The Adventures of Streak - Season 1 - #10 (Adult)

Story by Sansenite on SoFurry

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#10 of Stories - Streak

After a run-in with some thugs, Streak returns to superhero costume designer Toby Taylor to acquire a replacement costume, but the villains of Beacon City have other plans.

Story and characters (C) Sansenite



12 November 2015

Twenty-eight days since my escape from Kanaloa

What a waste of a beautiful, sunny day. I overlooked the place from the rooftop of a building on the district's edge. Rain district. The darkest, ugliest, most crime-ridden part of the city.

Beacon City's red light district, it was the seediest place in town. A place so broken that I never even went there back when I didn't have any powers. Even when I became a superhero, I tended to avoid it. Crime and disputes of every sort ran rampant to the point that not even the police went there. No one wanted the trouble. Chances were every person you met was part of a gang, and I could guarantee that everyone had a criminal record.

Every time I visited, the unthinkable happened: I got stressed. I never got stressed after I became a superhero unless I visited Rain district. There was always something happening. Always some problem I needed to deal with. A constant stream of crime. While the rest of the city left me occasionally bored for something to do, Rain district overwhelmed me with a never-ending pile of trouble. Worst of all, it wasn't just random robberies or muggings. No, the underworld of Rain district was so thick that getting involved just got me tangled in a web that made me want to bash my head against a wall until my brains were soup inside my skull.

The last time I came here, I saved some guy from his sadistic wife who tried to slice his throat with a kitchen knife because he came home a few minutes later than usual. After I intervened, the neighbours demanded I leave and told me to mind my own business. Frankly, I didn't want to stick around.

The time before that, I found that several parents had sold their own kids into slavery! I was disgusted, but I managed to free the kids. It was challenging, as almost no one in the area wanted to present themselves as witnesses, even though I knew that plenty of them was. The whole thing was basically happening out in public, in full view of everyone. There was no way that people didn't notice. But no one wanted the trouble. No one wanted to get involved. Even for the wellbeing of a bunch of kids.

Rain district was the very worst example of what severe poverty, municipal neglect, and a thick criminal element can do to a small town. If it weren't for Bernie, and if I hadn't kept my wits about me and avoided it, I might have turned out like one of its citizens. I had a lot to be thankful for, and the hard life I lived could have very easily led me towards a criminal life in those streets. This could happen to the best of people, and these citizens may have even had good hearts at some point. It made me sad.

Now, much to my regret, I had come back. An 'old friend' of Bernie and I, Sweeney Bacon, would likely have the answers I was looking for. Due to being closely tied to the underworld, Sweeney tended to know things. In this case, a recent ambush by a bunch of thugs led me to discover that someone had put a bounty on my head. Ten thousand bucks for my capture. I had a hunch on who set the bounty, and Sweeney could give me a good lead to go on. If I was lucky, I could find a trail leading to Manasa.

Not that I was eager to see Sweeney again. He had been a pain for me and Bernie for years, picking on us and goading us into a life of crime. He was getting progressively more aggressive, trying to make things hard for not bowing down, until I got my powers. That was when I could finally defend Bernie and me, and the bullying stopped coming.

"In and out," said Falcon. His voice in my head was reassuring as I delved into the district, surrounded by people who hated me for being another do-gooder in tights. "We do not need to be here long. Just get what we need."

After moving deeper into the district, I leapt down to street level. Before me was Sweeney's place, a department store he used as a cover to sell drugs and broker deals on the black market. On the street outside, Sweeney's kids were playing. If you could call it playing. They were wrestling, hurling objects, and shouting vulgarities at each other.

Then they noticed me, along with a few other citizens, and I felt their sneering gaze on me. Streak, the white-furred fox in a blue leotard, was a rare sight in these parts. Then again, most superheroes were. But now these people were wondering what my business was with Sweeney, who had a lot of respect in the community.

"Screw off, fox!" I heard one of the kids yell.

I tried to ignore them, focusing on my trip across the decrepit medium-density neighbourhood towards the store. The bell above the door jingled as I entered. Sweeney the vulture sat behind the checkout at the far end of the aisles of random useful wares before me, doing something on his phone.

"Well, well," he said with a raised eyebrow, turning away from his phone to smile up at me as I approached the desk. "Look who decided to visit our humble town!"

No one here was ever happy to see me. Least of all Sweeney. He kept to Rain district most of the time since I started bothering his operations elsewhere. I couldn't touch him here. At least not in a legal sense. He was trying to get a rise out of me, and I wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

I took a deep breath. "Hi, Sweeney," I said, keeping composed. I had a mission.

"So, what can I do for ya? You must be in trouble if you need my help!"

I put both paws on the counter and leaned forward slightly. I wanted him to know I wasn't playing around. "Someone's put a bounty on me. I need a lead on who it is."

"Oh, yeah?" he responded, still seated. "Come crying to me because the bad guys are mean to you, huh?"

I wanted to strangle him, but I remained focused. "Do you know anything or not?"

"Heh! Maybe I do," he said with a chuckle. "But you don't seriously think I'm gonna tell you anything for free, are ya?"

"I thought I could owe you a reasonable favour."

"Reasonable favour?! That's a joke! What favour could you ever 'reasonably' owe me?"

It was worth a shot. I couldn't think of anything Sweeney could want that I could ever do with a clear conscience. I could offer to protect him, but I wouldn't be hanging out in Rain district forever. There was nothing I could owe him. I removed my paws from his desk and turned for the door. I wasn't getting anything here.

"You know, kid," he said, making me stop, "you could always sell yourself to me if you'd like the information? You could still fight crime, and I'd even give you tips! I promise I'll be a good master, treat you well, and maybe loosen some o' yer screws! I've always wanted my own superhero, after all."

With Sweeney's extensive links to the underworld, he could be a huge help in cleaning up this neighbourhood and fighting crime around the city. I wasn't actually considering this, was I? Was I really prepared to sell myself to him if it meant making a dent in the underworld of Beacon City? Or if it meant tracking down Manasa?

No. No way. Now I felt the rage building again. Did he really think I'd make myself his pet and plaything? That's not what Street Guard or Bernie would want. Besides, he knew I wouldn't accept his offer. This was nothing more than a taunt.

Turning back to Sweeney, I narrowed my eyes at him. "How about you just tell me what I came here for and I won't squash you?"

I heard some commotion elsewhere in the store. Sweeney's thugs heard me, approaching my vicinity. One, a crocodile, had a steel bat on his shoulder. The other, a Scottish terrier, had a chain wrapped around his right forearm. Both of them looked pretty tough and were prepared to fight for their boss.

"Oooh, I'm so scared!" the smug vulture taunted behind the desk. "But nah. We both know you're too naïve for that."

My blood was boiling. I wanted to shove him into the ground so bad. I could have. I could snap him in two and leave him wheelchair-bound.

"Calm yourself, my friend," said Falcon. His voice was so soothing, helping me to relax. "You are above this."

I swallowed my pride, turned away from him, and headed for the exit without a word.

"Give my regards to Bernie. Oh, wait, the old man's dead, isn't he? I almost forgot! But the guy didn't leave much of an impression to remember, huh?"

That was the last straw. I stopped in my tracks, frozen with rage. I sensed Sweeney's two thugs come closer, realising I had been set off.

"No, boy. This is petty," said Falcon as I turned back to Sweeney. "Be the better man."

Not this day. This day, I had some fun.

"Hit a nerve, did I?" taunted Sweeney as I started to approach.

"I'll ask again, scum," I said, teeth clenched. "Tell me what you know or I'm shoving your head into the ceiling."

"Boys," commanded the vulture, serious now.

I raised a fist to hit the little jerk, but I felt a sudden firm grip around my naked wrist. It was one of the thugs. Turning to face him, I saw it was the Scottish terrier with the chain, shaking his head to tell me not to resist.

Not a chance in hell. I pulled back my other arm, preparing to hit him hard with a punch for the face before that wrist was grabbed too. The beefy crocodile held my arm tight, and now both thugs held me firmly, stretching my arms wide. I tested the waters a little, tugging at their grip. Nothing I couldn't break out of.

"Want an ass-kicking, huh?" taunted Sweeney, rising from his chair to look me right in the eyes, inches from my face. He overreached when he extended a paw to tickle my chin. I let him have his fun for now. I'd deal with these two knuckleheads before teaching him a lesson.

"I'm not the one asking for trouble," I said, permitting myself a little sneer of my own as I bared my teeth.

I jumped, stretching both legs apart to kick the two thugs each in the stomach. An audible thump could be heard as my boots collided with abdominal muscle. They both let go of me instantly to clutch at the points of impact.

"Don't go anywhere," I said to Sweeney over my shoulder with a sinister smirk.

I moved for the buff Scottish terrier, putting a paw on his head before pushing hard, sending him tumbling backwards into an aisle and knocking over a rack of power tools. He wasn't out, but he flailed around as he lost his balance.

Then I turned, fast, with a spinning kick to the big croc's arm before he had a chance to hit me with his steel bat. My boot connected, and I heard him yell in pain as he lost his grip on the metallic weapon. While he clutched the bruised arm, the bat flew through the air, carried towards me by inertia. Feeling a bit too cocky for my own good, I wasn't fast enough to keep it from hitting my head.

I stumbled back, clutching my skull after the impact. The bat continued to arch through the air, landing somewhere behind me. I was dizzy, shaking my head while rubbing the injury.

"He's stunned! Get 'im!" yelled the croc, his voice showing pain after my attack.

I lost my balance, but regained it again with a swift move of my leg for support, struggling not to topple over. Slowly, I turned to face the Scottish terrier. Unfortunately, the next thing I saw, just as my dizziness faded, was the bat coming down hard on my head, firmly held by the terrier.

A loud metal bang rang out through the room as the steel bat struck my cranium with tremendous force. My body instantly seized up for a moment before I went limp, muscles relaxing as I fell over backwards, landing hard on the floor. My eyes rolled back into my head as my brain basically shut down.

"Quickly!" yelled the terrier, throwing himself onto me and holding me down by one arm. Barely conscious, my mind and body had temporarily forgotten what resistance meant.

Then the crocodile came to his aid, holding down my other arm. Helpless, all I could do was look up at the stars in my vision with a dumb expression. But I did have just enough consciousness to feel foolish. All that confidence and one little accident took me down.

Sweeney had walked out from behind the counter. "Not so tough now, huh?"

"I did tell you to be the better man," said Falcon. If he could sigh, I think he would have.

"You should've taken my offer, kid," continued Sweeney, crouching behind my head for a face-to-face. "I think I'll go pick up that bounty on your cute ass. I could use the extra cash. What do ya say, boys?"

The two thugs snickered and laughed. One of them, I wasn't sure who, wanted to have a little fun, and I felt his grip enclose around the spandex-clad package between my legs, drawing me a little closer to lucidity, but I still felt half-asleep.

"For... For who...?" I managed to ask.

"Oh, wouldn't you like to know," responded the avian, sneering at me now. "Eh, but I guess it can't hurt ta fill ya in."

The thug groping me, likely the crocodile judging by the sounds of his snickering, continued to squeeze me through the fabric of my costume, dominant fingers teasing my sensitive parts through the blue lycra. His forceful massaging drew a soft sigh from my lungs. Then I closed my eyes, no longer a threat.

"Listen to ya moan, boy," said Sweeney. "Damn, you would've made a great slave. But I'm gonna be handin' ya over to some guy called Eric Monogan. He's been tellin' everyone about your patrol patterns." Then he turned to the crocodile. "Bryan, get the titanium restraints, will ya?"

"Awww! But I wanna make him cum in his costume!" whined the brutish reptile, rubbing a little faster and making me thrust slightly into his hand.

"When he's nice and secure. Then you can have your fun."

The croc snickered approvingly, slowly climbing off me, content that I was too stunned to be a problem. That was his mistake.

"Anyway, Monogan stays in contact with big names in the underworld without revealing himself," continued Sweeney, "so we're gonna lock you up until he hears that we've got you. Then he'll come to pick up your ass and we'll get the bounty. Boy, you're gonna earn me some nice shiny coin."

I was satisfied. That was all I needed.

With one arm freed, I revealed that I had already recovered almost fully, throwing an open palm into the terrier's jaw before he could restrain my other arm, instantly knocking him out before I shot to my legs and prepared to take on the croc.

"Take him down!" yelled Sweeney, stumbling away in sudden panic.

The crocodile was on me in an instant, but I saw him coming a mile away. My head was throbbing, but I still had enough clarity to see and hear him. I brought a fist up to his head just as he threw himself into me. His legs went forward while his head fell back, and I ducked to grab it before it hit the floor. These guys were scum, but I didn't want them spilling their brains all over the floor. However, this left my flank open to attack.

Sweeney wanted a turn. He had a knife drawn and swiped it at me. "AGH!" I yelled, not fast enough to keep the blade from slicing through the fabric on the side of my leotard. Staggering back, I looked down at the wound. It wasn't deep, but it was wide. It stung too.

"Stay back!" the vulture yelled, brandishing the knife. There was fear in his eyes, and I had to admit I enjoyed it.

I dashed to the right, then to the left, getting in close before kicking the little blade from his paw. He stumbled backwards, alarmed by my speed and agility. Before he could go much farther, I grabbed him by the collar, raised him into the air, and shoved his head into the ceiling, denting the wood and plaster above. Having made good on my word, I then threw him back in his chair, unconscious.

"Thanks, Sweeney," I said, flatly. "By the way, be a better parent."

Then I turned and left. Looking down at my wound, I realised I'd need a replacement leotard, and that meant a trip to Toby's. I'd speak to the police after that and see what they knew about this Monogan guy.

"That was inappropriate," said Falcon. "You did not even plan that."

"I don't care. It worked, and it felt good."



By the time I arrived outside Toby's building, the Spire, Falcon had already healed my small injury, and my head was screwed on straight again. I launched off the roof of a nearby building to land on the side of the Spire, clutching the edges of the windows as I propelled myself up each storey. With each leap, a blue beam of energy appeared in my wake as I exerted my powers. I wasn't particularly scared of heights, but the Spire was the tallest building in the city, so I kept my gaze focused up.

Several minutes later as I neared the top of the structure, I decided to improve my mood and perform my best superhero landing after reaching the top, flying into the air to nimbly come down in the most exquisite performance I could muster.

Unfortunately, as soon as I took note of my surroundings, I realised to my horror that Toby's penthouse had been completely ransacked, and my somewhat optimistic mood became a pit of fear in my stomach. The pool was full of floating sun loungers. The glass of his doors was shattered. Inside, the glass cases containing his diverse selection of costume experiments were all over the floor, and their silky contents were crumpled, torn, and strewn about. His couches were torn to shreds, and the fireplace had been stuffed with costume materials.

"Toby?!" I yelled, unthinking.

"Don't be a fool, boy!" Falcon snapped. "The tailor's assailants could still be present. We could have taken them by surprise. Get ready to fight."

Realising my mistake, I immediately took a fighting stance, preparing for the inevitable ambush if one of the criminals was still there. Yet, as I kept my ears super alert while not making the slightest sound, several minutes passed. My anxiety soon turned to relief as I became confident that I was alone. Then I realised I shouldn't be grateful for the fact that those who may have taken Toby were no longer within my grasp. I sighed. Once again, another hero of Beacon City had been whisked away, no doubt by Manasa's minions.

Following memory, I headed to a specific area of the room and tapped my boot on one of the floorboards three times. The board then began to rise, pulling up a rack of familiar blue leotards, hanging neatly above the folded blue boots underneath. Though Falcon's powers always kept my body and costume clean, vibrating dirt and dust particles out of my fur and costume, I always enjoyed the feeling of putting on a fresh new costume after a few months of wear and tear. Most of all though, I loved the odour of freshness that came from each replacement that made me forget the humiliation inflicted on me by my rogues. Here, however, I wasn't in the mood for a sigh of contentment.

Deciding it wasn't worth using the changing room with no one around, I slipped off my leotard, threw it in one of Toby's convenient 'recycle' bins beneath the rack. I then stood on one leg while I got to work slipping off my boots when a shiver ran down my spine

"Nice ass, fox boy! We've missed it!" said an oddly familiar voice, prompting me to urgently turn. "We knew some dumb do-gooder in spandex would show up!"

Standing at the shattered entrance to the outside were the three wolves I remembered from Starsider's mansion, each clad in skimpy coloured bikini trunks. A flood of erotic memories came back to me as I recalled their dominant molestations. Like some kind of post-hypnotic suggestion, I immediately began to harden between my legs, cheeks flushing red. I quickly grabbed a new leotard from the rack and slipped it on. I had just slid the smooth blue fabric up to my waist, snugly covering my nethers while pulling it over my stomach.

"Heh! Look, boys! He's happy to see us!" said 'Red' with a chuckle, clad in his signature red trunks. He had the darkest grey fur of the three. "I think he remembers us!"

I always thought they were simply a group of brainwashed triplets that Manasa had gifted to Starsider to be her pets, but seeing them here, I realised they weren't enlisted by my enemies due to some kinky playfulness. Now I realised why Starsider wanted them to train me. These guys were fighters.

"Where's Toby?!" I demanded to know, trying to shake off my embarrassment. I quickly finished pulling the leotard up and onto my shoulders as fast as I could. The boots would have to wait.

"Long gone," replied 'Green'.

"Probably getting his brains screwed out in a thong," said 'Yellow'. "Mistress likes her sex slaves!"

"But don't worry," said Red, "when we bring your ass back to her, you may see him again!"

"I'm not going anywhere but the BCPD precinct with you!" I responded defiantly, every muscle and nerve stiff with adrenaline as I prepared for combat.

"Heh! Is that so?" mocked the Red. "Well, we didn't expect you to come quietly, but that's okay. We wolves have always loved putting foxes in their place. Ready to get your ass beat?"

His words induced another flood of memories, and I recalled how thoroughly they dominated me. I was throbbing now in my costume as my legs began to wobble. Then they started to approach me.

"Awww! Foxy wanna cum?" teased Red further, licking his muzzle. "Heh! Don't worry, kid. We'll give you a few orgasms before we take you in. We remember how much you love wetting your costume."

I gritted my teeth and shook my head, trying to shove the thoughts and feelings away. These guys didn't have any powers, at least as far as I knew. My vastly superior strength would give them cause for concern. However, they were trying to rile me up and get my libido going to the point that I wouldn't be able to focus. This burning arousal would likely even the odds here.

Then they dashed forward, and almost instantly surrounded me. Despite my advanced reflexes, I was still caught off guard by their ferocious speed. I responded with the first thing that came to mind, ducking down and swiping my leg around me in the hopes of tripping them up, but they expertly jumped to avoid the attack.

Yellow responded by throwing a punch to my face, but I quickly deflected the strike away with a swipe of my arm.

Just as Red threw a punch for my stomach, I jumped back to let it pass by me.

I ducked to avoid a swinging kick from Green.

Then we began rapidly trading blows, each of them getting right up in my face to deploy an aggressive flurry of attacks. Fortunately, my strength and speed exceeded theirs, and I was able to block every attack. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to hit them. Though I outmatched them in physical ability, their coordination and skill exceeded mine by far, and every strike of mine was effortlessly blocked or parried.

Then I got a strike in, landing a punch on Green's chest. He retreated, and his two comrades backed him up, keeping me from pressing my attack by blocking my path and distracting me.

Red tried to kick my stomach. I blocked his leg.

Yellow came at me from behind. I barely avoided his punch to my head. I hit him back in the stomach.

As Yellow staggered away in pain, Red continued his offence, but Green had recovered and got me in the back with a kick, sending me right into Red's punch. I raised my arms to block, but he dashed to the side before he could connect, no wasting the energy on an attack I'd easily counter.

That's when I slowly realised how little effort they were putting into their attacks. Every move was designed to use minimum effort and exertion, whereas I was beginning to get desperate. After nearly twenty minutes, struggling and straining, I was beginning to pant. I put in a tremendous amount of effort fighting, and yet their moves were in perfect sync, designed to play off the strengths and weaknesses of each other. When one got hit by one of my enhanced attacks, they retreated to recover while the others kept me busy until they could recover and regroup. It was a flawless tactic that was driving me up the wall, and my attempts to exploit it failed.

Then, much to my surprise, I felt a Yellow's paw come up through my legs from behind to grab the blue crotch of my leotard, instantly eliciting a yelp from me. I hesitated just a brief moment before grabbing at the wolf's arm, but before I could do anything, my hesitation gave the other two enough time to attack again, one landing a punch on my stomach while the other got me in the jaw. While Yellow distracted me with the unsolicited grope, the others were taking advantage of my confused state.

Shrugging off the pain, I tried to grab at the paw gripping my snug privates in my leotard again, but a kick hit me in the shoulder, nearly dislocating it. I reached up to cradle the new bruise before a roundhouse kick from Red to my back sent me flying across the room, slamming my skull onto the solid marble of Toby's mantelpiece.

"Got him!" yelled Red.

For the second time today, a head injury had dazed me. The world was distorting and warping. Crumpled before the fireplace, I slowly pulled myself to a standing position, barely, wobbling around the room. Clearly, I had a concussion, and I was so dizzy I could barely see. Then I stumbled backwards, tripping over Green, who crouched right in my path. My back landed hard on the wooden floor. I definitely bit my tongue and the taste of blood filled my mouth.

Red wasted no time, jumping onto my chest to begin throwing a series of punches to my face. "Pathetic!" he said, high and mighty as he looked down at me. "That was easy! I bet losing makes you horny, huh?"

Then another punch came down, giving me a black eye with a loud wince of pain. Then Green brought a chop down on my kidney, forcing me to yell in pain for a moment before Red's other fist found my nose. An unhealthy dose of blood went flying. Adding salt to my wounds, Yellow had crawled up between my legs and was furiously stimulating my private areas between my legs through the fabric of my costume. Clearly, that was his speciality. It didn't take long before the flood of arousing memories and Yellow's ministrations brought me to full hardness.

Red lowered his head, looking me straight in the eyes. "Ready to admit you're done?" he asked, grinning into my soul.

Exhausted and head still spinning, I felt the first droplets of pre-cum seep into my costume, staining the blue fabric. This wasn't how I planned to use this fresh costume. The wolves, on the other hand, were having a whale of a time, laughing at my humiliation. Yellow's paw slid into my leotard to grab my eager shaft, sending jolts of electrical ecstasy through me as he touched my sensitive flesh. He began to pump my vulnerable organ, faster and faster.

"I think this little foxy is just about ready to submit, guys!" yelled Green, snickering loudly.

"You're tellin' me!" said Yellow, fondling me between my legs. "Feels like he's about to blow his loser load over here!"

"Is that true, little sex toy?" taunted Red, firmly gripping my muzzle. "You gonna cum for yer daddies?"

I closed my eyes, trying to hold back tears from the pain and humiliation as I softly humped into Yellow's manipulative paws. I still couldn't focus and was too dizzy to think. Plus, the stimulation weakened my resolve, and those erotic memories filled me with an intense aversion to resistance.

"Hey, hey, hey," continued Red, bending down face-to-face with me, "don't be sad. Just submit and admit it: you're a horny little fox who loves being dominated! You know it, we know it, and Mistress knows it. You want to be her slave again. It's who you are."

He then connected his mouth with mine, locking me in a dominating kiss as I let out a long, audible sigh of pleasure. The pain almost seemed to subside as the three wolves touched me all over. While Yellow was pumping my organ with one paw and massaged my balls with the other, Green was caressing my sides and gently rubbing my bare arms and legs, sending pleasant tingles through me. I melted in their embrace. I was tired, and now all I wanted to do was rest, but I couldn't deny how amazing this felt, albeit totally humiliating.

With a loud moan into the wolf's mouth, I gyrated my hips faster as the three brought me to orgasm. A torrent of my fluids flowed into my leotard, totally soaking the brand new blue fabric and wetting the wolf paw rubbing me off. Then another loud moan followed as I came again, then again, all while I loudly moaned out in ecstasy, experiencing a cascade of orgasms no other male would be capable of with a refractory period. As Yellow continued to jerk my helpless body, the burning images of domination in my mind had taken their toll, turning me into a drooling, mindless, horny toy.

Red brought a finger up to caress the underside of my jaw as he pulled out of my mouth. "Don't worry. Maybe Mistress will let us play with you sometimes..."

Panting with exhaustion after my climaxes, I was about to accept my fate to my superior combatants. My mind was tamed and my body was numb, manipulated perfectly by the clever wolves into submissively relaxing in their dominating grip. They were enjoying every moment of my crushing defeat, as they should, considering how thoroughly they had shamed me. But as I felt the wolves lift me to my knees and pull aside the blue spandex over my rear, I realised the utter shaming and domination had only just begun.

But suddenly, as if the lingering remnants of my hope were answered, someone interrupted us.

"Stop, filth!" yelled a familiar female voice, and my assailants quickly turned to face the newcomer, leaving me to flop limply to the ground.

Brandishing two threatening swords, Serenade stood in the shattered glass doors to the outside. The stoic light blue lizard's gold metal bikini and matching bustier glistened in the warm sunlight streaming into the room, perfectly accentuating her royal scales. Instantly, I knew I was saved.

"Heh!" chuckled Red as the wolves regrouped and prepared for battle. "Kick the slutty lizard's ass, boys! We'll make her cum too!"

The scantily-clad heroine in gold was almost too eager to get into a fight. Charging at them while they charged at her, leaving me behind, they clashed with brilliant martial arts professionalism that I could only hope to achieve. Physically, I knew she was weaker than me, and I realised the only reason I could hold my own as long as I did was because of my superior power. But what I saw demonstrated that these four masters in front of me were years and years ahead of me.

Serenade was well known for being a very brutal heroine, but she refrained from killing. Her two swords excreted in a toxin that put her opponents to sleep. Royalty from Africa, her real name was Ashanti Amara, and she had quickly made a name for herself with her stalwart devotion to honour and justice, even if she could be harsh about it. I also knew her personally, having met her on my first night after getting my costume. It was... a humiliating encounter. And she didn't have much respect for me.

While she swung her swords through the air at her opponents, I was relieved to see that the three wolves actually found themselves on the defensive, barely dodging her unnaturally fast strikes. Regaining my composure, even though the damp crotch of my fresh costume was still dripping, I stood on wobbly legs. I knew I had to help, even if Serenade was dealing with the problem herself.

"You are good to go, my friend," said Falcon. "Your wounds are healing nicely. Though you may experience mild bouts of dizziness occasionally."

Readying myself for battle again, I charged at the three wolves, and now the five of us were engaged in battle. Finally, I was on the winning side. Using her swords, Serenade drove the wolves in my direction, and her speed forced them off-balance, allowing me to strike them with ease. Now we were the ones with a strategy.

A hit there and another whack here, Serenade and I were finally making the headway I couldn't accomplish on my own. Long dreadlocks flowing in her wake, she whipped her swords around like some kind of artistic performance. It was an amazing feeling to fight beside her, and even more amazing to finally be on the winning side. I started to feel more like a hero again, although more like a sidekick.

Finally, a pause. Red got hit by one of Serenade's blades and was starting to keel over as the toxin went to work draining him of consciousness. The other two were injured, keeping Red standing while one was clutching a shoulder I had personally broken. Another was bleeding from the lip while cradling a rib. They were too tired to keep going, and we all knew it. Now we stood facing each other.

"Clumsy fool," said Serenade as I stood beside her, not even looking at me as her eyes remained focused on our enemies. Her African accent was deep and authoritative.

"I'm not clumsy!" I almost yelled. Then I realised I was sounding like a whiny child. "I've improved a great deal since we first met," I said, now calmly.

"Indeed you have, yet you are still clumsy," she responded, still stoic. "You still wet your costume like a diaper; eager for release like an incontinent infant. Most pathetic. Is it deliberate? Do you enjoy using your costume that way?"

"I don't--" I started before deciding it wasn't worth it. "How did you know I was in trouble?" I asked as our two parties began to move in circles around each other.

"I am looking for Bedrock," the heroine responded, brandishing her blades angrily now. "Considering Manasa's obsession with you, I hypothesised that following you would lead me right to her minions. Though I hoped you would defeat the wolves yourself. But, as usual..."

When our backs were facing the shattered glass doors to the rooftop pool, the three wolves suddenly began to retreat, heading straight for the elevators with the best speed, and I was growing impatient.

"They're getting away! They know where Toby is too!" I snapped.

"I will deal with them. You are clearly unfit for this challenge," said the warrior lizard, still not bothering to look at me as she started after them.

"Not so fast, cuties!" said yet another unseen voice from behind us, also a familiar-sounding female. We immediately turned to face her.

Standing outside by the pool was a newcomer. A lioness, she wore a black leotard with black and red long gloves and thigh-high boots. On her chest was the logo of a vicious red lion with its jaw acting as part of a "T" over her abdomen. In addition, what looked like a red bikini brief was worn over the leotard while a red collar was tied around her neck. Despite her crimson eyes, her face looked so gentle, yet so smug at the same time. Arrogance just seemed to beam off her like the light of the setting sun behind her silhouette. Her confidence was radiating around the environment, and I knew this fight was not over.

"Ah, there's Manasa's cute little pet!" said the villainess I quickly recognised as Tamer, still happy as she caught my eye. "I bet she's gonna give me so much alone time with you after I bring you back to her! Mmm, just like the night Starsider and I came to play with you. Remember that?"

Tamer was particularly infamous. A mercenary and assassin, she broke the will of her victims as a hobby, capturing superheroes and enslaving them. At least, when she wasn't killing them and mounting them as taxidermies. The last time we met, the late Starsider and her visited Manasa to 'play' with me. A whole new barrage of erotic memories came back to me, but this time I had the will to shake them off.

"If you come quietly, I may even give you both an orgasm!" she continued, giggling with her words.

"Silence, Tamer!" yelled Serenade. These two had a long and frustrating history, and it was swelling up in the heroine as anger. "We shall apprehend you, and you will tell me where to find Manasa!"

The feline's smile grew wider before she broke into a soft laugh. She seemed so unlike a villain. "Oh, you'll find out!" she said after she finished giggling. "I'm gonna bring you both to Manasa!"

"Enough talk!" yelled the heroine, clearly impatient. "Your taunts mean nothing. Now we fight!"

Serenade charged her long-time foe instantly, twirling her two blades with the most beautiful athletic elegance. Tamer, as smug as ever, responded by removing the whip tied around her forearm and threw it towards Serenade's feet. The graceful lizard jumped to avoid being tripped up by the feline's weapon, aiming to slam right into her from the air with her feet, but Tamer nimbly hopped to the left.

The villain's next move was to throw her whip towards Serenade's arm, successfully wrapping around it before she pulled hard to spin Serenade around, causing the heroine to lose balance and fall to the floor.

"I've been training harder than ever, Ashanti!" said the confident lioness. "I've completely changed my moves and tactics. You'll find it a lot harder to anticipate my moves!"

I was unsure of myself, too enthralled with the fight before me to muster the courage to get involved. After my recent humiliation, I felt so inadequate and out of my league here. But I knew I had to help, and now Tamer wrapped an arm around the grounded Serenade's throat from behind, one of Serenade's arms restrained by Tamer's whip and the other cleverly held away between Tamer's thigh and lower leg. Serenade was choking in her nemesis' grip, and I couldn't hold back any more.

Charging forward, I threw a spin kick to Tamer's head, but she saw me coming and ducked out of the way just in time, throwing Serenade aside. Now Tamer looked me in the eye, and seeing how effectively she took down Serenade, I knew I was in for a world of hurt.

"Ah, you want some too, foxy?" she teased, licking her lips.

I threw a punch for her face, but she moved her head just slightly to the side, avoiding my punch with no effort at all. I tried again with my other fist, faster, but she dodged again.

"How cute! You think you can take me on!"

Then I span in place, trying to hit her ribs with another spinning kick. She dodged again, bending backwards to limbo under my boot as it passed over her. When she stood straight again, I was alarmed by her martial brilliance. Her skills far exceeded those of the three wolves.

"Eager to get back to Mistress, eh, Streaky?" she teased with a wink.

Then she targeted my legs, attempting to trip me up with her crimson lasso. She was so fast I barely even noticed before I was able to jump back, doing a quick flip in the air. Unfortunately, as soon as my boots hit the ground, Tamer was already right in my face, just smiling. She lifted a paw up to briefly tickle my chin beneath my shocked face before her leg effortlessly tripped me up and I fell back on my rump. She put her paws on her hips, looking down at me with that excruciating arrogance.

"I have to admit, you're not as good as I expected," she taunted. "Oh, well!"

As I staggered back against the floor, she raised her whip in preparation, only to turn suddenly and throw it around Serenade, who had clearly recovered and was attempting to get the drop on Tamer. The heroine was quickly entangled, her swords forced down at her sides.

"You know better than that, my sweet prey!" gloated the villain before pressing a little button on the back of her lasso.

Serenade immediately shrieked as tens of thousands of volts of electricity surged into her through the lasso, causing her body to lock up. When Tamer was satisfied and allowed the heroine's torment to end, Serenade dropped her twin blades. The villainess pulled Serenade towards her, pressing their bodies together as she looked her nemesis straight in the eyes, an oddly cute grin across her face.

"Don't worry. You're coming with us too."

"I never thought you'd ally with Manasa," said Serenade, angry and defiant in the face of her long-time enemy. "Since when did you ever work for anyone but yourself?"

"Mmmm, my sweet Serenade..." responded Tamer, somehow gently, "I always work for myself. If Manasa benefits me, then it's worth it!"

Seeing Tamer locked in a trade of mockery and taunts with Serenade, thinking I was no issue, I realised the opportunity I had. Still on the ground, I kicked my boot towards the back of the villain's knee.

Tamer buckled then, falling to a knee. However, she knew she had seconds to react before I could overwhelm her with my superior strength. She grabbed one of Serenade's blades off the ground and sliced it across the heroine's leg before she could escape from the lasso. Fresh blood drizzled from the thin wound and the lithe lizard let out a small cry of pain, but quickly composed herself before she kicked the sword out of Tamer's grip.

The villainess backed away, keeping her distance from us both. Serenade struggled to free herself from the whip, but by the time she succeeded, the serum in her blood took effect and began to weaken her, making her movements slow and sluggish. She was fighting it, but I feared she couldn't win. Falling to her knees, she was in no position to fight any longer.

"Feeling sleepy, Ashanti?" taunted the villainess. Then she turned to me, smiling with joy. "Your turn, my little fox."

I couldn't help but feel uneasy. Once again, she took down Serenade pretty easily, and that said a lot. Trying not to show any fear, I prepared my fists and attacked, throwing a barrage of punches. However, the villainess avoided every strike, dodging gracefully like some kind of dance routine.

Then, growing tired of my rapid attacks, Tamer responded with a tap to my midsection with a few fingers, right under my ribs. Despite the scale of her attack, she had struck me in just the right place to send a burst of pain through my body. It lasted only a second, but it left me feeling sick like I was about to throw up. Thankfully, I had an empty stomach, so I briefly gagged on my own saliva before quickly backing away, out of her reach.

"I could use some mentoring, Falcon!" I thought.

"Use your powers. You are faster and stronger than her. Make up for your handicap in skill with power."

Falcon had a point. Taking the advice to heart, I leapt to the side and began to jump around the room with unnatural speed and efficiency. I saw Tamer's eyes struggling to keep an eye on me as I moved, barely able to keep up. I pushed off walls, flipped through the air, ducked, slid against the floor, and bounced off the ceiling.

"Ah, very impressive," said Tamer, calmly. "I see you are quite versatile, but you have made one fatal mistake..."

Believing I had sufficiently confused her, I went in, throwing myself at her from behind. My arms and legs were spread, preparing to grapple and force her down against the floor. However, her lithe body turned at the last second, raising a straight leg to collide firmly with my stomach, stopping me in midair as I gasped in pain.

"You can confuse my eyes, but not my other senses, hero."

She let me fall to the floor where I curled into a ball, slowly recovering from the powerful impact as I wheezed and struggled to get air back in my lungs. My tormented insides threw up some blood.

"Let me teach you a little lesson in dismantling the body, Streak," said continued, smiling down at me.

As I slowly uncurled following my agonising failed attack, the smug lioness knelt down to stab two fingers into my throat, right below my Adam's apple. Instantly, I realised I couldn't breathe, clutching at my neck.

"Two-finger throat stab," said the villainess, reaching a paw over to rub the bulge in my costume. The sudden asphyxiation, naturally, had the effect of heightening my libido further, and I quickly hardened within the fabric as she asserted her dominance. "Causes the pharynx to cave in. Very simple, really. Sometimes deadly too. But you can handle it, can't you, hero?"

After a few seconds of struggling, I could finally breathe again, panting as I took a long, deep breath. I then moved to push her away, but she quickly stood back, out of reach. Panting and full of adrenaline after the horrifying ordeal, I closed the distance between me and the villainess before trying a punch for her head.

She leaned her head to the side again to avoid the strike and brought a fist up under my outstretched arm to collide with my jaw, snapping my head back. I stumbled away from her as my vision grew dizzy once again after Tamer's perfect strike.

"Good martial prowess isn't much different from a good understanding of biology and implementation of medical knowledge," she continued, totally relaxed as she slowly circled me. "It's all about technique, degrees of force, and where to strike. In this case, a good punch to the jaw from below injects a hefty amount of force directly into the brain. Most would be unconscious after that."

Still dizzy, I threw another punch. I missed. I tried another, and I missed again. She wasn't even trying to dodge me. I wasn't even close to hitting her.

Tamer took advantage of my dazed state. She quickly reached for her whip where it lay on the ground and used her legs to trip me over backwards. Instead of hitting the ground, my back collided with her thigh. She had just taken a knee, and my back was now arched over it. She then wrapped the sturdy rope around my neck and pulled down, stretching my back further while strangling me.

Meanwhile, her free paw found its way to the blue fabric encasing my nethers, firmly gripping the damp fabric while she pulled the life from me. I felt like, in moments, my spine would break and my windpipe would be crushed. She had gotten me in a position that nullified my enhanced strength, the energy being sapped from my body as my brain slowly starved of the oxygen it desperately needed to fight my dizziness. I struggled to pull at the sturdy rope around my neck with my weakening arms.

When the abuse turned my body numb, arms flopping limply to my sides, Tamer slowly dragged me outside, towards the edge of the roof. With the lasso still wrapped around my throat, this was where she would escape with me.

"Let's have fun before I take ya home!" said the cheery supervillain.

Just as I regained feeling in my arms, Tamer lifted me into a standing position and kicked me over the railing of the roof in one swift move. She leapt over the railing after me, and I gasped as the lasso around my throat tightened when I came to a sudden stop, nearly breaking my neck if it weren't for my paws struggling to relieve the pressure around my neck. Tamer was hanging me from a flagpole above, and I choked and gagged as I struggled. Below me was the city street, a long way down.

After tying the lasso to the flagpole, the villainess descended the lasso, latching onto me from behind by wrapping her arms and legs around my vulnerable body. She simply giggled as I gagged on the whip around my neck, struggling to pull it off while my legs flailed in the air. With the added weight, I was quickly suffocating. The lasso was too strong and too tight for me to remove, but I tried anyway, leaving me totally helpless as her paws groped my chest and belly before descending to massage my manhood between my legs.

"What's the matter, hero? Can't breathe?" she taunted.

I couldn't stop her. The lasso was too tight. If I stopped struggling to relieve the pressure on my throat with even one paw, I'd struggle to breathe. I was completely at her mercy. She could kill me easily.

"Hush now, baby," she whispered in my ear. "Sleepytime..."

Moving her free paw away from the straining crotch of my costume, she removed an item from a secret compartment inside one of her long gloves. Resembling a pen, she aimed it at my face and ejected a soft stream of pale gas straight into my mouth and nose. My windpipe was nearly closed due to the lasso, but small amounts of the gas managed to seep in. If I tried to stop her, I'd choke on the lasso instead. I had no choice but to breathe in the gas.

"Shhhh. Relax, hero..."

As the gas slowly filled my lungs, the world around me was darkening. My eyelids began to flutter as my strained muscles started to relax. I was still conscious, barely, suffering as the lasso strangled me, but I couldn't move a muscle anymore.

"There we go. No more struggling for me, okay? Your mistress wants you back in one piece."

My arms grew limp, and soon they flopped down once again. No more air was getting into my lungs, and I was beginning to suffocate, my windpipe completely blocked off. Below me, Tamer's mischievous paws were rubbing faster and faster between my legs. Combined with the asphyxiation, I quickly reached an intense orgasm, my body convulsing in the air beside the building as I emptied thick amounts of cum into my leotard, the fabric straining to contain my erection as it pulsated with each ejection of cream.

"Ahhh, such a good boy. Time to go..."

"No, wait!" yelled Serenade, above us. She was looking down at us from over the railing around the roof. "Take me instead. You know you would never pass up an opportunity to capture me."

Looking up, Tamer raised an eyebrow, smiling devilishly. "Oh? And how do you know I won't just take both of you?"

"Because I know you have honour," responded the heroine. "And you know I do too."

Tamer thought for a few seconds. No words passed through the air around us. She was intrigued, that was for sure.


She then began climbing back up to the penthouse. Then I began to rise as Tamer pulled me up, quickly dragging my ragdoll body back up to the roof.

As Tamer pulled my limp body over the railing, we saw Serenade standing before us, wobbling and weak before she knelt and spread her knees in submission. Her two swords were already on the ground

"I surrender," said the reptile warrior, defeated.

Tamer smiled. "Now there's a good girl," she said, suddenly tossing me to the side. "It's true. I'd rather own you than do just another pickup job for Manasa."

Through blurry vision, I saw Tamer approach Serenade, put her paws around the heroine's scaly head, and kiss her deeply. She didn't resist and simply kept her arms hanging. A few moments later, Tamer raised the defeated superheroine to her feet, moving behind her to trace her fingers across her bare abdomen, slipping some down into her metal bikini to dominate her between her legs as well. Though Serenade did nothing to fight back, she was breathing harder from the villain's molestations.

"Ah, I've waited a long time for the day you'd surrender yourself to me," she whispered in Serenade's ear. "In the end, I'm better, aren't I? But don't worry, my pet. After I've broken your spirit completely, we're gonna have a ton of fun together. I'll have you screaming my name in no time..."

The defeated warrior arched her head back as she began to moan, legs quivering while the villainess forced her fingers inside her behind the gold between her legs.

Then everything went black.


"Hey, wake up, kiddo!" said the first voice I heard.

As consciousness returned to me, I became aware of a soft patting on the side of my face. My eyes inching open, the face of a blue jay filled my view. He wore a police uniform. Then I realised he was upside-down.

"You okay? I've called some backup to help get ya down," he continued. It was Sergeant Blake, my contact and 'handler' on the police force.

"Huh?" I whimpered, suddenly noticing the throbbing ache in my head.

I realised I was hanging from my ankles, a rope tying them to the lamp post above. As my vision became clearer, I saw that a crowd had gathered around us, all of them curious as to why Streak was hanging here. There were a few snickers among them too, and I realised the crotch of my leotard was still wet with my orgasmic release. We were on a busy street, the stars now dotting the sky. Still, I had no boots.

"I..." I stammered, embarrassed and humiliated. "I've been better..."

"Let's get you down from there," said Blake, preparing his cell phone. "I'll get us a ladder."

"Serenade," I said, quickly. "Tamer took her. Even Toby Taylor."

The Sergeant sighed, his expression of concern becoming a look of despair. "Damn. At this rate, there won't be any tights left in the city to fight the New Revolutionaries."

"I noticed," I said with my own sigh.

A few minutes later, some firefighters showed up to help out. They quickly cut me down. Paramedics arrived too, but I told them I didn't need any medical help. That didn't stop them, and they insisted on a thorough examination and asking me some questions about how I felt. They sat me down in the back of an ambulance as they looked me over, almost invasively.

"Listen," Blake said, arms crossed as a paramedic shined a light in my eyes, "no offence, but getting your butt kicked seems to be a theme with you. If you're gonna be out there fighting crime any longer, you're gonna need some formal training. Non-negotiable, kid."

That made sense.

Then the paramedics gave me some space, and I stood. Satisfied that I was in good health, Blake assured them their work was done. They jumped back in the ambulance and left. The firefighters were already gone.

"Again," I said quietly, standing in the street absent-mindedly as the ambulance drove away. "It happened again."

"Huh?" said Blake, looking up from the notes he was scribbling in

Then I fell to my knees and slammed my fists into the ground, splitting the solid tarmac. "Another!" I yelled, filled with rage. "Another superhero goes down because of me!"

"No, it's not your fault," responded Blake, putting his notes away and kneeling beside me. He put a comforting paw on my back.

"Yes, it is! I'm a sub-par superhero who gets in the way of real heroes!"

Blake sighed. "Look, when a hero makes a sacrifice to save someone, that person isn't responsible. Making sacrifices is just what heroes do."

I wished Street Guard, Bedrock, or Serenade was around to tell me that.

Then I remembered my recent discoveries in Rain district. I told Blake what I knew about this 'Eric Monogan', which would hopefully give us something resembling a lead. It was the only thing we had.