Trick or Treat: Chapter 2 (Patreon Premium)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#2 of Trick or Treat (Patreon Premium)


This is the first 1k words for the full story that is located on my Patreon. This is meant as a preview for the full story and the tags listed are representative of the fetishes found in the story's entirety

Chapter 2 of Trick or Treat, a story that is apart of my Premium content of my Patreon. Premium content is plot driven with recurring characters and are significantly longer than other uploads.

Awesome art by:

Mayline has found her first victim of the night in the crowded bar of a dance club.

Read the full chapter here:

So much to do and so little time. Mayline flew in the shadow of the black sky as she scanned the more densely populated city streets. She had a plan in motion and only had to find one place that would work. It wasn't nearly as difficult as she thought. The thunder of Halloween themed music could be heard from a long distance up and she locked onto it like a heat-seeking missile.

A club was her destination, an active one with a long line out front and strobing lights that flashed through the large windows. The succubus grinned to herself as she came down onto the roof of the establishment and cast a quick spell over herself. Seemingly out of nowhere a corset and a skirt enveloped her body, both black with the texture of leather. Now dressed for the occasion, all she had to do was join the fun.

Mayline phased through the roof and descended invisibly until she was in the darkest corner of the dance club. Once there she shifted herself into her physical form and walked out to join all the other gyrating bodies. There was quite the sizable crowd with all species and genders represented. It was practically a buffet for the hungry demoness.

She scented the air and licked her lips as she went around looking for a suitable person that she could take advantage of. Everyone was dressed up in some sort of costume which made for an interesting display of bodies as they were really getting into he music. To the far side of the club was a bar with many patrons sitting up on stools and ordering drinks or bringing glasses to nearby tables. It was there that Mayline saw the perfect mark.

A lone wolf was sitting at the bar with his back turned to her. He was wearing what looked to be some sort of vampire costume and that alone made the succubus giggle. But it was his muscular build that made it official for her. Even from across the dance floor she could see his cocky grin and how he would lean forward over the bar counter to try and flirt with the cute bar tenders on duty. Overly confidant and horny? No better qualities could she look for.

With supernatural speed and grace, she wove herself through the crowd until she was right up to the bar and behind the wolf. She grinned to herself as she approached, a beer was just set in front of him and he was idly sipping at it. There was a vacant seat right next to him and she quickly jumped up into it, making sure to bump him while doing so at the precise moment that he was lifting his bottle to take a drink.

The sudden jolt made him spill onto his chest which made him shout and look down at the mess. Not much had actually spilled out, maybe a mouth full, but that was still enough to make a large dark spot appear on his costume.

"Hey!" he snapped and turned with a snarl and bared teeth at the ready to start a fight with whatever guy was so clumsy. But instead of some drunk asshole, he found the shockingly attractive red panda with an expression of horror on her face at the sudden realization of what she did. This new development made him freeze instantly.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry!" she gasped and rushed to grab some bar napkins and then pushed them firmly against the wet spot on his chest. Seemingly he was stunned into silence but when he regained some of his composure he set his wet beer off to the side and placed his paws over hers to take over the clean up.

"Oh, no worries," he said, his tone now much more friendly and soft. "Accidents happen."

"I'm such a klutz, I can't believe that just happened," she whimpered and folded her paws over her lap in just the right way that her upper arms would press against the sides of her breasts. "That totally wasn't how I wanted to break the ice."

"Oh? You came over here to see me?" he laughed as he became satisfied with the dry padding and then set the used napkins on the counter.

"Well yeah, we kind of have matching costumes, see?" She giggled and opened her mouth to show him her fangs and then pointed at her horns. He looked at both and chuckled.

"I don't think I've ever seen a vampire with horns though," he added.

"Right, I'm supposed to be a scary demon. Demons and vampires go well together, right?" she asked and leaned closer to him.

"Hehe, sure I guess. Oh hey, wait," he said and then dug into his pocket and turned away for a moment. When he faced her again he had placed a set of plastic vampire teeth in his mouth and drew his cape up to his chin. "I vant tew suck yer blud! Mwahaha" he cackled in a terrible Transylvanian accent. Mayline giggled at how ridiculous it all was, but most of it was fake and his antics were quickly becoming clingy.

"I'd rather you suck on something else," she giggled and winked at him. Her comment made the wolf blink as he was taken slightly aback. "Or maybe it should be me wanting to suck on something of yours," she said in a low enough tone that the others around them wouldn't have been able to hear but still loud enough to carry over the music.

"O-oh?" he asked in slight disbelief as he pulled the plastic teeth from his mouth and stuck them back in his pocket.

"Well, I gotta make it up to you somehow, right? I don't have any money to buy you a new drink so this is the next best thing." The wolf smirked as he watched the demoness do her little song and dance to get him into her pants, and to her credit he was falling for every bit of it.

"I love a girl that is willing to make things right," he chuckled and leaned back in his seat. "So where do you wanna go for this?"

Mayline twisted her mouth a bit and looked off to the side to make it look like she was thinking. In reality every bit of what was going on was already planned. "The men's bathroom would be perfect. Guys don't care if someone's getting lucky in there," she said with a wry smile.

"Sounds good to me." The wolf got up to his feet and Mayline jumped to his side. He pushed his way through the crowd with the woman following close behind. No one paid them any attention and with him leading they were able to get through in seconds. Mayline tried to stay firm in the male's shadow in the hope no one would see them both go into the restroom. She didn't want to risk someone raising a stink about some sleazy fun, but this club was enough of a grimy place that she was sure even if someone did see them there wouldn't be a problem.

No one was inside the bathroom. Even better, she thought. The wolf slowed his walking and looked around as if not sure where else to go. This was where Mayline took the lead and grabbed his paw. She guided him to the handicap stall at the far side of the bathroom and shoved her way inside. "Don't keep a girl waiting now," she called to him. The wolf jumped back into motion and followed her in with a wide grin on his face. He closed the door and locked it and then stared down at her with hungry eyes.

Mayline had reached down and lifted her skirt enough to show him that she wasn't wearing any underwear. In the same motion she began to eagerly dig two fingers against the front of her pussy and stroked the length of her slit. The male watched her and licked his lips at the sight of her pristine pussy and how wet she already was. It was now clear that he was going to get a whole lot more than just a blowjob.

"I've shown mine, aren't you gunna show yours?" she asked and winked playfully. The wolf could hardly get his pants undone fast enough. The string of his black slacks came undone and he pushed them down to his ankles, along with his own boxers. The demoness let out an appreciative moan as she saw his sheath and that a quarter of his cock was already sticking out from the opening.

Read the full chapter here: