Healing Love - Chapter 20

Story by Mirron Tenshi on SoFurry

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#20 of Healing Love

Healing Love

Chapter 20: Valentine's Day

By: Mirron Tenshi

I woke up when morning came. I looked dreadingly at the calender. I whinned and closed my eyes. "Shit."

It's Valentine's Day. Max still isn't home yet. My eyes watered as I pictured my tiger. "M-Max. Are you ever coming home?" Its not that I'm having doubts. It's just that I really wanted to spend the day of love with Max. I got up and went to the shower. After I washed my fur and mane, I immidiately got dressed for work.

Before I even knew it, I was parking my Prius and was walking into the door. My panther boss spotted me when I walked in. "Sander? You're here early." I nodded sadly.

"Yeah. I've got nothing better to do." I said in a low tone with out even looking at Mr. Fenilo.

"Alright, suit yourself, Sander." I'm pretty confident about my performance; I only slip up when I'm on edge, but my food is still ever perfect even when I'm sad.

The special of the day was my Sicili pizza in a heart shape, so I was in charge of creating perfect dishes of love. I pride myself to be somewhat of an artist. I took advantage of my saddeness, putting my disire for Max's love into my own designs of the toppings. I adorned each pizza with elaborate arrangements to match my own romance feelings. My hearts presented proudly of my somber state of emotion, sending out perfect and edible portraits of my own heart.

"Yo Allen, I need another heart pizza. This one's pepperoni, pinapple, and mushroom. Thick crust"

"Right!" I then got started to toss the dough. I then begun to spin it wildly, letting it fly like a UFO on the fritz. The dough collaborated with my paws precisely. Now for the trick part. I then spun it in front of me. I then hit the dough with flat paws, causing it to stay in the air for 2 more seconds, and I ran my fingers down the middle. The tail wind of my swing caused the dough to drag to the end and it landed infront of me, an upside down heart. Perfect. I turned the large wooden spatula around to allow me a perfect angle to work my art on the food. When I finished putting the last topping on, I slid the pizza into the oven. Before long, I was carefully taking out yet another flawless masterpiece, put it on a large plate, and put it on the line. "Heart ready."

"Right, nice work, Allen." I nodded and peeked to where the pizza was going to.

I chuckled lightly as I saw the pizza placed infront of Zack and Danny. The wolf and fox smiled as they ate. Then they kissed. I sniffled and rubbed my teary eyes. "Hey, Allen. Are you ok?" My coworker cheetah asked me.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine, Hector." I then set to work on more dough.

"Miss him, huh?" My eyes watered more as I did all I can not to shead anythng.

"Sander, pepperoni heart, thin."


It's 9 pm. I came home tired, hot, and sad. I brought a pizza home with me to eat my heart out. I breathed in deeply. I sat at the table and leaned my head on my paw and closed my eyes. I purred as my mind wandered about Max. I pictured his smile, his beautiful green eyes while my own started to water. I smiled as I imagined me and him. Oh, I miss him so damn much. This scent reminds me of him, I almost cried.


That scent . . . I opened my eyes and looked up stairs. There was a slight flicker of a yellow glow. I sprung up and flew upstairs and stood at the door way. My heart all but melted in overwelming warmth.

There he was. A mound of orange with black stripes and white bellied fur sprawled out on pink and red satin sheets, covering his crotch area. His chest rose slowly up and down - he seems to be asleep. I almost let myself cry as I gazed at my sleeping lover. I mouthed his name, "Max"

I could gaze at him all night, but I needed to touch him. I have to know that this isn't a cruel dream. I unbuttoned my chef uniform, and soon threw it to the hamper. My white T-shirt soon shared the same fate, allong with my pants. I was wearing a pair of white satin boxers littered with red hearts. I slowly walked to the bed, my feet aching to be lifted to the bed. I purred as I climbed onto the bed and over the sleeping tiger, my heart raging in my rib cage as I crawled myself over him.

I then came to his face. My lips made contact with his very softly. He remained asleep. I smiled ear to ear as I took a finger and opened his maw and got a full whiff of his breath.

Whoa! How the heck did he do this: his breath was cold with icy mint.

I purred as I went in for a deep kiss. Ohhhhhh, he tasted too good. I forgot how it felt, much less when *he* kisses me. Max subconsciously start to kiss back, beginning to pur as his tongue moved with mine.

His eyes then began to flicker before opening wide as Max gasped and held my head down with his paw and kissed me fiercely. We moaned into the kiss as his firey passion filled me in. We both couldn't stop smooching as I laid down on him, feeling his fuzzy warmth on my body, grinding my hips on him. I breathed heavily through my nose as my tongue explored his mouth. After I'd say about half an hour of making out, we finally broke the kiss. We looked deeply into our eyes, almost at a loss for words.

I laid my head down and we hugged each other tight. "I missed you so much." I sniffled as he kissed my cheek.

"I missed you too." Max then pulled back and sat up. "Hang on, I got something."

He picked up a Japanese Valentine bag and he took out an elegent gold box of what I guessed to be chocolates. It had a large pearlesant pink heart on it. "I made these myself." I smiled as he gave me the box. "One more thing." He then took one more thing out of the bag, but I couldn't see it due to it's probably small size. He inhaled and exhaled deeply, me catching a distinct mint scent. "Ok, here goes.

"Allen. Before we started going out, I have had the biggest crush on you for so long . . . It all started on my birthday. One of my best friends treated me to Celino's for dinner. When we finished, I saw a glimpse of your face. It was only two seconds, but that was enough. I wanted you so sorely; it was like I was hit by a thunderbolt," He smiled as he continued, "Eversince then, I saved up and made reservations at Celino's everytime I could afford it just for a chance to see you. Then I saw you at the gym. I made sure to attend the gym until I figured out you worked out every Saturday and every other Sunday. I hoped that I wasn't becoming a stalker, but all I knew was that I was falling for you. Then, that day at the beach . . . when I saw you at the volleyball court, my heart almost exploded. I wanted to jump you, pin you to the sand, bathe your face until the sun went down. That night, I asked Ashley about it, and she said she would be glad to help; she seemed excited for some reason-"

I chuckled. She probably was happy to find someone she sensed I liked.

"-I was so happy when she said she talked you into it. And . . . That night . . . when we kissed for the first time . . . I couldn't believe I was able to kiss you. Ashley told me not to get my hopes up, that you had kept yourself single for so long, that someone had hurt you a long time ago . . . but I took the risk anyway. I was so thrilled when you kissed me back, just knowing that you liked it." Max began to snifle and get teary. "And then . . . you asking me to move in with you . . . it was the happiest moment of my life . . . . . . ." There was a long pause. What could Max be getting at? Could he be . . .

"Allen . . . These past months with you . . . I don't want us to part ever again . . ." My heart throbbed.

"Max . . . " The tiger gulped. He then started to open a small box

"Allen Sander . . . Will you marry me?"

I gasped silently and stunned at the ring in the box. The jewel was a smooth cut orb; it was white-ish with an extremely deep volumn in it. It was on a silver ring with a water design weld to it. "Oh Max . . . It's so beautiful . . ." The ring shined and shimmered in the candle light, I couldn't take my eyes off of the orb. I closed my eyes as tears started fill my eyes and roll down my face.

I felt myself smile and nod.

" . . . . . . . Yes Max Vincent . . . . . . I will."

I reopened my eyes to find Max with an expression of happiness and excitement as he held my shoulders. "You will?!" I nodded, grinning and crying, "Really?!" I started feel my self giggle in bliss as Max exclaimed "YES!" My tiger then picked me up in his strong arms and spun me around on the spot. I laughed and cried as I clung to him, enjoying the warm fur against mine. He nuzzled me and licked my face of the tears as he gently put me back down on the bed.

I purred as he took the ring and put it on my left paw. I sobbed some more as he held my paw in his paws. We laid down and cuddled. "I love you so much Max. But I didn't get anything for you." Max smiled and kissed my lips.

"You gave me the right answer. That's all I could ask for."

"Oh, wait!"

"Huh?" I smiled as I sprung up and went to the dresser.

"Allen?" I continued to smile as I pulled the dresser away from the wall, revealing an old electric outlet. I then found the key: an old metal fork with two of it's teeth missing. Max gasped when I stuck the metal into the outlet, but sighed when I jerked it up and pulled it out as a door. It was another secret compartment. I put my right paw in it and withdrew a small box, and I put the hiding place back up.

I got and looked at my kitty as I walked back to the bed; he was wearing a pair of black flaming briefs, except the flames were printed to form heart patterns.

"Max, I wish I could say I've longed for you like you have for me, but in truth, I first laid my eyes on you at the beach. I wanted to talk to you and get to know you, but not to date. I wanted nothing to do with a relationship, but looking at you . . . I felt like, I was willing to put myself on the line again. In fact, I was a coinflip away from putting it out of my mind or asking you out. But I'm glad I let Ashley put us on that half-blind date. Then . . . that night . . . in the jacuzzi . . . you made feel something that I have never felt before in my whole life: fulfillment. You made me feel complete. I felt whole again. I thought love like ours would've stayed non-existant with me, but you changed the way I could ever feel in my mind and my heart. And I was so happy when you agreed to live with me . . . Just having you in my life . . ." I started cry again.

Before I start to become speechless in tears, I opened the little box. "Max Vincent . . . I was going to ask YOU to marry me when I-" Max smiled ear to ear as I revealed a somewhat wide and smooth golden band with a black diamond square rotated at a 90 degree angle. "WHOA!" Max pounced me way too suddenly and licked my face all over. I laughed as Max affectionately did the very thing he wanted to do when he saw me in full view at the beach, his rough tongue brushing my face. I got him off me so that I could put the ring on his finger.

"I love it, Allen. But I love you more than anything." I purred happily as I cuddled my tiggie.

I then felt my crotch get gropped, but I pushed it away. "No, not yet, Max."

"What?! C'mon, lion! I've been pent up for a month!"

"Max, I don't want to cry during sex." Max laughed out loud before I rubbed and scritched his tummy. I then felt it vibrate. I looked at him and he blushed.

"Well, lucky for you, I brought food." I then went downstairs and retrieved the box of heart pizza, since I cook quality food, it was still hot. I brought it to him so he could open it up while I put on an I Love Lucy DVD. I then got into bed with him. When I did, he gave me a red pill. It looked like a red viagra pill. "What's this?"

"It's not viagra, they're called 'Atsume' pills" I smiled as I put the little tablet on my tongue. Max then gave me a can of energy drink. "Trust me, we'll need these" He said as he took his own pill.

We then started to watch the comedy film, with Max resting on me and eating the pizza. "Mmmmm . . . It's sooo good! I sooo missed your cooking, babe." I grinned lovingly as I hugged him with my left arm as I grabbed a slice too. As we laughed at the show, Max started to kiss me. He kissed my lips, my arm, my pectorals, my abs, while also massaging my package. I purred as my sheath swelled at a quick rate, the head of my cock already poking out. Not only that, but my whole crotch felt hot. The warm sensation traveled from my junk to my stomach. I moaned as Max teethed my nipples, giving me some heat to my chest. I soon did the same thing to him, licking and chewing his hard nubs. Max then put the deep and wild sensation in my stomach by pressing my naval and pubic fur. We pleasured each other little by little until both of us were rock hard.

I turned off the TV and Max got ontop of me. He kissed me passionately on the lips and I kissed back with just as much love. We both purred like wild kats as our smooches became eratic. As we kissed, I pulled his briefs off and felt his full meaty ass. Ohhhhh, how I've longed for the fur smooth on his sassy rump. He then took a moment to pull off my classic underwear. He then held himself up and looked at me endearingly in my eyes. He smiled as he nuzzled me. "Boku wa kokoro o kara ai shimade, Allenkun," Max kissed me sweetly, "I love you with all my heart, Allen."

I smiled as I playfully took his arms and rolled him back over, and looked into him. "I love you too, baby." I gasped as I felt something cold on my dick. I looked to see Max smearing a pinkish lube on my member. I purred and shivered as he got me all slick with the strawberry-scented lubricant.

I was starting to feel horny. Big time. I was breathing heavily as we gazed into eachother, his cold mint breath mixed with my warm breath. I was a step away from plowing him, what was I waiting for? "A-Allen" Max sounded breathless. "Make love to me . . . !" he whispered loudly. I lost it as I kissed his maw. We moaned and growled as the kiss over took us. Max pulled me as close to his body as physically possible as he could. I then positioned my cock to his tail hole and pushed in.

We growled as my rod drove into him for the first time in more than a month. I moaned out as my dick got deeper and deeper into my lover. Max moaned lowly as I hilted him, me kissing him tenderly as I resumed. I pulled back until I was almost out, and pushed back into him. The tiger beneath me squirmed and moaned more as I went in and out of his tight ass. I could only growl and moan as we went on a slow and steady pace. Ohhhhhh, how I missed this sooo much.

I purred as a thousand thoughts ran through my mind. I forgot how good it felt to make our two bodies one in a single moment. I grunted as I felt a chill go up my spine, my muscles tingling in pleasure. Ohh, I feel so hot right now. I started to hump my tiger faster, thrusting into him at a rising pace. Max moaned as he pulled me in tighter. The room was filled with noises of grunts, moans, and my body hitting Max's. I humped into him faster and faster until we were banging the bed against the wall, I growled heatedly as the mating scent drove me crazy: Max must've put on that male heat cologne he got from grandma. My nipples tingled as the montage went on. "Oh cum in me! Shoot inside me!"

I moaned loud as I thrusted more forcefully, causing Max to moan in pleasure. "Fuck! Right there!" He cried out, as I must've reached his prostate. So I continued by tilting my length in an angle in order to rub against his prostate.

"M-Max . . . It's . . . I'm gonna . . . Ohhh . . ." I couldn't even form a complete sentence.

"I want all of it in me, Allen!" I growled and grunted as I neared my climax. Him just calling my name in the heat of the moment threw me into a world of ecstacy. I threw my head back and let out a window shaking roar. My hips bucked into him as I felt my hot milk spurt out from his tailhole. I grunted and groaned as cum continually surged out of my dick; I seemed to be overflowing him with hardly any control; I guess I shouldn't be surprised - I haven't shot a single load since Max has been gone. I panted and moaned as my mind-numbing climax subsided. I then pulled my still hard cock out, hardly able to believe the amount of semen that erupted from me. Max then took me and put me on my back and propped up above me.

"Now let me fill YOU up." I mewed as Max stood up on the bed and picked up my legs and pushed them up and toward me, my ass up and clad with his meat. "I'm gonna try a new position on you, babe." I let myself lay there. My cock was still hard and throbbing; this must be from the pill Max gave me. I felt Max's cock rub lightly on my pucker, making me growl in lust. He then started to enter me. I moaned as he got into me deeper and deeper. My cock spurted out fresh pre as Max touched my prostate, causing me to moan. He went back and thrusted into me again, causing me to moan more. I then moved my tail up and brushed his ass to keep him warm "Oh, I love it when you do that." He purred out as he pushed in again, pushing my legs against me. He went on like this, slowly going back and forth into me. I reached up and grabbed my balls and massaged them. "Ohhhh fuck yes!"

After what seemed like forever of going in and out, Max couldn't hold back as he roared almost as loud as me that familiar hot flood filling me to the brim! Oh my gaaaawd, I have so forgotten how wonderful it felt to be filled with cum. I moaned at the top of my lungs as my rod shot my second load. What can I say? He's special I guess.

To my suprise, the sex went on longer than I thought. Me and my tiger panted as I rubbed our two cocks against each other. I had my paw on the upper level with Max's paw below my paw, our dicks and paws soaked in pre. I purred and moaned as we both were approaching orgasm. I leaned in and kissed Max. He returned the kiss with his own passion. Just feeling his flesh on mine, his tongue wrestling with my tongue, the slimey fluids driving me wild. I moaned as I shot my final load, Max's cock following suit. We let go of our spent guns and we laid back, panting like we had just ran a marathon, my muscles felt so tired. The satin sheets were soaked in lion and tiger cum, as we were, the fur matted with hot sticky love. I purred as Max scratched my ears.

I turned and looked lovingly into his eyes. "Are you sure this isn't just a wet dream?" I asked him. He smiled as he cuddled in colding jizz.

"If it were, you would've woken up after the first blow." He kissed my cheek and picked me up, me giggling as he took us to the shower. I don't care that he wanted to wash me with soap and not his tongue, I'm just glad he's here.

When we dried off, Max told me to wait for a sec and he went into the bedroom. After several minutes of waiting in the steamy bathroom, Max came back for me. I smiled when I saw he had put clean red satin sheets on the bed. We slipped in and cuddled warmly. Ohhhhh, this was perfect, me and him warm in soft naked fur in smooth and clean satin. We purred into each other as we snuggled.

"I love you so much, Allen." Max said as he rest his head on my mane with his paw on my stomach.

"I love you too. Can't wait for the wedding."

Max chuckled "Yeah, me neither . . . . . . . Execpt . . ." I looked at him.

"What is it, sweetie?" He looked back into me.

"Well, can we share your last name instead of mine? I like 'Max Sander' a lot better."

"Really, Max?" I'm a little flattered that Max would want to have my last name. He smiled and nuzzled my mane.

"Yeah. Besides, you thought of proposing before I did." I smiled and purred more and hugged him.

"Ok, sweetie, if that's what you want."

He nodded and smiled sweetly as we fell asleep in eachother's arms.