Rat Tale Ch.4 The Start

Story by 55555ive on SoFurry

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Two weeks. Two weeks went by before anyone remotely looked over Gerald's page. We knew exactly how many people saw it because the site sent daily updates. It's odd how mad I got that no one wanted to do my boyfriend. Eventually Gerald and I stopped checking for messages, and we were ready to end the whole little adventure. We were never a hundred percent on board with how we felt anyway, so the online rejection gave us a definitive end. That is until Wednesday came.

I was in the middle of giving a kid a physical at the clinic when my phone buzzed. Thinking it was just Gerald asking what I wanted for dinner I didn't pay attention to the buzz. Later that day I was looking over blood samples when my phone buzzed yet again. Then finally on my way home that night I received a third buzz. It wasn't until I was getting out of my car to walk into the house that I checked my phone. Gerald's page had received nearly 300 messages. I waited to go inside as I stood on the porch scrolling through all the guys who suddenly seemed to have extreme interest in my boyfriend. It was a little humbling to know that so many people wanted him, but then my ego got it's fill when I remembered out of everyone I was the one he was with.

Walking inside the house I tried to pry my eyes away from my screen. It wasn't too hard to look away from my phone when I noticed that one of our neighbors was in the living room.

Parker- Stan?

Stan was a badger from down the street. I think he had only just turned 18 a few days before that night. None the less I was confused to see him in the house because he was a bit of an asshole. No, he was a serious asshole. No one liked the kid and for good reason. He was a board line racist for one. When I moved into the neighborhood I remember I think it was my second day living there and the kid dropped a glass bottle on the ground outside the house. It shattered and he left the broken glass there for me to step on knowing I didn't wear shoes. I wasn't hurt too badly and I assumed it was an accident until it kept happening for the next month and a half.

Stan's mom , Ms. Harper, walked up to me and she explained why they were there.

Ms.Harper - oh Parker we're so glad you're finally here , my son needs your help

Parker- needs my help?

Gerald came downstairs and sat in the living room next to Stan.

Gerald - Stan might have broken his hand playing football earlier, I told his mother you might be able to help

Stan- you gonna help or not

The little shit, I should have went upstairs and left him there.

Parker- Ms.Harper if your son has hurt himself I suggest you take him to a clinic or an ER , but I don't keep medical supplies in the house to help broken bones

Ms.Harper - please, my son's hand

Parker -I'm sure he'll be fine, but if he really needs help

Gerald- please Parker can you help

If not for Gerald being there I would have kicked the kid out. With a sigh I joined them on the couch.

Parker- let me see your hand

Stan- gonna do your job now

I took his hand and applied pressure to his knuckles.

Stan- shit!

Ms.Harper - Stan!

Parker- Just checking to make sure he still has feeling

His hand wasn't broken just bruised.

Parker- you said you hurt your hand playing football?

Stan- yea , what you don't believe me

Parker - your hands fine kid

Stan- don't call me kid

I stood up to walk to the front door. I might have been a tad dramatic in the way I opened the door and stood by it.

Parker- If that was all

Admittedly I was definitely being rude, but I wanted the kid gone. Stan and his mother walked to the door and I started to shut it behind them when Stan stepped on my tail.

Parker- you little

Gerald shut the door before I could scold the little shit.

Parker - why would you let that kid in the house

Gerald - Ms.Harper wouldn't leave until I let her inside, and her son was hurt

Parker - hes fine , I feel bad for whatever kid he roughed up though because his hand didn't get like that from football.... and he stepped on my tail

Gerald - hes a kid

Parker- hes old enough

I took a breath to gather myself.

Parker- Did you see the messages from your page

We walked into the kitchen. Gerald got me a drink while I sat at the table.

Gerald -yea I saw

Parker- so? How do you feel , do you want to meet any of them

Gerald - I don't know, I've been trying not look at them too much , it's a lot of guys, and it took so long for anyone to even message me

Parker- is this still something you want to do

Gerald - I think so, I don't know , I was ready to move on I wasn't expecting so many guys to suddenly be interested, I don't know if I feel like wadding through all of them now

He handed me my drink as he took a seat next to.

Parker- well we said they'd go through me before they got to you , why don't I talk to a few of them and see if any of them are a good fit

Gerald - you'd do that?

Parker- why not

Gerald - I mean interviewing guys to hook up with me , are you sure you're comfortable doing that

Parker - sure, I'll make sure that whoever you get in bed with respects you and is clean

Gerald - and not too old

I took a sip of my drink.

Parker- that too, I can handle it

Gerald- if you say so

Looking around, I noticed Gerald's parents weren't around. I remembered I didn't see their car outside, and I didn't hear any sound of another person in the house other than Gerald and myself.

Parker - where's your mom and dad

Gerald - looking for someone to buy the house

Parker- They're selling the house?

Gerald- well you know they've been trying to for a while, but no one has wanted it before so I doubt they'll want it now

Parker- but if they actually sell it

I took another sip of my drink.

Parker- where would we go

Gerald- no one is buying this house

He sounded so sure of himself.

Parker- but if they do

Gerald - if they do we'll move

Parker- you say that like we can afford it

Gerald - well if Rat Tale works out maybe we will

Parker - we're not making Rat Tale our primary source of income, I'm a doctor, what we need is a way to get me new patients

Gerald - I'm sure you'll get some , you're still a new doctor maybe you just need time under your belt for people to take you seriously

Parker- maybe, but we gotta start bringing in some new money if your parents are leaving the house to sell the house

Gerald - then find me some guys to work with

Parker - you know I almost feel like I'd be more comfortable with you doing all of this if you weren't getting paid for it , having money involved makes me feel like your pimp

Gerald - my pimp?

Parker- I know I'm not , but it feels that way

Gerald - you seem more on board than you were a week ago though

Parker- I've had time to get myself mentally ready, and I've been reading up on a lot about... the business

Gerald- yea? and what have you found

Parker- most people who do this stuff find a few people they trust and make them long term customers

Gerald - so?

Parker - I think it'll be easier for us to do this if the people you'll be doing business with are our friends first

Gerald - you want me to do our friends?

Parker- no , I'm saying whoever we talk to I think we should get to know them a little while before you actually... you know

Gerald - I thought you didn't want me getting attached to anyone

Parker- nothing wrong with being friendly or making friends as long as I'm your only boyfriend

Gerald - alright well , I'll let you work out who we meet first

I won't lie , I was picky. I didn't want my boyfriend hooking up with just anyone. I filtered out anyone who was older than 30 or younger than 20 first. Then I got rid of humans because I read sometimes they would sue furs for being too rough in the sack. No one who lived too far away, and no one who lived too close by. I got rid of anyone with dad screen names like "PimpedOutCockMonster" or "CockSock22". I went to bed that night weeding out strangers until I finally passed out with my phone in hand.

I woke up the next morning later than usual. My phone was dead which meant my alarm never went off. Being the one who usually woke both myself and Gerald in the morning we were both still in bed well beyond time for us to have been on our way to work.