RotH – Chapter 3: A promise

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#3 of Rules of the Herd

I managed to finish this in time. Here is the third chapter with a bit of a background story included. :)

I am not sure if I will find time for an additional story of my side projects this month, therefore I already wish you all a Marry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a good start into the new year.

Like always, comments are welcome and I hope you like the story.


This story is about anthro horses in a different dimension and world.

The story follows the summer trip of young anthro horses and their adventures.

This story is purely for entertainment and does not reflect the opinion or likes of the writer. For legal reasons all characters in this story are considered adult. It plays in a parralel world without humans.

Adult notice: This story series is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro furry species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the main characters is 9 - 16 (at start of story) but might include younger and older characters through the series. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly and check your account settings.

RotH - Chapter 3: A promise

Jack nearly fell asleep while caressing the girl on top of him and his member already got a bit softer, when he heard some noises outside.

First it was just a low tuned voice, but after the third repetition he could hear the words of Lyra. "Marie? Where are you?" she called, most likely looking for her sister that suddenly was missing when she woke up.

Jack rubbed his eyes and caressed the arms and chest of the girl, when he raised his own voice, not too loud to not wake up the girl, and replied.

"She is over here Lyra, don't worry." He just said and heard a sigh from the older girl. It did not take Lyra long to get out of her tent and come over to Jack's.

"What are you doing here Mar..." she stopped when she got through the entrance and saw Jack laying there on full display, with his slightly opened legs to the direction of the entrance showing off his messy balls and his half erect dick that still was stuck inside the tunnel of her sister.

The belly of her sister still was bulged strongly, even though quite a bit had pushed past his member and coated his fur and the mattress.

"Psst." Said Jack and placed one finger on his muzzle. "Don't wake her up yet." And he caressed the utters with his other hand, making the girl moan in her sleep.

First, Lyra seemed shocked and confused about this picture, but when she took a breath through her nostrils and noticed the heat scent under the scent of his musk and the love making, her face showed more understanding for the situation.

"I see." Was all she said, before stealing another glance at the overstretched pussy of her sister and her big belly. "You should let her empty. She will sleep much better then." She remarked before she left the tent.

"I will prepare breakfast." She added and then Jack heard her move away from the tent.

It was a sign for Lyra accepting the rules of the herd that she did not say more. In her face, Jack saw that it came as a shock and big surprise to her, that Jack actually mated her little sister.

He chuckled and pulled his half erect member out of the haflinger mare, feeling the sticky flued exit her snatch and gush over his member and balls while the girl sighed in her sleep.

Jack moved his floppy dong onto her utters and roamed around her legs, utters, hip, chest and arms, massaging the fluid she dripped all over her body.

"My little lovely sticky mare." He whispered and kissed her forehead and then leaned back to rest while the girl continued to sleep.

Jack suspected, that Lyra told Sophie to not bother them until she sent her to get them for breakfast. Jack nearly dozed off, when his sister crawled into his tent and watched her friend laying on top of her cousin with the fur all sticky and his fur and balls sticky as well.

Jack's member did never retreat, because the scent had it semi erect all the time and laying on top of her soft utters.

"Good Morning." Sophie shouted and woke up Marie, who directly moaned under the caresses of Jack.

"Good Morning Sophie." Replied Jack with a moan. "Is breakfast ready?" the girl nodded, but her face showed a mix of excitement and disappointment.

"Oh man..." she groaned. "I wanted to be the next. Marie beat me to it." And Jack understood that she meant the heat. The thought of his cousin competing over the 'right' to mate with him aroused the boy and his member started to get hard again.

"Your time will surely also come soon." He mentioned, while he continued to make the slowly waking haflinger mare on his chest moan with soft caresses of her body, while his member maxed out on top of her now deflated belly.

Sophie watches him rubbing his dick along her utters and fur, while the younger mare moaned and still was not completely awake.

"Are you coming?" came the voice of Lyra and Jack sighed, because this meant they had to get up to have breakfast.

"Can you take my cover and mattress outside?" he asked Sophie and the girl, stopping to pout, complied and moved the sticky tools outside after Jack took Marie in his arms and carried her outside the tent.

Surely Jack did not let the breakfast get in the way of his urges and when he sat down on the ground next to the blanket that had all the items for their morning meal, he pushed Marie over his erect member, making the girl groan at first.

He felt his member slide through her tunnel and even his hand was able to feel it from the outside, gliding into her belly and soon, after passing her cervix, into her womb.

His tip pushed into her walls, because gravity did not know that the girl could not fit up to his base and pressed her down on his erect member, requiring him and the girl to hold her body up at the limit.

Jack bounced Marie up and down, drawing out a few more moans over time and letting the groans nearly vanish completely.

Long before he got to his climax, the girl started to twitch around him and she reached her own orgasm. Jack worked even harder to bounce her up and down after her tunnel and pussy started to clench and release in a rhythm and a few minutes later, she did not get out of her climax the whole time, he stopped and felt his tip flare inside the mare.

Gallons of spunk pushed into the little womb of Marie and her belly soon bulged out again. Not as much as earlier, but still clearly noticeable. The girl now only moaned and chirped softly, having lost most of her energy already.

"It looks like you are getting used to it." Jack whispered and licked her cheeks and the girl giggled exhausted. He caressed her filled belly and arms, while the girl just let herself fall into his arms and his member pushed a bit deeper into her from the gravity.

"You should eat something." This was Lyra and when Jack looked up he saw a bit of discontent in her eyes. A gaze between her legs showed him a glistering of her own pussy.

Jack understood her attitude now. It was jealousy because she remembers how it felt when he had been inside her. But after all he only stopped mating her, because without the heat the girl groaned and had not felt too good with his big member.

To not provoke the girl any more, eh grabbed a bread and some cereals and started to eat. He also fed Marie, who was still half in trance from their fuck and made sure she replenished her energy as well.

His member finally went soft again, slipped out of the mare and retreated to his sheath while they were eating and when she was not impaled on his oversized rod, the little girl sat on his lap much more comfortable and munched her breakfast.

She giggled under his caresses over her belly or legs every now and then and caressed her head against his chest, which often was answered by him kissing the snowflake on her forehead.

"Are you ready for another mating?" Jack asked after the breakfast and as an answer Marie crawled down from his lap and crouched on all fours, showing off her wildly winking and dripping cunt.

"Yes!" she replied, and it became apparent that the breakfast gave her a lot of her energy back.

"Then here I come." Jack announced and moved over her, biting into her neck and bending his body to be able to penetrate her smaller frame at the same time.

He did not go slow or soft anymore. His member was erect by her display and scent in no time and he started to hammer the girl hard and pure on instinct.

Marie first groaned for the first few jabs into her insides, but soon her flesh relaxed a bit and her voice emitted chirps, nickers and moans while Jack grunted on top of her.

Half way through, he let go of her neck. He knew that she would not move away, and it was easier for him to push inside her this way. Soon he breached her cervix again, massaging her inner most sanctuary, and pushed both to their climax.

Her belly filled again with his spunk, showing a bulge at the end of his spurts, but Jack did not stop. He pushed through his orgasm, not going flaccid, and made the girl under him squirm in an ongoing orgasm until his balls were ready to fire again.

Jack heard the groans of the girl half way through his spurts and it got him out of his rut. He remembered the words of Lyra, even more because the live version of it gave him a slap on his ass and he pulled out.

His member flopped out of the girl and gushed the rest of his semen all over her hind and back, while Jack rested his member on top of her hind.

He began to massage his sticky spunk into her flanks, her shoulders and the tail while the girl slowly got down from her orgasm as well.

When she caught her breath, and nearly emptied, she rolled on her back, so that his member was now across her belly and chest and dripped the last drops onto her face, while his balls rested on her utters.

"Who is my little sticky mare?" he asked grinning at this picture and Marie, totally lost in her arousal and affection, answered: "Me!" and licked the tip of his still leaking member, which had Jack ready to go in no time.

After the first adjustment to his member, Marie turned out to be a little minx. Very similar to her big sister, maybe even more, she presented to Jack the whole day and the rest of her heat.

Jack moved to their tent again, having the girl sleep on top of him with a filled belly and his member deep in her snatch.

To give Lyra less reason to be jealous, he pushed his fingers into her snatch every night and made her moan under his caress until she fell asleep.

Jack was a bit sad, when the heat of Marie piped down, but learning from his mistakes with Lyra, he did not ask her for more mating after that but just for a few muzzle jobs.

The days after the heat of Marie ended, everything went back to a very normal pace. The kids played in the water or, after putting on some clothes, made small adventures around the mountain, restocked on food and Jack taught them all about the different tracks, how to tell birds apart from each other by the sound they made and how to blow a tune on a leaf.

With the week tickling by, Jack got a bit more nervous, because he was waiting for his cousin Sophie to get into heat.

It was not only that the boy was eager to experience the thrill of mating a girl again, but Sophie was probably the one mare he waited the most eager for to get into heat the whole time.

Since he got 12 he had a secret crush on the cute girl. Even though she had just been 6 back then, he already adored her blaze, the cute smile and the green eyes.

Every morning, when they were at the breakfast, he took a deep breath through his nostrils to verify if she was coming into heat and with every day passing he got more nervous.

He mildly remembered, that girl got into heat every month, but they nearly approached the forth week of their journey already and Jack knew, that they only had a bit over two weeks alone, before his cousin would go back home and he would not see her for months.

But finally, on a Sunday, his prayers were heard. In the morning he had not yet smelled anything, but after their swimming and when they were eating lunch, he suddenly picked up a mild spicy scent.

"Hey Sophie?" he called her. "Is it possible that your heat just started?" he was very blunt and the girls, that sat in a circle with him between their tents, giggled.

"Oh, you noticed?" she giggled and pushed her bottom into his direction, crouching on all fours. Her pearl was clearly visible, and her lips were puffy and swollen. She winked slightly, but her snatch was only a bit moist yet.

"It did not escape my nose." He joked while his lip rolled up into flehming and he crawled a bit closer to his cousin.

His tongue dipped out of his muzzle and when he was very close, the scent was increasing and starting to cloud his mind already, he started to lick over the snatch, that began to wink wilder and produce more juices.

"Uuuh!" made Sophie. "This feels awesome." And she closed her eyes and pushed her hind a bit higher, with her tail pushed out of the way and her pussy winking in anticipation. "More!" she demanded and Jack was happy to oblige.

Jack started to push his licker into her winking snatch, up to her hymen, and while he lapped up her increasing liquids and caressed her clit with his oral muscle, his hands started to caress the base of her tail, her flanks and her utters.

She started to twitch already after a few minutes, but the mind of Jack was focused only on one thing.

"I can't wait a second longer." He mumbled and jumped the girl that yipped in surprise when his weight crashed upon her and he bit into her neck to hold her in position. She moaned from the endorphins traveling through her body and pushed her hind into the direction of his fully erect dick, that just touched her winking lips.

Jack could hold back no longer. He had been pent up for a week now and in addition the mare under him was the girl he had a crush on and that he wanted to mate the most.

The willing young mare moaned and chirped until he speared forward. A Screech echoed over the lake and tears directly shot into her eyes.

Jack could not control himself and go slow. His mind was totally overtaken by his lust and he started to push in hard and pull back fast in an increasing rhythm, leaving the girl under him crying, groaning and moaning in a frenzy.

Sophie was not prepared for this hard fuck from the start and her head swam in a mix of pain, pleasure and lust. She did not try to fight the stallion on top of her, not that she would have had a chance with him biting down on her, nor did she show any other reaction than putting up a wider stance, crying and groaning under him.

In a strange way, the pain was dulled by her arousal and the instinct to take Jack as deep as he would go. She felt him pistoling in and out of her snatch, sliding along her tunnel and knocking at her cervix for minutes.

Jack on the other hand was in heaven and totally lost sense of his surroundings. His hip moved on its own and his dong felt wonderful inside his cousin. She was tight, but not as tight as Marie or Lyra. Being a Frisian horse, his cousin was bigger and was built to take him in.

He worked hard and grunted with each push, loving the feeling of his ridge rubbing her moist clit every time he pushed it in and pulled it out.

Even though the girl under him still groaned and cried, her insides twitched and massaged his member in the nearing climax and he put extra effort into pushing all the way in.

It took him a few minutes until he finally overpowered her cervix, when her orgasm started and made it open a bit in the spasm, and he pushed all the way in to his base, sinking into the girl until his member touched the end of her womb.

He pushed in and out of the girl, which was groaning, moaning, crying, chirping and nickering all the time, a few times more until he pushed one last time, felt himself flare inside her, his balls contracting and then rested on top of her and gushing gallons of his pent up cum into the mare in heat.

He let go of her neck and let out a thundering neigh and then let his body rest on top of her trembling and sweating body, starting to roam over her chest and utters with his hands and enjoying the afterglow of his orgasm.

Jack very slowly got back to senses, while a memory of his past flashed in front of his eyes. He slowly rolled to the side, so that the wobbling legs of Sophie would not give in and lay there, on his side, with his cousin in front of him and his rod pushed to the base into the tight drenched tunnel.

The six years old black filly cried in the arm of a twelve years old black colt. "Schhhh...." He whispered softly and caressed over the head while the cute white blaze of the filly was hidden in his black chest fur. The boy only wore a shorts while the girl wore a dress that was torn and dirty. "It is okay Sophie." He whispered while his hands started to caress her ears and the mane.

The arm of the boy was red from blood that slowly started to subside running out of the long cut that went all the way from his shoulder to his wrist. The girl had stumbled and slipped down the slope in the forest next to the playing ground and the boy barely had been able to jump after her and catch her.

His arm shivered, half from the pain and half from the shock he had when he saw his cousin fall down the slope. The adults already poked their head over the edge and looked down, taking a deep sigh in relive when they saw that both cubs were okay.

"Get the med kit from the car." Shouted the father of the boy and carefully slid down the slope to get to the cubs. Jack did not let go of the little girl in his arms but continued to caress her and whisper words of comfort into her twitching ears until the girl stopped crying.

"See Sophie, all is fine." He whispered when his father took the girl and carried her to the edge to give her to her mother. Then the big stallion came down again to get his son.

"Does It still hurt?" the kids lay in the big bedroom of the girl. Like always when they visited his aunts family, they put a mattress next to the bed of the girl. A white bandage was around the arm of the boy and he grinned to the girl.

"All fine. I am a boy after all. We can endure pain very well." It was a tough act, because his arm still stung and throbbed. It was a minor tradeoff that he cut his arm open from the stone that he sled over when protecting the head of Sophia.

But the pain was nothing in face of the pride he felt. All the adults had praised him for his fast reaction and for saving his cousin. The pain and the wound, that even had to be stitched in the hospital, were like a badge of honor for the colt.

"Jack?" the silent sweet voice of the girl whispered and the head, that she poked over the edge of her bed, came even closer when she pushed her upper body into his direction and then crawled down from her bed next to him.

The filly had her white pajama on and was bathed and groomed, smelling like flowers. "What?" he whispered and looked at his cute cousin. Her blaze glowed a bit in the dim light of the moon, that came through the window.

"Thank you!" she whispered and nuzzled his cheeks before giving him a little kiss. "For you I would do everything." He whispered back and kissed her blaze.

The girl crawled under his cover and Jack put his healthy arm around the girl while she put her head on his chest, that was now covered by his red pajamas. "I love you Jack." She whispered, with her eyes closed and caressing her head against his shoulder and throat.

"I love you too, Sophie." He whispered and the blood shot into his head a bit. With her cuddled up with him, the growing boy felt feelings inside him dwelling, that he did not feel before. He might have always loved his cousin but with her lying next to him, he realized that he had more feelings for her. He had a genuine crush on his own little cousin.

"When I am a big girl, I will marry you." She whispered. "Will you marry me Jack?" The boy gulped before he answered. "Yes Sophie. I will marry you." He said, feeling his ears getting hot.

"Pinkie Promise?" she dared him and held her hand up. He took her pinkie with his own and whispered back, while looking in her now open green eyes. "Pinkie Promise!" he confirmed it to her and both giggled, before they closed their eyes and fell asleep arm in arm.

_ _

"You are mine." He whispered into the ears of the exhausted girl. "You are my bride." And he took her into a soft embrace, caressing her utters and teats and making small vibrating movements with his member deep inside her womb while the last spurts of his orgasm subsided, and he felt her belly being bulged out quite a bit.

Jack was the one recovering faster. At least Sophie could gain back enough energy to crouch on all fours again, when his member slipped out and he urged her to get into mating position again, but her moans got lower and sounded exhausted when he pushed in and out of her snatch with grunts.

The heat of the girl broke lose completely after a few fucks and in the evening, after Lyra managed to have them eat something, Jack couldn't resist having his cousin sit on his lap with his member deep inside her cavern while eating.

The rest of the time, Sophie moaned, chirped and nickered under Jack, who moaned and grunted on top of her as if his life depended on it.

When both dropped out exhausted, it was time to go to bed and Jack crawled into the tent of the girls again to sleep with his three mares while his dong was deep inside his cousin and his last week spurts entered her heated womb.

Jack had no problem falling asleep with the three mares cuddling against him from all sides. Before the last weak spurt of his member entered Sophie and then his member started to soften again, he already breathed steadily with his eyes closed and went back into a dream of their childhood.

RotH – Chapter 4: Surprise encounter

# RotH - Chapter 4: Surprise encounter "What it this?" Marie looked up to Jack who crouched down to have a look at the fungus the girl pointed at. A few days had passed already since the heat of Sophie winded down and without the horniness being...

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