New Ventures Part 2

Story by Raal Steelfang on SoFurry

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#2 of Todd and, generally, Jason

Look, I finished it! It's a Christmas miracle!

The building on the corner of Main and 30th, with its exterior of greyish tan sandstone and decorate bits of filigree carved under every window, had been built back in the late 1800's. The 6-story structure had at one point or another played host to dozens of businesses, including law offices, a dentistry, and even the headquarters of a popular humor magazine; the first floor had started as a confectioner's shop, and was for nearly 60 years before being standing abandoned for a decade or more. Floors 2 through 6 had been converted into luxury apartments once interest in that historical part of town had renewed, and that renewed interest was thanks in part to Scottish badger immigrant Liam McKenzie, who'd bought the empty storefront and used it as a space to buy, sell, and repair antiques of all kinds.

When it came to redecorating the place, he'd kept things tasteful and simple, allowing the restored pieces to speak for themselves. He'd removed the dingy white drywall and left the dull red interior brick, with its chunky mortar, exposed, replacing the white-and-black checkered tile with mahogany hardwood. From the high ceilings hung several vintage chandeliers, providing more than enough light for the space, and he'd placed a beautiful heavy brocade curtain across the doorway leading to what he'd made his workshop. As a nod to the original intent of the place, he'd left the original taffy-pulling apparatus where it was on full display in the front window.

Todd had no interest whatsoever in changing a single thing; from the moment he stepped foot into the ancient building he'd been enchanted by everything, from the scent of wood and shellac to the yellow-orange color used to paint the business name right onto the front window.

As it turns out, Jason had been correct in his assumption about the owner of the storefront; not only was Liam more than willing to cut his asking price down significantly, but he was well aware of the wolf's personal restoration work and counted himself a fan of his skill and attention to detail! In fact, he was deeply flattered to learn the old badger had made a request of Todd's boss at the shop for him to always be the one to handle his pieces whenever possible! Indeed, every time he visited the old storefront to work out more details of the sale and transfer he noticed another piece or two that bore his unmistakable handiwork.

Due to the age and pedigree of the building and the space itself it took about a month to get everything worked out, so it would be just a week before Christmas before they wrote their signatures on that final piece of paper. It also happened that the week before Christmas was the night of the annual Winter Festival in the Historic District. The Winter Festival, another assisting factor for the renewed interest in that area, was a hybrid event, part street festival with a myriad of artist booths and food stalls and part open house for the businesses located there to converse with the public and advertise their services. It was Mr. McKenzie's idea to have the festival pull triple duty as not just an open house, but a joint retirement party for him and a New Owner Grand Re-Opening for Todd. Free wine and appetizers scattered about here and there throughout the store would bring the people in, and a silent auction --the profits of which they'd agreed to split 50/50-- would keep them there for a while until the official signing over of the deed at 9pm.

Todd was a bundle of nerves by the time the festival began that afternoon. He felt silly and overdressed in his charcoal grey suit, especially when next to Liam, looking quite comfy and relaxed in a plaid shirt and festive green sweater vest. His little round glasses perched precariously near the end of his snout and his silvery fur --not including the two thick stripes that started on either side of his muzzle and went over his head all the way down his back to his tail, which had remained the creamy off-white of most badgers-- completed his grandfatherly look, not to mention the busy sideburns on the sides of his face. The wolf thought he looked quite handsome, though not as handsome as his partner, of course.

He looked over to where Jason was stationed and couldn't help the sigh of love that gently fluttered from his lips. He stood next to a 10ft conifer --which had been festooned with pure white lights, metallic baubles, and silver tinsel until it appeared to be almost aflame-- wearing a bright red Santa Claws suit, his goal to try and keep any children brought in by their parents distracted enough so as to not break anything. White fur and small silver bells trimmed the wrists and ankles of the suit, a few plastic holly leaves hung from the end of his cap, and his massive paws were encased in shiny black boots. Todd had never really had any sexual thoughts about Santa before, but that was rapidly changing.

As the day turned to night, a gentle snow began to fall, and the chubby wolf began to feel more comfortable in his new surroundings. Though most of his time was taking up by chatting with as many guests as he could, directing them to the food and drink spread about and reminding them about the auction, he made sure to check in on "Santa" when he could. Though not a big fan of kids, one would never guess that by watching the big polar bear in action; he handed out candy canes, told jokes, and played games with the little ones, all of whom were completely enraptured by him. Todd was enraptured as well, though for slightly different reasons --gods that suit hugged him beautifully!

By the time 9pm, signature time, rolled around Todd actually felt pretty silly for ever being nervous, his confidence having grown exponentially since the start of the day --mostly a side effect of the generous amount of wine available, but also the result of all the positive things he was hearing from the myriad people who'd entered the storefront that evening. The final paper, the final one needed to completely transfer ownership from badger to wolf, was laid upon the age-scarred counter on which the register had sat for decades, and as the final I's were dotted and final T's were crossed a round of applause from the gathered patrons echoed off the ceiling.

As they sat their pens down and shook hands, a chorus of "Speech, Speech" rose from the festival goers. The badger, knowing Todd's anxiety, shrugged and gave the chubby wolf a playful wink.

"Ooch, nae worries, laddie," he said in his baritone, heavily-accented voice, "I'll go first."

He faced his audience and began;

"I'll try an' keep thes short as Ah can, thocht Laird knows ance Ah start waggin' mah jaw Ah coods keep us haur til Christmas Day! First, eh'd like tae thank each an' every a body ay ye who've crossed meh threshauld ower th' years, yoo've allowed me tae make a livin' daein' somethin' Ah loove. An' make nae mistake, Ah did an' still dae loove whit Ah dae! But, as ye git older ye start cravin' tae sit eeyes on yer hoome again. So, Ah suppose thes is as guid a time as any tae say A'am movin' back tae Scotland tae finish oot mah days thaur. That bein' said, Ah ken Ah can rest easy knowin' mae wee shop is in guid hands wi' Todd. Ah ken he'll take thes auld business ay mine tae new heights. Withit further ado, Todd, caur tae say anythin'?"

Todd drained what little remained in his wine glass in one gulp and set it down, clutching his hands in front of him nervously.

"Um, all I really w-wanna s-say is th-thank you to Mr. Mckenzie for trusting m-me with his store, and I can only hope to run it with a quarter of his ability and quality!"

Applause greeted his short, simple statement, and he found himself wrapped up in a hug, pressed against the pudgy belly and still quite strong chest of the aged badger.

"Weel said, laddie!"


"Welp, Ah think that went real well," the polar bear, still clad in his Santa suit, said, his bassy voice echoing off the high ceiling of the empty storefront.

Todd pulled his phone from his pocket to check the time, noting it was edging close to 11pm. Everyone else had left about an hour before, including the old badger, and in that time he and Jason had cleared away all the used plastic glasses and plates, cleaned up any spills, and swept the hardwood floor thoroughly. The chubby wolf looked around the large, darkened, his head spinning --partly from the alcohol, but mostly just the sheer overwhelming weight of it all. He was a business owner now!

"Yeah, it did," he answered somewhat absentmindedly. He felt a huge paw clamp gently down on his shoulder.

"E'erythin' ok, baby?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah, fine, great even. I just...can't believe I own this place now."

The big bear chuckled as they pushed past the heavy brocade fabric which cordoned off the showroom from the workshop in back where the back door and the alley, where Jason had parked his car, was to be found.

"Ah can believe it! Yer so damned talented, baby, an' Ah think yer gonna do great things here. Ah'm so proud of ya!"

Todd was about to respond when the hand on his shoulder gripped a bit tighter, stopping his forward motion. He slowly turned around and was greeted by a sight he'd seen only rarely: Jason looking shy and slightly embarrassed.

"Are you ok," he asked, confused.

"Ah'm ok Sweet Thang, Ah've jus' been so impressed by tha way you've handled yerself durin' this whole thang. So impressed it's kinda put some thoughts in my head Ah never had before. Todd, would you be tha first man to ever.....tie me up?"

He held out his huge paw --the wolf hadn't even noticed he was holding it behind his back-- and showed he was holding to thick silken drapery tie-backs, a brown mustard shade of yellow and ending in tassels.

"Oh, um, gee, I-I don't know. I've never really thought about doing that."

He almost laughed as the bear's white face --tinged with a blush of red-- began to drupe in disappointment.

"But, I think I can manage it," he finished, emboldened by wine.

A big, goofy smile cracked his partner's muzzle, making him even cuter.

The wolf took the ties from Jason's hand, then led him over to a large, stout-looking chair made of dark wood in a corner of the room. He remembered that chair and, having done the reinforcing of its legs and seat himself, knew it would have no problem holding the bear's weight. He had the bear sit down and lay his arms on the armrest, then used the rope to bind his wrists firmly to them.

He dragged a padded ottoman over and helped the older male set his boot-clad paws on top, patting his huge thighs before he went looking for something to secure his legs. He found just the thing: an orange ratcheting strap, the kind used to secure large items in truck-beds and the like. He brought it back over to where the bear was watching with barely-contained nerves, but before he did anything he had to remove those huge, shining, black leather boots.

Todd gripped the heel of the right boot with both chubby hands and pulled, surprised both by how easily it slipped off and by how quickly the work space filled with the scent of Jason's foot musk. Instead of immediately popping the left boot off he instead sunk down to his knees and pressed his sensitive nose against the bear's paw, which was still covered by a sweat soaked, thick black sock. Jason chuckled as the sniffling snout traveled up and planted itself at the base of his toes, using his plump digits to gently and playfully squeeze it.

Both mammals were already rock hard in their pants as the younger male reached under Jason's pant leg to grip the top of his sock, slowly peeling it off to fully expose his foot to the warm air of the room. He wasted no time in removing the other boot and sock, then promptly looped the strap under and over the ottoman, ratcheting it down until there was no slack and the bear's legs were completely immobile. Satisfied with his handiwork he stepped back and took a few moments to admire the big bear's massive, gorgeous bare feet.

Jason's paws were at least three times the size of the wolf's, and unlike his own, which only had pads on the toes and the balls of his feet, the bear's were completely padded. His broad heels, over low arches, right up to the base of his thick toes were fully covered by one big soft pad. There was a narrow gap of white between the top of his sole pad and the pads of his toes, which were twitching and wiggling nervously. The portly bear had every right to squirm; while being nowhere near as soft and sensitive as Todd's, his freshly exposed feet was the only spot on his huge body that was ticklish!

Todd sat on the hard concrete floor and, with a surprisingly wicked smile, began teasingly wiggling his fingers, edging closer and closer to the gigantic paws before him torturous slowness. Jason's squirming increased, a smile forced onto his broad white muzzle as giggles began to leak out despite no physical contact having occurred yet. The wolf's claws were mere millimeters away when he, to the bear's great relief, dropped his hands and struggled up to a standing position. His relief was short-lived, however, as his partner walked up to him and swiftly jammed his Santa hat down over his eyes to act as a blindfold!

"There, that's better," he whispered into the bear's round ear before retaking his spot at his helpless feet, throwing a nearby cushion down first to sit on.

Regret wasn't exactly what Jason was feeling at the moment, but he'd definitely come to the realization he should've thought this idea of his through a bit more.

Any thoughts he might've had suddenly slipped from his mind as a sharp, barking gasp, followed by a stream of giggles, forced their way past his lips.

"Heh, cootchie coo, big bear," Todd said teasingly as he stroked one claw up his partner's unprotected right sole from heel to toes a second time, drawing more throaty giggles.

He added a second claw, slowly dragging them up and down that massive, twitching sole over and over. He was surprised by how much fun he was having! He'd only ever been on the receiving end of this kind of treatment, and as much as he'd grown to love it while in the company of the older polar bear, he thought he could definitely get use to this as well.

The bear's giggles grew in frequency and volume as a third and fourth claw were added to the incessant stroking of his tender foot until they became full-fledged belly laughs, especially as claws were added to his left foot as well. Before long all 10 of Todd's short, dulled claws were raking up and down his partner's big flailing feet with ruthless efficiency.

"That's it," he said, a new darker grumble Jason had never heard before edging his normally sweet voice, "laugh for your wolfy! Let's see ya shake like a bowl full of jelly!"

Todd made a quick scan of the area immediately around him and noticed something useful; a conveniently placed spool of twine!

"Your feet wiggle to much," he said, grabbing the waxed string from where it rested on a low shelf, "but don't worry, I'll fix that!"

The big bear panted rapidly, appreciating the respite despite knowing it was about to get much worse. He gulped heavily in apprehension as he felt the wolf tie his two big toes together, then moaned pitifully as his toes were pulled back and tied off to the ankle strap. His plump paws were completely immobile and helpless, soles taut and toes fully exposed! He had to admit, despite his mild fear, he was impressed at how sturdy his bondage was, especially since it was all found items.

He let out a surprisingly high-pitched scream as claws suddenly began scratching the stems of his plump toes, the wolf seemingly done with taking things slowly. The bear's frenzied laughter echoed off the ceiling of the ancient building nails assaulted every single centimeter of his taut, helpless feet. His own claws dug into the dark wood while his head thrashed wildly back and forth --he was certainly grateful for the ample padding on the backrest of the chair, otherwise he'd have quite the headache after his ordeal. He was so wrapped up in his own ticklishness he hadn't even noticed he was sporting quite the tent in his bright red pants, a dark, wet spot growing bigger as he leaked more and more precum.

The erection, however, didn't escape Todd's notice. He was actually quite shocked by what he was seeing, more than a little surprised the usually dominate bear could get hard from such treatment. He was also surprised by his own stiff member, unaware of how much he might enjoy being the one doing the tickling for once!

However, as the chubby wolf slid his claws in to torment the virgin flesh between the bear's immobile toes their little experiment came to a rapid end, Jason screeching the safe word usually reserved for Todd's use.


Todd stopped his ticklish assault immediately, promptly untying his partner's bound toes. He gently massaged the massive paws in front of him, an aroused shiver running up his spine at the way his fingers practically melted into the thick black pads, as he looked up to make sure the big polar bear was ok. Truthfully, he looked a little worse for ware; sweat had darkened the red Santa suit at the underarms and neck, his chest and ponderous belly heaved as he tried to catch his breath, and sweat and mirthful tears matted the snowy white fur of his face. At some point during the ordeal, which according to the clock on the concrete wall of the shop had only lasted about 30 minutes, the fur-trimmed hat had flown from his thrashing head and was now laying several feet away on the floor.

Todd noticed something else as he looked over his partner; that sizable tent in his red pants was still there, throbbing with need before his eyes! He shifted around on his knees until he was to the bear's right side, level with groin area. He reached out and began to lightly stroke the twitching shaft through the thin material of the suit, making Jason gasp.

"Does Santa have a nice, big candy cane for me to lick," the round wolf said, licking his chops in an exaggerated way.

"I think I might have a good thick'un somewhere in there for ya," the bound polar bear said, chuckling at Todd's cheesy line, "might even have some eggnog fer ya, but Ah think you'll have ta work fer that!"

The chubby wolf didn't need any more of an invitation. He gripped the little metal tab of the suit's zipper and pulled it down. He reached inside and, after some maneuvering to get his underwear out of the way, exposed the bear's member and large weighty testicles to the warm air of the back room. Todd licked his chops for real this time, just like he did every time he saw the older male's manhood. 10 inches long and thick as a beer can, the black skin of the shaft and head shimmered from sweat and precum.

Todd was done playing game! He leaned over all swallowed the bear's entire length in one go, the bound older male moaning loudly as the wolf's talented mouth and throat got to work. One of the myriad of things Jason loved out the younger male was his amazing deep throating skills, and he was showing them off now, taking his shaft all the way to the base, then backing up til just his cockhead was in his mouth before plunging down again, the movements perfectly fluid. The polar bear had no idea he'd been so turned on by being tickled, and despite his usually dominate nature --and his complete lack of stamina when it came to being a ticklee-- he was already close to orgasm before the blowjob had even started. In just a few short moments he roared mightily, claws digging violently into wood, as he erupted, spilling what seemed like a torrent of cum down his lover's eager throat.

The wolf greedily sucked down every single drop of Jason's seed until there was nothing left, holding the bear's member in his mouth until it eventually softened and slipped out on it's own. He looked up at his lover and smiled, the relaxed and contended look of post-coital afterglow on the older man's white-furred face never failed to make him feel proud. Proud as he was though, there was the matter of his own erect cock, throbbing almost painfully in his suit pants, that needed tending to.

Todd stood and waddled back down to the spent bear's sweaty paws. Jason smiled and watched him through squinted eyes as the wolf gently rubbed the white-furred, pillowy tops of his feet, slowly curling and uncurling his thick toes. The younger male's hands moved up and unclasped his belt, unzipped his pants, and pushed both they and his grey underwear down in one quick motion, revealing his fat six inch member. It bobbed and throbbed proudly in the open air, a shade of bright red not too far off from the polar bear's Santa suit and dripping precum.

He released the ratchet of the strap and removed it, freeing the older male's trapped ankles, then gently gripped the fuzzy sides of his paws and started pushing them inward. Jason caught on immediately to what he was trying to do and helped the wolf press his flat soles lightly together, creating the perfect position for a footjob! Todd thrust forward and moaned loudly as his red hot cock slipped between the two warm, sweaty, pliable bear soles.

His eyes shut tight, tongue lolling from an open, panting mouth, Todd thrust wildly into the accommodating cave the bear's plush feet formed. Jason's sole pads were soft enough to conform to the shape and width of the wolf's cock, hugging him perfectly and with just the right pressure. The chubby younger male had no idea he'd enjoyed tying and teasing his partner so much, but he was already teetering on the cliff of climax. All it took were a few more minutes and he howled, thrusting his hips one last time as his seed spilled.

Jason moaned in pleasure as he felt the wolf's hot cum flood his soles, coating them. He playfully wiggled his toes against each other, Todd gasping as he felt the small movements against every centimeter of his spent, sensitized cock. He retaliated by tickling the tops of his chubby digits, forcing a very uncharacteristic squeal from the heavy-set bear.

Todd took a reluctant step back and pulled up his pants, licking his lips as he stared at the bear's gigantic paws, now covered in his semen, the white liquid standing out beautifully against the black of his pawpads. He eased himself back down onto his knees and happily lapped up his own cum until Jason's feet were pristine, then shuffled up and untied his wrists. With a grunt he heaved himself back up to his feet as the massive bear stretched his arms.

"Damn baby," he exclaimed, rubbing his wrists, "didn't think Ah'd like that as much as Ah did! Yer a damn fine tickle top!"

The wolf blushed crimson across his cheeks, ears flattening. "Hehe, I don't know about that. It was alotta fun, though."

"Don't be so modest, y'were great! Hey, would ya hand me ma socks an' boots, Sweet Thang?"

"Sure thing," he said, picking the items in question up and walking them over.

The shoes and socks went flying, however, as both the huge bear's hands shot out and began kneading and squeezing Todd's soft, fleshy flanks! He let out a bark of surprise and fell immediately into hysterical laughter. Jason pulled him close until the wolf found himself up on his lap, squirming and begging helplessly as dulled, black bear claws assaulted his sensitive sides, belly and ribs. The older male only kept it up for a few minutes before stopping, knowing how tired his partner must be, and wrapped him up in his strong arms.

"Ah love ya," he whispered, nuzzling into Todd's soft, thick neck.

The wolf, still giggling and panting softly as he tried to recover, laid his head back and kissed the bear's cheek. "I love you, too."

"Let's go home, babe."

They gathered up there things and, turning off the lights, walked out into the snowy night to Jason's car, leaving the workshop smelling of feet, sweat and cum. They'd also left cum stains on the ottoman and holes gouged by the bear's claws in the wood of the chair, but Todd could deal with all that tomorrow, his first day as a business owner!