Acquisition #8
True to his word, 24-D avoided 11-Ef as much as possible,and didn't pay attention to her attempts to threaten him. Of course others helped. He swore he saw Addie glaring at 11-Ef as she attempted to get close to him. She glowered at Addie , shaking with anger and turned around with a huff.
"How long is she going to be mad at me?" 24-D sighed already sick of it. He had just laid his clutch that morning, and he wasn't in the mood for any of this.
"Oh just til she gets bored and finds something else to do" 12-C shrugged, taking a sip of her own drink. People were just starting to file in for the evening time feast.
"...well if she goes back to bullying 4-J, I might just forget this whole avoidance thing..and.. I dunno sock her in the face-"
"You really don't want to do that" 12-C said.
"Why.. does this place have a thing about hitting girls?"
"No. 11-E has some pretty nasty claws and when she's mad, she doesn't hold back."
"Yeah. ask 15-F. They got a little testy with her attitude once and insulted her, and she gave them multiple scars across the neck."
"And then cried when Addie came over to investigate. Cried all afternoon and everytime someone brought it up. Kept on about how mean 15-F was, she was only trying to help and all. You know her usual."
"Huh. well whatever" 24-D took a long drink. He felt 4-J lean against him with a grin, looking a touch tipsy. "No way, you maniac, I already laid your eggs this morning,"
"Who said I was going to do you?" he grabbed and bit into a hand sized pie with salty nuts a touch of a rich sweet flavor with a touch of savory meat , a combination he'd learned to get used to.
"I wanna lay your eggs this time"
"I'll think about it" 24-D said, finishing off his pie. He missed all the food he was given when he was carrying to be honest. 12-C hadn't been kidding before, carriers got piping hot food from Addie or from the owners almost constantly. It was worth the discomfort and inconvenience, especially considering laying eggs was easier than live birth.
And hotter
24-D pushed that thought away, feeling a little hot in the face.
Mm....he focused on how good the nuts in his pie tasted especially with the meat and sweet. It was... well about as rich as chocolate but a different flavor. But it was still so good. The same touch of bitter mixed with luscious sweet. He sighed sadly once it was gone, but then reached for another one.
As he enjoyed more of his favorite taste he eyed someone else eating some kind of pastry horn with a fruity smelling thing in it. Meat? Nuts? Whatever it was, it smelled heavenly. One of the beings, 43-B pointed to a platter of them.
24-D grabbed a few on put them on his plate. "Maaaan if this is dinner I can't wait for what you guys have planned for dessert"
A few people looked up curious.
"What's a dessert?"
24-D stared at them horrified. "You.. you guys don't do dessert?"
".....what's a dessert?" A very small being that had mouselike features asked impatiently.
"It's,... sweets. All sweet things" 24-D said licking lips thinking of pies and cookies and cake. Addie slammed down a very indulgently sweet looking pie with a pale brown cream with specks of deep red of the not-quite-chocolate.
"One big meal, sonny" She said.
24-D smiled as if he could cry from happiness. "That's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. "
"Geez...." She sighed rolling her eyes and grabbed herself a tall mug of frothy cider. A few of the beings around the table chuckled or laughed and 24-D took a gulp of cider and laughed heartily.
78-A and a friend came over to look at him. "C-can we see your new hands?"
24-D quirked a brow ."Alright" He held out a hand and let the two look it over, feeling more and more bewildered and their excited squealing, and blushed at the moans.
"Oh Spirits.. Fur... ooohhh I could have these inside me right now"
"Oooooh yeah" The other fanned themselves, face burning up.
"....o-okay" he said flushing. Really into hands, weren't they? The two of them giggled and returned to their drinks.
"Later, there's still food to be had" Addy said putting more plates down along with others. She sighed and sat down, guzzling down the cider like the most seasoned alcoholic.
"Soo do you just ... like go in some other room and cook...all the time?" 24-D asked.
"Sometimes. Me an a few others" she looked around to a few beings wearing aprons, "we cook ...drink... uh fuck a little bit"
"...oh... I thought-"
"That I did nothin but cook, aye? Tch. Nae. I dun't. I fuck sometimes. Work off stress" she drank more. "Why? Ye want me to fuck you sometime?"
24-D's face went a hot red and and couldn't speak properly stammering and sweating. Addy grinned looking at him.
"'Oooooooooooooooooooooooooh" A few others giggled , looking up at him. Addy snorted and guzzled down more.
"Aye! All of ye shuddup or I'll rail ye til ye can't sit down" She barked. Nearly everyone quickly stopped, but 4-J leaned forward, ears perked. "Tch, Sit down, 4-J , I'll do you later"
" I can't sit down, please"
"..Fine, ye filthy lil fucker"
24-D snorted into his drink and continued to listen to the others talk. "So ....what are other ..farms and stuff like? Places where people like us work?"
"Oh well , often on farms and fields and sometimes in underground mine caves going digging for cave crystals." One began finishing off a pastry.
"Some of us work odd jobs in the towns, usually on the technicality of bein' the property of whoever we work for. Some of us do errands, serve guests, clean tables or cook, or just plain service the guests"
"You know" With that they made the motion of sucking a dick.
"Can't you sorry lot get your minds off people's bits for two seconds!" 11-Ef huffed as she came in.
"Are you ready to be civil?" Addy asked eyeing her.
"I don't know, these people certainly aren't" 11- Ef said. 24-D snorted.
"We're all drunk and this is a breeding cellar. Get over yourself." he said.
"Well so much for hoping you wouldn't be a classless slut" 11-Ef said glaring at him. 24-D grinned and made a 'V' over his mouth while poking his tongue out. She seethed and leaned forward snarling "Just you wait , I could hold you down, break your legs and then ram my dick into every hole you-"
24-D gave a smirk as a look of shock crossed her face. "Is that not slutty?"
She glared and slapped his face then stormed off. 24-D shrugged and raised his mug high in victory and took several gulps.
And several more.
And more
It was a bit of a haze before he was on a couch, breathing hard with his legs opened and held up. Someone he didn't remember clearly, but with a very thick cock was plunging into him
His fingers on each hand were wrapped in tight , wet furry walls as he pumped them into 78-A and her friend. "Ah- ah -Ahhhhh!'
Oh wow this was fantastic.
He looked over in his lusty haze to see 4-J leaned against a wall as Addy dusted her hands on her apron and walked off.
In a normally overly clean community center, voices were raised and mild chaos could be heard as the Labor Conference was being held by the Board of Community Labor. . Ofrelle was butting heads with Udguer Baethaen as Aervole gave a groan of frustration. Others watched in shock or bickered among themselves
"ENOUGH" She came between them. Everyone went silent. Everyone. "Ofrelle, sit down or take a walk..."
"You heard me" Aervole spoke in a voice that threatened that she would not hesitate to dress down Ofrelle in front of everyone.
"...yes ma'am"
"Good" She turned to Udguer who looked smug."Now I'd like to remind you that our properties have done business for a good long time, but that can change at any moment. With one word , we can entirely suspend your business" Udguer looked like he had been punched in the face,"now let's speak civilly. The Fertility Fest is not long from now, and the past years have been rather...lacking. I think I know how to change that..."
"Madam... what of the issue of bones outside caves? We've been finding human bones in our caves quite a bit lately.. And-"
"Wild beasts....?" Aervole suggested with a sigh.
"Are you sure?... the way they look.. Some of them... you'd think they'd be more mangled...even at the bone level"
"True... I'll see to it that matter is investigated with the constable" Aervole said with a look of concern.
"Thank you Aervole"
"No need, I am a servant of the community" She smiled. "Now... about the Fertility Festival.."
In a side room, slightly elevated where there seemed to be a now empty bunk and another one which 12-C sat on. 24-D brushed aside the bead curtain and looked up , knocking slightly at the wall. She sat cross legged on her bed, and opened one eye.
"What....are you doing?" he asked a little confused.
"Getting in tune with the Spirits." She said.
"....okay" Some... alien ..spiritual thing. Huh. "well I wanted to ask.....what really happened.. To 11-E. Something doesn't add up here"
12-C sighed deeply and chewed her lip. "..."
"....I want to understand. " he said.
"Well you need to be careful....what happened to 11-E came from her angering the owners, and getting punished." 12-C said. "She was ...a bit persnickety and perhaps.... Judgy but a lot like you."
He blinked. "Was she .. straight from Earth"
"No. But she was from the city and lived a luckier existence than most. The family her parents served was rich was..somewhat decent to their servants. She had city sensibilities and was naive to the conditions to some others who served the Aelfen. When she came here she was curious , tried to figure out everything, and seen as nosy."
He nodded. This explained why she was apparently drawn to him for whatever reason.
"....The bosses in charge didn't like that did they" 12-chuckled.
"You have to ask?"
"Right. Anyway.. Where did the whole thing with 4-J start"
"Well she caught him listening-"
"Whoa wait.. If she's an E and he's a J.. why was he there first?"
"Well from the start... the bosses expected to have lots of breedstock and they started off a few people in every letter from A- L to begin with. He was one of the few J numbers. There were about 5"
"Oh okay" he nodded.
"Anyway she caught him listening in on egg laying and. Well was disturbed, she confronted him and well.. 4-J... doesn't... his concept of"
"Not good?" 24-D raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah. and well he ....his first months here were spent as a prostitute and.. Well unable to speak.."
"What? Why?"
"Well.. to torture him. To put him in his place. Everything they do to us is to put us in our place and like I mentioned before, break us down for them. 4-J had trouble with boundaries and personal space but thankfully he doesn't want to hurt a soul. He didn't take too long to understand backing off when someone asked him. He didn't understand why 11-E found him so objectionable and reacted to him so...well forcefully."
"Yes.. they avoided each other and eventually 11-E cooled off. She never liked him but well she moved on. 11-E asked many questions and she disliked the invasiveness and loss of dignity-"
"Well yeah I mean , it's like going from being considered a person to- not..."
"Yes .But she also was.. Open about how she thought we should demand our rights and stand up for ourselves. Band together."
".....I take it she learned just why you haven't"
"Yes. She was brought to the owners and tortured ...for days..All I could find out was that they mocked her with what she most prized...and was most insecure about. Before that they also tried to turn some of us against her, and make sure she was unpopular"
"...oh wow"
"Yes.... the owners can be cruel...especially-" 12-C shuddered , "especially when they are angered."
"I've gathered that. But like why make people not like her?"
"Use your brain." Geez,blunt much? "She wanted us to rise up against them, and try to mutiny. They wanted to make sure she couldn't be a leader . You can't be a leader if nobody likes you"
"We were ashamed that we so easily bought the lies and were used to hurt one of our own. When 11-E returned, she was absolutely dead eyed and showed little emotion. She murmured over and over again about 'no control' and cried at night."
24-D felt hot shame rise in his body, as if he would vomit when he thought of how he had mocked her.
"We never got along... and I tried to comfort her. But after a while she closed off and shut me out. She didn't do 'friendship' because she would only be hurt, I imagine."
"Also what did Addy mean... she never had a chance to make friends? If her old bosses were good then..."
"She had nobody her age. You can't have much of a social life if you have no peers. And of course her being a child, the adults didn't want to spend their time being friends with a child, She was seen as annoying, which she never really got over. It's one of the things she feared aside from well... not having control."
"Oh.." 24-D felt a little guilty. But still she had been very cruel and violent.
" don't have to like her but I suppose people just wanted to ..avoid setting her off again"
"..well she's set off now"
"Yeah.. she is. She'll calm down.. Just.. avoid her until she does."
"I guess..." he sighed. "Thanks for telling me" As he left he realized he forgot to ask one thing.. 'How had the grudge against 4-J flare up again? He could turn back but then he wondered if 12-C would even answer that. Especially if she had once almost been friends with 11-E. Did she know?
Two Harvests Ago
Ofrelle and Aervole watched, marveling over their handiwork, as 11-E repeatedly whipped and smacked the short cowering, pathetically snivelling victim. It had been easy once her psyche was entirely shattered to turn her rage on 4-J, who she already had an issue with. She jumped at the chance to have some control over something again.
Who knew the girl had such a sadistic streak in her?
With a few whispered suggestions , 11-E held 4-J down roughly and nailed him so hard he had to have bed rest for two days, with his leg in thick bandages.
A week later, everyone was called to a room in the cellar where hay bales were cleared out and there was a small stadium with a soap box. Aervole and Ofrelle were there in gowns and shawls suited to cooler weather along with two overseers.
Even some of the other beings among the breeding stock were sharing woven blankets close together for comfort. 24-D and 4-J huddled together, next to 78-A and her finger-loving friend. 24-D sipped warm cider with a kind of pumpkin pie and nut taste. It was deep in alien-fall it seemed. He was puzzled, nervous but also curious about what was going to happen. He gave one glance over to where 11-E grudgingly shared a woven blanket with 12-C, sipping a warm drink. He smiled slightly. That was a good sign.
"Good morrow, my little breeder babies" Aervole spoke in a sweet tone that made 24-D's neck hair stand up on end. "You all look so cozy.. I imagine you're looking forward to the end of year celebrations." There were a few nods and happy murmurs throughout the crowd. Though with the overseers there, not many were speaking much louder than a murmur.
"Good! Good, I love to see you all cheerful and looking forward to things!" 'and broken and obedient' 24-D thought bitterly. "Well It's the time of year to announce some of our first celebrations come the new seasonal cycle!"
"You're going to love this" 4-J beamed, while rubbing his stuffed body . "The New Cycle holidays are so fun!"
"I'm happy to announce that our little barn will be taking part in the first fertility fest of the new year!"