The Adventures of Streak - Season 1 - #9 (Adult)

**CHAPTER NINE** **DREAM OF STREAK** _15 October 2015_ Previously, after investigating a break-in at an industrial warehouse, I was attacked by a clone of myself, identical to me except for his outfit and black fur! I chased him across the city...

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The Adventures of Streak - Season 1 - #8 (Adult)

**CHAPTER EIGHT** **MIRROR OF STREAK** _15 October 2015_ _Two months after Street Guard's death_ I had been a superhero for less than a year, but I already had some pretty serious challenges. But the real hardest thing I ever had to do by then was...

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The Adventures of Streak - Season 1 - #7 (Adult)

**CHAPTER SEVEN** **POSSESSION OF STREAK** _10 August 2015_ _The next morning_ It was disgusting. The fighting pit below was stained with dried blood from fighters who had been either seriously injured or killed. The last fighter was busy being...

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The Adventures of Streak - Season 1 - #5 (Adult)

**CHAPTER FIVE** **SERVITUDE OF STREAK** _28 June 2015_ _Fourteen days since my enslavement to my Mistress_ It was a chilling atmosphere. The sound of rain falling on the windows could be heard all across the darkened room. The security guards...

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The Adventures of Streak - Season 1 - #6 (Adult)

**CHAPTER SIX** **SALVATION OF STREAK** _10 August 2015_ _The next morning_ "Wake up, sweetie. Did you sleep well?" My thoughts were fuzzy from the lingering effects of the chloroform, but the feminine voice stirred me slowly to full wakefulness....

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The Adventures of Streak - Season 1 - #4 (Adult)

**CHAPTER FOUR** **RETURN OF STREAK** _5 February 2015_ _Sixteen days since I became the second Streak_ "Home" is what we called it, but it barely qualified as such. It was the dismal area underneath an overpass, and although it was good...

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The Adventures of Streak - Season 1 - #3 (Adult)

**CHAPTER THREE** **ORIGIN OF STREAK II** _20 January 2015_ _Two months and five days since the death of Streak._ To think there was a time when the cold made me shiver; when I ate scraps of food that I could glean from generous bystanders in the...

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The Adventures of Streak - Season 1 - #2 (Adult)

**CHAPTER TWO** **THE FINAL STORY OF STREAK** _15 November 2014_ _Six months since my first night on the town as the superhero known as Streak_ "See? Easy!" said Faith. That smile of hers lit up my life. "Only because you drilled it into my...

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The Adventures of Streak - Season 1 - #1 (Adult)

**CHAPTER ONE** **ORIGIN OF STREAK** _11 April 2014_ _Two days since my first meeting with Falcon._ "I still cannot understand the point of this, Chadwick. This obsession with costumes makes no sense," said Falcon, the mystical energy being that...

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The Adventures of Streak - Season 1 - #12 (Adult)

**CHAPTER TWELVE** **FAMILY OF STREAK** _18 December 2015_ _Eighteen days since Raptor's capture_ I couldn't help being pleased with myself. I took the armed perpetrator down without hurting him or damaging the store. The clerk sang his praises...

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The Adventures of Streak - Season 1 - #11 (Adult)

**CHAPTER ELEVEN** **FLIGHT OF STREAK** _30 November 2015_ _Eighteen days since Serenade's capture_ It was the night. The hollowed-out building was only dimly lit by the occasional naked light bulb hanging from the ceiling. But my enhanced vision...

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The Adventures of Streak - Season 1 - #10 (Adult)

**CHAPTER TEN** **DOMINATION OF STREAK** _12 November 2015_ _Twenty-eight days since my escape from Kanaloa_ What a waste of a beautiful, sunny day. I overlooked the place from the rooftop of a building on the district's edge. Rain district. The...

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