Fiona And The Parasaur

Story by Krahni on SoFurry

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Fiona And The Parasaur

By Krahnis and Advanti

Disclaimer: We do own the rights to Fiona And The Parasaur and the characters. This story is intended for readers 18 and up. If you are underage do not read this fanfiction. Lastly this fanfiction is copyrighted and belongs to me and him, please do not distribute.

Authors notes: comments are always appreciated at [email protected] Please when you write me put Four * so I know it is a comment. The more I get the more I will write.

In the bad lands of some state up north a dig is under way to find the body of a rear large parasaur as a team has been sent out to find it with a new woman to help and get her first set of complete parasaur bones."

The ride had been a bumpy one, it felt like the suspension had given out half way though. She had a good feeling about this dig, the siesmic charges showed what appeared to be complete skeletons and she hoped for the best.

Mike looks up to see the beautiful white female horse morph walk over to the computer to see the readings the sensors have detected under the ground, as the leader of the team walks over to her to see how the work is coming along.

"So how deep is it?" She asked as she looked over the results.

"The bones are under two ft of dirt and rock so it will take a while to reach them miss." Said one of the team members beside her at the computer.

"Give me GPR images of all proposed dig areas before you start gridding up the area," she said as she looks at the image. "Try to avoid any more charges in the area, we should have all the info we need."

"How is the work coming?" Asked Mike standing beside the white female horse working at getting some pictures printed up on the area to study before they start digging to reach the fossils under ground.

"Well the GPR should tell us how deep and scattered the skeleton is. Hopefully, it's all in easy rock. I don't want to damage it too badly."

Mike nods and said to keep up the good work as he walks over to the food tent to get a drink and a meal, so the new girl can continue her work at the computer under the work tent.

The horse organises the proposed dig grid on the computer as she processes the results. Eventually, she has the entire dig process plotted out and printed up.

Soon Mike comes back after his meal has the new girl to line up with the rest so he can give them their orders that they are to split up into teams of two and each team is to take a section to start working, then the leader has the new girl to work with him in a section together so they can talk with each other.

After three or so hours of chipping away with a small pick and trowel, the first bones are found. With careful enthusiasm, the horse starts to unearth more.

"It looks like you found a parasaur and big one to but since you found him he goes home with you, because we on this team have rule that the new guy or girl gets their very first set of comlete bones." Said Mike as he rubs the new girl's shoulder gently.

"I'll put it in my living room," the horse says sarcastically as she signs her name on the clipboard that's put in front of her under the name of Fiona.

Mike nods and rubs Fiona's horse like neck as the two work together to free the fossil bones from their their rock prison as the work goes slowly so as not to damage the bones any.

Fiona keeps wondering where the hell she's going to put a 6 metre tall skeleton in her appartment.

As they work together Fiona finds the skeleton is not as big as she might have thought until the two have it uncovered while others cover the fossil bones in plaster bandages for protection on the way to the female horse morph's home.

"I just hope you don't plan to charge this to my pay check," Fiona said as she wrote her adress on the box.

Mike shakes his head on that question as the young man helps her to load the plaster coats into her car to be taken home soon until all of them are ready to go. "Good work Fiona now he is all yours to clean and put together."

Fiona rolls her eyes at the idea, thinking about just leaving the dinosaur in the crate. She drives home and puts the crates in the kitchen deciding to leave it for the next few days.

But before she left the leader slips Fiona a piece of paper with his number on it to call him because Mike has a thing for horses and horse morphs, while the female horse morph takes the coats to the kitchen to later to work on.

Fiona looks at the piece of paper as she sits at the kitchen table. She decided that maybe things would be easier tomorrow. Fiona goes to bed, hoping a solution to the large collection of bones in her kitchen would come to her.

That night a large strange storm appears over the apartment complex as lightening and thunder flash and roll out side her bed room until a bolt of lightening slams into one of the windows and hits the plaster packages in the kitchen, as they expload out to form into the skeletal parasaur as it follows the warm two legged hoof prints up to the bed room door, as the bone parasaur soon opens it and creakingly walks into the room and sees the white female horse morph laying in bed asleep, then it gets into bed with Fiona and rubs up against her body as she feels some thing cold in bed with her.

Fiona wakes up and looks over at what's in bed with her and lets out a bone curling scream.

The skeleton lifts its boney head to look at her with lightening in its eye sockets as the dna it had rubbed off from her starts to grow to cover the bone parasaur's skeletal body in the bed room.

Fiona falls out of the bed as she looks for something to defend herself with in case it wanted to rape her young body.

But if it wanted to do rape her it could not at the moment as the flesh is still in the process of growing over the bones in bed, but it is to dark to make out what is going on in the bed, as Fiona hear the sounds of some one slapping meat around in the room with her.

Fiona reaches for her pistol and desperately holds it up to protect herself.

There is some thing the female horse morph needs to know if she was to shoot and kill him Fiona would be killing herself as well because the parasaur is now linked to her body and heart through the dna the bone parasaur shares with her.

Yeah, but Fiona doesn't know that and as far as she knew, the gun was her defence.

After a while the process is complete as the dinosaur stands up in front of the window then a flash of lightening shows Fiona the fully formed parasaur, as he looks around the strange room then turns to look over at the frightened horse morph and slowly walks over to her non threateningly so as to appear as no threat, but the lights are still off in the bed room at the moment.

Fiona fires off a shot in defence, the round punching through the dinosaur's left shoulder.

The parasaur cries out as he grabs his shoulder and at that moment she feels the same biting pain in her shoulder as well while the dinosaur lays on the floor bleeding from the bullet wound to his body, as he looks up at her in fear now.

Fiona drops the pistol as she feels the pain in her shoulder. She backs away as fast as she can, still afraid.

"I i won't hurt you please help me i have been hurt please?" Said the wounded parasaur on the bed room floor.

Fiona blinks as she manages to sit up and look at the dinosaur, somewhat puzzled by the talking dinosaur.

"I don't want to die here please help me?" Said the dino as he lays on the floor while new blood runs out of the wound to his shoulder, as the parasaur looks helplessly at Fiona to help get his shoulder patched up but she will need to on the light to see better.

Fiona turns on the light and looks at the dinosaur and goes and grabbed a bandage to patch up the wound.

"What ever you hit me with is still inside my shoulder please get it out of me." Said the wounded parasaur as he lays still on the floor in her bed room.

"I don't quite have the tools to do that," She says as she puts a gauze patch over the hole and bandages it up. "But I'll find out if someone I know has some tools."

The dinosaur nods and lays still in the room to wait for the female white horse morph to get back with some one who can repair the damage that was done to the parasaur's shoulder.

Fiona finds that piece of paper that Mike gave her and dials his number.

Soon after Mike picks up and said hello do you know what time of night it is, as he waits to hear what she has to say from her end of the line.

"Um, Mike, do you have the field first aid kit?"

"Yes what do you need Fiona?" Asked the young man confused by the horse morph's question.

"Well a colliuge of mine has to build one for her sight and she asked me for a list of everything in our kit, so would you be able to bring it over to me now so I can fax it to her in the morning?"

"Why do i get the feeling some thing is up Fiona because it must be importent for you to call at this hour of the night?" Asked Mike as he waits for her to say.

"Because she has blackmail material on me involving a univeristy drinking party, a randy colt and a keg of beer."

"Ok i will be there soon if i don't fall asleep on the way first." Said the young man as Mike hangs up gets out of bed dresses and grabs his keys wallet and first aid kit as he heads out to his truck then starts ut to be on his way to Fiona's apartment.

Fiona grabs some clothes as she looks at the dinosaur, wondering how she got into this sort of mess.

The parasaur moans in pain from his wounded shoulder as he lays on the floor feeling a little light headed from the blood loss, Mike pulls up out side and goes up to her door and knocks on it waiting for Fiona to open it.

Fiona opens the door quickly, looking slightly flustered. "Thanks Mike," Fiona said as she grabbed the first aid kit, "I'd invite you in, but I've got to get this inventory done now."

Mike sees blood on Fiona's hand when she reached for the first aid kit and asks what happened.

"It sucks not having bifocal vision," Fiona said as she wiped her paw on her shirt. "Cut myself making dinner."

"That is odd because i do not see a cut on you that blood came from some were else miss." Said Mike as he looks at her a little more closely in the door way.

"That time of the month." Fiona says as she slammed the door and got back to the dinosaur.

"who was that was he or she a predator?" Asked the weakened parasaur laying on the bed room floor as he weakly lifts his head to look up at the horse morph there with him.

"He's outside and that's all that's important," Fiona says as she opens up the first aid kit and pulls out the scapel and foreceps. She removes the bandage and gently looks into the wound. "Well the bullet didn't go that deep," Fiona said as she gently pushed the forceps into the wound and grasps the bullet.

The parasaur winces when he feels her probe his shoulder wound and sends that pain to Fiona through their link in the bed with the tools from the first aid box.

"Just ignore the pain," Fiona says as she winces. She grasps the bullet and pulls the round out of his shoulder.

A short while later Fiona has the slug removed from her dino's shoulder now all she has to do is stitch up the small hole in the scaly skin for the plant eater to heal.

"Ouch," Fiona whimpers as she starts stitching the wound up in the dinosaur's shoulder. "I hope you're worth this trouble."

"That feels better and i bet the other is still out side your home wanting to know if you are ok or not." Said the parasaur laying still to let her rebandage his shoulder, then the dino picks up a heat scent in the bed room and moves his head to her neck to sniff it. "Are you in heat female?"

"That's a weird question to ask."

"Well sniff the air around you and tell what you smell?" Said the plant eater he nuzzles her neck and purrrs softly to the white female horse with him in the room.

"Blood from a bullet wound, gunpowder and something I assume to be you."

"Because I don't smell like fossilised bones."

"Well i smell some thing else in the air around you but i am to tired at the moment to do any thing right now so i will rest to recover if you don't mind." Said the parasaur.

"Might be an idea," Fiona says as she wonders where the hell she's going to keep a dinosaur.

Mike has her answer as he lives in a house far from the city and he has been trying to get her to move in with him for a few years now, if he does not mind a dino living with them to at the place.

Fiona walks into the kitchen and notices Mike still standing there. She goes and opens the door. "Something up?"

"You have been acting strange now level with me what is going on Fiona?" Asked Mike still confused about what has gotten into the female horse morph.

"Well that skeleton has somehow come back to life. Care to tell me how?"

"What?!" Mike looks at her in shock then asks to be taken to see the dino she has now.

Fiona grabs mike by the hand and drags him into her bedroom and points towards the dinosaur.

The young man's eyes get wide when he sees the living parasaur laying on the floor then sees the bandage on the dinosaur's shoulder and asks how was the dino hurt.

"Bulletwound. I don't like being startled in my sleep. I've always kept my gun close."

Mike looks at her shoulder to see a mark there as well then a thought comes to the young man. "My god you two are linked Fiona meaning if some thing happens to one the other will feel it at the same time." Said Mike.

"Not now Mike, I'm still getting over the fact that it's a bloody dinosaur."

"Well get used to it girl and i would like to study him but i will not do any thing to hurt him if you want to help that is ok with me Fiona?" Said the young man as Mike kneels in front of the parasaur to gently feel the scaly cream colored skin of the dino's head and neck making the plant eater purrr softly in front of Fiona.

"I don't care at this point Mike, I was almost moslested by a skeleton."

"I don't think he could have done any thing to you in that state because how could he have sex with out a cock Fiona that would become kinda hard and funny in a way." Said Mike with a small smile on his face.

"I said molested, not raped. Big difference. He's got fingers."

"I know but would it have felt good with out flesh and blood on the bones or a digging pain?" Said the female horse morph's friend.

"Now is not the time to be debating this shit, we have a bigger problem."

"Well maybe you could move in with me Fiona and the best part is no one lives close by for about a few miles, that way he will have room to move around and you have some one to help you watch him." Said Mike as he smiles at her.

"How about he moves in with you, that would be easier. I'll stay here."

"Whats wrong you still nervous about him because he nearly scared you out of your fur Fiona?" Said the young man as he grins at her as Fiona knows Mike is right about that.

"Yeah, that and he's a dinosaur. SOmething I'm having trouble getting over."

"Well like it or not he is part of our ancient past so get over it, and he is harmless Fiona he does not have fangs or claws to bite or scratch with." Said Mike.

"Yes, ancient as in extinct and now I have a living one IN MY BEDROOM THAT SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME!"

"Don't yell at me i did not twist your arm to take him home with you now did i Fiona?" Said the female horse morph's friend as Mike stands to walk over to Fiona and hugs her neck as the young man sees she is close to tears at the moment.

"Um, yeah, you did and now he's your problem."

"I did not i said that all new memebers get a free set of dinosaur bones." Said Mike as he looks at her, than the young man gets and idea as he pulls out a pocket knife and opens it to hand the handle to the horse morph and said if she not want him with her she could aways kill the dinosaur by stabbing the parasaur in the heart.

Fiona takes the knife and is temted to stab Mike for his stupidity. "Get out Mike," she says as she points at the door.

Mike takes the knife back and leaves but Fiona knows if she had killed the dino she would have killed herself as now she knows the two are linked together.

Fiona looks up at the dinosaur. "Well we're now back to square one it seems."

"Would you have really killed me in cold blood like a hunter?" Asked the parasaur as he shivers in fear for his new life with the female horse morph in the bed room with him.

"No, there was no point. I've just never been comfortable with a stranger in the house, that's all."

"That's why I wanted you out, that's all."

"Well we could fix that problem if you are willing to get to know me better?" Said the dinosaur as he looks up at her from were the parasaur is laying on the floor of the bed room.

"It's 10pm at night and I want some sleep. I'm just wondering where I'll be able to keep you, that's all."

"i don't think i am strong enough to walk yet so you might have to let me bed down here with you?" Said the parasaur as he looks at her as Fiona can see the plant eater looks drained and tired from begin wounded tonight after she had shot him in the shoulder.

"You can sleep here," Fiona says with a sigh. "I'll take the couch."

"Its alright i don't mind you sleep in your bed i won't bother you i will still here on the floor."Said the plant eater as he lays his head down on the floor and closes his blue slited eyes to go to sleep.

Fiona still goes and organises the couch and sleeps there.

As the parasaur sleeps his dreams are shared with Fiona on the couch as she sees in her mind's eye how he lived in the past then as the plant eater was travelling alone until his encounter with a pack of raptors that out numbered him seven to one, and they attacked cutting his body to pieces as the parasaur laid on the ground in the worst pain she could have thought possible as she feels like it was her who was attacked and killed in such away in that time.

Fiona awakes with a start, the nightmare startling her.

The parasaur wakes as well as tears run down his muzzle at what happened to him in the forest that day in the past and cries out as he lays there in the bed room shaking from that night mare.

Fiona hears the crying and walks down the hall to her bedroom. "Something the matter?"

"I just had a nightmare from my past life at the encounter with those hunters who attack me that day, please stay with me tonight?" Said the parasaur as Fiona sees he is scared that if he falls asleep again the nightmare will come back again.

Fiona looks at her bed which is looking mighty comfy right now. "Okay," she sighed as she looked at the dinosaur, "but don't even think of trying anything or I'll put the bullet through my arm this time."

"I won't i will stay here on the floor." Said the dino as he lays his head back down on the floor while the parasaur lays close to the bed in the room now glad to have some one with him now.

Fiona curled herself up in her sheets and fell asleep, trying to ignore the heavy breathing in her room.

The parasaur stays were he is as morning comes to light the new day in the plant eater's new life with Fiona then feels some thing land on his back from the bed the female white horse morph is sleeping on in the room.

Fiona slowly wakes up and throws the sheets off her body as she sits on the bed, rubbing her face. "I swear, I had the strangest dream."

The dino wakes up from his sleep to lift his head not knowing the long hollow bone touches the horse morph's chest then the parasaur turns his head around to look back at her and smiles a bit then asked did you sleep well last night.

"Oh God, it's not a dream......"

Even a little weak the dinosaur stands up on his legs and askes is there any green food to eat here as the parasaur is hungry for food.

Fiona simply stares at the dinosaur, realizing how big the problem truely was. She pointed towards the kitchen with one paw.

The parasaur offers his paw to the horse morph female so they can go to the kitchen together as the two walk there to get some breakfist.

Fiona goes straight for the coffee pot and makes herself a strong cup to wake herself up quickly. "This is just weird, I still can't get over it."

"I know what you mean i was dead the last time i check and now i am back in the world alive but it is not the same world i left from because of those hunter who killed for food." Said Fiona's new pet in the kitchen with her.

"You're a dinosaur. Do you not have any idea how weird that is to me? Plus you were a skeleton this time yesterday. We were blasting you with sizemic chages for crying out loud.

And now, you're sitting in my kitchen with a bulletwound through your shoulder that hurt me. I just find that strange."

"I see well lets try to make the best of it and i know that." Said the parasaur as he gently rubs the wound a bit.

"God, I really need a paw," Fiona muttered to herself as she drank some more of her coffee.

The parasaur gently rubs her shoulders as he nuzzles Fiona's neck and purrrs softly to her as he eats the green food she got for him to eat so it would build the dino's strength back again.

"You be alright for a few minutes?" Fiona asked as she looked up at the dino. "I need to go have a shower."

"I will be fine as long as you don't shoot me again?" Said the dinosaur behind the female horse morph in the kitchen.

"I'm not going to shoot anything," Fiona said as she put down her cup of coffee. "I'm just going to shower."

The parasaur nods and thinks to himself that even thought she is not a female parasaur he is starting to have feelings for her as the dino watches the full tail move as Fiona walks off he is almost temped to join her in the shower just to see what it would be like together with him.

Fiona runs the shower and slowly undresses before getting into the shower.

The dinosaur hears the water going in the bath room while he lays on the floor to rest and give his shoulder time to help completely as Fiona showers to wash her body clean of last night and yesterday at the dig site were she had discovered her little friend in the living room resting after she had shot him in the shoulder.

She savours the warmth of the shower as she holds herself against one of the walls, sighing to herself. She reaches for the bar of soap, but puts it down, remembering what she originally came here to do.

Fiona starts to rub her breast as she stands there, the stress of the whole situation still hanging heavily on her. She then reaches down and starts to rub and stroke her marehood, her body strong with an unquenched heat. Fiona keeps playing with herself for a few minutes, just teasing her body.

What the female white horse needs is a male to give her pleasure to her body in the shower and the parasaur is the only male with Fiona at the moment so she could call him into the shower with her if the mare is needy enough for a male's love rod to play with in her hands mouth and body.

Fiona continues to play with herself, her fingers probing deeper and deeper into her body. She strokes her insides, feeling the arrousal that shoots through her body. As she continues to masturbate in the shower, she chuckles, wondering how confused the dinosaur is at this point about what he's feeling.

A stranger had been stalking the complex looking for and easy target for some twisted dream he has and is now stalking the while mare he thinks is living alone in the apartment not knowing she has a large pet living with her.

The parasaur feels the pleasure as well but he is fighting his down so as not to make a mess on the floor with his seed as the plant eater relaxes in the living room, then he gets to walk into the bath room that he needs to use the bowl in there as the paracock slides out of his young body to hang down limp a little then lets go.

Fiona keeps stroking herself, her fingers eventually finding her G-spot. She strokes is several times as she tries to reach her climax. She lets her head roll back and let out a neigh that she tries to stifle as her body grabs and squeezes her fingers in orgasm.

The parasaur hears the sounds of pleasure going on behind the covered shower as he pees into the bowl just hoping the sound does not get her attention that the dino is in there with her at the same time.

Fiona pants as she rests under the shower, letting her body fade from climax.

As she rests from her self pleasuring the dino walks out of the bath room to let his owner rest in the shower until his long tail brushes the curtain while he leaves the room.


"I was using that bowl or i could have used the living room for my bath room my owner would you have want that?" Said the parasaur as he looks back at her still in the shower dripping wet with water.

"KNOCK FOR GOD'S SAKE!" Fiona screams as she grabs her towel. "I like my privacy, particularly when I'm showering."

"Well sorry for putting your private life in a clamp." Said the plant eater as he storms off angry at her for not locking the door when in there, but he then starts to cry as the parasaur lays down on the floor sadened at begin yelled at by her, as the dinosaur wonders how he could have been stuck with the female horse when the world is full of others to be linked with.

Fiona dries herself off with her towel before wrapping it around herself and walking into her bedroom to shut the door, making sure to lock it this time.

When she thinks about it she realizes it is not his fault for begin brought back to life by the storm and her dna which the parasaur had rewriten to suit him as the dinosaur lays on the floor in the living room with tears in his eyes.

After putting on some fresh clothes, Fiona looks at the clock and realises that she has to be at the site in an hour, but wonders what she's going to do with the dinosaur. As she goes to look for him, she finds him in the living room crying. "What's wrong?"

"What do you think is wrong i don't know why i was brought back from the dead i was alone back then and now i am linked with you, i wish i had a hunter here now so he or she could rip my body apart for meat." Said the parasaur as he lays on the floor of the living room.

"Come now," Fiona said as she crouched down next to the dinosaur, "don't think you're the only one that's somewhat freaked out by this situation. I have no idea why you're here either."

The parasaur looks at Fiona looks up at her with tear filled blue slited eyes as the plant eater pushes his head into the white female horse's chest still sadened.

Fiona rubs the dinosaur's head. "Now you realise we have a more public problem?" Fiona asks. "What the Hell am I going to do with you exactly?"

"I don't want to be taken from you and i would not last a day out there by myself so mayby you should get a new place to live with no others around." Said Fiona's pet.

"I'm just wondering where that would be," Fiona muttered.

"Well look for homes that are begin sold with prime land with a farm on it?" Said the parasaur as he nuzzles and licks her thick neck then surprises Fiona by kissing her lips in the living room.

Fiona pulls back. "Hey," she said with an annoyed tone, "no kissing."

The dino smiles at her then pulls the female white close to to his scaled body as he licks her neck again.

"No," Fiona scolds. "Bad."

"I was only begin playful with you so lighten up ok." Said the plant eater as he lets go and playfully slaps her rump with his long tail in the living room.

"Well keep it to yourself there," Fiona says angrily. "I have enough males trying to get into my pants at the moment and I don't need to add a large dinosaur as well."

"Well you can forget them for now on my owner." Said the parasaur as he looks at

Fiona in the eyes so she will know he is the only male for the white mare in the living room.

"What makes you think you'll be sleeping in my bed?" Fiona asks.

"We are linked together what you feel i will feel as well and it also works the other way around to." Said the dinosaur."

"I've known some of my house plants longer and they don't sleep in my bed."

"Well i am not a plant i eat plants for food and some of them look poisonious to me." Said the parasaur as he looks at the other plants Fiona has around the room.

"My point still stands. I've barely known you a day. That link is all you have at the moment. Now I've got to go to work, you stay hidden as best you can."

"I will and be careful because i sence some thing bad in the air out side." Said the dino as he gets up to go hide in the bed room and pulls the covers over his body to stay hidden for the time begin until Fiona gets back.

Fiona goes off to work for the day and comes home late in the evening.

The parasaur quietly walks up behind hie owner and licks Fiona's neck then purrrs softly to the female white with him now at home.

"Please don't sneak up behind me," Fiona grumbles.

"Are you ok did some thing go wrong?" Asked the parasaur.

"No, just next time, I might kick for the groin in fright."

"If you did you would feel it to my owner." Said the dinosaur as he smiles at Fiona in the room.

"That's what I don't want to feel."

"So don't try that ok." Said parasaur as he looks at Fiona and hugs her close again still purrring softly while the dinosaur holds her close.

"Well I'm going to have to start looking for a place now," Fiona said as she went into her bedroom to start looking for a new place to live.

The dinosaur nods and follows her into the bed room to help the female horse look for a new place to livefor the both of them to stay at.

After looking for several minutes, she finds a possible place. "What do you think? It's in the middle of freaking nowhere."

"That would be good as long as there are others around i will be happy to be able to eat wild grasses again." Said the dino as he looks at Fiona to see if she likes the place.

"It's 75 acres."

"In other words, it's big."

"Do you like the place?" Asked Fiona's dinosaur as he licks her neck and cheek still purrring softly in the bed room.

"I dunno. I'll have to look at it tomorrow."

The parasaur nods and said that she will need some thing to let him ride in so as not to let others know of the dinosaur.

"You'll stay here tomorrow. When I want to move you, I'll use a big box."

"I will but i don't think a large box will work for me you will need some thing bigger, and you have not given me a name yet that you could understand." Said the parasaur as he gently rubs her back to take the stress from Fiona'a body.

"Well you'll be in a box either way," Fiona said as she shrugged his hands off and looks up at him. "So what am I going to name you?"

"Why are you still cold to me i am trying to make up for what happened the other night in your bed." Said the dinosaur as he looks at her a bit hurt some.

"You came into my room as a skeleton and scared the shit out of me and I still don't know much about you," Fiona said as she looked at him. "You're growing on me slowly, but slowly is the only way I can do it."

"I had no intention of scaring you that night but i needed flesh and blood to live again and you were the only one here at the time." said the parasaur as he looks back at her.

"Well from when I was growing up, things like this didn't happen, so it's scary to me."

"There might be more before to long my owner because we dinos ware merely asleep so you should be hearing reports about the suppoesitly dead bones coming back to life again." Said the female white horse's pet in the bed with her.

"The others don't yet so i will need to hide for now until the others wake up from their sleep." Said the parasaur.

"And how long will that be?"

"I don't know yet it could be days weeks or even months before you know any thing." Said the dinosaur.

Fiona rolled her eyes. "Why do I get this niggling feeling that this will be a long event in my life."

The dinosair gives Fiona a paragrin as he nuzzles her neck while looking at the strange and new device the female horse morph is using to find a new home to live at.

"Is there a reason you're nuzzling my neck?" Fiona asked as she looked at the dinosaur.

"Well back in my time some females liked to get get close to a male and play around with each other either in the open or in private." Said the parasaur.

"Well don't think I will play with you," Fiona said as she printed out the details of the property. "You're a dinosaur and the idea creeps me out."

"Well get used to it but don't you find me attractive in a reptillian sort of way?" Said the dino.

"Considering dragons are the only reptiles that walk this world today, you reptiles don't have much to go on."

"So in short, no, not really."

The parasaur holds he head down in dinle as he backs away from Fiona at her computer, while the printer does its work for her.

"Well I should get some sleep," Fiona says with a yawn as the printer finishes printing. "I'm just going to go have a quick shower before I hit the straw."

The dino nods and thinks he might need a shower to and wonders if the female horse would like to help him get cleaned up as well.

"Have you showered today?" Fiona asks as she looks at the dinosaur.

"Not really because i can't reach some of the places on my body or head and neck." Said the parasaur as he gets up and walks with her into the bath room with Fiona.

Fiona shudders. "I'll run a bath for you," Fiona says as she puts the plug in the bath. "I'll scrub those places you can't reach."

He gets in and purrrs at how good the warm water feels to his body then puts his head under the shower head to let the water run downhis long neck to the body then lets Fiona wash him in the tub.

"So where can't you reach," Fiona says as she tries not to stare at him too much.

"Tail back under belly upper neck head an sides, i can reach my chest just fine it the rest of my body i have trouble getting to." Said the parasaur.

"Please tell me you can reach your own crotch."

The parasaur tries to reach it but his arms are not long enough to make it that they only go about half way down.

"Oh no," Fiona sighs as she lowers her head. "Of all the places you couldn't reach."

"If my arms were longer i could reach it but i can't." Said the dinosaur as he turns his long neck to look at her to get started on washing him in shower.

Fiona sobs as she grabs a sponge and closes her eyes and starts to wash him.

"Don't be upset you should be happy to help my owner." Said the dino as he nuzzles her head gently in the bath room.

"It's your cock," Fiona said with a shiver. "That's not what one horse does to another horse unless they're in cahoots."

"My sex is housed inside my body and so are my seed sacs because no dinosaur is seen with his sex out side of his body." Said the parasaur as he has the female white horse to look for herself in the bath room.

"It's the principal of the matter," the mare shuddered. "Most stallions have sheathes but that doesn't mean I'd touch them."

"Well i can't help the way my body is built so get use to it and get over some of your principals ok." Said the dinosaur ew Fiona washes his body in the bath room.

"Why oh why can't I live a normal life," Fiona muttered to herself.

"Just lucky i guess." Said the parasure as he licks her neck for the cleaning making the dinosaur purrr.

Fiona gives him an annoyed stare as she finishes scrubbing and washing him. "Okay," Fiona said as she finished. "You're done, you can go to bed now."

The dino steps out and shakes his body spaying water all over the bath room as well as Fiona to making her wet at the same time.

"I hate you," Fiona said as she handed the dinosaur a towel. "You use one of these."

"The dino smiles at the wet white female horse and said that you wanted to get cleaned tonight to so i helped you like you did for me.

"I'm still dressed."

"Go on, scoot off to bed. I still have to shower."

The parasaur runs out laughing a bit from making the white female horse all wet in the bath room as he heads for the bed room and gets into her bed then snuggles down to rest as the dino closes his eyes and is asleep in minutes.

Fiona undresses and runs the shower before getting in and scrubbing herself over.

After washing the soap from her fur, she starts teasing herself again with the intent of getting rid of the stress for the day,

The stalker had been watching her place all day when Fiona left for work and knows that she might be in the shower at this time of night, as he pulls his knife and grins at the shiny blade as he thinks of killing Fiona in her home apartment.

Fiona keeps stroking herself, slowly getting into a rhythm.

The parasaur sences the danger while the man out side pulls out a glass cutting tool from his pocket then starts to cut the glass in the window were the lock is at as the high screach reaches the plant eater's sensitive ears as the parasaur wakes up to quietly walk to the bath room to bath room so he can tell his owner so Fiona will know as well.

Fiona keeps stroking herself, now quite content with the rythym she has going and the effect it's having on her body.

"Fiona there is some one out side this home and he is trying to break in." Said the parasaur out side the bath room room.

"Huh?" Fiona asks as she crunches up a bit, trying to hide the fact she's pawing.

"There is a trespasser out side so get ready for him." Said the dino as he looks at the window in fear that the guy is breaking in now.

"I'm in the shower," Fiona whispers. "And sort of in a tricky situation."

The parasaur walks over to the closed curtain and grabs the hand in a vice like grip as the stalker cries out in surprised pain to his wrist trying to pull his hand free but can't. "Fiona call some one to come and get him because i have a hold of his hand now!" Yelled the parasaur.

Fiona grabs her towel and runs to her bedroom, grabs her pistol and runs outside to where the stranger is. "HOLD IT THERE!" Fiona calls out as she points the pistol at him. "So much as flinch and I will put a 9mm round of lead into your body."

The guy turns to see the white female he was going to kill in cold blood then takes a swing at her with the blade knocking the gun from Fiona's hand while trying to cut her body with the knife.

Fiona rolls onto her back, grabbing the arm that swung at her as she does so and puts a hoof right in his stomach as she throws him over the top of her.

The killer cries out again in pain as his hand is ripped off while the mare throws him over her body as the glass acts like a knife itself severing the hand from fore arm.

Fiona grabs her pistol and holds it to the killer's head. "That was dumb," Fiona noted as she pulled the knife from his hand. "Now stand still. Dino! Get me some rope please!"

"Dino?" Said the parasaur as he goes to get the rope for the white female horse morph to use in tieing the trespasser up even thought the man is missing a hand now.

"Well you don't have a name yet now do you?" Fiona asked as she made sure the ropes were well tied and tight so that he couldn't move his arms or hands at all.

"Be careful with my arm you mule bitch!" Yelled the tied man out side the window as his severed hand laying and twitching inside the apartment on the floor.

"I'd becareful with what you say," Fiona says as she makes sure the ropes are tight. "Can you sit on him Dino whilst I go call the police?"

The dinosaur walks out of the apartment to glare down at the human who tried to kill his owner as the parasaur steps on the trespasser's head but does not crush it just holding the man there.

Fiona goes inside and calls the police before coming back outside. "You'd better go in and hide," FIona says to the dinosaur. "We don't need the police to see you."

The parasaur nods and runs back inside the apartment to hide while Fiona waits for the cops to get there so they can take the guy in for attemped murder and trespassing.

After an hour, the police haul the entire murderer away and Fiona walks back inside and gives a sigh as she closes and locks the door.

Fiona owes the dinosaur for saving her life tonight so she might want to do some thing nice for him in the bed room together so she can forget the parasaur is a dino for tonight.

Fiona walks into her bedroom to lood for the dinosaur. "You in here Dino?"

The parasaur lifts his head up from the other side of the bed to look over to her and smiles a bit.

"You can come out now, they've gone."

"What can we do now?" Asked the parasaur as he stands up towalk over to her and nuzzles her neck again.

"Well I'm going to go finish my shower," Fiona says as she rubs his head. "I never got to finish my paw."

"Would you like some help?" Asked Fiona's friend as he looks at her in the eyes hopefully in the bed room.

'No," Fiona replies as she gives him an annoyed stare. "I can paw myself."

He nods and walks back over to lay down on the bed as the dino rests from what happened tonight.

Fiona returns to the shower and warms it up again and gets in, simply washing the filth from her body to begin with before resuming her pawing. After a minute or so, she is nice and wet between her legs.

The dinosaur is wondering why she is doing that whan he is the only male in the apartment with her, as the parasaur lays in bed resting for the night.

Fiona gently ran her fingers through her lips, now flush with blood before she penetrates herself.

The parasaur might not be able to reach his cock slit with his paws but he can reach with his mouth and head as he lifts his upper body up some then moves his long neck and head down to lick at the slit between his large thighs to pleasure the dinosaur's body in the bed room.

Fiona rubs her insides with her fingers as she moans, almost doubling over in pleasure.

Then Fiona feels a new stronger pleasure hit her through their link as the parasaur licks and sucks on his own love rod in the bed room feeling his climax build inside his scaly body in the room.

Fiona grasps desperately at her clit as she feels as though it's longer and that a tongue it playing over it's length, the pleasure is almost overpowering as she continues to finger herself.

She is now getting a taste of parapleasure while the plant eater continues to suck on his own cock in the bed room by himself.

Fiona falls onto the floor of the shower as she removes her paw from her crotch, letting herself be pleaursed purely by the dinosaur.

The dinosaur soon gives a muffled cry as climax hits his body while he channels that powerful feeling to Fiona in the bath room as the parasaur rests and drinks his own thick seed to his stomach for a drink.

Fiona lets out a loud neigh as she cums, her fluids dripping onto the floor of the shower as her body convulses. She collapses forward and pants as she lets her body recover.

After a while the flow stops and the paracock softens then pulls back into the dino's body as he lays there recovering as well.

Fiona manages to drag herself out of the bath and lay on the floor of the bathroom as she continues to pant.

The parasaur knows Fiona is to tired to move so he gets up and walks to the bath room and sees her laying there breathing hard so the dino gently picks her up to take the white female horse to the bed room and lays Fiona's naked body on the bed so she can restwith him in the room.

"What the hell were you doing?" Fiona panted.

"Helping you to bed so you can rest and recover." Said the dino as he lays with her in bed ro rest as well.

"No, were, as in, before, when I was in the shower."

"Pleasuring myself in here even thought i can't paw myself like you i can lick and suck on it with my mouth." Said the parasaur as he moves his mouth to the cock slit again to lick it as a small jolt of pleasure hit the white mare again.

Fiona moaned as she felt the pleasure. "For the love of God, don't do that for a few hours," Fiona panted. "It's tender."

"That is what parapleasure is like my owner." "Said the dino as he licks her neck as he purrrs softly to Fiona in bed with him.

"And don't do that whilst I'm at work too...." Fiona says with a yawn. "Last thing I need is a psychic blowjob whilst I'm at work."

The parasure nods and lays his head close to her head as he closes his blue slited eyes to fall asleep with the white female horse morph in the bed room together.

Fiona wakes up the next morning as her alarm goes off, she leans over the dinosaur to turn it off.

The dinosaur purrrs in his sleep as Fiona gets ready for work at the dig site as the parasaur lays in bed still sleeping.

"God, it's too early," Fiona mumbles as she slowly gets up and looks around for her dressing gown. "Though that has to be the best sex I wasn't present to enjoy I've ever had." Fiona looks over her shoulder at the sleeping dinosaur as she wraps her dressing gown around herself. "Maybe we can do that again tonight." She gives a smile. "But you're asleep, so you obviously can't hear me."

Mike was at his office working on the other fossil skeletons the team had found at the dig site waiting to see how Fiona and her dino is doing lately.

Fiona drives into work an hour later with a big smile plastered across her face.

The curator looks up from the fossil bone on the table in front to smile at her. "Well well you seem to be in a good mood today and how is you know who doing?" Asked Mike.

"Huh?" Fiona muttered as she is woken from her daze. "Oh, Dino's okay."

"Thats good to know." Said the young man as Mike gets back to work on the fossil leg bone he had been working on.

"How's the research coming along?"

"Just fine and we found a lot of raptor bones not far from were you know who was found Fiona so there is a lot of work to do." Said Mike as he works on the leg bone.

Fiona stops to think for a moment. "Where are they exactly?"

"In the storage room for the time begin until we can get to them Fiona after this lot is done." Said the curator as Mike gets back to work on the leg bone.

"There's the possibility of a virus being on those bones," Fiona says hastily. "We need to quarinite them immediately."

"Virus thats all we need and i bet it was the cause of you know who begin brought back to life again." Said Mike as he calls the others into his office so he can tell them to stop work on the new fossilx and place the bones in quainite immediately because of possible contamination on the fossils.

"Keep the bones under observation," Fiona notes. "Let no one touch them unless they're wearing biohazard suits."

Mike nods and does so as they all work quickly to get the fossil bones in a safe place while they pack the bones back up.

Fiona quickly runs into an office, closes the door and dials home quickly.

The parasaur was eating some breakfist when the phone rings as he walks over to it and picks the think up to ask who is it.

"Dino," Fiona says hastily. "We have a big problem."

"What is it my owner?" Asked the dinosaur on the end of the line sounding nervous and scared.

"We found several skeletons near where we found you, but they're raptors."

"By the great egg no tell the others to get rid of them my owner quickly because if they are brought back it will not be good for us." Said the parasaur really scared now.

"They've been sealed away since I told them they're infected and we can't just bury the problem."

"I know just be careful with them. "Said the dino as he body starts to shake a bit in fear.

"Could we incinerate them or something?"

"That would not be a good idea because it is contained inside the bones and if you heat them it will get loose." Said the parasaur as he worries for his owner's safety.

"Well we need to dispose of them SOMEHOW. Grind them up?"

"Just pack them in some thing that lightening can not go through." Said the dinosaur in the den of the apartment.

"And then?"

"And lock them up for safe keeping." Said Fiona's pet as he hopes the female horse morph will be ok there and be able to return home soon.

"Well that just drops the problem on some one else. If we keep part of the skeleton out of the case, could the dinosaur come back to life."

"I don't know if it will work or not?" Said the parasaur with a sigh as he waits to hear what the white female horse morph has to say next.

Fiona sighs. "Well we need to destroy them, that's the end of it."

"Well do what you think is best but make sure none of the bones are left or we could have a problem on paws." Said the dino as he hangs up to go back to his meal in the kitchen.

Fiona thinks to herself. The bones need to be destroyed somehow. She orders that one bit of finger be left out and put under every test that can be achived, having the rest stored in lead boxes in the basement.

They nod and do so as the fossils are loaded into the needed boxes for the time begin.

Wearing biosuits, FIona and Michael start testing the bone for any abnormalities.

The tests take a lot of time until Michael sees some thing strange about the inside of the bone so he gets a small drill to take a sample for testing. "Oh my god Fiona look at this." Said her coworker.

Fiona looks at the sample. "What is it exactly?"

"Its some kind a gel but how can that be?" Asked Michael.

"Can we get a chemical analysis?"

"We don't have the stuff here for that kind of work so we may need to send this piece to a lab for farther testing." Said the china man as he help Fiona with the piece.

"Just get a sample, don't send the whole bone."

Michael as he digs a bit more out and puts it in a sample bag to sent off fot another lab.

"Make sure it's cared for safely and it's not exposed to electricity."

"What does that mean Fiona?" Asked her coworker.

"We think electricity could be the cause of the reanimation."

Michael nods and makes sure to add that imfo in the note he puts with the sample then sends it off to the other lab.

"How long with results take?" Fiona asked as she watched the sample be put inside a lead lined box.

"A few days up to a week or longer." Said Michael puts the piece in a smaller box to store safely.

"Well in that case, I'm going home. Call me when we get the results."

"I will and you be careful ok Fiona." Said the young man as Michael watches her leave to head home not knowing she has a dinosaur living with her at the apartment.

Fiona drives home and opens the door to her flat and walks in and closes the door. "I'm an archeologist," Fiona grumbles. "Not a forensic scientist."

The parasur walks up to wrap his scaly arms around her body as the dinosaur purrrs softly to the white female horse morph now home with him to play some.

"Today has been far too long a day," Fiona sighs. "Why do I have to save the world?"

"Well if you don't who will my owner. "Said the parasaur as he nuzzles and licks her neck still purrring softly.

"I just want to rest," Fiona sighed as she walked into her room and lay down on her bed.

"Mind if i join you in bed to?" Asked the dino with her as he licks her cheek and nuzzles her head gently.

Fiona pats the bed next to her. "Sure, why not."

The parasaur grins and gets into bed with the female horse morph as he lays his long head on her chest then holds Fiona close to his scaly body so the two can relax together.

"Maybe if you're good," Fiona says, "You can suck yourself off for my pleasure again."

"Would you like to help me with it?" Asked the dinosaur as he looks at her with hope in his slited blue eyes.

"I said you could suck yourself, because that's an amazing feeling."

Advant looks at her for a moment then moves his head and long neack down to start

licking at the cock slit between his powerful thighs as pleasure starts to build

for the two in the bed room while the parasaur continues to lick at the openning

under his large belly.

"Not now," Fiona moans, "I'm too tired."

The dinosaur stops for a bit then lays his long neck and head on her belly and chest to look up at her like a lone some puppy.

"I'm trying to save your ass from being chewed up by raptors, I deserve a bit of rest."

"I know and i thank you for that to." Said Advant as he looks at her then lifts his head and neck off her body to ler the female horse morph rest on her back beside him.

Fiona sighs as she slowly falls asleep.

The dinosaur rest with Fiona as he nuzzles her neck then lays his head on her chest still holding the female horse morph's body close to him in bed.

Fiona wakes up a few hours later and sees that the dinosaur is asleep. She gives a smirk as she starts to gently rub his genital slit, her finger slowly parting it a bit more with each rub.

Advant moans in his sleep while Fiona plays with the parasaur's body as he sleeps in bed beside her, until she feels some thing poke her probing fingers.

Fiona starts to rub the growing cock as she looks at it, her panties becoming wet with desire.

The dinosaur's mouth opens in pleasure from what the female white horse morph is doing to Advant's cock slit in the bed room together.

Fiona starts to suck on the cock as she slides her own paw into her panties and starts rubbing herself and savouring the feeling of sucking herself... somehow.

The parasaur slaps his thick tail as he enjoys the pleasure in his sleep while Fiona tastes a gamey taste from the paracock on his horse like muzzle as continues to sleep through his dream.

Fiona licks the tip of his cock in her mouth as her fingers penetrate herself, starting to slide in and out of her body as she savours the feeling.

The dino moans in his sleep as Advant curls his toes in the passion of what Fiona is doing to his body in bed with her now.

Fiona keeps sucking, using her other paw to stroke the cock she can't put in her mouth. Her fingers are now saturated by with her juices, her own body almost at the point of climax.

Then the female white gets a taste of Advant's precum and it is unlike any thing she has ever tasted while the parasaur putts at the bed cover in the pleasure feeling his climax build inside the dinosaur's body so Fiona needs to be ready for it soon.

Fiona lifts her head off the dino's cock as keeps pawing herself and the dinosaur. She pants as she closes on her climax.

The parasaur lays on the bed feeling his climax slow down because the wet feeling on his hard cock head had stopped then he thrusts his hips foward hoping to finish his climax not knowing were Advant is aiming his cock head.

Fiona licks at the tip of his cock as she continues stroking his cock and herself. She tenses up as her body reaches it's climax.

Then Advant gets lucky and thrusts home as the wet feeling returns to the the dinosaur as he thrusts up into her all the while asleep in bed.

Fiona moans as the dino's cock enters her mouth and she sucks hard on it as her body climaxes violently, causing her to suck desperately at the cock in her mouth as she cums all over her paw.

The dino moans out in pleasure as his climax closes again then cries out in pleasure as Fiona soon finds her mouth flooded with paraseed as Advant lays on the bed purrring in the after glow of climax.

Fiona drinks as much as she can of the dino's seed as she moans, her own body still clutching desperately at her fingers as her climax slowly subsides.

"What happened?" Asked Advant as he wakes from his sleep to see Fiona's mouth has seed on it as he looks at her and smiles that she did want to pleasure him but was hidding it.

"Nothing," Fiona lied with a guilty grin, the dino's cock still in her paws.

"Then why do you have seed on your mouth?" Asked the parasaur.

Fiona looks guilty as she smiles up at him. "Never you mind."

The dino nuzzles her neck and purrrs softly to the female white horse in bed with him.

Fiona gives the dinosaur a gentle kiss, letting him taste his seed on her lips.

He gives her a big wet lick to her mouth and nose as the parasaur purrrs softly to Fiona who had taken the first step with the dinosaur as Advant looks into her eyes and gives the female white a kiss between her eyes.

"We really shouldn't do anything now," Fiona says as she looks at the clock. "Despite the fact that everything is the way it is, I still have to keep digging up that area tomorrow and see whta else I find. But I have the weekend off, so if you are very nice, we shall."

Advant nods and nuzzles her neck then looks down at Fiona's chest to see the odd large bumps of the female white's body as the parasaur asks about them that he has never seen any thing like them before.

"Something interesting?" Fiona asks as she notices Adant's stare.

"What are these i have never seen like them before?" Said the dinosaur as he reaches out to gently rub one begin careful not to hurt Fiona in case they are part of her body in the bed room.

"They're breasts," Fiona explained. "Because our young are unable to eat the foods we do at birth, we supply the food and nurishments they need."

"What is in them that makes them so big?" Asked Advant as he continues to rub and stroke the white fur on the mound in his paw, then decides to taste one as the parasaur licks one of the nipples to taste some thing faint he has never tasted before as he jerks his head back to look at her in a little shock at Advant's discovery.

"They're bigger because of they have to produce and store the milk, but don't suck on them too much now, they're also very sensitive."

"Tease them long enough and I'll become aroused again."

"Ok i was just wondering what they were to you because we dinosaurs don't nurse our young the females chew up the plant to feed them with, and there are those dinosaurs who would and will attack and eat their own young but only weed out the sick weak or dum ones in the nests." Said the parasaur as he shudders at some of his old memories of seeing mother attack a young back then, Advant purrrs as he licks a nibble.

"Hey," Fiona says angrily. "Bad, no. I need to go to work tomorrow. We'll play tomorrow night after work, then you can suck on my nipples all you want."

He nods and lays his head on her belly then closes his eyes as Advant goes to sleep with Fiona in the bed together as the parasaur holds her close to his scaled body in bed.

Fiona falls asleep soon after him and snoozes quite contently.

Advant dreams then feels some thing in the air again because at that moment the bones of the raptor leader some how breaks out causing some damage to the box and after one of the works have forgot to reconnect a power wire in the light as it shocks the box inside the museum.

Fiona wakes up to her annoying alarm once again and goes and have a shower before having some breakfast.

Advant gets up with which is odd for him as the dino follows her into the kitchen. "I am getting that feeling again my ownerthat some thing is up." Said the parasaur as he looks worriedly at Fiona.

"Define something and up," Fiona says as she chews on her toast.

"A scent and the bad feeling i get when trouble comes." Said Advant as he is still troubled.

Fiona gives her tail a quick flick as she sips on her coffee. "That be the scent?"

"No its a danger scent i smell that means trouble is coming soon." Said the parasaur.

"Would it be possible for the bones to form into a living organism without flesh?"

"No they would be like walking dead with out flesh and blood to cover the bones and it is almost impossible to stop them when the skeleton is free because they have no heart or brain to hit." Said Advant as he looks at Fiona as the plant eater is a bit worried now.

"So we'd need to sacrifice someone to kill them?"

"The raptors I mean, if they ever broke out somehow."

"It may already be to late to stop him if the bones are those of the leader we are in trouble because he was the worst of the bunch." Said the dino as Advant looks at Fiona as she gets the feeling the parasaur had of what happened in that day.

"Well there HAS to be a way to stop them," Fiona notes as she sips her coffee. "If we don't we're in trouble."

The parasaur nods, while they were talking at home the skeletal raptor had already broken out of the museum to go hunting for what it need in order to live and hide from the day in a dark ally some were.

"Well I'd better get to work," Fiona sighed as she finished off her coffee. "Who knows what might have happened whilst I slept."

Advant nods and said to be careful out there with it as he watches the female white walk out of the door heading for her car to head for the museum but soon sees police cars and officers all over the place trying to find out what happened.

Fiona walks into the museum to find the Army and the Police all over the place. "What the hell happened?" Fiona asked as she find Michael.

"We had a break in last night and some one made off with some bones, entry door has been ripped off its hinges Fiona, i have a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach lets go to the storage area to check some thing out in the back." Said Michael.

"Ripped?" Fiona asks curiously, making sure that her pistol was strapped to her leg. "Ripped how?"

"Some thing very strong ripped them right out of the door frame." Said her coworker as he walks to the storage area and gapes a the box that was torn apart from the inside out. "What could have done this as Fiona looks at the box she notices a foot print on the floor in the shape of a large three toed dinosaur but with out the third toe present in the foot print.

"Simple," Fiona says as she analyses the footprint. "A skeleton looking for a body."

"My god if what you say is true we have a big problem on our hands now, but what could have brought it back to life again?" Asked Michael.

"Check all the other lead cases," Fiona says as she thinks to herself. "Try and find what brought the other one to life and make sure it doesn't happen again. Strengthen the crates, heck bury them in concrete if you have to. Tell the police and army to shoot anything that either looks like a dinosaur and is alive. I'm going to need a removal truck at my place immediately."

"Plus a high power tranquilizer, a rifle and enough ammunition to bring down an elephant twice over."

But Fiona knows that won't do any good against a creature already dead at the moment so they would be waisting their time trying to stop some thing that can not be killed.

Yah, but they could do some serious damage.

"I'm going home to organise getting something important out of my house. Get that van there as soon as possible."

Michael nods and does so as he goes to the museum parking lot and gets the windowless van for Fiona to use in moving her stuff to the new place for Advant and her to live at soon away from other while keeping the parasaur safe.

Fiona gets out her mobile phone and after organising everything with the agent about their new place, she calls home and hopes that the dinosaur is awake and okay.

The parasaur goes over to the phone and pick it up to say hi to her on his end then said that every thing is fine for now at the moment and asked what happened at work?

"Get yourself ready," Fiona says as she walks out to the carpark and grabs the keys from Mike and getting into the van. "We're moving you out to the country today. One of the raptors got loose and we need to move NOW."

Advant gulps as he does so and gets ready to go to the new place to be safe from the dangerous skeleton running loose in the town hunting for some new flesh and blood to cover its skeletal system.

Fiona drives back to her place in the van as fast as she could, parking near her appartment. Taking the rifle with her, Fiona walks up to her appartment.

The parasaur was laying on the floor behind the couch hidding and shivering in fear for his life again from the new and old threat to them both if the skeletal raptor is not stopped and soon.

Fiona walks into her apartment. "Adant! You here?"

Advant lifts his head up from behind the couch to see Fiona standing there alone so he gets up to walk over to her and licks the female white's neck then purrrs softly to her.

"No time to play," Fiona says as she looks outside. "We need to get out of here now. If we delay, we could get in trouble."

"Alright but i can't go out there now it is still day and i will be seen by others." Said Advant as looks out side to see day light from the window.

"That's why I have this," Fiona says as she stabs the tranquiliser into the dino's arm, sending him to sleep.

Ahh the dino looks at her to ask why as he hits the floor asleep but did not know it would knock him out for a while instead of kill him in the living room.

Fiona whistles and several of the museum workers come up and help Fiona load the unconcious dinosaur into the back of the van and she starts driving out to the country. Once they reach the house, Fiona unloads the dinosaur into the barn and hopes he won't be too confused when he wakes up in a few hours.

After a while the parasaur wakes with a head ache but Michael choose to stay and watch over the dino still not believing his eyes that Fiona has a live dinosaur living with her.

"We should be safe out here," Fiona says as she looks out across the rolling hills from the loft in the barn.

"What did you hit me with?" Asked the dino as he looks around the new place then sees the new human with and looks back to Fiona to ask can he be trusted with her secret?

"A strong tranquilizer," Fiona noted as she climbs down from the hay loft. "Allowed us to move you without suspicion. Whilst people would be curious about someone moving a dinosaur, all I needed to do was say you were a model and they didn't ask any more questions."

"Sneaky but smart my owner and who is he?" Asked Advant as he looks over at the china man and Fiona's coworker from the museum.

"He's Michael, he's helping me research this phenomineon that's happening," Fiona said as she rubbed the back of Michael's head. "And he's trustworty or else he'll be the first one to be used as raptor food so we can kill the skeleton."

Michael looks at the dino and is not sure if the parasaur is real or not then looks over at Fiona then Advant moves his head over to sniff the china man's neck taking in Michael's scent then licks the female white coworker's neck and cheek, making him jump a bit.

"Hey," Fiona says as she slaps the back of Advant's head. "Don't lick random people, it's rude."

The parasaur snorts as he grins at Fiona and wonders if they can have some time alone together so Advant can play with her in the bed room.

"You be all right at getting my car up here tomorrow morning?" Fiona asks as she throws Michael the keys to her car and the van. "Because I'll be stuck here if you can't."

"Sure and i would like to help you with him to this parasaurolophus safe from harm is that ok with you?" Asked Michael as he looks at the dino with the female white horse morph as they slowly walk to the farm house.

"Well I'm here and so is the rifle and ammo, so we'll see how things go."

The china man nods as he gets into the van to drive back to town while the dinosaur playfully nips the side of Fiona's neck then purrrs softly to her.

"Come on," FIona giggles. "You can wait until we get into the bath at least."

They walk inside towards the bath room as Advant gets in and waits for his owner soon to be mate to join him in the shower for some fun together in the shower.

Fiona fills up the tub with the dinosaur in it, making sure the water is nice and warm before she slowly undresses in front of him.

Advant lets his cock slide out side of his body for the white female horse morph to take for some parapleasure as they wash up together in the bath room.

Fiona crouches next to the tub and starts licking at the dino's cock, savouring it's salty taste and the feeling it's causing on her clit.

"Let me take your body for pleasure my owner please?" Asked Advant as he feels Fiona lick his love rod to pleasure the parasaur in the bath tub with the dinosaur.

"Well how would you pleasure me?" Fiona asks seductively.

"Turn around for me and bend over a bit please." Said the parasaur as he has her to turn for him in the shower then Advant lines his cock head up with Fiona's sex and slowly pushes inside the female white's body to stretch her cunt open with his thick size.

Fiona moans as she feels the cock slide into her, stretching her beyond anything she'd ever had inside of her before.

"You are so tight now relax your body for me." Said Advant as he slowly starts to thrust in and out of the white female's body while their pleasure grows in the bath tub as Fiona feeling her climax build helped by Advant holding her back close to his chest and belly.

"I can't relax much more," Fiona pants. "I'm stretched as far as I can go."

The dino nods as he lays his neck on her right shoulder purrring softly in the growing pleasure with his new mate as Advant closes his eyes to bare slits of pleasure at how good it feels to his highly sensitive paracock, then starts to thrust a bit harder and faster with the thrusting.

Fiona moans as her body is overloaded with sensory stimulation. She reaches down and starts rubbing her clit, hoping the dino can feel her teasing.

Advant does feel it as he sings his pleasure to the skies over the farm then cries out in climax slamming gallons and gallons of paraseed into Fiona's womb as the dinosaur rest on the white female horse morph's back in the bath room.

Fiona neighs as the dino cums, her own body milking the cock as best it can for every drop of it's cum.

The parasaur nuzzles her neck as he purrrs to his mate then licks her cheek as the two rest from the after glow of climax.

Fiona quickly falls asleep, her cunt dribbling their juices as she sleeps, making a large puddle.

Advant gets out of the tub still holding her sleeping body as he awkwardly walks

to the bed room carrying Fiona under his belly and chest, then carefully gets

into bed and lays down on his side with his love rod still inside the female

horse morph's body.

Fiona murrs quietly in her sleep as she's moved.

He licks her neck then goes to sleep as well with the white female in his scaly arms in bed together while Michael returns with Fiona's car as the china man gets out to walk inside the farm house over to the couch then lays down on it to rest as well.

Fiona wakes up several hours later, her cunt still dribbling the remance of their seed. Fiona walks into the bathroom to clean herself up a bit.

"That was good my mate, how do you feel Fiona?" Asked Advant as he walks up behind her and licks one of the horse like ears then purrrs softly into it.

"Twas nice and strong," Fiona said as she got into the shower, removed the showerhead from it's mounting and started to hose herself out. "I've never dripped that long though."

"Well i did pump a lot of seed inside your womb last night and the out look is very high for you my mate." Said the dinosaur as he looks at her in the shower.


"To became pregnant with young my mate." Said Advant as he licks her neck again

in the bath room.

"But...." Fiona stutters. "You.... Me...... DNA....... Incest-like.... Ewwww......"

"Relax it is not as bad as you might think and it would be nice to have young again since my others were killed a long time ago." Said the parasaur as a tear runs down his muzzle at his loss.

"But you and me share the same DNA or something like that," Fiona notes. "Are you sure you're even fertile?"

"Well only one way to find out that is to have your friend in there to get a sample from me to test." Said Advant.


"Michael in the living room asleep at the moment." Said the dinosaur as Advant nuzzles her neck again still purrring.

Fiona tenses up and grabs a towel. "What's he doing here? I told him not to come until tomorrow morning."

"Well i guess he could not wait to get back to look at my body so why don't we ask him?" Said the parasaur.

"I'm naked," Fiona hisses, trying to keep quiet.

"I will cover you with my body if you want." Said Advant with a grin on his muzzle.

Fiona hurridly puts on her clothes from last night.

Advant walks with her to the living room to see Michael laying on the couch asleep there then the dino moves to the china man's other side and licks his forehead to wake Michael up from his sleep.

Fiona fixes her clothes up and walks out into the living room and pushes Michael off the couch. "That's how you wake someone up in a hurry."

Michael snaps awake after Fiona pushed him off the couch. "I will get you for that Fiona." Said her coworker.

"Well that's what you get for breaking into my house and sleeping on my couch. I told you to come back this morning, as in at 9am or something."

"Sorry i could not wait to get started on him to study Fiona." Said Michael as he looks at the parasaur standing beside the white female horse morph in the living room.

"And what makes you think you could do that at 2am in the morning?"

"I would not start that earily so go back to bed ok and i won't bother you two?" The china man said as he gets back on the couch to get back to his sleep because it is to earily in the morning now.

Fiona rolls her eyes. "How did you get in here anyways?"

"Your keys you gave to me yesterday to go get your car." Said her coworker as he lays down to go back to sleep there, as the parasaur nuzzles Fiona and nods that they should get back to bed as well.

"Ugh," Fiona sighs as she walks back upstairs. "WELL JUST DON'T COME UPSTAIRS!"

The dino licks her neck then back as Advant purrrs softly to his mate while the two walk back up to the bed room together.

Fiona lies down in the bed and sighs as she holds up the sheet for the dinosaur to get into the bed next to her.

Advant gets in with her and snuggles down with his mate as they soon fall back asleep together in the bed room.

Fiona wakes up several hours later with the rising sun coming through the window.

Else were in the town the skeletal raptor has found his new flesh and blood to cover his bones after he attacked and killed a homeless human in one ally then the new raptor gets a sences that there is another dino in the world with him and hungers for the taste of meat again so the hunter goes hunting for the plant eater.

Fiona gets up and rubs her head as she looks around the room and at the dino lying next to her, she walks downstairs and into the kitchen in her bare fur, forgetting that Michael is there.

Avant continues to sleep as he dreams until he see the raptor in his dream charge and screams at feeling those fangs bite deeply into his neck again as the parasaur jumps in bed screaming in the bed room as Michael jumps from the couch to run up there with Advant to calm the dino down then asked what happened.

Fiona runs back upstairs to the dino to see what's wrong. "Something up hun?"

"He is coming and he has his new flesh and blood to cover his bones now, and he wants to kill me for my body as his food." Said Advant as he shivers and shakes on the bed while tears run down the parasaur's muzzle.

Fiona cuddles the dinosaur. "Don't worry," Fiona soothes. "We can stop him."

"I hope so to my herd mate." Said Fiona's mate as they hold the dino close to their bodies in the bed room.

"Get on the phone," Fiona says to Michael. "See what they have found out about the raptor."

Michael nods and pulls out his cell phone and calls the museum to see if they had found any thing out on the bones that got loose.

"Don't worry," Fiona soothes with a lick. "We'll get this raptor."

"They found out that the bones are strange for the time and era that the raptor did not belong in that time almost like the raptor did not come from there." Said Michael as he hangs and puts the cell phone back in his pocket.

Well okay, that's trouble.

"Did they find out anything else? Like what drives these things?"

The hunter is now standing on a hill over looking the farm after he rampaged through the town killing any thing in his way while the hunter sees the farm house and barn as the raptor licks his chops at sinking his fangs into meat again.

"What drives every one else the need to live so they eat to survive so it is natural for a hunter to hunt prey." Said the china man in the bed room.

Fiona makes an awkward face. "I mean, is there something tangable to work with?

"Not much Fiona." Said Michael then Advant's head jerks up as he sniffs the air then tell the others the hunter is here now so they need to get ready for it.

"Something up?" Fiona asks as she notices Advant's movments.

"He is here get ready!" Said the parasaur as the raptor runs down towards the farm and jumps up onto the roof to walk and growl as the hunter looks for a way in to eat.

Fiona looks around for her rifle, wondering where she left it and hopes that her pistol would be enough.

They hear a tapping on the roof as the raptor taps with a large toe claw while he walks round then finds a weak spot and starts to dig in to the storage room then the three hear a crash in the up stares storage room. "By the great egg he is inside the house." Said Advant.

Fiona runs upstairs to grab her pistol that she left in the bedroom, knowing it's the only thin that could help them now.

Michael grabs a large knife or two from the kitchen to help defend the parasaur as the hunter finds the stares and growls that he wants the prey to kill for food.

Fiona checks that she's got a round in the chamber before running back downstairs.

"Give the parasaur to me or i will kill all three for meat!" Said the raptor in a dark voice as he glares at Fiona and Michael just daring them to make a move against him.

Fiona points the pistol at the raptor, making sure to take good aim.

"You will not have him with out a fight raptor boy now why don't you surrender and we could offer you some other meat to eat what do you say? Asked Michael as the hunter thinks the offer over and sees that he has no choice but to nod to the china man, as the other dino relaxes and looks at Fiona's body then grins that he might gets some fun with her.

Fiona keeps her aim trained quite closely on the raptor. "I ain't dinner," Fiona notes. "So much as flinch and you're going down raptor boy."

"I was not thinking of eating i was thinking of mating with your body whitey." Said the hunter as he slowly walks over to the living room and lays down to rest after running here.

"Well I don't think that's on my list," Fiona notes. "I am not a play thing."

The china man walks over to the raptor and gently rubs the hunter's back making him purrr softly as well then Michael turns to Fiona to get some thing for this hunter to eat or he might just snack on them.

Fiona still likes the idea of firing her pistol.

Fiona keeps her aim trained on the raptor's head as she walks over to Advant.

Advant is still nervous about the raptor in the same house as him as the parasaur looks over at his mate and nuzzles her neck. "I think we should get a metal door for the bed room for protection against that animal because i still don't trust the hunter Fiona." Saiid Advant quietly.

"I reckon we should put him in a cage," Fiona replies.

"But they are smart enough to find a way out of a cage so we may have to bind his clawed hands and feet together to make sure the hunter can't get loose and walk around free or we will end up ridded apart and half eaten, and believe me you do not want to feel that kind of pain." Said Advant.

"Be an idea to shoot him. I don't want to sleep with him."

"You could but i don't think your friend would let you kill the raptor because i think they have bonded together from the first touch Michael did when he walked over to him." Said the parasaur as he nuzzles and kisses Fiona on her mouth then purrrs softly to his mate as the plant eater holds her close to his scaly body in the kitchen.

"But he already has flesh, wouldn't that mean there is no link?"

"There are different kinds of links spirital and love as well as understanding so it would not be good to kill and he must have been studying raptor bones for a long time and a live hunter might be a dream come true for Michael." Said Advant.

"Still, I don't like the idea very much."

Fiona goes upstairs and sits down on the bed.

"Well we could tie and muzzle the raptor up for the night with some rope then have your friend down down stares to guard him to make sure ok?" Asked Fiona's mate as he gently rubs her shoulder to help the white mare relax and rest in the bed room.

"We'll give it a shot," Fiona sighs. "But I don't want him close to our house."

"What about the barn would that be good to hold him after you and your friend block the windows and upper door locked off so the raptor can't get out?" Said Advant as he nuzzles her neck again still purrring softly to his mate in the bed together.

"Sure, why the hell not." Fiona sighs. "But if he gives me the opportunity, I will shoot him and I don't want to sleep with him regardless."

"I know because of his fangs and claws, and he did a real number on me the last time we met because he had his pack with him at the time." Said the parasaur as he snuggles with her to hold Fiona close to his scaled body in bed.

Fiona lies down and sighs as she looks at the ceiling.

The parasaur kisses thw female white on her cheek as he lays his neck across her to go back to sleep with his mate in the bed room.

Fiona rubs the dino's head as he sleeps, wondering what's going on downstairs.

Michael stays with the raptor then looks at the hunter's claws to check the sharpness of the cutting edge that has slashed into the bodies of other dinosaurs in the past, then the young man gently checks the raptor's fangs to look at them as well.

"Something you like?" The raptor inquires as he looks at the human.

"No it is just that i have never been this close to a live raptor before and i want to learn every thing about your body as well as about you to." Said Michael as he gently rubs the hunter's forehead and muzzle.

"Well I can show you a bit of our behaviour if you like," the raptor says seductively.

Michael nods and asks does the raptor want to do it here inside the house or were ever he wants to do it at.

"Lets take it out to the barn so we don't disturb the wusses."

The china man smiles and stands up to walk with the dino as they head out side towards the barn for some fun with each other there while the female white and parasaur sleep up stares in bed for the moment.

The raptor looks at the human walking in front of him and gives a smile, knowing how much he would enjoy this.

Michael soon has the door closed behind them as he turns around to get on his knees and hugs the hunter's long neck then gives the dino a kiss to his nose and scaly cheek as the china man rubs then strokes the raptor's neck down to the animal's powerful chest as the two get to know each other better.

The raptor gives a sinster smile as he pushes Michael onto his back.

"What are you up to raptor boy?" Asked Michael as he lays on his back on the groung inside the barn.

"It's been years since I've used this," the raptor notes as he gestures to his slowly growing cock. "Consider me a bit hasty if you like, but I want to make sure that it all works well for.... later use."

"I see well bring it here and i will give it a good work out for you hunter." Said Fiona's coworker as he gently takes hold of the shaft to start rubbing it as pleasure starts to build for the raptor then Michael takes the pointed head into his mouth so he can lick and suck on it for the predator in the barn with him.

The raptor purrs contently as he rubs his stomach with his short paws.

"Do you like that raptor?" Asked Michael as he continues to play with the raptor cock in his mouth and hands as he pleasures the hunter's body inside the barn knowing the hunter can't hold back for much longer.

"Yes, quite pet." The raptor purs. "Now turn around so I may finish this."

"Let me take my pants off first." Said the china man as Michael takes off his clothes to be naked with the hunter from earth's past then gets on his hands and knees to wait for the dino to take him in pleasure.

The raptor slowly mounts, but takes no heed to the human as he slowly slides his cock into Michael's tailhole.

Michael moans and takes hold of the raptors arms and clawed paws to keep him from wounding the young man under the hunter's scaled belly inside the barn so as not to wake the others with their play.

The raptor gives several sharp thrusts before hilting his cock and filling it with his seed, giving a smirk as he does so.

The young man closes his eyes in pleasure feeling his insides fill with the raptor's seed of life as Michael reaches back to have the dino to bring his head down so the china man can kiss his new mate then feels connected to the hunter in the barn with him as the two rest from the climax and after glow.

The raptor is glad that everything still works, but his thoughts are elsewhere, particularly with the mare.

"If you are thinking about her forget it she has a mate now and from what i can tell she is pregnant already." Said Michael as he rubs the back of the raptor's long neck gently on the ground with him.

"Such a pity," the raptor mocks. "She is the key and it is imperative that it is my child she is pregnant to."

"Well the parasaur is her mate and the baby is his but may we can find another mate for you to have what do you say to that idea?" Asked the tired china man laying with the raptor inside the barn.

"There is only one who can," the raptor growls. "She is the only one that can carry dinosaur young."

"She would shoot you first if you try to bed with her raptor so give up on that idea ok because i do not want to see you get hurt." Said Michael as he looks back at the other dinosaur behind him in the barn.

"Let me get this through your head," the raptor says slowly. "When that moss eater dies, he'll have kids to further him. When I die, I won't, unless it is MY seed that impregnates her."

That would not work because if one dies the other will die to so it is a no win for you, as they told me a while back that the two are linked together and it useless for you to try and take her." Said the china man laying with the raptor.

"There has to be a way," the raptor mutters. "I want her and that's final."

"Maybe if you stopped acting like a blood thristy beast she might let you stay in the same room with her but for right now she is scared of you so give her some time to relax ok." Said Michael as he gently nibbles on the raptor's neck and throat.

The raptor purrs in annoyance, knowing he is wasting time.

"Relax raptor boy you are letting your body get the best of you so rest ok or do you want to live in this barn for the rest of your life and not be able to go inside the house with her, and you know i am right hunter because she has said that if she had the chance she would and will shoot you in the head for a kill shot." Said the young man as uses a finger to act like a bullet as it hits the dino in the head but not with the force needed to go into the brain.

The raptor growls. "We'll do it your way then," the raptor grumbles. "But I need an heir."

"You will get one just be patiecnt and give her time ok." Said Fiona's coworker as Michael rubs the raptor's muzzle and kisses him on the scaled lips as the two lay together inside the barn after their mating.

The raptor grumbles as he falls asleep.

Michael slowly pulls off of the raptorcock only to turn around as he lays back down and slides back onto the love rod to be facing the hunter inside the barn as the young china man lays his head and neck on the raptor's long neck then goes to sleep as well with his mate.

Fiona wakes up several hours later as she noticed the time. "Yikes, what happened to the day?"

Advant wakes and lifts his longer neck off her neck as he looks down at her to nuzzle Fiona's neck and head then the plant eater purrrs solfly to his mate and ask how is she feeling now.

Fiona replies with a sigh as she looks up at the plant eater. "I'm good. How did you sleep?"

"Just fine." Said Advant as he gently rubs her belly in bed with him as the two lay there together.

Fiona lay her head on the dino's stomach and ran a fingertip up and down the dino's stomach, looking down at his crotch.

"What would you like my mate?" Asked the parasaur already guessing what fiona is hungry for so he lets his paracock slide out of his body for her to take in her mouth and hands in bed with Advant.

"Just thinking," Fiona replied as she gently stroked the tip of the dino's penis.

The parasaur shivers in pleasure feeling her stroke his cock head as the dino purrrs and licks the back of Fiona's neck with a gentle mating bite then nuzzles her neck still purrring softly to his mate in the room.

Fiona then shifts herself and sits on the dino's legs, the base of his cock rubbing against her moist lips.

Advant moans and said for her to take it to her heart's content for a seed drink from the parasaur's body in bed with Fiona.

Fiona runs her lips up the length of the dino's cock, taking the tip into her mouth as she starts to rub and stroke her clit.

The plant eater lays his head back on the bed to let the female white do her thing with his cock head in the room as Advant moans in passion and pleasure with Fiona.

But half way through, Fiona stops and pulls her head from his cock. "I think it's only fair."

"What is wrong Fiona?" Asked Advant still laying on his side with her at his hard cock in bed together.

"I think it's time that you licked me," Fiona noted. "I think it's only fair."

"Ok turn around and let me have my turn with your sex." Said the parasaur as he lifts his head and longer neck up to wait for Fiona to turn for the plant eater.

Fiona gets off the dinosaur and lies on the bed next to him. "Come now," she says as she parts her cunt with her fingers. "Lick me first and then you get your ride."

Advant gets to work on licking her cunt with his thick tongue as pleasure comes to Fiona's body laying on the bed with her mate while out side Michael sleeps with the raptor on the ground inside the barn.

Fiona moans as the dino's tongue, runs along her outsides. "Oooooh," she moans. "That's nice."

Then the dinosaur digs his tongue inside a bit to deepen the pleasure to the female white horse morph's body while he uses his beak works on her clit at the same time.

Fioan moans as she rubs the dino's head carefully.

Advant purrrs softly to Fiona under his mouth while he works to give her pleasure to her body in the bed room together as the parasaur continues his licking at Fiona's cunt making her wet between her thighs in bed with him.

Fiona pants as she rubs the dino's cheeks, hoping that he is feeling what she is feeling.

Oh he is feeling it as well while he continues to lick her sex as precum starts to flow from his cock head as Advant is not sure how much he can take at the moment.

Fiona gives a smile as he pants before letting out a loud neigh, her sex squeezing at his tongue as her sex dribbles forth her cum.

The parasaur cries out as well as he fires his seed all over her body and bed then Advant slumps down on top of her belly and chest as the dinosaur holds his mate close to his seed cover belly scales.

Fiona murrs as she looks at her mate. "Tired hun?"

"You know it my mate and that link pleasure just wiped me out for the day my dna giver." Said Advant as he lays there on top of her.

Fiona gives a sad sob. "Well lie on your back," she says as she rubs her head. "I'll do the riding."

The dino rolls onto his side but his back is not made for that so Fiona will need to help Advant with it so she can keep the parasaur stable while she mates him next.

Fiona gets some pillows and blankets to prop him up and make sure he won't fall over onto her.

"Go for it Fiona." Said Advant after she had stablized him on his back in the bed room, then said she may have to crawl up his long tail to get on his lower belly were the cock is standing like a flag pole ready for Fiona to use.

Fiona climbs up the dino's tail and hugs his cock as she shifts her position a bit until she it ready.

The parasaur arches his long neck as she hugs his thick cock shaft making Advant purrr in pleasure from what Fiona is doing for her mate in the bed room together.

Fiona finally manages to shift herself around until her pussy is sliding slowly onto the dino's long cock, savouring every inch of its length.

Advant lifts his head up to lick the female white horse morph's neck as he purrrs softly in pleasure at feeling her take his paracock inside her body again in the bed room together while Fiona rides him as if he was a stallion of her own kind but Advant is not he is a parasaur male from the past.

Fiona moans as she rubs just above her clit as she rides up and down the parasaur's cock, moaning in pleasure.

The dino purrrs louder as his passion and love grows between the two in the room as Advant reaches up to gently rub her cheek and neck as he looks at Fiona with love in his slited blue eyes, as she continues to ride him in bed with her.

Fiona moans loudly as she slides herself faster up and down the para's cock, each slide going that little bit deeper.

Soon after Fiona feels the thick cock head touch her womb wall as she takes his one and a half ft cock inside her body as the parasaur curles his three toed and arches his long neck up then cries out in climax filling the female white's womb with his paraseed again in the bed room together.

Fiona neighs as she feels the warm fluid fill her body. She gasps for breath as her orgams squeezes at the para's cock.

"Ohh that was the best yet my mate." Said Advant as he nuzzles her neck gently with a kiss between her eyes on top of his body in the room.

Fiona pulls herself off the dino's cock and her pussy starts winking immediately.

Advant licks the lips of Fiona's sex to clean her lower body up for her as the two rest in bed together recovering from their pleasure as the parasaur lays his long head on her chest and belly then closes his eyes and falls asleep with her in bed.

Fiona pants for ten or so minutes after the dinosaur has gone to sleep, her body worked to the edge of it's endurance. She finally manages to calm down, but her cunt is still winking and dinosaur cum still dribbles out of her cunt. She gets up and goes to the shower to clean herself up a bit more.

Even as strong as the parasaur is even he can't mate all the time and right now Advant has had it for the night as he sleeps in bed after Fiona left to get washed up for her sleep as well with her mate who is already asleep in bed.

Fiona washes herself out, hoping that the winking would stop soon. 'Damn, he is good,' FIona thinks to herself. 'I've never winked this long before.'

Advant thinks the same of her as well while the plant eater sleeps in their bed room as the parasaur purrrs in his dreams of a good life with the female white horse morph who at first did not want him in the same house as her but after a while Fiona had started to have feelings for Advant and then soon after those feelings turned to love for the gentle dinosaur laying in bed waiting for her return.

After washing herself out with cold water, Fiona returns to the bed and gets in next to the dinosaur.

Advant wraps his scaled arms around her body and places his cock back inside Fiona's cunt to help keep the parasaur hard from the pleasure the two had together in the bed room.

Fiona murrs as she falls asleep witht the dino's cock inside of her.

The next morning Michael and the raptor wake up to go see if the others are up or not as the hunter walks up to Fiona and Advant's bed to see them still asleep but has to grin to himself as the raptor sees the parasaur's cock inside the female white's body, so he thinks of some thing funny so the other dino walks over to the two laying in bed and starts to lick at the paracock to give the two pleasure while Advant moans in his sleep from the licking.

Fiona, almost by reflex pulls her pistol and points it right between the raptor's eyes. "What are you up to scales?"

"Relax i just wanted to see if you two wanted any breakfist down stares and i meant no harm to either of you." Said the raptor as he holds up his clawed hands in a nonthreatening way and keeps his head down.

"You're licking my dinosaur," Fiona notes calmly, "In my bedroom too. I suggest you hightail it out of here before I give you a lead enema."

Raptor nods and leaves as fast as he can to keep his body intact so she won't have to shoot him up the tail hole with her gun.

Fiona returns the pistol to where she got it from and snuggles back down to sleep.

"What was that about and who was licking me there Fiona?" Asked her mate as he lays behind her in bed with a paw over the white female horse morph's belly to rub gently in the room.

"just the raptor being cocky," Fiona notes.

"I will get him for that also i owe him for what he and his pack did to me that day so long ago, so do you want to help me get even with him?" Asked Advant as he holds her closer to his scaled body in bed together.

"Nah," Fiona yawns. "Unless you have an idea."

"Well as his pack was killing me he raped me while i was helpless in a pool of my own blood in the desert trying to find others of my kind but kepted failing in the areas i had checked back then." Said the parasaur in bed with his mate as Advant holds her close to his scaly body in the room alone.

"Yikes," Fiona sighs. "Sounds painful."

"It was believe me so do you want to help me get even with him?" Asked Advant as he looks at her from behind Fiona's back then the parasaur licks her neck and cheek as he holds her close to his scaly chest and belly in the room together.

"Just as long as it doesn't involve anything revolving around death."

"No nothing like that i just want to make him feel shame for what he and his pack did to me." Said the dino behind the female white horse morph then Advant starts to thrust in and out of Fiona's body to give her some pleasure in bed again.

"Mmmmm," Fiona murrs. "Well let's think about it later."

Advant continues to thrust into his mate's body as the parasaur nuzzles and licks Fiona's neck and throat as Advant purrrs softly to the female white in front of him in the bed room together.

Fiona rubs her breasts gently as she feels the parasaur's cock slide in and out of her.

Soon after Advant cries out in climax as he pumps her full of his paraseed in bed together while the raptor and Michael have their fun in the living room together.

Fiona moans loudly as she feels the dino's seed fill her body.

The dinosaur gives Fiona a long deep kiss to her mouth as the two lay close together in bed, down stares both human and hunter hear the cires of pleasure from up stares in the bed room.

"Well it's nice to hear those two are having fun," the raptor scoffs.

Michael smiles and pulls the raptor down on the floor with him to tickle the hunter in the living room as the young man holds the raptor close to his body on the floor.

The raptor gives Michael a long lick with his tongue along Michael's stomach.

"Should we take breakfist to them up stares or wait for them to come down for breakfist?" Asked Michael behind the other dinosaur in the living room.

"Wait for them," the raptor grumbles, remembering the incident involving FIona and her pistol earlier.

"Ok we will wait for them to come down." Said the china man as Michael playfully bites at the raptor's neck then kisses him there as well.

"Now how about you put that pretty little mouth of yours to work," the raptor

Michael attacks the raptor's love rod to give the other dino pleasure to his body in the living room as the china man licks and sucks on the cock head while Michael strokes the shaft adding more pleasure to the hunter's body at the same time.

The raptor purs as he rubs the human's head. "That's the way pet."

The young man gently and playfully nips the pointed tip of the raptor's cock to add more passion to the hunter's body in the living room, while Advant and Fiona sleep up stares in bed.

The raptor purs as he runs his fingers down the human's back.

"Be careful with your claws raptor." Said Michael as he returns to his pleasuring of the dinosaur inside the farm house, Advant wakes up to nuzzle his mate's neck as the parasaur slowly pulls his cock out of Fiona's body to go use the bath room then soon return and starts to lick the female white clean again in bed.

"Just keep going pet, I know how to use these and I'll hurt you if I want to, but not otherwise," the raptor purs.

The parasaur keeps licking at the Fiona's sex gently with his thick tongue to see if she will wake up so the two can go get some breakfist to eat in the kitchen.

Fiona slowly opens her eyes. "Is there something wrong with just shaking me?"

Advant smiles and nuzzles her neck then purrrs softly to his mate after she had woke up from her sleep. "Do you want to get some breakfist down stares."

"Sure," Fiona yawns.

The dinosaur helps the female white horse morph out of bed so they can go down stares together then Advant hears moaning down stares and wonders if the raptor is up to his old tricks again with the china man.

Fiona looks at her dino. "Can you go check what that noise is please? I hate to think what it is."

"I will be right back so stay here ok." Said Advant as he walks out of the bed room heading down stares to see what is going on then sees Michael sucking on the hunter's love rod in the living room, and channels the scene to Fiona up stares in the bed room. .

"GAH! STOP THAT!" Fiona calls out. "NO IMAGES PLEASE!"

Advant does and stops the feed to her as the parasaur walks back up to be with his mate in the bed room.

"I said check," Fiona said as she threw a pillow at him. "I didn't need that mental image."

"Sorry my mate." Said Advant as he throws the pillow back at her to be playfull with his mate in the bed room.

Fiona shudders. "Ewww, human/raptor sex."

The dino smiles and licks the female white horse morph's neck then purrrs to Fiona in the bed room with Advant as they see qhat the other wants for breakfist or does the parasaur's mate want to suck Advant off for her breakfist to start her day.

"Just some museli for now," Fiona yawns.

Advant lets his slide out to see if Fiona wants some proteen for her breakfist from the parasaur in bed with the female white as they hear the louder moans coming from down stares in the living room.

"Museli first," Fiona notes. Then I'll suck you.

The parasaur nods and gets up so the two can go down stares to te kitchen for some thing to eat together. "Come on Fiona lets go down to the kitchen for breakfist." Said Advant as he helps her out of bed to walk down with him.

"Just a second," Fiona notes as she grabs her shirt and covers her eyes. "You''ll have to guide me."

"Whats that for Fiona and we have done it before so don't be like that come on." Said the parasaur as they leave the bed room to head downto get their food together, as Advant nuzzles the female white's neck on the way down.

"It's so I don't see the raptor human sex that you so horribly showed me."

They soon walk into the living room to see the raptor and young china man going at it while heading for the kitchen as the hunter looks at Fiona's body still wanting his own child to be borned from the female white horse morph, as Michael continues to suck on the raptor's love rod there.

Fiona stumbles into the kitchen, the shirt over her face. "Is it safe?"

"For the time begin now lets get some food to eat my mate." Said Advant as he looks for some green food to eat while Fiona looks for some to eat as well.

Fiona takes the shirt off her face and gets her museli out of the cupboard and fills a bowl before chewing on it contently.

Advant eats some lettice and a few fruits as he nuzzles her neck still purrring softly to his mate at the table with Fiona as they eat their breakfist together, then the raptor cries out in climax as Michael slows the flow down so the young man can gett all of the seed with out missing a drop.

"That's scary," Fiona notes as she eats her museil.

The plant eater talks to her in private that the raptor also wants to have a child to but he is waiting for her to get used to him so the two can mate as well.

"So what are we going to do now?" Fiona asks curiously.

"Well to give you time to get used to the hunter so he can mate with your body because i know how the raptor thinks and right now he is looking at you like a highly prized female in the whole area, so give him time and what will you do if he corners you and you don't have your gun so there is no way around it for the hunter." Said the parasaur standing beside her in the kitchen.

"I won't breed with him," Fiona growls.

"Well we have to do some thing or he just might rape you and were would you be?" Asked Advant as he looks at his mate sitting beside him at the table.

"So I have to mate with him or he'll rape me?" Fiona asks.

"Unless we find him another female to mate with so you won't have to Fiona." Said the dinosaur standing beside her at the table still eating their breakfist.

"Where would we find one?" Fiona asks, liking the idea.

"We find him a female animal to mate and hope he does not tare us apart my mate." Said Advant as he nuzzles her neck at the table.

Fiona groans. "How many females do you know would want to mate with a raptor exactly?"

"I don't know Fiona?" Said her mate as they finish their meals at the table then the parasaur catches sight of the raptor watching them and he does not look happy at the idea but what can the hunter do because the female white will not let the other dino mate with her.

"I know you're there raptor," Fiona notes calmly.

The raptor looks at her almost mad enough to kill Fiona and Advant but the other dino knows she can kill him with her gun so the hunter has no choice but to pick some one else to take as a mate.

"I hope you understood what we were talking about clearly," Fiona notes as she takes another mouthful of her museli.

"I don't like it but i guess i have no choice now what female animals do you have in this time?" Asked the raptor from the bar after Michael had finished sucking on the hunter's cock.

"That all depends on your preference."

"Not so fast BadRap i still have a dept with you and your pack that day you attacked me." Said Avant as the parasaur walks over to the hunter and forces him to lift his tail up for the plant eater to take the raptor, as BadRap feels his tail begin moved aside but knows Advant is right the hunter and his pack did rape and attack the Fiona's mate that day.

"Not yet," Fiona notes calmly. "I want to make sure he doesn't hurt you whilst you get your payback on the raptor."

Advant nods and waits while the raptor now knows what the parasaur went through with his pack as the hunter fears what Advant will do to him if the female white horse morph had not stopped him when she did.

Fiona walks out to the barn and gets some ropes before coming back inside. "So where do you want to do this raptor?"

"I think it would be better out side as we did not have buildings to cover us with." Said BadRap as the raptor turns to walk out with the plant eater right behind him.

Fiona follow the other two, making sure she has her pistol on her.

They soon have BadRap tied up and muzzled so the raptor can not bite or scratch the parasaur he and his pack raped and killed that day as Michael helps them to hold his end of the rope as well.

Fiona also ties him up between a few trees so he's suspended off the ground.

A while BadRap is completely restained to the point that he can only move his eyes neck chest and tail as Advant moves up behind the hunter to let the parasaur's cock slide out side of his body then the raptor feels the head rub his exposed tail slit then Advant pushes inside BadRap's body making him jerk and twitch, as the hunter gives a muffled cry of pain to his parasaur stretched tail hole while the other two watch Advant get the juctice he had coming from BadRap.

The raptor howls out in pain as his tailhole is viloted, trying to struggle.

"Struggle all you want BadRap but you brought this on yourself when you and your pack raped and killed me that day you lowlife raptor." Said Advant as he continues to thrust into the hunter's body while Fiona and Michael watch the scene of the two dinos in the forest.

The raptor clenches his teeth and tailhole as he looks back at the parasaur.

"And don't you dare give me those threatening looks or we will leave your body tied up for the night and let you sleep like that for a while." Said the parasaur as he continues to use the hunter's body for his own pleasure no matter what BadRap is thinking of doing to Advant and the others for this.

The raptor groans and gasps as his body is violated, wondering how he'd get his revenge.

"If you are thinking if revenge we will leave you tied up for the rest of your life raptor." Said Advant as he cries out and pours his seed into the hunter's used tail hole. "So forget it hunter."

The raptor pants and gasps as his tailhole is filled with seed, moaning from the warmth.

"Now you know what i felt when you and your pack raped and killed me that day raptor but your punishment is not complete yet i will use your body until i feel you have atoned for your crime against me and if you think one time is enough think again." Said Fiona's mate.

The raptor growls as best he could.

"And we will put special gloves on your clawed hands as well as feet so you can not scratch but if you try to bite me or her we will muzzle your jaws BadRap. "Said Advant as the parasaur starts to thrust into the raptor's body again.

The raptor whimpers as he feels his sore tailhole being pounded again.

Advant turns to Michael to tell him that this raptor and his pack attacked raped and killed the parasaur who was on a mission to find others of his kind and now thanks to BadRap that mission will never be completed back in that time.

The raptor curls his fingers and toes as he's voliated.

The china man nods and watches the raptor get what he had coming from the plant eater who is getting justice for what happened in the past.

The raptor tries to break out of the ropes, only if to escape the pain.

Soon Advant pulls out of the hunter's used body as the parasaur walks over to rest some while Fiona was in fits of climatic energy from the display of a plant eater taking a meat eater in pleasure at the forest.

Fiona groans as her body is exhausted and her panties and jeans are soaked with her juices. "I should have seen that coming," Fiona groans as she lays under a tree.

Michael grins at her as he walks over to the tired raptor who is still tied up between the two trees after the parasaur got through with him for the time begin.

Fiona drags herself over and lays her head on the parasaur's lap.

Advant looks at her and smiles as Fiona lays her horse like head on his thigh as the parasaur lays on his side resting from the forced mating with BadRap while Michael checks the raptor to make sure he is ok.

Fiona pants as her body recovers.

"Are you ok Fiona?" Asked her mate as he lays on the ground recovering as well.

"Tired," Fiona pants. "That's all."

"I see well rest my mate and don't worry about the raptor he is just as tired as we are." Said Advant as he curls his long body around the female white on the ground with him, Michael sees the hunter is breathing hard and tired from the para mating with Advant.

Fiona falls asleep in the dino's lap.

After a while the parasaur wakes from his sleep to look up at the night sky as he looks over to the two trees and sees the hunter is gone probably Michael took him back to the house to sleep and recover.

Fiona still sleeps with her head in the dino's lap, a trickle of druel running from the corner of her mouth.

The parasaur uses his thick tail to rub her side and hip gently as Advant thinks back to the first day that she wanted the parasaur out of her life and home but when Mike offered her the knife to kill Advant the dino almost bolted from the room thinking she would use it on him in cold blood, but the female white had a big heart and would not kill the plant eater.

Fiona slowly wakes up and looks up at the parasaur. "Something up?"

"No but i think Michael took the raptor inside the house." Said the parasaur as Advant gets to help Fiona inside as well so they can check on the other dino inside.

"Carry me," Fiona says as the parasaur gets up. "I'm still a little sleepy."

He nods and lays back down for the female white to get on his back were the thick neck meets the shoulders then Advant gets up with his mate riding him towards the house.

Fiona snoozes on the dino's back as he walks back to the house.

Advant sees the raptor is asleep on the floor as the parasaur carries his mate up stares to their bed room so Fiona can sleep in a bed with Advant.

Fiona sleeps comfortably on the bed, still recovering from the orgasms of the afternoon.

The parasaur lays his head on the female white's chest as Advant holds Fiona close to his scaly body in the bed room together.

Fiona sleeps though the night comfortably, shifting herself every now and then.

The next morning Advant wakes and feels some thing around his neck and moans as the points dig in a bit. "What are you doing Bad Rap, let go of my neck now you crazy raptor." Said the parasauras grabs the hunter by his throat in return.

Fiona wakes with a start and grasps desperately for her pistol.

"Ok ok i give plant eater but watch your back because you will not have her to hatchling sit you all day long and when she is gone i will get you but i will not kill you!" Said the raptor as he runs out of the bed room leaving Advant with a few bite wounds to his long neck but they are not life threatening.

Fiona looks at the parasaur. "My pistol," Fiona whispers. "It's gone."

"You probably left it out side yesterday Fiona so lets go look for it ok?" Said Advant as he gets up to go out side to find it.

Fiona follows, but notices that the holder on her thigh is still there.

The sun soon shines down on a glint of shiny metal laying on the ground as the parasaur walks over to it and sees it is the gun but Advant does not have hands to pick it up with so the dino picks up the gun with his mouth then walks back over to the female white horse morph with it.

Fiona takes the gun from the dino's mouth and shakes the spit off of it. "I wonder how I left it out here."

"I have got one idea on that question Fiona." Said the parasaur as he lets his cock slide out a bit then moves it back and forth in a mating action.

"Subtle," Fiona notes as she watches the Parasaur's very visual explination.

"So are you thristy Fiona?" Asked Advant as he smiles at her standing in front of the parasaur to see if the female white horse morph will take Advant's offer this time.

Fiona bangs the parasaur's flare with the handle of her pistol. "Ask nicely."

Advant moans after she did that to his cock head with the gun handle then the

parasaur nuzzles her neck and throat still purrring softly to his mate.

"That's better," Fiona replies as she rubs his head. "I don't like it when you ask like that hun."

"Alright my mate." Said the dinosaur but in stead of going inside the house for their pleasure why don't the two go into the forest to have their fun together.

"Now I need to do something before we can do anything," Fiona notes. "I want to check this dam the real estate said was on the property."

"Ok we can go there to see what the problem is with it?" Said Advant as they head to the dam to find the rope is rotted through and the water is still held back by the dam.

"Doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it," Fiona notes as she walks around it. "Filled to the point it's supposed to be."

"The rope is rotted Fiona so it will need to be replaced with a new one." Said the parasaur as he shows her the broken rope that is used to bring the gate up to let water flow.

Fiona shrugs it off. "No need to worry about it. The animals need water."

The parasaur nods and they head back to the farm so Advant and Fiona can play around in the forest together.

Fiona whistles after the parasaur. "Where do you think you're going?" Fiona asks as she takes her shirt off.

Advant turns to look back to see Fiona with out her shirt on so the parasaur turns around to head back over to the female white so she can get on again.

Fiona takes off her pistol, jeans and underwear before wading into the dam. "You coming?"

"I thought we were going into the forest to play Fiona, well i guess i will join you here in the water." Said Advant as he goes into the water with her to get wet as well.

Fiona swims around in the dam, watching the dinosaur swimming after her.

The parasaur swims over to his mate and nuzzles Fiona's neck as Advant kisses her on the check still purrring softly to the female white horse morph in the water with Advant, as the dinosaur holds Fiona close to his scaled chest as the two play together in the water.

Fiona murrs in reply as she feels the kiss on her cheek.

Advant holds her close to his scaled body while the parasaur's love rod hunts for the other openning so he does not thrust into Fiona's cunt this time as she is going to be pergnant soon so Advant does not hurt the young that is growing inside his mate's womb.

"What are you doing?" Fiona giggles as she feels the dino's cock poking her fenirum.

He grins at her and nips Fiona's neck as the parasaur thrusts up into the female white's tail hole to give her a new kind of pleasure to Fiona's body in the water together.

Fiona moans as her tailhole is penetrated, gaspsing a bit as her tailhole stretches. "Well this is new."

The dino lays his long neck over her shoulder as the parasaur closes his eyes to bare slits at how tight the female white is there as Advant purrrs in the pleasure of the moment with his mate in the water together.

Fiona moans as her pussy is rubbed against the dino's belly.

Advant uses his neck to nuzzle her as the parasaur thrusts up into Fiona's tail hole as more pleasure hits them both in the water hole while the dinosaur closes his eyes all the way at how good she feels to his paracock together.

Fiona moans, her juices starting to dribble into the water around them.

"You are so tight there Fiona." Advant panted out as he continues to thrust up into the female white's body as the two feel their climaxes build inside their bodies together again.

"Well no one's ridden my tailhole before," Fiona moaned as she rubbed her head against the dino's chest.

Advant moves his mouth to hers so the two can share a loving kiss together in their mating again as the parasaur purrrs softly to Fiona in the water with her dino mate.

Fiona kisses the dino as she moans, her tailhole slowly filling with precum.

The plant eater starts to thrust a little harder into the female white horse morph's body as Advant purrrs and licks the inside of Fiona's mouth who he loves with all of his heart while the parasaur holds her close to his scaled chest and belly.

Fiona sucks on the dino's tongue as her closes on her orgasm.

Then Advant tences and cries out as he climaxes into Fiona's tail hole then the parasaur swims the two back to the bank of the river so they can get dried off and head back to the house to see what BadRap and Michael are up to.

Fiona moans loudly as the warm feeling inside of her spurs her body into orgasm and she lets out a loud moan as her body tenses up and relaxes.

The parasaur carries his mate back with his cock still up inside Fiona's tail hole still purrring in the pleasure of having her that close to Advant on the way back to the farm house.

Fiona falls asleep on the dinosaur's chest, murring quietly.

Soon Advant carries her up stares to their bed room as the parasaur lays with Fiona still on his hard paracock that is inside her tail hole as he snuggles with the female white horse morph in the bed room together.

Fiona cuddles her dinosaur as she sleeps.

Night falls out side the farm while the two sleep in bed as the weeks past and the eggs grow inside Fiona's womb making her a little bigger in the waist so she will need a lot of food to keep her energy up for her pregnant time.

Fiona wakes with a start and makes a B-line straight for the bathroom where she proceeds to throw up in the toilet.

Advant hears that and comes running to see if his mate is alright as the parasaur gently rubs Fiona's back as she throws up again in the bath room. "Are you alright my love?" Asked Advant as he watches and worries for his mate and young.

"I have my head in a toilet bowl," Fiona notes as she lifts her head up from the bowl. "What do you think?"

"I am just worried for you Fiona because the females of my kind don't throw up their food when they get pregnant with young." Said the parasaur as he looks at her worriedly at her.

"Your kind laid eggs," Fiona noted as she spat in the toilet bowl. "Our kind carry our young until they're ready to be born."

"I see well i will help you as best as i can through this even thought i never got to mate with any female of my kind back then because that lowlife raptor and his pack." Said Advant.

Fiona goes and washes her mouth out from the basin tap. "Ugh, mother told me pregnancy would be bad, but I don't think she took into account that I'd be pregnant to an extinct species."

"I wasn't really dead just in a very deep sleep Fiona and waited for some one to come by and free my bones from their prison." Said the parasaur as he looks at her in the bath room to make sure Fiona was alright.

"Are there any more of your kind around?"

"There might but we would need to dig for a long time to find them all." Said her mate, then the raptor walks in to sniff the air in the bed room. "I know that scent all to well we have a pregnant female here who is due to lay in the next few months." Said the raptor in a hungry kind of voice as the parasaur just glares at BadRap and tells the hunter to take a walk off a clift.

"Term is 'give birth,'" Fiona corrects the raptor. "I don't lay eggs, thank goodness."

"Well the seed came from him did it not?" Said BadRap as he sticks his tongue at his choice of words with paraseed. "Get out of here before i have her to skin your hide you bad raptor." Said Advant.

Fiona lets out a groan as she hangs her head over the sink. "This is the worst part of the morning."

"I bet he loves doing that to other females just so to get under their scales but in your case fur Fiona." Said the dinosaur after the hunter took off when Advant chased BadRap out of their bed room.

"It will be a live birth," Fiona notes as she gets the mouthwash, "my body can't produce eggs."

Advant nods and nuzzles her neck still purrring to Fiona as she washes her mouth out in the bath room.

"Now onto breakfast," Fiona notes after washing her mouth out. "I have a craving for pancakes."

They go down to the kitchen to get breakfist started to start their day as Advant glares at the hunter for what BadRap just did in their bed roon.

Fiona eats twice as many pancakes as anyone else, now eating for two and something else.

"Mmmm, pancakes."

Michael looks at her and the parasaur as if to ask is it true what the raptor had told him in the living room as they eat together at the table.

Fiona downs a whole glass of milk in one go before getting some more.

The parasaur catches Michael's odd looks as Advant gently elbows Fiona's ribs to have her to see the china man looking at the two strangely at the table.

"What?" Fiona asks as pancakes and milk dribble from her mouth, "I'm pregnant, I get to eat like a horse."

"Then it is true that he the parasaur took you as his mate and this raptor let it out Fiona so i will stay on as a farm hand because you two will need it and BadRap is going to help and keep his nose out of your fur as well as his scales." Said Michael as the raptor looks at him in surprise and anger to.

"If you want," Fiona says as she puts some more pancakes on her plate. "Now can't talk, eating."

"And if BadRap gives you any trouble we can tie him to the trees again then let me have his body for pleasure." Said Advant as the hunter looks at the parasaur in fear knowing what that means ro his sore tail hole after the parafucking BadRap got a few weeks back.

"And if BadRap gives you any trouble we can tie him to the trees again then let me have his body for pleasure." Said Advant as the hunter looks at the parasaur in fear knowing what that means to his tail hole after the parafucking BadRap got a few weeks back.

"That's good to hear," Fiona says as she pushes away from the table, now quite full.

"Now BadRap you behave yourself and do what Michael tells you to do." Said Fiona's mate as the parasaur grins at BadRap at the table, then Advant finishes his meal and goes with Fiona back up to the bed room so that they can snuggle together, as Advant kisses her on the mouth then neck.

Fiona walks upstairs to rest the breakfast off as she lays in the bed next to her dino.

Advant snuggles and holds his mate close to his scaled chest so she can hear the sound of his heart that beats in time with her heart as the two lay together in bed, while down stares BadRap is fuming at the plant eater giving him orders like that as the raptor thinks to himself if the parasaur was not tied to the only female on the farm the hunter would kill Advant all over again but now BadRap can't do any thing."

"So how are you on this whole pregnancy thing," Fiona casually asks her parasaur.

"This is my first time Fiona as i could have mated but i did not have the chance to because of you know who and his pack down stares." Said Advant as he looks at her then tears run down his muzzle of the thought of never having hatchlings in the past.

Fiona rubs his head gently. "Glad to hear that you like the idea."

The parasaur nods and nuzzles her neck and purrrs softly to the female white horse morph in bed with the dinosaur in the room.

"Ugh," Fiona moans, "talk about annoying."

"Whats wrong?" Asked Advant as he looks at her wondering what the problem is as the parasaur nuzzles the female white's neck worriedly.

"It's these hormones," Fiona grumbles.

The dinosaur looks at her breast to see they have gotten bigger that her time is almost ready to give birth soon.

"What are you looking at hun?"

He grins and licks her neck still purrring softly as Advant lays his head on Fiona's chest to rest with his mate in the bed room together.

"Ugh, I hate to think how much longer this pregnancy will be."

"Well relax Fiona it might not last to much longer so rest ok." Said Advant as he still holds her close to his body in bed together.

"It's only been a month," Fiona noted. "If it was a foal, I'd still have another eight or nine months to go."

Advant lifts his head up to give the female white horse morph a long deep kiss to her lips as the parasaur rubs her arm and lays a leg over Fiona's legs in bed.

"Now how about you put those lips of yours to work," Fiona notes slyly.

He nods then starts to lick and kiss the female white's mouth then moves down her neck and chest as Advant kisses her sensitive nipples then moves down her belly to playfully tickle Fiona who is now laying on her back beside the parasaur in the bed room.

"That's the way," Fiona purs, "I've trained you well."

"Who is training whom." Said Advant as he tickles Fiona for that remark as the parasaur licks at the small pit on her belly while the raptor is still fuming about what Advant said to him, until Michael elbows the raptor in his ribs.

"Come now," Fiona giggles, "You know where to lick to make me happy."

The dinosaur grins and licks at the cunt and clit to give Fiona pleasure to her body as the parasaur purrrs softly to his mate in the room with him.

"That's it," Fiona purr, "just keep your tounge there."

Advant decides to tease her as he licks the area between the tail hole and cunt as a brust of pleasure hits the female white horse morph in the bed beside the parasaur as Advant purrrs softly to Fiona in bed with him.

Fiona murrs quietly as the dino licks at her perinum. "How about a bit further south."

The end