The King's Attendance - Chapter 1

Story by Tarvis on SoFurry

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#1 of The King's Attendance

Pre-note: It has been some time since my last submission. I have been extremely busy with work and life in general, so I am very glad that I get the oppurtunity to share this iteration of a story that I have been working tirelessly on. I love the fantasy genre, so naturally this will take place from the fantasy setting with knights, kingdoms, magic and such. There is a pretty good chance that I will make this a continuing series as I have become too invested with the characters. I hope you guys enjoy, and would very much appreciate feedback and opinions below. Thanks for stopping by!

Prince Callum stood at the fore, dressed in elegant colors of royal blue and gold. He was a Great Pyrenees, descended from a Royal Bloodline stretching as far as the birth of the kingdom of Valera itself. His fur shone like a brilliant golden silk under the afternoon sun. At the young age of twenty-two, his physical appearance naturally bore a youthful expression, much smaller than that of his father, the Royal King of Valera, Berexes II.

"You will do excellent, my son." The king spoke, his large paws encompassing much of the prince's head while patting his back. His father bore a more rustic golden-white, faded and worn by the test of time.

"Give the people what they need - hope, and a prince to follow behind." His eyes fell upon his son now, gleaming with pride at how much the prince had grown.

Prince Callum nodded and gave one final breath before stepping forward to address the roaring crowd below. Upon arrival to the decorated balcony, his hands followed the tradition of a patient wave, helped by a trained smile and a charming exposition. Callum cleared his throat.

"Citizens of Valera! I stand before you in remembrance of this fateful day." He spoke, his tone alert, and his message clear. "Five years ago, on this very day, we held the mantle of greatness, the declaration to the end of the Northern War." His gaze encircled the mass of the crowd focusing at no one in particular. "It was the kingdom of Valera, and it's brave knights and soldiers, that brought freedom to our lands." He paused, his hands held behind his back now to uphold his posture. "But we need not forget the allies that also stood with us against the storm."

The Prince held his right hand close to his heart, "Let us remember these heroes in a moment of silence, for they were the catalyst to providing us this everlasting peace." closing his eyes now to honor the dead. The crowd responded immediately following the same motion and bowing their heads in respect. The air was silent for some time, for even the birds began to quell their singing as if they had known.

Callum stood upright again, "Now, in our blessed times of prosperity. Let us also, honor the living!" He addressed, rising up the glorious fury of the crowd once more. He drew his golden sword with a methodical motion, and lifted it in the air. The crowd watched in awe. They cheered and ecstatically motioned for the prince that they so adored. And with that final display of royalty, Prince Callum withdrew carefully back to the inner corridors of the palace once more.

"I could not be more proud of you.." The king spoke, his eyes had drooped down from much toil, his hands losing strength as he walked. King Berexes II, once a great and powerful king, had lost much of his former power due to age, and stress. His royal mantle was soon to be passed down officially to his son. Prince Callum understood this, knowing well that his father would not have long before passing into the spiritual realm. This tore him from the inside out, knowing not only that his last remaining member of the family, his best friend, and teacher, was eventually going to die, but that he would also have to carry the weight of the kingdom upon his shoulders.

"I love you, Father." He gently spoke, withholding tears from his eyes. The two embraced shortly, a pair of bloodline that could not be separated by any means. The royal family's aides stood to the side in respect, only to approach when deemed necessary.

"Do well, and take of Valera's people." The king added again, as if parting his last words.

"They need you now, more than ever." He continued.

"Of course." Callum replied, his eyes weary with emotion.

"And make sure to give time to yourself, Callum." His father gently replied.

"I understand." Callum finally muttered.


Two long years passed like feathers in the wind. Prince Callum still remembered the very day his father had left him, a few days after the anniversary of the kingdom's victory in the war. The mantle had officially passed down, with Callum becoming the new reigning king of Valera.

Minus a few growth spurts to his body here and there, not much had changed to Callum's youthfulness, which still glowed from head to toe. His body had become more toned from years of sparring practice, and his male parts had grown to full size and adulthood.

The now addressed King walked casually down the halls of the palace, his aides following close behind. He still bore the kingdom's colors of royal blue, with gold embroidered linings and insignia.

"Your highness, when shall we fulfill your logistical duties today?" An aide hesitantly spoke.

"Not now Gilbert." The king responded, "In fact, how about.. we take the day off?" Callum added, smiling at the thought of a free-day.

"As you wish." Gilbert softly responded. "What shall we do with the meetings planned for today?" He added.

"Postpone for tomorr-." Callum replied before being hastily interrupted by a courier rushing down the halls to meet him.

"King Callum!" The courier's breath clearly visibly shaken, "We captured.. a prisoner.. of foreign lands.." The courier added, trying his best to collect his breath again. "We believe he is a spy sent from the kingdom of Toragere."

The king's gestures perked at the thought of a spy in the midst of his kingdom. "Send him to the main hall immediately." He promptly spoke, his resolve igniting again. His movements had purpose now, as he headed efficiently towards the main hall to address this situation.


Seated comfortably now on his throne, Prince Callum patiently waited for the supposed 'spy' to enter the midst. He was well guarded, two knights at his side, and two rows of royal defenders lined down the halls to the large doors.

The sound of large doors opening could be heard, the force echoing across the main hall. Two guards held a large wolf in chains while they dragged him towards the king's attendance. The wolf's fur was a midnight dusk, his eyes silver-dipped like the gleam of a full moon. He was larger than most wolves that Callum was familiar with. Though, it wasn't the wolf's physical greatness: a mass of muscle and strength that stuck with him, it was rather the wolf's piercing gaze full of intent - that never let go of the king's sight. Callum felt a slight tingle down his spine, soon having to gulp at the approach of this unknown stranger.

The guards held closely as they approached a close distance below the king's grace. The wolf and his upper body was covered with torn pieces of clothing, presumably from the struggle he had with his captors. His lower side was held with leather pants and a belt, while his feet were noticeably bare and bruised.

"What is your name, and why do my people suspect you are a spy?" The king promptly asked.

The wolf grinned, his eyes never having left the King's attention, "The rumors were true.." his eyes glowing now with passion, "You are a beautiful sight to behold." He added.

"Address him as your King scoundrel!" The guard scowled, pulling hard on the chain to knock the wolf a step back.

King Callum flustered by his response cleared his throat, "Guards, that is enough. Let him go."

"M-y king..?" The guard replied, shocked by his unexpected decision. "That would be reckless, your highness, especially considering how dangerous this one is."

"Do you deny me my command?" The king revoked, his voice now serious and alert.

"No, your highness." They spoke as they let the chains slowly fall to the ground.

The wolf had now been free to move as he wished, but his hands were still clamped together.

"As expected, you have a decency to you, your honor.." The wolf proudly spoke, shrugging off the weight of the guards interference. He stood tall, before giving the king a proper bow, "My name is Jaximus Ceragar, but you can call me Jax." Jax made sure to give the king a charming wink at the end of his greeting.

Callum felt his cheeks redden, while his hands gripped tighter at the pommels of his throne.

Jax made sure to swiftly continue his speech, "Your people were right in that I do hail from Toragere.. But I am no spy, merely a roaming traveler in search of.." His gaze sharpened again, "Finer things" while speaking with a deep intimacy, implying he had great interest.

"Heathen.. And a liar!" These words could be heard muttered from the crowd, as they shuffled and whispered amongst themselves. "How could he say such words?"

Callum fixed his collar, loosening it to allow some proper airflow, "Jaximus of Toragere," he began, "Words are just flattery." he continued, "What of you to tangibly offer me or this kingdom with your visit?" the king continued.

Jax chuckled, happy to respond, "I have come to serve as your personal knight, your warrior, and will be, your champion." The wolf went down on one knee, his available hand saluting perpendicular in respect, while his strong gaze finally got a break as he looked down at the ground. "Please accept my humble request."

The crowd made their opinions known, boo'ing and making gestures that suggested they did not accept the foreign wolf as their own.

The king took a breath, looking around at his people before perking his head upward in a sign of power. "Very well." He promptly replied, "But you will have to defeat our very best before I will consider fulfilling your ambitious wishes.."

Jax looked up, his eyes filled with vigor, a wide drawn grin drawn across his lips.

"You will not regret your decision."


Prince Callum had personally requested a dueling arena to be setup at the royal courtyard. The king soon arrived with his aides, shielded from the grueling sun and was placed at a makeshift throne, as the citizens gathered in flocks to witness a momentous event. A pair of female servers brought plates of grapes and cheese to attend his company, as they awaited the king's further instructions.

The courtyard was a sight to behold that day. A large and wide crowd formed at the news of a stranger from distant lands asking for a display of power. Additional crowds of people and soldiers alike continued to pour in, with seats being overfilled and others jumping around to get a better view.

Lined before the king were the kingdom's very best, an array of bodyguards, veteran knights, and dueling instructors at the ready. Their opponent, was a musky ash grey wolf from Toragere, wearing nothing but a leather strap across his chest and battle ready pants. Naturally, this lack of clothing allowed Jax's large, muscular torso and abs to take the stage, effectively swaying some of the female attendees to their knees. Callum tried to avert his eyes but couldn't resist the beautiful sight. Not only did the wolf exude sexy amounts of confidence, he was physically a marvel to behold.

"The fights will be a one-on-one battle! The participants may choose their weapon of choice from the selected racks. First to knock-out or surrender loses. The winner advances forward!" The shoutcaster shouted, raising a reg flag to initiate the start of the duels.

"First battle will be: Boris, veteran knight to the kingdom of Valera vs Jaximus of Toragere!" The crowd roared in excitement, cheering mainly for their homegrown talent.

"You may now begin!" The caster yelled, lowering the flag now to officially begin the first round. Boris was a veteran knight, a large bull with heavy armor whose weapon of choice was a steel battle-axe. He approached heavily towards Jax, ready to smite him down from his very existence.

"Come wolf, I will show you strength of our kingdom." He quickly taunted.

Jax scoffed, unphased as ever.

"I will fight bare-handed, no weapons needed." He spoke, looking towards Callum now to see if he got a reaction.

Callum bit his lips.

"The wolf chooses to go bare!" The caster announced, resulting in a unified gasp from the crowd, "Will this succeed in his favor? Or will it come back to nip him in the buttocks!" he continued. The crowd appeared to agree with the latter.

Boris grew impatient as he initiated a charge fueled with brute force. Jax awaited patiently, allowing the use gliding only when needed. He began to effortlessly dodge many of Boris's charges, moving just slightly with his legs to negate the attempted attacks.

"Do you toy with me wolf?!" Boris shouted, clearly shaken in breath. "Come fight me like a man!" He snarled.

"As you wish." Jax responded. His expression soon shifted under a malicious will.

It only took the ash wolf one fell swoop of his large forearms to make landfall onto Boris's exposed neck, effectively crushing him down to the floor with such a power that no one had expected. The ground shook as if an tremors of the Earth had occurred. Boris coughed up blood, and his body was soon found to be in a state of unconsciousness.

After a moment of silence, the caster made his final decree, "Victo-ry goes to Jaximus from Toragere!" The crowd gave a few claps out of respect.

Callum felt his heart drop a tad, and his mind fluttered with emotion. He too was impressed with Jax's display of power. It filled him with excitement, it made him feel like he was being fought for. He couldn't help but smile as he clapped too for the victor.

Jax didn't once look to the crowd for his applause, instead gazed intently at the king's joyful response once more, grinning again, pleased that Callum was clearly interested in his performance.


The fights continued, with rounds inevitably winning over to Jax, and the people soon began to realize what strength lied in the spirit of this wolf. Their doubts and fears quelled, with only amazement and awe left in their expression.

"Final round! The royal guard Vero vs Jaximus!" The crowd cheered, their involvement having gone too deep to back out now. They raised their hands and jumped as they waited patiently for the outcome of this duel.

"You will go no further." Vero spoke, a dashing shepherd dog of decorated armor. "You will go through my dying hands to serve the king over me." He snarled.

Jax closed his eyes, he felt the sweet smell of victory fill his nose even before starting the round. He was obviously undeterred by the knight's threats. He had full confidence he would seal the deal here and now.

"I'll try to spare your life," He replied, "out of respect for the king, of course."

And with the last of his words, Jax disappeared without a trace, the speed at which he moved was impeccable. The strength that filled his upward swing was without question as the knight Vero felt the mighty blow of his hand. The very wind was knocked out of the poor canine, blood soon following. Vero came tumbling down onto the ground again as Jax brushed off the dirt and grime off his chest. Vero still had strength in him yet as he dashed in with the pommel of his sword diving deep into Jax's core. Jax coughed once wildly, taking a step back to recover from the strong blow.

Sparring now with the knight in physical hand to hand, they exchanged punches and kicks until the both of them paused with fatigue. Jax felt his breaths get heavier. The grueling non-stop format of the tourney had weighed a toll on him physically.

Callum frowned, a bit shaken up by Jax's predicament. He continued to cheer for him in his heart, faithfully waiting for the moment when the wolf would rise up to victory once more.

"Don't give up. You can do this." He repeated in his head.

And as if Jax had received this mysterious strength from the king himself, his fist held close and marked its prey for one final swing.

Bam! A solid hit directly onto Vero's cheek. Jax felt some of his opponent's teeth crackle as he laid his punch. Vero hit the ground hard, and this time he wasn't standing up. The caster waited patiently before raising a white flag for the knight's defeat.

"Jaximus is the victor of this round, effectively taking sole victory over this entire tournament!" The shoutcaster yelled igniting a thunderous applause from the crowd. The people were pleased, despite the wolf being a foreigner, they loved the display of strength and power that was performed before them.

Jax wiped some blood off his lips, spitting the remaining bits onto the ground to his right. He approached now closer to the king's whereabouts. King Callum was greatly pleased, the wolf had proven himself to both him and the people. He stood to welcome the victorious warrior.

"That was an amazing display of strength. I am very pleased with the outcome." He spoke, "As promised, I will consider your wishes with high regard." The king continued, smiling brightly while completely satisfied at what he was being given.

Jax gave a respectful bow, before perking upright to state his thought on the matter.

"Perhaps I may also have a personal attendance with the king?" Jax smirked, suggestively placing a couple fingers through his pants near his groin.

Callum coughed, blushing immediately again.

"Uh-um well, we shall see..!" he managed to word out.

He looked to his helpers, ordering them to follow, "Have him cleaned and brought to my chambers, so we may.. discuss the details of the agreement." He ordered, as his eyes peered and made a good scan of Jax's immaculate body.

"Good lord he makes me weak." Callum thought to himself as he actually felt the strength leaving his knees.

"I will see you soon, your highness." Jax happily replied.


After a proper bath and having cleaned up, Jax was brought directly to the front the chambers of the king. Callum had also freshened up, now finding himself racing back and forth with nervous energy. He never had a personal 'meeting' with another individual privately in his room other than his aides, let alone a hunk of a beast that was Jax. The simple thought of being face to face alone with him made him drool at the mouth and sweat through his shirt. He was getting anxious with every passing second.

The doors opened widely as the guards brought in Jax, the wolf who was also gleaming with excitement.

"Leave us." Callum ordered, promptly followed by a rush of doors being closed and armor walking away in the distance.

Jax offered no words as he approached the young pyrenees, his stride exuding swagger and boldness. Callum felt himself frozen in fear. He was less aroused now and more riddled with fear. Jax could sense this and in turn simply allowed his paws to wrap around the young king, his embrace was both warm and inviting. Callum felt the soul rush out of him and back. He was reminded of his embrace that he had with his father, something that he so unconsciously longed for. The king couldn't hold back the tears any longer as they rushed down near Jax's sides.

Jax let out a sigh making sure to hold tight. He let one hand pet Callum gently on the head.

"Stay like this as long as you like, my king." He spoke, his tone gentle and assuring.

Callum was overfilled with emotion to make out any words. The wolf had made him feel safe, secure, and loved. How could a stranger he met on the same day offer so much to him?

"Let me serve you now." Jax quickly spoke, his body slowly now moving towards the young king's lower body. "In a way I know will ease you up." His big paws began to massage Callum's erecting groin, fully grasping both the shaft and balls together in one circular motion through the pants.

Callum couldn't help but moan and shiver. "I-m new to this.. I don't know how I shou.."

Jax put a finger onto the king's lips to slow his words, "Let me." The wolf gladly replied.

Jax drew away the pants in an quick fashion, imparting his eager will to please the king. He wasted no time to let the warm, wet tongue of his to glide along the now fully erected shaft of the king. He drew a long motion around the cock with his tongue, slurping whatever he could find. His other hand began to massage the king's jewels, as Callum's excited cock now entered the warm confines of his mouth. Callum groaned as he felt his body slowly fall back to bed behind him.

"Oh, Jax..!" He felt the words slip from his mouth as he struggled to keep breathing. His cock began to leak uncontrollably, a surge of precum larger than he had ever experienced. Jax began to suck more aggressively now as if a primal hunger had ignited within him, his hands continuing to fondle the testicles. Callum's thighs moved sporadically, twitching at the pleasure, but also tensing madly from the resistance.

"I don't think I can hold out any longer!" Callum yelled, his paws gripping mad at the sheets, his eyes squinting in ecstasy.

Noticing that he was near release, Jax held tighter and slobbered more violently: his hot breath being felt across Callum's stomach. And within a moment's notice began the eruption of the royal cock. The first splurge went straight down Jax's throat as he moaned at the warm seed filling his innards. The second wave was met with almost a muffled whimper from Callum as it dripped profusely down the wolf's lips. The third and fourth sprays of cum were more gentle and light as Jax began to slobber it all clean, while Callum felt his body relax and twitch no more.

As Callum recovered his breath, he managed to get up and head over to Jax for a warm, intimate kiss. The laden cum had made their smooch, a slobbery, wet mess, with strings of fluid still stretching as they moved apart.

Callum laughed youthfully, Jax soon following shortly after.

"Tasted sweeter than I imagined." Jax spoke, "What exactly is your diet?" he chuckled.

"The chefs insist I have lots of fruits.." He replied, scratching his head while smiling.

The two locked eyes for awhile before embracing together again but this time on the comforting coverage of the bed. Jax locked Callum in a spooning position, his own cock rock solid against the soft, innocent fur of the king's back. The wolf let his breath fall onto Callum's neck, as he began to breathe in generously at the king's scent. Callum let his ass naturally push against the head of the wolf's pulsating member.

"Can I.. taste you now?" Callum spoke, unsure of how he would respond.

"With pleasure, your Highness." Jax replied as he nibbled softly on Callum's right ear.

Callum turned his belly towards him after Jax finished his teasing. He felt his paw gently move hesitantly down the solid abdominals of the wolf before finding the large erect penis below.

"You are.. very big." Callum nervously laughed.

Jax simply smiled as the young, inexperienced canine made his attempt to please him.

"Give it a taste." Jax softly whispered.

Callum made haste, almost eager to truly begin his cock worship. His nose picked up a very strong musk from the wolf's groin. It smelled of labor, adulthood, and most of all, horny famine. He let his smaller tongue make work, trying to mimic the way the wolf had worked on him previously. His hands could barely hold the heavy weight of Jax's balls, as they slipped in between his grasp. He gave them a squeeze, as if to milk cum towards the hole of his cock. To his surprise, the action sort of worked.The pre-jizz that leaked from the cockhead was enough to drench Callum's entire muzzle in a thick, sticky fluid. Jax moaned with a deep voice, closing his eyes now as he assisted Callum by pulling the back of his head with a back and forth motion.

The wolf began to set his preferred motion now, jerking the head more aggressively. The full length of the wolf's member could barely fit within the smaller canine's mouth. Callum found himself choking often, but endured it for the sake of his partner's pleasure. After a rapid succession of thrusts into his mouth, Callum spewed the excess of bodily fluids down his own neck as it dripped profusely downward toward his own groin. He felt his own cock fill again with blood, the pain of re-erecting could be felt down his shaft and base, a numbing feeling that he could hardly ignore. His balls were emptied but still managed to produce light milk again, small drips oozing now from his cock.

After the wolf was satisfied, he let his gigantic cock slip away from the mouth to allow the poor prince to breathe. And breathe he did, Callum began to gasp for air, his tongue having been overworked and over-saturated with pre-cum.

"Gah.." He managed to say.

"How did it taste?" Jax replied.

"It wasn't sweet. It was very salty." Callum chuckled.

"Give it a good stroke to get the full serving." Jax added, his hands caressing the king's neck.

Callum didn't hesitate once more, his paws gripped the wolf's cock and began rapidly squeezing and choking the member like he was desperate for some milk.

"I'm thirsty.." He whimpered, his ears perked downward in submission.

"You gotta work for your drink." Jax playfully grinned.

"I want milk. Not just any milk. But from these stores." Callum said, pointing at the large, heavy hanging balls beneath.

And with that he complimented his rapid jerking with an occasional collision with his lips, teasing madly at the head of the wolf's cock.

"Mhm." He muffled.

Jax grunted, his eyes closing from great pleasure. He felt the breath escape him. His body told him he was ready to explode. His large balls tensed inward, signaling the inevitable release of cum, and to that wonderful orgasm.

"Aargh!!" He howled. The erupting cum from his cock blasted through Callum's lips and aggressively sprayed the young canine's entire chest. Callum made sure to swallow all that he could, a hungry dog in the face of extreme thirst.The thick fluid foamed from his lips now, the king making sure to waste no more of the wolf's fantastic seed.

Callum's tongue finished up cleaning Jax's cock as his hands swiped up the excess cum from his chest directly into his mouth. He made a suggestive suck with his finger before swallowing the remainder of it.

"Delicious." He muttered.

Jax was spent, his balls drained, and his goals fulfilled. He had both impressed the king and shared a sexual intimate experience with him in one day. He couldn't fathom what awaited them two in the entirety of their future endeavors. How many more exciting and adventurous paths awaited? He thought to himself.

"I'm glad we crossed paths, Jax." Callum whispered.

"Me too." Jax caringly responded, "Me too."