The Guardian

Story by DragonRaver on SoFurry

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"Get out of here you filthy, mangy pet!!!!"

From inside a cave, echoes of an argument between two males ran out, the forest surroundings boomed with the screech of dragon's fighting, but theirs were not of a small anthro, these were the yells of two feral dragons.

"But master, I didn't have enough time!!"

The small voice of the second cried out, trying to calm the other dragon, apparently his master, but it only enraged him further. Soon, after a large bickering quarrel, a small blue dragon limped its way from the cave, its head looked back on its long neck; his green eyes glowed in the night, the cold air nearly made the small one collapse. It was winter; a deadly season for cold-bloods, being caught in one was often deadly if said cold-blood was caught in one. A loud snarl could be heard from the cave, the red dragon within bared his teeth and shunned the small dragon; its thin legs limped out into the freezing cold. Beaten, bleeding, injured, and distressed, the small dragon pulled his way out into the snowy forest, to his death.

It had not been long before the small dragon began to feel the effects of the winter chill, his bones began to get stiff, and his blood began to freeze to his scales from his open wounds. He could not fly to escape the snow for his wings were torn and tattered from the fight. About a third mile away from the cave the young dragon collapsed, worn out, weak, and hurt, he simply gave up on life, his knees would not support him, and his head would not rise. The dragon was dying. But in amidst the cold death, he saw something in the distance; the glow of a fire. With every ounce of his strength the youngling pulled his hurt body to the entrance of what seemed to be a cave, in the corner shone the bright glitter of coins. Gold, silver, copper, gems, jewels, armor, nearly everything that was rich was piled in a huge mound, in the middle of the mounds was the imprint of a bed, the gold seemed pressed in weight, and near the corner was a bright red fire, piles of wood hissed and cracked with the fire, seemingly the moment the dragon entered his body began to become more agile, his bones snapped back, and his will to survive was strengthened. But his weak state needed rest, the young dragon pulled his injured body up into the nest of gold, it was soft, the pressed gold was comfortable to him, his body formed into the gold, his tail and head curled around in a C shape as he slowly began to drift off into a sleep; He was thankful to be alive.

In the midst of the night a larger silver dragon returned to his home, carrying in his jaws his kill, a deer. He dropped it in the corner and yawned, his huge gleaming fangs extended outwards with his mighty breath of air. As he walked to his mound he noticed an odd smell, and as his head peeked over the mound his eyes caught the sight of the small dragon, dried blood stained his scales and the gold beneath him, his cuts were beginning to heal. Thinking that the dragon was dead, the large silver dragon sniffed at the corpse, the large dragon jerked his head back as the small dragon curled tighter in his sleep, a soft grunt of pain escaped the little one, but rage filled the other dragon's eyes.

"What are you doing in MY cave, runt!?" a loud booming voice rumbled the cave, the little dragon jumped awake in the pile and scurried to the back of the nest area, whimpering in fright as the large dragon stomped up to him.

"P-please sir! D-don't hurt me!" the young one cried out, pulling a tattered wing in front of his face to try and hide in fear, his eyes noticed the large curved horns of a shadow dragon, the most feared and fiercest of dragons.

"How dare you enter my cave, sleep in MY bed, use ~MY~ heat!!!" the dragon became even more enraged at the intruder, his claws dug into the gold, signaling he was ready to attack.

The young dragon could only cry. His body was too weak to even try to run away, he feared for his life once more, his eyes closed tightly shut as he saw the large dragon's paw raise into the air, the black claws on his paws shined in the light. As the large one's paw lowered in a swipe the small dragon screamed out in fear, but to his amazement, the dragon had only flung gold at the young one.

"What is your name, runt?" the dragon asked, his claws still buried into the gold.

"K-Koi, sir" the young dragon began to lower his torn wing, a small whine in his voice as he began to set eyes on the dragon.

"That's a strange name for a dragon. What made you think you could just walk into my cave and sleep here?" the dragon's voice began to show signs of calming down, his claws stopped digging into the gold as he angrily dropped his rump onto the nest and sat down, staring at the small one before him.

"M-may I explain fully and c-completely, sir?" he asked, not wanting to bore the dragon into rage again.

"Explain" it became apparent the dragon had a sense of reason about him.

"I had not cleaned my master's cave, he was cruel to me and set me a short amount of time, and when I could not finish he attacked me and banished me to the cold. I nearly died, sir. I needed to find shelter and I came across here, I wasn't thinking. Please forgive my stupidity" the small dragon quickly stated, looking up at the large dragon, to show he was not lying.

"That's one hell of a story, there. And no I won't forgive your stupidity" the large dragon grinned maliciously down at the little one, his head began to lower down to the young ones, their eyes level with each others.

"Please, sir. I beg you. Forgive me" the dragon said once more, the thought of what his superior was going to do to him entered his mind.

The small dragon's eyes closed tightly in fright as he prepared for his death once more, but again it was not his time. He felt an odd rub against his stomach, as his eyes shot down to his stomach he felt a sharp sting of pain, he felt the rub once more, he looked down again to see that the large dragon was licking at the small one's wounds, cleaning him.

"S-sir! N-no please don't! OW! T-that hurts!" he screeched out in pain as the shadow dragon began to lick and clean away the wounds, lapping off the blood.

"You want to heal, don't you? And I don't forgive your stupidity because it was not such. It was survival instinct" the large dragon stated, his tongue lapped softly and gently at the young ones wounds.

The small dragon moaned out in pain as all four of his limbs grabbed onto the horns of the dragon, intense pain rang throughout Koi's body, his tail slapped side to side, tossing coins everywhere, and the forest rang out with screams of pain from the small one. The large dragon was both helping and punishing the small one.

The sun shined brightly through the cave door as Koi's eye poked open, he had blacked out in pain from the night before, his mind quickly replayed images of his horrendous pain and injuries, but he looked around and his body was cleaned and healed. He also noticed something gleaming above him. A large silver wing was draped over the small dragon; the large dragon's body was curled protectively around the small dragon. He didn't mind though, in fact, he was glad he was alive. A small yawn escaped the small one as he noticed two dead deer in the corner; a small blush ran across Koi's blue cheeks. He pulled his way past the large dragon's wing and padded quietly to the deer; with the horn on the tip of his snout he pushed one deer away. His body dropped onto the ground, he began to eat his deer, chewing past the skin and getting at the meat. The small dragon's teeth made quite a racket, loud enough to stir the large dragon from his sleep. The small dragon quickly finished his food and looked back at the stretching dragon; he skipped over to the other deer and picked it up into his jaws, carefully as to not ruin the deer's flesh. Carefully still, Koi dropped the deer down in front of the silver one and bowed his body in respect. Little did he know that offering food to the dominant was the first step in a mating ritual.

"For you sir, I didn't eat it" Koi spoke softly as to sound as if he was not interested in the second deer.

"Good, thank you" the dragon did not seem thankful at all, in fact his fangs began to sink into the deer and tear it apart almost before Koi finished speaking. The small dragon dropped his rump onto the bed of coins and curled up into a small ball. His body began to feel weird; his eyes drooped closed as a murr was suddenly heard from him.

The silver dragon's head quickly shot up at the sound of a murr, he kicked the deer into the corner of the cave and walked up to the small dragon. Koi's eye poked open to look at the large one.

"Why are you murring little one, sit on a coin did we?" the dragon chuckled, but already his snout was filling with a strange smell; the smell of a dragon in heat.

"No sir, I feel funny, I didn't know I was murring. I'll be quiet" Koi's head dropped back down and closed his eyes once more. The large dragon snorted and shook his head, his own body beginning to feel weird as well. His eyes shot wide as his head leaned over Koi, he sniffed softly.

"You're in heat!?" the large dragon shot his head back as if he was just hit in the snout. Koi's head rose from his place, he was young still, he had never experienced heat before.

"I'm what?" his head cocked in question, Koi began to stand up on his four limbs as his knees shook a bit. The large dragon's cheeks began to turn red as his nostrils filled even more; his hips began to gyrate a bit, trying to hold back what was obvious.

"Sir, what's wrong? You're blushing. Please stop. Sir? Sir!?" Koi began to get scared as a loud rumble grew in the large dragon's throat; Koi wasn't sure what to do at this point.

"Mmmmh. Little one, your in heat. Why didn't you tell me? I would've prepared" the silver dragon's paws began to move towards the little one, each step the silver one took, Koi's feet skittered backwards, trying to escape. To no avail the large dragon kept walking forward, the chest of his body began to push the small dragon onto his back, all four of the little ones paws rested by the large dragon's sides.

"S-sir! Please get off me!" Koi cried out, his body wriggling under the large dragon.

"I have not mated in such a long time. Now here you are in heat. I need this little one!" the dragon snarled out, his fangs shown to Koi, he was helpless to this dragon, but deep inside he wanted to be under the dragon.

Koi's head peeked between the dragon's legs, his eyes darted wide as he saw the silver dragon's cockslit begin to bulge from the inside, the item within growing hard.

"P-please sir! I don't know about this!" Koi's cries got louder, but with every cry it seemed to only drive the dragon further, his head began to lower down as his lips were level with Koi's ears.

"Oh stop calling me that, my name is ColdFire" the dragon released his name to the dragon's ear in a soft whisper, Koi gasped out and looked down at his own hips as he too saw his own cockslit begin to bulge. His eyes watched between ColdFire's legs as a pink member began to push forward from his slit, the thick shaft hardened and lined up with Koi's stomach, it was large, nearly 5 feet in length, whereas Koi's was a small 2 feet. His own green dragonhood began to rise from its home, drooling pre out onto his blue stomach.

"Mmmh. Are you ready for this, Koi?" ColdFire spoke with a small care in his voice, he knew it would hurt the small one; he wanted to make sure Koi was ready.

Koi gulped loudly as his head turned to the side, a large blush across his cheeks. He nodded slowly and closed his eyes, his paws gently held onto the larger dragon's sides. His paws felt the muscle underneath of the dragon shift around, only driving his desire further. Koi's chest pressed against the stomach of ColdFire's. His breaths were slow and calm; he was ready to be mated in his heat. Koi felt a small prod against his stomach, his eyes opened to watch ColdFire grunt and bite his lip, his grunts were of aggravation, his large pink dragonhood couldn't find Koi's tail hole, but before Koi could smile and feel better he felt a hard shot of pain run through his body. His tail hole began to stretch wide open as more and more of ColdFire's massive dragonhood began to push its way into his tail, his insides push apart to fit the large member. He threw his head back against the gold and let out a loud screech in pain, his body shook rapidly with every push ColdFire did.

"Come on little one, take me! You can do it!" the larger dragon yelled out, trying to coax Koi into fitting all of ColdFire's large shaft into him, soon Koi's stomach began to stretch outwards as more and more of ColdFire was thrust into him. Koi's own dragonhood throbbed and pulsed against the silver dragon's chest. ColdFire stopped his push and looked down between his legs, a large murr escaped him as he watched the small ridges at the base of his shaft begin to pop their way into the small dragon. Koi's claws dug into the sides of the dragon, his jaw was nearly locked and not a sound escaped him, he could hardly breathe as he was filled with a mix of pain and intense pleasure. As the last ridge popped its way into Koi's tail a satisfied moan escaped ColdFire.

"You did it, mmmmhh I'm so proud. Does it feel good?" ColdFire's head lowered down on his long neck, his lips began to gently kiss at the small ones chest, and his tongue rolled out and licked across the young muscle of the smaller one.

"Oooooh s-sir! It feels amazing!" Koi cried out in happiness as his dream came true, he got to finally be mated by the one he had dreamed of the night before. ColdFire's hips began to pull back, the ridges in his base popped from Koi's tail hole, but he stopped halfway and began to push in quickly, Koi's body began to push upwards a bit with his thrusts. Koi cried out once more as he felt the large member press up against his prostate, driving Koi to want more. Koi's tail hole stretched further as the large dragon began to hump himself into the tight, small dragon below him, the sounds of two mating dragons ran through the forest as time seemed to stand still for the little one. His insides burned as the large vein covered tool began to throb and pulse, Koi began to feel a sting of pleasure run through his body as his claws pulled ColdFire down onto his stomach, the large dragon's stomach rubbed against Koi's. ColdFire's hip pushed back and forth into Koi's tail, pushing the thick member deep, back and forth into him. The blue dragon's own green member began to pulsate against the silver dragon's chest. Koi's eyes darted open as a large amount of pleasure shot through him, the constant rubbing against his prostate overtook him as a loud screech ran through the cave. Koi's tip began to jet out a few hard shots of hot white dragon spoo, the sticky ropes splashed against ColdFire's chest. The warm goo began to drip onto Koi's cheek, his head lay flat against the flattened gold coins, his body was too tired to try and move, his paws could only grip ColdFire's back, the large torso had dropped down low enough to the ground where he could feel the muscle on the larger dragon's back. ColdFire's hips began to pick up in pace, his claws held onto the gold above Koi's shoulder as to not rock the dragon so forcefully, his large meaty tool pushed its way deeper with each thrust, the hot meat begins to feel good to the small dragon, he never had something that big inside of him. The small blue dragon's soft stomach began to bulge, showing the faint imprint of the thick member inside. ColdFire's stomach pressed down against the little one as he began to push the ridges at the base of his long shaft into the small one, a large shot of extreme pleasure ran through both their bodies as the little ones stretched tail hole began to drip pre from the excessive pounding. The larger dragon began to moan even louder than before as his member throbbed inside of Koi, the small ones insides suddenly became even tighter around the intruding dragonhood, milking and massaging the thick tool.

"Oh gods sir, finish!!" Koi moaned out, wanting to know how it felt to be filled so much more. The large dragon seemed to answer the little one as his insides suddenly squeezed tightly, rearing ColdFire's head back into the air, his jaws parted and he let out a tremendous roar, his long pink dragoncock suddenly exploded into the small one. Koi's stomach began to expand as gallon after gallon of the silver dragon's hot cum filled him, his body couldn't hold it all, and soon his tail hole began to jet spurts of the white jizz, the moment seemed to last forever, both their cries ran through the cave and into the forest. Koi's eyes were tightly squeezed closed as his body began to feel weak, his heat seemed to be fulfilled for now, but before Koi could open his eyes ColdFire's head had dropped down to Koi's. The small dragon's green eyes stared into the blue of ColdFire's; he could hear the hard rasps of panting coming off of the shadow dragon. Suddenly, without warning, the large dragon's lips were pressed against Koi's, his body jerked upwards a bit as ColdFire let off one small buck into the small one and then finally began to pull himself out, but Koi reached back and placed a paw on ColdFire's head.

"P-please ColdFire, stay inside me, I don't want you to go" Koi's voice was quiet, not in fear, but in love. Koi quickly placed his lips back against ColdFire's, returning the loving kiss he gave him.

The two dragons stayed tied for a while until ColdFire's body became tired and dropped to the side, Koi had earned a new guardian. The next day ColdFire offered Koi to be his pet, and in turn he would be protected again. Koi could have never been happier.