Hunted House

Story by Duo the Raven on SoFurry

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#5 of Vore Stuff

So, this is a bit different. No dragons, no factory. Just two gryphons having an evening together, that really doesn't go as planned for one of them.

This was intended as a Halloween story, but I only got the idea for it while at work on the day of, so it is quite a bit late.

This story contains the following things that many viewers may find disturbing: Blood, death, fear, hard vore, gore, pain, rape, castration, and cheerful psychopathy.

If you don't like those, then don't read it. It is meant for those of us who do like such things.

If you do like what I write, then let me know! I am always looking for feedback.

All characters depicted are full adults.

Two gryphons walk through a clear, moonless night, side by side. They are headed down a sidewalk, with the larger male covering the female with his wing to protect her against the cold autumn air. She is snuggled in against his grey feathers, but occasionally one of her foreclaws rises up to point out the direction they are supposed to go. Neither one is wearing any clothing to cover their plumage, though the hen has some small bits of jewelry scattered around her form.

Verras smiles as his girlfriend points out the way to her house, purring at the feeling of her brown feathers against his side. He has known Frigh for less than a week, and yet somehow it feels like they are meant to be together. She just is so easy for him to talk to, unlike nearly everyone else. They haven't even had a disagreement that he can remember.

They make another turn, and then the gryphoness points to a house. "There it is!" The dwelling looks to be a pretty large one, but it is hard to tell any other features of the place in the darkness. She works her way out from under the male's wing and rushes up to the door, pulling out a key from under her wing. The door opens for her, and she gestures for him to go on inside ahead of her.

Verras shivers with excitement as he steps past her and into the warm house. He was surprised when Frigh showed up to their date and suggested that they could go over to her house for dinner instead of the restaurant they had planned on, but was more than willing to go along with the idea. Especially as she hinted that he might be able to spend the night. It seemed quick, but so had everything about their relationship.

Frigh smiles at him as he walks past her, then steps in and closes the door behind her. "Well then, shall we begin with the fun?" Something in her voice seems off; an amused tone that Verras hasn't heard her use before.

The room is a standard living room, but somehow it feels sparse. There aren't any decorations or furniture beyond the bare necessities for the space, and what is there seems to be cheap. The male's eyes narrow as alarms go off in his head. Something is very not right about this situation.

"I thought we were going to have dinner first." His voice is suspicious, as is his posture. He turns around to look at his girlfriend, then freezes in place as he sees the expression on her face.

The female is grinning, but it isn't a friendly look. It is a predatory grin, of someone who likes to see others suffer. Verras never thought that face could make such an expression.

"Oh, that is all right. I like to play with my food before eating." Somehow even though Frigh is smaller than the male she manages to look far more dangerous, an unusual strength seeming to emanate from her. The effect is only made worse by how the lights begin to dim as she takes a step toward him, flickering unnaturally. It only takes a moment for him to turn tail and begin to run away.

"Help! She is going to kill me!" Verras screeches at the top of his lungs, fear lending him extra volume as he runs toward the kitchen. His hope is to find a window or door he can break through to get out of the house.

"Don't bother. Nobody can hear you from in here." Frigh's voice seems to whisper from right next to him, causing him to swerve and run into a chair, but when he recovers enough to look there is nothing there. He spots a small window in the kitchen, too small for him to try to get though, but from where he is he can see a door in the next room.

He wastes no time righting himself and running that way. The door has several glass panes, and he can see outside through them. There is a lock with a keyhole, but he isn't going to let that stop him. The frame doesn't seem strong enough to stop a gryphon moving full tilt into it, so he picks up speed and barrels into the door.

There is a loud crack as Verras hits the door, but it isn't the sound of wood breaking. Instead it is the sound of his body impacting and getting thrown back. It feels like he tried to hit a thick metal plate, instead of a wooden door. He screeches with pain, it feeling like he tore a muscle in his shoulder when the potential exit failed to give way.

As he blinks away tears, he hears a slow clapping coming from the kitchen. "Nice one. I think that is the fastest anyone has managed to get to the back door yet. It doesn't seem like it worked out for you though. Oh, that does look painful." He looks over to see Frigh standing there, looking like she is enjoying herself.

The male's eyes search for another way to get away from her, and he only spots one. A set of stairs leads down, and he stumbles over to them as fast as he can. He nearly trips as he makes his way down the extra long descent, but the shadow of a gryphoness that falls over him after a moment keeps him focused on getting down safe. He finds that there is a T hallway at the bottom, and he quickly takes a left.

A few seconds later he realizes he was wrong. This isn't a hallway. It is a maze, with turns and choices for which way to go. He limps as fast as possible through a half a dozen more intersections before he stops, taking a random direction each time. Then he drops to his side, taking a moment to catch his breath and think.

This place must be huge. He is pretty sure that he is at least thirty meters from the stairway, and he hasn't seen any sign of it stopping. His only hope is to lose her in here, and hopefully find his way back to the stairs so he can get away. Or perhaps there is another exit.

Verras' thoughts are interrupted by the sound of footsteps coming his way. He gets up as quietly as he can and stumbles off in the opposite direction. There is lighting here, but it is sparse and leaves so much hidden. Every corridor looks the same, with white walls and a black carpet, and quickly he is hopelessly lost. As the grey feathered gryphon keeps going every shadow starts to look like a murderous hen reaching out for him, and every sound sends him running away. He knows he is panicking, but can't stop himself.

And then suddenly he makes a turn and there is something different. A room is ahead of him, with a red carpet and walls. He steps closer and sees that there is a bed, along with a dresser and a cabinet. It seems like a fairly normal bedroom, apart from the crimson color scheme.

"Well it took you long enough. I was worried I was going to have to scare you in circles for another hour before I could get you here." Frigh's voice comes from behind him, sounding as amused as ever. He doesn't hesitate at all before rushing forward to get away from her, only to find that the room has no other exit.

Flight turns to fight as Verras turns around to face the female, growling at her. "Why are you doing this? I loved you!" The hurt of the betrayal fills his voice, and several tears fall across his face.

She smiles at him, stepping into the room. "Oh, I know you did. I followed you for weeks before I 'just happened' to bump into you, learning all about you. It was rather easy to make you love me. Which just made it easier to get you here."

She takes another step in. A hidden door closes behind her, blocking off the only escape. "You aren't the only one I was working on. I have three males and two females I am currently enticing, and I hunted two others in the time we were dating. You just happened to be the most ready one tonight."

She gestures as she takes another step, and the walls start closing in. Verras hobbles away from them, being herded toward the bed as Frigh keeps speaking. "I like my food to be of the screaming sort. It is just wonderful really! The best I have ever had. And definitely the most fun."

The male is almost too shocked to react as he absorbs the information, soon being forced to clamber up onto the bed to avoid the walls. Nothing of the hen he thought he knew ever actually existed, and it is finally sinking in.

He feels the bed shift as Frigh hops up next to him, and immediately lashes out with his good foreclaw. His talons glance off her feathers like they are made of plate steel, and he sees her grinning at him as she grabs hold of his forelimb.

"None of that, now. Wouldn't want one of us to have an accident right when I am about to finally let you stick your cock in me just like you always wanted, would we?" She giggles at his confused expression, then forces him over onto his back on the bed. She is incredibly strong for her size, easily overpowering the larger male.

Soon enough the female has him pinned down to the bed, each of his limbs held by one of hers. She grins at him, then lowers her hips down toward his, rubbing her slit along his sheath. She has evidently become quite wet with all the activity, and she leaves a trail of her juices along him.

Verras grits his beak and closes his eyes as he focuses trying to keep from getting aroused, but he can quickly tell that it isn't going to work. His body responds to the stimulation rather quickly, and his sheath swells before letting his tip out right into Frigh's netherlips.

She grinds against him, working on getting him hard, and soon enough he can feel his length filling her pussy. He shakes his head uselessly as she begins to ride him, desperately hoping for her to stop. She doesn't though, keeping working up and down on him.

It feels like it lasts forever, but it really can't be more than fifteen minutes. He tries his best to hold back, to not give her what she wants, but it is useless. With a strangled sound that is a mix of gasp of pleasure and scream of frustration he begins to release, shooting his seed up into Frigh's depths.

Verras can feel the hen clenching on him as she climaxes as well, but her grip on his limbs never wavers for an instant. She grins down at him, breathing heavily from the exertion. Their combined fluids slowly drip out of her and onto his feathers, soon growing cold as the water evaporates.

"Well, now that I have gotten my fun, I suppose it is time to move on to dinner. What do you think, should I cook you or just tear you apart right here?" Her tone is of an actual question to him, not that he seems likely to respond. At the reminder of her predatory intentions he starts struggling more, hissing as he hurts his damaged shoulder with his exertions.

It is still no use. He isn't sure how, but she is very much stronger than he is. She chuckles at his attempts though. "Oh, I couldn't eat a whole guy like you by myself anyway. So much of your meat would go to waste! So I guess I will just have to cut you up and save most of you for later."

"But first, how about I get rid of that illusion spell I cast on you on our walk over here." Verras is confused what she means at first, but then suddenly the room changes. The walls are back where they were when he walked in, the entrance is open, and there is even a door over to the side that he didn't see when he entered.

Frigh seems amused at his reaction. "Now hold still while I tie you up to take you up to my kitchen, so I can cut you up." He is of course never going to follow that command, but she makes a gesture and speaks a word that sounds like complete gibberish, and suddenly his body completely relaxes. He can't even so much as twitch as she pulls a rope out of the room's cabinet and proceeds to bind him up. Even his beak gets bound shut.

She shifts him over onto her back, showing off her strength again, and opens the formerly hidden door to reveal a staircase. "I will have to share some of you with my father when he comes over. He likes to have my cooking when he can, even though I always poison the portions I give him."

The gryphoness doesn't seem bothered as she casually mentions trying to kill her father. Her tone is like it is just a normal family activity. "It never does work on him anyway. Old bird has a really impressive constitution. Or some magic. I never could figure it out." She just chatters idly at Verras as she carries him up the stairs, ending up in the kitchen he passed through earlier by way of a door that he knows he didn't see before.

She tosses Verras over onto one of the counters, the metal hard against his side. He squirms a bit from the feeling, as his immobility begins to wear off. "One day I will figure out a way around his protections, and off him. Then I can eat him and take over. But you won't be around to see that, will you?"

Her stomach grumbles, audible to the male. "Well, I need to have some of you if I am going to have the strength to cut up the rest. Any preferences?" She doesn't bother checking for a response, instead looking over his body with a hungry gaze. "Oh, I know!"

The hen's foreclaws reach out and roll him over onto his back. Then she reaches down between his hind legs to rub at his sheath again. He tries again to keep from getting aroused, having some idea what she is about to do, but she seems to know exactly how to get a male hard. It isn't long before his cock emerges, engorging rapidly.

She looks over his length closely, sharp beak getting much too close for his comfort. "Best part about doing it this way is that I don't even have to pluck part of you to get my meal." She tilts her head, then chuckles. "Well, more of a snack really."

Frigh holds up his cock, pressing her beak down over it until he can feel the tip around his balls. He closes his eyes, then squeezes them shut with pain as he feels her beak squeezing on him hard. He screeches with agony when she starts to twist, the sound muted by his tied shut mouth.

Verras blacks out as the pain reaches levels he has never experienced before, the flesh of his genitals tearing under the force the female applies to them. He has no idea how long it lasts. Eventually the sensation begins to recede, and his awareness slowly returns.

The first thing he notices is the blood staining his feathers, and how he appears to still be bleeding. His cock is gone, replaced by a raw torn mess. The sight nearly makes him faint, and his eyes turn to look anywhere else.

Unfortunately the next thing his eyes fall on is Frigh, who is stained with blood as well. She also seems to be holding some of his grey feathers. It is then that he notices that he has fewer feathers covering him, and the cold air of the kitchen is touching his skin directly along his side and one of his wings.

"Oh, good! You are back with us! I was worried I was going to lose you, and you would miss out on the rest of the fun." She keeps plucking him as she talks, pulling out his feathers with trained skill.

She continues chattering at him while his skin becomes gradually more uncovered, talking about the recipe she used to cook a hen last week and how she wants to improve it next time. She works fast, and he hasn't had time to become dizzy with blood loss from his still bleeding crotch by the time he is completely featherless.

She rolls him over onto his back, then holds up a large knife. "Well, it has been fun, but you won't last much longer. I am going to cut off your limbs, then work through your major muscles one at a time. Sadly most people lose consciousness by the second limb, especially if they have already lost a lot of blood like you."

She shrugs, not seeming to be too bothered. The knife moves down, and Verras can feel the cold metal against the base of his wing. "Oh, and don't worry about the chicks you gave me earlier being raised to be psychopaths like me. My father will eat all those eggs long before they can hatch. Your lineage will end with you."

She chuckles at the look on his face, then pulls out his wing to get a better angle on it. The sharp metal tears into his skin and flesh, working between the bones to remove the limb whole. Blood comes out, adding more to the red mess on the floor and the hen's feathers. The male screeches into his closed beak at the pain, shuddering all over.

Verras feels cold all over, and it is like there is a pane of glass between him and the rest of the world. The feeling of the knife beginning to work on his other wing seems unreal, though the pain still makes him squirm. His vision blurs as more of his blood leaves his body, and soon enough his awareness fades away entirely.

Frigh hums happily to herself as she finishes bagging up the rest of the meat from her latest prey and putting it in the refrigerator. She has already forgotten his name, just marking the bags as 'Grey' for his coloration. She already ate his wings, finding him to be more tender than typical but not overall anything really special.

She has to get ready for her father's visit tomorrow. Terro would be disappointed if she didn't try to kill him at least once, but she isn't really going to make a full attempt. He has promised to take her out to help him lure in a family he has been working on for a month now, and she is looking forward to it far too much to need to cancel it because she actually succeeded in taking him down.

Perhaps she can use the cyanide again. He actually seemed to like the taste that gave to his meal last time.