Interlude: Together through the ages.

Story by Sabi Kitsune on SoFurry

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#12 of Joy and Zip's Story

This is... probably closer to a rough draft than a finished version, so I apologize for any errors that slipped through. x_x I've had trouble getting free time/energy to write, but this is finished and I wanted to post something, before the torches and pitchforks came out. I originally meant for this to come after the next chapter in Zip's story, after he's settled with Joy/his living arrangements are a little more explained, along with some habits of the male dragons that haven't really been illustrated yet... but meh. I'll get it done eventually, I promise. nodnodnod

In the meantime...

The purple dragon yawned and opened his eyes as he slowly came back to his senses. There was a gentle weight on his head, a soft warmth beside him and beneath one of his wings, the smooth scales of a tail entwining around his own, and a blending of scents in the air that made him rumble happily deep in his throat. The memories from yesterday came trickling back to him... the beautiful ceremony under the cloudless sky, the gentle smile of the human as he led them through the vows, the happy cheers and applause as three silk ropes were tied around their necks, their tails, his left leg to her right leg... and the more intimate memories he and his now-lifelong companion had created together after they had retreated to the simple building that served as the overnight retreat for newly married couples.

He kept his head still so as not to disturb the weight resting there, but glanced around the room. It was a simple two-story building and they were on the upper floor, which made him a little uncomfortable - the bottom floor was designed for male dragons, with large windows and plenty of views for the outside, but the upper floor was designed for the comfort of female dragons and the privacy of the newly weds. Four simple walls, the large raised platform he was currently resting on, designed so a dragon could spread her wings and body out, the way females liked to do. There was a bed for male dragons on the first floor - a simple plank crossing a corner of the room, raised up to just beneath the windows, where a male could rest his body and let his limbs dangle, the way that was comfortable... but it never really got used. The silk ropes still held the couple together, and he wouldn't dream of asking his new wife to sleep on something so uncomfortable for it. He could put up with one night indoors for her, even if every instinct fought the idea of being inside a dragoness' lair. Even his own.

He could still hardly believe it... but it was true. The beautiful dragoness he had known all his life... they were now joined together, a new family. One for all time, like the minister had said during the ceremony...

The slow breathing beside him turned to a deep inhale, then a yawn. He glanced upwards, even though it was impossible to see her as she rested her head on his. "Good morning, Zarkaria, my love."

There was a slight silence, then a nervous voice replied to him. "Good morning, Nezzle. Last night... I..."

He smiled again, stretching his wing a little more to cover her body. "Last night was amazing. You were amazing."

He could almost imagine the blush that must be growing beneath her scales at his words, and at the memories. She had been wild, so different from her normally shy, uncertain self. She had been nervous at first as he nipped at her tail and nudged at her wings... but just as the elders spoke of, her instincts took over. She playfully pulled her tail away... then swiped at him... then...

He growled to himself at the memories. Wild.

"N-nezzle!... That's not... it wasn't... it was..."

He smiled and curled his wing down around her, nudging her closer. "Shh. We are mates now, Zarkaria. It was nothing to be embarrassed of. If anything you should be proud."

There was another moment, during which Nezzle could feel her trying to decide if she should be embarrassed or not... then she giggles. "You probably should too... t-that felt very good..."

"I thought it might, with how loud you were. I suspect they heard you all the way at the Mountain, when you c-"

"Nezzleeee!" The dragoness finally moved, slapping his side with her right paw, the silk rope still tied around it. "Y-you're doing it on purpose now."

His grin only grew wider. "Sorry, my love; I can't help it. You're so cute when you're embarrassed... and like I said, you have nothing to be embarrassed about." The purple dragon paused, then lifted his head a little, nudging hers. "Did you sleep well?"

A soft, pleased churring sound came from the dragoness above him. "Very well." A moment passed, the two of them just laying together like that - tails entwined, his wing covering her body, and her head resting sideways just between his horns, with her own horns holding her up against his. It was the same pose they had slept in many times before, even when they were young whelps in her mother's lair. The other dragons had sometimes called it a sign they were meant for each other, for his horns to be just the right distnce apart for her head to rest in like this... but all he knew was how nice it felt to have her resting beside him.

But with a soft whine she finally stirred, and her head lifted away. "It is time to wake up now though, I supposed."

Nezzle nodded and finally lifted his head to look over at Zarkaria. She was just as beautiful as he remembered - deep yellow scales, fading to pale yellow on her underbelly and horns. Green eyes that held a mixture of peace and wisdom, delicate wings that stretched wide across the sky in her flight, and a gentle smile that still made his hearts flutter when it was directed at him. She was radiant in the dim light that filtered in from the stairs leading to the lower room. She glanced away from him as a flush rose beneath the scales of her neck. "Nezzzzz!"

He giggled and licked at her neck. "Sorry, love; you're just too beautiful to not look at." The blush grew more, and he nuzzled at her side again. He turned away towards the stairs, and tugged gently on the soft ropes joining them. Together they moved and descended into the lower room, then out into the dawning sun.


Zarkaria stared into the distance, towards the mountain just on the horizon across the sea. It was normally a familiar sight - she had grown up on this island, and had met many other humans and dragons who came from the largest island to trade, or share stories, or take part in celebrations. The minister at their wedding yesterday had been one such person. She had thought about going to visit herself one day, perhaps as an anniversary celebration with Nezzle. After they had settled down, and she had built up a lair of her own. Nothing spectacular - a room for her to sleep in, maybe a second room for children, a small clearing outside with a large tree with broad, heavy branches for Nezzle to rest on and keep watch over the entrance from. They could leave it for a weekend and go visit the city, then the mountain, and add a tribute of their own to the golden roads that were built up it. Maybe even work on eggs... that is, if Nezzle hadn't already gifted her with one during their celebrations last night.

She blushed at the memory again and snuck a glance back at him. The purple dragon beside her was so handsome, just like she always remembered - heavy wings that made her feel safe when one draped over her, strong and powerful enough to carry her aloft for hours, blue eyes that she could get lost in forever... he always knew just what to say, and was so friendly with everyone, but she still knew without any doubt at all that he loved her more than anyone or anything else. Maybe even as much as she loved him. He had come to live with her family when she was just a child, after something had happened to his own family... and ever since then she had known they would always be together. Neither of them would have it any other way.

She glanced back towards the mountain, smiling. She really was lucky to be with him. And fate had smiled even more on them today.

"It's beautiful." Nezzle's voice spoke beside her, and she nodded.

"I've heard stories... but I never..." She trailed off, unable to find the words.

The sky was glowing as if in the early dawn, but it wasn't the sun lighting the world. It was actually still very late at night from the way the ocean rose high on the beach. The mountain was glowing, a deep red that actually hurt a little to look directly at, even from the distance of their island. A cloud hung over it, lit by the mountain, yet somehow still dark. It was beautiful, and a little disturbing, but it was an incredible sight regardless.

Zarkaria could remember stories her mother had told of when the mountain had glowed like this. The day when humans had first come to these islands, fleeing some evil and in wooden vessels both great and failing, but spurred on by the sight of the glowing mountain. The days when the humans and dragons ended their fighting and began to live in peace with each other, rebuilding the human villages after some disaster and making them places both species could dwell in. The time when the first king united the tribes and villages of all the islands of their archipelago into one nation. All times of great things... and now it glowed once more, on the first day of their new life as a couple.

She stared at the distant glow... then nuzzled against her husband's head once more. He made a soft churring sound and lowered his head to the ground, resting beside her. She smiled and tilted her head, resting it just between his horns... and together they watched the glowing sky.

Zarkaria opened her eyes as the ground beneath her shook. Nezzle had drifted back off to sleep and was mumbling something, but Zarkaria's attention was drawn towards the mountain. The dark cloud above it had grown larger - it reached across the sky towards her, as if trying to smother the other islands around it. Lightning flickered down from the cloud to strike parts of the ocean, causing loud bangs and sending geysers of steam into the air.

The air was unusually dry for the island, and a smell like rotten eggs was thick in Zarkaria's nose. Each breath was uncomfortable and stung at her lungs, and seemed strangely unfulfilling. And the ground...

The shaking ground under her was hot. Not pleasantly warm against her scales, like the sand usually was in the midday sun - this was different, a heat that bled through her scaly hide and scorched at her muscles. She rose to her paws to get away from it, and immediately regretted it - the scales were much thinner there and offered even less protection. She hopped from one paw to the other, making sure to keep from resting her tail on the sand too. "Nezzle? Nezzle, something's wrong..." She tugged at the silk rope that looped around his neck. The ceremonial bound wasn't supposed to be removed until the afternoon after their marriage, by the officiant, but it was suddenly worrying her. She wanted to run into the water and cool off in the ocean, but Nezzle was still fast asleep. She leaned over and nudged at his side. "Nezzle! Wake up!"

The heavy purple eyelid slowly opened, revealing the bleary blue eye clouded with sleepiness... then it suddenly sharpened as Nezzle woke up completely. He hissed and jumped up, immediately dancing from side to side like Zarkaria was. "Yipes! Hot! Hot, hot, hot!"

"Ocean - the water should be cooler!" Zarkaria tugged again at the ropes, but Nezzle moved with her this time. They crossed the short distance to the water and dove their scorching paws into the slightly cooler mud there.

"What's going on? When did the sand get that hot? How?" Nezzle glanced back at the shore and reached his paw towards it, touching the sand before jerking back away from it.

"I don't know! And that cloud is bigger, too... I'm scared, Nezzle." The yellow dragon shuffled closer to the larger purple dragon, huddling against him.

"It's okay." He stretched out a wing over her and and nuzzled at her side, all trace of confusion and surprise gone. "We'll... we'll just wait for the sand to cool down a little, and then go back to the house, until things... things... huh, the air's pretty heavy tonight." He sniffed again, a deep inhale... then started coughing. "What is that smell! And... do you hear that hissing?..."

Zarkaria lifted her head and glanced around. Hissing sound? She didn't hear... oh, there it was, coming from the shore. An angry sound, like a snake, but somehow harsher...

The hissing stopped just as the ground near the shore exploded. A stream of fire shot up from the beach, sand and rocks from deep in the ground flying in all directions. Zarkaria let out a shout of surprise and ducked under the dragon beside her, hiding her head under his wing and closing her eyes.

The smell intensified, and it was all she could do not to throw up at the horrid scent. The hissing began again, and the air grew even heavier, with each breath getting harder and harder to take.

The steady form against her suddenly wavered, then slumped against her.

"Nezzle?" Zarkaria carefully brought her head out from under his head to see what was wrong, straining for air and feeling strangely exhausted from just that simple motion. Her sight grew fuzzy, as if there was a heavy fog in the air, and at first all she could see was a formless blob of red on the shore. She made an effort, and things finally came clearer.

The geyser of flame was gone, but now a strange red fluid flowed from the hole. The hissing sound was coming from it, and smoke rose from the edges, with the sand melting into what looked like glass as the substance flowed over it. The blob seemed to shimmer in the darkness as it slowly crept towards the ocean.

Zarkaria stared at it for a moment, trying to understand what she was seeing... but she finally turned to look at Nezzle. She gasped in horror at the sight - the dragon was wobbling unsteadily, with a large gash slicing through the scales of his head. Blood was trickling from it and down the side of his cheek.

She immediately leaned closer and licked at the cut, cleaning the wound with her tongue. "Nezzle, are you okay?"

"Don't... don't feel that good... head hurs..." Nezzle wobbled again, then sank downwards, into the shallow water.

"Shh, it's okay, just lay down. Your head's hurt; just..." Zarkaria coughed suddenly, the thick air getting to be too much for her.

Nezzle shook his head and nudged weakly against her. "Zar... you need to get out of here; it isn't safe. Get away from this - fly to another island, get... " The dragon began coughing too, a weak sound followed by a rasping attempt at inhaling.

"No... not leaving you, Nezzle... We just need to wait a little, and t-the ground will be cooler, like you said..." The yellow dragon looked around, panicing a little. She couldn't leave him, especially not with him hurt! Where would she go anyways? But there must be something to do...

The thick air was making it hard to think though. She fought to stay awake, fought to get a clear breath, but the heavy miasma all around them just made her tired. It would be easier to just take a nap... the ground would be cooler when she woke up, wouldn't it? "Nezzle?..."

She glanced at her husband to ask what to do... but he was asleep himself, eyes closed with his snout just barely above the water line. The bleeding had slowed, which was good; she couldn't muster the strength to do even another lick. Her legs and wings felt so heavy...

A nap... that's all she needed. She could just rest for a while, next to Nezzle... they'd be fine when they woke up...

The yellow dragon wearily settled down beside the purple dragon, resting her head in between his horns just like she usually did. She took another look at him, feeling better just at the sight of his purple scales near her... and then her eyes closed, and she took one last strained breath.

Centuries later...

"Professor Thomas! Professor Thomas, you have to come look at this!"

Dennis sighed and looked away from his tablet. He had been getting nowhere - his daughter was close to graduating and would soon be looking for universities to attend, and he was trying to write a letter of recommendation for her... but it was difficult to think of the words. He had written such letters before, but never for his own family, and he wanted to be sure it didn't come across as a father pulling strings for his daughter. She was brilliant in her own right, and he knew it, but it was hard to explain that without descending into praise that was unprofessional.

And the constant interruptions didn't help things either.

"What is it this time?" He pushed the tablet away and glanced to the entrance to the tent. The flap was pulled aside and a younger man poked his head in, grinning like an idiot.

"We found one! We found a fossil, by the beach!"

Dennis sighed again. This must be one of the new interns - a zeppelin had arrived a week back and dropped off a group of new assistants. They were always excitable at first. "We've found lots of fossils. The volcano killed everything on all the islands here, and the eruption sent lava over all of them. You're going to have to get used to finding fossils; it's going to happen a lot here."

"No - this is different! The other archaeologist, um, Carla; she said you'd want to see this; she dug up a female this time!"

Dennis brought a hand up to rub his head. "Females happen too. The dragons were like us as far as we can tell; there were just as many males as there were females. Another female fossil isn't anything special. We haven't found a usable female fossil, since apparently they were all inside lairs or buildings at the time of the eruption, and instead of being encased in lava like most of the males we found they decayed away with plenty of air around them to keep alive all those lovely bacteria that happily devoured any usable traces of DNA. Go tell Carla to document the finding and make a video recording of the lair; I'll come look at it later tonight."

"Sir, that's what I'm trying to tell you - this fossil wasn't in a lair! It's a couple, a male and a female; they were both fossilized together by the lava, right at the shore. She's preserved - we're still digging her out, but there's muscles and even some scales still on the bones!"

Dennis tossed the tablet across the tent, the letter already forgotten. Muscles and scales meant it had been preserved enough - the cells would have DNA, the bones might even have healthy marrow left. If it was right at the shore... the water must have cooled the lava immediately, before it could have destroyed all the soft tissues; an instant fossil. A female specimen, finally, after all these years? The reconstruction project could finally advance, if it were true...

Years later...

Zip yawned and slowly woke up. Sunlight was filtering in through the glass dome above him, waking him from what had actually been a rather pleasant night. He started to lift his head and stretch... but a feeling of weight on his head stopped him. Something was resting there... and... a body was next to his, warm and breathing softly in sleep. Something was curled around his tail, too... oh. Her.

He strained out of the corner of his eye and saw the familiar yellow of her scales. Joy was sleeping beside him, her head rested on his own. He started to move, started to push her away...

Zip hesitated, then settled back down. If he woke her up, she would just start talking, and maybe make him do things. He could get a little peace if he let her sleep. It wasn't the worst thing in the world, not really.

He kept telling himself that as he slowly drifted back to sleep... but he couldn't deny that deep down, a part of him actually felt a sense of comfort and happiness at having the older dragoness resting beside him like that. He yawned once more, then slowly spread his wing out over her, the purple limb covering her yellow scales.