The Change 1

Story by omeganeep on SoFurry

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Hi my name is Kyle... well it was Kyle until I changed. Now my name is Renshaw but enough about that. This is the story of the day I changed... well more like a week. I'll just get right to the point. Before I changed I was a 5' 10" tall human male with blond hair. And this is my story.

Day 1

It was a normal day but I didn't know I was leaving my normal life the very next day. I went to work like normal but when I got home late at night, that night, and put my stuff down and checked my messages and I got a weird one from my friend, Alex, she sounded terrified "Kyle! Please call me back when you get this message please call me back something strange is happening to me." I called her back but the phone kept ringing and I got her answering machine. I knew something was wrong and I quickly drove to her house and I saw that her lights were on. I knocked on the door but there was no answer, so, I tried the door and it was unlocked. I opened the door to see her house ripped to shreds I walked in and looked around until I heard banging and growling in the living room. I slowly walked in too see a massive silver dragon with its head laid back in pleasure with its tongue hanging out, smiling, and eyes closed. I was confused until I saw what it was doing. It had its hand wrapped around its 11" cock moving up and down the shaft. I couldn't believe my eyes. A massive beast was masturbating on Alex's couch. I walked in more and the dragon's eye flashed open and looked at me, its smile vanished. It stopped and stood up staring at me in my eyes. Its smile reappeared as it moved closer with its tail swaying behind it and its cock still fully erect. For some reason I was attracted to it and I began to become aroused myself causing a noticeable bulge in my pants. It leapt at me knocking me to the ground and ripped all my clothes off. I was looking face to face with this creature and in a split second it was kissing me not just a small kiss but a passionate one and its tongue snaked into my mouth and the weird thing was that I loved every second of it. When it finished it turned around with its large cock above my face and I felt a wave of pleasure as felt something wet surrounding my cock I looked down to see that it was giving me a blow job I couldn't resist to return the favor and I began sucking on its cock as well and it roared and began humping my mouth causing its shaft to go down my throat, I nearly gagged. Then it backed away off of me and gave me an evil grin as it lifted me up and put my upper body on the couch causing me to have my ass out in the air as it moved behind me and grabbed my hips. I was confused until I felt its member prodding my ass until it hit its mark and shoved it cock into my tight ass I screamed in pain but this pain didn't hurt it felt really good and it began pumping me my cock began dripping pre-cum then one of its hand went down and began rubbing my cock soon we both came at the same time I passed out cold.