NeoSibe's Story 2

Story by NeoSibe on SoFurry

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#1 of NeoSibe's Story

This story is the continuation to the introduction of part one. This portion includes talk and acts that are far more graphic than in the first part. This story includes sex between two males. If this disgusts or otherwise unnerves you, or you are not supposed to be reading this, then stop now.

NeoSibe's Story: Part 2

I have been with my wolfen Master for just a short period, only a little over a month, we met at a coffee shop and he collared me there, on leaving it was known that I was His.

"Everyone that sees you will know that you belong to me. As my property you will do everything I ask you to, but I let you know that I do take great care of my things. I do not want stuff happening to anything of mine. That I didn't arrange..."

On getting home, it is weird saying home, it is his home, but it is where I live, so I guess I call it home...a very large husky jumped up on me, no not a husky, too big, must be a malamute.

He showed me where I am to use the washroom, where I clean myself, where I eat, and a few possibilities for sleeping, he said I will try them all first, then he will give me a choice, I should relish the choice.

"Tonight you are going to sleep at the foot of my bed, on the floor. Oh the dog, I guess you could say a fellow pet is Max. You will meet him tomorrow."

I am very open to try things I have not yet, so this is something I will be more than willing to try. At his feet, with him over me, just to throw a little confirmation of my place.

"I am going to let you relax for a few days before I put you to the test, right now most of what you are doing will just be to see what I can do and get away with."

So, sleep at Master's feet, I wonder if he wants something with that. Should I try? So many things to think of. I will see what he does, if he is on top of the sheets or otherwise leaves his feet out, I will assume yes.

Oh, he left the blankets off for now, I will assume he is doing this as a test. I go over to his feet, take a deep whiff, I love the smell of worked feet. I stick my tongue out and run it around the pads at the bottom of his feet. He jerks a little, "I wasn't sure if you would or not, so I was surprised when you did, continue." It is funny how we have went away from licking ourselves clean like we used to.

Master does not do anything to make me think this is unwanted, so I continue to lick his feet, running along the pads.

"Aren't you going to clean in-between the pads?"

I alter my licking to delve into the area between the pads.

"That's better."

So I lick more until the foot looks like it has been thoroughly worked over, then I pull my head back, but before I lay down, I wait for dismissal from Master.

"You can go to bed now."

With that I lie down and think of this minor thing. So, I am going to do that every night, maybe more? I need to figure things out a little, I drift into sleep while thinking things over.

I am supposed to try out a small bed he has in the corner of his room and another room altogether. I liked the first place better. It showed me my rank, and I had accepted that, yes the beds were more comfortable but some experimentation was all it took to make the floor comfortable.

I wake up early, but do not know what the morning routine is, so I just sit there. After a while, Master appears to be moving and awakening.

"Ugh.. What time is it?"

I tell him the time, around 7:45am.

"You should have woke me up! 7:30 at the latest."

"Sorry Master, I will do better in the future now that I know..."

"I want you to stop apologizing. Not that I want you to stop if you make a mistake, but I want you to stop making them. Don't assume things, ask questions, else, how will you learn?"

"OK Master, I will learn your schedule and the tasks you have for me," I replied.

"Good, I will not expect any further errors."

That night, Master says he wants to initiate me to his life. I was wondering what exactly was entailed. He didn't leave me wondering very long.

A leash was clipped onto my collar, and my hands were made quite useless with thick gloves that had attached fingers. He then took the leash and led me to the hall, he looked at me.

"On all fours! I need to work a little faster than I wanted as you didn't wake me up this morning."

I got down and then he yanked on the leash again. I followed, we approached a locked door, he got a key and put it into the lock, "Now for some fun."

We went inside the room, which was definitely set up with one purpose in mind. All I can think is what happened to taking it slow?

He leads me to a table, "Get on. Face down, not that hard to figure out..."

I get up. There are grooves for my arms and legs to go.

"You can do this the easy way, or..." Master holds up some brackets. "They will secure you. I would rather not use them, but you will let me know if they are needed."

With that Master removes his clothing and walks in front of me. "This is for you, since you liked my feet so much. I hate wearing them, but steel toes are required at work, so I wore them today just for you." With that he puts a boot over my muzzle, sitting it on the table with the sole almost pressed against the wall.

"I am going to put something around your balls which should be all the restraint I need." He then attaches a loop around my balls, it is doing nothing now, but I am sure that if I were to try to move it would not feel nice.

He then moves behind me, "Tail" and places his cock pressed right against my ass. Then he eases in, "Not too tight, do you get fucked a lot?"

"No Master, it is just that I like the feeling of something up my ass."

After getting his cock inside me he starts his fucking. Feeling his cock go in and out is sending shivers up my spine, the feeling is just as good.

His rhythm speeds up, "It is a good thing you have played with your ass, I just wanted to see if I could get into a nice fuck without lube beyond my own."

He is fucking at a nice speed, it is generating heat, just enough to warm my hole for his cock.

He grunts, "OK, ready?"


With that, I feel him press his knot against my ass and pull back. Is he thinking of tying with me?

He pushes his knot back against my ass moving at a much faster speed. "I hope you tried large objects." With that he forces his knot into my ass, the pain was incredible it causes me to wince, yip and clamp down on the other side of the knot. He starts cumming, just small spurts really, but they just keep coming.

"It's in now. Until my cock is done with you, you are its property."

The feeling is just becoming so good. Feeling the warmth going from his body to mine, and all I can smell is the smell of his feet. I am so very restrained with so little restraining me.

There is the ring around my balls, but I don't think I have to worry about moving enough for that to be a concern, his knot is doing its job. I am not getting away from him while he is cumming.

After being locked inside me for a half hour he pulled out, my ass trying to keep him inside, but loosing the battle and some of what he deposited in me.

"OK, I will now give you a choice, now that you have accepted it once. Do you want me to use my knot in the future?"

"You're giving me the choice? I exist to make you feel good, so whatever you want, that makes me feel good."

"OK, you can't say I didn't give you a choice, I am a good Master."

There were more acts, quite a few to come, but they didn't have the same impact as the first time. I love Master and will be more than happy to share my life with him, he has asked me to write my thoughts now so that in the future, as a lot happened since, I can see where I stood. I don't know if that means anything, but here it is.