A Brand New You - Day Pass

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#11 of A Brand New You

A few weeks after his trip to the New You Spa things began to get strange to the rubber snow leopard, seeing a glimpse of a life that wasn't his own... at least he didn't think it was.

A fun little extra chapter where Newlyn invites his friend Tex in order to experience the luxuries of the New You Spa

Newlyn is spikester

Edited by texotic, he has a tip jar if you would like to support his efforts in helping me edit! He does this for me voluntarily so anything you can throw his way would be greatly appreciated! https://www.paypal.me/Texotic

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Texotic walked into the atrium of the New You Day Spa and looked around, wondering where he was supposed to go to next as he looked down at the voucher that he'd received. It was something that he had gotten from his friend Newlyn, who apparently now worked part-time at the place. Though the latex snow leopard had said that it was because it had been a part of the chemical analysis research that his other company wanted, he still wondered why it translated to a part-time gig here at this company. He went to the front desk and presented the voucher and the receptionist said that they would be happy to get him in, motioning for him to head to one of the other rooms in order to get prepared.

The blue-furred lupine wasn't sure what preparation would entail, but when he got into the private room he quickly saw what it meant, seeing the neatly folded pile of clothing that sat on the wooden bench waiting for him. When he went over to it and picked it up he found that it was just a simple robe, which as he took out of the clear plastic box he found a note that told him to put his clothing into it and then place it in the receptacle on the wall. The wolf just shrugged and stripped down, putting all his possessions in the box that was already marked with his name before taking it all and sliding it into the metal drawer in the wall. Just as he put on the robe there was a knock on the door, hearing the sound of his friend's voice on the other side asking him if he could come in.

"Hey there Tex," the rubber feline said as he walked in just as the wolf tied on the cloth belt to complete the ensemble. "Glad to see you cashing in that voucher that I gave you for your birthday!"

"Well I at the very least had to try this place after all the talk you gave it," Tex replied as he grinned slightly. "I couldn't exactly say no to something free, after all, let alone a birthday gift. So when does my spa associate get here to give me the rub down?"

"You're looking at him," Newlyn replied with a grin as he watched Tex's dichromatic eyes widen in slight surprise. "What, you didn't think that I was going to hook you up?"

"Well... not personally like this," Texotic replied once he got over the shock. "I thought you were managing the chemicals around here or something like with your other job, not actually handling the customers. How did you manage to find yourself in this position?"

"Let's just say I sort of fell into it," the rubber snow leopard explained with a wink before motioning towards the door. "Enough chit-chat, though, I think it's time that we get you started on your treatment. I have a lot of stuff planned for you and not a lot of time to do it in."

Though Texotic nodded and walked along with Newlyn he couldn't still help but wonder what his friend was doing in a situation like this. While he seemed happy enough he could sense there was something else behind this than just a simple spa experience. Although he trusted his friend, there was a glimmer in the rubber creature's eye that made him wonder just what he was in for. Of course he knew it wasn't going to be a bad experience, in fact the way that the snow leopard was practically skipping while they went into the spa, he could tell there was an excitement that he was hardly able to contain.

Once they were inside; however, the wolf found himself distracted by the spa itself, seeing all manner of different areas that were used for the purpose of relaxation. While some places certainly had their more traditional approaches - massage tables, seaweed wraps, and the like, others looked stranger with one or two looking like they appeared straight out of a sci-fi movie. Every time he tried to ask what kind of spa this was Newlyn would quickly deflect the question, either by pointing out some feature or by evading it completely by saying he would have to see when they got there. There turned out to be large room that was completely enclosed by a metal dome near the edge of the building, the snow leopard opening the door before gesturing for Tex to head inside.

"Whoa..." Tex said as they walked in and saw what felt like he had just entered into a jungle. "Are you sure this is a spa?"

"It certainly is," Newlyn replied as they walked into the human environment. "Of course, they have some very interesting ideas here, but since I know you're the adventurous type, I'll let you explore on your own until you find something you like."

Texotic nodded and the two wandered around for a while and enjoyed the area, starting by swimming in a river to climbing a few trees and jumping around wild. At one point the blue-furred lupine lost his bathrobe when they did a particularly long swing, and though he looked down at it in concern Newlyn quickly reassured him that it was going to be alright. Despite being contained within a finite space both guys remarked on how expansive the entire area felt, the combination of the real scenery and the screens put up to simulate the outer environment. Eventually Newlyn called that it was time for lunch and let Tex explore a bit on his own while he prepared it.

While the rubber creature went about making the food Tex found himself drawn to a thicker portion of the jungle nearby, seeing a number of plants that he had never seen before. It was an area they hadn't looked around yet and the naked lupine decided to just take a quick peek, brushing through a few areas to examine the strange things that the spa had created. As he walked passed them to look at a particularly bright flower he suddenly felt his feet stick to the ground, looking down at a puddle of some sort of clear and sticky liquid that he had sank up to his ankles in. The wolf frowned and tried to pull his foot up only to find it suctioned to the ground as the goo seemed to pull it down.

"Hrmm... not good..." Tex said to himself as something shiny and tubular began to rise up around him, prompting the wolf to call out for help to Newlyn. Whether he didn't hear him or couldn't find him Tex didn't know, all he did know was that as the lip of the strange rubbery plant rose up over his head, quickly encapsulating him as the strange sap began to do the same from the other end, crawling slowly over his feet and calves before moving ever upward. The more that it covered his body the harder it became to move, but when the wolf attempted to push his way out the plant walls stretched like elastic around him.

After Tex had attempted to escape he looked back down at the goo to see that not only had it gone up past his thighs towards his groin, it was also tinged with a blue coloration similar to his fur. His entire body shuddered when the sticky substance moved up past his maleness and over his taut rear and he let out a gasp as the strange sap began to physically push its way into his tailhole. His tail would have raised up in the air if it wasn't half-sunk in the ooze that was still filling up the tube, and that was when he made the mistake of reaching down with his hands in order to attempt to stop it from penetrating him. Not only did he fail and it began to spread his sensitive walls open, but his fingers became suctioned down beneath the goo that had trapped the rest of his body. Worse yet as the strange goo tentacle continued to push into him it caused his member to harden, the thickening length sliding effortlessly through the sticky sap until it was completely erect.

Soon it appeared that the level of the sap had stopped rising, but that didn't stop the bizarre substance from continuing to climb on his body. It defied gravity as it took on the blue hues of his fur while it completely coated it, his body twitching now not in an attempt to escape, but from the pleasurable sensations that the goo was causing. Even though he felt like he might be in trouble a growing part of his mind no longer cared as he began to succumb to the lustful sensations, even indulging in them as he felt his hips buck forward slightly. Texotic began to pant in pleasure as the liquid not only stimulated his tailhole but his cock as well, the goo forming what felt like hundreds of tiny tendrils that wiggled over it.

He gasped and moaned loudly as he felt the liquid rise up past his neck, his entire body a shapeless blob of blue-hued goo from the head down. His eyes rolled back into his head as tentacles formed from the ooze and reached up to push their way into his muzzle and ears while he felt the liquid flood his insides. As his entire body began to tingle he felt his body shifting underneath it, almost like it was being absorbed into him as the last of his head was completely engulfed...


About half an hour later Newlyn was looking around for his friend, wondering where the blue-furred wolf wandered off to since it was time for them to eat. At first he wondered if Tex perhaps went back to the river they had played in until he saw something in the distance that caused him to pause. It was a cylinder that looked like a latex tube that might have been a plant created specifically by the reality machine for him. As he approached it the walls began to lower and what he saw caused his eyes to widen slightly in surprise before he giggled. What was revealed was a shiny skinned blue tiger, the dark blue accented with lighter blue stripes as he looked at himself. At first the way Tex shined Newlyn thought he might have another rubber feline on his hands, but as his tail and head drooped and oozed slightly before reforming, it seemed all the more likely that he was now made of gel.

Newlyn couldn't wait to see what the backstory was going to be that would explain how he became a goo tiger, but to his surprise Tex looked up at him with shock and confusion as he held up his semi-translucent hands. "Newlyn, what the hell?" he asked as the rubber snow leopard was slightly shocked by the question. "You didn't tell me this place would turn me into some sort of weird goo cat?"

"Oh... uh..." Newlyn was genuinely at a loss for words as he looked his friend over, not knowing what to say at the confrontation. "Normally reality would have written something to explain what happened to you, but I guess since this is temporary it didn't do anything like that. That was a legitimate treatment by the way, something about the sap is supposed to strip away dead skin cells or something weird like that..."

"That's what's weird for you?" Texotic replied as he gestured to himself, causing Newlyn to laugh once again and after a few seconds there was a small grin on his face as well. "I mean, it did loosen me up quite a bit... and I suppose the flexibility has its perks."

Though Tex hadn't noticed yet Newlyn could see that while the plant or the goo had transformed him it had still left him completely aroused, and when he pointed out that fact the horniness that the former wolf had felt came back twofold on him. "You know, I think I can take care of that for you," Newlyn said with a seductive purr as he walked up to the wolf and pressed a hand against his chest. "I am supposed to be taking care of you, so just go ahead and let me do just that. Plus, I admit that I'm a bit curious about that body of yours as well."

It wasn't long after that Tex was sat against a tree, his gelatinous body conforming slightly in order to make it even more comfortable as Newlyn pressed on him from the front. Ever since the words had left the synthetic snow leopard's mouth his maw was then occupied with the slick tongue of the goo tiger. As they continued to settle in and Tex realized that Newlyn's body could handle more than the average person it actually spurred him on to go deeper, even to to the point where it had begun to push into the rubber feline's throat. When Newlyn did pull away both males were surprised to see how long it had grown, the tongue hanging down past his chin and even down past his neck before the tiger realized how long it had grown until he retracted it back into his mouth.

"I didn't know I could do that," Tex admitted as those rubber paws began to slide down his chest towards his thighs, causing him to grunt slightly.

"Well your new form is just full of surprises," Newlyn replied with a smirk as his own tongue licked his lips while he lowered down towards the head of that throbbing gel cock. "Trust me when I say to go with your instincts, it's going to work out much better for you in the long run."

"You tell all your clients that?" Tex retorted with a chuckle, though it was quickly replaced with a moan when that shiny tongue licked up the length of his member. Even though it looked to be made of goo it was surprisingly firm as the blue gel tiger reached down to the ground and gripped it with his fingers. The synthetic snep quickly began to slide his lips up and down his length. The pleasured male let out a soft growl as he continued to watch the snow leopard bob on his cock, that tongue wrapping around it distracting him enough that he didn't realize that his sides had started to ripple and bulge...

Newlyn could feel the cock in his mouth surge and swell with length as he sucked on it, feeling it bump against the back of his throat despite the gel tiger not moving his hips at all. Though he had known his friend was going to turn into a goo feline he wasn't sure how the next interaction was going to go, but he had hoped it was the way that it was currently happening. The throbbing length of solidified goo tasted slightly of blueberries as he felt Tex's paws on his head, finally taking control of the speed of his blowjob as his hips began to thrust upwards as well. The amount of leverage that the other feline was getting was amazing to Newlyn and he wondered how he was doing it and saw that it was because he had his hands braced against the side of the tree to help lift him up...

...though he still felt the ones running through his synthetic hair as the sight of the bizarre situation caused him to pause slightly, though Tex was having none of that as he continued to hump into his mouth. It didn't take long for the rubber feline to realize what happened as he looked up at the muscular chest of the other male to see that it had been altered significantly in order to accommodate the second pair of arms he had sprouted. Whether the gel feline realized it or not, his head tilted back and his eyes closed from the pleasure he was experiencing, he could tell that he had full control over them as Newlyn's maw was being thrusted into with increasing speed.

A few minutes later Tex's entire body flexed as he came hard, his mutated goo seed flooding Newlyn's throat as that second pair of arms pushed him down on the spasming cock. It took far more than a few seconds for the goo creature's orgasm to end, and when it finally did both sets of arms collapsed next to the blue tiger's sides as he let out a huge sigh of contentment. "Enjoyed yourself, then?" Newlyn asked once he managed to dislodge the rather hefty member out of his muzzle, Texotic's own muzzle cracking into a grin as he nodded. "Glad to hear, now if you want to take my hand I can help you up so that we can go back to the lunch that hopefully isn't too cold by now."

As the goo tiger lifted both sets of his left hands, it suddenly dawned on him that he had something extra that he hadn't had before, looking down at his four arms with equal parts awe and excitement. Once he had a chance to look over and test the new appendages he took the hand that was offered him by the snow leopard to help himself up, except when he got to his feet he used both sets to give the other feline a big hug. The two hugged for a while, Tex thanking him for the opportunity before they went back to the lunch area to eat before continuing the goo tiger's spa treatment once more.


"So there is one more treatment that's in our adrenaline series that I think you're going to enjoy very much," Newlyn said as they made their way past a couple of mud rooms towards another area on the edge of the spa. As they passed, the goo tiger peeked inside and saw that while a number of people were having an ordinary experience there were a few that were clearly enjoying either their handler or another spa patron while they shifted and changed. Though they had discussed it a little bit during lunch neither knew exactly why Texotic didn't experience the mental changes that most customers had when they were transformed into something else, even Newlyn's assertion that this was only a temporary pass didn't make sense since he had people that came in like that all the time and were still affected.

Either way they decided to enjoy themselves now and bring it up to the boss orca later as Newlyn opened the door to another section of the spa and walked into it with Texotic. It was an area similar to the jungle scene that they had just left, the walls projecting a rather realistic virtual simulation of the outside world around them, though in a much smaller space. What immediately drew both feline's attention was the large, clear plastic cage that dominated most of the middle of the room with a floor that appeared to be made of black mesh. "Is that what I think it is?" Tex asked as they moved around to the area where they could enter into the walled-off area.

"Well if you think that this is an indoor skydiving area then you would be correct," Newlyn replied as he unlocked the cage. "With all the restrictions on flying in the city this is where winged creatures can go and stretch themselves out without having to be worried about being hit by a helicopter or something like that. It also can be used like you said, a way to experience all the fun of skydiving without needing a plane or parachute, and if you think that's cool wait until you see the special feature that they put into the floor."

"I think that turning into a goo tiger pretty much raised the bar for anything to surprise me right now," Tex replied as they walked into the middle of the mesh platform before the rubber snow leopard closed the door behind him. "Just make sure the fan doesn't stop suddenly or anything, otherwise this body of mine might just go through the floor."

Newlyn just smirked and went over to the control panel and began to press a few buttons on it. Texotic could hear the motor underneath them start to hum as power was being fed to it, but what he was watching with fascination was the fact that the floor and the ceiling were disappearing, replaced with clouds and blue sky on top and an aerial view of the city beneath them. While the illusion wasn't perfect it definitely gave the goo tiger a sense that he was in the middle of the sky as he began to feel the rush of air beneath him. It wasn't long after that both he and Newlyn began to float as the air speed increased, reaching the middle of the room before he felt a similar pressure from above him as he realized that there was also a similar fan in the ceiling that not only helped him maintain a consistent height, but stabilized him, too.

"This is awesome!" Texotic said as he began to shift through the air, floating as the scene of the sky telegraphed around him began to move to really give him the illusion of flying around. It actually seemed to track both his and Newlyn's movements, and though sometimes it shifted a bit unnaturally, it was about as close to flying as either of them would likely get... although as they continued to goof around and do aerial acrobatics the goo tiger's body began to feel strange. At first he thought it was the pressure of the fans shifting his gelatinous form, but as he remained level and focused on the changes he sensed that this was something far more deliberate.

The goo tiger grunted slightly when the second pair of arms he had previously gained before began to migrate upwards towards the middle of his back. As they did the fingers quickly lengthened, a shiny membrane of blue, firm gel growing between each one as they continued to extend outwards. When the muscular appendages got to his back Texotic could feel his back reconfigure to handle them and nearly tumbled to his side when the surface area of one of his new wings caught the air. Wings clearly weren't the only thing he was going to get, though, as his primary arms began to grow stiff as well.

When he turned to try and ask the rubber snow leopard if this was the club's doing once again he was surprised to see the feline undergoing a similar transformation, his rubbery body shifting and flexing as he grew his own wings straight out of his back. The latex feline had been doubled over during the growing of his new appendages and when he was finished Tex saw that his blunt snow leopard snout had lengthened considerably while his nose had melted back into a pair of nostrils. Before he could comment on it the changing goo creature felt his own face shift, like someone had grabbed it and stretched it out as scale patterns appeared on both of their bodies.

"Wasn't sure what to expect with this type of transformation!" Newlyn said as he flipped in the air onto his back, showing off his expanding hindquarters as Tex could feel his ropy tail inflate with new mass. "Wasn't sure I was going to be joining you in this with you realizing that you changed, but I'm really glad that I am!"

"Are you saying that you knew this was going to happen?" the changing gel creature asked, Newlyn nodding with a smirk before he grunted as his stance shifted and his rubber cock began to thicken between his wider thighs. It was quickly becoming clear that they weren't just becoming dragons as Tex felt both his arms and legs bend into an unnatural angle, they were going full feral body type as his hands swelled into a pair of forepaws. By this point his head had completely transformed as he felt the pair of horns slide out from his skull while a thick trail of gel hair grew from the back of his head down the length of his body to his tail.

As their bodies continued to shift into a more feral perspective the transformation once more brought about a wave of horniness that was clearly affecting them both, particularly when their cocks transformed into something more draconic in nature as they grew ridges while lengthening into something of proper length. Though it was a bit interesting for the two of them to get together they eventually got the hang of their new forms enough to get back together in the center of the room, Texotic this time taking a more active role as he managed to get on top of Newlyn, and with his already erect maleness managed to slide underneath his tail. Newlyn let out a small gasp as he felt himself get penetrated by the slightly bigger blue goo male as he was thrusted into.

The combination of the rubber ring of muscle and the gel cock made the insertion rather easy as Texotic roared while he impaled the rosette-patterned rubber dragon. Though the fans would have kept them up regardless they could feel their wings flapping as though they were actually flying while fucking. It was a surreal experience for the both of them as they continued to couple in the air, their bodies twisting and somersaulting around one another while the two rutted. At one point both of them wondered if this was how actual dragons had sex, though for both dragons that thought was quickly dismissed as their bodies rubbed together. Their muzzles met and their tongues slid around each other in a passionate embrace, Newlyn finding that the goo dragon still could stretch out that tongue quite a bit.

Their rutting continued as Tex eventually went upside down and spun around in flight as he continued to thrust, his hind paws wrapping around Newlyn as their lustful acrobatics grew bolder. They were so lost in the pleasure of one another that everything began to feel even more real than before and that the countryside that they were flying over and diving up and down on was actually real. For a few moments the two really believed that they were dragons between the flying and the lust from the deep pounding that Tex was giving the rubber dragon beneath him.

It didn't take long for Tex to climax once more, hilting deep into his partner while they both snarled and growled in pleasure. With the repeated pounding on his prostate Newlyn came at the same time, his own hips thrusting upwards as his throbbing cock spurted its synthetic seed. The two remained coupled for a while after that until the goo dragon's member had softened enough for him to completely dismount. When the two uncoupled from one another they both did a backflip in the air before catching the air in their wings once again. When the two righted themselves again they looked at one another with big grins on their faces as their wings continued to flap for them to maintain the illusion of flight.

"Well that's definitely a first for me!" Texotic exclaimed as they continued to fly around one another inside the indoor skydiving ring. "I'm sure you've done it a bunch of times with others, but hopefully doing it with a goo dragon was a unique experience for you."

"You better believe it," Newlyn replied, and to Tex's surprise the snow leopard-patterned rubber dragon drifted forward and latched onto him before getting onto his back and whispering into his ear. "Of course I never mounted a goo dragon either, though that's going to change real soon I think..."

Once they had finished with their flights of fancy Newlyn hovered over towards the control panel and ended the simulation, the fans slowly spinning down while the two dragons slowly drifted back down onto all fours. Both stumbled slightly as they got used to their new way of walking, but once they got the hang of it the two were walking out of the room together and back into the main spa area. "Well that was the last thing that I had for you," Newlyn said as he led Tex back to the atrium. "Normally at this point I would be taking the newly transformed person and giving them new identification so they can live their lives, but I have a sneaking suspicion that we're both going to be changing back in the near future."

That prediction turned out to be true as they started to feel their bodies once more change; for Newlyn it was his rubber body reforming into a more feline nature while retaining its shininess while for Texotic it was not only converting back to his lupine body, but also having real fur sprouting out from the goo as he returned to flesh and blood. By the time they got back to the changing room both creatures were once more their former selves, which allowed Texotic to don his normal street clothing once again. Newlyn waited for his friend to get fully dressed before walking him back out to the main door.

"I have to say that this has definitely been a fun experience," Tex replied as he once more hugged the latex snow leopard. "If you get any more of those free day spa vouchers don't be afraid to send them my way, definitely wouldn't mind seeing what else this place has to offer."

Newlyn just nodded and waved him out, aware that out of the corner of his eye he could see the head of the New You Day Spa watching from her office window. Though he didn't glean anything from her expression, the feline couldn't help but wonder if he was going to see the blue wolf sooner than either of them expected...

A Brand New You (10/10)

At the end of the day Newlyn and Samantha had just finished with a rather nice dinner their phones rang and it was Marlene texting them to come to their office. Though it didn't say anything they both knew that this was likely the last time that they...

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A Brand New You (9/10)

The second the two latex creatures got out of Marlene's office they were on one another, their bodies squeaking together as they embraced in a passionate kiss. The two continued for a while before they finally broke apart, both felines panting slightly...

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A Brand New You (8/10)

As Newlyn awoke once more he found himself still angry that he hadn't done anything with Samantha when he had the chance, though at this point he realized that his window had probably closed. As he fumed while lying there in bed he heard his phone...

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