All People Great and Small | Chapter 2

Story by Horatio Husky on SoFurry

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#2 of All People Great and Small

A bedraggled, military-experienced lynx finds herself in a world she is quite inexperienced with. Will she be eaten? Will she be thrown into a cauldron? Will she be put in a zoo? Will her wildest fantasies be fulfilled? Will she drink irresponsibly once again? These questions will be answered and more in my newest story: "All People Great and Small"

Commission for: BabyStar

Featuring: BabyStar & gamer2

Thumbnail: BabyStar

If you are interested in commissioning a story from me, click here for information.

Chapter 2: Where the little known fact that purple lions' manes taste like cotton candy is revealed

"Gansa! Gansa!" the giantess chuckled as the purple lion threw himself on top of her, subsequently knocking Star from her shoulder, and began to aggressively nuzzle the giantess, licking her face with a surprisingly bright blue tongue, his mane a hypnotizing pattern of dark purple and stars, glistening and making it very difficult to figure out the depth of his hair. It almost looked like one could push their hand through his mane and enter a galaxy of stars, shifting and dancing around each other as the lion's excited attempts at demonstrating how happy he was to see his owner jostled his giant furry crown. Blinking, Star shook her head and looked around herself, realizing this might be her only opportunity to escape. She looked to her left, they had been attacked by the lion right before the giantess stepped onto the wrap around porch of her abode, and Star could see a few paths in the vegetable garden she could potentially slip down. Stumbling upright Star sprinted for the garden, she ran for about three seconds flat before something struck her from the back, knocking her face first into the dirt and throwing her legs into the air above her back in a comical faceplant. Gasping, Star tried getting up and got a face full of lion's mane in return.

The creature pounced on top of her and picked her up in its jaws, getting her a mouthful of lion's hair. To her shock, it tasted like blackberry cotton candy, a snack she always bought at the local fair as a child back home. The nostalgic taste of the sweet surprised her enough to not react too strongly to the fact that she was now being carried gently in the mouth of the beast, who trotted happily back to the giantess. It leaned down and deposited the dazed Star at the feet of the giantess, who scratched the lion behind its ears, cooing affectionately, "Etho Yupiter! Etho!" The giantess looked down at Star, frowning in a humorously disapproving manner. Picking her up and putting her over her shoulder once more, to Star's significant discontent, the three of them entered the house. The giantess walked into what Star identified to be her kitchen, and set her duffle bag on the kitchen counter, Star turned her head and saw the lion loudly gulping up water from a bowl with a gusto that Star almost found amusing. The lion, as if sensing the eyes on him, turned around slowly and deliberately with his mouth full of water, a twinkle in his eye his cleft lips pursed and he shot a thin stream of water at Star, hitting her right between the eyes. She flinched and yelped in surprise, rubbing her eyes, "Oh you ass-" but before she could finish her sentence the giantess had turned around and was carrying her out of the kitchen. The last thing she saw was the lion sticking his bright blue tongue at her as they left, much to her indignance.

The stairs complained as the giantess ascended up to the second floor, star wondered if she was going to be locked in some sort of room, and the dread she had felt earlier returned to her. "What does she want with me?" Star thought, as her nose suddenly picked up a distinct smell of talcum powder. The giantess took a right after the stairs and strode into a room where the smell strengthened. The giantess then deposited the lynx on a carpet in the center of the room and, looking around, Star realized she was in a giant nursery complete with a crib, rocking chair, changing table, and diaper genie. "She thinks I'm a child!" she realized, as she heard the click of the door behind her. Whirling around Star saw that the giantess had shut the door and was now rummaging in a white closet, obviously looking for something specific. Withdrawing she emerged clutching, to Star's horror, a diaper, pacifier, and mittens all the perfect size for the poor cat.

A strange feeling bubbled up in Star's stomach. Did the giantness know about her fantasies? Was this still just a dream? Was she just an infant by giant standards? Was she still going to be eaten? Star bolted for the door, but was blocked by the giantess's leg. Star's height barely went up to the thigh on the giantess, who smiled down at the terrified cat, before swooping her up again and padding towards the changing table. Star squirmed, trying to loosen herself from the giant's grip but to no avail. Placing her atop the table with no perceivable effort, the giantess began to deftly secure Star's hands and feet to straps at the four corners of the table. "Where did she even get this stuff?" Star asked herself angrily, as she tugged against the various restraints. The giantess then pulled out a knife from her back pocket, which stopped Star's struggling quickly. The giantess set to work cutting off all of Star's clothes, much to her displeasure and embarrassment. Soon enough her already bedraggled clothes had been reduced to shreds, and the poor lynx lay completely naked and exposed on the changing table. She shivered slightly, nervous and blushing a powerful shade of red as the giantess began to unwrap the diaper and placed it in front of Star.

Star's bottom remained firmly fixed to the surface of the changing table, "FAT CHANCE!" she yelled, furious at being rendered so utterly helpless by the powerful giant fox in front of her. The giantess placed a finger on her lips, as if deep in thought, before grinning slyly and, dropping the diaper, and beginning to merciless tickle the poor lynx. Unable to escape, Star tensed and started laughing uncontrollably, squirming and struggling, trying to get away from the giantess's probing fingers who attacked her tummy and armpits. Tears began streaming from her eyes as she laughed and struggling. After what seemed like forever, the giantess lessened her attack, leaving Star exhausted from the bout. The giantess slipped a hand under the small of Star's back, and raised her bottom to be deposited on the soft interior of the diaper she had unwrapped before. Securing it tightly she began to work quickly, getting the mittens on her paws, the pacifier in her mouth with a strap behind her head, and even taking out a pair of booties from underneath the changing table which Star hadn't noticed previously.

The giantess put her hands on hips and admired her handiwork, Star felt her cheeks glow bright red as she felt the giantess's eyes on her. In a matter of a minute Star had been dressed in an infant's garb and had been completely unable to do anything about it. "I've always had dreams about such a thing happening, but the fact that it's actually happening right now is overwhelming me," Star thought. She had to somehow communicate to the giantess that she wasn't an infant and that she wasn't even from this place. Star made direct eye contact and deliberately moved her mouth around the pacifier gag lodged in her maw. "I. Am. Not. From. Here. Get. It?" she stated slowly, pronouncing her words as best she could around the pacifier gag. The fox seemed to pick up on the attention Star was giving her jaw movements, and frowned slightly. Quickly the frown turned into a bemused smile, as she began to undo the restraints keeping Star on the changing table before hoisting the poor cat onto her hip. Star once again tried to communicate clearly to the giantess, by tapping on her shoulder and even waving in front of her face to grab her attention. The large fox, however, paid no mind to her subject's antics as the two made their way back to the kitchen downstairs.

All People Great and Small | Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Where it becomes apparent that blue mush is obviously the best dish out there "Click!" went the harness, as Star was once again bound, this time to a highchair that Star hadn't noticed before was in the kitchen. The purple lion stood at...

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