Just a drink

Story by kaeil on SoFurry

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Samuel made his way through the mud room after dropping off his leather jacket at the coat-check. 5 more dollars after paying 20 to get in, there go four shots, he accounted. But, he said this was the place to go when you need to get a girl out of your head. Have a few drinks.

Continuing the advice over his breath in recounting the rules from john earlier that afternoon, "grab a girl or two for a dance, he said. Talk about how much you like them. Remind them there are others here you know that might be more willing. Give them reason to take a chance," his voice trailed off as he thought about the reward for a little social work here and imagined the girls around with his bed sheets.

Looking over the club goers as he entered in further, some drew an instinctive smile of possibilities, some didn't. Some never would no matter how many drinks he had. A few gave him pause to consider approaching cold, but Samuel was far too stiff to start anything, a beer and a shot begin any night.

Low base that shook his stomach and chest sounded out rhythmically over the speakers, a relatively quieter underlying mix danced with the beat. Waxing and waning in chaos, but touching the harmonics enough to keep the women and a few men steadily moving out on the main dance floor.

Pulsing multicolor lights colored the smokey haze that hung about the ceiling twenty feet up, and Sam could feel the welcoming disorientation beginning to take hold. Steadily making way along the edge of the dance floor, parting through yelled conversations or markedly decent dancers, he found the bar on the far wall located just down from the high lofted DJ and his sound equipment. His just over six foot height came in useful for some of the most unexpected things.

"Beck's and a shot of Jager," he yelled at the late twenties bartender. She was cute for being a half dozen years older than him with blonde hair cut in an exaggerated pointy mess that ended in blue dye tips. Maybe, he considered, but she's so jaded, it'll not be worth the wait till she gets off at 5 in the morning.

The bartender finished a quick fruit vodka mix or some unknown sort for a girl who looked far too young to be here then drew his beer from the tap. Sliding it down to him almost without looking a well practiced hand grabbed hold of the sweet liquor from the top shelf and she approached filling a shot before him. "Another," she asked almost emotionlessly, already knowing the answer he would give.

Samuel grabbed the shot and threw the contents at the back of his throat, setting the empty glass back before her, "yeah." He exhaled heavy to let the scent of the drink finally hang in his mouth long enough to taste what it was while grabbing hold of the heady beer for a sip.

The bartender complied without hesitation and set the half filled bottle back in its place almost without looking, "15 dollars." Either her heart just wasn't into this job, or she thought he wasn't worth any effort to treat warmly.

He dug for his wallet from the front pocket of his thick aged blue jeans to pull out a twenty. Samuel griped with the lack of any kind of interest, What? I'm decent looking. I work out enough to not be a rail. I even got a decent job downtown. Insulted for no reason, he handed over the bill and waited for change. Yeah, I'm not tipping you tonight bitch, vindictively he plotted.

The girl took the bill and slapped down a 5 that felt wet and oily, touche. Sweaty money. Another patron of the dance club called her out and she promptly went to the shaker to create the next concoction, his interest in paying attention to her parted with a draw.

Turning around with the beer he surveyed the women in their eclectic styles. Mismatched clothes mainly, but it looked right if you wanted to get someone's attention. They all did, that is what this place is for, college kids spending allowances and a few 18 year olds with rich parents that want to get a start on wild living while they could recover from it. He was the perfect age of 22 to have his pick of any of them.

Taking a mouthful of his Becks, he let it sit just to make sure his breath didn't betray the burger and fries he had before, then swallowed hard to build up his determination to find a partner for the first dance. Someone willing, his eyes passed from emo to highlifes, from the forced friends to the eager beavers.

There we are, Sam caught the hidden girl with black long hair and dark eyes that was looking around just as much as he was. Her eyes didn't catch him just yet, nor anyone else. Perfect, he noted her three friends making too much effort to show off their bodies in dresses that would give them frostbite after 2 minutes outside, they'll draw the morons, I'll have the sober one all to myself.

Running a hand through his brown hair to loosen it up a little, he finished the last of his beer then took his shot as an act of acceptance of the mission. Hands smoothed out the fitted beige linen dress shirt as he stood from the stool, a stealthily check his fly, and Samuel was approaching his target.

Listening to the industrial music, he started to find his rhythm and began accentuating his steps to match it properly before he would dance her a few steps from her safe friends and closer to his own desires. "Hey," his words slipped out between his white smile as a hand touched her shoulder with enough weight to know this wasn't by accident.

The under-adorned girl of maybe 23, turned at took him. A small smile gave Sam the answer he wanted, 'good enough.' "Hey yourself," she yelled just loud enough to make it over the music then turned to dancing with her friends. Her eyes were important, they stopped looking for a better partner.

Samuel slipped along side her to pulled her gently to face him, stepping carefully to not give her friends a reason to stop the capture, "You look nice. I'm Samuel by the way," he punctuated his intent by grabbing hold of her waist and moving behind her then back in front of her before the expected response came.

She agreed to listen to the proposition, "Lisa," and began to take a more active roll in letting her movements blend with his.

They danced for a few minutes, Samuel slowly and carefully bringing her a few feet from her friends. Lisa seemed to grow a little more distant the longer he tried to influence her opinion of him with flashy moves and occasionally adoration. Then she was tapped on the shoulder by the redhead in the pink slip dress, damn it. I didn't even see the handsign. I guess the first dance is a bust.

He gave her space to let the redhead pass a message in a covered mouth to her ear, and Lisa turned back to him with an apologetic look, "I need to stop a minute, I'll see you in a little bit."

Liar, he thought though spoke with a slightly hopeful tone, not loud enough to seem desperate, just in case, "sure thing Lisa. You should be able to find me easy." Sam accepted the dismissal honorably, there was no point in fighting it, especially this early.

The foursome began to move away from him. Deciding to continue his movements with the music while his eyes carefully looked for another girl to place himself beside there was a bump from behind.

"Oh sorry," the cheerful voice of a girl with too much liquor in her system apologized.

Samuel turned around to inspect the interruption, "no, no, it's fine." And she is, he gladly noted. The woman was maybe 20. Dark brown makeup, and dark red lipstick that matched her professionally tanned skin perfectly. Beautiful curled dirty blond hair hung about her shoulders, that accentuated the gray and blue silk dress that showed off her curvaceous figure with the right amount of reveal.

She smiled, and with a glass in one hand, draped it over Samuel's neck as if its miniscule weight was too tiring and he was the closest available table. An act he wasn't about to shrug off. "Dance with me. The room is spinning and I'm going to just... Go with it."

He grinned with the opportunity that landed in his lap, She'll do just fine. The two danced somewhat clumsily, the girl a little too loose, him a little too careful.

"Here, let me hold that for you. You wouldn't want to spill that on anybody would you," Samuel asked for her glass of pink something or other in a deep bed of crushed ice. Another fruity drink coloring god knows what brand of gin. Definitely gin, he noted.

The girl slipped her hand into his and let him take hold of the cold glass, "sure. Sure." Her words lisped with the carefree attitude that was usually a sign of a lesser woman who would be passed out before they got to do anything, but her looks over-rode his prior experiences to part now.

The song ended, and the DJ was bleeding into the next when she yelled out, standing on the tips of her heals to get near his ear. Her voice warm and soothing encouraged him to more than the meaning, "I think maybe I need to have a seat."

Sam, took her by the waist and helped her carefully maneuver between the throngs of patrons, but letting her pick the spot. The smell of her perfume clung to the air around her, and the feel of her warm body through the thin fabric of her dress made him hungry for just about anything.

He realized the half drank glass was still in his hand, she'll not miss it, and alcohol abuse in a place like this being a crime; He drank the surprisingly strong contents then discarded the glass on the next table they passed. Ugh, that is some awful stuff, he cringed at the taste. "Where do you like," Samuel asked hoping to get to a topic of interest for her to assure the hopeful sexual encounter.

The girl made way to a side of the main floor and peered around almost lost but quickly found, "upstairs!" She jeered with enthusiasm usually only relegated to some wide receivers catching a last minute game winning ball in the end-zone.

He laughed and helped her up the steps trying to make sure her heals didn't catch on the treads, or her body turn unexpectedly, and take this lucky find to a hospital for a sprained ankle instead, "You know this place well I guess."

"Yep," she proclaimed proudly. "Every Friday night me and my friends come here. Best time... Ever." She turned and placed a finger to her mouth to relay that this should be held as a secret. Certainly she was out of her mind, but that just made her more beautiful in his more sober eyes.

Up the stairs, and down a wide hallway lined by private rooms on one side and a smaller bar on the other, the music became less pronounced. She took the third of three doors but couldn't find the latch easily in her disoriented state, so Samuel with his conditionally kind act, opened it for her.

Within the oddly spacious room was a long wide couch in leather bookshelved on each side by huge armchairs. The three black pieces faced a long wide coffee table in dark black wood that matched the leather. The walls were a muted deep brown wallpaper with fine lines, almost unnoticeable, of light tan.

The girl dragged Samuel in by his hand, and he in turn made sure she would not lose her grip and slip to the floor, "ah, my room. This is mine you know," her eyes beamed pride then distractedly looked around, "I need a drink."

"Sure thing," he helped her to the couch making sure his hands lingered on her too long. She leaned back and let her head face the ceiling. He glanced up as well and saw a mural of trees as if her were laying in the woods. The detail was quite remarkable. "Are your friends here now," Samuel asked, regretting it instantly.

The girl stared lost at the ceiling in thought only to catch him with her piercing blue eyes after a long blink, "Nope! Just me and you. Drink," she demanded with a hand raised up like a princess demanding servitude. A position that he would gladly take.

"Who is this drink for, and what would you like," he asked endearingly with a touch of innuendo on his tongue.

She purred with interest and sealed the deal with a wink, "ask for a wild wolf, and make sure you say it's for Natalie."

Samuel quickly, almost stumbling over himself turned out the door and headed for the second floor bar, "hey, can I get a wild wolf? Make it two. They're for Natalie," he asked much too hurried of the bartender.

The man behind the counter glanced over from the TV to him in thought, then began mixing the contents. He didn't grab anything from the shelf. What it was made of came from a cabinet off to the side. A rare drink? I gotta learn what's in this, "what are you making that with," he asked insistently of the bartender.

"It's a secret specialty, I cant say." The man filled up the tumbler with the liquids and the shook them about a moment before putting it into a tall thin glass with crushed ice, "if I did, you wouldn't come back."

With a nod and smile Samuel acquiesced, "of course, of course. Gotta keep those regulars coming."

The bartender placed the pink drinks, just like the one she had before, in front of him quickly before turning back to the game on a monitor, ignoring Sam.

"How much," he asked, uncertain what was going on as a hand dug for his wallet to pull out a twenty for the bill.

The bartender waved him without a glance from the baseball pitch, "they go on her tab."

"Well if that's the case," accepting the generosity, he placed the money in the tip jar always maintaining a chivalrous appearance... when he was sober, then turned to head back to the room where Natalie waited.

She was laying on the sofa lengthwise, an arm tucked behind her head that was turned towards the door. Eyes that found a worthy prize graced him, and he in turn smiled eagerly. The door was closed behind him with a smooth nudge of the foot and the music softened to inaudible leaving the two of them alone undistracted.

"Here you go," one drink was held before her in offering, and the other was set on the coffee table far out of way, just in case she needs another. "Quite generous of you too."

She stared at him for a loss, then smiled with a warm grin and closed eyes, "oh yes. Well being owner has its perks."

"Are you now," Samuel said in surprise, not certain if that was a sign this would be the greatest night on earth, or would turn into the most horrific. She's been around. You never know what people get into once they loose interest in the basics, he worried.

Natalie nodded and reached for the glass, tilting it carefully to let a sip of the contents enter her dark soft lips. She was clumsy and a small drop ran down her chin, hanging tenaciously at the bottom, "oops!"

Samuel didn't let his apprehension hold him. Reaching with a light finger he pooled the wayward drop to his fingertip and ran it along her skin to collect it all. To his shock, she twisted her head blindingly quick, engulfing his finger with her hungry lips. She held him frozen while a soft tongue licked every drop of the substance from his finger thoroughly. A purr emerged from Natalie's throat behind occupied lips.

His member grew firm, pressing against his pant leg, "you like them that much I see." He pulled his finger from her wet grasp and placed it slowly into the drink she was holding.

She smiled and whispered, "I do. Have the other one."

"Of course, anything you would like Natalie." Samuel retrieved his finger from the bitter cold drink, and touched it to her lips. She kissed it softly, the warmth surged forward and he felt a sense of enjoyment nothing as simple as this should do. But then again, she was not a simple girl, and this was not a simple situation of drunken sex. He could feel it.

While reaching for the second drink with his free hand, Natalie wrapped her tongue around his offering, drawing it deep inward with a pull that he didn't think possible of a small woman as her. But there was nothing else he would like right now than to have those lips wrap around every part of him. The ideas slipped in and out of his thoughts of all the ways he could enjoy this gorgeous girl.

Samuel brought the extra glass to his mouth. Why am I having more of this, it's just awful, he railed, but he had to. If he didn't, she might turn on him from wanton to cold as the ice in this glass. Taking a long drought of the cold pink alcohol, it soothed his throat. A strange thirst he didn't realize he had abated, and the strong gin taste left, replaced with a thick salt like warmth on his tongue. It tasted better. Good, this time. That's a remarkably quick acquired taste it has.

She pulled from teasing him to whisper in more command than the question one would offer after trying something new, "You like that."

"Yeah. I do. What's in it?"

She shrugged, "it's Tony's special drink. Expensive, so we don't advertise. But our friends like it."

"Your," he absentmindedly corrected, having no idea who she is talking about.

"Oh no, you'll love them when you meet them. You will stay here for that. Won't you?"

Samuel responded without thinking, "Of course."

"Oh good." Her form rose up carefully, revealing her cleavage to him through the V neck of the dress as she propped herself up on one elbow, drawing up her skirt with the other. Just far enough along her tan smooth stunning legs that he could almost glimpse the color of her panties underneath.

I'm glad she's happy, he found himself thinking without any provocation. Taking a small sip of the wild wolf and making sure a good portion of the contents settled on his upper lip he reached forward with his hands to rest them on her shoulders and pulled her lips closer to his.

She didn't resist. Leaning forward with him, her mouth opened just to make a small space, letting an excited breath slipped out. They quickly closed upon his upper lip and held firm. The smell of her lipstick entered into his nose and filled him with uncontrollable passion. His cock struggled against his clothing painfully, wanting to get out and let her press her mouth to it too. To take away the strain and desire with a great urgency.

She pulled away sensing something he did not say, but was surely relayed in his movement, "not yet." Her lips returned to resting on his. Her tongue dove into his mouth and ran against his own. The taste of the drink intoxicating him to a point that normally take a couple pitchers of beer.

His member subsided slightly, if you say so, disheartened somewhat, but understanding on the other hand, the last remnants of his sober mind subsided.

They enjoyed one another's passion for a long moment. Samuel and Natalie entwined by only lips and tongue. He could not be anymore elated than this moment, and her body under the gentle touch of his hands began to shift and adjust from laying on the sofa to pulling to a sitting position before him. Come on, so close.

Natalie pulled away a hair distance from his lips, "Lay on the table," she instructed with lustful breaths.

Samuel could not, would not, question the change of pace. Oh please. He leaned back and turned so he lay on his back on the long coffee table, staring up at the ceiling. The trees loomed overhead with soft green and stark blue patches. Strong limbs reached towards the center. Seemingly reaching for him in their dark grays and shadowed browns.

He wanted to turn and look at her, watch every movement she made, but the view was so engrossing. It was if the wind really was blowing against the branches. I can watch this for a little bit, as long as I can feel her, I won't miss anything.

As his disoriented mind looked upwards, he could feel Natalie's hands start to explore his body. One took hold of the belt he wore and began to unlatch it smoothly with practiced skill. Her soft voice asked curoiusly clearer than her drunken state, "what do you see?"

"I see the painting," he answered clumsily.

"Is it just a painting? I spent a lot of time and money to have that," she remanded kindly him with false offense. The soft sound of buttons coming undone made him forget any curiosity, instead to appreciate her attention to the fullest.

Samuel corrected himself quickly as he heard the sound of the metal zipper beginning to break each of its connections. Mixing anticipation with honesty, "it's good. So good. I could watch it for a long time."

"Well, do so." She laughed happily, "watch the ceiling and do nothing else," she instructed once more as a hand began to slide his shirt tails from its pinned place. Her hands glided along his taunt stomach muscles, each brush sent chills up his spine like the welcome quiet cool air after leaving a hot noisy crowded club. "You're excited I see," she added with a teasing hunger opening his shirt wide, exposing his dark haired chest.

He moaned as Natalie let her fingers dance against the shaft of his cock. It came to life stronger than ever, striving to break free of the cotton that penned it close to his body. He could feel the small forming of pre reaching the tip to be absorbed by his underwear.

She managed to find it easily with her groping hand that caressed and inspected his package. As he stared up at the ceiling, the trees moved noticeably and with much more fluid motion than a drunk man should see. "It moves? Is this a monitor," he managed to ask despite the nerves in his body all slowly slipping to euphoria by her hands.

"Oh no, it's real," she whispered pulling her mouth to his ear and whispering in hot breath that touched off a ringing of elation through his body. Before he could ask anything further, she brought her hand up to rest along his face. The cold touch conflicted with his warming body, but it felt wonderful to him. "You like this, you love this," she moved her thumb to rest on his lips and he kissed there. Eyes never leaving the sky that was above him.

A salty substance clung to her thumb and he let his tongue savor the substance, is this my cum, he worried. But that thought didn't matter. He wasn't one to be too much a prude for kinky encounters, and it did taste good. So good to him. No wonder women like to suck. I love this taste. It's almost like that drink, but warm. So warm. His mind delved into the thought of how this was turning into the best night of his life while his mouth took in her coated thumb to find every drop, lovingly cleaning it.

"I know you would like more," She whispered in his ear and the warmth of her breath stirred him to painful erection. A cool breeze passed through the room in time with the trees in the ceiling, and he could tell his penis was proclaiming its need as the cold air touched the head which had emerged from his briefs.

Her fingers graced his muscular body with an invigorating chill then finally wraped around his cock. The contrast between her and his engorged member was a wonderful sense that drove more blood to it. He felt as if the skin would split with the slightest touch, but her hand glided up and down the shaft slowly and calmly, rubbing her finger on his wet tip that was dripping pre.

Once more she brought it up to his mouth and he gratefully tasted his own seed. The greater amount that she brought him sent self control further and further away. She was taking care of him in ways he had never dreamed, and Samuel would not do anything to interrupt the pleasure.

Above, out of the corner of his eye, in the ceiling, he saw movement. Not the trees, different. Rounded forms that moved apart from them. They came and went behind the surrounding trunks. Even as his eyes moved their focus from directly above to the side, the edge of the ceiling couldn't be seen. Something is wrong here, the worried thought struggled to break through the sensations that flooded his addled mind.

"Remember how I mentioned my friends," she asked not expecting a response, but Samuel did nod lightly as his tongue and lips devoured what cum could be found on her delicate fingers serving all too small portions. "I want you to meet them. You like them. You are just like them," her words in his ear, followed by a gentle kiss and bite of his earlobe that drive a shock almost as powerful as a climax through him.

I will like them, because I am just like they are, he thought obediently in echo of Natalie's words. Her hand once more came to rest on his throbbing cock to slowly stroke more from him with a grace no one else he had known managed. He should have came a while ago, but she somehow continued the pleasure, and really, who was he to complain if she brought more women to share his body.

The forms began to become more pronounced and the colors of them made way to his understanding. Each of the four wore coats of fur that completely covered them. One light gray and brown, one black with white tips, another of pure white, and the last was a deep gray striped with white and a sandy brown. The size of her friends couldn't be made out as he stared straight above, but he managed to somehow turn his head slightly to see.

He was no longer in the room. He was surrounded by trees in a unfamiliar woods. The woods of the picture. But real. In every way. There was no end to the forest before him, around him. Turning his head and straining his eyes in every possible way, there was nothing but Natalie, the sparse furniture, these four approaching forms, and trees. Real trees.

One of the forms came out from behind a tree carefully hunched over. Its shape was odd and peculiar. Long legs angled at the wrong points, and its chest was angled overly. Being much wider at the shoulders than the hips. This black furred one moved without a sound of its steps on leaves to close the small space between Samuel and this, this monster.

He wanted to scream in panic at what was going on, he would want nothing more than to cry reality and shatter this drug induced dream. Putting all the effort he could to comprehend what he was seeing, his eyes focused solely on the black furred form and he voiced a weak protest, "no."

Her tongue traced a line along the outer edge of his ear followed by a soft word of encouragement, "you are eager to see your friends. You want them because they have something you love."

"Yes," Samuel agreed happily, unable to imagine anything else that would be more welcoming than his friends coming to be with him. "I am glad they are here."

Natalie pressed her lips to his one last time with relish and lust, her tongue darting into his mouth and dancing with his, then pulled away to lean back on the leather couch leaving Samuel alone on the coffee table, unable, unwilling to move from it as the forms approached and made themselves known.

His heart fell quieter as she left him, this warm girl next to him was all he could ask for, but she was making way for his friends, my friends are here for me too.

The black furred creature had an obvious wolven head, dark yellow striking eyes framed by firm splayed ears that stood out over of the void of light he embodied. Arms long and sinuous held near human hands that moved in balance with him. There was no question it was a male as his dick stood out proudly in deep bright red. Long and looking every bit as desirous as his own feels.

No. He's going to rape me. Stop stop this. Please, his eyes turned to look at Natalie, his mouth unable to form the words of fear and horror of what was coming to him this night. But she watched with eagerness and passion far greater than he has seen her yet. Natalie's eyes were held tight as if they were the only thing keeping her reclined in the large leather settee that now resembled a throne.

She'll not help, she wants this! He watched as her hand began running into her dress caressing her breast, the other pressed between the dark black lace of her thong into the wet folds of her pussy. Possessively pressing in and out of her pleasure, drawing out what could only be imagined as pure sex far more encompassing that the feeling she let him experience before.

He stared back to the human inspired wolf, who had reached near enough to pull his head down next to Samuel's. His breath left the closed muzzle in a waft and deep long inhale. About his form hung a scent of leaves. Soft and dry, welcoming as a scented home gone far too long. "No," he managed one last plead that barely escaped his lips, but the queen of this woods would not have it.

"You want them, be free to enjoy the four as you have me my dear," she determined for him, and the drink he had taken before in great quantity made certain he would comply with all his heart.

The large black furred wolf pressed his golden eyed head next to Samuel, brushing his soft warm coat against his cold cheek's skin. The touch awoken a feeling different then Natalie's adoration of his form, it felt as entrapment, a wholly confined place where he would be safe. There was no helping the emotions and need stirring, and he leaned towards the wolven man wanting to find that space where the two of them feel as one.

He reacted to Samuel's acceptance with gratitude. Extending his tongue to lap his neck with wet soft exploration while his black furred arms came around each side, slipping under his own.

The light push was all that was needed to get the once unwilling man to bring himself from laying to sitting upright. Energy that was once fleeing surged through all of him as Samuel was now allowed to participate fully with the other half of this unbridled affection.

One arm, once inexplicably immobile, rose from his side to wrap around the large head of this creature. Beautiful and dark, his fingers slipped deep into its pelt cherishing the sense between his cold fingers. His lips placed a kiss against the side of the wolven head. Then another, slowly kissing his way to the ear. His teeth gently pressed into the skin once, then dug his nose behind the thin folds, taking deep draws of the wolf's scent, breathing excitedly in Black's with appreciation.

Before him, the other three wolves came near and carefully began to reach for his body. The dark gray striped wolf took hold of the jeans he wore and with soft hot padded fingers, began to pull them downward.

The man wanted nothing more than to be as free and open as these wolven men were. He lifted and bent the leg that the Striped was working on, to help it come off that much faster. The anticipation of more enjoyable tasks occupied all his thoughts.

The white came before him too, and ran his chin along the length of his exposed wet cock. Samuel looked down to see what it was attempting to accomplish, then closed his lids, pleased, shutting out all but the feeling of long haired White gathering the pre-cum and small dots of semen Natalie did not offer earlier.

White pulled back from greeting his member and dragged his tongue along its length from base to tip then back again along the back side. Feeding on the seed of Samuel, and in return being rewarded for such love with more seeping out after each lashing. The wolf kicked aside the armchair to make way for himself. Kneeling down, he positioned himself to place his mouth over the reddened member and let it enter his mouth completely. With a wet tongue guiding, his head stroked up and down along the whole length.

Sam felt such incomprehensible elation being the subject of this affection. His hand began to stroke the ears of black encouraging it to greater desire. "Let me touch it," he whispered desirous as the other hand reached behind and found Black's manhood. "I want you to feel this too." The slick pointed cock fit well into his hand, his fingers grasped the girth firmly and completely.

Sliding back and forth along the great length, the dark furred wolf reacted with gratitude to the stroking and drew his body against the back of his. Blacks heart beat heavily, and each thump of pounding blood called like a song to his own. He found the beat and drove the wolf in time with it.

Black panted inbetween his caresses of the man's chest with his padded hand like paws and lapping of Samuel's neck with his tongue. "We love you, let us show you everything we can do," the voice of the black furred wolf-like man, was deep and barely controling the coming orgasm.

Opening his eyes once more to behold the attendants of this sensual gathering, Sam's sight left the plush depths of the black fur, and took in the white wolf's milking of his cock with expert movements. He couldn't hold his experience any long and shudders of long sought release were sent out to the hungry maw of the large creature. White pulled back from his feeding of the man to swallow his reward, thick cum escaping the sides of its jaws.

Striped would not let an ounce go to waste, and it lapped at the muzzle of White. Both soon found themselves sharing hunting darting tongues and grappling pawed hands. Each jealously guarded and yet unflinching in their offering of the prize that had been gained.

"I won't do without any," Samuel teased as if someone else were speaking for him. His eyes turned on Natalie who watched the sex between the five unflinchingly with desirous eyes and a half opened mouth showing flushed skin of a recent orgasm. She... Didn't make me say that. There was no one not wanting this encounter, even himself.

Seeing the pleasure that the man had experienced come to fruition, Black had as well let his seed escape its confines. The panting of the dark furred one, who's dick was in Samuel's inexperienced, but greedy hand, pinnacled in a loud long howl of grateful accomplishment. Against the rough cotton fabric worn, shots of hot semen struck again and again along his back. Black, panting with lost of breath, pulled his chest firm against Samuel, seeing to assure that the cum would be shared, cemented on both their bodies.

The dark gray cast aside the jeans as the last tongue of White and Stripe parted. He took ownership of Samuel, who was breathing deeply, recovering from his climax, and struck his strong arms under each leg. While White was more serving, the gray striped wolven man would not be so easily accommodated, and it showed in the amber gaze.

He lifted up the legs of the man and pushed them forward to expose the underside to his expectant bright red member that long has been waiting for this moment. Pushing forward more and more, the furred arms seemed to almost blurred the lines between him and the man. As the knees were pressed within inches of Black's clutching paws, he poised himself to take Samuel's virginity.

The man feared what the large member would do to him, but these were his friends, his lovers. They wanted him no harm. Just to share this precious experience, and show each other that there was nothing between them. He turned his head to the black furred wolf and asked, "let me taste you."

Black pulled away from him, gently letting his upper body return to resting on the table, making an effort to not let the brown wolf be excluded from this moment. The last of the four came to take the place of Black eagerly. His pointed member hung low and straight between his legs; presented for Samuel to open wide and allow it entry to quench his dry throat.

The dark gray wolf pressed his cock firmly and slowly, letting the man know well every portion of the length that burrowed into his hole. Samuel released a cry of pain as the muscles and skin were pulled taunt to allow the sex entry, but this was fleeting, and soon it was replaced with a relieved exhale. Striped pushed his dick further into Samuel's hole, letting the tightness not undo him too soon, or bringing unintended discomfort to the recipient of his lust.

The man looked at the light gray and brown spotted wolf who towered over him, then reached with both hands to draw him in. One hand cupped the soft furred sack and press firm fingers behind them to massage the prostate, while the other guided the slippery red rod towards his expectant lips.

He pressed with a kiss at the very end, and happily found the same taste as his own. Wonderful pre had formed and whetted most of the end, and it would only be better if he could just draw more out. All of it.

Sam's tongue struck out, adding his own wet fluids to that of Brown's. He tasted like the best of everything he had known. Not food, not woman, not drink, nothing had the same flavor or strung such emotions in him. Samuel lightly stroked the shaft of the wolven while encouraging it deep into his mouth.

The warm length of Stripe had made it further into Samuel. He could feel it breaching his body, and it was like something he had needed but never known. The shame of his thought was brief, abating rapidly as the dark gray wolven man pressed fully into the man breathing a heavy sigh of relief, and began to slowly retrieve it once more.

Even occupied with the Brown before him, begging to be fed this strange seed, and even with Stripe's arms wrapped around his legs yielding little leverage, Samuel clung to the wolf who was taking him. He did not want the hot member to ever leave his body again. The dark gray grinned with anticipation of the entangled pleasure they would both share and agreed to pushing the slick member back in to the hilt. This time faster.

The Brown breathed in ecstasy, the man claimed a tight grip with his mouth coupled with the eager coaxing tongue and driving hand, feeling the semen in his cherished balls start to build with pressure. Unable to hold still, his hips carefully began to rock back and forth opposing the motion of the man's, to build the feeling faster and faster.

From the other-side, Stripe and Samuel had created a harmony between their bodies. As the dark gray striped wolf attempted to pull out from the wanton hole of the man. Sam would, in turn, use whatever strength he could muster to force him back inside. Building the wolven man up faster and faster.

None of the three wanted this sexual rapture to end. As one took to pleasure himself with one end to both's delight, the other was hoping to renew a far too long withheld, newly realized, uncontrollable need. The thrusts, tastes, smells, from all these human like furred wolves dispersed any last shame in these acts Samuel held onto to and he let himself join them in spirit and soul.

The Striped wolf was the first to feel the rhythm take control of his will, and a final, uncontrollable rapid press of his cock into the man's tight ass let loose the builtup pressure of cum. It surged forward to enter the man with hot release in slower thrusting penetration.

Samuel heard the dark gray's howl break the air of controlled panting, and his own muffled cries of fevered pleasure joined the cry. Like a crescendo of ecstasy, the Brown could no longer hold back from the ministrations of the man milking his dick, and he too let out a loud howl that echoed off the woods surrounding them as his climax was reached.

The fluids of Brown rushed into him knowing little heed of direction. The salty thick fluid raced into his mouth and throat far quicker than Samuel wished. If he could have it stay within his mouth and tongue to savor, that would be much more wanted, but it would not. He drank down what came, and there was great quantity exiting the brown and light gray wolven man's cock.

Each hurried gulp washed down his throat giving him more and more sense of satisfaction and wholeness. The Brown drew his slowly softening penis from his mouth and Samuel was sorry to have it leave. But there was a strong cum scent filling his nose, and a mouth that managed to hold onto a good portion to occupy his thoughts.

Below him, the Striped let go all his reserves. Samuel could not experience it as his mouth, but the sensation of having someone in him, filling him, was a wholly different and equally as perfect a sensation. The feeling of carrying the physical affection of both these lovers with him had finally settled the uncontrollable urges, and he relaxed a degree to let his body appreciate the exertion.

In the background he could start making out the sounds of Natalie clearing her voice. His eyes turned to her and saw her wiping her fingers with a small white handkerchief. There was an obvious sheen to her hand from the juices of her sex.

The black wolf bent down to lick the face of Samuel and search for any of the Brown's cum that had not yet been downed into his stomach. The man graciously shared the contents he hand been let sit in his mouth and the two spent a time kissing and passing semen between one another until there was none left.

Natalie presented herself once more to Samuel in a soft purring that comes from one who has been pleasured fully, "would you like to stay?"

The man slowly being surrounded by four warm fur bodies that gropped for one another unselfishly could not begin to let go of the caressing affection he recieved, and muttered forcibly distracted from his true desires, "I want to be with my lovers. My.. Pack."

He didn't see what her expression was, or if she said anything in response. All he could feel was the warm fur that closed in to include him in their shared passion. All he could hear were the sounds of mouths accepting whatever cock was presented before it. Hands grasping and taking, whatever gift another would offer in the most honest form of love.

Samuel didn't notice his change. He didn't see his skin grow fur in a sudden spurt of golden red and brown. He didn't see his body start to reform itself as a wolven man. He didn't realize that his mouth had drawn long form teeth and tongue like the others he loved physically with all his soul.

They were together. They were one. That was how it was supposed to be, and nothing else could be better.