me making my own money for all the clothes and things I wanted. Things happened fast, and within a couple nights, getting some pretty good reviews, I was already booked for the week!

The Johnson's moved in down the street right about the time I turned sixteen. Mrs. Johnson was the nicest lady I ever met, and her husband Tom was this funny little dog who was constantly distracted with his work. He would always flitter by mumbling calculations to himself, seeming completely unprepared for every little daily thing, yet smart enough to put a rocket up in space; cute. And then there was Jake... He was the cutest kid I ever saw; light brown hair sticking out of his classic kiddo backward hat, with fuzzy little ears sticking out the side, wagging tail, a soft brown nose that wiggled when he was curious, and cute hazel eyes that always showed a hidden smile, a smile to watch out for because he was a little prankster! And that attitude... that crazy, reckless, 'life is fun!' attitude of his... He was fourteen, and so I was a little surprised when Mrs. Johnson first asked me to "sit" for him, but knowing his wild reputation (and having been a victim of his teasing in public once or twice) I think I understood. One time she had to go help Mr. T (that's what I call Mr. Tom) for a few hours every day for the entire week, and she was desperate not to leave Jake unsupervised, I could tell. I offered to hang out with him after school for free since I like them all so much, but she wouldn't hear of it.

So the next day when I got out of school I met Jake at the bus stop and we walked to his house. He was bursting with energy almost running circles around me as I laughed at his antics.

"Let's go to Jason's house!" he suggested, not really in a demanding way.

"No!" I laughed, "Your mom said we have to go straight to your house."

"So we'll make a pit stop there and then on to Jason's..." he reasoned, still running around me.

"NO! You go home, naughty boy!" I commanded.

"YES MA'AM!" he stopped and saluted. I couldn't help but giggle...

At the house we used his key to get in, and I sat down on the couch as Jake went straight to the fridge to snack. He brought a bowel of dry cereal and plopped down next to me offering to share it, which I thought was unusually sweet of him. I don't think he saw the smile I gave him.

"Ooooh," he sighed, spilling fruit-loops on himself, "the boredom begins..."

"We don't have to be bored," I said, "what do you want to do?"

"I could draw naked pictures of you," he said with that mischievous sparkle in his eye. My jaw dropped, I couldn't believe he said that. I shot him a murderous look and he laughed as I slapped him on the arm.

"You horny little toad!" I laughed. "Are you just going to hit on me the whole time I'm here?"

"Yeah, I think you're HOT!" he shamelessly replied.

"What a surprise," I teased, "the fourteen-year-old thinks I'm 'hot'..."

"No, really though," he was suddenly serious, "you're really pretty, sorry if I give you a hard time now and then. I really do like you though Jess, you're really nice." I was blushing... dang, this kid was good. I turned on the TV to try and cover up how much I was thinking about what he said. The noise from the poop-tube filled the room, but I was still in my own little world.

"Uh... Jess?"


"You can change the channel, we don't have to watch porno if you don't want to..."

"Wha... ??" I focused on the screen that I'd been staring blankly into and almost screamed... Oh my gawd! I thought, watching as two naked girls did lord knows what to one another. "Haven't your parents ever heard of the V-chip?!?!" I squealed.

"You're the one who's staring at it..." he said, giving me an odd look.

"I was thinking!" I exclaimed as I mashed every button on the remote trying desperately to change the channel.

"Umm... what were you thinking so hard about?" he laughed. When I didn't answer he only got more curious. He was giving me this intense look, and he had that smile in his eyes, trying to make me crack and spill it.

"Nothing!" I giggled, I could feel myself turning red. He was still giving me that look... "Stop!" I pushed him back into the couch cushions and he sprang back up with that same funny face. I realized I must have been pretty obvious, and even this silly boy would catch on eventually that I secretly, maybe, had a little crush on him... I went back to watching TV, now thankfully not porn, trying so hard to ignore him, but the harder I tried the more I found myself watching him out of the corner of my eye. He stopped making the face, and actually sort of retreated to the other side of the couch.

Is he 'playing it cool'? I wondered. Oh crap, that would mean he knows! I chanced a look over at him... he didn't seem to notice. Now I started to think that maybe I was over-thinking. I needed to just cool it I told myself, just calm down and eat some freakin fruitloops.

I put my footy-paws up on the couch trying to feel a little more relaxed. Whoops, shouldn't have done that, it seems I challenged him to some kind of foot war. Crazy kid, he put his paws against mine and with those gleaming eyes shouted, "Footsies!"

"Are you crazy?!" I yelled, returning his kicks, until he grabbed my foot and I screamed as he tickled it. I yanked it so hard trying to get it away from him that I pulled him with it, and he landed on top of me laughing like a hyena. "Get off weirdo!" I giggled, and I wrestled him to the floor, where, all too happy to play this new game he pinned me once again. We were both laughing and out of breath, and as we settled down we seemed to notice the... slight predicament we were in. Our bodies moved against one another as we breathed heavily; our muzzles were almost touching. My eyes were on his lips, and his eyes on mine. We kissed.

Five minutes later I was sitting on his bed wearing nothing but my locket. OK, this kid was really good. I watched him undressing. "Keep the hat!" I giggled nervously. It was the first thing I had said since we started. We just laid there naked for a while, kissing, getting to know each other. When I was ready I let him know...

In the heat of the moment, and, well, being dogs, we did it the old fashioned way... I got down and, uh... "presented". I rested on my paws and elbows with my knees up off the bed, and curled my tail so he could do his thing. He seemed a little anxious, it was the first time for both of us, but we started in the usual doggy way of greeting with a "kiss". I felt his tongue and my thoughts melted. "Mmmmmmm..." I moaned, and everything in my mind boiled down to, "Fuck me." He was ready too, I felt his furry chest against my butt and my tail curled around him as we locked legs. His paws gripped me tight and I felt him between my legs; the hot, slick skin rubbed against my fur as he took aim. I took a quick breath as I felt him find his mark, the most sensitive skin on our bodies met, and with one quick push we were together. I gasped. It hurt for a minute, but he wasn't very big, (concealed giggle) so it wasn't too bad. He started going and I was a little overwhelmed for a minute. This was one horny boy! All that energy made for one hot time. He was humping me like a dog that just got out of the pound, and showing no signs of slowing down. Within the first couple minutes I felt the heat of an orgasm wash over me, but there were several more to come. At some point I became vaguely aware of the whining, crying, doggy noises I was making and felt a little awkward, but he didn't seem to mind. When I listened I actually heard him making his own little grunts and sounds of exertion and relaxed. Calming down made me a little more... receptive. He knotted me, but it didn't slow him down at all. He actually picked up the pace with shorter, faster strokes. Now he was really laying it on hard; another orgasm and I was hot, panting uncontrollably as my body shook with pain and pleasure. I came again. After twenty minutes or so we were pretty spent. He rested on my back breathing heavily in my ear. That was enough for another flood of pleasure.

That was it; it was all he could take. I felt the sudden warmth flowing into me and cringed with the greatest pleasure of all. For being such a young kid he kind of surprised me, but then, he'd been holding it in for a long time I figured.

Now we were more or less done, but, being dogs, we were kinda stuck. He stretched to give me a kiss on the cheek, then turned around so that we sat butt to butt. The sexual release was still intense, and the awkward position made things a little bit hotter as we looked at each other rather bashfully over our shoulders. He patted me on the butt with a tired little smile on his face to show me he was there, and I couldn't help but love him being a little considerate. I was already starting to feel the panic of what I had done, and small gestures that said 'I'm here for you' made all the difference. My insides spazzed as I felt another orgasm coming on, and I saw the surprised look in his eyes as I squeezed him for every last drop. He definitely wasn't getting away until I was ready to let him go.

It was a half-hour of sitting there hot, thirsty, and tired. Finally we parted, and I gave one last quiet gasp of ecstasy as he slipped out of me to dribble on his sheets. I stretched out on my side for a minute, a little sore from being in that same position for so long. He rubbed my legs fondly, looking a little unsure of what to do now. He was a mess; the fur from his belly button well down the front of his legs was soaked with spunk and love nectar from both of us. I decided to clean him up, wanting to taste him anyways... I pushed him so that he laid on his back, and kissed his gooch, licking my nose to test the flavor. It wasn't exactly what I expected, but I liked it. I ran my tongue over his legs, tickling him, and then I headed for the prize. He was already hard again, horny kid... I licked and nibbled, kissed and teased, but I didn't stick around too long. Getting up I ran my fingers through the hair sticking out of his hat and gave him a kiss on the muzzle.

"I'm getting in the shower," I told him, looking at the mess we made, and realizing what we smelled like. "I don't want your mom to come home and find us like this..."

"Can I come?" (I thought it was cute that he asked)

"Yes, come on..."

He was up in less than a second. I giggled, taking him by the hand and leading him to the tub. We took a hot shower, and it felt so good after getting ransacked by a dirty boy in his dirty bed. In the shower we kissed and played, splashing water and laughing. At one point I felt a finger going for my hoo-hoo, and fearing a relapse of our earlier activities I slapped the offending paw away. "No, no more, we'll get caught." He turned these big sad eyes on me, making me feel like I had kicked a puppy. "NO!"

We got cleaned up and he tossed his sheets in the wash. Afterward we snuggled on the couch... I laid behind him, resting my chin on his shoulder. "You can't tell anyone, OK?" I asked.

"What about Jason?" he questioned, clearly testing his limits. I shot him a look that would have stopped the Energizer Bunny in his tracks. He smiled that smile to show he knew he was getting at me. "Ooo, I like it when you get angry, you're sexy!"

"Shut it." I snapped. Then trying to hide my smile and keep it serious for a minute I begged him, "Please, if your mom ever found out she would hate me, please don't say anything..."

He didn't seem to think so... "Nah, my mom really likes you. She's always saying your such a good girl and how sweet and helpful you are ? she would pin me for it," he assured me, and not doubting a word of what he said. "I'm the one that's always hitting on you, remember? She would see it as her problem child son tricking the nice girl from down the street into naughty bedroom games." Despite his good humor about the situation, and what seemed like a rare outburst of flawless reasoning, he saw the look of concern still in my eyes. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone," he promised, and I figured he meant it. "Besides, if my mom knew we were in cahoots you might not get to come back tomorrow and do more bad stuff with me," he grinned.

"You're pretty confident kid," I tried hard not to laugh, "don't get ahead of yourself... Who says I'm even coming back tomorrow? I might have to call in sick..."

"Eh," he said, sounding unconcerned, "you liked it."

I laughed, wrapping my arms around him, hugging him tight. I must have drifted off...

I opened one eye to see why the thing I was hugging was moving. "No..." I mumbled.

"Hmm?" He stole a glance back at me, thinking I might still be asleep.

"No, you can't go to Jason's to tell him how you scored!" He froze in my arms and I could tell he was making a face as if to say, how did she know?? I nipped him on the ear.

"My mom will be here soon anyways," he said a little grudgingly, "I guess we'd better get up so it doesn't look too suspicious. And maybe it would be a good idea to put some clothes on..."

"Aw, you seem grumpy," I smiled, "do you not want to leave your warm spot cuddling me?"

He grumbled something under his breath and turned around to tuck his nose against my chest. He was kissing me, licking the fur all over my chest and neck. I was enjoying it, I realized he hadn't had much time to play with that part of my body, but I had to put a stop to it.

"I'll come back tomorrow," I promised, putting a hand against his head and pushing him away. He had that sad look in his eyes, but he was a good boy and he obeyed. We got dressed and looked around the house to make sure there was nothing left in eyesight that would be a dead give-away of our shenanigans. Jake finished drying his sheets and made the bed while I searched every room we had been in for evidence. When we were done we sat on the couch to wait for his mom. "I think that's everything, can you think of anything else?" I asked him.

"Wait, I just thought of something," he said. I watched as he went into the kitchen, ripping open a bag of chips so that they flew in all directions, then spilling some grape juice over the counter-top.

"What are you doing??"

"Making it look like I was in here," he explained. "No sitter in the history of the world left my house with the kitchen looking cleaner than this."

"In the history of the world?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "You're pretty smart for being so dumb," I teased, "I wouldn't have thought of that."

He smiled with a look of accomplishment, pausing to eat one of the chips that landed on the floor. I shook my head with growing concern for his mental state and sighed. How on earth had I fallen for this boy? He was smelly, rude, and had the table-manners of a five-year-old, and yet he always made me smile. The age difference felt a little awkward, but more because of what everyone else might think than my own feelings towards him.

When his mom got home I really felt the sense of guilt that was beginning to set in, and when she offered for me to stay and have dinner with the family I lied and said it was my turn to wash the dishes that night so I had to get home. I split after that, paranoid that we were going to get found out. Later on when I was getting ready for bed Jake texted me wondering why I disappeared.

Received 9:48 pm: [hey why did u Houdini?]

Sent 9:49 pm: [lol u kno why]

Received 9:49 pm: [?]

Sent 9:49 pm: [...]

Received 9:50 pm: [ya, but it cmd suspishus, u alws stik arnd]

Sent 9:50 pm: [suspishus?]

Received 9:51 pm: [shut up : p]

Sent 9:52 pm: [ur mom ddnt say n e thing did she?]

Received 9:53 pm: [just tht u did a good job]

Sent 9:54 pm: [o.. thts all?]

Received 9:56 pm: [she wishd u woulda stayd]

Sent 9:58 pm: [so wut did u think?]

Received 9:59 pm: [tails still waggin : )]

Sent 10:00 pm: [me 2 : )]

Received 10:01 pm: [my mom says no more txt aftr 10]

Sent 10:02 pm: [Im goin 2 sleep n e ways, c u l8r cutie]

Received 10:05 pm: [nite Jess]

The next day we met at the bus stop like usual. We both had smiles on our faces, and I couldn't help but tease him a little, "So, you want to go to Jason's house?"

"Yeah right!" he laughed, grabbing my hand and racing over the yards with me to his front door. I giggled as he struggled to get the key in the knob, finally snatching the keys from him and opening the door in one smooth motion. For as anxious as he was being, I was being impatient. We were feeling the same frustration, but it wouldn't be long before we both got what we wanted.

I slipped out of my flip-flops at the door like always, and let Jake help me slip out of my pants. He pulled off his shirt and I kept mine on, laying back in the pillows on the couch. I could see him eyeing my cooter, and stuck a foot in his face to keep him from going in for a nose-dive. He held my ankle, rubbing my inner thigh with his other hand and kissing my toes. He licked my pads and tickled me with his tongue. What a dirty boy, I thought as he went for my other paw. Now I lowered the one he had been kissing to rub it softly against the bulge growing in the front of his pants. He lowered his zipper and I felt the hot, slippery skin against my bare paw. I rubbed and teased, and let him slip between my toes. Pulling away I licked my paw suggestively. Now he sat back and I came to him on all fours, pulling his pants down until I could see his funny, fuzzy little balls. I kissed the tip, licking, and touching with my fingers, and then I took every inch of him in my muzzle, drawing slowly back and savoring the fleshy taste. My head started up and down with a timed rhythm, stopping every once in a while to lick or kiss, nibbling and using my teeth without warning. I traced a pattern over his soft little coin purse with my fingers, and felt his body clench beneath me. I braced myself as a load of his hot doggy seed shot into my mouth. It was kind of salty, but it tasted pretty good to me at that particular moment. I sucked hard getting every last drop, and swallowed. What didn't go down spilled on my chin as I licked him looking for more action.

"Your turn," I smiled, laying on my back with my knees arched toward the ceiling. Now came the chance for that nose-dive ? I didn't hold him back this time. I hugged his face between my legs as he really dug in deep. I couldn't believe the places he was reaching with his tongue! I was so distracted I almost didn't notice the finger poking at my butt. "Hey!" Wiggling it a little he got a knuckle in there, and feeling the result I didn't stop him. "Ooooh..." I lifted my leg, rubbing my foot over his back and giving him room to go deeper. I didn't expect it when he pulled his tongue out to run it between my lips and over my clit. "Ah! Mmmm..." He went back for more, pushing his nose hard into my clit and delving as deep as he could go. "Mmmf..." I came, feeling that warm, familiar wave bathe my entire body in ecstasy. I felt his tongue all over me, roughing the fur around my cooch and between my cheeks, and I realized I must have been dripping wet after the orgasm.

He sat up smiling with his face soaked and reeking of me, and leaned in for a kiss. I didn't mind, after all I still had his stuff on my muzzle... We kissed with tongues and I got a taste of the strong flavor in his mouth. It was fleshy, but oddly reminded me of watermelon. He had already kicked off his pants and was dry-humping me, well, as dry as things were going to get anyways... I felt that hot skin against my clit as it moved between our bodies and I waited for him to connect. I was already so wet he slipped right in and I gasped as he pinned me to the couch. He wasn't very good at holding back, but in many ways it was his blessing. He started fast and didn't slow down, searching with the tip of his small, but rock hard erection to drill my g-spot with every hit. It took me by storm. I hadn't expected him to find the right place so fast, and I openly made grunting cries of pain and pleasure. Knowing that I was rolling towards orgasm he jabbed mercilessly at his target until I felt tears trickle down the sides of my face and in my ears. He kissed me knowingly, tenderly, as he began to ease the pace and go deeper. Now he was making softer, slower motions, to my relief. He licked my face and my ears giving me powerful new sensations which made me feel completely submissive to him, though I think he just wanted to clean away my tears. I thought that was sweet. I had felt the orgasm coming on, but now it was thundering, shaking me violently as I pulled him closer, gripping him tight and not letting him go. He was trying to pull out but my body wouldn't let him. The friction was intense when he finally did slip free and we both shuddered with delight.

I lifted a leg and turned on my side for his next approach. He put a paw on my stomach and rubbed me as he braced himself. I felt the wet tip push into me and the length of his hot doggy dick was back inside me where I felt it belonged. My leg swayed with his rocking motions as I tried to keep it up and keep my voice down, moaning involuntarily. Things were getting pretty noisy, and I was certain that a neighbor would hear, or some innocent girl-scout who happened by the wrong house while selling cookies. But then, I didn't really give a shit. I just wanted Jake to fuck my brains out.

"Faster..." I commanded him.

It was a long, hot fuck. Jake was actually showing some signs of tiring by the time he made it to his second load. We were both panting and near exhaustion as we finally reached our finale doggystyle. I came three times during the sex alone, not counting the first orgasm from him eating me out and two more while we were tied. As we layed there on our sides, our legs tangled, soaking in our mess, I realized I was insanely in love with him. He rubbed my legs and kissed my paws as I touched my clit, teasing my mound as it throbbed tenderly around his knot. If not for the overpowering ecstasy I felt I would have laughed at the surprised faces he made every time I would buck unexpectedly from climax. My insides pulled and spazzed and as I shook with pleasure I could see he was sharing the ride. This time I didn't feel the warmth of his release like I had before, but I figured it was because I had, well... already experienced his release another way. Feeling a little ashamed I ran my tongue over my chin as best I could with that thought in mind.