The Blue Note

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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Aron had a great date night planned out. He was taking Nichole and Thaylin to an exclusive, invite-only jazz lounge. The three tall, muscular lovers stood out a bit because of their size, but no one really made a fuss so long as they didn't try to bully anyone or break anything. As it so happened, Aron had been coming to 'The Blue Note' rather often since shortly after it opened, and someone on staff had managed to get him an invitation.

He knew Nichole and Thaylin would love it, especially after he introduced them to his favorite waiter, a certain, smallish blue dragon who bore a curious resemblance to the big green fellow.

This is a silly, fun idea that came to me after reading something Tris wrote and published recently. I'm thinking about making this a new YCH story series. Hope you enjoy. After all, who doesn't enjoy a little 'brotherly love' in their kinky consumption from time to time?

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"This place is pretty amazing," Nichole said as she walked along with her two companions, "I didn't even know something like this existed."

"Yeah, that's kinda how they like it," Aron replied, one of his arms around the tall mare's waist, "It's like a speakeasy, only those who are privileged enough to be invited are welcome. And you only get invited by having someone who's already on the list vouch for you."

"And that's why we're both here?" Thaylin asked, the jade dragoness bumping one of her hips with the muscular drake hugging her waist with his other arm, "Trying to show us off as arm candy?"

"Oh, my dear, you don't need me to demonstrate your radiance, either of you." Aron said, quickly laying on the charm as he grinned.

They were quite the trio. All were exceptionally tall--easily over two and a half meters--and each possessed an impressive physique. Were someone to start trouble with any one of them, they would have quite a great deal of muscle to contend with. But they wouldn't need to worry about that here. This was a civilized establishment. No one said or did anything that would ruin the atmosphere. And it was a marvelous bit of atmosphere they enjoyed. The lighting was dim, the furnishings exquisite, and the staff professional to an absolute science. A live band was up on stage entertaining the crowd with smooth jazz, creating a very 'you must be this hip to attend' vibe that permeated the entire lounge.

Aron was ever so slightly taller than the two ladies flanking him, and he was also only marginally stronger than either of them, but then that was debatable. And he would never claim it of his own accord. In spite of his thick, muscular frame, he fit into his white, pressed, button-down shirt, dark grey coat and matching slacks. The swell in his groin suggested he had needed someone to alter the trousers to fit the generous attributes contained within. A simple, dark grey bowtie completed the ensemble, making him appear rather dapper. He didn't bother wearing shoes, letting his paws drink up the sensation of the luxurious carpet below.

Both the ladies he had brought as his dates were practically poured into their elegant evening gowns, showing off just enough cleavage to almost be considered inappropriate. Aron had said they could have come showing off rather than covering up and it would have been acceptable. But given they were both new to 'The Blue Note', it seemed prudent to err on the side of caution. After all, if they came back, they could be more adventurous then. That insistence was why Aron had spruced himself up as much as he had. He couldn't come in looking like he was 'slumming it' with two absolutely gorgeous ladies joining him.

Nichole had opted to wear a brilliant, ruby-red gown that hugged her form as though it had been stitched into place over her, accentuating curve and swell, hip and waist, bust and bulge. And it was a rather hefty bulge she possessed, just like her dapper dragon date. The hem at the bottom stopped short of mid-calf, and a slip on both sides left her exposed from mid-thigh down. If she were to cant her stance just enough to one side, she could expose most of one leg, which was one reason why she had selected that particular gown. It meant she could be a little more scandalous if the mood took her. Her mane had been styled and made to shine softly under the right light. The color of her lipstick matched the dress that she was almost spilling out of. It was almost unheard of for her to put on something so fine. Usually, she was much more comfortable in her overalls, or nothing at all.

Thaylin was feeling similarly overdressed. Like the mare, she vastly preferred the simplicity of their work uniforms or complete nudity. However, for tonight, she was willing to step out and polish up just as her wife had. Instead of opting for a sleeveless option, the dragoness wore a hip-hugging gown that saw a thin strap cross behind her neck, holding the front of the dress over her ample bust. It did little to cover her completely. There was a considerable amount of scale showing on either side. In spite of so much flesh left uncovered, the necessity to conceal what most thought made an exposed breast unacceptable remained satisfied. Though the features in question did push outward, showing their presence under the fabric. The back of her gown--a shimmering azure silk that appeared to possess an opalescent quality--left most of her exposed from behind. That had been rather convenient, as well as alluring. The design allowed her wings to have little reason to complain.

The dragoness wore the same shade of lipstick as her beloved mare, as well as a pair of gold earrings that matched those dangling from Nichole's ears. They had gotten a matching set one year for their anniversary. Now that Aron had become part of their lives, they were trying to figure out how to convince him to let them pierce his ears and adorn him with a matching set of his own. They teased him saying it was a way of letting other ladies know he belonged to the two of them. He always begged off somehow, suggesting he would only look good in them if he were just as feminine as them. Of course, that only made them want to sneak a certain special solution into his morning coffee.

The trio was shown to their table, far enough in the back that they wouldn't be troubled with a great deal of foot traffic from other patrons, but positioned so they had a very lovely view of the band. It wasn't a terribly large establishment, so being 'stuck in the back' wasn't something to be dreaded or bemoaned. It afforded them a round booth so they could press in comfortably with one another. As they settled in, enjoying the relaxing music and subdued lighting, their waiter approached.

He was a slender fellow, and rather short, only maybe two thirds the height of the three he was waiting on when they stood. He was a dragon, azure and grey, with long dark hair. It appeared completely raven in the low light, but it was in fact just a deep grey, hanging loose down to his shoulders. A simple bowtie was wrapped around his neck, not at all connected to any other article of clothing. His chest was covered only by a red vest, buttoned all the way down. It stopped short just above his navel, exposing a hint of his midriff. Instead of slacks or something similar, he wore what looked like a skirt or perhaps a kilt. It was solid black, and it was remarkably short, exposing most of his thighs, to say nothing of the sizable bulge somehow compacted into the thong he was required to wear to keep things 'polite'. The only other article he wore was a pair of glasses neatly perched on his muzzle.

"Good evening ladies and gentleman. My name is Smokey, I'll be your server this evening. If there's anything I can get for you, please do not hesitate to let me know. Can I start you off this evening with something to drink? Perhaps an appetizer or two?" the blue drake said, his wings fluttering softly behind him, smiling brightly at each of them in turn, handing out a stack of menus for them to peruse.

"Good evening to you too, Smokey. I'll have an old fashioned, my sized. Ladies? What would you like? It's all my treat so go for broke." Aron said, gazing down at the blue fellow with a grin before glancing at his dates.

"Gin and tonic for me, please." Nichole said, giving the waiter a good looking over.

"Sidecar for me, but please swap out the lemon juice for lime." Thaylin said, similarly interested in this lithe fellow.

"Alright, that's a gin and tonic for the lady in red, a sidecar, make the lemon a lime, for the emerald beauty, and an old fashioned for the jade gentleman, sized to fit him," Smokey said, grinning wider up at Aron, "Now, you'll have to forgive me. A good number of people ask for their drink to be 'my sized' and it comes out meaning something different to each customer. Some just mean a glass twice as large. Some have a more specific measurement in mind. Should I go get a measuring tape to make sure I get your order right?"

The slim fellow offered the green dragon a knowing wink, which in turn made Aron snicker. He reached out, cupping his palm against the blue drake's groin, his palm being just the right size to hoist the barely contained assets up high enough to make the waiter shiver softly. He squeezed his fingers around the shapes he felt under the elastic fabric already beginning to turn damp from the blue dragon's evening at work.

"How about a glass big enough to fit this?" the large green fellow asked.

Smokey had let his eyes slip shut as he pushed lightly into that inviting paw, welcoming the contact. A brief, quiet sigh escaped him before he answered.

"I've got just the vessel in mind. If you'll excuse me, I'll be back in just a few moments with your drinks. In the meantime, please have a look over the menu to see what you'd like. If you have any questions, please let me know and I'll do my best to answer them," the waiter said, pausing just as he tried to turn to leave, the big dragon's fingers still wrapped firmly around his bulging package, "Mmm, much as I would like to have you doing that all night, sir, it would make getting your order put in a little difficult."

"Oh but once I get a hold of something I like, I tend to not let it go." Aron replied, still grinning.

"I promise I'll be back as soon as I can, then you can make sure your 'dibs' is still called," Smokey said, enjoying the bit of naughty banter with the big fellow, "But if you're inquiring about the special this evening, yes, it's still very much available."

"Good, then I suppose I can be persuaded to let you go for now. But make sure you hurry back. I might start to miss you." the large dragon said, relaxing his grasp to permit their smaller one to do his job.

The blue fellow blushed and chuckled, turning and walking off to put their drink orders in at the bar. As he departed, all three at the table watched him. The azure waiter had made sure to lift his tail as he walked, revealing the plush swell of his cheeks out from under his 'skirt'. It gave them all something to appreciate.

"Well, he's awfully cute!" Nichole said, grinning as she nudged the big green fellow, "And what was that? Grabbing his crotch like that, acting like you're trying to claim him. You know the little ones can't resist you when you get all old-school dragon on them in an environment where its encouraged."

"You better be careful," Thaylin said, "He might take you seriously. I saw how you two were flirting. I think he's already smitten."

"Probably. You two aren't jealous are you?" Aron asked.

"Oh please. The only way we could be jealous is if you brought him home and didn't share him with us." Nichole said with a laugh.

"Then I might have to order him to go, make sure we get three spoons." the big green fellow replied putting on a broad grin.

"What's interesting is I couldn't help but notice you two look like you have something in common. A strange kind of resemblance. Similar shaped muzzle, the ears, and you both have the same smile. If I didn't know any better, I'd guess you two were related somehow. Maybe distantly," Thaylin said, "My guess, long lost cousin?"

"What!?" Aron balked, "Cousins? No!"

"She's got a point. There was something there that was oddly similar." Nichole said.

"I'm telling you both, he's not my cousin," the wingless fellow said, pausing for a moment as he stretched his arms around the two ladies to recline comfortably, "He's my little brother."

The two ladies blinked, then gazed at one another.

"Seriously!?" Nichole asked in shock, trying to keep her voice down.

"Seriously," Aron answered, "He's how I got invited here in the first place, right after they opened. Been coming here for years, making sure he's my server. I love that little outfit on him."

The revelation was a bit of a shock. They hadn't heard that Aron had a brother, or any family for that matter. To learn so suddenly that he wasn't the only Aquatos made them wonder a number of different things. Not least of which had to do with what they just witnessed.

"Your brother," Thaylin said, sounding a little incredulous, "Your younger brother. He's a waiter here. And he got you in. He works in a place like this, and he thought you'd want to be a member."

"Yeah, he knows pretty much everything about me. He hit the nail on the head when he told me I'd really enjoy myself here. And I wanted to bring you both so that you could enjoy it with me. What do you think so far?" Aron asked, looking back and forth between the two ladies.

He had skated right past the whole notion that the little blue waiter was his brother, thinking it was of no great concern. His dates meanwhile were still coming to grips with it.

"Honey," Nichole said, "You just fondled his coin purse. And it's a big damn purse too. I'll bet either of us could ride him and not be able to tell if it was you or him from the size alone. He's your brother, and you felt him up."

She didn't sound disgusted, only surprised. There was a certain little tingle that was creeping up her spine, put there by the notion that her boyfriend and his younger brother had just had a positively lewd encounter and both had appeared to enjoy it.

"I sure did. You're both welcome to do the same. Remember, it's that kind of establishment. Have a look around. The other patrons are enjoying themselves too." Aron said, letting his eyes wander across the intimately lit lounge.

Indeed, others were happily fondling and groping the wait staff. A few even tugged their waiter or waitress into their lap and moved in for a kiss. No one seemed against the idea. In fact, one of the waiters had actually initiated the contact, pushing themselves into someone's arms. This really was a one of a kind establishment. Neither Nichole nor Thaylin had heard of such a thing.

"I think I'd like to have a talk with the owner after we eat. I'd love to hear how this place got its start." Nichole said.

"I can arrange for the owner to come speak with you once you've dined if you like. I'm sure he'd enjoy regaling you with how he managed to start up his creation, his pride and joy." Smokey said as he returned, carrying a tray with all three of their drinks.

"I'd like that very much, thank you." Nichole said, taking her beverage and giving it a sip.

She was impressed. They had balanced the drink almost exactly how she preferred to enjoy it, and the garnish had come as not a lemon or lime wedge, but two thin sliced wedges of both. She was thinking she might be able to grow accustomed to this place.

"Can I ask why it's invite only? Wouldn't it be easier if you just welcomed guests regardless of invitation?" Thaylin asked, taking a sip from her own drink, pleased that they had gotten it just how she asked.

"It's a matter of recapturing the feel of the old speakeasies," Smokey explained, "Back then, a place like this was illegal, so if you wanted to patronize such an establishment, the people who operated had to know they could trust you not to report them and get the place shut down. Today, keeping the list of clients short creates a sort of exclusivity, generates buzz, makes it feel like something of an urban legend. And anyone who gets one of our signature blue notes--which is what we're named for--feels special for having gotten in. It's their own little golden ticket into a more imaginative night life."

"Sounds like you've got quite a racket going on here. Your boss must be raking in the dough." Nichole said.

"He does well enough. He pays his staff well, hires talented groups to play on stage, and takes the greatest of pride in making sure his guests are shown the absolute best time," the waiter said with a smile, watching as Aron wrapped his large paw around the sizable glass, "I trust that's about right?"

The big green fellow nodded, lifting the drink as if to toast his waiter.

"Feels almost big enough to hold what I had a paw on earlier. Good call." Aron said.

"I'm glad to hear it. Now, have you had a chance to look over the menu and decide on what you'd like?" Smokey asked.

"I already know what I would like," the large fellow said, "What about you, ladies?"

"The rib eye with rosemary mashed potatoes sounds divine." Nichole answered.

"I'd like grilled salmon," Thaylin said, "And could you please ask the chef to put the white wine cream sauce on the side?"

For the first time since they had been introduced, the blue dragon winced just ever so softly. He lowered his paws and took on an apologetic posture, prepared to deliver bad news.

"I'm terribly sorry, but the chef has asked that all dishes prepared be how they are described. He insists on the point in order to preserve the integrity of the dish. To change how it is presented is to ask the band to play their signature song but leave out the chorus, as he puts it." Smokey said.

The green dragoness maintained a frown the moment she sensed the negative response, but as he explained, her lips pulled into a warm smile. That was exactly the sort of thing she wanted to hear.

"Then please tell the chef that I look forward to his fine work. It's a sign of a high class place when the food is treated with that kind of reverence." the lady said.

The kind words, proving it had been a test, made the blue dragon smile brightly.

"I'll inform him straight away," Smokey said, then turned to look at the big green fellow, "And I believe I can guess what you'll be ordering."

Aron grinned, gazing down at the blue fellow, his mind already made up.

"I'd like this evening's 'special' if it hasn't ended up spoken for yet." he said.

That prompted the little waiter to step in closer and lean up towards Aron, grinning so broad it almost looked like it hurt.

"You're in luck, it's still available. Just let me go put in your orders and I'll be right back," the blue dragon said, leaning in even closer before giving his older brother a delicate, tender, slow kiss, breaking away after at least ten full seconds, "Don't go anywhere, otherwise you might miss your chance."

Aron rumbled delightedly as he leaned forward into that kiss, slipping a paw down to cup against the smaller drake's rump, even giving it a gentle squeeze. It made Smokey jerk just ever so softly before pushing his hips back towards that large, strong paw.

"Mmm, I'll be here. I wouldn't miss it for the world." the bigger of the two dragons said.

With a visible degree of hesitation, the two brothers separated and Smokey let out a quiet sigh to steady himself. He clearly had not wanted to pull away, but duty demanded it. He paused just briefly before looking back and forth between the two ladies.

"Before I forget, because damn is he good at distracting me, how did you two ladies want your steak and fish cooked?" the blue fellow asked.

"Medium rare, if that's what's recommended by the kitchen." Nichole said, having picked up on Thaylin's little trick earlier.

"The chef knows how the salmon should be cooked. I'll trust his judgment." the jade dragoness said, grinning back at the waiter.

Smokey nodded and took his leave, disappearing into the kitchen to put in the orders. As soon as he was out of earshot, the mare leaned in and lightly punched Aron in the chest. What she had just seen shocked her even further.

"What the hell was that!? He just walked right up and kissed you! And you leaned into it!" she hissed, trying not to get too loud and disturb the other guests.

The expression on her face was a mix of incredulity and amusement. As far as she was aware, that was not how brothers acted towards one another. Of course, she wasn't about to complain.

"Nicky, honey," Thaylin tried to intervene, "Remember what I said about how dragon families work? It's kinda different."

"I'll say it's different!" Nichole replied, trying not to laugh too loudly, "Apparently incest is perfectly okay with you fantastic scaly freaks! Now I really will be angry if you don't share him! And just what is this 'special' that you ordered, and why do I get the feeling little boy blue is gonna come out with it on him like he's the plate?"

"Just take it easy honey. You'll get a chance to see what it's all about in a little bit. It's one of their most popular offerings. Of course, each special runs different depending on what table you're at." Aron said.

"Right, sure. Be all mysterious. You just wanna shock me again. I swear, if I ruin this dress because I make a stain in it downstairs watching you and your little brother hook up right here at the table, I'm gonna make you lick it clean. Right here. In front of everyone." Nichole said, sounding completely serious.

"Promise?" Aron asked with a grin, slipping one of his paws down to feel over the swell in the mare's gown.

It had firmed up considerably. If he was right, she might indeed make good on her threat, and he'd get to show off to everyone who might want to watch just how good he was at making his girlfriends raise their voices. Just because Nichole had been the only one to make the threat didn't mean he wasn't about to leave his beautiful emerald lover wanting either.

Before they could go too much further with their banter, the short, slender, blue waiter returned, looking quite pleased about something.

"I've put your orders in. They should be ready in just a little while. And you're in luck, sir. The special still hasn't been spoken for. You'll get to enjoy it directly," he paused, turning to gaze at each lady in turn, "That is... if your very lovely company doesn't mind if you dine first."

Aron grinned broadly, turning to look between Nichole and Thaylin.

"You don't mind if I tuck in now, do you?" he asked.

"Yours is gonna be ready that much sooner?" the milk-chocolate colored mare asked.

"The gentleman's order is ready now." Smokey said, stepping in a little closer to the table.

"I don't mind," Thaylin said, "He keeps going on about how it's going to be something of a spectacle."

That seemed to give Nichole something to grasp more firmly and she nodded, agreeing with her wife.

"Yeah. He says we're gonna enjoy watching him eat. If it's really as great as he says it is, I'd like to see for myself. Maybe I'll end up changing my order." the horse said.

"Oh, I'm sorry ma'am. There is a thirty minute delay between each serving of the house special. I'm afraid you would be waiting quite a while. Unless of course you wouldn't mind a substitution." Smokey said.

"Don't worry too hard about them changing their orders. They still don't quite get what we're talking about. So let's just go ahead and show them." Aron said.

The blue dragon nodded, his grin widening. The waiter stepped in around the table and climbed directly into the bigger dragon's lap, lifting his arms to wrap them around the green's thick, strong neck. It startled the two ladies, making them wonder just what this affectionate pair of brothers was up to.

Their lips met just as they had earlier, the two of them taking their time. Aron slipped his paws along the slender fellow's waist, pulling him close ever so gently. There was no aggression in the act. He was showing the little blue a great deal of tenderness, something Nichole and Thaylin were familiar with, but didn't see too often. It had to be because he didn't want to crush the waiter.

A few passers-by stopped to peer at the intimate sight at the trio's table. It wasn't surprising or off-putting, merely interesting. The longer they remained locked together, the more Nichole and Thaylin squirmed in their seats. There was no possible way this was real. They had to be doing this just to somehow prank the two girls. They found it adorable, but had a difficult time believing it was genuine. Then the blue dragon's paws slipped to Aron's groin, massaging the sizable bulge there. He had been mashing his own exceptional swell against it, the two appearing to be close to the same size. Smokey's smaller stature had made it appear so much larger compared to the rest of him. It was reminiscent of those optical illusions designed to make two lines of equal length look as though one was longer or shorter.

Fingers worked deftly, unbuckling the belt holding Aron's slacks in place. Then came the clasp and zipper. The two ladies glanced down to witness the unleashing of the beast below. The green drake had not bothered to wear anything beneath his slacks, making it that much easier for this exact occurrence. He had planned this all along. The blue dragon reached into the now open pair of slacks and drew out not just the monster length that had been held prisoner, but the heavy, sloshing orbs it had been pinned against. The scent of the green fellow was powerful, wafting up from between his legs almost immediately. A visible shudder ran down the waiter's spine as it reached his nostrils, forcing him to break the kiss at long last.

"How would the gentleman like to proceed?" Smokey asked.

"You mean which way?" Aron replied, keeping his paws pressed against the smaller dragon's lower back.

"Yes, it's my experience that the gentleman likes his meals to be extremely filling, and we certainly encourage augmenting just how satisfying our offerings can be. Would you prefer the traditional style? Or perhaps an alternate option?" the blue asked.

"Why not both?" the green fellow replied with a deep, throaty chuckle.

Smokey grinned at the simple reply, echoing it as if to answer.

"¿Por qué no los dos?" he asked with a chuckle, then shrugged as though the idea was of no great difficulty.

It left the two ladies slightly mystified, but they were beginning to put the pieces together. And they would have everything clarified momentarily. The blue drake lifted himself up off the green fellow's lap, not very far, just enough to make it possible for him to adjust something. He reached under his little 'skirt' and tugged on the thong keeping his beastly endowments corralled. He didn't remove them completely. Instead, he adjusted them so that the quickly firming length--standing up almost to his chest while he was seated in Aron's lap--would have a place to go.

Once the waiter was ready, he lifted himself up even further, going so far as to actually stand, planting his paws on either side of the big green fellow's thighs. He leaned in close, pressing his own throbbing swell against the dapper drake's chest. The damp spot that had been there earlier had grown, spreading through in the straining fabric. The blue was eager, having been looking forward to waiting on Aron. He then angled his tail about, wrapping it around the broad, blunt, rounded head now aiming directly up under him. He squeezed the flexible limb around the big green drake's shaft, making him purr low in his throat.

Down the smaller dragon settled, taking his time as he ever so gently sat down on the great mast beneath. He didn't angle it under his tail as so many might have expected him to. Nichole and Thaylin were able to detect the blue's scent, telling them he had more in common with all there of his customers than they initially realized.

Smokey's lips parted in a gasp. He felt his already soaked, searing loins begin to quiver. They were so desperate to claim the beast pressing up into him. There would be virtually no wait. Both waiter and guest were anxious to proceed, much to the entertainment and arousal of the two ladies watching.

Aron moved his paws from the blue's spine to hold his deceptively broad hips, guiding him down onto the impressive spire. Nichole and Thaylin had not noticed the slightly girlish figure Smokey was possessed of thanks to his vest and low lighting, finding it only added to the allure. As the blue was seated 'properly' in the green's lap, his stomach pushed outward, revealing a sizable lump. It slowly pushed up along his abdomen, taking the shape of the larger dragon's member. It had to be quite the stretch to fit something bigger around than a wine bottle in him. It gave the two ladies hope that maybe the slinky little waiter might be receptive to more than one client. Perhaps not at the same time, but maybe in turns.

When the blue dragon's rump came to rest in the bigger dragon's lap--specifically right on top of the sizable cushion of Aron's sac--he let out a happy moan. He leaned back against the paws holding him, giving his front reason to stretch even more as the proud length intruding into his quivering passage tried to stand more upright in spite of him. He brought his own paws to his stomach and chest to stroke along the great lump, caressing along it happily. It was an act that set his skin to tingling, and the green drake to purring louder.

"Mmm, perfect fit, just like always." Aron said.

"Yes," Smokey hissed as the euphoria began to take him, "I can't seem to get lucky enough to have any other clients that fit in there as well as you."

"Give these two girls a try sometime. You might feel like your luck has changed." the green fellow said with a deep, almost feral growl.

"They'll need to wait their turn." the blue replied.

The waiter began to writhe, twisting one way, then the other, lifting himself up along the powerful rod. It forced the tender flare of the dragon's softly angular head drag against the silken walls of his brother's womb. He was in too deep to have Smokey push up off him far enough to return it to the stretched canal below. And that was one reason why the blue was so enamored with this particular 'client'. Coos, gasps, and snarls began to pass between the two. Smokey pushed his paws against the green fellow's shoulders, making sure the angle was maintained, wanting to feel that throbbing shaft push out from within him.

Aron allowed it, but only so far. Too much and he might lose his grip on the zealous blue. They quickened their pace, thrusting harder, but keeping a certain degree of control. It was a matter of decorum. To simply rut away as though they were savage, primitive beasts might look enticing, but it had a tendency to see furniture damaged and the noise would prevent the other patrons from enjoying the band. Smokey was well practiced in this particular part of the job. He never let his voice get above a certain volume. And when he sensed that Aron was approaching the noise limit, he pushed back in for another kiss.

The two wrapped themselves up in each other. A pair of thick, muscular arms made the blue disappear in Aron's embrace. The waiter dragged himself forward after cupping his paws against the green's cheeks. There was no reason for them to go too quickly. They could take all the time they wanted. At least, up until the two meals the ladies ordered were ready. Any delay there and the chef would be quite displeased. Smokey could see the clock running in his mind, but he still had plenty of time.

A generous coating of the smaller dragon's nectar began to seep down over his lover's shaft, smearing about and getting across the blue's exposed thighs. It was even beginning to coat the small-bean-bag-chair-sized scrotum his rump continued to land on each time he was brought to sink back down completely. He was so close to his own end. The bulge of his thong had pushed upward between them, trying desperately to escape its confines. But the fabric wouldn't allow it, not until Smokey decided it was permitted.

Their grunts and growls carried on, thrusting smoothly against one another, aching for the release they sought. The blue fellow removed his paws from the green dragon for a moment, unbuttoning his vest. He knew what was coming. The garment had done well in spite of the sizeable bulge already pumping up and down along his front. But the approaching end would make for an uncomfortable situation if he didn't hurry. Unfortunately, he misread his client and had moved just slightly too late.

Aron suppressed a roar as he was claimed by orgasm. His shaft began to pulse hard inside the blue's womb. He pushed the waiter down onto him to seat them together as tightly as possible. Their lips remained locked while Smokey's petals pursed, squeezing with the grip of a vice on the great mast spasming inside him. The first hot gush flooded his belly, creating a visible curve to his abdomen that helped to conceal much of the great, dark spire. The second added to it, doubling the blue's girth. It stole his breath away, giving his vest cause to strain terribly.

Smokey was forced to lean back, gasping for air as he clutched at his tummy. He tried desperately to fumble with the buttons on his vest, but it was to no avail. He swelled too quickly. Each spurt of thick, potent seed that flowed into him made his stomach grow larger and larger. Finally, the buttons could hold out no longer, slipping free on their own with a series of audible pops. Each one felt like a gunshot, only instead of causing pain, it brought relief. As soon as the last one gave way and the whole of the shorter dragon's pale grey belly spilled out, he sighed and moaned, trying to push back into the bigger drake's arms.

The two clung to one another as it all finally came drifting down to an end. They were both out of breath and the two ladies watching were fidgeting, trying to contend with the low fires already beginning to burn away in them. They had just watched something they found impossible to ignore, not just for the sake of it being right in front of them, but for the nature of it. Two brothers had just engaged in a rather intimate act, right there, in sight of everyone in the room. And it clearly was not their first time together.

Aron huffed quietly and brought the blue's muzzle to his, offering him another slow, passionate kiss. His tongue pressed forward, slowly gliding back and forth against his brother's. He even took the time to caress the back of the smaller drake's teeth, relishing the loving contact. When it finally ended, letting them both surface for air, Smokey crumpled, leaning against the big green's chest.

"Mmm, just as impressive as always." the blue managed to say.

"And you take it like a professional, just like always." Aron replied.

"I hope I haven't made either of your dates jealous. I'd hate to give the three of you reason to fight." Smokey said.

"Oh... there's gonna be a fight," Nichole said, "About which of us gets to order the special next time we come. You can't present someone as cute as you, tell me I can do that with you right here at the table, and expect me to not leap at the chance to enjoy it."

It made the waiter blush and chuckle. It was always so flattering to hear someone say such things. Of course, he was used to being the recipient of similar sentiments from Aron. But to hear it from a newcomer, it was something of a small joy for the blue fellow.

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind next time you all visit." Smokey said.

"She doesn't get you next time. I do." Thaylin said, shooting her mare an evil little grin.

"Oh the hell you do." Nichole fired back.

"Ladies, ladies, please," Aron said, trying to intervene, "Not while we're trying to enjoy ourselves. We can talk about it when we get home."

"And you can bet we will." Thaylin said, then acted on a sudden boldness that claimed her.

The more feminine of the two green dragons uncrossed her arms, leaned in, dragged the blue fellow's muzzle towards hers, and gave him a strong kiss. It lasted for several seconds before she broke off and leaned back. Not to be outdone, Nichole provided the same affection, turning Smokey about to face her so she could give him just as firm a kiss. That was a new dynamic he had not expected to encounter while serving Aron. He didn't mind it in the slightest. The green fellow still firmly buried in his brother lifted his arms to try to restrain his girlfriends.

"Hey now, steady ladies. I ordered the special. Just because you're starting to see what it's all about doesn't mean you get to try and steal him. I know he makes your steak and salmon sound tame by comparison, but please, control yourselves." Aron said with a grin.

"It's okay. They're still new. I'm perfectly happy to give them a quick little sample. Now... I think you said you wanted both?" Smokey asked.

The green fellow nodded and began to ever so slowly lift the bloated blue waiter off his spire. The lump it made in his abdomen was completely concealed. The great, gravid swell provided by the hearty blast of spunk had robbed them both of the fantastic, visceral sensation of Aron's shaft rubbing against the walls of Smokey's womb. That was how they knew it was time to separate. A good clench ensured the blue wouldn't lose even a single drop. It did however result in a less than polite slurp as he was drawn up and off the still twitching shaft.

As soon as they were no longer coupled, the green's rod flopped back against his shirt, dampening it. It had a considerably sticky film on it from where it had just been incarcerated. Smokey whimpered and whined, trying to press back against the green, hoping to have that glorious thing jammed back in him. But, he had a job to do. Aron had ordered the special, 'both ways', and so he had to deliver. With no small degree of longing, he pulled away and began sliding out of the green's lap, aiming for the floor. His legs quaked under him for a brief moment, but the waiter quickly steeled himself. After a moment and a slow, calming, deep breath, he was back in his professional mode.

"I hope you haven't already given your all. It might make finishing this whole service a little lengthy." the blue dragon said.

"I've never disappointed in keeping you on time, have I?" Aron asked with a grin.

"No, you most certainly have not." Smokey replied, shuffling forward as he lowered himself down onto his knees.

Nichole and Thaylin watched in awe as the smaller drake, already so heavily swollen, prepared to dive back in for more, this time from 'the other end'. The waiter opened his mouth wide and reached forward with both paws, guiding the dark mast he had just bounced away on top of towards his lips. As soon as it was within reach, he clamped his muzzle down on it. Aron spread his legs, then wrapped them gently around the blue. His muscular calves pressed against the small of his back, tugging him closer, trying to replicate the feel of curling his arms around him as he had earlier. He knew Smokey enjoyed that kind of embrace.

Without hesitation, the exceptionally accommodating blue pressed down over the great length, tasting his own release and that of the green's all over the still throbbing organ. With a little effort, he'd get the monster roaring again. Already Aron was clenching his teeth. The zeal with which the waiter threw himself into his job was just about more than the green could stand. Feeling that throat begin to consume his slick, drooling, already well used shaft brought him very near the edge all over again. A happy rumble sounded in the big fellow's throat and chest as he moved a paw to rest on the back of the blue's head.

He didn't push. There was no need to shove Smokey down on him like others might try to. He let the blue set the pace that worked for him. It might take more time to finish, but then that meant he could feel those lips kissing the base of his rod that much longer. Nichole and Thaylin scooted themselves in just a bit closer, wanting to get involved rather than just sit back and watch. It was becoming a little too much to spectate only. Paws roamed over the muscular drake's impressively toned form. They even let their attention drift lower, stroking along Smokey's full cheeks. They had picked up on how gentle Aron was trying to be and mimicked him in kind.

The waiter showed no sign he was in distress, not even when he felt the long, broad lump in his throat pulse hard. He could feel a copious spurt of the clear ooze that signaled how aroused the green was pour into his belly, almost directly. Part of him wished either his client was just a bit bigger, or he was a bit smaller, so he could feel that mast actually poke into his stomach. The thought of it was too appealing to let it drift away.

Slowly, the small blue fellow pulled back across the sizable shaft, suckling firmly on it and letting his tongue cleanse it as best he was able to. It was far too large for him to lap across everything, but that didn't stop him from trying. As soon as he felt the mast's head retreat far enough that it was once more pressing against the back of his throat, the blue drake pushed forward with strength, swallowing hard, forcing it back into his gullet. He wasn't going to let anything leak out of him. He wouldn't let any of it dribble from his lips, or coat his face. It would be contained inside him. It made the cleaning crew's job that much easier.

That and he felt a sense of possessiveness. That seed belonged to him as if it was in place of the tip he was supposed to receive. It was his job to serve the green. And that meant he would go as far as he needed to. This was his job, no one else's. A quiet little growl vibrated in the blue's throat, making the green fellow shudder and look down at him.

"Mmm, someone's feeling kind of clingy tonight. Go ahead. It's all yours." Aron said.

It was the last thing he managed to get out before he clenched up, flexing every muscle in his body. It had been a surprise, the sudden tipping over the edge. The larger fellow let his head roll back as he groaned. Like before, Aron attempted to stifle himself as he unloaded into the blue once again. Smokey gulped and slurped, shoving his lips down all the way until his nose was pressed against Aron's crotch. He winced and held his already expansive abdomen as it began to swell all over again. With each powerful gush, his middle surged and gurgled.

Pump after heavy pump saw what felt like buckets of the green drake's spunk deposited almost directly into the waiter's stomach. It sloshed about, producing a wet, uncomfortable noise, then a creak from the tightly expanding tummy. It sounded like Smokey was going to have a serious stomach ache from all of this. But it wasn't anything he hadn't handled before. Besides, he adored feeling overfilled. It was just another reason why Aron was his favorite client.

A great deal of burbling groans later and the green drake was finished. His nostrils flared as he tried to keep his jaws shut, fearing letting them open might unleash a loud, throaty bellow that would disrupt the atmosphere. As the moment passed, he settled down and sighed, giving the blue fellow a pat on the shoulder. It was a sign of appreciation, and to let Smokey know he was completely done. And yet, the smaller dragon didn't want to pull off. He crouched there, hugging his vast stomach, keeping his jaws firmly locked on the great spire, suckling and licking, trying to draw every last hint he could muster.

"Hey, Smokey... you did good. It's over now. You're tapping a dry well." Aron said.

Technically, that wasn't true. If the blue stayed there long enough, he might could get another very filling drink. But that would take quite a while, and they both had other plans. The big green gently mussed the waiter's hair, then ran his claws through the dark locks to help straighten them back out. That seemed catch the smaller dragon's attention and he began to slip off, slowly, practically at a glacial pace. As he did, it was clear that the effort had helped to clean off a good portion of the bigger drake's length. That would be appreciated too.

With a wet pop and a gasp, Aron's shaft was dragged from Smokey's jaws. The blue huffed and panted, having not been able to take full, proper breaths for a few moments. The green reached down and gently tugged the blue fellow back into his lap, showering him with affection and praise.

"You're the best damn waiter they've got here. You are committed to the job, that's for damn sure," Aron said, nuzzling down into Smokey's cheek, "You just take a minute to get yourself right again."

The bloated dragon nodded, running his paws over his middle. He looked like he was just about ready to give birth at this point--to a set of twins at least. And he loved the fact that it took so little effort from the green to get him there. Thanks to a great deal of practice and training, the waiter managed to find his center again rather quickly, sitting up and leaning into the green fellow's embrace.

"Thank you for your patience," Smokey said, "One special, extra filling, for the gentleman who knows exactly how to treat his waiter."

"Worth the wait. Now c'mon, get in here." Aron said, pulling the blue fellow towards his muzzle, pressing their lips together once again.

The smaller of the two dragons practically melted from the kiss. His purr rumbled away along with the green's, the pair of them singing a strange sort of duet. While they remained locked together, the two ladies watching them make out again, Smokey began to slip out of his vest. His glasses came off along with the red garment, both dropped onto the table out of the way. All of this taken with the waiter's earlier comment about the 'special' having 'extra filling' finally suggested what that 'special' actually was. It wasn't just sex.

Aron opened his jaws wide as soon as his stomach began to growl, easing the blue drake's head into the warm, dark, humid maw before him. This was what Nichole and Thaylin had surmised was to happen as soon as Smokey landed back in the big green's lap and said his piece. There was a powerful stirring in between the legs of both ladies as they watched. They were suddenly rather invested in the sight before them. Smokey ran his paws up over his customer's firm, muscular chest, enjoying the feel of the strength his form held. He would be sealed away within that titan-like figure momentarily.

The first swallow came, pushing the waiter's head into the gullet eager to claim him. The slick flesh pressed in against Smokey's cheeks and muzzle, rippling strongly to try and pull him further in. His shoulders were worked into the bigger dragon's lips, bulging his jaws visibly. With a bit of careful work, he managed to wedge the 'wrist' of each blue wing into his mouth. It gently coaxed their owner to pull the whole of both limbs in close against his form. Each 'elbow' pressed tight against his back while the 'fingers' squeezed together to collapse the membranes and make the waiter a more compact meal. Temporarily. After all, 'extra filling' and 'compact' did not usually go together.

The next swallow brought Smokey's chest into that mouth he was rather familiar with. The tongue that had explored the inside of his muzzle, even caressed against the back of his teeth, now lashed across his slender form. There was a distinct taste of smoke, not so much that produced by an open flame, but more the flavor one found in preserved meat when exposed to just the right amount of smoldering wood. It left the waiter with a flavor not unlike that of bacon. And it was something Aron absolutely could not get enough of.

The large green beast gripped his meal firmly, working him deeper still. When he reached the bloated, gravid tummy he had provided the blue dragon, he stretched his jaws wider still, slowly wedging that soft, yielding dome as deep as each swallow would allow. His tongue slithered about, coating the smaller drake's form in a generous film of drool. Oh he was making a fine meal, just like always.

Smokey's head had come to stop in Aron's chest. His shoulders were bulging the green's throat quite visibly, giving anyone who happened to be looking his way quite a show. The sound of the large, powerful heart thumping away just near the blue's ears gave him reason to shiver. It was a sound he was quite familiar with, one he was happy to hear once again. The sound of the bigger dragon's purrs surrounded him completely, giving his skin cause to vibrate and tingle. And then came the angry growl from below. The big fellow's stomach had identified what it was being fed and demanded it not be kept waiting. That made Smokey's goose bumps surge again, and in force.

A series of short, abrupt gulps helped to slowly sink the seed-laden tummy deeper and deeper into Aron's jaws. As soon as he felt Smokey's rump brush against the roof of his mouth, he grinned around the blue snack. Already he knew the waiter was going to be fighting hard not to wriggle and squirm from how tightly compressed his gut had become, but he had something else coming momentarily that would make it just that much harder to keep from wriggling.

Aron reached out with his tongue and lashed at the still clothed groin that was just now entering reach. He lifted his paws and began to slide the blue drake's thong off, but then stopped almost immediately. Instead, he changed tactics. The skirt had to come first. He could have kept going, but he thought this might make for a more interesting show for the ladies. That 'skirt' which had been little more than a flaring strap of fabric that covered almost nothing but the waiter's hips was cast off. It landed on the table with the vest and glasses. Now, there was a clear view of the blue dragon's bulging thong, and it was a rather heavy bulge.

As if performing a striptease, the big green fellow took his time in tugging the undergarment away, slowly revealing the generosity it had been trying in vain to contain. There was a large damp patch in the elastic fabric, and a thick string of sticky moisture connected the tip of the drake's mast to the thong for a time. It eventually broke and the dark garment was dropped on top of the vest as well. The blue dragon's shaft dangled out of Aron's mouth, draping down far enough that it almost touched his stomach. The two grand swells that had accompanied it swayed in the open air, producing an audible slosh. Clearly the waiter was capable of providing the same degree of filling he had been given. Perhaps it was another aspect of 'family resemblance'.

Another good gulp pushed that bloated tummy further towards Aron's gullet, but not before he brought the now free and drooling shaft hanging from his jaws to rest against his tongue. Now was the moment he had been waiting for. The waiter had tended to him so expertly. It was Aron's chance to return the favor. The green beast slurped and suckled away on the plump, throbbing shaft as he worked it into his maw properly, making sure the head was pointed down his throat. Smokey wriggled anew and groaned, his noises muffled heavily by the thick, powerful chest he was sealed up behind.

Immediately, the blue dragon began to ooze salty, sticky moisture. It was quickly smeared all around inside Aron's mouth, not just across his tongue and the inside of his distended cheeks, but across the blue and grey's form. It acted as a means to lubricate the swollen drake, which would allow him to slide down Aron's throat more easily. In spite of the additional help, he wasn't moving. The green fellow had gripped his meal's legs, keeping him from going any further.

More muffled noises came from within Aron's broad chest, making him thrum just that much louder. He loved hearing and even feeling the voice of another crying out from under his ribcage while he pleasured them. And he was quite good at the task he had set for himself. His probing organ slathered about, gliding across the smaller dragon's engorged mast, even pushing forward to sample the taste of the two plump swells that rivaled his own. With one more tiny little gulp, he dared to reach further, pressing on between Smokey's legs until he found the folds he had spread open just moments earlier.

The very instant that slick, drool-coated tongue reached the blue dragon's petals, the waiter turned ramrod stiff. A dull roar sounded from somewhere within the green drake. It wasn't quite in his chest anymore, but it wasn't quite far enough down to be his stomach. A heavy splash of thick, rich seed poured directly from the wriggling waiter's length down the big jade fellow's throat. It further coated his meal, making him that much easier to swallow, as well as adding a new layer of flavor for him to relish. And relish it he did.

Aron actually tugged on the blue, pulling him back out of his throat as though he had reached his limit. But he didn't proceed any further. It was just far enough to let the head of the bucking shaft dislodge from his throat and return to his tongue. He was interested in getting a good sampling of that well-earned release. And when he got the splash of it he was after, Aron began to swallow again, this time actively pushing with one of his paws. The other moved to begin feeling across his stomach, specifically to unbutton his dress shirt. After all, it wasn't designed to handle the kind of stretch he was about to get.

Little by little, the blue dragon disappeared down the bigger one's gullet. His legs kicked softly as he writhed. His motions slowed and his form began to fall slack as he finally reached the end of his climax. He had provided enough of a contribution from his orgasm alone that Aron's stomach had seen a visible swell. It wasn't nearly as dramatic as his own. After all, Aron was much larger. It was still worthy of note given difference in size. Smokey's hips disappeared from sight down the large drake's throat, followed quickly by his thighs, then his knees. When his calves were resting against the big fellow's tongue, Aron lifted his chin and rumbled deep and low.

Inside, Smokey was sliding easily through the slippery, squeezing tube gripping at him, massaging him deeper into the big dragon's core. The ring of muscle guarding the entrance to Aron's stomach stretched easily around his head, signaling to him how easy it would be for the rest of him to slip in. The chamber was dark, hot, and incredibly humid. The familiar, possessive gurgle that rose up around him served as his welcome. The panting, exhausted blue couldn't bring himself to fight or fidget. He had been well used and he was in need of recuperation. He'd find a chance once he was in completely.

Aron wrapped his tongue around the paws protruding from his lips and drew them in. One more stout swallow, loud enough for everyone at the table to easily hear over the band, and the waiter was no more. The lump in Aron's throat glided down easily as his belly surged outward. He sighed and ran both paws over his impressively stuffed gut. It was large enough to fill his lap quite completely. The bulge was big enough to even conceal the monster between his legs. It was beginning to stiffen back up all over again.

Nichole and Thaylin had been finding it extremely difficult to sit still while they watched. If they had felt as though it were permitted, they would have slipped into one another's arms and begun handling their own arousal at the scene that had unfolded before them. It seemed inappropriate, even though Smokey had just done essentially that. They weren't sure if it was only permitted with the staff, not between two guests. Still, not to be left out, two pairs of paws joined Aron's in fawning over the bulging gut, feeling the blue dragon inside turn about.

Deep in the now satisfied green's stomach, the waiter had turned himself around, head pointed up, back pressing out against the paws roaming over the great curve he had added to the muscular fellow's form. He could actually feel Aron's abdominals clenching up from time to time, compressing him slightly. He desperately loved that feeling, being so tightly bound up in the green's belly, Aron able to restrict him if he so chose. For now, he was permitted to wriggle and press out, stretching the firm, jade dome. He huffed softly as he found himself unable to keep from grinding his still rigid shaft against the slippery, slimy, fleshy walls imprisoning him.

"I hope... your meal... was satisfying." Smokey called out, trying to speak loudly and clearly enough to be heard.

Aron was able to only just make out his words. He gave the massive ball-shaped gut a pat and smiled.

"Just as satisfying as always. Thanks." he replied.

"I can't believe you just ate him. He's our waiter," Nichole said, sounding like she was right on the verge of laughing, "I guess someone else will have to fill in for him while he's in there."

"If I had known that cutie was on the menu, I'd have snatched him up first." Thaylin said, pressing in against the other green dragon to knead firmly against his stomach.

"If that... will be all... I'll... just let you... enjoy your meal," Smokey called out, pausing for a moment as he began to feel fatigue soak into him, "Love you... big brother."

The heat and constant massage from the possessive chamber not wanting to let him go was a powerful combination that was threatening to put the blue to sleep quickly. And he wasn't trying to fight it. He welcomed the slipping off. Sure, he might enjoy being able to stay awake longer, wiggle around, make the big green fellow purr more, but he had a job to do.

"Love you too, little brother," Aron said, wrapped his arms around his stomach, then leaned down, curling up against the swell so that he could press his lips against it in a loving kiss, "You're the best."

It was an act of tenderness neither lady had expected to see. Aron was usually one to be a little more 'you're food, so go ahead and digest' when he got his jaws around someone. This was a side of him they had not seen, and they found it rather endearing.

"Now how come you don't talk to me or Thaylin like that when you manage to stuff us in there?" Nichole asked.

"I thought you liked the whole big bully act." Aron said.

"Yeah, sometimes. But if you like to get all lovey-dovey with whoever's in your gut, you could'a whispered sweet nothings to us while rocking us to sleep," Thaylin said, almost sounding jealous, "I mean... it's almost like you love your little brother-boyfriend more than either of us."

"Oh c'mon honey. I've known him a lot longer. The three of us have been together what, two years?" the green fellow asked as his belly began to burble away noisily.

"Yeah, and in all that time you never told us you had a brother, or that he was so cute, or well hung, or as kinky as us, or that he was your boyfriend," Nichole said, "You've been keeping secrets. I've half a mind to punish you for that."

The mare reached down and gripped the pinned shaft hiding under the green's stuffed gut, squeezing it firmly in her fingers. It was so tight that it made Aron wince. The message had been clearly received.

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! I should have said something about Smokey to the two of you sooner. I just... didn't know if you'd like him as much as you like me. He's not big and buff. You never said you had a thing for twinks! So you've been keeping secrets too!" the green beast said, sounding as if he was complaining, though he was laughing as well.

"Yeah well... we do. Now you know. And you better share." Nichole said, leaning in to kiss her boyfriend.

She immediately pushed her tongue into his mouth, tasting around, hoping to find any lingering traces of the blue dragon's flavor. She found a few hints and tried to get at least a tiny bit of the experience Aron had just enjoyed. Just as she pulled away, the big green fellow found himself compelled by an irrepressible urge. His cheeks puffed up and as he let his lips open, a hearty belch escaped him. Out from his jaws flew the bowtie that Smokey had been wearing. It landed on the table--on top of the vest, skirt, and thong--with a wet splat, completely soaked through in his saliva. It made Aron blush and chuckle quietly.

"Excuse me." he said, his belly churning noisily around the drake he had curled up tightly in his fat ball of a gut.

The noises and squeezing continued on for several minutes. His middle didn't shrink at all during it. Instead, it simply began to soften, losing the distinct shape of the blue fellow who had dived in. It was clear he had begun to break down, turning into a sizable chubby gut and a layer of fat to be added to a few key places along Aron's densely sinuous frame. Just as the mare and her jade scaled wife were about to ask about the blue's fate, a familiar figure approached.

He looked identical to the dragon that had just been eaten, except he was completely naked. He was also extremely swollen about the middle, more so than the recently devoured blue fellow. He simply smiled at the trio as he carried two large plates and set them down carefully on either side of the pile of clothes topped with the damp bowtie. One was for Nichole, the other was for Thaylin. Both dishes looked and smelled fantastic, prompting the two ladies to turn their attention away from the already well-fed green.

"Here you are, one steak and one fish. I do hope you both will enjoy them. Now if you'll excuse me, I should get back into uniform." Smokey said.

The blue collected his belongings, slipping his glasses back on before donning his vest. The thong was somewhat tricky, given he had a rather sizable stomach to contend with that was altering his balance. He managed, and by some mystical means stuffed his generous self back into the fabric pouch meant to contain him. The skirt was then added over it, which was an easier affair. As for the bowtie, he didn't even flinch as he slipped it around his neck and tied it back up properly, still dripping lightly with his big brother's drool.

"That was quicker than last time. It's not gonna cause a problem is it?" Aron asked.

"Not at all. If you keep it relatively slow to respawn most of the time, you can sneak a quick return on occasion. Keeping the quick ones rare prevents problems with the staff in back of house," the blue explained, then without missing a beat slipped back into professional mode, "I trust you enjoyed your dinner?"

"Only always. Hard not to enjoy when it's you." Aron said with a grin, giving his gut a pat.

"Excellent, happy to hear it. Glad I could make your evening an enjoyable one. Now, before I head off, can I interest anyone in dessert?" Smokey asked, offering the green fellow a knowing wink.

"Why don't you go ahead and tell us what's on tonight?" the big, bloated fellow replied.

"Tonight, the chef has something special in store. He's preparing his famous creme brulee, made from fresh laid eggs," the gravid blue said, running one of his paws over his impressive stomach, suggesting perhaps he might know just how fresh those eggs were, "Can I put in an order for you?"

"You can put us down for three. And if you get any more orders for it and you run out of eggs, just come see me. I'll help you 'restock'." Aron said, returning the earlier knowing wink.

"This is fantastic!" Thaylin said, almost melting at the taste of her masterfully prepared salmon, "Can't wait to try dessert!"

"Me neither, this is probably the best steak I've ever had," Nichole added.

"I'll be sure to let the chef know you're enjoying his creations," Smokey said, then grinned, "Now, you had said earlier that you had wished to speak with the owner. What can I help you with?"

The two ladies slowed their progress as they ate, looking to one another, then the short blue fellow, then back at one another, and finally at Aron. Nichole was the first to speak as she dragged her gaze back to the waiter.

"Wait... are you saying you're the owner?" she asked incredulously.

"That's correct, ma'am. Was there something not to your satisfaction?" Smokey asked.

"But... you're a waiter. The owner can't be one of the wait staff!" Thaylin cried with a laugh.

"Oh I assure you I can be both. I rather prefer it, honestly. It gives me a much more accurate read for how my establishment is being run. And it allows me to enjoy serving my customers much more intimately." the blue dragon explained with a grin.

"Well, since you're the owner," Nichole said as she looked down at the blue dragon, gazing at him as a seductive grin tugged at her lips, "Tell me something, cutie... is it possible to get the 'special' to go?"

Smokey returned the grin, already liking these two ladies his brother had brought to meet him. He stepped in closer, daring to get a little presumptuous as he reached out to stroke up along one of her thick, muscular thighs. She was definitely just as heavily built as Aron. If the rest of her was anywhere near a match for the green beast, and he could manage another encounter with the group before they left, Smokey was certain he would be walking funny. He could already feel his thong beginning to strain all over again just thinking about it.

"I'm sure we can put together a doggy bag for you." he said.

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