The Fox Tribe

Story by Drakowolf on SoFurry

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#7 of To Be a King

Story (c) 2009 by Drako Wolf. All rights reserved. Characters Zach, Len, Amy, King Esper, Captain Collin, Grant, Mary, Raven, Savage, Lord John, Lord Fen, Ken, Dr. Richman, Emily, Zap McVanson, and Lynn © Drako Wolf

The Fox Tribe

Blood filled the streets; fur's running and screaming trying to find shelter from the bright light that filled the sky. Wolves covered in dark armor killing anyone who got within feet of them. Screams from children as they shook the bodies of their dead parents. But one baby's cry seemed so close as though Zach was the one making the noise. He looked up into a face he couldn't make out.

"Emily we have to get him out of here. You run and take him with you." Said his father

"I can't leave you behind."

The dream seemed so real but why was he seeing this and why couldn't he see her face. He didn't understand what was going on. Then he heard the Voice of Viento "Zach stop dreaming about the past and wake up."

"But why. I want to know what happened."

"You don't have time. If you sleep much longer then you and that Blue Fox will get found now wake up."

Zach jumped and opened his eyes. He looked around quickly trying to let his eyes grow used to the light pouring in through the windows of the house he grew up in with Len. He moved his hands and found Viento next to him. He picked up the twin swords and looked over to where Nik was sleeping. He got up and shook the blue wolf/fox awake.

"What." Yelled Nik jumping up and pulling out a broken shard of glass that he made into a kind of knife

Zach dodged the glass and said "Hey now; Nik it's me Zach."

"Oh...I'm sorry I'm not used to it here yet."

"That's fine. I think we need to get you a sword since you're stuck here." Said Zach belting on Viento to his leather pants and plain wool pull over shirt

"And how do you propose we do that."

"Len, the one who raised me was a Black Smith and I think he had a lot of really nice swords here you may like. There are also a few I made too in my free time when I was working for the king." Said Zach walking over to the second bedroom that was used for keeping the Swords for sale

Nik followed him in and said in amazement as he looked around "Damn I don't think I have ever seen so many swords in one room there has to be like Five hundred here."

"Six hundred and eighty two swords, twenty spears, three hundred lances, and fifty suits of armor. Take your pick and its yours, I won't ever be able to sell them and sooner or later the king will find them and take them as his own." Said Zach

Nik looked around at all the weapons sitting around the said "You sure?"

"Like I said I have no need for them anymore so sure thing take one and let's be on our way."

Nik started to look at the different swords picking them up, waving them, and checking the balance. He felt like just giving up and letting it go when he tripped and fell over a few shields laying on the floor. He tried to stop the fall by grabbing onto a table but it was filled with stuff and it fell too. Zach started to laugh as Nik picked himself up from the pile of swords, spears, and shields.

"Yeah laugh it up you ass hole. Wait a moment...this one looks cool." Said Nik picking up a long sword that was in his lap

The sword was in a black metal sheath, the hilt was formed to look like the head of a fox with blue sapphires for eyes. Nik drew the weapon and marveled at the blade. As it came out it shown like the moon even in the dim light of the room. There were markings running down the length of the blade which was longer than most. It was razor sharp on both ends coming together to a sharp tip. It was a hand a half sword which meant he could use it with one hand or both if needed without having to hold the end of the handle.

"I had a feeling you would like that one. I made that myself, it's made from metal that I found in a fallen star. It's called Silver Paw, it has a couple of spells in it to keep it from getting dull or rusty. It will also never break and as long as you have it with you, you will never get lost. The blade is a bit long but I say the longer the better." Said Zach

"Why does it shine like that?"

"Can't say it has something to do with the metal I used or maybe from the magic I put into it."

Nik smiled then put the sword back into its sheath then put it onto his back. He drew Silver Paw a couple of times to make sure he could get to it if needed then said "Well I think I'm good. So where should we go from here. Your father's lands are a couple of days away from here and we would have to go back trough the city to get to it."

"I know there is one of the Fox Tribes just south of her maybe a one or two day's hard travel. They work with the wolves so I'm sure they will help us out for now. The king's men and others will be looking for us." Said Zach walking out of the house followed by Nik

"Sounds good to me. It would be nice to see a few Fox's for once."

They started to walk toward the woods. Zach took only a moment to look back at the home he grew up in. There were a lot of good memories there and also a few bad ones. He would miss the place but now he was being hunted and he couldn't stay and fool himself anymore. He was not one of them; he was not even a wolf or a fox. He was a Hybrid, the most hated of all things born in this world. It was time to take a side and stay with it.

He turned away from the house then said as they walked "You know Nik you don't have to come with me. You could find your way back home if you wanted I'm sure of it.

Nik only chuckled then said "That's true I'm sure I could but that would be no fun at all. I have to say Zach you have been one of the most interesting fur's I have ever met. Plus what would I do back in my own time. Keep working at Tail's Up, bored out of my mind waiting for something to happen. No I like it here and I want to see how things pan out."

"Well then fine with me but don't say I didn't give you a choice if things go south for us." Said Zach with a chuckle

Hours passed as they worked their way south trough the large forest. They didn't talk much as they went mostly just a comment about the weather and other such things. Nik didn't mind the quiet; he took the time to think back about the one Fur he hadn't seen in many years. He could still remember the smell of her fur, the sight of her bright red eyes, the feel of her naked body pressed against his.

"What I wouldn't give to see you again." Said Nik without thinking

"Who's that?" asked Zach looking back at his friend as moon light fell on his face

"Oh...sorry was thinking out loud?"

"It's ok with me...who were you thinking about?" asked Zach with a smile

Nik couldn't help but smile wider as he said "Her name is Sheba. I met her many years ago. She was from another world one where she was just a normal wolf, you know walked on all fours. She found herself in my world and in a body like ours. She was in need of help and I helped her. She has fur as white as snow, eyes as red as blood, and a body that would make any one want her."

"Sounds like you really like her. Why isn't she with you then, did she die or something?" said Zach

"I'm not sure really. I saw her a few times after she left but one day something happened and I haven't seen her since. I'm sure she is still alive but if she is I don't know where to find her."

"What made her so special to you?"

"I think it was that she always told you the truth about things...well most of the time. I mean that if she didn't like you or something like that she would tell you. None of this hiding it and being all nice about things. She was also full of spirit and energy always wanting to do something."

"I bet she would have been a good girl for you why didn't you try to make her your mate or something?"

Nik's eyes fell at that as he said "That wasn't possible...she is over 600 years old. I mean don't get me wrong she is still beautiful but still that is an age gap I can't change. She also is to in love with Drako too and she won't ever take a mate unless it was him I'm sure of it."

"Drako?...oh you mean that big grey wolf I met at Tail's Up?" asked Zach

"Yeah that's him...well I can't say that he is really so great but Sheba loves him more than she loves me."

"That kind of sucks."

"It does but it's ok. I'm sure one day I'll find someone and she will be even better than Sheba."

Zach stopped and sat down leaning on a tree then said "Yeah I'm sure there will be. For now let's rest and get by today ok."

Nik sat down too smiling as he still thought about Sheba. He looked over at Zach then said "Tell me do you know this Fox Tribe?"

"Can't say I really do. I know of them because I was hunting them when I worked with King Esper. There aren't too many Fox's left in the world anymore and most of them help the wolves out with their fight against the kingdom. The King wanted to find the last couple of tribes and force them to tell us where to find the leader of the wolves. But somehow they always seemed to keep there village hidden from me." Said Zach leaning back with his eyes closed

"Then how do you plan on finding them. You seem to know where they are." Said Nik

"Well no not really I just know they always seem to be seen deep in this forest."

Nik looked at him with an expression that showed he was irritated as he said "So you plan on just wondering around until we find them."


"Then how will we find them?"

"We won't. They will find us."

"And how do you know that?"

"They want me dead after killing some of their kind. I'm sure they know I'm in the area by now and soon they will come to get me." Said Zach with a wide grin

"I'm sorry Zach but that has to be the stupidest Idea I have ever heard."

Nik got up growing angry but right then there was a loud Snap from somewhere to the left. Zach smiled and said "That didn't take long."

"What the hell was that? Zach it could be the King's men looking for us we should get moving." Said Nik drawing Silver Paw

Zach just sat there with his eyes still closed as he said "It can't be them, we came from the opposite direction. If I'm right this should be our way to the Fox Tribe. Should have tried this years go."

Before Nik could say another word there was a flash of light that blinded him. Before he knew it he was slammed to the ground by someone who tied his hands and put a bag over his head. Zach just got to his feet smiling with his back pressed against the tree. He looked into the faces of five Fox's, one holding Nik down.

One walked closer to Zach but not to close saying "The Demon Knight has made a big mistake coming this far into the woods."

"The Demon Knight you say. No one here by that title I'm sorry." Said Zach with a smile his hand on Viento just in case they attacked

The fox who had spoken before said "Don't try to play that game with me, I know who you are and what you have done to us. The Fox's of this land want you dead for what you did."

"Yes I know that but you called me the Demon Knight. I don't go by that title anymore not after what I have found out about myself. My name is Zach McVanson and I'm the son of the leader of the wolves. I want to call Parlay and speak to your leader. I am not here to fight."

One of the others ran toward him but the one who spoke put an arm up and said "Jack keep calm you know better. When someone calls Parlay we have to take them in without hurting them. That is the rules."

"Sir you know what he has done to us and our kind in the past we can't just let him live."

"I know and I also know that the Mistress told us not to kill him if we see him. We have orders," said the first fox then he turned back to Zach and said "You are your friend are now the prisoners of the Queen of our lands. Will you come with us in peace?"

"I will, and I'm sure Nik will too if you just take that bag off his head." Said Zach

They did letting him up. He looked pissed but un-injured as he walked over to Zach. The fox then said "Hand over your weapons and come with us then if you try to resist then you will be killed you got that."

"I don't like this one bit Zach." Said Nik handing over Silver Paw

"I know you don't but remember we can still take them if we needed." Said Zach in his ear before taking Viento and handing it to one of the fox's

Viento jumped back landing on the ground with a loud thump and he said in Zach's mind "I won't go with them Zach. I am your weapon and I don't want some dirty Fox holding me."

Zach picked up the twin blades and said out loud "Viento you know that I am a half fox and also if you don't let me do this we won't get this finished."

The fox's all looked on edge and Viento finally said "Fine but you will pay for this you know that."

"Yes I do." Said Zach handing over the sword then saying to them "I'm sorry but Viento is picky on who he lets hold him even if it's for a short time."

"I hadn't been told that you have a living sword. I hope it won't make problems for me."

"It won't; trust me." Said Zach

"Good well let's get a move on." Said the Fox

Nik and Zach started to walk following the leader fox and the rest following them making sure they didn't try to get away. It was a long way it seemed to Zach made even worse by the look on Nik's face. He had a feeling that Nik didn't like the Plan to much. He tried to give his friend a reassuring smile but every time he tried one of the other fox's would yell or kick him.

After a long night of walking through the forest they came to a river with a large water fall. They were taken to the base of it and over the roar of the water hitting the rocks the lead fox yelled "When you enter this make sure you keep your head down until we reach the village."

Nik and Zach started to walk again following the fox until he walked into a low dark cave that was behind the waterfall. It was cramped and low and you couldn't see five feet in front of your face. Zach felt other openings pass them by and once and a while they would pass into one of them going in another direction. He knew that if it wasn't for the lead fox they would have been lost in this place forever.

After what felt like hours a small dot of light showed up at the end of one of the passage ways. Fresh air filled there nostrils as they grew close then after a few more moments they stepped out into the light. After they grew used to the light Nik and Zach both looked in awe at the tribe. They were in a large valley that had a large clear watered lake in the middle of it. Cliffs made large walls that made it impossible for anyone to get in without coming through the maze of caverns. Small caves dotted the sides of the valley where the fox's used as homes. Also around the lake was training grounds, archery ranges, and a black smith's forge all next to a large rise where it looked like they held meetings.

"And to think I looked for this place for two years and it was here the entire time." Said Zach

"We only moved our tribe here because of you Zach. After you started to go after the wolves and we had to hide in a place you couldn't get to. The mountains around this valley are to who for you to climb and the cave is miles and miles of mazes. It was the perfect spot." Said the fox

"How do you know he didn't trick you into taking him here so he could find your tribe?" Asked Nik

"We don't care really he is now a prisoner of ours and the Queen will see that he is put to death I'm sure of it." Said the Fox

"We are really here to get help you know. I don't work for the king anymore and now work with my father and his army." Said Zach as they were taken to the rise where meetings could be held

The fox didn't say anything and took them to a spot in front of a large throne like chair. There were two sets of shackles sitting there. Two of the fox's pushed them forward and locked them to the shackles which forced them on to their knees with their arm's held out. Then they drew small blades and cut the shirts from Nik and Zach's back's. So they sat there half naked and unable to move. The fox's started to laugh a bit then all of them walked away leaving them there in the hot sun.

Nik let his head hang down as he said "I hate you right now you know that right."

"You said that before."

"Seems every time you show up in some place that has others you end up getting captured or attacking the people. I don't understand what is it about you that people seem to hate. The Fox's called you a Killer and Your fathers' people said something like that too. You told me you worked for the King before but that was about it. Who are you Zach?" Said Nik

Zach looked away, his green eyes filled with tears as he said "Do you know what it's like to have something inside you that wants everything around it dead."

Nik looked away too at this and said "I used to yes..." and he started to tell him about the wolf that used to make his days a living hell. "So yeah I do know what it's like" he said after he was finished

"Well in a way you do but that wolf was of its own mind. With me it's this marking of mine. Like you it gives me my power but at the same time it has a hold over me. When I loose control of myself my powers come out and even though I'm still in my right mind I can't help but kill everything I see."

"It sounds like you have some kind of demon in side you."

"I wish it was but no. I was told that the ones who have the Mark of the Reaper only grow up to kill and destroy. I thought I could fight it and I still do but it seems like it's almost impossible. Even now I can feel it pulling at my mind telling me to use my power to brake the Shackles and kill every last fox here....even you." Said Zach wishing he could run but he knew he could not

Nik looked shocked at this and said "Why would you want to do that?"

"That's the thing I don't want to. It something I just can't stop sometimes."

"I understand just don't act on the thought, ok...I kind of like my life."

"I'll do my best. As for what you asked me before well I used to be the leader of the best knights in the Kingdom. I was young but powerful and since I love to kill do to my powers the King sent me out to get rid of his enemies. Wolves were easy to find but Fox's well they are harder since they have quick minds for tricks and traps. They also don't forget easily too." Said Zach

"Let's just hope this Queen of theirs will let us live." Said Nik

"I would just like to know where they all are. I mean who takes prisoners and leaves them here all alone." Said Zach

Before Nik could answer them a female voice said "People who have other things to do thank you very much."

A female fox moved in front of them. She was tall and beautiful, with bright white fur, bright green eyes, long black hair that fell to her feet in a tight braid. She had on tight black leather clothing that really only covered her big chest and her bottom. A thing see through silk fell from the bottoms to her feet. She looked at them both and smiled showing her sharp fangs. The only other part of her that wasn't white was the marks on her face that most fox's had and her tail that had a black tip.

"Who are you?" said Nik crossing his legs a bit to hide the bump showing through is pants.

"My name is Emily and I'm the Queen of The Fox Tribe."

"Then you are the one I need to speak with." Said Zach

She looked at him and smiled wider saying "And why should I listen to you Demon Knight. You have killed plenty of your own people for the evil King."

"My own kind?" said Zach confused

Her smile faded a bit "Fox's dear, you are half fox if I recall."

"I am...sorry I just never thought of you as my kind since I never grew up around them...or wolves for that matter."

"You also can't judge him for doing what he was ordered by the king he had no choice."

She turned to look at him and said in a almost yelling voice "And who in gods great name are you. I can smell the half blood on you...a Hybrid then."

"My name is Nik Foxwolf or just Nik I you would. I am from well a different place and a Friend of Zach here." Said Nik looking up into her breath taking eyes

She smiled at him then back at Zach "So two half breeds in my valley, one an enemy and the other a stranger to our lands. What has that Leader so he calls himself been up too."

"You know of my father?" asked Zach "Good. He sent me to the Kingdom and I had to run do to well something bad I did. I tried to find you because I know you work with the wolves. I'm on your side now"

She slapped him then said "Quiet you. I have known who you are for many years now." As she spoke fox's of all kinds started to fill the rise forming a big group around them. "I know more than you think Zach McVanson who was raised by the War Hero Len, taught the art of a Black Smith, Went off to be a Knight, Made love not once but Three times to a Wolf Spy named Amy, son of the Great Leader Zap McVanson, and The one marked as the Reaper. I do know who you are and what you have done also what you will end up doing if you are allowed to live."

Zach looked dumb founded as he said "Please...give me a chance to explain myself."

Her smile grew wider as the crowd of Fox's cheered and she said "But since you are the son and Zap and under Parlay I can't kill you. Also what kind of mother would I be by letting you die by my hand?"

Silence came at those words. Not even one fox moved or cheered or even made a gasp as they all looked at their Queen. The look on Nik's face was almost comical but nothing could beat the look Zach had on his face as he looked up into the green eyes of his Mother. The same green eyes he himself had.

"My mother is dead...I thought." Said Zach

"A story told to you to keep me safe but do to what has happened lately I can't hide it anymore. Zap is my former mate but that is a tale for another day I'm afraid." Said Emily

The Fox who had lead them back said "My lady you have to kill him you know who he what if he...."

She turned on him and yelled "IF what Con...who cares if he is my son. My one and only child. I do, it is my fault he was raised in the Kingdom where he ended up becoming a tool for that So called King."

"My lady we can't over look his crimes." Said the Fox called Con

"We can and we will you hear me...everyone this is my son and he is one of us. If you don't like it then leave now and never come back." Said Emily her eyes blazing

No one spoke for a full minute then finally they all bowed and said in unison "We live to serve the tribe."

"Good now let them up so I can hug my son who I haven't seen since he was a few weeks old." Said Emily

The shackles were unlocked and they both got up still not knowing what to say. Nik just kept looking at her body for some reason Sheba kept coming to his mind as he looked over the fox. Zach just looked into her eyes wanting to know what he should do or say.

Emily moved first pulling him close to her and saying "My son it's so good to see you again. I am sorry for everything you have had to go through over the years but it was all for a reason."

When she said that Zach found his voice "You left me to be raised by someone else you and father both. I can understand a father doing that but a mother?"

"Zach please listen. It was just as hard for me as it was for you. That monster Savage was looking for you and he wanted you dead. We knew we had to hide you from him until you could face him. I never wanted you to do that, If I had my way you would have been raised by me." Said Emily her eyes filled with tears

Zach let his head fall as he said "I'm sorry it's just hard for me to take this all right now. I mean I was told you died. It's hard to live life thinking your mother was killed and even harder when you find out it was a lie. Do you have a place where I can rest to think this over?"

She looked sad still but push her lips up to smile as she said "Sure thing son Con here will show you a room."

"Thank you." Said Zach starting to walk off then stopping and saying to Nik "Can you tell her what is going on I need time to think."

"Sure thing bud, take your time." Said Nik watching him walking away

"I didn't think he would be willing to accept me to fast but at least he didn't try to attack me. Things are turning out better than I thought it would." Said Emily

Nik smiled at her and said "I have known him for a short time but he is a kind one. I think he is more upset that he didn't know you were around when he really wanted you to be."

"No child should have to go through live without parents but trust me it was for his own good."

"Why do you say that?"

"Did he tell you about Savage at all?"

Nik looked a bit shocked but said "A bit yeah. We also saw him back in Maybell, he tried to kill the King."

"I had a feeling he would show up again he has been after Zach for a long time. Well if you must know Zach holds a great power inside of him." Said Emily

Nik interrupted "Yeah I saw it in the city."

Emily sighed "You only saw a bit of that power I'm afraid. If Zach lost himself fully this world would be in for great disaster. The reason we had to leave Zach with Len was because Savage heard a prophecy that he would die at Zach's hands. After this we had to keep him safe. Savage never would look in the Center of the Kingdom with some old War Hero turned black smith."

"Still he would have liked to at least know you were alive I bet."

"I'm sure he would and trust me I wanted to tell him. It was just as hard for me."

"Yeah I'm sure it was but at least you knew he was alive."

"Nik can I ask you something?"

"You just did but sure thing." Said Nik with a smile

"Is that fur of yours Died or natural?"

"This is how I am same goes for the Tattoo's on my back; why do you ask?"

"I have met your people many years ago."

Nik looked shocked and almost angry when he said "What did they want and were they after something."

"Information mostly, they wanted to know how my people lived and stuff like that. They told me that the markings on them helped them move from world to world. They came from a Great Civilization that was trying to make some kind of Chain of worlds. They wanted to add ours then thought better of it saying we were a world that had not yet advanced enough. I had no idea what they meant by that but they all had blue fur like you." Said Emily

Nik relaxed "I guess I forgot about the time Difference. That must have been before that great fall."

Emily smiled and said "Nik would you come with me I would like a word with you in my privet cave."

"Um sure thing Queen Emily." Said Nik following her and trying to keep his eyes off her tight ass

It wasn't far her cave. Soon he was walking into it kind of shocked it wasn't some big cave filled with riches and stuff that you would think a Queen would have. It was only two rooms, one the living area and the off room was her sleeping area. Pushed shut a large wood door that closed off the opening to her cave then had him sit in an empty chair.

"I saw that you keep looking at my body Nik. Does it interest you?"

Nik blushed almost right away and said quickly "Well yes you are a extremely sexy female I have to say but I'm sorry it was wrong of me."

She giggled in a way that made Nik's sheath grow tight as he stared to grow hard "My you are to kind I have to say but I don't mind. I am known as the most beautiful Fox in the land you know. Every Fox and Wolf and who ever meets me wants me as there mate just on how I look and would jump on the chance to fuck me."

"I...I bet they would...but I would never be so upfront about it and not with the mother of my best friend."

She moved closer to him and pulled him to her kissing him deeply. She opened her muzzle and let their tongues meet pressing her slim and sexy body to his moaning into the kiss. She placed a hand on his pants feeling the now raging boner under her grip and through the cloth. She pulled away and said "I didn't ask you if you wanted to worry about Zach right now. Do you want this Fox's body or not."

Nik knew he wanted her and even more she reminded him of Sheba even more now so he said with a heavy heart "Yes I do."

"Good boy." She took his hand and pulled him to his feet leading her to her room were a large bed was.

She pressed him down onto it pulling off her clothes slowly. She smiled at him as he marveled at her body. Her cloths had hidden it but on her chest was a Blake Line like water moving around her to her back. She twisted around showing that the ling met and formed a Rose on her back. She pulled at something at the back of her hair letting it out of its braid. With her hair let loose her beauty was far more than it had been. She moved closer to him and pulled off his ox hide pants showing off his long and hard cock.

The black cock was throbbing a bit with pre cum on the tip. She moved over it and smiled at him taking it into her hands and licking it long and hard. He couldn't help but arch his back and moan as her hot tongue moved over his shaft. She only took a moment to lick over his shaft before moving over him and placing his cock between her large breasts pressing them together and moving them up and down the tip of his cock in her muzzle where she sucked a bit on every upward movement.

Her Scent started to fill the room, a slight smell of pine trees and a few other things. The smell filled his head and body making him want her more. He had her wait a moment and moved back so he could sit up letting her go then his hands on her head helping her out a bit. She moaned at the taste of his pre cum filling her muzzle every time she sucked on his tip. Some times she would let his tip go and let him shoot her face full of hot pre. Soon she was soaked with it and same went for her chest.

Nik smiled at her and when he felt himself getting close he pulled away. She looked at him with a sad face but that changed quick when he pressed her down and he made her take his whole cock into her mouth. She gagged for a second then took hold of the base moving her head up and down the hard shaft moaning. Nik started to pant and his body shook as he felt his climax getting closer and closer with every movement of her head on his cock.

Finally he let out a loud yip and moan as he came hard into her muzzle. She swallowed some then pulled away letting some of the cum shoot her right in the face. She closed her eyes and moved her hands over her face licking off her fingers and smiling at Nik. She gave her a smile too his cock still hard and covered in his come.

"Don't think you're done yet mister." She said Getting down on her hands and knees showing her ass to him.

He moved over to her and smiled wider moving over her. He didn't know why but he was ready to go again. He looked at her sweet looking pussy then her tight Tail Vent and said "You ever taken it up the ass before."

"That's no way to treat a Queen you know. Only bad males would do something like that."

He moved is cock up to her tight puckered ass hole then smiled and pressed in slowly loving the feel and sound of her moan. He pressed in as far as he could then said "I guess that makes me a bad male then."

She gave him a kind of Vixen purr. She pressed back into his cock loving the new feeling he was giving her. Nik waited a moment then started to move in and out of her tight ass moaning and panting holding onto her tail so he could press in harder. She pressed her face into the pillow quieting her moans and screams her hand reaching back and slipping her fingers deep into her pussy. The two of them moaned and panted the air if the room thick with the smell of their love making but more hers than his.

The intoxicating aroma made Nik feel light headed and ready for more. He pressed his cock harder and faster into her hot ass moaning and making small snarls like the part wolf he was. She gave another loud moan then a yip as she came hard wetting the blankets under her with her hot female cum. When she did this she pressed back so hard it made Nik fall onto his back. She moved with him and ended up sitting on him facing the other way.

She smiled and twisted around still with his cock in her ass. She faced him then started to move her ass up and down hard her hands on his chest to keep herself balanced. She let herself bounce on him a few more times then moaned as she came again shooting her hot female juice all over his belly fur. He took a hand and wiped some of it off and licked is hand clean loving the flavor. She smiled and moved down kissing him again their tongue rolling around in each other's muzzles eyes closed and humping hard.

After a bit Nik placed his hands on her ass and pressed her down hard onto his howling this time as he came deep inside her ass. She moaned too coming along with him. She fell forward making his cock fall from her ass. He was still coming and he ended up covering her ass cheeks in cum to go with the hot cum that was dropping from her tail vent.

She kissed him again and said "You did a wonderful job Nik."

Panting he smiled then said "You too Queen Emily. But I'm not done yet"

She squeaked as he pressed her down and moved his lips over her hot pussy. He smiled up at her, pressing his long tongue deep into her hot depths. She throw back her head and moaned again clawing at the bed sheets as he moved it tongue over and around her. She pressed his muzzle in deeper ready to burst.

Right before her climax there was the sound of the front door open and Zach saying from the cave mouth. "Mom...I'm sorry for getting angry with you before can we talk now please..." he walked into the room and saw Nik and Emily

"Son don't over react please."

Zach was fully dressed again with Viento at his side. He had Silver Paw in his hand so he could give it back to Nik but now he just let it fall to the floor as he said "I see how it is then. I mean I didn't know her yet but you just couldn't hold back could you Nik and you call yourself my friend."

Nik got up and said "Zach I'm sorry please I really mean it."

"Fuck you. I'm sick of this stuff. Its always lies and more lies in my life why would I have thought it would change with you." Said Zach growing angry

From his side Viento said "You see Zach you can't trust them they are all alike. The king, your father, Amy, Nik, and even your mother, I think it's time we showed them why you're called the Demon Knight."

"I think your right Viento. It's time to finish what I started here." Said Zack walking out

"What do you mean Zach....Zach wait come back." Yelled Emily getting up and putting on her clothes.

"This isn't good we have to stop him." Said Nik picking up Silver Paw "I'm not sure what I can do though."

Emily ran over to her Wardrobe and pulled out some nice looking clothes saying "Put this on it was once Zaps back in the times of war. It will keep you safe from Zach's power if he loses control I'm starting to think that his sword is Evil. With that and his powers the way the way they are he could kill everyone here. Please stop him, but don't kill him."

Nik nodded the put on the clothes. It was long black leather boots, two armored leg braces, a metal covering for his bottom that looked like a Speedo to Nik, a black tonic, shoulder guards that came out to sharp points, and a Cape that came down to his Legs made of soft brown leather. He smiled and strapped Silver Paw to his back and drew the large blade, the moon like glow filling the darkening room.

"I'll bring him back safe."

"I'll try to get everyone to safety." Said Emily running out the door

Nik took a deep breath and walked out and looked over the valley. He was shocked at what he saw. Zach had only walked out a moment ago but he had already started to attack whoever he could. Viento was out; both blades moving so fast you could hear them cut the air. Nik wasn't sure if it would work but he started to push is own power into the blade he held. The Sword started to give off a high pitched ring. He then slashed at the air and a long sharp sonic boom shot from the blade.

The attack hit Zach in the back hard knocking him down and saving two pup's that had been next to the water. They ran as Zach fell and Nik took his chance to run over to his friend. He was going to try to talk to him but as soon as he grew close Zach jumped up and tried to behead Nik. Luckily Nik had learned more about Sword Fighting in his years and he dodged the attack putting Sliver Paw up to meet Vento's blades. Zach growled and pressed the hilts together making the sword one long blade with a long hilt in the middle.

"Zach don't do this your killing your own kind and I'm your friend what has gotten into you."

Zach's eyes were misted over with a yellow glow as he yelled "Don't call me friend you. How dare you do that with my mother what gives you the right. TELL ME!"

Nik blocked and parried another attack marveling at how easy it was to use Sliver Paw against a blade like Viento. Nik jumped and dodged keeping on the defensive so not to hurt his friend. He yelled out "Zach I'm sorry I just couldn't help myself something came over me. Please don't do this."

"Shut your mouth you dirty Fox. What do you care about it you're not even from this land or time. Why couldn't you just go back to your hookers and other fucked up friends back at Tail's Up?" Yelled Zach jumping back and Slashing the air in quick motions

Wind came at him and cut at him making the cloths Emily gave him rip and fall from his body. He thought it was meant to keep him safe from Zach's Power. Or was this the Power of Viento...Nik did remember Zach saying that it had the power of the wind.

Nik felt a rage deep inside him that wasn't all his own at the insults to the people and friends he worked with at Tail's Up. But also at the remark that he should have gone back to them. He came with Zach to help him and if he didn't want that then fine. He would get his fight.

"Fine then Zach if that is how it is then you can just die and then no one will have to be afraid of your power ever again." Said Nik and he attacked moving the sword throw the air quickly and catching Zach off Guard.

Silver Paw went through Zach's Clothes and Flesh like it was butter making the Wolfox scream out in pain and anger. He attacked dropping down like he was going to fall then wrapping his lag around Nik's and tripping him. Nik started to fall back but he pressed a hand to the ground and let loose another sonic boom launching himself high. To his amazement Zach jumped up to meet him slashing Viento through the air quickly. Nik felt the blade cut through his chest flesh and hitting a rib or two. Nik screamed out in pain as his body was thrown down hard hitting the ground on his back knocking the air from him. When he could see he saw Zach falling with Viento held down ready to stab him in the chest.

Nik didn't even have time to think he dropped Silver Paw and made a fist with both hands. He drew at his power again then punched the air with both hands. A loud and big sonic boom flew up to meet Zach hitting him hard and sending him flying. Nik then got up and picked up Sliver Paw then punched at the ground as he jumped making his body fly higher than Zach's.

He then slashed at Zach hitting him with the blade and at the same time sending a sonic boom through it. Zach shot to the ground hard making a small crater in the earth next to the lake. Nik landed hard a few feet away sheathing his sword. He looked over at where his friend now lay. He knew no one could take a hit like that and be fine after. They would be lucky to even live after something like that. A tear fell from his eye, he didn't want to do it but knew it had to be done.

"I'm sorry my friend but it was the only way to keep them all safe. I'm sure you will live." Said Nik

A sound filled the air and a heavy wind knocked Nik back a few feet. Black light flew from the crater where Zach had landed and to Nik's astonishment Zach got up. Only it was the Zach who had attacked and killed the town's people before. The black fur and gold markings showed that.

He smiled at Nik with his Gold Glowing eyes meeting with his. He opened his muzzle and said in a deep voice not his own "You have all betrayed me. For that you must die Nik."

"I won't let you do this I'm not scared of you or your power Zach." Said Nik

He only smiled and then dropping Viento he put his hands together and an energy ball of what looked like black light started to form then grow bigger at the base of his palms. Nik punched the air toward Zach shooing a sonic boom at him but it only faded away and didn't even rustle the fur on Zach's body. Nik took one last look into his friend's eyes and large wings came out of his back and his ears got a sharper point to them.

With out a single sound a large beam of dark energy shot from Zach's palms growing a hundred times bigger than it had been. Nik didn't even have time to think as the energy blast hit him full force. Pain like nothing Nik had ever felt before racked his body and he fell to his knees then onto his back. This was it, the end of him and he knew it. And with that he lost touch with everything and blacked out.

Zach started to laugh as he stopped the blast and moved closer to Nik. His cloths were almost gone and his fur was messed up and blood flowed from his nose and eyes. Zach gave an evil laugh and said "Like all the others you can't stop me."

Zach was ready to leave when Emily Stepped up and said "Son stop this and listen. The one who did this to you is King Esper not Nik or me. We want to help you and nothing more. If you must kill someone then go after King Esper."

Zach didn't know why but he smiled and said "I will do that but you and your Tribe will be next mother. Be grateful you will get to live a bit longer." And with that he jumped into the air and flew off north toward the kingdom.

Emily sighed and moved over to Nik and said "Wake up Nik come on you're not dead."

Nik opened his eyes trying not to scream as he got up and used Emily top hold him up. "What in god's name was that."

"His powers are getting stronger. Luckily you had on the clothes I gave you if not you would have died in that blast."

"I'm stronger than I look you know." Said Nik

"That doesn't matter. His blast destroyed the clothes but they saved you from what could have happened." She said Pointing behind him

Nik turned to look and he almost lost his lunch. Behind him there were two long and wide marks in the earth. It looked like when the Blast hit Nik it split and destroyed everything in its path even the mountains had large V's in them. Nik fell to the ground and said "There is no way. Is he really that powerful?"

"That is nothing. That is only 10% of what he can really do. I used my power to convince him to go after the king and for good reason but we have to hurry someone has to get to him and get his mind on the right track again. He is starting to lose himself to this power. He will kill more than just the king. He will kill every living thing he runs into when he gets there." Said Emily

"How can I help? He did piss me off but he is my friend and I can't let him lose out like this."

"I'm glad to hear it. I have a way we can help him but it will be hard. Are you with me?" said Emily

He got up ignoring his pain and kissed the queen saying "Ok you will do my best. I'm with you."

To his Surprise she smacked him and said "Nik I know we had a bit of fun but that was all it was. You're not my mate or my lover I just needed you to make me feel better." After that she walked off

He was a little lost but followed her wincing with every step he took. In his head he thought to himself "I think I need to learn a little more about this time and place...and that won't be the first time that fine MILF gets away from me." He smiled and walked a bit faster the pain feeling a bit better. But his mind sad at what may happen with his friend... "I'm sorry Zach."

In Maybell king Esper Sat in his bed reading a book. He had a hard time sleeping do to the broken arm and the pain he felt from the attack from Savage. He just was happy to be alive. As he read a Scream came through his window. He got up and looked outside. He dropped his book at what he saw.

The sky had grow black and fire covered the town. He jumped back as a black form appeared in front of him its long black wings flapping hard. He smiled and said "Hello King...I'm the Reaper it's time for you to say good night..."

Well here it is and sorry it took so long. What will happen to Zach, Will Nik get his MILF again, Where the hell is Well find this and more out in the next and final Chapter to the first part of To be a King

Nik Belongs to Sonic Fox

The rest of them are mine Drakowolf